Showing Posts For Zen.1965:

Why do player stats affect siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Yea I have gotten poisoned at water camp from a treb and was still in combat and poisoned by the time I reached NE camp. And I’m a warrior whose condi removal is cleansing ire and apparently burst skills don’t clear condis if you’re OOC.

If you don’t do dmg with your burst it doesn’t spend adrenaline. Cleansing Ire depends on adrenaline being spent.

Frosura master race

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


There’s no great mystery at play or anything remotely like that.

NA prime time SF is STACKED. On reset night first week against HoD I think we had at LEAST 3/4 maps queued if not all at at least 1 point in the night. For the most part EBG, Home BL, and 1 additional BL, would be queued and for a period of time (30minsish IIRC). That’s relatively high tier participation. We have a decentish presence in late night/early morning, we’re relative ghost town til NA prime. This has been the case for about a year now at least.

There’s no “oh we didn’t have the numbers” when it came to HoD for SF. At all. Maybe the second week vs but certainly not the first. All the first week was was us being outplayed HARD. We fell short in the small man, we fell short in zerging, in guild groups, in defense, in everything. At least in bronze league the top 3 hasn’t been determined JUST through coverage, you can really appreciate the QUALITY of play between the three different servers. In that sense, mad props to HoD you played WELL.

Theres a lot of reasons why this server is above that server etc. In bronze league top 3 there’s a lot of complex considerations that need to be made, cant say the same for other leagues. SF has been shown where it needs to improve outside of sheer coverage and numbers and GOD I hope people realize that. I hope your fights with SF have provided you with the same opportunity.

Frosura master race

Week 7 - Fight For Second - SF/DH (and ET)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


My prediction is DH takes second, we’ll see how the weekday nights go but yeah, GG guys. Hope u have fun fights.

Frosura master race

Discussion: AOE Stability

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Ever seen a hammer train hit a disorganized zerg that doesn’t have good stability?

Yeah, it’s not pretty. And I can’t imagine it being fun for the poor kittens on the receiving end. Fights would just come down to which group could stunlock the majority of the other first (like they aren’t already). GW wiki says stability can only stack 3 times, dunno if true but food for thought.

So used to people wanting CC nerfs totally didn’t see a call for stability nerf coming.

Frosura master race

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Haha alright then xD

Frosura master race

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


7 screenshots and a gallery on just one page? LOL try harder xD

What’s with these guild groups dropping tiers and chest thumping cuz they can run through barely organized blobs, half of which will stay auto-attacking a tower gate til they die? I might be missing something but I don’t see what about that situation warrants getting so worked up over?

Does someone need a cookie and a hug?

I swear WvW is probably the one place you’ll find a large group of men getting together understating numbers. “Ours is sooooo much smaller than yours. Here’s a pic of one moment of what was a 5 hour run to illustrate the smallness of our members.” I think we all get it, there will be times your outnumbered, there will be times you aren’t. There’ll be times when your SS shows half your force, there’ll be times when it doesn’t. It IS WvW after all. No need to bust out your fingers, toes, and an abacus as if it validates anything you say more.

You came to a league where there’s very few if any established well-ran 15 man+ open field groups. Any group like that that’s come down in the past (VK which was a branch of RET I believe, AGG, VS which turned into INC) all came and left. If you wanted chest thumping worthy fights you transfered to the wrong server bros. But let’s be honest, was it really for that… Or was it just to pad that first place bronze league server? Maybe if you stick on HoD and they get bumped to silver you’ll whistle a different tune.

Forum trolls so funny Anyways, good fights all around. Reset weekend was intense. The week will fall into the usual coverage disparities and such yadda yadda we all knew what the outcome would be. Looking forward to a week of good fights, hope to run into Dx running their full group, heard good things but haven’t ran into it yet.

Much <3

Frosura master race

Some ANET interfered with our GvG

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Wtf twisted kitten logic is being thrown around here?

Guild group + 15 pugs runs into guild group + 23 pugs. They smash into each other and people on both sides get insta gibbed, then ppl start dropping left and right, rallies fire off, it’s all “kitten i kittened up, LOL RALLY.” Good times.

The two guilds decide they enjoyed the fight and would really like to just test their metal against each other. They go way the hell out of the way and fight it out for a while.

To this situation you respond “OMFG THEY’RE NOT CONTRIBUTING TO WVW” and kitten like that? Who the hell elected you time keeper? Should these people punch a time card when they log in that you’ll check at the end of every day too? Why aren’t you kittening about ppl akitteng, or uplevels kitten ing themselves into SM, or the mass of people running past 3 superior ACs in a lords room that have 4 mins left on timer? Or why aren’t you getting anal about some other aspect of “not contributing” that takes place EVERYWHERE!?

Kitten off with the quantification of server contribution, along with the arbitrary little “standards” you have placed on being qualified to enjoy a game mode. Am I going to run off and kitten out random individuals in map that aren’t on the commander tag and smashing the tower because they’re not currently contributing? Hell no, get real.

Stupid. Anet FAILED to accommodate a KEYSTONE element of their game. Period. sPvP is far too restrictive, WvW is the ONLY environment that can accommodate organized Guild vs Guild fights in a manner that offers a lot of flexibility (gearing choices, food use, etc, compared to say the sPvP environment), and the kittening game is called Guild Wars. Kitten off.

Who the hell are you to prioritize YOUR idea of how to play this game over someone else’s? To each their kittening own. This doesn’t even begin to touch on the fact that the VAST majority of GvG orientated guilds make up a large portion of THE dedicated WvW players who are out there for 3+ hours EVERY DAY smashing into zergs, fighting off the forces, to allow the towers and keeps to be taken and the precious WXP and ascended mats to be mindlessly farmed. As if PPT even matters anymore, Anet kitten d PPT of any meaning it had. Siege, holding points, etc, is really just there for the people who enjoy that large picture strategic element that unfortunately only this MMORPG offers. That’s to say it’s meaningless unless you decide to make it meaningful. That’s to say most people will not give a kitten and will just jump on whatever train is rolling throuugh the towers. Should rename this game Paper Wars as far as WvW is concerned.

Many guilds that participate in GvG, multiple hours the majority (lets say 5+) of the week out there raiding, supporting, contributing. And you have a problem with affording them one day of that week maybe an hour in some remote location on the most inactive borderland available typically on days in lowest activity (weds, thurs). Even from a PPT point of view it’s rare for those days to have any sort of deciding factor on the outcome of the match.

Honestly… Are you kidding me? Get Real.

Anet failed in design. They then make design choices that are counter productive in addressing the many complaints about WvW. They render PPT completely irrelevant (that is with league implementation because don’t come at me like the rank 6 server has a chance against the rank 1). Most people will log on friday, see how the dice roll, and if it’s a one sided match they’ll go farm whatever current PVE event provides the greatest gold/hour. If not, they’ll give WvW a shot. Blood lust has kittened over controlled balance in all aspects of WvW (from 1v1 to 30v30 to 50v5 to defense in off hours in general).

It feels like being deliberately cornered into sPvP for any semblance of competitive competition and speaking for my self kitten sPvP’s restrictions etc. That’s not what I got this game looking for. The element of this game that REALLY sets it apart from the mass of MMOs out there is WvW and the quality of the combat system. Now we plan to strangle that element to death? Great.

So much of the kitten I’ve read on the official forums about GvG and recent changes, etc, is so entirely self centered and misguided I can’t even take it seriously. It sucks to see a game I had seen so much potential in and enjoyed so much pull a kittening titanic and sink.

Frosura master race

I just realised how strong the staff is...

in Guardian

Posted by: Zen.1965


Step 1) Live
Step 2) Do dmg

Day 1 stuff. The better you are at living (individual skill, build, gear, etc) the more you can trade survival for dmg. The ideal is to meet the minimum for survival and maximize the dmg.

Staff #4s nice, good heals too. #2 does decent heal. Lines of warding are awesome. Auto attack wont post massive numbers but it’s basically guaranteed to hit 5 in large groups so in terms of overall dmg can be quite good.


Frosura master race

8/23: TC/CD/FA

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965



Hello…. Masses of people o.o

Just wanna say hard fights, good luck! More specifically (and long as this will probably be my only post in this thread and some might be interested I suppose)…

I think anet has a tad too much volatility in their match up system. Also seems they may need to adjust the determination of rating. It’s as if it hasn’t been adjusted to accommodate the RNG aspect of the ladder (ie: get roflstomped by a server for the week driving many to PVE and then get an even higher server along with the one that roflstomped you). I also tend to understate things. Adjustments necessary.

That said, I transfered like last week from SF to CD (hi SniffyCube). Cool learning experience. Lag gets stupid on my end, check through client side kitten and pray I suppose, making some of the larger fights more of a movie than a game. I did literally lol after running around for a while autoattacking taking not much dmg and SMASHING "stand your ground’, then getting hit by like 5 chain down/rallies, then walking away last alive to be instagibbed seconds later. Used to it in some 3 way SM fights but kitten its all the time with this sort of meta. Kind of sucks.

Had to bounce out on raid early so didn’t get the full TC experience but there was definitely some epic times. Hopefully we can all get a decent good fight/hour rate and enjoy the week. Really sucks to see so many people discouraged by PPT, possibility of winning, coverage, outmannedness, etc. RNG in this ladder system makes PPT relatively irrelevant. Imho it really comes to down to the overall community, cooperation, coordination, etc. Even when facing incredible odds just always sort of striving to get better be it call out response, roaming skill, evasion and map/zerg movement awareness, etc. Adapt. QQ is wasted energy.

Best of luck to all of us in finding good fights and good times. There’s no way I could possibly be on CD in WvW and give a kitten about winning. And really… Who should? No point.

Frosura master race

7/26 SF/GoM/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965



The stupidity I felt like I had to endure on my way to the end of this thread seemed almost overwhelming.

I’ve been on SF for months now. Glicko ghetto, tier climb, implosion, tier drop, etc. Fought [BS] many times in previous match ups and always had huge respect. Well ran, individual player skill seemed high, group synergy was great. No respect was earned tonight however.

Since VS transferred to SF I’ve ran with them lots. They do their thing, they do it well, and have lots of respect for them. They’ve illuminated a very fundamental and necessary part of WvW to a lot of our server and regardless what happens from here they’ve had a truly beneficial and positive impact on our server.

I was at the GVG spectating. If I were to pick one word to describe it it’d be: chaos. Sharpening my pointy finger and flailing it in people’s faces won’t achieve anything. One thing that can be said is there was enough responsibility for kittenty behavior to be shared. Now the common excuse for this would be miscommunication or lack of communication. This makes complete sense, however considering the screenshot shared by Pancakez only, it places the poor lighting on [BS] the most.

VS made a deliberate choice to make sure none of their players were using stacks due to their understanding of GVG. They are VERY new to GVG with a lot of new players just learning things. They had an understanding and respect of the rules as they knew them coming into what was understood to be a 20v20 GvG. Upon arrival though, confusion. Confusion that seemed deliberately encouraged by [BS] and the effort to reach a mutual understanding from [BS] seemed to be MINIMAL AT BEST as demonstrated again by Pancakez submitted screenshot. First round goes down, stacks and all included, and [BS] wins.

Then came the stack clearing event. Yes, some of [BS] put themselves forward to have stacks cleared. Kudos. Others hugged the backline with full stacks and utterly refused to have them cleared. Should you completely kill a player when only removing stacks? No. Should you purposely distance yourself and hide during this with your 25 stacks? No. Chaos ensued. Eventually a ragtag compromise was reached and round 2 started with outside interference and confusion on both sides. [BS] again won. Not taking that away from them.

After second round [BS] indiscriminately wiped every one of the spectators, balled up, and continued to wipe anyone that came near. I had put myself on the windmill, representing [Shin] with a kite out, and had 2-4 [BS] members go out of their way, out of their ball, up the ramp, to kill me. After doing so it seemed they just killed anyone that came close, period. Not entertaining even the notion of any continuation, not respecting their opponent or those that simply came to watch. After failed attempts and “we don’t give a kitten” responses, VS decided to do something better with their time. I can’t blame them.

This whole thing to me, honestly, seems little more than an exercise in futility, disrespect, and antagonization. [VS] is a developing guild, taking in many new members, getting them used to the style of play, etc. [BS] has been established and doing this thing for a while now, as stated by members in this very thread. I would hold them, considering such, to a higher level of expectation than I would [VS]. In that sense, I sadly have lost a good measure of respect for [BS]. I’m not going to call u unskilled or any bullkitten like that. It’s just the manner you conducted yourselves was deplorable.

And just to preemptively address this kitten, do I expect you ([BS]) to give a kitten about any of this? No. I don’t expect this lengthy post to have any effect. I just wanted to offer an as objective opinion as I could for those who weren’t there, who only know of this through this bullkitten forum war, etc.

In the end, respect to both guilds. You are very different from one another yet both skilled, and I hope your encounters have led to some mutual evolution. As for this kitten measurement contest…. I’m not insecure enough to participate. Carry on.

Frosura master race

7/12 ET/FC/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Was fun seeing you guys again FC & ET. Nostalgic…. Well, without the soul crushing hopelessness. Props to all of you guys running WvW, you never say die. Respect your determination. Gotta give a shoutout to IoM in particular for obv reasons.

That said I just wanna give a /bow to the small man elitism! Good to see it’s strong outside of HoD and NSP as well -.- /sarcasm.

BS, got respect for you guys no doubt. You do what you do well. Don’t fool yourselves, for whatever reason, into thinking its comparable to what VS does. Apples to oranges. “Oh blah blah blah 1v1 blah” w/e, it’s irrelevant and anecdotal. Can’t even take the kitten seriously anymore. What the two guilds strive to achieve is, in some ways, “worlds” apart. So, props on the trolling. That said, I respect the well ran small man crews and have done lots of it myself, nothing against it.

VS, super stoked to have you guys on board. Mad respect and appreciate the example you’ve set and the effect it’s had on our server. You’re great people to play with. You also clearly attract a KITTEN ton of attention xD

Good luck to you all in the future if we meet again (and to ET, good luck in our current match up).

Frosura master race


in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Easy guys, this is starting to flirt with the line between casual trolling/poking and genuine QQing.

I’ll say this much… I refuse to take anyone from SF (my server) seriously if they complain about GoM night capping. DH and IoJ kitten SLAPPED us when it came to night coverage. GoM you have a good night crew no doubt, but there’s a reason our ascent of tiers came to a screeching halt: night coverage. With school out it’s slightly different, but basically it means we went from, liberally, maybe 30 spread out, to 60. SF is an NA time zone server. DR knows what it’s like (kitten YOU IOJ).

One the same note, DR maintains a well upgraded territory. We, SF, have a tendency to lose well upgraded keeps rather frequently. This just makes it all the more harder for those brave souls that choose to WvW instead of farming CoF during NA off hours.

We’ve lost a good amount of players to recent PVE content as far as WvW goes. At the same time there’s been more server coordination and zergball tactics outside of the guilds that really represented it (KING and PVP come to mind mainly). At this time this match up serves as a great arena to practice this sort of approach. All servers involved are, imo, at a similar level of execution when it comes to large numbers (30+ basically) tactics. Most active, decent sized, WvW guilds can field an in guild 20 man group. 30+ is when it gets to a more “server/pug” characteristic of zergs. In that sense us as a server recently have improved greatly. I hope that facing our groups has inspired and promoted your own learning and growth.

There’s very little outside of “buying” an oceanic guild that we can do about coverage. Most oceanic orientated guilds in NA are established in higher tier servers. I’m sure this is a pain felt by many of the lower tier servers. No point QQing. Just gotta work with what you have. As such what we have is a close, competitive match up thats been very enjoyable. Lets see what the randomness has in store for us next week. We may be looking back at this match up very fondly after reset.

Frosura master race

5/31 - SF - ET - HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Lol comedic WvW week. When I saw the match up at reset I lol’d for a bit. The irony was overwhelming.

@ ET: Sucks to see you guys hit so hard by a sort of guild exodus Still persistent as kitten though. Had a great time a hills. I was like kitten this they have too many WP out. Turned into a crazy like 8 minute lord room hold. Great fights lot of fun. To the norn commander that took out my guildy’s AC at the back by alter. kitten you!! Precious loss of bags per minute Tried to push you off before you took it out but you’re resilient -.-

And to TAC… I remember you -.- Great seeing your tags around Always fun fights.

@ HoD: I missed your VLK zergs. I don’t remember LK from previous encounters but see you together a lot. Related? Anyways, great fights. Just finished crazy long epic siege of bay in your BL. That kitten was medieval. Awesome back and forth, like interpol said whoever was on that counter treb you know what you’re doing. That was insanely fun, haven’t really had an epic battle, push and pull, like that in so long. Much <3 to everyone involved.

Frosura master race

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Oh god walmart shoutout -.- we’re done for. (inside joke)

Frosura master race

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Well good bye my friends It has been a great journey. This new ranking system seems to have a lot of hurt in store for all of us. I hope we’ve all enjoyed our times here.

Shout out to [Abyss]. You guys represented strongly in our time together. I always perk up when I see one of those tags floating around. Quality large group and small group action. Though I’d say your large groups are far stronger (if your built around that it only makes sense).

IoJ, I kittening hate your late night coverage. DH too but that’s to be expected. A lot of us on SF didn’t expect the coverage curtain to be drawn so soon (thought T5 was when it’d hit honestly). Clearly we were wrong. Anything south of T6 IoJ will steamroll with little competition honestly.

DH… Good luck bro -.- You guys on the high end are going to get hit hard I expect, which is good, you need some competition at your level of coverage etc. SF can’t provide it (clearly, though we rep hard when time is available). We’re in the same boat, we’ll be kitten kicked by anyone of a T5+ simply due to coverage. We could have T1 class zergs and kitten during primetime but if we’re rocking 0 points (or kitten near) for 8 hours its hard to recover.

To be very arrogant and critical…. As far as zergs and groupings go, meh. T8 we had T1 guilds and such drop down so we know what a zerg ball is capable of. In that sense… meh. In T7 we learned what a small group is capable of. Again in this tier…. meh. We all need to tighten up when it comes to that.

So…. That said, thieves are your best source of blast finishers (shortbow #2). Stack on your guardians. Fire field + blast for might stacks. Guardians pop all their stability kitten for the group. Charge. Light field CC and such the enemy zerg and let your warriors/thieves/etc blast and whirl in the light fields (AoE retal and AoE condition removal). Warriors hammer and axe/axe. With the right build you’ll be able to F1 hammer all day long, swap into axe/axe #5 and do SERIOUS dmg. Restack on your guardians/commander/team leader. Drop a water field, blast and whirl the kitten out of it. Move away from water field, drop fire, blast the kitten out of it. Repeat. Necros plague form at this point, thieves poison field, throw poison around to reduce healing. Clean the zerg up.

DH especially has the ability to do this well if everyone’s on the same page. 20 running like this can wipe 60+ unorganized like they were nothing. Stay balled and spam F so anytime someone gets into downed state they’re immediately rezzed. This form the line, range AoE bullkitten zerg tactics won’t work against higher tiers. Always remember AoE has a 5 man limit.

Best of luck in future match ups Have enjoyed our stay together.

Frosura master race

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Ah forum chatter, it’s entertaining at first but then just becomes so redundant.

New WvW is interesting, crazy times to come it seems. It’s been good fighting with you guys.

Seriously speaking, thinking SF can hold anything it gains in the weekend during the week is unrealistic. Even if we were to maintain prime time weekend numbers during the week, we couldn’t capture and hold enough to keep ahead. DH and IoJ have enough numbers on during primetime to keep SF from taking enough to balance the loss that’ll happen at night. At night, we’re kittened.

DH has the best 24 coverage. On top of that their zergs at all hours are relatively well coordinated and efficient. IoJ’s day/primetime coverage is the worst (transfer to SF??!?! I’ll give you omnom bars). Excellent night coverage, anything lower than T6 stands no chance against it. DH is right there with you though. We don’t have anything REMOTELY comparable. We covered for nightcaps by STOMPING primetime. Can’t do that now, so here we are. During the weekend though, we show what COULD be.

This is all obvious, ppl that talk about coverage in this tier and thread make me -.- . SF and IoJ are comparable simply because their active time is almost the exact opposite of ours. DH is on a different level, the 24 hour coverage isn’t even remotely contestable by either SF or IoJ (again, TRANSFER!?! xD). That is in essence what it means to be in this tier, EB being the real gate keeper of T8-T5 vs T4-T1. It only gets crazier from here.

In essence, outside of coverage, every server in this tier needs to work on the same things. Some more so than others. Zerg vs Zerg isnt just about numbers but coordination. Refresh siege. Keep upgrades rolling. Don’t spread yourselves too thin. Immediately rez ppl that get downed. Etc.

We came out of T8 with (after a long drawn out battle) good standing and terms with FC and ET. I hope in the future weeks of chaos we can maintain the same sort of standing with DH & IoJ. Enjoyed these battles a lot.

Frosura master race

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


TL;DR: …….. Srsly stfu ppl. I’m saying this to my server (SF) as much as I am to anyone else.

I was STOKED to see the atmosphere in the match up thread once we hit T6. It was like a breath of fresh air after the joke that was T7 match up thread(s). I’ll be kitten if this degrades into the kitten PvF bullkitten the last one did.

I don’t want to encourage server drama and kitten so I’ll address this entirely to SF (with much kittening <3 guys). What the KITTEN did you expect? We’ve been working on server-wide coordination since Tkittening8 and from daykittening1 we’ve been bringing up the insanely crippling vulnerability that is our coverage from (liberally/roughly) 1AM server time – 10AM server time. It was and still is (painfully now) KNOWN that what will halt our tier climb is coverage within that area.

On reset can we rain down some hell-spawned storm? Of course. Can we destroy through the weekend? Yes. But we also have lives, we also have jobs, and those obligations call at the expect time where we don’t have coverage (and this coming from someone that’s up til 5-7AM server time on weekends, 1AM server time on the week days in WvW). We bring the storm on weekends even though there are many server and guild events that run in cohesion (yay coordination) on the weekend. In this tier, we secure a healthy lead, and watch it bleed/die during the nights of the week when we can’t rock the coffee until 2 in the morning.

Does it suck? Yeah. Does it turn off a lot of people for whatever reason so that our primetime during the week is low? Yeah. Is it something we’ve had to experience lately? No, because though we got hit hard at night in all the tiers, we could get enough of a lead in the prime easily to negate those night gains.

Is their an alliance between the other servers and they work against us? Who the kitten cares? They play smart, they are opportunistic. The attack the path of least resistance first as to offer them a strong foundation to attack the competition. This isn’t an alliance, it’s intelligent play and I’d do the exact same thing. IoJ wants second, DH wants to minimize the SF threat. Their goals overlap and as such their actions appear coordinated even though they’re purely self serving. Don’t kitten about it in the forums, please.

Another subject: Skill. Don’t kittening bring it up please. I have fought many skilled that I respect both small and large scale. I’ve also fought many that I was like “omg too much glass shattering” on voice chat. We as a server need to understand our large group tactics, zergballing and such, is nothing to be proud of. Our experience near the end of our stay in T8 should have made that more apparent than anything. Instead of kittening about it, learn, adapt, and overcome.

I’m tired of these kittening complaints. We WANTED a fight. We WANTED to lose. We WANTED to be forced to see where we are weak. And yeah, it sucks that server transfer to our server is so steep and that oceanic crews are pretty much settled for the most part. The coverage gap is a kitten HARD problem to fix…. But even given all that, can you honestly say you haven’t been challenged? Can you honestly say you haven’t had epic fights? Isn’t this what we wanted?

I SERIOUSLY hope that we as a server can continue to HONOR the RESPECTFUL and APPRECIATIVE atmosphere that both DH and IoJ worked to create on our arrival here. Please do not kitten on my parade when it comes to this.

Keep up the good fights and (hopefully) the development and respectful atmosphere this match has provided (for all servers involved). I have nothing but love and respect for all of you on DH and IoJ. I have absolutely no problem taking my time to enjoy this.

Frosura master race

DD eles what you been doing post patch?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zen.1965


Short answer: Same thing I did before patch. Increased pity towards ele builds other than bunker.

Long answer: Same thing I did before patch. Increased pity towards ele builds other than bunker. Alt+ tab frequency increased as it takes me a long time to cover ground in WvW. So slow.

Mistform change: Not being able to pop ether renewal/cleansing fire or flame or w/e, during mistform sucks. That is all. Answer: Changed timings and stuff, hit the “oh kitten” button earlier. More attentive to getting immobilizes (though they’re not a huge problem) down before MF. Using MF to move to a spot to heal as opposed to a chance to heal.

RTL changes: FML moving across map. Don’t have 10 air for perma swiftness, only have the swiftness from attunement swap. CD from RTL + Lightning Flash means I’m at the back of the pack a lot now. Ambient creature mortality rate increased, neutral creature aggro rate increased, travel time increased. Effect on fighting? Minimal, though I’ve never been much of a troll ele. Rarely ever use RTL to escape. If I do though, other classes that could keep up in the past overtake me now. HS spamming thieves are always nipping at my heels now. Using it to move around the field of battle sucks more now as RTL is glitchy and any attentive/good player will dodge anyways.

GM Water trait: I play very little PvP so not feeling the effect. Also haven’t ran it in a while. Basically just as said previously from 6 -> 5 on your heavy condition removal cycle. Not too devastating but there’s been many times that’s been my cause of death.

Signet passive healing reduction: It’d suck, livable though, and haven’t ran it for a while either.

In closing: Ouch to non-bunker builds, this patch must’ve sucked huge for you guys. Bunker build? Meh, another day in the office. My assistant just got slower.

Frosura master race

Which World to transfer to?

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Yeah that’s kind of what I figured. I just don’t have any T5 experience so I couldn’t really comment on the state of the match up. There’s like a critical mass of player density that once hit slaps a harsh diminishing returns on small man stuff. Not to say it can’t be done, just you have to get good at zerg dodging and prepare your body for the massive amounts of kitten and repair you will endure. Lines of scrimmage get laid out and if you try ninjaing your way past it you’ll most likely meet a 15+ group very quickly. Response time is also way quicker and the likelihood of you being cut off on your way to camp B from camp A increases. T7 seems to be the haven for small man in NA.

Frosura master race

Which World to transfer to?

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


As far as NA servers go, T8-T6 you’ll have a lot of good opportunity for small man, ninja tactics, etc. T7 probably best for that. T6 you still have tons of that but you get more zergcentric and coverage becomes an issue. You’ll be steamrolled 5 manning a camp by 30+ far more frequently than in T7. I’m assuming T5 is more of the same, but at least in T6 small man stuff is still important. Just get good at zerg dodging.

Frosura master race

Official T6 Matchup: DH|SF|IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


It was so anticlimactic. It was literally like “lulz KING troll guild. Maybe good fights?” Then no, zerg melts. Oh wellz, I hear they’re in training so maybe better luck next week? I recommend toughness and vitality, they’re good stats.

Frosura master race

4/26 T6: DH/IoJ/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Lol oh my kitten. I read page 4 and was like “NOOOOOOOOOO!!!” Glad to see a return to civility xD

Not only am I happy with the state of WvW as far as match up, this sort of match up thread is incredibly refreshing. Massive amounts of respect to both DH and IoJ, you guys are top tier opponents as far as I’m concerned, respectful, respectable, courteous, polite, skilled, etc, etc. I’m so glad that we’ve landed in a tier with people like you.

With that said… We’ve landed. Night time coverage (to be specific 1AM to 2AM – 9AM to 10AM server time [that’s PST for those not in the know]) has been our time of near crippling vulnerability since T8. We don’t have a wide diversity of timezones on this server, this has been known for a long time and was also the foremost concern we had with raising through the tiers. We knew that, in the end, coverage would be what caused our climb to stall. T6 provided that in spades.

That’s not to take anything from DH & IoJ. Even in prime time hours lately the numbers haven’t been ridiculously skewed one way or another. If I were to say anything to it it’d be: school, fairweathers jumping ship, casuals feeling too much pressure, and hardcore WvWer’s feeling burnt out from our tooth and nail climb from T8. Ignoring all this, we can post some intimidating as kitten numbers during prime time. That coverage gap though…. Not much we can do about it.

In that sense SF is forced to maximize it’s gains when the numbers can support it via working the tick, etc. What do I think of that? About kittening time. I’m glad we’ve FINALLY gotten our wake up call. No more fairweather, no more 24/7 mesmer on JP, no more carebear kitten. We have to organize.

Does it suck logging in after work and seeing the score? kitten yes. Has it been a while since that happened? kitten yes. Been a while, if ever, since I’ve said green looks disgusting on our BL. Does it make me angry? A little bit But in the end it makes me happy. This has to force our server as a whole to grow, otherwise why the kitten do we commit so much of our lives to this?

I’m happy to be in a tier with such respectable competition. I look forward to ALL of our mutuals growths, I hope that SF has for both DH and IoJ at least changed perspective on the WvW match-up. For us (SF), WvW has been very stale. If any of you can relate to that, then I’m glad we found our place here.

I look forward to many good fights in the future, and I hope we can continue to respect the challenge and pressure we apply on each other. Mad respect DH & IoJ. This has absolutely been one of my best WvW experiences. I hope we (SF) as a server have provided you the same enjoyment.

Much <3 and astonishment to such a respectful match up thread. Plz keep it this way.

Frosura master race

(edited by Zen.1965)

4/26: HoD/ET/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Zen.1965


Tabs get so confusing -.- Ty tall!

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Last night’s tower fight is a prime example of multiple people taking an aggressive attitude and exaggerated account of what really happened. Hell, the guy from [Shin] in several posts up is another recent example of someone taking shots at us, and doing so while telling a story that isn’t even true. Did we post anything about him or his guild? Absolutely not, he feels the need to say that, so he said it. I don’t fault him for it, but my response is not going to be inviting him over for a beer. An ignorant post deserves an equal response… at least on a video game forum it does. It’s why I’m not directing a hostile response towards you, because it’s very clear that’s not your tone.

Beg your pardon? I assume you’re talking about me because of the mention of [Shin] as I’m the only one rocking that tag in the sig right now (Waggs btw is from Shin). Telling a story that isn’t true? I’m sorry, I don’t know if you were there or not. I also will not be held accountable for (potentially) a faulty memory. What I remember is being at Hills in one of the BLs, think it was HoD but not sure, ninja cata location (we all know it), we had a zerg. PAXA showed up before we even set up at hills, saw us, but sat at a distance and didn’t engage. Cool. Then when we set up you guys came in. We pushed you back, most of the zerg/PUG/w.e stuck around the cata. It was mostly shin that chased you guys down the hill back towards the tower. There we had a great fight. It was honestly awesome, loved it. The numbers weren’t stupidly skewed to our favour or anything (at one point I think it was 2 Shin, me and a ranger, vs 3-4 of yours, etc). In the end, PAXA lost. Next time I saw them was at SF spawn in NSP BL. I don’t see where I’m lying or telling false stories or anything. What gives? VLK shouted out to us, I shouted out back, had good fights with that guild. Why’s it any diff with our guilds?

I tossed props your way, said you run solid builds with good synergies. Sure, I took some trollish potshots at you but can you blame me? We have what? 4? 5? Closed threads… PAXA being involved in a lot of it… C’mon now. Don’t play the victim. (I know you’re going to not like me saying that, you’ll come up with something, want to respond to it, etc, but let’s get real that’s how you come off right now).

Honestly, if you want consistent 5v5 man challenges, go sPvP. Period. Oh can’t run your specific WvW based build there due to restrictions and nerfs? That sucks, but it’s about skill right? I want to point something out…

We take no pride in killing a solo player with a full group, our focus is looking for groups that will give us a challenge.

Isn’t this EXACTLY what SF has been saying the whole time? As your guild and others have sat here saying we zerg with no skill etc etc? We take no pride in steamrolling a server because of numbers. We came out of T8 doing that, here we are in T7 facing the same criticisms, the same bullkitten. Yet many of you ask, why do points matter? Why do we care? It’s because the points, the rating, is what puts us into a tier. That we want a tier with similar numbers, we want to be receiving instead of giving for a change, so that it can force us to adapt, evolve, grow, and develop as a server. Not to sit in a forum kitten contest, not to farm world completion and badges, but to feel the pressure of a competitive environment to FORCE us to become more organized. THAT’s the reward. Just as you talk about how 5v5, small groups, etc, improves individual skill (I AGREE) we want that as a SERVER. Big picture kitten. Not everyone is in here for just small group (btw sPvP accommodates that sort of player quite well).

Your post overall is respectful. I appreciate it. At the same time, it has been PAXA and XOXO and guilds like that that have encouraged the aggression, animosity, and have been pivotal in the closure of numerous match up threads before this. So in that sense, your post is kind of hypocritical don’t you think? Not trying to stir the pot here, just saying. Remember, as defensive as you are of your guild, I am of mine. We’re chips off the same block so to speak.

@Azaruil.3406: Dunno man, you’d have to be more specific or I’d have to reference SS/video. We weren’t in HoD BL, it was NSP. NSP’s “large group” was on our break out tower, HoD’s “large group” kept fighting us at the spawn relatively ignoring NSP. There was PAXA among many other HoD tags/guilds/members/w.e. It wasn’t like we were out zerging you and I’d consider what we had to be a zerg. Not going to argue semantics. Have screenshots though so if “pics or it didn’t happen” is the mentality I can post them. Doesn’t seem significant enough to me to though.

Frosura master race

Op class in wvwvw

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Guardian, mesmer, ele, necro. No specific order, but in WvW those are power classes in and of themselves. Glass thief can be strong but honestly any of those classes, given good reaction time, shouldn’t have much trouble w/ glass. All those listed classes also offer a lot to a zergball so….. Yeah.

Honestly though Jeknar was on point. Anything played well within the confines of their role is a serious kitten to deal with.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Nah no zerg. You guys run solid builds, solid synergies. Very evasive. Remember I think 2 mesmers, a guardian, an S/D ele, and… Forget who else. In all honesty that was more of a troll comment The fight was legit, lots of fun and back and forth, lasted a long time. You guys can run though god kitten Esp the ele…

Edit: I waved at the ele a couple times <3 enemy eles.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


i wasn’t there…. im on “ehmry bay” for the 80th time

Altho im probably going to transfer back to NSP now that sekz guild was deleted so i have no more reason to be here. I’m on vacation atm so i’ll figure everything out when i get back ^>~

Sorry bro, honestly didn’t know. After how ever many closed threads, etc, etc, it’s hard to keep up with specifics of what is said ya know? And that’s cool if you’re coming back to NSP or w.e. Just didn’t really expect someone in a diff server to call out that vid.

Yeah…. that was a sloppy night. Pretty sure I actually gave props to the XOXO/SPCA (is that it? Can’t remember the S guild) on melting my face that night. I think I remember looking at my combat log after the necro hit like “wtf just happened?” but that was a super sloppy night. I was running icon cuz it was more of a “capture a point and hold” mentality than anything. So of course everyone on map was grouping around me. Not usually that sloppy but alcohol has that effect

@dank, dude chill. With a name like yours I figured you’d already be. It’s not like I’m looking for a super balanced match up or anything like that. It’s looking for a tier where our server (SF) isn’t just mindlessly zerging other servers and winning. Need challenge. That’s where points/rating comes in. Like connect the dots man, I didn’t think I needed to do it for you.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Done with this joke thread.

Before you go weren’t you that ele that showed he had no understanding of the difference between “diving” and “overextending” in that SPCA + XOXO video of them wiping your zerg? I can’t remember cause i dont have the link anymore and I remember you writing your lifestory about that video before the video came out or smthn

If so, I find it laughable anything you say

ROFL omfg yes! That was me. Don’t remember much of that night. That was SUPER late night, sooo drunk. You guys run around that time usually?

Edit: @dank: It’s not about what’s currently competitive/balanced man. It’s about getting to a point where it isn’t one sided. You understand, right?

Frosura master race

(edited by Zen.1965)

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


[Shin] nice 2v3 at NSP blue

Thanks Dogskins Not sure who was there but appreciate the mention. Saw a lot of VLK tonight. Would you guys be interested in setting up a GvG? Doesn’t matter the numbers really, just something I think would benefit us both as a learning experience and get more of my guilds members interested in WvW.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Lulz @ PAXA and XOXO trolls xD

Seriously, you guys are funny… ish. Kind of try hards in my opinion but w/e. Btw, PAXA, where was your necro tonight?

Yeah Waggs SS only had whatever, 10-15. There was more. I know, you can see “Razs Lighter waves, cheers, etc”. Yeah, all servers zerg. You’d be severely challenged to argue otherwise. Also, if you interpreted what Waggs said as anymore as a poke to the threads worth (as we’ve had many) of complaining vs zergs, then again I gotta question what you’re smoking and if I could get some.

You troll people kill me xD Mostly because of the self-contradiction. I love that kitten honestly. kitten and complain about how “zerging is not our style” then join up a zerg to spawn camp SF spawn in NSP (coughPAXAcough). Then when the zerg mentality is thrown back at you people, demonstrated, you get all defensive like “we never said we didn’t zerg.” If that’s the case…. Get better at it.

Clearly we have demonstrated there is a difference of tactics, strategy, and even build, when it comes to solo roam vs small group vs zerg. All of which are applicable (which you have just admitted you won’t argue). So stop getting our match up threads closed mmkay?

And this kitten about “oh there’s no reward, oh there’s no money, oh there’s no this and that” about putting significance to points. It’s because we, as a server, want to get to a competitive level. The way this system works is you need WvW rating. SF is used to glicko expecting us to bust out 24/7 500+ rating points for an INCREASE in rating. If we fell below that we’d lose rating. We don’t enjoy the curbstomping we’ve given T8, let alone doing it again in T7. Maintaining the point count accelerates our ascension from this tier (which we can all agree is needed) and reach a tier that is competitive. So don’t act, when you kitten about the outnumbers, the zerging, etc, that there is no point to focusing on points in this match up. Self-contradictory…. Again.

So yeah anyways, keep trolling trolls, you’ll get better eventually. Just like (hopefully) your 5 mans will.

Done with this joke thread.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965



if the thread is bound to be locked, why would you bother even posting that book you just wrote that nobody is ever going to read?

If you don’t read, you don’t appreciate, and I don’t care about you. I wasn’t saying that this is doomed to closure, I honestly hope it doesn’t. If the “blah blah blah” part blew your mind with the monumental task those few paragraphs posed to you, I apoligize.

TL:DR…. Wanna duel/small group/GvG? Msg me, let’s set it up. Windmill, southern camp, whatever BL is least active I suppose. We’ll get it set up.

While I don’t appreciate your tone or your message, you are more than welcome, as are all of you. Hopefully we can gain respect for each other in actual battle instead of this forum PvP. I look forward to fighting you.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Afterwards we had a warrior join our little party (at this time it wasn’t a Shin party but a sort of server mutt party <3 u guys) and we proceeded to organize duels by the windmill. Unfortunately the only one that seemed into it at the time from NSP was this particular warrior (can’t remember your name or guild, your name started with a Dra…g….something…) Mad respect and I hope to do that again my friend. Unfortunately my keyboard striking talents (you don’t even know how many times I’ve hit backspace over the course of this post) were very lacking. I hope to give you a fight deserving of your talent at a later time.

Sure, at the start when he joined there was a lil kittentalk. Whatever, comes with the territory. At the end though, there was (and hopefully continued to be after I left) respect. It’s things like this that I, members of my guild, and I would hope all of us appreciate and respect. When we had randoms come by, after letting them know what was going on, they bow’d out and continued on their path. Respect to all of you that caught us at the windmill and did that.

With the amount of mention there have been of small scale/1v1 battles, skill, etc, I’d like to then formally extend to both HoD and NSP an invitation. Let us collaborate. My account name is evident here for you, my in game character names (Mainly Razs Lighter but I do spend some time on alts [currently leveling a necro]) are available in my sig. Whisper/friend/mail/whatever me in game. I’d enjoy setting up some designated nights just for small scale/1v1/2v2/whatever around the windmill. I think many guilds on my server would also be up for it. Doesn’t matter if your guild can’t field 20, let’s just accommodate each other.

With this I hope to end all this bickering, all this kitten talk, all this angst, resentment, and overall frustration with the match up. I hope that you (especially the vocal minority here on the forums) will agree to this set up and agree to end the disrespect here on our server match up because it’s honestly not deserved across the board.

I look forward to many good battles with you all for the duration of our collective stay in T7. Much <3

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965



We earned ourselves a closed original match up thread, are we really trying to get 2 in a one week period?

@Dogskins, thanks man, I hope I faced you tonight, but I wasn’t in a condition to really remember anything honestly. It’s nice to see that kind of shoutout in this storm of kitten throwing.

Considering everyone seems to toss around subjective, anecdotal evidence about their issues with this match up…. I’ll throw in mine. While some of what I say may come off as somewhat offensive, please, give me the benefit of the doubt, and it’s only from respect that I say this…

Large group/zerg-wise: I’m not impressed. We (SF) are coming out of T8 on the recieving end of the free transfer phenomenon. I believe HoD benefited from this as well? I can’t remember right now. ET received [Agg] and [FoE] (to stay), FC received [VK] aka Reticle (on vacation they left just before we moved to T7). If you don’t know these guilds, I question how serious you are about WvW. They don’t just deserve respect, they demand it. Headbutting the [Agg] zerg that then became a Agg/TFoR/PK/W.E zerg was incredibly illuminating and forced us to reconsider a kitten LOAD about our large group/zerg tactics. Both ET and FC were affected in the same way just on the other end of it and have developed strongly as servers, much respect to my T8 brothers and sisters.

There was never a question of the SF numbers… And honestly… Our night crew isn’t that numerable. You guys (this vocal minority on the forums) knew full well what was coming. Some of you even went as far as saying it wasn’t concerning, or that saying outside of mathematics there was a reason we were in T8. Have we proven you wrong yet?

If you think our large group/zerg tactics are hard to deal with… Ask your GoM brethren how they feel about Agg. ‘Nuff said. We (SF) have a lot of work to do and we are working on that. But let’s get one thing absolutely straight, while T8/T7/and i dunno but maybe T6, are a safehaven, a sanctuary for small group tactics and the enjoyment that comes from that with the relative unpredictability of WvW (as compared to sPvP), as you ascend the ranks, you don’t learn the importance of zerg tactics, you’re force fed it. You unfortunately are yet another arena for us to understand, collaborate, and work on those. While I can’t speak for all of my server (and the kitten talking evident here) I apologize for it. We are a byproduct of the changes WvW has had recently, as such you are a victim. Can we please understand and respect this? And try to enjoy ourselves in what (hopefully) will be our short stay here in T7? I’m not interested in landslides, I’m not interested in mindless zerging. Until we get to a tier where the challenge forces the PUGs to get on a similar level as our Commanders/Organized guilds, etc, this will simply be a part of the scenery in whatever server we occupy.

With that in mind, I have only respect for both HoD and NSP. I have only hope for GoM, and even more hope and respect for my ET and FC brethren in combat. I hope we can maintain a sense of respect through our collective encounters. Do we have a population advantage here? Yes. Are we a very high population server? Yes. Do we field the numbers very high population servers do in higher tiers? No. Do we have the coverage of high tiers? No. We’re all trying to find our home. Let’s not turn that admirable pursuit into a kitten contest please.

Now there’s been a lot of kitten about groups melting, lack of skill, etc. Honestly, I’ve come across groups from both your servers (mostly in EB I’ll admit) that are a complete joke. If compared to the likes of Agg… Not even worth acknowledgement. I’ve spearheaded group wipes with fewer numbers numerous times on various borderlands. Than I’ve ran into small groups (like tonight in I believe HoD BL, honestly can’t even remember what borderland I was in) that melted my face. XOXO and some S….somethingorother…. (No disrespect, your name is just harder to remember than XOXO, your players seemed to be a similar caliber) had a group running around whatever borderland I was in and honestly god kitten Great job guys. Many great back and forth fights, and also many facerolls through us. Hills struggle anyone? (Dogsmack, maybe you were there? I can’t remember all the tags I saw tonight). You seemed tigh, coordinated, your builds were tanky as kitten I couldn’t really pick anyone out to target (other then that kitten Charr thief that’d melt me with heartseekers as some necro Boon -> Con’d me and mesmers were running confusion. Super ouch) that even seemed remotely vulnerable (uplevels excluded of course). We had a hard time organizing the PUG (plz, rebuild outer wall when their group is at inner and we have 200+ in the keep… for the sake of my sanity, plz). Great fights all around ( kitten YOU CHARR THIEF).

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Supply camps provide supply.

Edit: ROFL @ The yak and meese pics. Epic guys.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


The problem is we are here for different levels of fun. SF seems to only know how to have fun with 40 + people around each other.

HoD has it’s 20 manners, as well as NSP. (which i still find equally annoying)

There are ALSO a good number of people who only need 1-10 around them to have their fun, and SF doesn’t have any of those. That’s why the thread got closed because other than those Osif pointed out, the forum posters would like to enjoy more skill-full combat in open world pvp. And you all simply do not provide anything close. This isn’t trolling, it’s stating facts man.

Nah man, everyone on every server comes to WvW for different aspects of fun. Do we have a lot of people? Yes. When I go to do something do 40+ of my friends tag along? Sometimes. Does that mean we don’t have fun in small group/GvG/roamer sort of playstyles? Not at all.

“There are ALSO a good number of people who only need 1-10 around them to have their fun, and SF doesn’t have any of those.” Sorry but just not true. I can tell you for a fact that we do have a lot of people who like the 1-10, 1-20, etc, small group, GvG sort of environments. Like I said though, when it comes to WvW, outside of a specifically designated set up, you will find a lot of us. Just kind of how it goes.

Skillful open world PvP? Interesting man… As far as “simple facts” go I honestly question how much you’ve really seen. It’s 3 days into the match up. Don’t just dismiss our server because we field numbers to steam roll supply camps all the time (btw most of them are probably there to get supply not just to flip the camp). Like I said, you all have my account info. Add me, I’ll duel. Want something more then that? Small group or maybe GvG stuff? Whisper me and maybe we can work it out.

Just please, end this kitten talk. K?

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965



Seriously… Like I’m not directing this to anyone or any server in particular. Seriously, we get our match up thread closed and we’re only in the 3rd kitten day of it? Wtf guys?

Hopefully we can keep this one somewhat civil -.-

As for SF’s golem march through EB it was 29 alphas and 1 omega. Needed the omega to command them all, it just doesn’t make any sense otherwise.

@Rob, sneaky kittens… I must’ve logged out just before you guys pulled that golem maneuver on our BL. Was hoping the east coast crew would take care of anything like that. GJ. All keeps… we had that upgraded well…. You break my heart man <\3. Well played.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Unfortunately a number of my posts were removed because they referred to/quoted deleted posts.

I just want to say that I and the vast majority of SF (god knows we/all servers have our fair share of trolls/disrespectful vocal minorities) are incredibly happy to be in T7 and respect and appreciate our opponents. So many absolutely epic battles. Many on the edge of your seat moments.

Who knows how long this match up will continue. We have numbers, we have zergs, etc, etc, etc, but it’s hardly anything (given what takes place in say T1) to really dedicate a server match up thread to kittening about. Hopefully we can avoid all the unnecessary kitten talking, deleted posts, and (god forbid) infractions.

See you on the field.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


@ Spets: There’s been kitten thrown in all directions in this thread honestly. And trust me, the majority of SF appreciates the new match up and both the servers we’re in it with. You guys have put up some terrific fights and I’m not going to jump into this kitten talking about skill or tactics. It’s pointless.

These forums represent the vocal minority. There are really no hard feelings on SF’s side to HoD and NSP. My previous comments were directed to the vocal minority that felt it necessary to try to degrade our efforts and our achievements. It’s not warranted. I’d truly like to see more appreciate in these conversations and a respect for your opponent. Unfortunately, that seems more a pipe dream than a possibility.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


If we were looking at our T8 zergs why are you posting on this thread and not the T8 match up? You think we didn’t field zergs like that in T8? Lol, go ask anyone on ET or FC, they’ll let you know this kitten isn’t new. We didn’t benefit from the recent transfer migrations, sorry to tell you that. Think this train will slow down? I just bought you a tiny violin off ebay, it’s in the mail.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Wait you left T7 because you wanted even fights….but you believe that the problem in T8 wasn’t the system. Looks like the brave people on T8 made out pretty well. ET is looking real nice too

If you had those numbers in T8 they should have been on the field and not whining about the system.

100 man zergs could have painted the map green. 25 Golems could have taken anything. (I only saw 15 myself, but your guys say 25).

If you’d had those numbers in t8 you would have been out of there in a week.

Um a lot of them were bro. We came on the tailcoat of Kain. That put ET and FC WvW rating down to a stupidly low level. We could be floating 400-600 PPT kitten near 24/7 and still be barely getting points. We had a week with a lil more around 400, then we’d lose points. We pull a 600 week, we gain but small amounts. Lot of people got tired of the T8 glicko ghetto and decided to run for ascended gear. Guess what? Those people are back.

We’d need to have fielded complete dominance, have a 500 person oceanic guild like WM just slaying everything through the night, to truly have made it out of that rating sink within a reasonable time (1 month) let alone a week. Honestly I feel like you have no idea what you’re talking about with this argument. The score speaks.

Frosura master race

4/5 HoD/NSP/SF

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965



Let’s get serious… There have been a lot of complaints about the mathematics behind the glicko system (T8 specifically). So many posts made illuminating this problem. Devs come in and bump us up to T7 (thank you btw, <3 you guys for that, we earned it). GoM takes our place in T8, FC and ET stomp on them. We come up to T7, and yeah it was a lil concerning on friday reset night…. All I gotta say now is, enjoy the train. It doesn’t stop.

I sat back and watched as HoD, NSP, GoM, whoever the hell it was, was kitten talking us saying we don’t deserve to be T7. I remember someone posting a little highlight video of a bunch of golems in a ring around SM. I remember them asking, “are you ready for this?” Um…… Hope you enjoyed our golems tonight. Where are yours? When you golem’d SM, that was a GLORIOUS fight in the lord room. We were pulling out our army of 26 golems, lost like 3, and you had us scared for a little bit…. But you lost.

This thread is looking a lot like our match up threads with ET and FC. Their numbers, their night crew, their this and that.. They zerg and zerg and have no skill just so many. You were warned. You knew what was coming. Why kitten about it now?

And you guys talking kitten about our zerg tactics etc…. That’s cool, I mean yeah, we realize this, we know it’s kind of chaotic and sort of just a swarm on ppl. The thing is before we were bumped up to T7 we fought ET and FC. Know what that means? Agg, FoE, VK. Nah, we’ve felt the hard dry kitten of T1/T2 zerg tactics. Don’t think we’re out of touch with this (I’ve seen some posts about KING here, evidence of the knowledge we have of higher tier zerg tactics). We’re getting our coordination together, we’re aware of what to do… We just don’t need to.

I don’t want to seem overly condescending right now, but there’s been enough said to warrant it. We had our fair share of kitten talking when we were stuck in the T8 ghetto. All the same things were said. Now, ET and FC are our little brothers it’d seem. They’ll be following us up this ladder. Don’t underestimate them.

I look forward to our future fights, and I’ve enjoyed the ones we’ve had. We were told our zergs were glassy back in T8 and coming here… You don’t really have any ground to stand on criticizing the skill/“glassiness” of our zerg. I’ve had very little problem with your groups. Go fight Agg and then come back to me. Massive respect to those guys.

If you dislike what’s going on right now, I apologize. At the same time… ET and FC suffered this kitten for a long time. To complain after 2 days is just sad. Let’s see how it goes.

Frosura master race

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965



Reading this thread sometimes makes my head hurt. What’s with that?

Let’s get serious, and let’s get a couple things straight… Total server population =/= WvW participation. That said, SF (may have changed I dunno, haven’t looked into it) has a greater server population than FC and ET. How much of a difference? Don’t know, don’t care. SF has more participation than FC and ET, clearly. If every server coordinated a certain time, amassed every single soul on each server, and hit WvW, it’d be a kitten good and a close fight. It’d also be queued, forcing it to be so.

The participation in WvW of SF is CLEARLY, undeniably, inarguably, greater than ET and FC. SF WvW participants opt out of WvW out of boredom, a lack of engaging things to do, and generally just better ways to spend our time. Gearing out chars, leveling alts, all can take away from our time in WvW but in the grand scheme of things gains us a WvW advantage. ET and FC, understandly, opt out (IMHO) primarily through frustration. The very fact both servers experienced the WvW anomaly that is Kaineng is more than enough reason to justify being frustrated as kitten with WvW. After that exhilarating experience they got the joy of the end of free server transfers, which threw another unaccommodated for variable in the WvW pot.

Many on SF now feel obligated to show into WvW to keep our point balance high. Period. We all realize now that in order for us to move out of this tier it has to be unrealistically slanted in our favor for a number of resets. The thing is, due to the Glicko system, what we need to gain in order to advance, ET and FC will need to lose. As far as rating goes, this pushes them further, increasing the incline of the grind the next server that finds itself here needs to go through. There is no excuse or reason for the lack of floor in this tiered WvW system (again, IMHO).

This back and forth outmanned bullkitten is futile and tiring. This isn’t reflective of skill in any sense because every server is only showing in essence a shadow of what its capable of. We get the idea, but not the details.

Time differences happen. Its simply how it is. Each server has had times it’s strong (for instance tonight FC had a great showing when usually I don’t even notice them). Complaints of night capping and stuff… Alright I know it’s frustrating, but in an even match-up, it wouldn’t be such a significant factor. We can all agree, this is not an even match up.

Either we, SF, will have to truly call in the reserves and all of us out there running fractals and such will have to take some weeks away from that to simply stomp on people in WvW. Or, ET and FC will have to simply give WvW to us. Then we will move out in a timely fashion, short of that, we’ll be getting very familiar with each other for quite sometime.

This SIMPLY is just how it is. It should be painfully obvious to anyone in this tier. I don’t see why we need to echo and recycle this back and forth of bullkitten disrespectful arguments week after week. No point whatsoever. People need to realize that.

That said, had fun with omega golems tonight, many good fights.

Unrelated. @Kay, going to use this opportunity to respond to you from your own thread. My main is the ele. Between it and leveling alts I rarely play my thief. The ele is a small human female, dagger/dagger, in Seers looking gear, hairstyle w/ the ribbons. Usually riding the lightning into a middle of group and run combos till I’m either forced to escape or die. I have a very “in your face” style of play, if we face each other I’m sure you’ll notice me between that and the [Shin] tag.

Anyways, look forward to seeing you all out there and hopefully an end to this nonsense in our match up threads.

Frosura master race

(edited by Zen.1965)

It's time to gear up

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zen.1965


Dunno what weapon your running, which really dictates a lot.

Berserker good if you can avoid taking damage. Obviously. If you’re not taking damage usually then maximize your damage dealing ability. If you’re taking damage often then you gotta toss it up.

Soldier’s: Power, Vit, Tough. Knight’s: Power, Precision, Tough. Valkyrie: Power, Vit, Crit Dmg. Cavalier: Power, Tough, Crit dmg.

Mix and match according to taste. Go PVT till you have enough Vit that you’re comfortable (typically 15-17k HP). Mostly to just give you enough reaction time vs burst and enough padding to take conditions. From there it’s all playstyle. If you can stay out of taking dmg due to the guild group you run with often or w/e and they can take the brunt of the dmg and you’re sitting back with scepter/staff, then GC it. No reason not to. Thus: berserker gear. If you’re taking dmg though, throw in knights armor, toughness being the main stat in that set but also boosts your power and precision. Gives you durability while only trading a little bit of damage for it. When you have an appreciable amount of precision (for a 20-30% crit chance, thus 40-50% under fury) focus on Power, Toughness, and Crit dmg. In other words, cavalier gear.

If I were to tell a newbie guild member how to play their ele it’d be all Knights (PPT) armor, berserker weapons (daggers, staff), exotic lvl cavalier accessories with berserker/valkyrie jewels until you get all stat ascendeds. All boon duration runes (superior monk, superior water, major water). Sigil of battle, bloodlust, and force on 3 daggers. Sigil of battle/force on your staff (with the attunement swap 3 stacks of might [4 with fire] every 10 seconds I tend to side with battle but force might give you better overall DPS havent done the math). Stomp on kitten d/d style than swap to staff when it comes to chokes/sieges. If you want to get really serious, have a full set of Knights and a full set of Berserker. When your running Knights armor + D/D and go to swap to staff for choke/siege/zerg badge farming/w.e, swap your knights armor out with Berserker’s when you swap your daggers over to staff (need to be out of combat for either).

As for dungeons the ability to survive usually outweighs the ability to do damage, thus gear changes accordingly. For WvW, what I outlined above is ideal. sPvP is it’s own beast and I won’t comment on it.

Hope I’ve helped.

Frosura master race

3/8 SF/ET/FC

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


@ Jeknar: We have to be bro We need that map painted green like the rainforest of the Amazon if we hope to move out of here!! No hard feelings though, right?

Nugget man, props, I hope you can muster up some more coordination on the FC front even if it’s just to lay the framework for the (hopefully) future match up when us (SF) move out of this tier (fingers crossed). I know it must be hard to really motivate your server towards WvW right now.

Good fights all around though guys. Though our zerg may steamroll you guys (understandable) the small fights I’ve enjoyed lately have been of some epic proportions. Some of your guilds (both ET and FC) have some admirable in guild/group/zerg coordination. For instance, ET I’ve noticed you guys running a hammer train from time to time. Love that kitten. Makes me burn my stun breaks like a mother kittener. Keep it up!!! <3

Edit: On a side note as I’ve been kind of out of touch with GW2 lately….

Can anyone tell me if the 3s downed gate exploit has been solved? I kind of ran into a reinforced stone wall in my investigations and this is something I desperately want to see remedied. The lack of mention makes me feel it’s either been patched or those responsible after the backlash via forums have stopped taking advantage of it. If the latter, then I’d like to extend my thanks and appreciation for those that, in the know, stopped taking advantage of the exploit. It’d be quite admirable if you did so. I don’t want to see this kind of play deteriorate our currently frustrating match up even further.

Frosura master race

(edited by Zen.1965)

Newbie's view on FC vs ??? 3/10

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


This is refreshing to see. So used to the multitude of threads expressing the frustration and overall hopelessness that comes with the current T8 matchup. Kudos on that Kay. Hopefully if I chance upon you on the battlefield I’ll give you a /bow after the stomp

That said FC has shown a ferocity when it comes to defending their BL as of late. I give you all mad props on that, you’ve offered some memorable fights this past little while. I truly hope many more of you have/share similar experiences as Kay here and continue to be motivated towards WvW. It’s truly one of the more unique/enjoyable aspects of this game (excluding the current match up in many cases of course -.-).

Frosura master race

Sorrow's Furnace: Paradise for PVE players?

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Ungood if you illustrated that point and were attacked for “making us feel bad about winning” then I apologize, it shouldn’t have been the case. Manoa’s post is extremely on point and illustrates the sort of “experiential” aspect of this current match up. If you echoed the same sentiments then there is no justifiable reason for someone to “attack you” for anything. You simply accurately described the reality of the situation.

In that sense too, Manoa’s post should be taken into great consideration by us afflicted by our current match up condition. As they say, ET and FC’s enemy is SF. SF’s enemy is Glicko.

Frosura master race

Sorrow's Furnace: Paradise for PVE players?

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


PvE heaven? Hm… Possibly….

My alts love that +18%-20% artisan bonus on thursday nights. Cooking and artisan + crafting booster on a thursday night, my alts love that kitten. 7gish for 20-25 levels on an alt purely off the trading post? Plz sir, can I have more?? Running the XP/Karma train of supply camps + towers is great. Grab a keep? Sweet, 2 bars to the level. Catch the right timeframe you can just 4 cata the eastern keep (SH, AH, BH or whatever) + Map completion, + super easy daily completion. Awesome. Leveling in this match up? U kidding? It’s SAWEEEETTTT.

That said I kittening hate this match up. It’s boring. That’s not to take anything away from ET/FC, you guys put up a HELL of a fight, I just wish there was MORE of you to put up that fight. As for SF, our coordination and such has deteriorated quite bit, we all have to admit it. That said though, our coordination is still there, and that small amount of coordination + our numbers is just too much for ET and FC. The small window of LATE night + early morning is where ET can really put the point tick against us. Outside of that? Steamroll. Boring. We all suffer from this match up currently, it can’t be argued.

This rating system needs a floor. 1000 rating points, 950, whatever, there needs to be a floor for rating points that you can’t go past. In any other tier if you get stomped the kitten out you move down, there’s no possibility for that in T8 as there’s no tier below it.Therefore their needs to be a floor in T8 so it doesn’t slip into oblivion. Glicko seems more suited for a circular application, not so much a linear/tiered application. There needs to be mathematical adjustment to accommodate this fact (ie: the establishment of a floor). The fact that there isn’t is more of a testament to ignorance than it is an excusable course of action.

However, unfortunately, there has been no indication that such a mathematical floor will be established. Neither will there be an increase to the “volatility” so to speak of T8 that would encourage quicker tier movement/adjustment between T8 and T7 (which would be beneficial but not effect the established competitiveness of the higher tiers as a stat reset would have).

As such, I have 1 goal when I go into WvW. To stomp the living kitten out of FC and ET. To push you back to your spawn points and then establish an impassible line of ballista and arrow carts. To paint the ENTIRETY of the WvW map green and then throw WPs down in captured keeps in your BLs so our night crew can move around easier. Cuz given the current mathematics that is the ONLY way we can move out of this tier. And as all our currently PvEing members realize that and storm WvW in their pretty pink gear it’ll become even more of a curbstomping experience. And i know it sucks, I know its frustrating as one of your favorite aspects of this game (WvW) is reduced to trying to take the alternative paths from your spawn to get some kind of flanking force to take out the 4+ ballista thats kitten any forward effort. I know that you’re having a hell of a time getting the newbie members of your guild interested in WvW, that they get stomped by this out of control SF zerg and say “this kittens stupid, there’s no rewards for it, there’s no kittening point outside of map completition and the 500 badge requirement for a legendary to even kittening bother.” And that sucks man, that sucks for all of us. No one should be that HARSHLY discouraged to WvW. But thats what this stupid kitten system has FORCED us, SF, to do, in a hope to move out of this kitten tier and face a challenge that actually excites us.

So, speaking for all of those on SF, even those that seem to enjoy kitten talking on the forum etc etc, I apologize, cuz deep down I know ALL of us wish this wasn’t the case. And I encourage you guys to find your ways to make WvW enjoyable for you. At the same time, I’d rather see our tally sitting at +600 24/7 cuz that means we’re at least getting closer to changing this match up up. It’s a kittenty situation guys… No need to hold this mathematical kitten up against any specific server or anything. It is what it is.

Mad love all <3 GGs.

Frosura master race

1/3 - 8/3 Sorrow's/Eredon/Ferguson's

in WvW

Posted by: Zen.1965


Anyone know what happened to the thread that was created regarding the exploit?

Frosura master race

Downed State Vapor Form

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zen.1965


Man I’m trying to work with you, like, I really am…

2 things…

1st I’m having a really hard time following your reasoning. Like so much of what you say seems so borderline irrelevant it has me asking myself if it’s even worth addressing. However because you seem to be genuine and not trolling I’m going to respond in depth.

Secondly, I’m not trying to attain e-cred or anything as asinine as that. I’m simply following the logic/reason. So here we go…

1st of all your vision of www may be distorted by the fact you play www in tier 8…..
I played too on that tier in the past and yes i could survive more than 5 seconds out of a door…

Thing that won t happen in higher tier when you just see your health vanish before being able to hit a button or complete a burning speed…….

Ah yes the mediocrity of t8, woe is me and my clearly blind perception. I can’t relate to your “first tier problems” (see what I did there?).

Seriously though, what what you said there sounds to me is like someone saying “OMG in tier 3 or w/e like I can be on a wall and be pulled off and insta-gibbed by an organized zerg. I need some way to not let that happen, if you take away my vapor form through walls how will I ever survive!?”

My answer…. You shouldn’t. If you spec for it, you should have a higher increased chance of survival yeah. It shouldn’t kitten near guarantee it short of a seizure/stroke on the player’s part. The ele has MANY tools available to it OUTSIDE of downed state to get itself into the tower. If after exhausting all of those you’ve still failed to get into the tower, YOU DESERVE TO DIE. Sure vapor form your way in some random direction the full range, sure. You shouldn’t be able to go back into a tower.

Situational advantage paired with situational disadvantage is what makes character differences.

Yes. And what I find you doing now in this argument is drowning me in hypothetical situations. First we’re in a tower. Now we’re in a tower with a zerg outside. Now we’re in a tower with a guild zerg all organized in T3. Now we’re…. I dunno, where does it stop? You’re manipulating hypotheticals to the point where they become nonsensical. The very fact that we’re discussing vapor forming into a tower basically establishes the situation for you. What exactly downed you and what’s outside of the towers really is inconsequential. “Omg I like jumped from a tower and ate 16 ballista bolts. Why the kitten can’t I, after being downed from that, be able to retreat back into the tower with no penalty!? I DON’T UNDERSTAND.”

Rest of your argument frankly makes no sense.

I honestly hope anyone reading this can understand where I’m coming from otherwise I’m clearly orbitting a different planet from all of you and the weed I have is far too good for me.

Frosura master race

Downed State Vapor Form

in Elementalist

Posted by: Zen.1965


For real man? I hope your not serious with that response…

As you seem to be stressing this ever so much, I pointed out a SITUATIONAL ADVANTAGE and suggested a SITUATIONAL CORRECTION. How the “whole thing” even applies escapes me.

Yes, a defending ele has a situational advantage by being able to vapor form into doors. NO ONE with half a brain would argue this. The subject of this ENTIRE DISCUSSION is IF that situational advantage IS warranted/justified/legitimate given the current game WvW meta. The answer is a resounding NO.

I don’t know what made you bring up the lack of weapon swaps. I honestly don’t see how this “drawback” is really related or even enough to justify this situational advantage we speak of. I can’t really follow your line of thought here, seems like your just trying to strawman together yourself an argument.

Yes, you need to stay close to the door. After you’ve burned your teleport, cleansing flame, mist form, water attunement condition removal/heal, earth protection, RTL if you felt very adventurous, and burning speed. Then at the end of all that, yes you need to be close to the door. Then you can get downed and vapor form in immediately (no CD to wait for like vengeance).

Like I said before, if you’re at that point, you already kittened up and shouldn’t be allowed in the door.

Guardians don’t get downed and then pass through the door. It’d be similar to us popping mistform and passing through it. Not comparable to the downed state vapor form.

As for necro, don’t know enough to comment.

Thief can’t #2 downed into a door. Stealth abuse sure w/e but that applies in all kinds of kitten stealth’s it’s own beast. Also if they’re utilizing it to get into a door, they’re not downed. Again, doesn’t apply.

Like seriously, you think you can argue being able to pass through a tower door via a downed state ability that does not penalize you in any way?

Wtf is the world coming to…

PS. I main ele. I’m not some other class QQing.

Frosura master race