Showing Posts For Willycat.7310:

Shadow Arts SPvp

in Thief

Posted by: Willycat.7310


I see that makes sense


Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


We are now 230+ and growing fast!Once we reach 250,we will be planning out guild events/activities,Join us today!

Shadow Arts SPvp

in Thief

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi Guys,I am looking for a build for SPvp,And I saw that 2/6/0/0/6 is a pretty popular build

I am wondering why 6 into Trickery?Isnt 6 into Shadow Arts better for survivalbility and stealth?

I am quite confused about this

Thanks for any answers!

D/D and S/P Sigils

in Thief

Posted by: Willycat.7310


I already decided on sigil of force but just can’t decide on the other

Lots of people suggested sigil of strength

Any advice is appreciated!

D/D and S/P Sigils

in Thief

Posted by: Willycat.7310


For PVE, dungeons and fractals

D/D and S/P Sigils

in Thief

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi guys,What would be a good sigil to pair with Sigil of Force,I am thinking Sigil of Strength

What do you guys think?Thanks!

Ranged Pets

in Ranger

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi Guys,Whats the best Ranged DPS Pet?Because in some situations I cant use melee pets.

So I would like to get some suggestions for the best Ranged DPS Pet


Longbow Or Shortbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi guys,I intend to carry along a ranged weapon with me when I go for Dungeons/Fractals

Which Bow you guys think,would be better?

Thanks for any help

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


We are now 190 and growing fast!We had 10+ members join us in a few days!

Scholar Or Ranger Runes?

in Ranger

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi Guys,I have read through Brazil/Turtle Dragon Guide

I am wondering Scholar or Ranger Runes?I am using 4/5/0/5/0 traits with full zerker

Thanks for any help!

Ranger DPS Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi Guys,whats the best dps pet for rangers?I am currently using Jaguar and its pretty good

Thanks for any advice!

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


We reached 170+,Join us today!

Axe/Sword or Axe/Mace

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Force will work with any content. Night works well in dungeons. I would do Force as well.

Thanks for the awesome answer!Would be going with sigil of force

Axe/Sword or Axe/Mace

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


I will be switching over to Axe/Mace.

Which sigil do you guys think,I should put in the mace? Some people told me sigil of force will be good

I have a sigil of strength in the axe already

Axe/Sword or Axe/Mace

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Yes its for PVE only

But everyone has been saying that Axe/Mace is the top DPS for warriors and Axe/Sword is also pretty good

So I am wondering if I should switch to Axe/Mace, I am currently using Axe/Sword

Axe/Sword or Axe/Mace

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi guys,I would like some suggestions for Axe/Mace or Axe/Sword

Also What sigils should i get for the 2 weapons?I currently have sigil of strength on axe,What should i get for the other?


(edited by Willycat.7310)

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


We are currently at 160+ and growing fast,Join us today!

Best DPS weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


I guess I will stick with sword/sword then, the damage/torment/bleeds is also pretty good

Dual swords also looks cool!

Best DPS weapon

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi guys,Whats the best DPS weapon set now?After the April 15 patch

I am currently using Sword/Sword with full zerker/power build,It just doesnt seem to do enough damage.

Many people said Axe/Mace is the best DPS weapon set now,I know Axe autoattack is the best for warrior,But why Mace?

Any advice is appreciated,Thanks!

Necromancer in PVE??

in Necromancer

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Necro dps is fine when your group supports you and fully buffs you. But ele is the top class for dps in that situation and can also help with the buffs. Also ele has certain op abilities like Fiery greatsword (FGS) and Icebow which do ridiculous amounts of burst. FGS can do potentially 150k damage in a few seconds.

But for the standard sustained DPS and ignoring burst. In a fully buffed group ele will do about 13k DPS and necro will do about 11k DPS. Most classes do around 11k DPS. Ele and thief are a fair bit ahead with 13k. You will pretty much never achieve these values though as they are unrealistic even in the most organised groups. But it gives you an idea of how the classes compare to each other.

Heres a video of my guild maximising eles burst. It is op FGS abuse but it took many days of attempts to get this kill. Anet have said its not an exploit, but they may nerf it sometime in the future if it gets out of hand.

I also have some ele povs of full dungeon records on my channel (shameless self promotion).

Ok Spoj,After reading some Elementalist guides,it seems that to be a good elementalist,You will have to put out combo fields/Stack might/Some other Party utilites/buffs,I dont think i can play a elementalist well,I am not good with such stuff(Thats why my main is a warrior,just throw some banners)

I guess i will have to consider what class to play again,Thanks for the information!

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Willycat.7310


I dont think i will be able to play Elementalist well……It seems you have to put out combo fields/stack might or some other party utilites/buffs,I am not good with these kinda of things

Necromancer in PVE??

in Necromancer

Posted by: Willycat.7310


TY Spoj for helping me with this,I am sorry I decided to play Elementalist,Even though it is more difficult to play,I will take my time to learn it well

Necromancer in PVE??

in Necromancer

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Ele has a lot more options to survive but when going glass it is very unforgiving. Many attacks will near enough 1shot you if you miss time an evade, block or invuln. Necro has a lot easier time in this regard but also only has the base dodges + extra if you use energy sigils. This is enough for most situations but it can make some encounters difficult if you arent familiar with them.

Its a case of whether you want plenty of options and you trust your knowledge and ability to time things right (This may take practise and experience to get to this point with an ele). Or if you dont mind missing a dodge or two and still living because of your larger hp pool and DS. Basically you are sacrificing damage and utility for passive defence on the necro. Whereas Ele sacrifices passive defence for superior damage, utility, buffing and active defence.

Utility and damage wise ele is far superior to necro in every way. But it is harder to play well.

Thats a very awesome summary of the two classes!Is the Necromancer DPS lower by alot than the Elementalist?If its just a little,I dont mind as I am not the elitist type

Elementalist or Necromancer?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi guys,I would like to get some suggestions/advice from everyone.

I am making my next character so I was interested in Necromancer,But everyone says Necro arent good in dungeons/fractals(Selfish class,cant cleave,lower DPS than Elementalist)

It also seems that Elementalist can bring boons/utilites to the group whereas Necromancer has none

What I love about Necromancer is that they have good survivalbility,I am not sure about DPS.I am now very troubled over Necro or Ele

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Necromancer in PVE??

in Necromancer

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hows the survivalbility with Necro Vs Eles?

Necromancer in PVE??

in Necromancer

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi guys,I would like to get some suggestions/advice from everyone.

I am making my next character so I was interested in Necromancer,But everyone says Necro arent good in dungeons/fractals(Selfish class,cant cleave,lower DPS than Elementalist)

What I love about them is that they have good survivalbility,I am not sure about DPS.I am now very troubled over Necro or Ele

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Recruitment is still open,join us and have fun!

Sinful Desire [SIN] ~ Blackgate[NA]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Sinful Desire [SIN]
Server: Blackgate

[How we started]

We were once members of a PVX guild that disbanded due to some leadership problems,Our core members left the guild and began to rebuild another guild which is Sinful Desire[SIN]!

What was once 14, now has become a strong 140+.The guild has it’s set backs with members coming and going,But after a guild meeting and enforcing some new directions for the guild.We are growing fast now and we only started the guild one month ago!Please read on to find out more about the guild

[What we are]

Sinful Desire was created in mind to be a: cohesive, social, family, friendly guild. Who would welcome and support each other. We welcome all from any NA servers. As we seek in creating a safe social community, family even. Being social is a big part of the guild, need some help on anything ask. Need to do a dungeon and want to avoid PUGs, then ask.

Isolating yourself doesn’t help in to what you want to achieve. Soloing can only do so much. But with a great guild behind you, not only can you achieve much more. But have some great friends as well. Being a team player is all we ask. We are not looking for mere numbers.

[Our focus & aims]

At the moment the guild is primarily focusing on the PvE side. These include: World Bosses, Dungeons, Fractals.If you’re new to fractals and dungeons, hey we’ll be patient with you, so that you can learn at your own pace – no rush.

Or if you just want to relax and just talk in guild chat, then fine by us. What ever you feel like doing, it’s fine by us. You’ll never be pressurized to do something, that you don’t want to.YOU are the one that brought the game,so do whatever you like to do!

Currently guild missions are on Friday 7.30pm server time,This is because our peak hours are around 5pm-9pm Server time.

Our guild has Teamspeak(TS),Buffs,AWESOME members!

[What we require]

With any guild we do have some requirements. We ask all members to be:

~Be polite and respect each other. We don’t mind jokes, but any sexist/prejudicial/ racist comments or jokes will be dealt with

~Since we are a guild looking to grow,We require 90% rep.This means you can rep other guilds to do PVE stuff(Dungeons/Fractals/World Bosses)WvW,etc…..

~Mature players.Theres no age requirements,But we do not want any drama coming in to the guild and causing any disharmony within the guild.

[Contact Information]

After reading and your interested to join us?PM our Officers in-game or leave a reply here!

~Lord Helix.1572

We hope to see you in-game and in our guild!

(edited by Willycat.7310)

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Sometimes when i am with medium/light armor classes only,i get aggro on me
Sometimes its just me reacting too slow/cant doge fast enough

If i get scholar runes,But cant keep my health above 90%,Is it a waste of the scholar runes?

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Are you using healing signet?

Are you using pies? (and is your crit chance not kitten so the pies trigger?)

If it’s just lag/missing dodges/not knowing the encounter/playing with pug groups, then Strength runes are a good alternative.

-Yeah i am using healing signet

-Nope i am not using any food,Crit chance is 74%

-Mostly I get aggro on me,Not dodging fast enough

Strength Runes are good,But i cant afford them,its 14g for one rune

Scholar runes for zerker?

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi Guys,I would like to get some advice on alternatives to Scholar Runes,Because I cant seem to keep my health above 90% for most of the time.,I am currently using ruby orbs.

Thank you for any advice given!

Need Advice on Sword/Sword

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Thanks Warlord and everyone for your help!

Have a good day!

Need Advice on Sword/Sword

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


your trait allocation is fine for swords. I’ve experimented many times to try and squeeze more DPS out of pure sword and havnt been able to without going 6 at least in arms and 6 in str.

Would full zerker go well with S/S and 6/6/0/0/2?I always prefered zerker over Rabid/or other condition damage gears.

Awaiting your reply,Thanks!

Need Advice on Sword/Sword

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


I always loved S/S for the aesthetics and playstyle

TY DHK for your reply!

Need Advice on Sword/Sword

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Any help is appreciated!

Need Advice on Sword/Sword

in Warrior

Posted by: Willycat.7310


Hi Guys,I would like to get everyone advice/suggestions on Sword/Sword build,I have been using GS for quite a long time so I would like to try the Sword/Sword build.

I mostly do Dungeons/Fractals/SPvp only,I am wearing full zerker,Is Sword/Sword build viable with Full zerker,6/6/0/0/2?

Thank for reading my post and please pardon my English.