Showing Posts For andybmcc.8751:

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


I haven’t had the issue of having to to hit their special action button more than once, but it does take several ( read 2-5 ) seconds before it goes off. It seems pretty variable. Perhaps it has to do with the state the pet is in ( i.e. in range and availability of the skills that the player does not control ).

Ranger's pets desperately need to be improved

in Ranger

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Agreed. They get gibbed on passive by AoEs that I dodge out of. They’re reduced to a long CD utility and 2s quickness buff ( which is helpful, but my damage is severly lacking when they are down )

LFM (insert dungeon)

in Ranger

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Yeah, I was hoping I’d escape that with this game. I still have hope that it may settle down eventually. I guess I’ll stick with open world when I’m in the mood to play him. He does pretty well there anyway.

LFM (insert dungeon)

in Ranger

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


“Sorry, no Rangers. Do you have another class?”

I’m even seeing some that explicitly say no Rangers in their LFM message.

Thought I’d hop on the Ranger a bit, and this is what I log on to see after a bit of a hiatus. Guess it’s back to the Guardian. Guardian, Necro, and Ranger are the classes that fit the archetypes that I like to play. I guess at least one isn’t bugged all to fuzzy kitten.


Thank You Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


How fast did they respond? I have been banned for the past 3 hours for supposedly botting and am getting really heated. So far my experience is pretty bad. And sad considering I have been so impressed with this game and Arenanet up to now.

It was a bit of a back and forth process, but they responded very promptly. I imagine the more information you can give them, the smoother the process goes.

Thank You Support

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


My account was hijacked last weekend ( cleared gold and deleted one of my characters ). Joke was on them, because I didn’t have much ( read any ) wealth. Those silly billies didn’t look at my collections haha, score!

That aside, I’d just like to thank support for the very speedy responses. This is probably the best/fastest/most helpful support experience in a game that I’ve had.


Dealing with conditions in tPVP. :(

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Try Pure of Voice instead of Battle Presence, and use Runes of the Soldier

Ask a quick question, get a quick answer.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


If you ninja skip the hammer chain animation after attack 2, do you still get the full duration of the dodge roll invulnerability?

I’m going to go ahead and answer my own question as a “no”. I noticed that you get the heal when you break the dodge with your third attack. The trait states “end of dodge” and I’ve had it confirmed by others.

Ninja Skip - Speed up your animation

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Do you get full “dodge” duration when you ninja skip at the end of the second attack in the chain?

Ask a quick question, get a quick answer.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Yes, you absolutely get the heal.

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Precision would allow you to get more might stacks on your allies as well as more heals on yourself with AH. Are you really pumping out might stacks without any crit chance?

EDIT: Not trying to be mean, maybe I’m missing something obvious.

Full 80 Exoting Healing Gear. What to Expect From it.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


SKuDDer. You just proved my point. Your only on here to say that you are the best. That you know best. And that you are just here to troll and prove others wrong. My bad for being wrong. But at least I dont troll the forums.

Don’t bash on him, he was replying to your rude post and gave you a concise correction.

Besides, the only thing we have that scales decently with healing power is Selfless Daring. Toughness is great to indirectly scale healing and provide other benefits. I think you’re missing out on a lot of damage / crit procs from not having precision. Vigorous Precision + Selfless Daring are a great way to get in some well-scaled heals if you have the precision to have a good uptime on vigor.

Ask a quick question, get a quick answer.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


If you ninja skip the hammer chain animation after attack 2, do you still get the full duration of the dodge roll invulnerability?

Help me decide on a profession : non-cloth AoE-heavy class?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Hah, I clicked on the topic thinking “Engineer or Guardian”.

Sword/Torch Guardian can dish out a lot of AoE condition damage.
Grenade Engineer is fun ( Esp WvWvW )
I know you said no cloth, but Necros with Epidemic and ground target Wells are really great AoE as well.

EDIT: AH Crithammer Guardians are also pretty good AoE, support, with a lot of survivability. May not be ideal for WvWvW zerg though.

Best Keyboard Layout

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


This is what I’ve done in a lot of MMOs. The 1-= is a complete pain to use.

I actually shift my movement keys one right to ESDF. I bind the following:
1 → z
2→ a
3 → q
4 → w
5 → r
6 → t
7 → g
8 → v
9 → b
0 → x

This means that all keys surround my movement keys and once you learn where they are, it’s really easy to quickly react rather than reaching half way across your keyboard for the 9 key.

For WoW, I used a similar setup, but had CTRL + ALT modifiers. I’d have every useful skill bound and once I learned where they were, it just became automatic, it was nice.

What level gives a decent picture of the various classes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


If you can describe what you want to do, or what kind of character you want, perhaps we can help direct your search a bit.

What level gives a decent picture of the various classes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Unlock all of the weapons skills and class mechanics (~ level 10). This will give you a decent idea of what’s going on with the class. The ones that seem interesting, probably level to ~20-30 so you can at least unlock the first major trait. See what you like, and check the wiki for all the traits. You can take it to the mists and play around in sPvP or the practice dummies with access to a lot of gear setups, runes, sigils.

Security Alert for the community regarding

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Behold the power of Debian and proper permission settings.


In need of advice for my next class........

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Some advice, don’t roll a Ranger yet.

In need of advice for my next class........

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Crithammer Altruistic Healing Guardian.

You can solo groups of mobs easily, and play is straightforward. I will take about a whole 5-10 minutes to master the ninja dodge in the third step of the AA chain.

If you gear Knights, you’ll have insane survivability and some pretty great AoE damage. Shouts for group support. You can strip conditions off of the party like mad. So much fun. Skills are very straightforward, and it will come down to positioning.

Ask a quick question, get a quick answer.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Disclaimer, Pure of voice is bugged and aint working properly with all shouts. Think it works with SYG and Retreat but im not certain.

Can anyone confirm shouts which do and do not work with Pure of Voice?

LFG Chat Channel

in Suggestions

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Sorry pdg, did a quick search and didn’t see one.

LFG Chat Channel

in Suggestions

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


It would be really cool if we could have a looking for group chat channel. Right now, the best option to get a group for a dungeon is to go to the area and check the map chat. There are huge downsides to this when the area is an already completed low level area. It would be nice if I could monitor a channel to find a group while continuing to play in other areas.

Just an idea…

EDIT: And it would clean up map chat in busy areas : )

I'm currently in GW2 withdrawal thanks to Sandy

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Dolyak is 30HP/s.

Condition Duration is pretty much “meh” for you.

Pack bonus was bugged and didn’t work ( though this may have been fixed )

So what's everyone's stance on ability molding: Legit or exploit?

in PvP

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


I believe the word you are looking for is “meld”

Ring of Warding sucks.

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


“Oh no, this Guardian trapped me in a ring! Dodge Oh, wait, no he didn’t…”

Ring of Warding is really only good for Banish smacking someone into it for a short knockdown.

help me fine tune a guardian build

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


I swapped from GS to Hammer a while ago, and it made me an absolute juggernaut. The near 100% protection uptime is amazing. It’s best utilized in a crit/AH build though. The Sword/Focus is a good off-combo, you’ll get a gap closer + blind, as well as the extra blocking. Scepter/Shield is also another good off-combo, as you’ll have range attacks, a pushback, and some extra healing so it’s OK for kiting. Mace is kind of lackluster IMO ( except for the block bug ).

Vitality or Toughness

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


So much misinformation in this thread.

As for toughness scaling falling off, it doesn’t. Each point of toughness adds the same amount of survivability against direct damage.

Consider a Guardian with X armor that reduces direct damage by 50%. Now, if he got 2X armor, he obviously wouldn’t reduce damage by 100%, but he would reduce damage by another 50%, resulting in 75% damage reduction. Guess what? By adding another X armor, you reduced the damage taken by another 50%.

Also note that healing scales with toughness. More toughness means that each life point is worth more against direct damage. Thus, each point you heal has a greater benefit.

The point of vitality is to survive condition damage and have enough to soak a burst.

TLDR: Vitality is an “enough of” type stat whereas Toughness is a great stat to stack, considering all of the condition strips Guardians have.

Trinkets Precision/Toughness/Condition Damage

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Pretty sure the only armor that has that stat combination is the Order of Whispers armor too.

S/P or S/D for pve

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


S/P with Pistol Whip and the healing signet is great for leveling.

Super defensive player.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


10 Earth / 30 Water / 30 Arcane – Bunker Ele. They’re stupid difficult to kill.

Good time to start a Ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


I have 3 Rangers over level 487 and my PvP rank is over 9000. They don’t have broken traits, you just don’t know how to use the traits that don’t do what they say they do, or in fact don’t do anything. I am so awesome I made a build with invincible spirits, but I normally play with all of the other overpowered utilities as well. GS hits like a truck and the 1H sword lets me dodge out of big attacks when I see them coming while I’m auto attacking. Longbow attacks super fast and does loads of damage. The arrows travel so fast that other players can’t just strafe back and forth like an idiot to dodge all of your damage.

EDIT: I am the most awesome Ranger ever, god you noobs just don’t know how to play.

EDIT2: Oh yeah, the response time on pet F2 skills is great, I never see my pet stop, wait 2 seconds, and then leap at where the target used to be. They are also great for hitting players whilst moving.

(edited by andybmcc.8751)

How about some fixes rather than nerf after nerf?

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Agreed. This isn’t a thief specific issue. I think it is asinine to start balancing when so many class traits, sigils/runes, and skills aren’t working as intended ( or don’t work, period ).

My poor, poor Ranger, how I want to love you. Why are you so mean to me.

Cloak & Dagger: Is it bugged ?

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


^ Yeah, the issue I was having is just a display bug ( I’m assuming only on my end ).

To all these Rogue complaints:

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


B) another common complaint is that omg a rogue brought me down to 5k health in like 10 seconds.

It’s more like "OMG, this thief just CnD, Steal(Mug), and Backstabbed me for 21k total damage while I had 2600 toughness and killed me in 0.5 seconds because I didn’t see him coming.

Let’s be realistic, on the other side of the coin is the “I saw this thief give me a strange look down yonder, so I have aegis up, and I’m ready to evade roll and make him miss his backstab so now he has to try to run away or I’m going to smash his skull in with this giant kitten hammer because he’s full glass cannon and now I know he’s here.”

EDIT: Your post pertains to WoW, not GW2. Perhaps you should try the Rogue forums there.

(edited by andybmcc.8751)

Is there a max on attributes? Do they d/r?

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


There is a slight misconception about how some stats work and are displayed on your character sheet.

For example say it takes X toughness to reach 50% direct damage reduction. Well, 2X toughness obviously won’t give you 100% damage reduction, you’ll have 75% ( which is 50% less than you were taking at X toughness ). I hope I’m not confusing anyone with the way these scale. The vast majority of games with stats scale like this.

Is there a max on attributes? Do they d/r?

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


There are no diminishing returns, and AFAIK, no caps.

Bleed Ticks

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Also consider that there is a max 25 stacks of bleed on a target, so if you have more than one person with bleed duration increases, you can reach max stacks faster. In that case, condition damage would be superior as you don’t max out stacks and you’ll ramp damage faster.

[US-Sanctum of Rall] [PvP] [18+] *{SPQR}THE REPUBLIC*

in Guilds

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Just tagging this thread so I can find it again.

Retaliation: How does it work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


You still take full damage when something hits you. However, for each hit, you’ll also inflict damage on the attacker.

Note this counts for AoEs and single target abilities. So, say a guardian uses a blast finisher in his light field to give area Retaliation to 5 allies, and someone smacks an AoE over all of those enemies, they’ll get 5 retaliation strikes against them. Pretty cool in WvWvW.

Jedi Ranger.

in Ranger

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


If I could move and interrupt the AA to dodge roll, I’d be completely satisfied grabbing a 1h sword and warhorn and getting all Boromir on people’s kitten

why is it that steal skull is more powerful than any necro fear?

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


I hope they fix Plague Signet soon. It would probably end up as the goto stunbreak on my necro.

Cloak & Dagger: Is it bugged ?

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


I’ve had what savage described. I’ve connected with a C&D, but my character doesn’t appear stealthed and I can still backstab things.

Stealth while stomping

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Yo dawg, I heard you like stealth. Now you can stealth while in stealth to give your stealth stealth.

why is it that steal skull is more powerful than any necro fear?

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Steal is amazingly good, but it is balanced by a fairly long CD, IMO.

why is it that steal skull is more powerful than any necro fear?

in Thief

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Necro fears are essentially interrupts, and the Theif fear is a good, hard CC.

Steal is not lackluster when it shadowsteps you to your target and can crit for 5-6k with Mug.

I’d love to see more viable fears on the Necro. You don’t have to get all defensive, I don’t think he’s calling for a nerf to Steal fears, just a little more Necro love, as the longest fear they have (AFAIK) is 1s ( untraited ).

EDIT: You probably should have posted this on the Necro forums. Calling out Thieves isn’t going to get you anywhere in voicing your concern.

Death via Support

in Guardian

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


608 hours in two months. I think I should challenge you to rethink life.

Beard issue

in Norn

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


During character creation, some of the colors are named incorrectly too, FYI. Or at least they were when I was going through it, don’t know if that has been fixed or not.

Will GW2 run on Linux?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Oooh, and as far as resources go, I ran WoW on Wine ( a while back ) and if you used the OpenGL mode, it actually ran smoother than with DirectX on Windows. Don’t ask me how or why, but it did.

Will GW2 run on Linux?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Wine is continually improved, but it can also be a complete pain. You could always just run Windows in a virtual machine in Linux for all of your games or partition your drive and dual boot.

And just throwing out good news for gaming on Linux: Steam is porting content!