Showing Posts For Xyne.9104:
op acs coming in wvw?
thx anet it seems fixed for me…
(edited by Xyne.9104)
Good job SoR, this is what your double teaming with JQ lead to – JQ wins. Honestly, I would rather have SoR winning than JQ, which just relies on a large number of PUGs on all maps.
PUGs, owned…
oh man…
bad move anet…
real bad move…
it clearly shows anet is only concerned with their own perspective, not the players..
I cant see how GW2 will hold on to its existing population if there is an increase in level cap.
Score update.
BG still ticking over 400ppt near the end of SEA….
Thank god they’re still recruiting, they really need it.I hear Waha rage logged earlier?
If he did, it was probably because he couldn’t get his crew into bgbl while [ge] and the enthusiastic pugs were there trying oh so hard to take bay and wouldn’t move off so the man could do his work. I guess because ge thought they could do better or…they were just hard tunnel vision mode.
Whatever the case was, ge sure did us a service! It’s a lot easier to defend against them than Waha with his much more disciplined [ATM] military.
I was there, participating and witnessing the open field fights, BG got wiped countless times by Ge at that bay siege.
These new plots don’t blend in at all. It seems like they are planted/teleported from somewhere else.
(edited by Xyne.9104)
The crux is not even about the legendary eqs or not.
You grouped with pugs.
End of story.
Thats not destroying -_-
Right click and click destroy. Now that is destroy.
+1 to this…
I’m from the SEA region as well. The spikes gets real bad at time.
I was only able to hit 3 mobs at the final phase of Temple of Grenth DE, running around hitting air the whole 5mins. Dungeons runs are not smooth flowing as well, can’t move or execute skills with flow, plagued with choppy and laggy response.
The lag becomes really unbearable when there are more players.
This started few days ago. A lot of my buddies are affected by this as well. It is really frustrating.
Yes, the rewards/loot system is lacking in WvW.
There are players who plays only WvW, and they put hours to it.
They should be better rewarded/compensated for the amount of time spent in WvW.
Yeap, its broken.
So its time to use up all our karma stuffs while we still can, till sept 3rd?
Need some confirmation on this.
You believe they can FLY!
Yes, I like it very much.
Woosh WAM!
Okay, so after much hard work and no small amount of wizardry we are going to get this in for today. We were unable to get the leaderboards fully set up to indicate the matchups, so there will be a disconnect there, but you will see your matchups once you log in.
Come on ANET…
The WvW players are one of the groups that logs into the game longest. Continuous damage and disappointment won’t lead to a good ending for GW2…
(edited by Xyne.9104)
I will have to concur.
Its quite disappointing.
JQ and SOR…
JQ is the longest surviving server on T1, in NA
(edited by Xyne.9104)
We need NA, EU and OCEANIC guilds. Come join us, we need guilds/
Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens." – Tywin Lannister
(edited by Xyne.9104)
Let’s be honest, here’s what happened. WM/MEOW/etc transferred to BG and started fighting NA/OC/AZ timezone and got wrecked. Jang and co seeing they couldn’t compete changed their schedules and started logging in en masse for EU TZ which was dead for the other 2 servers.
Whatever may come out of Jang’s mouth, 2 things are clear: 1. WM isn’t in it for the “challenge”. and 2. They don’t have the chops for T1 combat.
WM is nowhere near as big as Choo/TW/Hire/Fire/HzH/EMP. Their zerg consists of 15-20 WM and the rest pugs.
The goal of WvW is to put points on the board and WM does a fine job at that. Waha and co didn’t seem to mind to PvDoor when no one on BG or SoR was on, so I don’t see the problem.
You sound real salty.
here is TW in EBBL last night. have fun enjoy folks
Nice vid, you guys were out number 2 to 1, and still managed to beat em up to pulps for this 2 instances.
The reason i bought it was because it is way way way more convenient.
I bought it for convenience sake.
This is equivalent to p2win isnt it?
I want to WvW, not guesting.
Facing this issue also.
Claiming that I have network error when selecting character to go in game.
I’ll be using longbow for WvW mainly.
I’m torn between these 2 sigils.
Bloodlust or Fire?
Any opinions or knowledge would be much appreciated.
BG came hard and fast during the previous match up, and held the leading score until the last 2 days.
Judging by the score now, is BG running out of steam, after burning themselves out in the 1st week?
Perhaps it is still too early to say.
As always, the deciding factor would be on the weekdays.
(edited by Xyne.9104)
so true……
anet should do something about this…the other cities like the grove and rata sum are so pretty, but lacks life…
Condition loses out to pure dmg.
Tried and tested.
Was a full bleed warrior, switched over to full zerker.
Go ahead kick em.
I would kick, if i found that they are using full MF.
Using a full MF set is purely leeching off the others.
So kick, nothing wrong.
Ive done alot of JP’s now (and if anet would ban for swearing irl I’d be banned for life x5), and so far the only one I never got credit for was the collapsed observatory.
As I mentioned above, for that one you have to go to the location in the picture I linked. It’s a poor choice of location to put the trigger but that is where it is.
yes thank you so much for the picture.
i went to the left side of the waterfall/river…was cracking my head in fustration lol…
catas + snowmen = no dolyak deaths
catapults > ballista…
superior range + aoe + superior dmg
jus go purely snowmen and catas
+1 to this
just build catas and snowmen…anywhere and everywhere..
tried and tested no dolyak deaths
Need to have some guild only events/dungeons/activites.
You dont need any strategies whatsoever…
Jus build snowmen and catapults ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE…
(Kithros.7634 got it right, after thrid wave nth can touch your dolyaks, if only u build only catas and snowmen)
when toxx appears jus use rifle skill 1…
tried and tested…with no dolyak deaths
(edited by Xyne.9104)
Just did 2 hours worth of fractal with pugs…
2 dced…
when is this gonna get fixed?
Is ASC accessories only available through grinding FOtM?
I read from dulfy that back-pieces are available from FOtM and also through the mystic forge.
But, from the site, it seems to suggest that ASC accessories are only obtainable through grinding FOtM.
Are the developers planning to create other avenues to get ASC accessories? Or is there already one, which i do not know of?
The breakout event looks interesting…
I am curious about the stats of legendary.
Lets take Twilight as an example:
+179 Power
+128 Toughness
+128 Vitality
So, what happens if I do not want these stats? Will there be more legendaries with different stats coming out in the future?
If there are more variety of stats coming out, isn’t it extremely unfair to those who made it already?
And transmuting to a desired exo stats seems to be extremely stupid, given that new tiers will be coming out, and legendaries will be bumped up accordingly.
So, any devs able to comment about this?
Or, is there anyone who knows something that i do not know of?
Please shed some light for me on this issue.
(edited by Xyne.9104)
The introduction of these asc gears is a signal that more tiers/more powerful gears will come.
So, no.
*inserts iseewhatudidthere.jpeg
ITT People assuming the worst based off a very small trickle of information
Well perhaps they should have put out an informational blog before giving out vague statements to the press first.
It would have curtailed a lot of this angst (or maybe not, depending on what the ascended gear really is).
Or maybe people should take responsibility for their own immature temper tantrums and not jump to conclusions over said vague information. Anet has ALWAYS been vague about their info. Why is this still surprising to people? When will people learn to not flip out over these kinds of announcements?
I somehow believe that the vagueness was deliberate.
They are using it to test players/community reaction to changes.
While some feedbacks can be nonconstructive, I’ve seen a handful with really interesting ideas.
Come on ANET PRteam, clean this mess up quick.
The longer it stays, the more harm it does.
I love this game, and I am very concerned with how this is turning out.
Bad bad decision…..Thats all i can say…
Nope, I’m here to stay.
I give my best to my party, and i expect my party members to give their best for me.
There is just too much difference between a lvl 80 vs. lvl30.
Just the traits alone could result in a heaven and hell of a difference.
But, thats just being me. Yes, I am a elitist.
Like what the others posted, just create your own group, and save yourself the trouble.
I think the OP is saying that he didn’t go to the dungeon at all while it was available, and unfortunately entering (not completing) the dungeon is required for the Mad King Event achievement, and therefore for the title.
Yes, this.
I went to all other places already, and didnt went into the dungeon while it was available.
Now that its gone, i am stuck with 3/4 of this achievement, which is the last one i needed to get the emissary title.
So ANET, will you guys do anything about this? I believe I am not the only one out there.