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Suggestion: Mounts [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


And how exactly this will save the game from….ehmm…mind you, from what?

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


anets return on £85 for 8k gems is exceedingly low? oh my god they dont actually go out and mine real gems do they? the money is real the gems are do see the difference dont you.or is there something im missing?

You misunderstand what I said. A player getting one piece of non-performance enhancing armor is an exceedingly low return on a 30 pound expenditure.

The only thing your missing is the idea that people should take responsibility for their spending decisions instead of blaming companies for selling products and services for
being greedy. I mean, the difficulty (and hence the cost) of getting a Legendary Armor set is about as strong a deterrent as Anet can provide for anyone with anything but the person with deep pockets. How much more of a incentive do you need to NOT spend your money this way?

no it is you that misunderstands. at 400g per run and 18 runs needed just for the first 1/3 of the what is not even the legendary armor collection but possibly the precursor the cost is over £ if the rest of the collection follows this same pattern it works out £1500 plus what they add to take the precursor to legendary.
please keep in mind this is on top of the £3000 they already had out of me to get what i thought they would keep best in slot.
When its costing thousands of pounds to buy armor in any game something is very wrong and someone is very greedy.
I am not kiting out multiple toons.i got just one a warrior.

Haven’t spend a dime on the collection… No one is pointing a gun at you to buy gems.
There’s nothing greedy in it.

End Game...?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Raid if I’m in the mood, metas, doing collections, standing in the middle of the jungle, messing around with wardrobe, selling stuff, cursing the 9000 different bags in my inventory, getting rekt by shadowleapers, waiting for Grenth’s Regalia….stuff like that.

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


After paying to get the raid boss kills 3×400g i find just the first part of the legendary armour will need at least 15 more trips to finish 15×400g thats for 10 ectoplasmic residue and 5 spirit shards. thats over 7k gold for 1/3 of the collection. Do not kid yourself that this is not intended.It is just a new all time low from this greedy company. Various disability i will not bring up again prevent me doing raids myself.They want to set the difficulty bar that high that only a few can do it then the price for the run is going to match.


legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I won’t mind other means of acquiring it, absolutely not against it, but most ppl don’t even try it and complain. Yeah, you need to experience it. Gather your friends, guilds or just create a group on LFG with that mindset, I’m sure a lot will join and after you figure it out it will be much easier.
The raid bosses are questionable and the mechanics (mostly the timer) can be attacked, yes, they are fun though. Yes, you will probably rage while doing it, it’s challenging, it’s different. That’s how it is.
It took me a while to pug down bosses, I was like “yeah, to hell with these” but it feels awesome when you do it. I definitely recommend anyone to try it out instead of just hating.
If PVE is not your thing, then just wait, other means of acquiring will probably come and be available in other game modes, at least I hope so but we didn’t even see the sets and are probably fussing about something most ppl won’t even get given how the legendary collections are now but that’s another discussion.

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


All the fun stuff is locked behind skill lvl that at the moment is doable by 5% of there player base/customers.what sort of idiotic company locks the vast majority of there customers out of anything?We have other games to move on to,do anet have access to new customers.Good luck keeping this company and game supported with ftp.
The skilled need there challenge and the rest need there nose rubbed in it(legendary armor)

Ok, you can’t raid. That’s all fine. But tell me. If you could, what would you do for an armor, that you WON’T have to change EVER in this game?
Spamming autoattack in a corner is definitely not challenging group content and that’s how raids were advertised and they told Legendary armor will come with raids in a blog post.
Edit.:Nope,sorry, last part wrong it wasn’t in the blog post, my mistake.

(edited by Zalman.8719)

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I should be able to win an Olympic gold medal without ever going to Olympics. It’s not fair that I’m not athletic enough. The Olympics alienates me by making gold medals exclusive to winners of events. I should be able to pay 3000 of whatever currency I want and be able to get an Olympic gold medal.

Lol, I think you can. At least one of those cats must be hooked on pain killers and looking to pawn

Your comparing a game to the Olympics?get a grip its entertainment or rather is meant to be.Anet are about making money and sell us the use of a product.
They have started the very gear treadmill they always said they were against.exotic to ascended then its on to legendary armor. then next year its mythic or whatever.the point is they changed there philosophy and changed the game for the worse.if you have issues with people buying there gear instead of good old fashioned wasting hours on the pc grinding. take it up with the sellers anet.

Shame you still see it that way…By your view, they started even when Ascended was nowhere.

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


All I say now is Good luck and I apologize, I can be a little overzealous to prove if something is wrong. If you need help with Raid collections, find me and I help if I can.

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


But what about Mike O’Brien promise at pax south that our “best in slot” would remain best in slot.This is the very gear treadmill we were told would not happen.

It’s basically about stats. He meant that you won’t have to get another armor because something more powerful will come. Ascended will stay and that will be the most powerful in the game as it is now.

Edit.: I was expecting the armor for a while as Legendary as a tier were in the game, we just didn’t have armor only weps, still you shouldn’t worry about not getting accepted into a group because you’re not legendary.

(edited by Zalman.8719)

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Then we’re talking about the cosmetic value of somethin we didn’t even see yet.
Cosmetic valuewise, not every ascended worth much(to me, personal opinion) but it’s up to the player’s taste.
Khm.. just look at the difference between the artwork and actual in-game models..khm..

(edited by Zalman.8719)

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


And round and round it goes, they promised at pax south that our best in slot now would stay best in slot.Now when legendary armor is added to the game that will replace ascended as best in slot.and ascended becomes second rate gear.

It’s not but keep believing that bs. You won’t become stronger just because you’re in Legendary. I’d say other thing about you, but you’re not worth the ban I’d get.
Keep whining while I kill Gorseval again.

Edit.: Befor you start bringing up your nonsense
" Legendary equipment will always have the same relative stats as the highest quality available for the item type. Currently, the only legendary items available are weapons and backpacks and the highest available quality of weapons/backpacks is ascended, so legendary items have 175% relative stats.1" copy pasted from the wiki from

(edited by Zalman.8719)

Friendly Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Raids are just a matter of organization and practice, sure there’s an entry barrier that’s costy for new players but we get ascended stuff somehow too and they can too if they want it. The groups I saw, been to and failed make so minor mistakes they would be totally avoidable if they focused more so DPS is very rarely an issue anymore. I think about missing blues on VG, not CCing seekers away from green, not shouting if they can’t make it to green and stuff like that.

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Best in slot legendary vs ascended? thats it in the nutshell and im sure lots of players would favor legendary over ascended 100%.Yes indeed the 5% who will be able to raids will be happy that they get exclusive kitten to this new best in slot armor and maybe its intended that the other 95% can buy gems to change to gold and pay to be carried.
Who knows,but at pax south Mike O’Brien gave his longstanding customers a promise that there best in slot gear would stay best in slot.It is this sort of inconsistency that
is eroding away the trust of customers/players like me.

No, they didn’t lie. Legendary doesn’t invalidate ascended as stat-wise they are the S-A-M-E. I repeat. S-A-M-E. Oh, you can change stats,! cool. To be really efficient you have to change runes and get trinkets as well, but ppl already told this, you just don’t care. And if you wanna know(or not, I tell you anyways), I pugged Vale Guardian today again and will do Gorseval later this week again. It’s possible and it felt awesome when we did it, I already have 2 items out of the 6 in the collections tab. If you can’t ask for help, sorry, you won’t have it. It’s just a matter of practice. But I leave you to twisting words and other “stuff”.

[Suggestion] Normal version of raid

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Came back, just pugged VG…again…feels good…again…that’s why I love the difficulty again… If you’d actually put effort in it, you’d get it and ppl already getting a hang of it. If you can’t do that, then sorry, you won’t have the rewards until other acquisition method pops up…if there will be any.
And looking at it, my last post was from 3 hours ago, that’s not bad considering I had to find a group and ppl left and stuff. See? It’s ain’t that hard, just a matter of practice and organizing.

Raids need a story/easy mode

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Without the other wings the story is cryptic, I give you props for providing specific examples of how you’d like to see it done and while it’s nice for practice it wouldn’t be near the real thing. Just keep practicing, you’ll get it eventually and totally worth it.

[Suggestion] Normal version of raid

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


No, Thank you, keep it in your head. I’ll go look for a group instead…

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


most consumers are happy to fork out a small fortune for sweet f all and not complain.
iv put the work into this game 163 mastery points.Everything i can do i have done.grind i can grind.but im blind in one eye and 6/52 in the other. raids are not possible for me. I ask anet to give choices like they always did. not lock it were only a few% can get complaint is with anet and support sends me here.i have nothing to convince or to prove to no one on these forums.Apparently the devs read them and thats who im talking if you dont like what im saying jog on buy.

Still, you can ask for help or if you wait more, ppl might sell it like dungeons or might get another method to get the armor but if you’re ascended, you won’t lose anything other than the shiny and swap change.

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


pay to win? people on these forums are saying its just a skin.i worked hard and payed a lot to get what i got.and was promised at pax south my best in slot now would always be best inslot. legendary suppers-eds ascended in every way and will be the new best in slot armor.they took my money and they lied.i want at least a fair way i can get it.i payed more than my fair share in to this game and that entitles me to at least a chance to have something to work for if they cant keep promises.we cant all be pros and do raids.

No one asked you to put in 3k. It was YOUR decision to put it, and you didn’t bought any rights with it or share of the company. You still don’t understand. As others said countless times, Legendary has the same stats as Ascended. What you get as a plus is stat change on the fly and the skin. Nothing more.

Edit: And if you can’t wait for other acquisition methods, your problem, leave and come back later is always an option.

(edited by Zalman.8719)

legendary armor...

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I have a lot of thoughts in my head about threads like this. I just leave this here.
“Press F to win the game”

Anet, please reduce the grind in GW2 [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Like Living Story and etc is not content….Just because you don’t care about certain content, it’s there and someone is enjoying it.
And raids are among the more hardcore content ppl were asking for, it’s not for everyone now and they’ll go nowhere if you don’t have the gear now, work for it, like most of us, you can experience it eventually + you can get gear by different methods.

The White Mantle Vs The Pact

in Living World

Posted by: Zalman.8719


The problem with pulling random villains from GW1 to serve as GW2 villains is that all the GW1 ones were human focused. Why would the Charr care about the White Mantle? Have they ever interacted at all? They certainly never interacted with any Asura, Norn, or Sylvari. To 80% of the playable races, the White Mantle are just some forgettable combination of bandits and cultists.

And we already had an Anti-Pact, with Scarlet’s armies. Much like the Pact, her armies were cobbled together from various factions that usually opposed each other but worked together for a greater goal.

EDIT: and we also know how a Mursaat vs Elder Dragon fight would go. They already fought, and the Mursaat lost.

No, they didn’t, they phased out of world. And Saul returning with the Mursaat defeated the charr army invading Kryta so yeah they def dealt with each other.

Pls implement this helm in game or gem store!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


and dat handy flamethrower, ty

Worries about the future of Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I had to login for this.

Let me tell you that during my 3 years of playtime I rarely put myself to grind(those were items I reallllly wanted and was impatient) Seriously, even got Ascended gear without grinding, sure, took longer but I enjoyed it. Why do you force yourself something you don’t enjoy? There are other ways of doing stuff. The game is fine, it’s awesome. It’s YOU, the PLAYER who needs to change or adapt for the better word.
If you can’t, then sorry, this is not for you.

Metas are fine, but keep in mind, Halloween was here and a portion of players consumed that content as it’s gone now but I’ve heard ppl organize and succed so you’re probably just unlucky and remember, Orr wasn’t a faceroll for everyone when the game came out. Vinewrath had to fail before we got the tactics down, Twisted Marionette also failed number of times before ppl actually learned how to deal with that stuff.

Seriously, It’s only 2 weeks and ppl judge that content like they were playing it for the same amout of time as the vanilla. It’s hard, meant to be hard, you’re in the territory of an Elder dragon who rekt an entire fleet without any hassle. Learn to adapt. to survive, be happy it’s not about spamming autoattack, you’d whine about that now.

Edit: This may sound rude but I hope no offense was taken. It’s fresh and new, give it some time.

(edited by Zalman.8719)

Buying HoT

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zalman.8719



I was looking at the site because I’m about to buy it and noticed there’s 2! Standard versions of the game for the same price while the second should be Deluxe. Sooo what’s up with that?


HoT: What About Group Challenging Content?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I don’t trust their sense of challenge since Guild Wars Beyond, an army of overpowered mobs doesn’t equal challenge .

Playable Kodan Race? Perhaps Gemstore Idea?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I can’t see a reason to add them. Though their presence and lore will be probably expanded when we will go after Jormag. And anyways why everyone wants a new race? it doesn’t add much to the game, just more clipping and streched armors. I’m not saying anything about mounts anymore just hope Anet won’t add them.

The mysterious Exalted & Mastery UI

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I’m sure they are at least related to Mursaat somehow

Revenant Armor Unlocked?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Blindfolds probably unlock the same way as profession specific stuff does. The armor is heavy so probably there’s an in-game acquisition method to get it? We will see.

Closed Beta Test Pool

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Signed up, I enjoyed GW2 betas , I hope I get in.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


If I remember well it will be personal story (mentioned in one of the interviews, not sure i think) not Living Story.

Suggestion regarding outfits.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


or just allow us to toggle each piece individually?
But I don’t know if outfits are made the same way as armors so not sure if it’s possible without causing problems.

Unyielding Anguish rename request

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


It’s unnecessary.

Suggestion: New-Plated Outfits

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


As I went back to GW1 to finish some achies and WoC in HM my eye caught on the artworks as usual and I was like “kitten , I’d buy that in GW2” and yeah, definitely would love to see a reworked Aegis of Unity(I think that was it’s name, I haven’t checked it) even if it’s tied to Cantha, I think it looks kitten on the artworks and would love to see it here too.

Stop running DirectX 9 in the expansion?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Guild Wars 2 engine is a modified Guild Wars 1 engine. They will need to re-write a lot of the engine to support DirectX 10. Basically they would have to re-program the the game engine.


Unfortunately you just put your foot in your mouth with that statement. The GW2 engine was written brand new from the ground up, with DX9 intended so as to allow a many computers as possible to play the game. DX10 was considered but ultimately decided against for flexibility purposes when the game was being designed 8 years ago.

From wiki: “Guild Wars 2 uses a heavily modified Guild Wars game engine which includes support for true 3D environments, more detailed environments and models, better lighting and shadows, new animation and effects systems, plus new audio and cinematics engines and a more flexible combat and skill-casting system.”

Regarding negativity about unknown content.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Honestly, If I were them, I wouldn’t even announced it after watching the forums.
People complain about everything, get used to it, just ignore them.

GW2 Main Content Now Obsolete?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Don’t worry, I’m sure Teq will die a couple hundreds of times after the release of HoT. I wouldn’t call it obsolete as dungeons will give money, World bosses ppl are used to will be there to kill, probably we’ll see new player, and it’s easier to gather materials on calmer maps like these now “old maps”. So, I don’t think it will be obsolete. And ppl have to go through it anyways for map completion.

Your picked races for your Revenant?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Gonna sacrifice my human warrior in the name of the Revenant

Here comes the "gear" treadmill.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I don’t know, I don’t feel myself weaker without infusions. Really, I don’t have any.

HoT Worries: Powercreep and irrelevancy

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Though what you said is kinda true, I’ve felt I should point out the LS for this. They added stuff to old content through it. LS1 and LS2 both added to them though we could argue if that was enough or not they were there and kept it somewhat new and fresh. For example Tower of Nightmares added to Kessex Hill and neaby areas new events to participate in, LS2 added new events and some minor updates to older maps too. Even if they were few, you can see the change in form of new heart goals, battered outposts and landscape changes. Even if most of them were removed some are still there and I think LS could change that slowly or an overall revamp zone by zone can do that if they feel it necessary.
Just my 2 cents. I hope you get what I wanted to say.

So, what do we do until HoT is released?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I’m preparing for my revenant, mats, token, weapons, gold, gems everything. Doing remaining achies for SW and Dry Top and stuff like that. Time will pass quickly.

Expansion 24 january 2015: DC and Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Unfortunately, that “little lag” disconnects me every few minutes so I can’t play. The most I did today is a living story mission on my alt and it was Reunion with the Pact(pretty short one) and dc after I got the rewards. It even drops out my main on the loading screen so I can’t login with that.

Everyone and their mom is a Warrior

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I rolled with warrior because my main in GW1 was warrior too and that was the only reason. Even I avoid these “elitepugs” you know “ONLYZERKERMASTERRACE!” types. I say stick to it and play engi if you like the prof. , with all the kits it’s very versatile and can be a pain in the back. I usually lvl one up once in a while because it’s fun running around with a flamethrower or grenades(especially useful in WvW defending ) On the dungeon side, just go with guildies or look for another party. I’ve been in dungeons countless times with engies. Just know your profession well.

I've redesigned the UI & the official website

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Amazing job, would like to see it in game, especially the LFG and LS/story panels!

New tone in Heart of Thorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Though I love the game, story is not it’s strongest point, maybe I’m just used to the darker GW1 feel. With these cinematics I just hope they grab the chance and deliver a strong story but we’ll see. I loved this LS as it is so hope dies last folks

[Spoiler] video at the end of S2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I suspected only the second pale tree to be mordy minion but that was an epic plot twist, anyways imagine you’re a Soundless and maybe you’re done, not sure on this. I’m curious about that too and where this will go. It was certainly expected and unexpected but struck a big blow , at least to me and the Wynee plot was good too.

[Suggestion] Cutscenes in Story Journal

in Living World

Posted by: Zalman.8719


+1 to this! Those cinematics are amazing, especially the ones this LS has.

[SPOILERS] Season 2 Finale [merged]

in Living World

Posted by: Zalman.8719


This is the BEST LS they have every done so far, exploring, mysteries, action and a twist that shakes the game, well done!(but I still demand Rytlock’s new armor) I didn’t suspect all sylvaries to be dragon pawns, only the second Pale Tree but this is so much more awesome! Well, done and thank you, this was a pleasure to play through!

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Trademarked [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


khm…Axl Rose voice:
“I’m on the hypetrain, bottoms up
I’m on the hypetrain, fill my cup
I’m on the hypetrain
Ready to crash and burn, I never learn” Anyways I’m excited about this, we’ll what this is at PAX hopefully.

Read more: Guns ’N Roses – Night Train Lyrics | MetroLyrics

Adding a gear check to the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zalman.8719


I still fail to see why you want it in the game. It creates more problems and makes the lfg toxic and btw groups are easy to find,dungeons aren’t that challenging and just look at your “2,” point you listed

Calling it now; Point of No Return

in Living World

Posted by: Zalman.8719


Anyone wondered about what if the 2nd pale tree is Mordremoth itself? I mean it sounds crazy and most likely not true, but still would be cool, an Urgoz(any GW1 vets here?) like dragon creature, or Mordremoth “fused” with the tree and stuff… Would be a great plot twist. maddoctor’s speculation is cool too.