Sea of Sorrows
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
I would imagine using condition removals to counter these P/D thiefs. Healing Spring and Signet of Renewal might help but this kind of setup restricts your movements just because of Healing Spring itself as the only guaranteed condition removal. Up side is you get regen over time while that thief is busy doing their rounds in condition stacks/re-stealths.
You could also use a brown bear when Healing Spring is down to remove further conditions. That should give enough time for Healing Spring to finish its CD and be ready for re-use. Rinse and repeat I guess.
As for taking the thief down well…. due to their vast amount of stealths with no counter against it, your window of opportunity is quite low so surviving their bursts of conditions is more important than winning the killing blow. In my opinion.
But that’s just the general way of dealing with it. I’m sure people have something simplier.
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
Now that is what I like to call skill.
Archers United [ARC] Looking for fun, active friendly Rangers.
Represents are not required but appreciated. We just require the numbers.
PM if Interested!
Whisper details at Sig.
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
Why release a game if its not even ready? Oh wait. Because they had to satisfy the customer’s demands. Therefore resulted in a buggy, out of place mmorpg.
I would bump the range a little higher to say 600. Its only fair. 300 units is near Melee range and most Thiefs that go into stealth are well over that range limit. Or even 900 units. But that would be asking too much.
Jon Jon Jon… I would slap you, but you’ve redeemed yourself.
Thanks for the communication.
Rune of the Pack | Rune of the Ogre | Rune of the Eagle.
My 3 favourite.
lol’d @ that thief and warrior. Such embarrassment.
Well done.
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
Broken design is broken.
It’s interesting how Jon spends more time in the Mesmer section, rather than communicating with the Ranger community.
Not even an apology is considered.
But hey, that problem is in the past right? Not like anyone cares now.
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This needs to be stickied. Like. Now.
If it doesn’t. I’ll shoot myself. But that won’t work because it will just get Obstructed.
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A Dragon. One could only dream…
Not that anyone has noticed this but, the AoE buffs (i.e Call of the Wild) is also bugged due to the fix of ‘limited players’ that is in effect of the buff, despite them being within range to receive the buff. Therefore resulting in only 2-3 players receiving the buff instead of ALL within range.
Now the kicker is, this ALSO applies to AoE skills against multiple enemies.
Uhhhh… Thief?
Better to learn your nemesis so you can be prepared for the next time you clash with another said thief. In your Ranger that is.
Exactly Right. Botters would see this as an advantage. Anet would disapprove.
So the other day my Ranger was in WvW. Got a couple kills, heck even soloed a mesmer. However that mesmer had a buddy. To no surprise it was a Thief. An Asura Thief no less.
Now this dead mesmer was out in the open waiting to be ressed. This thief thinking he could res this dead mesmer undetected well… that he did. He uses stealth to ‘invisibly’ res the dead mesmer while just 5 metres away was I spamming my AoEs near said dead mesmer to reveal this thief with no avail. Not even traps could ‘un-stealth’ this witty asura thief.
After a minute of Ressing, the dead mesmer gets up and runs. I try to pew pew the mesmer down but guess what…. BAM thief comes out spams kitten at me. I use my dodges but that proved useless. I tried to use my traps but that did nothing. My pet keeps bugging and cancelling the F2 ability. What am I left with? My weapon which were LB/SB.
And by all this time, the mesmer would have realized im in a crappy state, I then get duo’d and whoopdy doo Downed I go. The best part is the Thief uses stealth to stomp me in the end. Brilliant Finish.
Now the main point was that thief, WITH NO STEALTH COUNTER, was able to make a big difference in a PvP scenario, just by stealth ressing his friend.
Mind you I wasn’t alone at the time. Others knew that thief was there ressing his friend but whether they were too stupid to do anything about it, I don’t know. But as Observant as I am, I realized what was happening in that situation.
If I had some sort of stealth counter in this situation, I could of prevented the thief from ressing his friend mesmer. But no.
So you tell me what logical reason that a thief should not have a counter against stealth? That a thief should have this one unique skill which has a BIG difference in a PvP situation.
Bottom line is stealth is exploited. Yes. Exploited. And it is this very reason that stealth needs a counter.
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What about the Silver 3? Or the Bronze 5? or the Copper 10!? Q.Q
TitanMine already does that, except for getting the loot part, the stupid thing returns with aggro’d mobs! yea!
And I never told him to attack in the first place!
Well… they are Juveniles after all lololol!
Your dreaming. Anet would rather turn their attention to new contents than waste their time satisfying their customers.
You really should assess Anet’s behaviors more thouroughly before making an opitmistic post such as this, because they’re no where near capable of giving this much communication, let alone have the effort to engage with their community.
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
Making the ranger’s defining role as a counter to thief just seems lazy
You want to know whats truly lazy?
Anet designing this horrid profession only to have it bug left, right and center, without a care at all to fixing them.
That’s Lazy.
700+ posts is more mind blowing. Shows how much people really care about their Ranger profession.
Look at the other profession sub forums. They barely have a stickied thread worth atleast 500+ posts and not as nearly the same views as this thread. Yet still the Ranger community is ignored.
Too bad Anet has no care in the world what their customers want, which pretty much could be said for every other MMO company out there whether F2P or P2P. The truth is immensely depressing, even for a Payed 2 Play standard.
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I’ve had arrows shot in direct clear view of the enemy with no obstacles in the way, the enemy right infront of you out in the WIDE OPEN, and still it gets obstructed.
Anet U serious?
Lets just make it perfectly clear. These are just raw ideas. They do not in anyway shape the main ideas for what revealing stealthed enemies should really be. I agree that it becomes a problem when its an elite skill.
Maybe if it was tied to the Pet Mechanic, it would make more sense since canines have the acute sense of smell. Another suggestion perhaps for revealing stealthed enemies. Maybe some sort of passive ability. It can be broadened from there.
What is a Ranger if he can’t even track his own enemies? What kind of hunter class design did Anet have in mind that bares no tracking ability or ‘reveal’?
Poor design is poor. Infact terrible given the current state Rangers are in.
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Ranger vs. Blank perfectly describes their current state in PvP.
It would probably be a good idea to re-edit your original post Panther Chameleon and add the different type of ideas related to revealing stealthed enemies that these posters have already mentioned.
Reduces the congestion of ideas being all over the place and gathering it all up in one area. Making it easier for people to read.
Just a suggestion.
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Yes. I was thinking more of a stand alone Ranger ability as an elite skill. But that’s just my opinion. Others would agree that it should be a group buff, which is fine. There’s no problem with that.
The one thing I forgot to mention is, once the Ranger activates the ability to reveal stealthed enemies, the enemies immediately lose their stealth and everyone within range can see them. Not just the Ranger himself. Because lets face it, once you reveal a stealthed enemy, he/she is visibly exposed out in the open where anyone can clearly spot them.
So that could be a tradeoff for having one profession that has the ability to reveal stealthed enemies.
This would make Rangers more wanted in PvP as they alone have the ability to counter stealth for a short period of time. That small window is crucial for an offensive strike in any PvP scenario.
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Some tracking ability that has a relation to the Ranger’s lore of nature etc etc. This ‘Reveal’ could also be tied to some sort of Nature Magic skill.
I agree that it must be an Elite skill, but the Cooldown must not be no more than 2 minutes.
I would be happy with a Reveal Elite skill that lasts for 5 seconds and a cooldown of 60 seconds. That’s completely fair in a PvP situation.
As for the animations. The elite skill would be activated sending a shockwave of visible senses awakening the ranger’s ability to reveal stealthed enemies with a reasonable range (ie. 1200). Stealthed enemies could be seen as spirited entities, relating to nature magic I suppose. A Ranger’s ‘sixth sense’ if you will.
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That Thief shortbow No.5 teleport should be deleted. It’s unacceptable. They already have stealth for survivability. Now they need teleportation as well? Wow Anet. Just wow.
So this is about Rangers having the ability to ‘reveal’ stealthed enemies? I’ve already wasted my words in another useless thread some weeks ago about the same suggestion but people defended against it as a bad decision to give Rangers some sort of tracking ability for stupid reasons.
Mostly because they implicated that it might become too overpowered and misused in the PvP environment. Not to mention thiefs aren’t the only profession that have the ability to stealth. I do believe mesmers have something similar.
Imagine the QQ threads placed upon Rangers when we actually have a tracking skill that reveals stealthed enemies in an instant. They would be calling for nerfs 24/7.
I really just don’t understand why Anet designed a hunter style profession that has no ability to track stealthed enemies AT ALL. What could possibly have been in their minds? I mean, isn’t this class called a Ranger? Seriously.
Stealth is overpowered and needs a counter-offensive like oh I don’t know…. a tracking skill?
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Actually Guild Wars 2 is quite unique due to its completely new content and mechanics that is easily differentiable to the other payed mmorpgs out there.
The list could go on and on…
Ranger’s are infact a unique profession, basing the facts of the ranger lore as Rangers to be a nature orientated class that relies in nature magic, traditional weapons, and a reliable pet to ‘hunt’ their prey.
The fact that Guild Wars 2 Advertised Rangers to be ‘Unparalleled Archers’ lead many people to believe they excell in the use of bows and are therefore Masters in Archery. I personally believed that this was true due to what the description had said in grey text.
But because of the poorly designed mechanic that Anet had implemented in this profession, they infact DO NOT excell in Bows and are instead a condition based, survival style class that rely on their pets to do all the hard work, while they stand back and do kitten all.
Arguable but thats my view of this whole problem.
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Then i’ll reject my opinion and return to my statement:
Rifles are far more superior than a Bow because of many obvious reasons, that which is already stated.
Why Anet fails to see how broken this design is, I will never know.
Because Anet thought it was a brilliant Idea to implement a broken mechanic that reduces our overall damage. Hilarious.
No where did I mention my inexperience to blatantly fail to dodge the Rifle’s skill “Kill Shot”.
Do think twice before aggressively insulting someone. It reflects badly on you.
Besides there are many scenarios where a warrior can sucessfully hit a Kill Shot without the enemy noticing. WvW is one. A zergfest makes it difficult to focus on just one enemy, let alone a warrior that uses Kill shot from 1500 range, hiding amongst the crowd like a little kitten.
Now if the warrior was seperated from the zerg, he would become an easy target. But ‘smart’ people don’t seperate from their groups do they. You would be stupid to do so. After all, this is a team based game that requires teamwork. Right?
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Story of my Ranger’s everyday life….. sigh.
You have my support.
In my opinion, this is the highest priority when it comes to fixing weapons. Especially for Rangers.
Ranger balance? Since when was there ever a Ranger balance. You my friend are in a completely different world.
Either play a ridiculously broken profession and exploit the terrible skills, or reroll another class in hopes of achieving that ‘archery’ dream that everyone longed for when this game was advertised.
Rifles will always be superior to Bows. This applies for anything. Real life. Guild Wars 2.
The projectile speed for bullets is ‘unparalleled’ compared to arrows, simply because bullets have less ‘arc-ing’ travel, therefore makes a more direct hit towards the target.
They also do more damage than arrows without any restrictions in distance. The projectile of bullets is also faster reducing your reaction time to dodge them.
The gap performance between a Rifle and a Bow is so blatantly clear. Bows are completely outmatched when in competition with a Rifle.
Makes me question why the hell did Anet even design a weapon that out-performs a Bow.
Which really just goes back to how Overpowered the rifle becomes and how effective the one skill ‘Kill Shot’ can be when properly used.
Broken design is broken.
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
To be honest, there was little negative feedback in this thread. What people are trying to tell you Sol is that the players you versed were not very skilled. That does not reflect badly towards you, but in fact the players you versed in WvW. Your control over your Ranger was better than average to most, but those guys you versed were just plain bad.
30 seconds in the video watching that guardian getting faceplanted by your kiting tricks just made me question if that guardian knew what he was doing. Onwards I just see a couple of small skrim pvps where 2 people can’t even CC you properly, again makes me question what the hell they’re doing. So I just stopped there and had enough.
The people in this thread that gave feedback about the players you versed are doing you a favour of whats to expect from the worst of these players in comparison to the more competent ones out there. And trust me, there’s a BIG difference when you verse again’st a very skilled player. Those people you versed in this video, aren’t even close to the same level of competition to what most experienced PvP’ers are like in WvW.
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Yea….. No.
It all comes down to player’s skill and how well he or she controls that class. I’m not being negative nor am I saying Sol is a bad Ranger.
This is the fact. It is the truth in all mmorpg when it comes to PvP.
WvW is not the place to determine ones best skill and ability in PvP simply because of one important factor. The player’s are not competing in the same skill level. It all ranges from bad to average to highly skilled players.
There is nothing silly about this statement. You just failed to see the simple logic.
WvW will never prove any worth of skill when it comes to PvP. Why? Player’s will range in terms of skill from terrible to mediocre to perfectly skilled.
To truly analyse ones skills and abilities when in control of a specific class verses another specific class, a Dueling system must be made that is determined in player’s skill level. That is if both players are in the same skill level, then the duel would be severely balanced, which would result in a great fight to watch.
WvW does not depict this idea. It is a zerg fest, meaning the more numbers you have, the better the chances to win. There is no skill involved in that situation.
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When you start to favouritise things over something else, that something else becomes completely oblivious to the mind like it was never there in the first place. Therefore messing up your priorities of what’s more important to fix.
This is clearly evident with Anet.
Sea of Sorrows have the same problem.
Favouritism right there.
No. Anet does not deserve my respect. They’ve done little to improve this profession, let alone fix the bugs that have been around for hmm…. months?
inb4 infraction.
What that ^ guy said. I will completely ignore PvP until Anet has the responsibility to fix the main issues with this profession.
For now PvE is where Rangers are good at.
Great Idea. Already been mentioned.
Ranger’s are bad because Anet made them that way it is from the moment this game got released until now. Because Anet has not done a single thing to fix the issues faced with this professions, mainly the core mechanic bugs.
Simply because of a terrible class design. Nothing more. Nothing less.
If your going to advertise an ‘Unparalleled Archery’ class, atleast live up to the expectations of what that statement truly means. False advertisement leads to immense disapointment.
Yes. Signet of the Hunt barely gives any difference in movement speed.
The only fix that a Longbow needs for now is to actually hit moving targets. It’s almost an exploit just by sidestepping again’st a Longbow user to evade the arrows simply because of one obvious factor – Projectile Speed.
The anticipation of the arrows when flying towards the enemy is 2 seconds too late. Is that how an ‘Unparalleled Archer’ should be? Missing their enemies just by a couple seconds? I sure hope not.
But it’s not like our ideas will ever be heard.
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It’s true that Ranger’s are nothing compared to the other Profession’s in terms of Range and Melee capabilities. But more importantly on the Ranged potential. By ranged, I mean the use of bows.
I personally think Anet just spent way too much time wrapping around the concept of nature and equality with the Ranger that they forgot the fundamentals of what a fierce Ranger can do in battle.
‘Rangers rely on a keen eye, a steady hand, and the power of nature itself. Unparalleled archers, rangers are capable of bringing down foes from a distance with their bows. With traps, nature spirits, and a stable of loyal pets at their command, rangers can adapt to any situation.’ – Guild Wars 2 Ranger
If a Ranger is as people say a “Jack of all trades”, then how can a Ranger be anything BUT an archer. According to that bolded statement, Ranger’s Excell in the use of bows and are unmatched with the skills of Archery.
Then why are other profession’s that are allowed to use bows are better at it than Rangers? Why do they deal more damage with the bows compared to Rangers? Is it because they have more skill? But didn’t the Advertisement just say the Ranger’s are Unparalleled Archers? And Why are Ranger’s skill with bows seem pathetic in comparison to the other profession… This does not justify the statement of an ‘Unparalleled Archer’ because clearly the other professions can do better archery than Rangers.
There is some clear favoritism with Anet when it comes to designing Professions. That much is clear. Ranger is not one of them.
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I could argue that not everyone has the same playstyle when using their Ranger and it might be more risky than the other supposed builds that people might think is the right direction to approach.
You can either focus on yourself (as the ranger) for benefits while you use your pet for Conditions/Stuns/Crowd control.
You can defer your ranger’s offensive abilities and turn him/her into a support ‘petclass’ working solely around your pet for strong damage.
And that’s not all the ways you can work around your Ranger. There’s many options.
At the end of the day, each different strategies or whatever you want to call it, all give the same result.
It depends mainly on the player that controls the character. But then again, this profession requires twice as much effort to achieve the same level of results compared to the other professions in terms of survivability and offensive abilities.
(edited by YumCHA.8706)
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