Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
There are plenty of guides to read for your information
Mainly you can check those published by Keyz of DnT, or those published by my guild:
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Ladies and gentlemen,
The elementalist guide for PvE on has been fully updated by my guildmate Purple Miku.
Miku is a renowned elementalist who has been active in the community for a very long time. Most people know him for his ÿoutube channel as well as his popular stream on where he entertains you with feats of strength, fun gameplay and awesome music. Miku is a multiclass player who has reached a level of skill ranking him among the very top PvE players of gw2. He is also a beta tester and an official HoT streamer. It is my pleasure to belong to the guild where he shines as one of the top officers, being very active in community events and constantly delivering pure awesomeness. I am glad that Miku took over the responsibility of maintaining the guide that Haviz and I initially wrote (and modified by Austin), he has shown a lot of passion in his task, and I highly advise everyone to take a look at his excellent work.
Have a good read and do not hesitate to post in the comment section or here in this thread if you have any questions
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
(edited by Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867)
I completely agree that autocracy has some advantages, and democracy is not better not worse in comparison.
When an autocrat is skilled then the initiative can shine bright, but it is unstable.
(By the way I am not saying that you are not skilled, nor that your initiatives are unstable)
On the other hand, democratic projects cannot shine as bright, but they will satisfy a large audience and they will more likely be stable.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
High end PvE competition entirely hosted by a neutral, democratic, and trusted body, could the dream come true at last?
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
You know, “sorry” takes much less effort to type than elaborate lies, and it would be a healthy step towards constructive discussion at the next meeting
But anyway as your egos will never allow you to utter this word, like I’ve said before, this is all smelly business from the past. As long as DnT can manage to contain their anger and remain objective in the future, then there is no reason to discuss this.
Just stop antagonising people and be constructive.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Do that if you wish.
That page displayed the typical Weth/rT conspiracy association that you often express too. But I am ready to trust you if you say that you had nothing to do with that as well.
In fact, I am not the one asking for explanations! Again, Card brought up the topic while I said I considered it to be closed.
All we need that you start being constructive with Weth.
Edit: you “have no memory” of the page, yet you replied to comments mentioning it on reddit? Bah… moving on!
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
(edited by Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867)
Your point was that Nike had “nothing” to do with record hosting. Now we all know that such statement is absurdly absurd.
Actually, it’s not absurd because indeed I had nothing to do with it. If you think you know differently, please explain what I had to do with it in specifics. FWIW, I had as much to do with it as the leader of the Final Fantasy branch of DnT had to do with it, which is to say, none.
You had nothing to do with it yet you posted about it on reddit, you defended it against the community, and you insulted people once they found a better alternative?
I am not sure what is worse about a leader: lying, or not being responsible for what goes on under his leadership.
Edit: by the way, would you care to explain that insulting record page? Your own guild mates seem to be not “aware” of it.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Zui, surely you noticed that the topic has been brought up by Card.
In contrast I said that I considered this topic to be closed.
The record page insults provide a good example of how irrational Nike can be.
I don’t mind. But we all have a problem with people not being constructive.
Well at least DnT folks got to express the frustration they kept inside since those events. I still don’t understand what they are being salty, but I hope they can get over it before they deal more damage to the record scene.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I am afraid that I am not talking about a forum but about a proper web page, Card. And it has been made inaccessible.
Edit: I realise now that you do not even know what I am talking about! The subject of my point is the very page where records were hosted: the page whose link was published on reddit. You mentioned a forum post, I was not aware of it. You see, I do not find reading the DnT forum particularly enjoyable, but it is always interesting to know that people there make “snarky” comments. Anyway, DnT hivelings (not all DnT members) call me delusional, but it seems you do not even know what is going on in your own guild! That modified record page was not up for a long time but it was clearly dedicated to Nike’s own illumin-rT theories and to outright insulting (with a video!). The page was eventually removed. No doubt that if more people saw it then an even larger part of the community would be convinced that Nike is driven by anger and that he puts his own egoistic interest before that of the community.
Note that I never said “the entire initiative is insulting”. In fact I have said the initiative was good, although poorly executed. That page that was insulting was published only after the community judged Weth’s initiative better than yours.
Edit (cont.): the question still remains: why is Nike so frustrated? When the meeting takes place, are DnT folks going to be all salty or will you manage to be constructive?
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
(edited by Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867)
It’s truly amazing what banning someone from a chat box can do.
It is even more amazing how you fail to discuss at the objective argument level.
But then I guess that fact that you resort to personal attacks suggests that you have nothing to reply, which means that my arguments are irrefutable.
Or maybe you are trying to dilute the conversation so that the weakness of your position does not appear so obvious. If this is the case then rest easy, Nike has started to be constructive now so everything is fine.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Edit: swiftpaw deleted the message I am replying to. She was suggesting that my arguments are not objective.
As always, if anything that I say is wrong or not objective then feel free to explain how.
I base my observations from threads that are here for everyone to see. Only the stuff that DnT removed in shame is not accessible anymore, like that insulting record page.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
(edited by Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867)
No, it does not sound like a conspiracy. But it sounds like someone who sometimes fails to see what is good for the community.
Could it be possible, that you are that person?
And then it would be very easy to prove me wrong with objective arguments.
But so far objectivity has shown mostly the opposite.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
No, it does not sound like a conspiracy. But it sounds like someone who sometimes fails to see what is good for the community.
Also, it does sound like someone who himself thinks that others are conspiring. Fear the illumin-rT.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
The entire point of our hosting the records was to fill a gap left by gwscr. There was no plot for record domination, no conspiracy whatsoever. But I’m just a hiveling so have no idea what the truth really is, still, I’d really enjoy to see your cache of screen shots.
This is an other discussion which has reached closure already, but sure, let’s talk about this if you wish.
There is no conspiracy theory. We all know that DnT was not aiming to “dominate” records or anything like this that you can imagine the rest of us thinking. I mean seriously, there is nothing to “dominate” anyway.
It was good that DnT tried to fill the gap indeed. It was wrong to act unilaterally though.
But now the good part. Once Nike went public with his initiative, he was met by disagreement from the community. Also, Weth made a proposal for a better initiative. I am sure that Nike wanted what is best for the community of course. But I am not sure why Nike argued as much as he could against the will of the community, why he used dishonest political language and why he antagonised people. I am not sure why he changed his prototype record page to a page where he openly insults Weth and rT.
I think we can all agree that a responsible guild leader who cares about the health of the community would have seen the advantages of Weth’s proposal and therefore he would have promptly moved to support the better alternative.
Obviously this is not what happened, but luckily the will of the community prevailed in the end.
Still, we can all see how frustrated some DnT members are since those events. Just read the weekly discussion threads, it is breath taking.
The question is: why are they salty anyway?
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
By this logic, manager at McDonald’s = CEO? You have literally no idea what you’re even talking about, is it comfy under your tin hat?
Your point was that Nike had “nothing” to do with record hosting. Now we all know that such statement is absurdly absurd. But maybe for you the manager at McDonald’s has nothing to do with selling fast food meals?
Besides, Nike is your guild leader, he tried to defend his guild initiative, he acted against the community’s initiative. What else do you need? Oh right, we need that part where Nike insults, the part where he criticises unconstructively, and the part where he is dishonest.
But the good thing is, as soon as I point out those things that anyone not from DnT is well aware of, then Nike begins to be constructive. You are welcome
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
it is already blowing up itself.
If the record initiative fails, it will be your (DnT) responsibility only.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Nike said it himself that he was the manager of the DnT record hosting.
The speed record community will not blow up itself unless we let people like you have their way.
Seriously, what is wrong with some (not all) DnT folks??
If you cannot have a toy only for yourself then you do everything you can to break it??
Grow up.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Delusional about Nike??
I know you three are DnT hivelings, but you cannot be so blind!
Allow me to refresh your memory.
When Weth suggested that records are hosted on gw2dungeons, Nike fought as much as he could against the idea. He through everything he had, he argued relentlessly – yet senselessly – and in the end the better option prevailed. In such situation, a reasonable man, a guild leader, would realise he had acted with too little judgement and too much ego. A sensible man would accept the will of the community. But what did Nike do? Oh it was quite clear!
The DnT website page where he wanted to host the records was changed for a page where he directly insulted Weth, and of course rT because why not. I have rarely seen so much salt in my life.
We can all see that the salt is all over the place when Nike adresses Weth, and when DnT hivelings fail to constructively discuss with Spoj. You guys wanted Wethospu’s initiative to fail since the start.
But now everybody can see how beneficial it is to have Weth in charge.
Of course there is much room for discussion and improvement.
Spoj may or may not have a point. Discuss with him, let the community express itself. Don’t go behind the scenes to try and shut him down.
Weth’s voting pace may have been too high. The reasons why there was so much voting have been stated clearly many times yet you guys decide to ignore them for some salty reasons: need to clarify rules, need to decide on how to decide. The advantages of such approach are clear: record approvers and record setters have less grey areas to deal with.
I cannot fathom why you would prefer to keep lengthy meetings and unclear rules instead of Weth’s system, but if such is your desire then express it without trashing and the community can then make its mind.
Finally you are no required to take part in all the votes if you think it is so “atrocious” and if you have requests Weth appears to be very efficient at addressing them provided you express them constructively.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Wow Card This is very … intersting, thanks for your input!
You did mention people “trashing” though, let’s talk about that.
We can all see that Nike has been irresponsibly trashing all record initiatives since the community prevented him from carrying out his plan to monopolise records. This attitude is no tolerable. Of course there are people constructively criticising the very young system we have in place, like Enko, but at least he is not trashing. I think it would be good to take a step back, try to forget about your damaged egos, and look at the situation.
Weth put in place a mechanism that is very efficient because it allows the community to finely tune the record scene.
This ambitious system was not perfect. Even Weth is humble enough to admit this. But it is very easy to improve. In a way, Enko’s proposal is a step in this direction: instead of continuous voting, vote all at once for one big settlement – why not. This does not mean that the voting system is flawed. It means that it can be built upon.
We can improve it by discussing without trashing.
I am tired of seeing people like Nike say things like “this is bad, duh”. I am tired of people senselessly calling out on Spoj – or even trying to have him resign :o I am tired of the irrational negativity that comes from a few players that we all know.
Are you really that salty?
For a change, be helpful and assist Weth to improve the system instead of insulting him.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
It would be easiest and fastest for everyone if ANYONE was allowed to make decisions by fiat. Benevolent dictatorship is the most efficient form of government, but has a lot of potential pitfalls around the interpretation of benevolence.
I’ll try to remember that quote for the next time you “benevolently” try to monopolise record hosting
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
the effort of answering a trivial poll is like 1 minute.
But then that’s one entire minute less available to train to land comets :s
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Wash the pain away?
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Wash the pain away!
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Because when you speak you say March 4th, 2015. MDY Same as when you write it fully, as in the previous sentence. However we use DMY in Quebec, and it was used in Ontario as well when I lived there. Woohoo off-topic discussions!!!
Everyone I know in the UK uses D/M/Y in spoken format i.e. “The 4th of March” too so I don’t know, we need a global vote on this.
I’ve been to 27 countries and only one of them uses MDY.
Actually, the international convention is YMD.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
As a recently learned man on satire I can tell you that EcoRI’s post is indeed satire
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Consider this: there are three possible cases when a group makes a speedrun.
1) It follows the restricted rule set and gets approved by the community
2) It follows the unrestricted rule set and gets approved by the community
3) It does not follow any rule
Element brought up case 3. People can do speedruns without following any rule, it will not be approved by the community nor will it be published on record websites, but technically it is still a speedrun – with no public and outside of any competition, but a speedrun nonetheless.
Edit: sorry, little sleep, it wasn’t clear for me that your post was satire but anyway, gwscr is the acronym fused or anything record related nowadays
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Cookie, what Element meant is that there is nothing preventing anyone from doing a speedrun the way they want and then publish it. People do not have to necessarily take part in the gwscr competition to make speedruns if they wish so.
Of course, if they want to take part in the gwscr competition then they must follow the rules.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I miss the times were records actually involved fun and out-of-the-box strategies
The more you think our of the box the less out of the box thinking remains available. Over time strategies become less innovative, until new content is granted to us.
This “community that decides the rules” that is often referred to is just a handful of people that like to roleplay as politicians, and most of them don’t even do records themself.
I believe there are something like 10 (edit: 11) guild leaders with voting rights. All these leaders are heading guilds that complete records now or have significantly impacted the record setting scene in the past.
All those rule meeting threads (it’s been 28 now i believe?)
42 is the number you are looking for.
(Edit: started only last month and only 8 voting sessions have been held so far. 28 is just the number of the week of the year in which the last voting took place )
records have only gotten less fun to watch since DnT doesn’t handle them anymore.
When something does not make sense look at where the money goes. Obviously wethospu gets filthy rich from designing a website, hosting records, and managing rule decision-making. Obviously he gets more money when records seem boring. Obviously the very fact the records were at some point in time hosted on a DnT website made them undoubtedly more fun to watch. Obviously I am being sarcastic.
And this:
No list of 40 specific rules that exclude any type of out-of-the-box strategy, no weekly rule meeting, and NOBODY has a problem with it.
but lets be honest, there aren’t many people that give a kitten about unrestricted records
So nobody has a problem with unrestricted records but nobody cares about them?
Thank you for your input.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
(edited by Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867)
Meanwhile, fresh air still has a cooldown.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I get your point and I agree
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
So it is one week decision-making versus two-weeks.
It is not much of a difference I think.
Maybe the most prominent problem now is not speed, apparently it is the amount of voting required. Some people have expressed how “atrocious” it is to have to click on a button once in a fortnight. If we go for rules + exceptions then I do not think we will have to vote more than once or twice per patch. It is probably optimistic, but in my opinion it is worth the try.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I really want to know if your goal is to curate rules for the community or to create word-traps to trick people into breaking the ruleset
Clearly Wethospu gets Dulfy money every time people break the ruleset
Fear the illumin-rT
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
It is possible to overlap lava fonts, by a good one second.
And the theory confirms this:
4s reduced cd
0.4s cast time
=4.4s real reduced cd
6s duration
= 1.6s overlapOf course this is not going to happen so perfectly because of latency and other casting oddities, but I tested and overlapping is actually possible.
I wasnt able to produce a 1.6s overlap but I couldve been lagging. The math says your correct but I couldnt produce two fields at once. Could be possible.
Try to do it by including the auto-attack in between each lava font cast.
The idea is that you need to queue up spells while you cast lava font so that the cooldown delay bug does not occur. So essentially: mash 1 as much as possible, cast 2 as soon as it is ready.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
I do not like it.
The changes they made to conditions just make then game less complex. I can understand why they needed to change how conditions work for the sake of balance, but I find the result uninteresting.
On the other hand, now I feel like more of my actions have a significant impact. This is especially true in the context of group play, since the burning output of all players is more effective.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
A full bunker Cleric E/W/A Ele can 1v2 for a very long while. Maybe we should buff base healing and reduce healing scaling. Or we can also wait and see how the meta settles.
For the sake of my fun, I wouldn’t normally want to air this, but your are bloody right. I have played EWA cele dd since the patch and I think it is very strong. But maybe it’s my enemies not playing correctly: they need to get used to diamond skin.
Edit: thank you forum specialist for coming here
I should add a few things:
- Fire is still undesirable for me because of the global ICD of burning ashes (it requires a per-target ICD, then balance from that point).
- We need to know which traits/skills have per-target VS global ICDs (contingengy, GoEP, ok; but how about the rest?)
- I am still not happy with the air adept minor. it is overlapping with too many traits.
- Sunspot is still impossible to land since all fire spells are ranged.
That’s all for now
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
(edited by Zelyhn Lekovitch.2867)
It is possible to overlap lava fonts, by a good one second.
And the theory confirms this:
4s reduced cd
0.4s cast time
=4.4s real reduced cd
6s duration
= 1.6s overlap
Of course this is not going to happen so perfectly because of latency and other casting oddities, but I tested and overlapping is actually possible.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Fresh air still has a cd
Ferocious winds is a conversion based on toughness
Much work to be done!
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Fear the illumin-rT
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
You are missing the point, maybe I did not make myself clear enough: there is nothing at stake between DnT and rT when it comes to guide writing. What ever they get from it does not take away anything attributable to rT, and reciprocally. We have different styles, different platforms, and different timings.
As for monetary matters, I was writing guides before Dulfy asked me, I have continued to this day, and I have never touched any money. I enjoy guide writing and I intend to keep it as a hobby. It does not make me an angel, it is just what I like to do. And I think most guide writers – DnT, rT, or others – are motivated by their passion just like I am.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Lava font is not an instant spell. It has a cast time and an aftercast time. The total animation time of the spell is close to half a second.
Therefore it is working as intended that the cooldown starts only a bit after you start casting the spell. This is the case for all spells that are not instant: the cooldown only starts when the animation is complete.
But there is a twist: unless you queue up a spell while you cast lava font (and a lot of other spells) then the cooldown will indeed take longer than intended to start. In order to avoid this, always spam the auto-attack button while your character is casting lava font.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
In the past I used to cooperate with [DnT]Keyz. We used to share knowledge and techniques to increase our mastery of the ele. This was highly beneficial for her guides as well as mine. I guess the events of the second tournament influenced her into breaking this line of communication. With the loss of cooperation there was less drive for quality.
So it is good that there is some kind of spirit of competition in guide making, this pushes us to put more effort into it. Competition is less fruitful than cooperation, but it does drive quality.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
We aren’t, though. It’s good that DnT is so assiduous and quick in making guides. The more the better for the community.
It’s not like any of us actually gets anything from making guides, it’s just a hobby, there is nothing at stake here ^^
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Your lack of willingness to overcome these difficulties surprises me spoj
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Patch is still full of bugs and highly subject to change.
Publishing guides now is a great sign of lack of foresight
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
In theory yes, but not in practice.
Before the patch changes, drake’s breath would inflict a base total of 8s of burn (4 times 2s). But in fact, most classes would have plenty of opportunities to cleanse this burn before it did its full damage, so a large part of our potential damage was wasted.
Now, since burning stacks in intensity, a much larger part of the damage we inflict is effective even before we finish channelling the breath.
I find that this really balances the damage nerf that each burning stack does.
Also, it forces our targets to react to the breath itself rather than just tanking it and nonchalantly cleansing the burn when they want. With the new changes, our enemies must try to avoid being hit by the breath, and due to its low cooldown this becomes a serious recurrent threat.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
Most elite spec artwork for other classes show a hint of the weapon they gain access to.
The elite spec artwork for the ele shows no hint at all.
If we were to get sword, I think they would show this in the artwork somehow; whereas the warhorn is not a very aesthetic weapon to display.
Retired elementalist theorycrafter
“Drake’s Breath: Increased the burning duration from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.”
Such nerf!
Retired elementalist theorycrafter