Showing Posts For Zamiel.2130:
Normal achievements are fine, just added 15 from the personal story.
Noticed that when I complete the daily and get awarded the 10 points, it doesn’t seem to be getting added to my total.
Noticed the leaderboard (which has the value from the 7th Dec) has the same value that my in game has after I did the daily for the 8th December so it doesn’t look like the value in game is changing at all, therefore the leaderboard won’t either. Think I first noticed this a couple of days ago, but took notice today.
Will try and do a normal achievement to see if it increments on those.
Are you running a 32Bit Windows environment?
Basically the client is virtually unplayable for me. I may be able to play 5 minutes or I may be able to play 20 minutes, but often I will crash 8 times or so in an hour which is incredibly frustrating. The errors range from “missing tiles” to “Lightning ran out of space for new bolts”. I’m running the latest drivers for my system and have done a repair on the client, all to no avail. WvW is pointless as I’m just rally bait with these constant crashes.
This never happened during the one Beta Weekend I attended, or prior to the launch of HoT.
Just 1 question,if i ever forget my code,how can i unlink my account,i wrote the code i used to link it on paper but i did not write the code that Anet gived me to get the code at first place.Now im trying and no way i can unlink it without that long code,WinAuth wont generate code without it.
My WinAUTH doesn’t ask for a “code”, a password, yes.
This is how I did it:
1) Login to your account, click security, click Edit on 2-Step Authentication.
2) Click Unlink, which should give you a form that wants two codes.
3) Start WinAUTH, enter password you used to secure it.
4) This should take you to the WinAUTH form with GW2 logo and what looks like a large refresh button on the right.
5) Clicking the refresh button generates a code which appears next to the GW2 logo for a few seconds.
6) Enter this code in to the first box in your Unlink Form.
7) Wait a minute.
8) Click the refresh button in WinAUTH to generate a second code.
9) Enter this code in to the second box in your Unlink Form.
10) Click Unlink. Done.
Failing that you’ll have to email support and ask them to unlink it.
The five wins is hit or miss and can take awhile, made even harder by members joining then AFKing the entire match for the daily.
Getting quite tired of AFKers during arena matches who are simply there for the games played achievement. Either can you not award a game played if they haven’t actively participated throughout the match or simply remove the achievement which is worth virtually nothing anyway?
Yes, it annoys me when you northern hemisphere people night cap the work us southern hemisphere people put in.
</saracam>Why should anyone’s effort be more valuable or important than anyone elses based upon timezones or available playing time?
You’re completely deluded if you think ANET should do anything about it. What about all the Americans who work at night and play during the day, should they miss out also?
What would you say if due to circumstances, you became one of those “nightcappers”, would you be here complaining about it? I think not.
GW2 is an international game and ANET is quite happy to take our money, they don’t care what country it originates from. The solution is simple, live with it, like the rest of us do.
sure it could have been what you say but it wasnt. See my skills on cool down? They were doing damage to me and it was saying invulnerable. Wonder how that is possible?
You know that area how would I do that much damage to myself from falling? That is not a area that you damage yourself from a fall.
Just because you’re in an invulnerable area doesn’t mean you can’t use skills, so your skills on cooldown doesn’t mean anything in this case. Perhaps it was retaliation, I don’t know, just saying the screenshot provides no proof to vilify your claim and ANET won’t take anyone’s word over another.
Actually, the screenshot shows nothing. The damage could’ve been caused by fall damage or running down a steep slope and then engaging the enemy before you’ve had time to recover. The combat log isn’t showing which may have proven the claim, nor is there any damage numbers floating (just a single heal) or any conditions applied.
I find it unfair to make WvW players PVE to get map completion!
And PvE players complain that they have to do WvW to get map completion. Get over it – I got it – it wasn’t that hard.
I see you can’t detect Sarcasm and didn’t read the original post where yet again, a PvE player complains because something isn’t handed to them on a silver platter in an effort to get ANET to change it.
They get constant content updates and real world bonuses from WvW and its still not enough for some, WvW/sPvP get virtually nothing for many months and when something comes along, it’s of little importance.
If any group of people have the right to complain, it’s the people who PvP (sPvP & WvW).
Rant over.
BTW, I have map completion on 8 characters. I got “over it”.
I find it unfair to make WvW players PVE to get map completion!
What did you all really expect? It’s perfectly inline with their vision of WvW. RIP Mag!
The outnumbered buff is incredibly useful. It serves as a warning flag to go do something else or try EOTM.
It’s not in Maguuma’s nature to tank before a WvW tournament and have previously fought tooth and nail to be in Gold. I think many on Maguuma have just had enough and the numbers have dropped off significantly since the huge announcement of pretty coloured commander tags and new trap. The inattention to this aspect of the game with each patch was bound to increase the attrition levels on many servers, some worse than others. I’m not sure if many have transferred or simply quit to find newer, better, more fun pastures.
I find it completely mind boggling that in an effort to keep the WvW community happy, ANET just throw in another WvW tournament and a couple of tiny and insignificant features rather than anything of substance. Oh well, it is what it is, hopefully some will return for the tournament, but I shall not hold my breath.
(edited by Zamiel.2130)
I lay there even when I know there’s no one in there to res me. It’s fun to watch three or four people stand around watching my corpse whilst I cook tea or do the dishes.
1) Maguuma, living in a self-entitlement bubble? That can be said for every other server. We earned gold, with some commanders and larger guilds pulling excessively long stints to try and make it, it wasn’t handed to us. We scrapped in by only a couple of points and wasn’t decided until about an hour before the end of the last match before the start of the season. Up until then, we were destined for silver.
Not sure why Yak’s hates Mags that much, but I guess comments like that made from one of them is a reason why. Personally I couldn’t care about any other server other than my own and I don’t go out of my way to rubbish others.
2) Rewards, why shouldn’t we want them if ANET are giving them out? Why shouldn’t we want a fair reward and not based upon coverage or zerg size?
@Jayne, you say “rewards motivate people to get out there”, it’s not working. Week 1 and 2 we had OK coverage and could put up a good fight with SOS but now that most of the PvErs have done their META, we’re back to being [out numbered] a hell of a lot, so no, it’s not working. It would be great if we could squeeze position #5, but to me and I hope I’m wrong, its looking like last, though we do go up against SOS often.
3) Coverage, Maguuma doesn’t have a great coverage, especially during the oceanic times I play. The only times we have a queue is at reset and it’s not a very long queue.
If ANET truely wanted to balance out server population they would’ve done more to make this happen. Reducing the price was a start, but allowing guilds to transfer with all their upgrades may have made it more enticing.
Lord Kuru is correct, if the status quo remains, when season two starts, the flood gates will open, potentially decimating some servers as it won’t be hard to guess which ones to go to.
Finally, the best thing ANET can now do with the rewards is to make them like pretty much every other reward, crap, with a very small chance of something nice because if there’s a significant difference I won’t be the only one here saying “WTF”.
We use to be like that with the zergbuster confusion build. Yes, it was pretty much OP however ANET didn’t balance it, they destroyed it with a 50% reduction.
Zerg vs Zerg will never end, there’s no incentive for small groups to form up and go do things on their own.
Why should a server in Bronze automatically get worse reward than people in Gold just because they didn’t manage to get high enough rank to be put in Gold or Silver?
Why should you get better rewards in Bronze than other servers who put in a more consistent effort over many months to end up in a higher rank?
Until there is a more up to date response from ANET regarding this, the disparity will exist and perhaps after. Which ever way you look at it, there’s probably going to be some very annoyed people and to quote a commander from Mag
“I put in a huge effort over the past two weeks, I want a return on my investment!”.
Those sentiments will be shared by many.
Why should a server be punished for putting in a monumental effort to get in to the gold league over servers that tanked it to get in to a lower league for better rewards?
Why should a server who clearly has number superiority get better rewards when numbers doesn’t neccessarily equate to skill?
Why should individuals be punished for staying with their server and not jumping to a bandwagon server like so many others did?
The only fair way is for ANET to reward either the same reward to all who participated or random rewards to all from a set pool of rewards irrelevant of where you finish or what league you’re in.
Right now, if the comment from Devon rings true, all those who from 3-6th place in Gold or Silver would be better off transferring to 1st place Bronze for their rewards (cheapest option) thus decimating the population of those 8 servers. Likewise for the lower ranked servers in Bronze too.
The rewards for finishing 2nd in the Bronze League will be markedly better than the rewards for finishing 6th in the Gold league.
I’m totally perplexed and miffed by this comment. Maguuma put in a huge effort over the past couple of weeks before the season to get in to Gold and we just scrapped in. Now you’re telling us that we should’ve tanked or not bothered as most likely we would’ve finished top or second in silver and had better rewards?
Even then, phantasm aren’t supposed to be good at zerg fights due their survivability.
Though, I really wonder what you imagine as backline, since I’ve never seen the enemy drop CC on their own backline lol.
Zergs don’t fight front line to front line, one zerg will push well in to the other, often running right through them so by the time you can get to their back line you’re in fact targeting one big AOE blob.
No other class in the game can have their attacks destroyed before they’ve done anything
Rangers, Necromancers, Engineers. Four out of 8 classes.
All three have pets, spirits or turrets that last more than a second giving them at least a chance, many times iBeserker never actually appears as if it’s destroyed before the server could draw it. Even the mesmer trait Persisting Images to grant Phantasms more health seems to have little affect in this situation.
iBeserker is the main attack of the GS, whereas Rangers, Necros and Engineers main attacks aren’t reliant on what they have or can spawn.
It’s not a placement issue as 9/10 it doesn’t matter whether you’re trying to hit their frontlines, fringes or backline the iZerker (and iSwordsman for those who use it) will easily be CC’d and / or destroyed before it does one iota of damage, especially when enemy zergs (JQ) easily exceed 40+ players. The only time its reliable is an attack from behind when the enemy zerg hasn’t seen you, or if a small group breaks off and for mopping up.
Yes, I know it works both ways. When I’m in the middle or on the fringes of my zerg, I don’t recall being hit by iZerker either so it must frustrate other GS mesmers and I do see a few of them. I just feel we’re getting the short end of the deal and are simply asking for it to be able to get one attack round in like other classes skills get and hey, it still can be evaded.
As for it doing full damage, that’s another issue. Whilst it’s better than their last effort, it does still miss quite often on one or more attacks or even just stands there, not cc’d, just on strike. However, that’s not the point of this post so I digress.
ANET are able to differentiate whether the skill is being used in WvW or PvE so the invulnerability doesn’t need to be applied in PvE, pretty much like they did for confusion in sPvP before completely ruining it every where else later on. That would leave it same for dungeons
I agree. I’d shelve my mesmer if they made WvW ranks account bound in a heart beat. We’ve become glorified taxis for golems, others will chime in and say we’re in a great place, but I don’t see it. It’s not uncommon for me to be the only mesmer in the group and others will relog on to their mesmers to taxi golems only when they have to. Day by day, I’m seeing less and less of us and reckon we may be one of the least played classes now. See so many thieves, guardians, eles, warriors and necros these days.
Don’t get me wrong, I love my mesmer, but each “balance” to me just seems to make me think ANET has no real plan for us.
I’m primarily loiter (with intent) in WvW and for some time I’ve been meaning to post this.
WvW is really ZvZ. The beserker is getting increasingly pointless in this form of combat due to the share amount of ground AOE destroying them before they can hit a single target. I try normally to hit the flank or fringes on zergs but at least 80% of the time it will be destroyed or just stand there before it’s done any damage.
No other class in the game can have their attacks destroyed before they’ve done anything and it already does less AOE damage than most AOE’s from other classes (still misses 1 or 2 attacks more often than not) and quite often is still being out damaged by Spatial Surge. I can put up with it’s sub par damage as long as it does some damage after all its the main skill of the weapon.
What I’m proposing is to give beserker and other phantasms one to 1.5 seconds of invulnerability so it has a chance to get one attack round done after which it can be destroyed. To compensate those who say it will be abused in shattering, make it so it cannot be shattered either within this time frame.
It can still be evaded and seeming how slow it runs, should pose no problems getting rid of it before it’s next attack.
I’m not proposing this change to clones, just the beserker.
They will all fail.
In my opinion they should still produce a phantasm, it just should hit for 0. Doubt it will be changed, it’s been like that forever.
I’m going to go in the opposite direction to the OP. I completed 15/19 within the first three days and found I did not have to change my play style at all. I suppose which server you’re on has an impact, but they’re hardly difficult to get through and before someone says “you’re obviously on a band wagon server”, I’m not. I’ve been on Mag for the past 10 months and going in to the league, we were the last spot in gold.
The sentries and caravans were completed within 6 days as once I had the meta I didn’t really care. The only one left is the MERC camps, of which I’m exactly 50% of the way through. The most painful achievement is master of the ruins. Lets be honest here, no one enjoys the ruins and there is no tangible rewards for doing them.
What erks me is the share amount of PvE’s in the WvW just to get the achievements who will soon be running around with the “Veteran of the Mists” title. This is an insult to WvWers who have commited considerable time fighting for their server. The title should come with the pre-requisite of rank 150+before it can be used. Anyone who has spent that amount of time in WvW could truly be considered a Veteran.
Flame away.
Whilst this won’t be helpful for you, the Red JP Chest opened fine on Maguuma, however I am on the red side, not sure if SOS or TC have had the same luck.
As the topic indicates, the WvW Season 1 Participation Bag for Restoring Walls and Gates never gets delievered. Have maxed it (500).
WvW hacks? Where do we start?
Cross profession skills hack (eg. Elementalist who uses death shroud, warr who uses ele skills.)Saw that today, an SOS warrior (had two warrior signets showing) using Mist Form.
Superior Rune of Vampirism
Once fine, twice in 10 seconds no, it has a cooldown of 60 seconds and they used it to get away.
On the bridge defending EK against SOS using a catapult, I was continually pulled from it. Yet no enemy in inner and none below me. Everytimg I got back on, I was pulled off it, so every couple of seconds.
WvW hacks? Where do we start?
Cross profession skills hack (eg. Elementalist who uses death shroud, warr who uses ele skills.)
Saw that today, an SOS warrior (had two warrior signets showing) using Mist Form.
I was with a group of people outside our keep today when a single YB enemy placed a single stack of bleed on me that ticked for kitten at just over 1100 per tick. I was not taking any damage from any other source as I blinked out of range of anything and watched as my health melted away. Unfortunately I don’t run around with fraps on and a fat lot of good it would do not knowing the player’s name.
A month or so ago I down a ranger who could keep be permantly knocked down as if his down skills had no cooldown. I’d get up, bang, down, up, down. I couldn’t even fire a skill and if it weren’t for three others that saw this, he would’ve won.
So in closing, I have seen instances where things just don’t add up, but with not knowing who you’re fighting there’s just no point in running around with fraps to catch them.
Whoa.. Why pick discrepancies in what I’m saying? It was a suggestion, nothing more. I didnt see the original topic.
There may not be a issue with this for higher ranked servers… But the lower you go (my server being FoW) the least active a night time defense is.. I can understand everything is limited on what can and cannot be done.. But how are the lower ranked servers ever going to enjoy WvW if you have a really good day only for everything to be reversed when you wake up?
And the world revolves around you and what you want….
GW2 was marketed globally and therefore has a diverse population from all over the world. Why is your playing time more precious than someone elses? Whilst I’m at it, is your money better than mine too?
You’re also forgetting about all the WXP and Karma you get for taking it back. Oh, I bet you’re up too late and it’s already taken back, so that’s what you’re really complaining about, missing out on all the WXP and Karma. Perhaps ANET should lock it down until you’re ready to play?
This is a totally preposterous idea.
I still don’t have a first, the highest I can achieve is third. Being in NZ the latency is the killer, skills are not automatic therefore “mistakes” happen. Since ANET has brought in rewards for AP’s, I can see why this is happening. AP’s are now important to many whereas before, many didn’t care.
In saying that, if people want to let others win, that’s fine. I don’t think we can dictate how they want to play if it doesn’t disadvantage or impeed others.
ANET won’t get involved in personnal matters. On another matter, I’ve reported so many gathering bots over the months and from time to time, still see them in game, so I don’t bother reporting them any more.
Mesmer. ANET has given it no role to actually play and every time a good build is devised, they nerf it in to oblivion. It’s the one class that always seems to suffer some form of nerf every patch, which seems to come off the backs of everybody who complains about it on the forum.
Phantasmal Berserker was “nerfed” or “fixed” when it didn’t require LOS to cast, I don’t see this being any different or is it a case of double standards?
I’ve given up hope that this will ever be fixed. We can throw all the evidence at them we like, they’re simply not going to listen. “We listen to player feedback”… yeah, right.
iB has never been right since they “fixed” the LOS issue that allowed us to cast iB on someone inside a keep if we had them targeted. ANET you didn’t fix the LOS issue, you simply swapped one issue for more, such as where it gets obstructed by a pebble or divet in the ground, where it’s range is clearly less than 1200 (closer to 900-1000), at times doesn’t even appear and finally, failure to recognise that there are issues still with the skill.
Why don’t you just rename the skill to Phandismal Beserker because:
1. There’s nothing fantasic about it, it’s clearly dismal at best.
2. Beserker because that’s how mad and frustrated you feel when you see less damage than your basic auto attack, or you see obstructed when you’re right infront of them or iB is out to lunch and fails to make an appearance.
I still can’t believe people are saying this is a “floaters” issue. Those who are saying it either work for Arenanet or don’t play a GS mesmer.
I have 56% chance of crit with 105% crit damage (when I crit, I hurt, unless it’s iB then I might as well use a fish). I hit a stationary Away From Keyboard (can’t use the acronym for it) enemy in WvW last night for 900 with iB yet SS did 2000. You can easily notice the difference between the 900 and 2000 on their HP bar, it was roughly half of what SS took.
If it was a “floaters” issue then a third of their bar would’ve been erased, but no, it was just a small slice so it definately was only 900 damage done. No obstruction, no blinds, no ageis, stationary (was a levelled up theif) therefore iB should’ve hit atleast MAX times.
What really annoys me is the complete refusal of Arenanet to acknowledge that there is a problem, which simply leaves me to believe they have no idea on how to fix it so it’s easier to claim it doesn’t exist.
Mesmer’s have suffered the nerf hammer to the point where we don’t have a lot of options left so we expect that bugs like this should be fixed within a reasonable time frame. MONTHS is NOT A REASONABLE TIME FRAME.
(edited by Zamiel.2130)
12. iBerzerker Out of Range: Either the range of Spatial Surge is greater than 1200 or iB’s range is less than 1200. Whilst I’m hitting an enemy who is running away from me with SS, I try iB and get an out of range message, but then can continue hitting them with SS. This also happens on stationary targets who are at the max range for SS.
I think it’s time to hit them where it hurts. I am no longer going to buy any more gems until this issue is fixed and I challenge all other zerker mesmers to do the same.
A simple acknowledgement that it was a bug and was being worked on would’ve gone a long way, however drastic situations call for drastic measures. ANET failure to respond after their attempt of “it’s just missing floaters” excuse is negligent and simply saying to their dwindling mesmer player base “we don’t care”. If every mesmer puts down their wallet, perhaps they might start listening to what we’ve been saying for months.
(edited by Zamiel.2130)
What makes me think that its not as hard as they are saying it is are the fixes that they issued for the torch right after the same patch that broke izerker. Double blast finisher and perma stealthing on the torch were both fixed with in 2 days… So what’s taking this one so long?
If you’re referring to the damage of the izerker, all the damage is being dealt. Its only the damage bubbles that aren’t all showing.
You really believe that? Many of us have shown and explained that it has nothing to do with the floating numbers. You can easily see the damage between 6-7k and 2-3k on practise dummies by how much their health bar moves. WvW just the same.
ANET need to actually record this in your combat log, i.e:
But then that would give us ammunition to argue our point.
You know you’re not the only class that uses stealth right? It can’t be anti-thief if Mesmer’s are equally as hard hit.
LOL. As many have pointed out, this effects Mesmer’s more than thieves as thieves are more of a roaming class and are unlikely to see another individual lay down a trap, nor would they have the time too if you’re any good.
Your portal bomb argument is moot. I can’t blink over it if I don’t know where it is and seeming I rely heavily on stealths to get in to position chances are I may trigger it. The reason why portal bombs are so successful is due to many not paying attention to their surroundings. No lookouts etc.
I portalled the JP on Southsun Cove (MAG) for close to four hours yesterday. Probably 30% of people tipped, but I returned it all to them. I would’ve made around 10g, but being thanked by 95% of the people was reward enough.
I didn’t think it could get much worse, but since this new patch (that supposedly didn’t change iB) the average damage I see from my iB is between 1.5 and 3K and are now only using it for its potential crippling.
There’s been issues with iB ever since they tried to fix the line of sight issue which would allow us to cast it onto enemies in castle’s that weren’t on the edge. The good old days. Since then, it’s damage has been hit or miss, it’s range debateable and it’s line of sight, a complete joke. Stone in the road? between run around it first, might not be able to see past it.
So with the confusion nerf and the on going issues with GS builds, where does it leave the Mesmer? Glorified portal taxis.
Come on ANET, get it fixed.
I’m seeing them less and less in WvW in the last couple of match ups though. Perhaps it’s because of the iB issue or the nerf to confusion builds. They just seem to sit in the JP or are being used to portal golems around. Thieves and Elementalists seem to be breeding like rabbits.
Zax please don’t let the devs think that everything is AOK with this phantasm because we all know it isn’t
Ofcourse it’s broken, that’s why we’re seeing less and less mesmer’s in WvW. From my observations and our current WvW matchup, I see, from top played to bottom:
1. Headless Chickens (the class where the person has no idea what class they are).
2. Elementalists.
3. Thieves.
4. Guardians.
5. Rangers.
6. Warriors.
7. Mesmers.
8. Necromancers.
9. Engineers.
It’s hard to call between two and three, they seem to be everywhere. People like to play the less broken classes.
If iZerker were to hit for 5k+ aoe dmg (even in DPS gear), it’d be one of the strongest-hitting skills in the game, have a low cooldown, and take absolutely no skill to set up. That’s equivalent to a fire grab on a group of burning targets, which takes way more skill to pull off and has 1/4 the range.
I feel like my zerker is pretty comparable to duelist, swordsman, and warlock. The zerker does less single target damage, but the damage is aoe and it cripples.
Maybe izerker used to be bugged and was doing too much damage, but never realized it, and that’s why they currently think it’s working as intended (except for the missing floaters).
Proposterious. Let’s just take a look at a couple of other classes:
Warrior: Hundred Blades, 8 second cooldown, 8 × 3080 with last strike doing additional damage can easily do as much as iB just has to be close, however, knock you down with a hammer….
Elementalist: Whilst their main aoe’s do have a considerable longer cooldown, they also do considerably more damage, hence the 5 person limit introduction. Quite often 3-5k per tick MS and that’s per tick.
Thief: Cloak and Dagger, 6-7K damage easy, Backstab, 6-9k, Heartseeker, 5-7k (dependent on HP pool). So what, it’s a single target. They can easily burst you down, cap and disappear before anyone notices.
Everything in this game is situational, but to say iB requires 0 skill is ridiculous. iB is:
1) Easily destroyed before it’s done any damage, so placement when in a zerg is imperative otherwise ground aoe takes it out before it’s begun.
2) Stealth render’s it useless and it will pretty much do 0 damage if the stealthy times their stealth right.
3) Can be used by a thief to restealth themselves.
4) Often get’s stuck.
5) Often get’s obstructed when you clearly have line of sight.
6) Is affected by any form of mobility decrease, stun, blind etc skills.
7) May have a 1200 limit, but quite often this isn’t the case. Where SS hits, iB gives “out of range”. I.e. Enemy is moving away, you try iB and get “out of range” then you try SS and hit.
8) Can be evaded if they’re paying attention due to fact that it doesn’t attack immediately, there’s that split second it sits there and goes “Hi, ASL?”.
So it does require some form of skill to use it effectively and get the max out of it, given all the issues around it.