Showing Posts For Zeffy.3984:
I’ve been away from the game since launch, and I’m super disappointed to see that there’s still a need for this thread. I was really hoping to return to weapons I could actually see on my Asura. :<
Every other race has a slider for head size. I don’t care about textures, I want my Asura’s head changed back to how it was. :/
This is ridiculous.
I gave all of my Asura big heads, because I thought it looked better. I’m really disappointed that they would completely remove a customization feature (when Asura have SO few compared to other races anyway) without even saying anything.
I’m desperately hoping they change their minds about not giving us an FOV slider. I agree that the camera change is nice, but it’s still not enough. :/
I play exclusively Asura because they’re my favorite race, but I hate that I’m stuck staring at tree stumps and the bottom of buildings. If the FOV was increased, I’d be able to actually admire how beautiful this game is, without having to turn my camera up so far that the scenery is blocked by my character’s kitten
ArenaNet, PLEASE reconsider your stance on an FOV slider. :[
I’m not 100% sure if this is the same issue you’re experiencing, but I have this happen very frequently when I enter Plains of Ashford through the Black Citadel portal. I drop down to exactly 3 FPS as soon as I enter the zone, and I’ve never had it happen anywhere else.
If I teleport to a waypoint, it doesn’t happen. Restarting my game always fixes it, but it’s still annoying.
Anything cat related. :3 I know they have mini Jaguars and stuff, but I want regular cats. D:
I agree that the current system sucks, but I’m happy they have no intention of adding any kind of dungeon finder.
This. Many times this.
When I played GW2, I always felt like I can see only a tiny part of my surroundings which is a shame considering how beautiful the game is.
FOV definitely explains it.
This is a PC game, PC games are usually played on a computer screen close to the viewer – a small FOV is like looking through a tube, causing nausea.Please make an FOV slider that goes up to 110 (or even 130 for the extremists).
Since you said everything I was thinking, I’m just going to second this.
I sometimes play for 10 or so hours a day (I take breaks, obviously. No, I have no life.) and the FOV problem definitely explains why my migraines have come back. :[
Yes please, I would LOVE a name swapping service. I’ve wanted the ability to do this in other MMOs and it never happened. :[
There’s a catapult down southeast a little ways (Here’s a map) that you have to use to get to the top. An event will trigger where you have to kill harpies while a Charr NPC loads cows into the catapult and shoots them at the tower. Once the event is over, you’ll be able to enter the catapult yourself (interact with the catapult, not the NPC) and it will take you to the vista.
As far as I know, you aren’t able to use the catapult at all times, so you’ll have to wait for that event. I could be wrong though.
I’ve seen games where you could force someone to enter a captcha to prove they’re not botting.
That would be kind of intrusive and immersion breaking. :/
6. I know its not many but 3 of my friends would buy the game so how many does that equal if 3 of everyones friends that play buy it ALOT
But… What if I don’t have any friends? :[
I prefer the game with no mounts, because I think it just works well for GW2. However, I wouldn’t throw a kitten fit if they decided to implement ground mounts, as long as they weren’t TOO fast and didn’t make them ridiculously huge (I’m looking at you, Mammoth mount that everyone used to cover up NPCs like jerks).
All in all, I loved collecting mounts in other games, and loved the feeling of getting to run around on a super rare one that I spent a lot of time trying to get, but I think I’d rather have no mounts in GW2. Reason being, if you give people ground mounts, they will eventually beg for flying mounts, and I don’t ever want to see flying mounts in this game.
OP, you are brilliant. This is an amazing idea, and I totally wouldn’t mind having this pop up on my screen after playing for three hours straight. :3
ArenaNet, please do this!
ANet, please remove these annoyances now. They don’t do akittenthing to stop bots or gold sellers. ALL THEY DO IS DISRUPT LEGIT PLAYERS. Honestly, developers need to stop and think about these restrictive practices from a player prospective before ever adding them.
Additionally, in what game has these restrictions ever impacted gold sellers? None, why?
They don’t care, in-fact these restrictions empower them, to them it doesn’t matter if there is a restriction on how much they can transfer all they care about is that someone payed them and they have a prospective new account to steal.
Seconding this.
I absolutely love this game, but I’m getting a bit frustrated with all of the annoying restrictions in place. I’m crossing my fingers, hoping they’re temporary, because they really have to find a better way.
No, this is one of the best things about this game.
This, times a million.
Yes, it has its flaws, but overall it’s an amazing system and it would be pretty awful if they took it out.
Not to mention, DEs would get really annoying with level 80s facerolling them just to be obnoxious, which is what a lot of level capped players did in low level zones in Rift. Incredibly annoying and I’d rather not have this.
Great post; I would love if ArenaNet implemented these ideas.
I especially love the rare pet idea. One of my absolute FAVORITE things about my Hunter in WoW was putting a ton of time into camping a rare, awesome looking pet and then feeling really accomplished when I finally succeeded.
However, it has to be designed so that other classes can’t grief them, which I’m sure ArenaNet would make sure of because they want to encourage cooperation. There were too many times in WoW that I watched someone come up and slaughter a rare as someone (or myself, a couple times) was in the middle of taming it. I don’t think I could deal with that again. :[
As someone who likes running around with a greatsword 3 times his own body size, I agree.
I second this. I love my Asura characters, but it’s so disappointing to get a new weapon and not even be able to see it. :[
Ear position also changes a bit depending on which face you use. Each Asura in those screenshots is using a different face.
I wouldn’t mind the first idea; It would be kind of amusing to run past a little Asura sitting on a rock and reading a book.
However, the second idea would just make the world incredibly cluttered. Think about how many people play this game, and think about crowded places where many people log out. It would be a mess.
To elaborate on what Fiennes said, click on the little options button up by the top right of your inventory, and click “Deposit all collectibles”.
I also just purchased gems and have yet to receive them. ArenaNet tweeted that the gem store was back up though, otherwise I would have waited. :/
Coming from playing Aion to this I like my character run like a ninja. It seems NCSoft does have a tactic.
I miss my levitating flamey feet that my Aion character had, so I second this. :3
No. You get the legendary item for the skin not the stats.
I second this. It’s cosmetic, nothing else.
I refuse to go back to getting stuck grouping with idiots whokittenaround in the fire because they’re too busy trying to top the DPS chart.
Seriously, no. A thousand times no. Don’t tell me this won’t happen because it will. I don’t care about the people who will use it properly, because there are just too many people who will abuse it.
Not to mention, keeping yourself alive and avoiding damage is a million times more important than just standing there mashing buttons for big numbers. A DPS meter would in NO way be an accurate measure of anything in this game.
4) – Friend login notification. (I have no way of knowing when a friend logs in unless I check my friends list regularly or they PM me when they log on).
Yes please. Same for guild member notifications. I would like to be able to greet friends and the guildies I talk to often without having to constantly look at the guild roster and my friends list.
Just because a different game implemented a BAD upgrade system, doesn’t mean Arenanet can’t use a GOOD upgrade system.
Players shouldn’t feel like they must upgrade. Upgrading should actually be a very risky proposition and only for players who have the guts to do so… or if they have extra items that are worthless and they are willing to take a risk to upgrade them.
Currently the Gw2 item trading post is broken….
I make more money selling my items to NPC’s then i do selling on the trading post.
If we had upgrade system i might take a chance to get those boots to +5 and sell them on the trading post to actually be able to make a profit…
currently its impossible to make a decent profit off the trading house with random greens and blues.
Again, NO. Seriously.
You posted this same idea three days ago and no one even responded. Systems like the one you want are AWFUL. It’s a grindy mechanic in every MMO that’s done it, and GW2 would be no different.
Being able to upgrade items isn’t about “having the guts to try it”; people will do it to become more powerful than other people (even if it’s only a little bit), and GW2 will go from an equal playing field to yet another grindy game where the people with the most gold have the most power. If I wanted to play a game with mechanics like that, I would have stuck with TERA.
You are probably saying that because you gambled on an upgrade and failed.
The risk / reward dynamic is what adds a whole new dimension to the item market.
Currently in Gw2 if you have the same item as someone else, it is exactly the same…
Adding upgrading capabilities will allow players to stand out… add their own status and gamble with upgrading those stats.
I don’t see anything wrong in letting people attempt an upgrade if they have the balls to do so.
It also gives the game TONS of replayability… people will want to craft NUMEROUS legendary items to attempt to get +2 … or possibly +5… who knows how much gamble they have in their blood!!!
I was excited to see the Mystic Forge… and ArenaNet could easily modify the Mystic Forge to allow this type of Item Upgrade capability for Weapons/Armor/Runes/Sigils… etc
NO. Just no.
An enchanting upgrade system like the one you describe is literally one of the most grindy things ever implemented in an MMO. ArenaNet was trying to do away with stupid, needless grinding.
Getting gear upgrades in Aion wasn’t even fun, because instead of getting a new chest piece and saying “Awesome, this is much better than my old one!” it was “Great, now I have to try and upgrade it without blowing all of my money.” Not fun AT ALL.
If you want ridiculous mechanics like this, play a Korean MMO. After playing Aion and TERA, I think I’ll pass on such an awful RNG system. :/
Oh god, that’s what that noise is!? I swore I heard yawning, but I thought maybe it was coming from something else. I love 99% of the game noises, but that and “For great justice!” really have to go. D:
I really wish for an option for this too.
A lot of people keep that “For great justice!” on autofire even in cities. It’s very very annoying to try to craft or browse the trading post when there’s 2-3 people going “For great justice!” every 15 seconds :D
Ugh yes, this is definitely the most annoying one. -.- Guild Wars 2 is the first game I’ve played in years where I’ve actually really enjoyed the music/game noises and kept my speakers up super loud to enjoy it. Despite this, sometimes I get so annoyed by the “For great justice!” spam that I have to turn my speakers off when I’m standing at the Trading Post in Lion’s Arch.
TL;DR: Please let us turn off other people’s voices separately from our own. :[
A question about pet rezzing, did they change it?
I haven’t seen the rezz marker appear recently, my kitty will revive somehow on his own, but I can’t figure out if I can rez him myself.
Yeah, they removed the ability to revive your pet, and now they revive themselves over time outside of combat. You can also switch pets.
I really dislike it the way it is now. :[
I don’t mind hearing my character talk when I get certain boons because I find it helpful, but I’d REALLY like an option to turn off the audio for other people’s characters. I really couldn’t care less that the Human Elementalist next to me that I’ve never spoken to before can outrun a centaur. Hearing other people’s characters is a bit annoying to me, and I’d really rather just hear my own.
I’m having this problem as well. Relieved to see it’s not on my end.
I saw you post in another thread and think this is a great idea. :3
It’s not just you; I really dislike that they removed the pet revive mechanic as well.
I go back a loooong way with pet classes. Despite never wanting to return to WoW, I sometimes still miss the pets I had on my Hunter, and that same attachment carried over to GW2 with my Ranger’s pets. My brown bear is basically the ONLY pet I use, and he’s my favorite. I really don’t like the idea of just swapping him out for another pet, and would much rather spend a few seconds reviving him because even though he’s just pixels, he’s still my buddy. :[
I just wish they would use my Idea of rallying the pet when you kill a monster. It makes sense to me.
This is brilliant. I’d be incredibly happy if Anet decided to use this. :3
That will be extremely annoying.
I disagree.
This basically says it all.
I don’t think I would ever bother PVPing with a mechanic like that because it would be ridiculously annoying. :/
Then how do you propose individuals make groups?
Actually interact with other humans instead of just pushing a button to queue?
ArenaNet has gone out of their way to make GW2 a game where interacting with other players is finally a pleasant experience. After playing three other games with dungeon finders (WoW, Rift, and TERA), I think implementing one would completely undo everything they’ve built.
It will go from actually communicating and possibly making some new friends to run future dungeons with to hitting one button that places you in a group where no one ever says anything other than “gogogogo” the entire run. And “if you don’t like it, don’t use it” isn’t an excuse, because once it’s in the game, no one will ever be able to find a group manually.
I thought i saw a video where Anet said the amount of players would scale the amount of mobs spawned and their health too.
I think they DO scale, just not as much as they need to. I have a feeling Anet didn’t anticipate such a huge number of people playing.
I definitely feel like DEs need to scale more. As of right now, I have a lot of fun doing events when it’s me and 2-5 other people. Once a ton of other people show up, the event isn’t as fun anymore because it doesn’t scale to the extent it needs to and it loses the challenge.
I seriously hope ArenaNet never adds a dungeon finder.
Wuuut? Human /dance sucks? Guess they have no taste in music than.. Nor have they seen Party Rock Anthem Music Video.
As someone who absolutely cannot stand LMFAO, I still love the Human dance. I feel shame.
Here’s Bynki, my Asura Ranger. :3
Hi did you tried the new nvidia driver 306.23 WHQL
I haven’t. I read something about Ambient Occlusion causing problems for GW2 in the latest driver, so I was hesitant to try it. I could always download it and see for myself though. :3
(edited by Zeffy.3984)
Bumping this because I’d like to know if anyone else is having problems with the dye remover.
Signed. I love Skritt. <3
I apologize if someone has posted about this issue already, but I skimmed this subforum and didn’t see anything. Basically, my game has suddenly decided to crash when I’m dying my armor. I was on my Warrior, and after transmuting some gear, I wanted to dye it. I used the dye remover so I could start fresh, and closed my character screen. As soon as I hit H to close it, my game crashed. I tried again two more times and the same exact thing happened.
When I log back in, the dyes on my armor are the same ones I had before erasing them, so nothing is getting saved.
My game has never even crashed before, and aside for some FPS problems due to the game not being 100% optimized yet, I don’t have any problems running the game. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a solution? I would really like to be able to dye my gear. :[
Edit: Computer specs, in case they’re relevant:
CPU: Intel i7-980 @ 3.33GHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 580 (using 306.02 beta driver)
Update: I’m able to dye my gear without the game crashing. After testing it a bit, it appears that my game only crashes when I use the dye remover. Anyone else have this problem? O.o
(edited by Zeffy.3984)
I would like them to add something like this as well; Perhaps they could add a notification to the chat like most games have, because I think that would be less intrusive than pop-ups.
- “You’re dumb. You’ll die, and you’ll leave a dumb corpse.”
Haha, I love this one. I heard my Ranger say it once, but it seems my Necromancer says it a bit more often. I giggle every time I hear it.
I agree that the Asura camera desperately needs fixing.
I made a Human alt and as I was running around, I was able to see EVERYTHING around me. I didn’t realize what a difference there was until I went back on my Asura characters and noticed how low the camera is because of their height. It was so nice being able to look around and enjoy the environment without having to turn my camera at really obscure angles, and I’d like to be able to enjoy the scenery on my Asura characters as well.
Sorry to derail this a bit, but where exactly can I find those dungeon vendors?