Such bullkitten. 4 zerker team, else the DPS is too low. This is not challenging, this is a pathetic gear check. Challenging would have been fun mechanics, not something you can avoid with 100% projectile reflect / absorb uptime.
How fun, I get to change gear to berserker!
There is huge lag in Aspects Arena. The entire map is feeling it. There are sometimes 2-5 seconds delay for every action. Sometime you walk around then you suddenly die because you somehow fell off the arena, even though your client reported you were walking normally.
Changing instances doesn’t help. I don’t lag in sPvP, open world or dungeons. Haven’t tried Southsun Survival though.
`Braham’s Shield clips with Aegis effect.
See pics. Human male.
I am very surprised that no balance changes were made to dungeons.
I saw the AC change, and thought to myself… this is good difficulty for a level 80 dungeon. All dungeons should be revamped and tailored for level 80s, probably casual friendly (because honestly it looks too late to fix skipping, exploits, ez-mode mechanics which would be needed to make this an experience for very organized groups, as was promised pre-release).
So why not work on rebalancing dungeons for your average GW2 player and Fractals for the best players? Fractals have not received ANY attention (at least balance wise) in a VERY long time. Mechanics are still dull, no new maps, and it really really looks like no one bothered to balance the difficulty of fractals to be even remotely close to each other – compare swamp fractal to dredge fractal, and you see that dredge is soooooo much longer that people simply want to skip it. Something must be done in that regard, and hopefully soon. Fractals need revisiting if they are to be enjoyed, especially by hardcore players (who let me tell you, would rather have a real challenge than have to deal with pimp slapping any guild new mate who dares ask “why aren’t we just exploiting this?”
Overall the March patch has brought nothing to the dungeons themselves. I couldn’t care less about the economy, I’m rich enough as it is. I hope to see effort being put in the April patch, because PvE needs balancing. As it is, there is 0 challenge in PvE, and no one can take the content seriously. People record WoW raid kills, what are GW2 players going to record, how they exploit past 70% of the encounters?
WoW has tons of addons, and while it is true that some of them do offer a clear advantage (Deadly boss mod, for example), using it is both allowed by the devs and player personal choice. You can be good at raiding without it, no doubt, but it gives bad players who want it a real helping hand with raiding. Personally I think it makes the game similar to Guitar Hero (omg alarm alarm push button 3 now strafe to the left), but I do appreciate the hard work put into the mod and how it drastically changes the way users experience raiding content. If it helps people get into the game, learn the mechanics, I can’t say I disagree with it’s use, even if it’s basically “training wheels mode”.
If something as simple as an UI mod can make the game enjoyable for more people, I’m all for it, even if said players have an easier time in PvE than a player not using it. So all cooldowns show up on the screen, I can have a good time learning the mechanics by heart and counting myself, other people can have a good time whacking the boss with the help of a mod. As long as the boss drops dead and loot is to be had, I don’t see a reason to not be in the same group!
This needn’t be the case in GW2, as how far they’d let addons go is dev personal choice – so far, as seen here , they’ve said “if it gives players ANY advantage, it’s against the rules”. And that’s not a bad position at all to have. I think it’s a great start that we have that answer from an Anet employee. I’ve found it after I have created this thread and I was quite happy that some of the mods can be used without fear of punishment – including Combat mode!
Now that this is settled, I hope more talented people will start making addons. Who knows, maybe sometime in the future if interest is high enough, devs might even be persuaded to talk more about addons and give mod makers a helping hand to get the customization ball rolling.
(edited by Y u mad its vydia.6324)
Every once in a while a very interesting addon pops up and I am reminded that the potential for UI customization (and a lot more!) exists in GW2 as well, but is not permitted by the rules.
Today, I’ve seen a reddit thread regarding Combat Mode 2.0. I was instantly reminded of the countless hours I have spent trying to achieve the perfect UI in WoW, even though in the end I went back to using the default UI. I know that many players prefer control over their UI, over the size, color and position of everything.
People have different views on how the game UI can best relay important information to them, and because of that it’s hard for devs to come up with a “perfect” UI that everyone will be pleased with. I think it would be a much better experience for everyone if people could customize the UI as much as possible.
The subject has been discussed many times before, but maybe if devs can see how awesome GW2 addons can get (while they’re against the rules, no less!), one day we might be granted the freedom to play with the UI. This is not the first time a great addon appears. Still, only people very passionate about GW2 and modding do these things, because their practical use is very limited. They might even get people banned If players would be given some freedom to customize the UI, then surely interest would rise to make even more great mods.
Just popping in to say that spirit’s secondary mechanic is just fine the way it is. Right now it highly encourages orb running and generally the team that runs more orbs will win, even though they don’t focus on capping.
I would really like to see someone from Arenanet try to play Guardian with One-handed sword equipped and fighting against Subject Alpha. This bug makes it absolutely impossible. The dodge bug will trigger with every single dodge.
He will not give me a jar. I have talked to him a few times, and gotten jars normally. I have failed the puzzle. When I went back to him for another jar, I talked to him, got the jar, but then the Skritt thief appeared. So I let my jar go near Gukumatz and went after the Skritt thief. When the event was over, my jar was gone and Gukumatz talked to me like I already had the jar and needed more hints.
Wat do
… On Desolation all sharks are currently friendly.
Yeah, I did, weeks ago. DR should only apply if you did the path in the same day or did a speed run on the other 2 paths.
This doesn’t explain why it happens in explorable mode as well…
This just happened again, SE Story. Haven’t done this in ages and before it I only did TA story, it took ~50 minutes to complete.
This is the 2nd time It happened… 13s and 760 karma for completing a dungeon I haven’t done in AGES (CM story).
In HotW I got 30 Tokens for no reason.
I haven’t done these paths for a very long time, before the diminishing returns system was “fixed”.
I’ve just spent 800 candy corn on Personalized ToT bags, and after opening hundreds of them, this is what I got: 3 Major runes and not even enough Halloween crafting materials to craft something at the mystic forge ONCE. Not one sigil, not to mention they’re major instead of superior, which means they’re completely useless.
I also got about 3 rolls of toilet paper, 2 rotten eggs and some food buffs. Oh, and to top it off, I got a blue cooking recipe which is already sold for next to nothing at the Lion’s Arch vendor. Really?
Why are these items in the gem shop? Who, in their right mind would pay gems for this?
Candy corn is very cheap at the TP atm, but spending gold for absolutely nothing never feels good.
I have found some more clipping issues with the Heavy Travelen Leggings and various boots. See screenshots.
They’re never a problem, Wall of Reflection reflects all the grenades, but the amount of health they have is just stupid. The reflected grenades barely does any decreases their HP bar. It would be very fun to kill them all in this way if it didn’t take about 3-4 walls of reflection + party DPS to take them down, lol.
Eh. I’ve finished AC exp path 2 with a level 35-40 PUG, and got to the lover’s crypt encounter with the same PUG (and failed). You need very different tactics than you use on lvl 85 characters and a lot more communication and organisation.
I am just curious about why is it that it seems that must kite all bosses and use your ranged weapons to beat them.
You don’t HAVE to, unless you’re bad at playing melee, in which case you just shouldn’t. It’s not hard at all, the only issue is with people ignoring boss mechanics because most of them are ranged and prefer to run in a circle and spam 1 for the whole duration of the fight. Then all the adds they were kiting get to the melee players and get them blown up. It’s how most of these cases work, you’re simply in a bad group. Most bosses in this game can be killed in melee range, and at least for my guardian, all the time.
While there are a few dungeons where most packs of ‘trash’ mobs can’t be skipped, in all the others any group that has the know-how WILL skip over half the trash encounters in the dungeon. I am sick of going into a dungeon and seeing half the content being ignored.
No one says “LFM players that want to farm tokens and trade all the fun for 5 minutes of their time”. Most people assume that everyone wants to skip, because they consider trash encounters “a waste of time”. They also pull boss adds one by one and reset the boss, “because it’s hard”. It makes the actual bosses SO BORING. All that’s left is their huge HP.
One of the worst offenders is Twilight Arbor explorable mode. In any given path there are so many packs you can skip. Even bosses have a boring “easy mode” that players do:
-pulling the adds and resetting the boss;
-pulling the spider countess into the tunnel and completely ignoring the egg mechanic
-the last boss doesn’t need you, you can go afk if it spawns mortars, just equip a ranged weapon and stay in 1200 range. Bots could do this. If it spawns illusions, “just kite them and dps boss” is the usual way to do it. It’s boring and requires no skill.
Let’s talk about trash mobs in TA too: A tunnel filled with archers? run through it. A tunnel filled with many packs of hard to kill mobs and blossoms? Stick to the mountains and run through. More mobs? You can jump down that ledge, run through them. Knock-down combo mobs? 2 hard for me, run through all the packs they reset after a while.
Most dungeons have this. Hell, in other dungeons you can skip bosses too. The first boss fight in AC comes to mind, where all the baddies just say “let’s just skip him”. Can’t deal with 1 special attack and immobilizing the boss once in a while, let’s just skip him. In the dungeons that don’t, surprise: too few people want to go in there, it’s hell trying to find players to form a group, let alone GOOD players.
What really frustrates me is that people don’t even mention this, don’t even stop and say “skip” or run, they just run through all the mobs and assume everyone goes with them. Trash mobs in this game are a challenge on their own, and they’re fun. This beautiful community considers them such a ‘waste of time’ they don’t even bother. Then I see the forum filled with posts about dungeons being boring. ORLY?
I’ve ran TA about 10 times now in different paths, when do you think I’ll find a group that doesn’t skip every fight possible and doesn’t equip a ranged weapon and go AFK at the tree boss?
I really want the devs to take care of this crap by not allowing skipping on most parts of the dungeon, except bonus events. Speed runs should be about skill and speed (squeezing as much damage as possible from everyone), not skipping half the dungeon by running through mob packs or exploiting aggro range.
I’d like to see skill matter, not players calling me an idiot for “wasting their time” with trash mobs and then they get downed constantly when we do stop to fight anything. I’d like to stop seeing people die to packs of mobs that the group skipped, because they got defeated and had to run through them again alone. I really want to see good players doing dungeon runs, because I am so sick of people being unable to dodge out of AoEs, people that are horrible at this game in general doing “speed runs”, because that’s all they can do. Do whatever you want with story mode, but at least give us some space from people that can’t dodge 1 attack in explorable mode.
Give players that do all paths once every day FOR FUN a break. I’m not going there to farm tokens. I just feel like doing dungeons. Hopefully the ones where you can’t skip mobs too, I still haven’t completed all paths in CoE or any path in SE because it’s nigh impossible to get a PUG going for those.
(edited by Y u mad its vydia.6324)
Dungeon: Arah
Server: Desolation
The dynamic event leading up Arah door opening is bugged. It’s stuck at “Troops are gathering at Caer Briar”, it’s been like that for 3 hours now. I think it’s because the dynamic event “Escort the crashed team to Meddler’s waypoint” is bugged (crashed team won’t move from crash site).
More clipping issues:
The leggings are the exotic 400 armorsmith ones. They clip with most boots. Screenshots included for:
- Heavy Inka Boots
- Pit Fighter exotic set boots
Outrider Chauses clip with Rally Boots.
Why isn’t this thread a sticky?
Anyway, Honor of the Waves ship is a horror for explorers. I’ve spent some time trying to find a way to climb on it, and when I did, this is what I’ve seen:
- no collision with most stuff, you can around through the walls
- missing textures
This really needs to be looked it. It’s easy to get up there, I’m not sure why anyone considered otherwise.
WOW… having the time of my life. My party and I cleared Arah all the way to Zhaitan, then I crashed during the Zhaitan introduction cutscene (the 1st time we see Zhaitan’s in-game model). When I logged back in I was teleported back to Cursed Shore. I can’t go back inside the dungeon. I click on Enter Dungeon and nothing happens. I walk into the portal and nothing happens. I left party and tried going in but NOTHING HAPPENS!
Then suddenly one try out of 20 works and I do teleport inside Arah, but I’m inside my own instance. Another group member crashed. He has the same problem!!!
Now everyone left the instance…and we are all stuck outside with no way to enter Arah. We tried closing the client , moving to another map, everything and this crap isn’t changing. We’re stuck outside and it looks like we’ll have to start over if we’ll ever be able to reenter.
Server: Desolation
Nr of party members: 4 3 2 1 0 i tried everything
Other details I can think of: kittenucks yo
(edited by Y u mad its vydia.6324)
Thank you Asunder for posting that. I have managed to finish this with your instructions, I was also being teleported.
I have posted this a long time ago, but you might not have seen it. I still have this issue.
I usually run GW2 at 45-50 FPS (which is amazing, and I’m grateful for it – my laptop is a heap of junk, and back in beta my FPS was never over 15. You guys did an amazing job!).
However my FPS decreases to 30-35 when I am looking at fire (simply moving the camera fixes the issue). At first I thought this is because of that awesome looking distortion effect that I can see when animations are set to Medium or Higher, but testing it with animations set to low have revealed that that effect is not the issue – even without it my FPS drops by the same amount. I have tried lowering the setting but this happens with all possible settings.
The game remains playable (which is great), but there are a lot of fires in WvW and that’s where my FPS greatly suffers. I hope you guys can find a fix for this.
I have included a screenshot with a good location to test this and my usual graphical settings and my dxdiag.
You can see a screenshot and my dxdiag here:
_Since then I have tested more, and realized that the effect is worsened by zooming in. If I zoom in on many sources of fire (Fire Wall (engineer), some Elementalists spells, some Mesmer Ethereal fields, etc) my FPS goes down a lot.
Great additions I would have loved to see a personal banker, or at least a battery pack for the Digital Deluxe Golem (that gave it another 5 days per use), but I see you guys were on top of it before I got to make a suggestion
Nope. Spoke too soon. Again. This map is bugged 24/7. See screenshot for bugged event.
Just before it bugged, the whole NPC squad charged into another Dynamic event, “Use the Pact weapons to kill the Champion Risen Giant”. Unfortunately, the Giant was no where near Pact weapons, and wouldn’t move because of the idiot NPC squad. (that for some reason just wouldn’t die, despite the Giant attacking them). We had to chip at the Giant’s HP because of that, with no Pact weapons. It took A LOT of time, and 2 minutes after that the dynamic event got bugged. YAY.
Just after the new patch hit, Central Invasion is still bugged. The attack on Stygian Deeps failed, and the Pact is supposedly regrouping at Armada Harbor. There is nothing happening at Armada Harbor. There’s an Orrian Ship at sea with some Hylek Risen around it, but there’s nothing going on there either.
I’ve been waiting for a whole week for this map to finally get fixed. Maybe next week.
LE: As I was writing the events got jump-started. All is normal for now. There is yet hope.
The off-topic forum Also, first for TESO copying GW2 before it even released, that’s some grade A looking at colleague papers.
^ There are other ways to support your team other than Virtue spam. If you don’t like the way that works, don’t get Renewed Focus. That elite skill is tailored for people traited into Virtues. The other 2 elites are better for everybody else. It’s that simple.
I always hear Warriors say they wish they had gone guardian....
in Guardian
Posted by: Y u mad its vydia.6324
Everytime I have to use my Scepter I curl into a ball and cry, thinking about Warrior Longbow.
@JK: I have reported this a long time ago. Here is the thread:
I gave out quite a lot of details, but I think most are irrelevant because the problem was server-side then, everyone was suffering from it. I didn’t see this happen ever since.
Here’s another thread with a similar issue (probably the same)
You can have more than one character. Not sure if funny. Pretty sad that you’re on my server ;(
Invisible walls everywhere. I understand that people could abuse those holes for the “jumping” puzzle, but kitten does it look horrible. Plug them up or something The game rewards exploration and of course people will try to enter them. The ones that don’t know about the jumping puzzle will have a very bad impression when bumping into all those invisible walls.
(edited by Y u mad its vydia.6324)
OP confirmed to have never tried 1 decent build or reach level 40. ITT nothing but darkness.
LOL. Dem arguments. While it’s true that Renewed Focus has no excuse for making the Guardian immobile for the duration and suffering from more than a few bugs (condition damage still applies, it can be interrupted by cc or movement and goes on full cooldown), even comparing this to a skill from another class is such a bad idea I don’t even know where to begin explaining. So I won’t.
The skill itself is a great addition to Guardians who make full use of Virtues and need the invulnerability. I can’t believe you’re actually asking for ANOTHER stun breaker on Guardian. It’s not like we have a billion already.
Joke Personal Storyline rewards after "The Battle of Fort Trinity"
Posted by: Y u mad its vydia.6324
The following missions have horrible item rewards at the end:
-The Battle of Fort Trinity
-Delivering Justice
All 3 possible item rewards look like starter items.
I haven’t done the following ones yet, but you better not be giving me a set of heavy armor that uses the same model as the level 1-15 armor sets. Because that is horrible.
At lower levels, during the personal storyline players have encountered the “Mending” heavy armor set as a reward, a set unique in appearance. Something similar is what players should have received here as well.
Giving level 70+ players a reward that makes them look like someone who just started playing isn’t right.
On a side note, the missions themselves were very fun The Battle of Fort Trinity was very, very enjoyable. I saw the Risen Giants and I thought to my self “Hell, I’ll take em”. Used the Arrow Cart a few times, then jumped straight into the action. Then I jumped straight out because I was getting hammered. Dat feel when barely escaping with my life and closing the gates
(edited by Y u mad its vydia.6324)
I was in the Pact Field hospital when an undead attack took place. I saw a large number of Invulnerable exploding Risen rushing in, targeting the wounded Pact soldiers. This is probably the way it’s intended, I thought, so I backed away from the Risen to let them explode without killing me.
All the Risen were showing red circles on the ground, so I chose a safe spot. I got murdered by explosions. Instantly. The whole area with wounded is a kill zone, unless you leave you die, there is no real safe area.
As you can see in the screenshot ALL of the exploding risen damaged me, not even just the ones on my side.
It’s badly designed, either make the exploding risen vulnerable to damage or change their radius, right now they appear to have infinite range in the hospital, the red circles beneath their feet mean nothing. Player being at my position have no chance of surviving the start of this dynamic event. +1 to my death count.
Human male:
Both Trinity Focus (personal story reward, I’ve also reported this earlier) and Berserker’s Mace clip horribly through Carrion Pit Fighter Legs of the Pack (100% Mount Maelstrom reward).
The Focus is barely visible and the Mace clips through the plating.
pic related
Did no one mention Binding Blade (greatsword 5)? Really? That’s condition damage as well.
Greatsword + Greatsword? U wot m8?
You are wrecking your character in every possible way just to get retaliation, which really isn’t needed when you can equip a hammer and have protection + retaliation 90% of the time from hammer skills alone, not to mention the one shout that is worth it in this build (Stability + Retaliation).
I have also found the chest to be already opened. This happens in many other jumping puzzles, or areas with Splendid Chests. There are multiple threads about this issue. I hope it gets fixed.
Thank you guys for testing the symbols, quite interesting its the first kind of study showing how they interact with finishers.
From what i could tell is that the finisher will go for the field that appeared first as shown in the video, y u mad issue is that since the hammer tosses so many of those symbols the chances for it to be the one being there first are very very high, specially with longer and bigger since he has that protection symbol almost 100% of the time, so practically everything other allies are casting is landing over a light field. I also hate area retaliation finishers on pve but I don´t really see a bug here yet. What do you guys think?, if the behavior is consistent then its not a bug, but if the fields that proc are random regardless of order then its different.
About the Traited shield of absortion when ressing I wasn´t aware it did push back before and then got removed, i didnt get to play that early into the betas, if somebody could confirm this also I´ll move it to the unsure section so we can get some clarification if it is actually intended to or not.
I have been thinking about this a lot over lately and here’s what I think: It is possible to weave a Fire Combo in between your Light Field spam IF you don’t use Symbols last longer without losing much DPS. Unfortunately, there’s a bigger issue: I have tested this with a friend, and the same priority applies to allies as well. Basically right now a Hammer Guardian is hindering cross-profession combos. I’ve been inside some dungeon runs and I wanted to die when a Mesmer put up Ethereal fields under the enemy and no one was getting Chaos Armor / Confusion Bolts because of me. I see no way around this, or any way to sugar coat it: Light Fields are situational at best, other times they plain suck. Any other field is better than Light Field. I think developers should know about this problem. I really, really can’t see me using Hammer anymore in groups because I’m basically trolling my allies with worthless fields all day every day. My suggestion is that we start a thread about this in the bugs section (Guardians cause it, but it affects all players really), add all the know about it (including the video showing this behavior) and hope that developers somehow fix this oversight.
A good suggestion imo would be to remake the 1 chain into ending with something similar to what Smite (Scepter) is that works the same way, giving the same amount of protection, but without being a Light Field, and find some way to give Area Retaliation (which is a big part of the hammer, unfortunately) – probably by simply imbuing Mighty Blow so that when it hits the newly created Symbol of Protection it gives Area Retaliation in addition to any effects Mighty Blow might trigger as a Blast Finisher.
I will await your input, you can make the thread or I could make it.
About Might of the Protector: I never got any Might stack from blocking. I am currently 10 points into Valor and this has never happened to me. Neither from Aegis, Mace, Focus skills. I use these all the time.
He was also by my side when I was playing a Charr Engineer. I’ll do story mode again sometime as a Human Guardian and see what happens. I didn’t pay attention the 1st time.
Dat message deletion. I actually got sent to the suggestions forums with that. Jesus Christ.
@SirMoogie: What do you think love means for those couples? They share the same coloring book? They didn’t sell it as paternal or platonic love either.
@ Riku: Excuse me for playing a race because I like it’s lore and looks. A new race appealed to me. I thought I could escape the boring, horribly overplayed love relationships. There is no escape in any storyline, except maybe the Stag one, but that’s horrible for different reasons. Excuse me for expecting private life to remain private. I don’t care if it’s beloved is a he, she, or it. I can’t remember the exact wording, but I can remember that it got so stressed even my father got it from all across the room. In the Shield storyline, the love story was so badly written it made me cringe. It’s not even about sex. It’s about pestering me with information I don’t care about.
What did I expect? A story that doesn’t revolve around feelings. I can barely bring myself to care about feelings IRL, but for NPCs in a video game? Is there anything more boring than discussing gay / lesbian / straight couples in video games?
On that note, I’m done. 1/10 for the moderation btw. Mods: my post doesn’t provide any constructive criticism. Guess what. I don’t intend it to. This isn’t the suggestion forum, and frankly, I don’t care what the writers do anymore. GW2 can’t be taken seriously for it’s story. I posted to discuss why I can’t play a race which looks I like. I’m not an Arenanet consultant.
(edited by Y u mad its vydia.6324)
Try harder or quit the market? Really? Go gather 20 Mushrooms and make any profit. “Try hard”. I’ve got 500 mushrooms in my bank right now and I could really use your knowledge. You can craft them into something better if you wish. Try to tell me that it’s worth the time you take to gather Mushrooms instead of doing absolutely anything else in game.
I didn’t say anything about not making money. I make loads, I have simply been using every penny it to buy gems. Gems for the Gem God.