Showing Posts For cthaeh.2168:

Confirmation for selling ascended stuff

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I accidentally sold an ascended weapon awhile back, and support was able to send me a replacement. They may be able to help you as well.

I bought an invisible bag shortly afterwards, and it helps somewhat. It doesn’t totally solve the problem, though, as I switch weapons constantly and weapons sneak out into the regular bags sometimes.

There’s no reason you should even be able to vendor ascended gear now that salvaging is an option. ANet should remove that functionality.

Vendor Ascended Gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I find support is usually pretty understanding, especially when it’s your first time having a mess up like this. Hopefully they can restore your item.

Support got back to me and was able to send me a replacement mace! They are amazing.

Vendor Ascended Gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


It’s pretty hard to miss the bright pink text on ascended items though, unless you vendor everything like a madman, lol. I wish I could get back all of the asc weapons I vendored for 1g because the stats were useless at the time.

Did you submit a ticket? If not, do so ASAP. They usually sort out things like this pretty quickly.

Yeah, this is the first time it’s happened to me since ascended weapons were released. I always check the buyback tab after selling to confirm I didn’t accidentally sell something, too. Dunno, maybe I was tired.

I did submit a ticket, but having never submitted one before I’m not sure what to expect. Not sure how forgiving they are with these kinds of mistakes.

Vendor Ascended Gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


You have the Safe Box as a valid option to utilize. Put all your most valuable stuff you don’t want to sell in there, and then you don’t have to worry about it.


I suppose I should just buy one to try it out. Like I said, I’m constantly switching out my weapon set, so my weapons get scattered about my inventory. It seems pretty cumbersome to have to remember to move all your weapons into that bag prior to selling anything, but maybe in practice it’s not so bad.

Vendor Ascended Gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I went to equip my ascended mace yesterday and noticed it was missing from my inventory! Unless this is some obscure bug, I’m guessing I accidentally sold it to a vendor. I’m usually quite careful, but given the sheer amount of garbage you have to constantly clear out of your inventory in this game, the odds of an accident like this happening are relatively high.

Why can you even still sell ascended weapons to a vendor? It made sense prior to the introduction of ascended salvaging kits, but now it seems like it’s there just to cause players grief. The invisible bags don’t seem like a great solution since my weapons get scattered about my inventory as I switch them out.

I’m bummed. I don’t want to have to spend a bunch of gold to make another mace. Anet, please remove ascended weapons and armor from the vendor list!

Wings: Buffalo or Ranch ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Coat them in buffalo, dip them in ranch. l2p.

Why I think HoT failed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Going Free To Play devalued my purchase to zero

No it didn’t.

I have every right to have a problem with that.

No you don’t. Read 4.C of the User Agreement.

Expansion drops and more gem store items have been released than were added to the game with the xpac.

No they haven’t. Your statement is empirically false.

They have only released 3 legendary weapons but had gem skins ready to go, that’s interfering.

No it isn’t. I’m sure the amount of time to create just the skin itself is comparable, but the systems for obtaining legendary weapons are vastly more complex than those for BLTC skins.

Fix the exploits in Fractals

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Players have been doing this in dungeons for a long time. Why would you not expect these exploits to be found and used in fractals now? I saw this coming as soon as Anet announced their change in dungeon rewards and pushing the players towards fractals. Since the main reason for doing these activities for many of these players who exploit is simply to make money, the quicker the better. If you want to experience these instances as the developers intended them to be, I am sure these exploiters would be happy not to have you in their party. Is is sad, yes. But this game is becoming more about making money and less about the content. Is it the developers fault or the nature of our community … I dunno.

Yeah, because prior to HoT no one ever used exploits in Fractals like standing on a rock for Archdiviner or killing Mossman underwater or abusing Kiel’s AI in Mai Trinn. Curse you HoT for letting those filthy exploit-hungry dungeon proles pollute our beloved Fractals!

Why doesn't ANET want people doing dungeons ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


ANet nerfing dungeons to the max made me not buy HoT. Legit, only thing I liked doing and they took that away from me.

GG Anet.

Can vouch for that. I was waiting for a discount but now, hell no. Just sticking around to see what folks think of raids

Their metacritic review illustrates the fact that there are a portion of players kittened off with the expansion. For all its worth its just a dumb review anyways

Their metacritic review illustrates the fact that there are an even larger portion of players loving the expansion (at a more than 2:1 ratio as of the time of this post).

Why Anet don't like dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Because players don’t like dungeons, and they don’t want to throw good money after bad.

Raids are a gamble they’re taking, and fractals have a comparatively low development/maintenance cost.

Yes, players dislike dungeons so much that they had to remove the rewards to get people to stop playing them. If players disliked them this thread wouldn’t exist.

Why Anet don't like dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Hi have a serius concern about the dungeons policy, instead of fix then and add more and make they more challenging. Anet appear that want remove then like they was the bigger mistake they ever made.

Dungeons are my favorite part of this game, 70% of my time in this game is expended inside the dungeons, discourage people for doing then is a very bad move. For the first time I fell like I could leave the game. Because one of the mains reason i buyed this game was do the dungeons.

Anet have a lot of ways of improve the dungeons experienced like was pointed in a lot of threads on this forum. You can add a challenge mode, you can add a solo mode, you can change the boss mechanics, you can add new rewards, etc.

Please don’t abandon the dungeons, instead make then better.


They abandon them nearly two years ago. Basically dungeons were their first attempt at challenging content and instead generated strategies and preferred item stats (stacking and zerk meta) that they didn’t see coming. They couldn’t figure out a way to break those player habits with dungeons so they decided that other newer systems provided them with the means develop content to de-emphasize these “habits”.

In their eyes dungeons are broke and the growing segment of the player base who live there, need to get out in the game world more.

Erm, no, they abandoned dungeons because they are too expensive to maintain and update. The legacy dungeons weren’t coded very well so they were notoriously difficult to work with. They don’t fix bugs in dungeons because most likely they’ll just break something else in the process.

Everything else you’ve said here is simply you projecting your own insecurities in regards to the zerk meta.

Why Anet don't like dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


They’re doing it for inflation. If they wanted to drive people away from dungeons they could just as easily over-incentivise other content. The issue is that dungeons give gold magically, as if it just grew on an underground, spectral tree with graveling burrows under it. If you want your precious 100g to stay valuable you need this gold nerf, as otherwise the f2p players and their farming will make everything skyrocket. This is a bit of an extreme irl example of hyperinflation but…

No, they’re doing it because their economist explicitly said it was to disincentivize dungeons.

And if their only goal was to combat inflation, they would be replacing the gold reward with other rewards like mats.

It must be difficult maining a Paladin in these tumultuous times.

Please revert the changes to dungeon rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


what the hell am I supposed to do when I log in? 1 fractal island and the weekly raid and then what?


As someone that hasn’t bought the expansion what the hell am I supposed to do?

No joke. I’ve been playing for the past week and it’s a blast. Tons of (instanced) group content. After this blog post I’m worried I’ll just want to play Wildstar instead of HoT when it comes out :S

Share This! - Tired of beeing kicked!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


So, basically you’re saying that if there are lowbies in the group, they will range spider and the fight will take >2min?

Any way to get rid of closed dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Well, there’s absolutely no way to get back in to a closed CoE, I’ll tell ya that much.
stares menacingly at everyone

Sad Trinity is Sad

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I find it funny that people both fail to see the teamwork that exists in GW2 (lets see you set a WR dungeon time or beat a gvg guild in wvw with equal numbers or win an ESL monthly with pugs) and are completely fooled by the illusionary teamwork of the trinity system.

And here we have the most important post of the thread.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


LFF: Looking for friends, META Raid only, PING Build+ Gear :P

WoW all over again, I didn’t miss it in fact it’s why I left. Completely unimpressed about the announcements this past weekend. Raiding which I didn’t think was necessary or needed c/w content gated legendary armor to boot. I can here the elitism crap flooding TeamSpeak and map chat already.

GW2 already has this in all of its instanced PVE content. Nearly every dungeon/fractal asks for metazerk.

You should have left years ago in this case.

I would like an exact percentage on what “nearly every” means. 95%? 99%? Or are you just pulling this out of nowhere to support your (fallacious) argument?

Click on LFG-tool, browse a while. Make yourself a picture. It is common.

Common != Nearly Every

As someone who PUGs a full dungeon/fractal tour daily and joins almost exclusively metazerk groups, I’d say it’s not even the majority of groups that advertise for “metazerk only”. Of course, that’s just one person’s perspective. Without data we’re all equally uninformed and our views will always be expressed through the prism of our biases.

Instanced Raids Confirmed [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


LFF: Looking for friends, META Raid only, PING Build+ Gear :P

WoW all over again, I didn’t miss it in fact it’s why I left. Completely unimpressed about the announcements this past weekend. Raiding which I didn’t think was necessary or needed c/w content gated legendary armor to boot. I can here the elitism crap flooding TeamSpeak and map chat already.

GW2 already has this in all of its instanced PVE content. Nearly every dungeon/fractal asks for metazerk.

You should have left years ago in this case.

I would like an exact percentage on what “nearly every” means. 95%? 99%? Or are you just pulling this out of nowhere to support your (fallacious) argument?

What can I do to punish Dungeon scammers now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


What are going to report them for? You posted to LFG, they joined, and you all finished the dungeon. Is that not exactly what the group finder is for?

Zerker problem

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


We are clearly stating a real problem, that a large portion of the player base is having.

Yes a large portion of the player base wants mounts too. Should they be listened to? Probably. Would listening to them break WvW by massively expanding the response speed of zergs? Yes. Is there a fix that makes people happy, and doesn’t break the game? Probably.

Claiming there is no problem, in a thread full of those people who are both experiencing it, and creating it… puts you firmly on one side of the argument.

Oh, so you have actual data to back up your points? How big is large? What percentage of the playerbase is experiencing this “problem”? I would also like to know the release date of HoT since you seem to be so well informed

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Why are we not discussing options instead of terrible 150 headshot gold skins for the new weapons?

Because gold is SHINY

Challenging Group announcement at PAX Prime!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I sure hope no one can beat the content out of the box. If Clerics or PVT gear finds its way into successful runs, I hope it is because it is a necessary component of the success and not because they’re bad players using training-wheels-gear.

I am totally okay with tankier gear being necessary for success. Imagine a boss with an attack phase where it hits everyone in the raid who’s visible with a beam of energy that does a crapton of sustained damage and pretty much murders anyone in glass gear, but not everyone can stealth or else the boss resets. The one successful strategy might be 9 of the 10 people stealthing the entire phase while 1 cleric’s Guardian tanks, invuls, and blocks through the attack. Maybe it should be so much damage that there’d need to be two of these cleric’s Guardians that switch back and forth during this phase, moving into/out of the stealth blasts.

I’d call that kind of strategy awesome, especially because it would incorporate some tanking without killing the active gameplay of GW2. Hell, if we saw that exact strategy come to pass, I’d love every second of it.

Here’s to hoping.

Oh, man! That’s gonna be so much fun! I can’t wait to spam “LF2 Cleric Guard then gtg” for an hour before I get frustrated and go back to SW!

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


That solves nothing unless everyone is forced to buy 3 of those rings for each skin he buys.

Why everyone should do it? It’s your opinion, not everyone.

To keep them hard and tedious to get. I dont want to see them turning into dungeon token weapons.

Why do you care what skins other people have? Lemme guess, “kitten kitten because prestige”, right? I was just at lunch with a friend and we were laughing at how pathetic and sad the concept of prestige in a MMO is.

How many pristine relics buys a weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


This is the most insane, utterly immature thread I think I’ve read on these forums, and that’s really saying something.

It’s theoretically possible to get all the skins in 17 fractal runs. You don’t even have to be at 50 to get them. Prestige? Come off it. If you only value these skins because others don’t have them, you don’t deserve the skins in the first place.

I’m currently at 12/17 with enough duplicate skins to outfit a small army, and 20 pristines seems pretty perfectly reasonable to me. You still have to get up to 50 before you can purchase the skins, and the current drop rate is at roughly 10% for 40+. Remember, most of us would have had the full collection ages ago if the duplicates we got were actually unique.

Holographic Shattered Dragon Wings

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


There is nothing wrong with rewarding people who have been loyal customers from the beginning with exclusive content, quit whining. It isn’t like the tribal skins that were entirely RNG based, this was something you literally just had to log on for an hour or two to get. If you had an account and didn’t get it it is your own fault. If you just started now, well there are other skins in the game why do you feel like you must have everything the people who have been playing for years have. Will you cry that they have more daily achievement points than you too? Do you want free AP to catch up? Ridiculous self-entitled people.

If you only derive pleasure from an object because others don’t have it, then you don’t deserve said object.

Please Remove/Change Agony Resistance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Last i checked level 2 players with no AR can run fractals, so the “gear grind” you speak of does not exist.

[Suggestion] Dungeon reset button

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


You can enter it while its closed. Search and you will find

Dude! Shhhhhhhhh

FotM changes!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Pick the fractal?

Dredge fractal will never be done again. ever.

They fixed dredge a while back.The panel room now spawns a manageable amount of enemies. Bomb runs are doable without wiping. No more clown car. I haven’t seen anyone gripe about it since they fixed it

How long to get your Fractal Weapon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I’m at 12/17 right now. The only reason I’m able to still do fractals without driving over to Bellevue to smack the kitten out of the content designers in this game is because I gave up on getting the skins I wanted a long time ago.

I recently got the dagger, about a year after I made Incinerator once I realized I was never getting the fractal dagger. And you know what? I didn’t even want it. I thought to myself, “Congratulations, ANet! You’ve made something so rare and priceless, that it’s actually kittening worthless.”

I run fractals for fun, karma, and obsidian. kitten the skins.

Simplying Armor Stat Distribution!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I would really like to see some kind of equipment customization system put in place to solve this problem. I think they really touched on something with agony resistance and the way you upgrade and invest into a piece of gear. It’s kind of a nice balance between vertical and horizontal progression. I would like to see the ability to combine an insignia/inscription with a piece of ascended equipment and you get the ability to switch the equipment’s stats to this new stat type on the fly. You could then eventually combine that equipment with every type of insignia/inscription and be able to switch to any stat combination on the fly. The same thing could be done for runes/sigils. This, in combination with a system to save and swap between builds, would encourage build diversity without having to completely re-work equipment stats.

hotw p2 - quaggan champs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I dont know for what you need Reflects at this boss???

Another Strategy is to freeze the boss and if you have mesmer or guard to pull them together. then you dps with icebows and meteor. To prevent quaggans to moove away from aoe you can place chillfield as elementalist.

If the extra “o” in “moove” was intentional, I salute you.

Stupid meta bullies ppl

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


A week ago i was actually dropped from 10 parties in a row because i don’t have zerker or I wasn’t experiences.

I find this and other similar claims extremely unlikely. Since last week I’ve run 14 CoFs, none of them were zerker only, we didn’t kick anyone because of lack of experience.
Every week I run P1 and P2 daily, all advertised through the LFG tool, never any problems.

“You run into an kitten in the morning, you ran into an kitten. You run into kittens all day, YOU’RE the kitten”

Eternity Sucks! :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


So, basically: “other people have stuff, and I want stuff, so take away their stuff to make me feel better”.

Seems legit.

Suggestion: New dungeon/fractal mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Don’t wanna stack? Then don’t stack. It’s inefficient and unnecessary in almost all cases. There, I just saved the devs some time for making more content. You’re welcome.

mini gwynefyrdd

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I completely disagree, why should everything rare be available for purchase? Why should someone with great wealth be able to buy anything and everything in the game? This is Guild Wars 2, not collection wars 2 or trading post wars 2. This comment doesn’t just apply to Gwynefyrdd, but to all the other items that were only awarded during one time or special events. Some of us have played the game for 3 years now, some of us have gotten exclusive items that were part of content that will never return. Why should someone that didn’t get it then or just joined the game be able to just buy it now? That simply invalidates the time we invested back then to get the items.

Why on earth does someone else having an item in any way “invalidate” anything you could have possibly done? This post is basically “because I already have it, so I don’t give a kitten about those who don’t.” Your need for exclusivity is a character flaw, and you should do some self examination.

OP, I don’t collect minis, but I can definitely sympathize. I’m sitting at 12/17 Fractal weapon skins with little to no hope of ever finishing the collection.

This is a classic example of “bad” RNG. Every time you open a bag and don’t get the mini you want, it’s a bad feeling. Now, if you got some token with every bag, and you could turn in a few thousand of these tokens for the mini, that would be much better. Designers can then introduce “good” RNG where bags have rare chance to simply drop the mini. This way you have measurable progress towards your goal, and there’s still tension each time you open a bag. Gating item acquisition behind pure RNG is lazy design.

Where did you get your PreCurser?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


1. Carcharias – dropped from a keep lord bag in WvW
2. Dusk – TP
3. Tooth of Frostfang – TP
4. Spark – TP
5. Tooth of Frostfang – dropped from Fyonna in TA up
6. Zap – forged using exos bought from selling Tooth of Frostfang

Stop Players from Dungeon Exclusions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


I have played many MMO’s in my days and I don’t think I ever saw another game that lets other players see your achievement score, or anything like that.

And how many of those MMOs allowed you to inspect other players’ gear?

Thought so.

Stop Players from Dungeon Exclusions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


OP you need to be the change you want to see in the world. Make an lfg like this:
“p123, anyone welcomed”.

How then would the OP get carried by other players when he/she wants to play their Nomad/Staff “Support” Guard?

[DnT] Arah Path 3 - 7:01

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Is there some requirement that speed runners must have terrible taste when it comes to music?

Bored As Can Be

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Welcome to the reason a lot of us said, “No,” to an expansion, and, “Yes,” to more free Living Story updates, Seasonal Events, Special Events, etc. every month or so while chasing achievements.

Never once was I bored. And now? Well, now we get into arguments about what content we are or aren’t getting at what cost . . . while I play Marvel Heroes. I’m sure Gazillion appreciates that.

Fun times.

Well, it’s a good thing you are just like the majority of players, and the LS model is working out so well that they’re not going to make an expansion. OH WAIT…

I want nerf to waterfield blast finishers.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


This has the potential to set up a ‘requirement’ for dedicated healers, ie, those who sacrifice all damage to enable their allies to live longer and thus deal more damage (to make up for the damage the support cannot provide)

this in turn sets up a situation where people are forced to sacrifice their preferred playstyle in order to make play in any way possible. That’s not good design and i’m glad GW2 has never crossed that line.

Why i would like the healing power stat to be more useful and rewarding to those who choose to invest in it, i don’t think that this suggestion is a step in that direction.

as opposed to dedicated healers sacrificing their preferred playstyle and instead being forced to run zerker to be viable?

False equivalence. There’s a big difference between being forced by the content and being “forced” by the community.

No tank, No healer, No trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


My concern is this : if they create hard roles and the content in HoT requires a certain role for the party to be completed we will go back to square one on the whole “waiting around for 1 person to finally engage in content” problem they sought out to solve in the first place.

Yes and I agree that is not ideal.

But, neither is (IMO) dictatorial, skipping>permastacking>meleeing, DPS-only parties, all in matching clothes…

So if the choice is between waiting in queue for hours or all the fun I’ve been having for the past few years, I’ll take fun.

Elementalist not able to weapon swap?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Ok, I guess I get that. Would have been nice if my reward had been similar to what I had been using though.

I leveled my ele up to 80 using only the staff. After awhile I equipped two daggers just to try it out, and I realized I had been playing wrong the entire time! It is so much fun.

Arah kick

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


dont sell your personal achievements.
dont sell dungeon paths
dont play with strangers

never run into this again

Well i used support system now, but nothing will be done anyway. I start to miss old party leader system

You mean the horrible old griefing system? You know, the one where if the opener left the party the instance would close and everyone would lose their progress. So, you would make the rest of the player base suffer just so you can make a few extra gold? Let me guess: you’re a Wall Street banker by trade, aren’t you?

Update: Symbolic Avenger Trait

in Guardian

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


shouldn’t be too hard to program :

if (Position.InSymbol==1)
then DPS1 = BaseDPS x1.1;

Ah, script kiddies. We love ya, and we know you try real hard, but please leave coding to real devs

I think arah should be nerfed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Can someone explain why people think skipping trash is “no fun”? Like, compared to what? Killing the trash? We call it trash for a reason. I joined some full clear groups when I first ran dungeons, and it was somewhat entertaining because the game was new to me. I would have stopped running dungeons a long time ago if trash in this game didn’t leash. I actually love skipping in dungeons because it’s a skill you have to learn, and it’s different for each profession/group composition. It’s also totally optional

Lion's Arch - Dungeon NPC's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


To me, this was the biggest change of the patch. This is basically saying, “Hey dungeon runners? kitten you. We have no interest in adding any more compelling instanced content. We don’t even want you playing the only interesting end game content we have. Just go spend money on the gem store instead. Have fun!”

Save My Build

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


…would seem like a relatively simple concept to implement into the current system and probably would have a one or two week development cycle. =/

It’s always interesting to see how non-game developers perceive the process of making games. Things must seem easy and simple to implement from an outsider’s perspective.

Design has to flesh out the feature (does it include weapons and/or skills? should it?). UX has to design the GUI. Art has to iterate, draw it, and chop up the art. Engineers have to code it, create cheats for QA and tools for Customer Service. You need a data migration path for when users first login. You need to stress test (what does each player storing all this additional info do to the servers?). You need to map it to hotkeys. QA has test it. Engineers have to fix the bugs. Can it be integrated with automated tests? What happens when skills are added, deprecated, or replaced? And on and on…

Simplistic game has become even moreso

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


Meta = I don’t want to play this game. How do I make it ungodly easy??

I’m confused. What happened to your other little post “So a non meta team did a better job in AC…”? Is the meta easier, or is it harder? You need to get your narrative straight.

Look, I get that you’re not skilled enough to play with zerk gear, and that makes you angry. It’s not for everyone, especially casual players like yourself. You don’t have to run up and down the forums complaining about how others play the game

Yay finally fun in low lvl areas !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cthaeh.2168


20 out of 20 people, about half of which played the game since beta, is a pretty good sample.

No. No it isn’t.