Showing Posts For ancient highway.4256:
You have options to customize your look now through the transmutation stones and using different styles mixed together. As an example, why would a tunic look different on someone with a different profession? A robe is a robe. Every medium armored character doesn’t have to look like a pirate, it’s that way just because people like to look like pirates.
I’ve got 6 casters, 2 in each profession. Once they reached level 20, they stopped looking the same because of the variety of armor available. Just crafting alone, a leather working can make a bandana, a half face mask, a monocular and goggles. Then there’s the pirate hat and Robin Hood style hat that come to mind as loot drops.
Variety is out there allowing you to make your own professional styles. It’s just a matter of finding the look you want.
I’m confused. Is the problem the OP wanting to solve experience gained through crafting, or that (what I assume) is his level 80 character can’t find anyone in the entry level area in his world?
Making " 5 gold per day, by almost doing nothing", he is spending most of his time at the TP, buying low, selling a little higher. That’s not everyone’s cup of tea. Some would rather try to level to 80 just through crafting. That’s not his cup of tea. But, since his way is so “right” let’s take away all the “wrong” ways to play. Why not make exotics and legendaries account bound until equipped and then soulbound. After all, if make 5g a day for doing nothing, you’ll just buy the top level gear, never earning it.
The truth is, there is no right or wrong way to play this game. There are multiple avenues to take to get to the same destination. Play the game your way and let others play the game their way.
I’ve noticed that some range attacks are “homing”. You can’t just move out of the path of an arrow or a boulder thrown at you, but you have to dodge away to avoid it. Other attacks aren’t “homing”. A bolt of ice tossed at you from an ice elemental or a bolt from a ballista can be avoided just by moving.
I tend to focus on dodging out of the red ring of AoE attacks unless I’m doing dailies.
Don’t overlook weapon skills that allow you to dodge also.
You can respec. When you read the level 40 and 60 books, your traits all become unassigned and you can put them in however you desire. Also at any time you can spend a couple silver with the trainer and the traits are unassigned.
There are 202 skill point challenges along with one skill point per level upon reaching level 5 for 277. Once you reach level 80, you continue to gain experience and once the bar is full, you gain another skill point. A human character will spend 177 skill points to obtain all healing, utility and expert skills.
You have options:
—Buy the makeover kit to make that giant you created smaller.
—Empty out the giant’s inventory are reroll.
—Accept the fact that you made a giant and a tiny asura is just as powerful.
Black Powder: sulfer, charcoal, potassium nitrate. Sounds like the power of nature to me. Even so, I still say no to rifle equipped rangers.
15 alts over 2 accounts. I know about the character swap to pull things out of the bank.
But I also know that not every one of my toons are what I would consider active. One account is active only when doing dailies at the moment. The other account, only a daily doer and the main are active. That leaves 12 toons that I can leave parked in the crafting area to craft or access bank as desired. If the new acquired equipment is needed right now on one of the three toons in the field the trip to a crafting table in the field or a city is probably worth it.
WvWvW offers the account and guild bank along with crafting tables and trading post. You can enter it from anywhere. You can exit to Lion’s Arch or go to PvP, then leave PvP and put you right back where you were when you first entered WvWvW You could even go to character selection while in WvWvW and return to the starting point when that character reenters the game. This convenience and flexibility of your character’s actions is already in the game. Yes, there may be a delay entering WvWvW, and if you really can’t wait, just go to the Mists and take the gate to LA, which btw is available in WvWvW also.
In order for you to be able to mail to an alt, the mail system would have to be changed from account based to character based. 5 accounts X 10 mail X 5 items per mail. 250 free slots.
If you are out of bank space, form a mule guild. One you create for yourself just to get the guild bank.
But perhaps more important is deciding if everything you are squirreling away really needs to be squirreled away. Are you keeping that Green or Yellow weapon just because it’s Green or Yellow and eventually you may take the time to level a character that can use it? Sell it. By the time you can use it, you’ll have picked up another, or something better, or decide that weapon doesn’t fit the build, or have the coin to buy what you really want on the TP.
Are you stockpiling upgrades because you might eventually decide you want to use one? Or the useless morph potions? Stacks of unused boosters waiting for the perfect time to use them?
You may even have a bank token in your bank that is being ignored, I know I do. With a mule guild, you can build Vault Transports to bring you guild bank to you.
But if you are really insistent on being able to mail something to put something in the mail, buy that 2nd copy of GW2 you’ve been struggling to justify just so you can have a character in every class. Account 1 mails to Account 2 who returns it to Account 1. It’s in the mail.
“I won’t mind until someone doesn’t start to shoot laser beams from a sword OMG.”
Mesmers do that already.
All weapons for all classes? No. That would be the end of the game. While that was possible in GW1, unless you had a weapon the class was designed for, the weapon and your combat abilities with it were severely crimped. True there were specialized farming builds to take advantage of specific weapons and abilities, but for generic adventuring, you went with class specific weapons and roles.
All the melee weapons I use are 1H with OH unless they are under leveled for the zone/mobs and my 2H is closer to even leveled. At range, it’s more evenly split with some classes using 2H and others using 1H/OH.
Simply bumping up the damage output in one area doesn’t cut it. If melee weapons are changed to do more damage, how should that effect ranged weapons? What changes are then needed for pets and minions? Caster weapons? Mobs?
For most circumstances I agree with the OP, the long bow sucks. The short bow on the other hand places some nice condition damage on single targets and a nice rate of fire. At least in my mind it has better dps than an engineer or a warrior with a rifle. Toss in axe/warhorn or axe/axe for multiple targets and most battle situations are handled. Keep a long bow, great sword or sword handy for those unique battle requirements and you are set.
I was thinking you could only have 2 craft skills per toon? Is that not correct any longer? 2 crafts won’t get you to 80.
You can only have 2 active at a time. You can change discipline whenever you want, at a cost of course.
An ele using a scepter and dagger offers a mix between range and melee combat, but at the cost of not doing either as will as the staff for range and dagger/dagger for “melee”. The point blank AoE with Earth and Fire attunements used in either order is deadly when you get swarmed in PvE. But no matter what weapons you choose, the key as Jornophelanthas states is using all 4 attunements during the coarse of a battle as needed.
You don’t have to be level 80 to benefit a guild. Doing dynamic events at any level, especially when in a party with a guild member, adds influence to the guild allowing it to build more goodies.
Unless you are planning on buying a lot of gems to convert to gold or have a guild that is feeding you materials, your end up getting quit a few levels adventuring for your materials, perhaps requiring only 5 or 6 crafting disciplines.
It’d probably be faster, but definitely cheaper, just to adventure, pick two disciplines to craft, and fight your way to 80.
Start a new guardian, just so you can get back into the character and game. Delete it once you’re comfortable with it unless you really want to continue it. Then get back into the lvl 80. Find a good guild that does the dungeons, and if you want, WvWvW and sPvP.
An engineer could work using the bomb and grenade kits rather than the flamethower, but nec, 3 good sized AoE with scepter and dagger, and ele with constantly available AoE using the staff and changing attunements.
Lara, not just warrior but guardian, engineer, ranger, elementalist, and necromancer have bested 4 and 5 levels above. Even multiple targets with encounters up to 3 or 4 mobs attacking me. My thief has done the same but only 2 or 3 levels above. I just don’t get the mesmer, and it struggles with the same level.
Eleri, find a guild that advertises itself as a casual, relaxed guild. One where they are about enjoying the game and doing so in a friendly manner. Avoid the guilds that just go for the gold/glory/world domination that demand perfection. Even just forming a party with one person and playing the pve game and events is a lot of fun. If you like the way the party goes, add the other member to the friends list. Before long you’ll find you have a list of players to choose from to form a party of five for dungeons.
I’ve found that my characters progress so fast that they “outgrow” a zone before they finish it. I pretty much just stick to Daily Achievements, Renown Hearts, and Dynamic Events, with some farming for crafting gear. I’ve solo battled and consistently won against mobs 4 and 5 levels higher depending on my class. I’ve also solo battled and lost against mobs lower than me. It’s a matter of picking the battles you fight.
It would be nice though if Storyline instances had a party size of five, where you could fill the party with other players or with heroes or mercenaries. But for the open world, I don’t see a need.
“Add more ranks!”
Are the 10 ranks you can have now not enough?
She should try all the classes in PvP to get a feel for each at lvl 80, then go with the ones she enjoyed most.
While not your best, events at any level bring a steady flow of gold, karma, and experience. Check the wiki for events chains, one leading into another into another. Harvest the resource nodes as you go, even if you don’t craft. XP for harvesting, and coin for selling them via the TP.
The engineer’s weapons and kits, besides dealing some decent immediate damage, deal a lot of damage over time, i.e. condition damage. Armor, weapons, and jewelry increasing condition damage/duration, as well as power, precision or critical damage, increase your DPS. My thought is the faster they fall the less damage you take.
While turrets are attractive for new players, the real strength of the engineer comes with the various kits available. The flame thrower is always fun, but bombs are my favorite. Grenades are moving up the list for me, too.
Google “gw2 engineer leveling builds” to find some ideas for ideas of what various builds can do and how to play them.
As far as crafting, I second leatherworking for your armor. Hunter will allow you to craft your weapons. Jewelcrafting is also useful. Cooking is an expensive craft to get into. Harvesting your own mats is time consuming when it comes to getting sufficient ingredients to increase your skill, and the trading post will cost you.
Get in with a friendly helpful guild, one that has players that will help you learn the game and even help you through some of your more difficult events or storyline tasks. Don’t hesitate to leave a guild that doesn’t work for you.
(edited by ancient highway.4256)
If the world you are on seems to be short on players, try changing to a different world. I’m on Jade Quarry and I have had no problems in to two lower levels finding people to complete events with. Revive NPCs, they generally will help out, if in no other way but to draw aggro. I’ve managed to draw other mobs in the area in to help out with the events also.
If you do come to JQ, feel free to send me a message or whisper. I’m more than happy to party up with anyone to help them out.
As far as race, I love the animations the asura have. But then the sylvari with their seed turrets (racial skills) are very attractive too. Even so, the bulk of my characters are human.
My experience has been solo PVE for the most part.
My first level 80 was a condition based necro. I love it. I found a minion based necro to be somewhat weak simply because of the minions. Conditions have area of effect damage, while minions are single target.
I’ve found the elementalists to be easy to play. This was my second level 80. Learn all weapons skills for all attunements and you have a very versatile character capable of some massive aoe damage and protection. Just keep swapping attunements based on your needs in combat.
The mesmer has been a difficult class for me. The illusions and clones aren’t all that strong, aoe is limited, and damage on single targets is mediocre. But some people excel with the mesmer, so give it a try if you think you are interested in it.
Give all three of the caster classes a try up to level 20 and see which one you like best.
Feel free to add “ancient highway” to your contact list in game and send me a whisper or mail if you have any questions in game.
If you go with ele, don’t fall into the mindset that you are just fire. The strength of the ele comes from switching between all four attunements. With that in mind don’t stack all your trait points into the attunemnet lines, but in the two generic lines.
A curses based necro puts out some pretty serious damage. It was so much fun to play, and so hard to kill (PVE) that it was my first lvl 80, with the ele the second.
I found mesmer difficult to play. It may be just my mind set or a weak class. I’ve seen other do well with them, and at times I even thought I rocked with it, but lately my mesmer gets no action other than jewelcrafting.
A shortbow armed thief put out some serious aoe damage, and are deadly melee. Engineers are very versatile, not through weapon choices, but because of the weapons kits they have at their disposal. Some swear by the flame thrower, mine live by the bomb kit. Again some pbaoe abilities. Rangers have good aoe and pboe (long bow and sword/axe) as well as respectable melee or point distance. The fernhound with it’s regen and allied regen is a nice pet to have around.
While I have a warrior and guardian and have enjoyed playing each when I did, I’ve always enjoyed fighting from a distance more so I can’t really comment on either.
As far as race, I love the uncoordinated animations of the asura. Even so, humans and sylvari get my vote just for aesthetic purposes. A sylvari no matter what the class with seed turrets is a deadly character. Seed turrets tend to draw the aggro too, so your survivability increases. If you go with norn or charr, definitely make them as small as possible. You’ll appreciate it when it comes to jumping puzzles.
I recently picked up an ASUS VivoTab running Windows 8 and the keyboard dock. It should go without saying that the keyboard would be essential. I’ve been able to run GW2 up to the character selection screen, but it crashes as soon as I try to enter the game proper. I didn’t have high hopes for it to run, and if it did run I expected it to be laggy beyond the point of being playable. But then I didn’t get the tablet for gaming, so there’s no heartbreak here. Checking game requirements against tablet specs may give you something you could use, but I wouldn’t hold any high expectations with the 1G of Windows tablets.
A side note, GW loaded into the game fine, but was extremely laggy. I could only see using it if I was on a trip and jonesing for some sort of GW play.
I agree with everything that’s been suggested. Guild Wars without guild wars?
Guild mail is important for leaders to get information out to all members, while officer, alliance, and even an alliance officer (guild leaders) chat make sense.
Guild window could be expanded to list guilds on a server that are looking for members. The list could be filtered by any number of character attributes (profession, level, crafting, etc), guild goals (PvE, PvP, Dungeon running, etc) and flavor of the guild (hard core, casual, etc). Besides giving a place for guilds to announce their guild, it gives players a place to search for guilds that fit their desires.
I’d like to see all of a person’s characters that are representing the guild listed in the membership, also. Being able to see who has a level 50 character that isn’t being played at the moment would be useful in putting together parties for dungeon runs or storyline missions.
He doesn’t specify group or solo PvE. I’ve used the same build/weapon sets for both, no changes to a support role, and have done just fine. If I know a fight with a boss is coming up, I’ll change out one of my utility skills with Illusion of Life. If I think about it, I may switch out my melee weapon set for another ranged set, but I rarely think about that until after combat begins.
In PvE, my mesmer drops mobs faster than my ranger or engineer. This includes what starts as a one on one and get adds of three and four mobs. If you aren’t taking advantage of weapon swaps between range and melee weapons you are only hurting yourself. Drop a seed turret, back off, and watch the mobs swarm it setting up some AoE attacks. It’s a toss up between my guardian and mesmer as to who handles greatly outnumbered mobs better.