Showing Posts For dchsknight.3042:
You have to shut off 1 of your facets. the only one worth shutting off in a fight is Facet of Elements which leaves you with only 1 tick of upkeep which means you are getting 1 energy a second.
I don’t know how experts do it, but whenever I played Revenant, I would use its buff-stacking potential to stack up buffs in between engagements, and then as soon as the fight starts I could burn the Swiftness one, and maybe one of the others if I wanted, so that I was only fighting with one or two active, but I’d still have stacks of buffs from before the fight for a while. Then when the fight ended, I could throw them back on.
Yes and that is what I do too, but your still stuck with an abysmal regen rate and unless you are with other people who give out boons, you will run out of the boon very quickly, it wont be a while.
Plus it is a dps loss to turn them off. Because if the timer runs out you loose a ton of Power and condition damage. And you cant turn them back on before the duration goes away, they have major cds that last longer than the boon affect duration. The only way to keep them up is to have someone else apply a stack or have boon duration increases. Which is a dps loss in PVE.
Simply put it is bad to shut off the facets in a fight unless the fight is going to be over in a few seconds which most meaningful fights are much longer. Except for Facet of the Elements I only turn it on and right off to cast the AOE in a fight.
Just to prove what I am saying…
Legendary Assassin, has 2 utils at 30+ and an upkeep at 10/-10 and a 50 cost elite.
Demon has a 20,30,35 with a 5/-7.
Dwarf is at 25,30, 5/-7 with a 50 elite.
Renegade has a 25.30, 25 with a 10/-9. with some energy use on the skills but with heavy cds. Which negates the cost, Because there is no upkeep with the energy.
Couple that with almost all skills causing heavy Dots except for CB. And the support of spreading Kalla fervor. Every skill has major impact on the fight.
So no it does not have a high cost.
No I dont think that. I am stating the fact that Herald is NOT better then Renagade in energy cost and use. It just not. So people get on the fourms and they complain that renegade has to high a cost and it doesn’t.
I’ve been watching these forums for quite some time, and you’re the only person to say it doesn’t have high energy costs. Even people who like Renegade say it has high energy cost.
You’re fairly in the minority here.
Yes I am a Minority. But at least I am not ignorant and passing false Info. Legendary Assassin stance has more of an energy cost than renegade. Legendary Demon is almost as much as Renegade. And Dwarf is worse than Renegade.
I would rather be a Minority rather than Ignorant and spreading false info. And then making judgements based on false info.
I feel like all the Renegade hate. The look flipping epic. AND I feel people who say it is unfinished just went into a map and pressed 1. I feel it is one of the most finished of the classes.
Found the revenant player.
The overwhelming majority of rev players I spoke to called it trash as well. If you think Renegade is ‘one of the most finished’ then have to call BS.
I am a pve player not a pvp. So I could care less what PVP players think of a class.
Renegade still needs PVE buffs most likely. The weapon is too weak and costs too much energy.
Costs to much energy… You know that when a herald goes full buffed they have 0 energy right? and I am not talking about the f2 or the elite.
IF you do 3 facets for fury, swiftness, and Might, You have 1 upkeep tick which means you gen energy at an abysmal rate. Renegade does not have the kind of upkeep cost. You can still gen energy way faster as a Renegade.
When one skill drain your initial 50 energy on get got, it cost too much energy.
For Glint, you can press 3~4 skills and you still have full 50 energy and it takes a few dozen seconds until it hits zero.
Funny how you bring Glint Up because it has perfect energy management if you play it smart.
You must not actually play the Revenant…
Herald has NO ENERGY Gen, when fully buffed. YOU DO NOT get energy back.
You cast 3 skills and you are out of energy completely.
You have to shut off 1 of your facets. the only one worth shutting off in a fight is Facet of Elements which leaves you with only 1 tick of upkeep which means you are getting 1 energy a second. That means you have to wait at least 5-10 seconds before you can fire off another skill. Which means if you are using Sword, that is precision strike, which is nice but not that great. And for axe, that is Frigid blast which is also nice and hits synergies well. But now you are back to 0. Now if your a condi rev it is better because mace has lower cost abilities but not by much. you are still in the same boat as power shiro, just a better position on the boat.
NO herald is not good energy management. It is Garbage to 0. And the fact that people think it is better just shows that they don’t know what they are talking about.
As for renegade ONLY 1 Skill has an upkeep and that is Soulcleave Summit and that costs 10 with an upkeep of 9. The skill with the MOST energy cost Citadel Bombardment at 40. Which is NOT a skill you should using all the time. IT is a strong aoe but NOT a major damage dealing skillI it helps spread burn, but the burn it puts out is weak. And besides burning is not what your skills put out. It is a secondary condi. All the rest of the skills are less energy Which as long as you dont pop soulcleave you will will have enough energy to fire off CB by the time it comes off CD, with some to spare. IF you have full energy you can fire off all spirits at the same time and still have energy.
So I really do not understand the energy cost whining. It is just not true.
I’m not really sure what the issue is here comparatively. Almost any spec you use 3 abilities and you’re out of energy. As for Herald, do you think you should be able to have everything turned on? You’re only supposed to use what you need at the moment, not roflface your keyboard.
And this is coming from a “Renegade uses too much energy in general” advocate.
No I dont think that. I am stating the fact that Herald is NOT better then Renagade in energy cost and use. It just not. So people get on the fourms and they complain that renegade has to high a cost and it doesn’t.
I feel like all the Renegade hate. The look flipping epic. AND I feel people who say it is unfinished just went into a map and pressed 1. I feel it is one of the most finished of the classes.
Found the revenant player.
The overwhelming majority of rev players I spoke to called it trash as well. If you think Renegade is ‘one of the most finished’ then have to call BS.
I am a pve player not a pvp. So I could care less what PVP players think of a class.
Renegade still needs PVE buffs most likely. The weapon is too weak and costs too much energy.
Costs to much energy… You know that when a herald goes full buffed they have 0 energy right? and I am not talking about the f2 or the elite.
IF you do 3 facets for fury, swiftness, and Might, You have 1 upkeep tick which means you gen energy at an abysmal rate. Renegade does not have the kind of upkeep cost. You can still gen energy way faster as a Renegade.
When one skill drain your initial 50 energy on get got, it cost too much energy.
For Glint, you can press 3~4 skills and you still have full 50 energy and it takes a few dozen seconds until it hits zero.
Funny how you bring Glint Up because it has perfect energy management if you play it smart.
You must not actually play the Revenant…
Herald has NO ENERGY Gen, when fully buffed. YOU DO NOT get energy back.
You cast 3 skills and you are out of energy completely.
You have to shut off 1 of your facets. the only one worth shutting off in a fight is Facet of Elements which leaves you with only 1 tick of upkeep which means you are getting 1 energy a second. That means you have to wait at least 5-10 seconds before you can fire off another skill. Which means if you are using Sword, that is precision strike, which is nice but not that great. And for axe, that is Frigid blast which is also nice and hits synergies well. But now you are back to 0. Now if your a condi rev it is better because mace has lower cost abilities but not by much. you are still in the same boat as power shiro, just a better position on the boat.
NO herald is not good energy management. It is Garbage to 0. And the fact that people think it is better just shows that they don’t know what they are talking about.
As for renegade ONLY 1 Skill has an upkeep and that is Soulcleave Summit and that costs 10 with an upkeep of 9. The skill with the MOST energy cost Citadel Bombardment at 40. Which is NOT a skill you should using all the time. IT is a strong aoe but NOT a major damage dealing skillI it helps spread burn, but the burn it puts out is weak. And besides burning is not what your skills put out. It is a secondary condi. All the rest of the skills are less energy Which as long as you dont pop soulcleave you will will have enough energy to fire off CB by the time it comes off CD, with some to spare. IF you have full energy you can fire off all spirits at the same time and still have energy.
So I really do not understand the energy cost whining. It is just not true.
I feel like all the Renegade hate. The look flipping epic. AND I feel people who say it is unfinished just went into a map and pressed 1. I feel it is one of the most finished of the classes.
Found the revenant player.
The overwhelming majority of rev players I spoke to called it trash as well. If you think Renegade is ‘one of the most finished’ then have to call BS.
I am a pve player not a pvp. So I could care less what PVP players think of a class.
Renegade still needs PVE buffs most likely. The weapon is too weak and costs too much energy.
Costs to much energy… You know that when a herald goes full buffed they have 0 energy right? and I am not talking about the f2 or the elite.
IF you do 3 facets for fury, swiftness, and Might, You have 1 upkeep tick which means you gen energy at an abysmal rate. Renegade does not have the kind of upkeep cost. You can still gen energy way faster as a Renegade.
I feel like all the Renegade hate. The look flipping epic. AND I feel people who say it is unfinished just went into a map and pressed 1. I feel it is one of the most finished of the classes.
Found the revenant player.
The overwhelming majority of rev players I spoke to called it trash as well. If you think Renegade is ‘one of the most finished’ then have to call BS.
I am a pve player not a pvp. So I could care less what PVP players think of a class.
Its couldn’t care less. Saying you could care less implies that you do, in fact, care what the PvP players think
Opps! fingers moved faster than my brain!
I feel like all the Renegade hate. The look flipping epic. AND I feel people who say it is unfinished just went into a map and pressed 1. I feel it is one of the most finished of the classes.
Not true, I spent the whole first week-end on the Renegade. I also tried the dead-eye and holosmith. And I’ll agree with you that the theme seems pretty cool and interesting. I had a lot of fun playing a power Renegade in pvp, and it felt very powerful. But that same week-end, they hotfixed the elite skill to have an icd, and the only functional build in pvp died right there…
For now, the numbers (including energy cost) are not balanced, and it give a very clunky feeling when you need to wait for so long before you can unleash some of the amazing combos. (Like popping all utility spirits, and the elite with a condition build, you trigger a ton of bleed solo) But these combos are simply too expensive.
Secondly, the whole spec doesn’t work underwater… AGAIN. Second elite spec like this, and with so few skills functioning underwater (only shiro and mallyx), it is really upsetting to someone who wants to main Rev.
There is also the issue of the weapon, which while it gives the impression it should multi-hit and trigger lots of bleeds and lifesteal with the two spirits, the icd limits this heavily. (also energy, but that was already mentioned) It also lacks ANY defensive skills, which is a big mistake not to include a single evade or movement skill… The skill 2 doesn’t hit moving targets… The skill 3 is clunky to use and upset by terrain changes. Skill 4 is just a waste, and I learned to stop using it eventually. So you are left with a skill 1 that is okay, and a skill 5 that I love.
This brings us to the profession mechanic, kalla’s fervor, which seems to have been designed for sharing. The spirits buff eachother, which is really nice, but kalla’s fervor won’t require any special thought at present… It’s missing something to make it stand out. (This is my opinion though, I’m not going to push for changes here, with everything else that needs work)
The 3 bonus skills all kind of suck… I’m getting tired of going into details, but so much has been said on this.
To assume those giving feedback on Renegade didn’t test it is silly. I spent many hours trying different builds, menders, vipers, rapid, maurauders, sage, etc.
Obviously my feedback is leaning towards pvp. I never got a chance to test the Renegade in pve. Was going to do that today, but didn’t realize the testing time was changed.
I don’t play Rev in PVP. I main one for PVE. And I dont agree that it is bad in PVE. I think it is quite the opposite.
I feel like all the Renegade hate. The look flipping epic. AND I feel people who say it is unfinished just went into a map and pressed 1. I feel it is one of the most finished of the classes.
Found the revenant player.
The overwhelming majority of rev players I spoke to called it trash as well. If you think Renegade is ‘one of the most finished’ then have to call BS.
I am a pve player not a pvp. So I could care less what PVP players think of a class.
I’m pretty sure the $30 price point for PoF was mostly for players who already have HoT, to prevent the “HoT is $50 if you already owned core!” fiasco again. While you can get PoF without HoT, I think you’re going to be in for a really incomplete experience for doing so.
If you don’t have HoT, you WILL be held back in the following ways:
1. No access to guild halls. Not even the new one. So, you’ll have less functionality in a guild.
2. No access to the previous Elite Specializations, which fill different roles for different classes, and many are likely to remain Meta (Condi Berzerker, Chronomancer, and Druid are all going to remain meta, most likely. Dragonhunter will still be powerful in PvP for its area-denial. Tempest will still be a powerful Elementalist. Daredevil will still be unmatched mobility.)
3. No glider. Enjoy eating dirt if you fall from a cliff without your mount out.
4. No access to 10 of the game’s maps, and the rewards in them.
Your guild hall comment is not true. IF you do not have Hot you can still go to the guild hall if the owner of the Guild hall has Hot. You just can not claim any of them if you start a guild.
I left for 2 years and came back this week; I was impressed with the direction the game has gone in and, judging by what people said, I can expect Path of Fire to hold some promising new features – hence why I decided to buy it.
This was COMPLETELY different with Heart Of Thorns: in fact, I pretty much quit because that came out.
My main concerns are:
> Will I be held back purely on the basis of not owning HoT?
> Will I be able to ‘catch up’ with mastery points given I do not own (and do not want to own) HoT?
> Will I be outclassed by people who own specializations from both HoT and PoF? As an example, will I be fighting Reaper Necromancers who have access to Scourge abilities?
> Can the PoF expansion features be used in all aspects of the game, or are some features taken out in some areas? e.g. are mounts disabled in WvW?
> As to whether the expansion specializations put vanilla builds to shame in certain aspects, (e.g. “Reaper puts vanilla condi mancer to shame in WvW” – as an example), would I be limited for owning one expansion and not the other?Feedback appreciated muchly
1. No not at all. They are independent Expacks.
2. For Core Tyria yes. you can only get core masteries in Core tyria. For example, only Core tyria will gain you fractal masteries. Same with Legendary Crafting.
3. No you can not equip both elite specs at the same time. If you are going to fight someone with them the other person will need to disengage from combat and go respec but they will loose all their Scourge capabilities. I.E. Shades Vs. Shroud knight.
4. We don’t for sure. But probably.
5. This question makes me laugh. Seriously. You lost all credibility. Comparing a reaper to a Condi Necro is like comparing an apple to a lead ball. Totally different. And fulfill different roles. If a power spec any power spec gets the drop on a condi class, then yeah the power spec is going to tear into the condi spec. But not a Condi necro. IF a condi necro gets taken out by a reaper or any other power spec, its the condi necro’s fault. You are playing it wrong…
IN fact i am almost certain that if you are playing the condi necro and you are getting eaten alive by the reaper, you are doing it wrong. Condi necros should chew through a reaper like a brick through paper. For the simple fact that Condi’s are not stopped by toughness. They are onyl stopped by resistance. And last I looked Reapers dont have access to resistance with their skills. They have to get it from gear and if they get it from gear they are gimping themselves.
I feel like all the Renegade hate. The look flipping epic. AND I feel people who say it is unfinished just went into a map and pressed 1. I feel it is one of the most finished of the classes.
I find this thread very funny. Because I feel like the OP Is just perpetuating a myth.
Rangers have the highest dps in high level fractals. It has been this way for a year.
It seems to me that you might be inflexible. Maybe try out condi ranger builds. I gaurentee you wont be kicked…
We already have 3 solid healers in gw2. It is the meta’s fault that everyone and their mother listen’s to the “Meta” bull crap to think that there is any another classes besides Zerker and Condi.
Having the class be support as its theme is the thing that is missing!
ranger at is core is a bow animal guy.
ele- is a classic mage
guardian – is the closest thing that comes to that but is more paladin themed and not healing themed.Monk would have its theme start off as support themed.
then could have an elite spec that is smite based and one that is more offensive support base.You kidding right? All druid can do succesfully is heal and support. That is what their class mechanic is all about.
One thing that I think needs a definition is “class”. A ranger is a ranger, but a Druid is not a ranger. They are a different class with a whole new class mechanic. The soul reason a druid was made was for support and heals. While they can do other things, that is not what they where made for.
Currently there are 18 classes in the game. 4 of them can heal pretty good, 3 of them are amazing at it.
We dont need a healing support class we already got 3 of them that are fantastic at it.
Theme is completely different than mechanics.
A cloth wearing support character who looks to be weak offensively but is strong defensively is a character most of us who enjoy support have played in every MMO.
My point is not that the other classes cant do healing. its not that the druid is a great healing spec but while the ability to heal and support are in game. The feeling that you get from playing one of these archetypes is missing from the game.
Again guardian is paladin style.. and a lot of us hate heavy armored classes. I’ve literally tried everything to make my guardian feel like a cloth wearer.. but his most support weapon is a mace.. which is.. just not the feels people like the top poster are looking for.For instance FFXIV has 3 healers.
Astro/White Mage/Scholar.
There is no class that has the same feeling as the above three classes.
and that is why BRING THE MONK BACK threads pop up all the time.
If you want the monk… I want the Paragon and Dervish back…
We already have 3 solid healers in gw2. It is the meta’s fault that everyone and their mother listen’s to the “Meta” bull crap to think that there is any another classes besides Zerker and Condi.
Having the class be support as its theme is the thing that is missing!
ranger at is core is a bow animal guy.
ele- is a classic mage
guardian – is the closest thing that comes to that but is more paladin themed and not healing themed.Monk would have its theme start off as support themed.
then could have an elite spec that is smite based and one that is more offensive support base.
You kidding right? All druid can do succesfully is heal and support. That is what their class mechanic is all about.
One thing that I think needs a definition is “class”. A ranger is a ranger, but a Druid is not a ranger. They are a different class with a whole new class mechanic. The soul reason a druid was made was for support and heals. While they can do other things, that is not what they where made for.
Currently there are 18 classes in the game. 4 of them can heal pretty good, 3 of them are amazing at it.
We dont need a healing support class we already got 3 of them that are fantastic at it.
We already have 3 solid healers in gw2. It is the meta’s fault that everyone and their mother listen’s to the “Meta” bull crap to think that there is any another classes besides Zerker and Condi.
Elementalist, necro, engineer, mesmer, guardian, ranger and thief can go all range (not counting doubling up on the same weapon). That’s 7 out of 9 classes. Only the revenant and warrior lack a “secondary” ranged weapon. So saying there are no pure ranged is kind of… odd.
Whether you want to go full range is a whole other matter.
Warrior can use longbow and rifle
Revenant hammer attacks are ranged and they can use a shortbowOh right I forgot about the longbow as its never ever used lol. Rev dont have shortbow yet, I only count current options. So correction, 8 out of 9 classes, yes.
Hammer is ranged…. All 9 classes have ranged options.
Elementalist, necro, engineer, mesmer, guardian, ranger and thief can go all range (not counting doubling up on the same weapon). That’s 7 out of 9 classes. Only the revenant and warrior lack a “secondary” ranged weapon. So saying there are no pure ranged is kind of… odd.
Whether you want to go full range is a whole other matter.
doubling up on the same weapon is really bad. They share cooldowns.
Why would you want celestial gear? Not mocking really wondering…
There is a new stat combo. No one ever talks about it and I dont know why. IT is called Grieving. It is power condi main with precision ferocity secondary.
I am pretty sure it will be the new meta
I am trying to save for some gem conversion for the Basic set of Gathering tools. I am not aiming for the fancy ones. Just unending ones.
Thanks for the replies.
So if we were to try and predict the future, any thoughts on what might change with the new elite specs coming out? My aim would be to play a beefy class, not glass cannon. Doesn’t have to tank, but be durable. At this point I have an engineer, guardian, and warrior leveled up from my first go.
If you want the beefy class.
Something that I never seem to see being talked about is Toughness.
IF your talking about tanking in the sense of holding aggro. Any class can tank. just stack toughness. Mobs gravitate towards enemies with the most toughness.
Staying alive is a whole other story.
In my opinion a minion necro speced with toughness could tank very well. With that trait that increases your toughness per minion alive… You could be very durable.
Hey all, I am a returning player, but I am a very Inexperinced returning player. I have been off and on with this game since launch and have just now really gotten into the game.
I am loving but I have a question.
So far I have been getting mats and selling them. From ectos to everything. And then using the gold i have gotten from that to get the stuff from the TP that I need.
Right now I am main-ing a necro and it has been the best thing ever. But I am wondering if I might be wasting my time with mats and gold. I wonder if it might be better to save my mats and gold and just craft.
Now I am not looking for guides on how to craft I know where to get that. I am also not looking for gathering guides because also I know where that is. But What I am looking for is how worth while is crafting?
I know if want a legendary I need to do it but I am not all uppity about it. I mean I might go for it but nothing has really caught my eye for legendaries.
I know that crafting ascended gear is good but I also know that running fractals can get the same effect with a little RNG prayer.
What do you think? crafting worth it?
Come on, let us choose our own launcher images. The new purple raptor rider graphic is awful. It looks like it has a color palette of about 8 colors, maximum.
You know that is the art style of the game right? low, vibrant colors in a water color style.
You know the style they have used for like since beta….
There is no need for another condi weapon, with the new stat any weapon will work. I preferred using D/T this week end and it was epic!
yes cause raids are the end all be all of dps. /sarcasmoff…
Revenant is awesome. If you plan on Power DPSing it may get a bit boring (best damage is heal+attackspeed skill+auto attack). For pvp Mallyx (dondi legend) is ridiculously high damage if done well. Ventari (heals) does a lot of healing and cc but near to no damage. Herald (Glint legend/elite spec) is great to give yourself and your teams boons, and gives any combo great survivability. Jalis is supposed to be defensive and tanky, but some people combo it with shiro (power dps) for damage. At the moment jalis is meh for tanking.
With PoF we might see some interesting synergy between Mallyx and Kalla (new elite spec, apparently also condi)
Thanks, for the reply, I’m going to have to research 90% of what you said
Being on 4yr break I’m so far behind that most of what you said doesn’t make sense to me. So all the names you tossed Mallyx etc are those weapons? I played mine last night and got to lvl 6. what weapons should I be using to prepare me for 80?
Mallyax and such are what Rev’s call legends it is like a elementalist’s attunments.
A rev can have 2 weapons like normal, and then 2 legends equiped. each legend has a set of utility, elite, and heal skills that you can activate. NOW note you can not change what those skills are.
So for example there is legendary dwarf stance which will give you a whole set of themed utilities and such based around the dwarf legend. you can have a spectral road drop down and give swift ness. you can have hammers flow around you.
Or in legendary assassin stance, you get a teleport charge, and an elite that turns people into jade statues.
In Legendary Dragon stance which is the Heart of Thorns Elite spec, you get things called facets which are like signets which have an activation and they put a buff on you and people around you and then you can use that skill again to get a major affect.
It is super fun.
as some one who is about to make a rev… I have noticed, I do not see alot of them. I see gobs of Warriors, and guardians but almost not revs. I like that and that is why I want to play one. but that also means lots of more room to look bad.
Metal plated horns.
Long sweeping, curved horns like an Ibex.
Twisted spiraling horns.
I like the ram’s horns as someone said earlier. I know we have the sweeping forward type but a set of sweeping ram’s horns going back would be nice.
Horns like a water buffalo would be cool.
Bull horns would be cool as well.
As for hair. I am a sucker for Mohawks. as well braids.
I am just learning ele… What was nerfed? all I am seeing is people complain but no real explanation of what the issue is.
Tempist was mase into a Support Spec. (as it was desighned do be) and as a result no longer puts out the best DPS in the game people are salty becouse of that.
Oh so it doesn’t affect people who know how to be flexible and can go with the flow of the game. COOL!
Besides I use Tempest as support already.
I am just learning ele… What was nerfed? all I am seeing is people complain but no real explanation of what the issue is.
Personally I like warriors and necros.
People who say necros are not good or not as good as other classes show an extreme ignorance of what the class can do in PVE.
A properly built necro can out preform a lot of the “go to” classes. Especially as a reaper.
Warriors are cool too as they are simple and fun. Who does not like smashing things 24/7. I do just find them a little blah though. They 1 button smash monkeys.
Guardians are your typical paladin goody two shoes. and the dragon hunter subclass is bamf.
I am not a fan of thieves. I never liked rogue classes in any mmo. I just dont. Maybe I should level one anyway next to get a better feel for them.
Dps checks should and always will be apart of games.
I am totally fine with a DPS check and here is why…. if the dps of the group is not pulling their weight then we need to know about it. You cant go into battle with pool noodle and expect to be effective.
here is what GW2 does not. DPS meter leetness to call out players. the failure of a group is be pinned on the group not performing. Not just a few players. Everyone should be expected to pitch in and push what ever they can.
We should have a way to check DPS. If you are running healing power when you should be running dps specs we should know about it.
Hey Anet have u played with Dragonhunter before u release it? Do u call this balance? right now DH is OP and everyone is making guardian. this ruins pvp experience . Is this to tempt more ppl to buy HOT?Im really disappointed …..
have your Dragon hunter fight a reaper and then tell me they are OP…
in your opinion what is the best pve class
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dchsknight.3042
Necro as well here… Because Gravedigger… that should be enough right there.
My opinion…
So I have come from playing all sorts of MMOs. I have played world of Warcraft and all of its expacs. I have played Starwars: The Old Republic up to shadow of Revan, and Wildstar.
I have flip flopped between them all and this one. I bought this game when it first came out. I played off and on until the scarlet Living story and I just recently came back and bout HoT.
I have to say it was worth every penny.
And here is why….
For comparison’s sake…
Warlords of Drenor came out and it cost 50 bucks. That is a ton for a wow expansion. That expansion did not really add a lot. We very little in ways of patch content comparred to what they have done in the past. Now I am not saying that WoD was a bad expansion I liked it. But it totally was not worth the 50 bucks.
Now HoT comes out. We ahve a total revamp of traits. Which when I first started playing the traits where a mess. We have a new way to get weapon skills. Admittedly we still get them early. But it is nice that they are level based and not kill based. We have a better slot skill system. I just got all my slot skills open at level 49. I have never had a level 80 toon since the open of GW2 and I am now just getting into the groove to get 80s.
We have a whole new huge zone. Not just few little areas a massive map. Plus a new class. The rev is a great addition to the game. I love it. But I find my self wanting to level an older class. I just like how the game has evolved so I choice a necro and I have not looked back since.
Not only the new class but a subclass for it as well. Not to mention 8 other subclasses that alter how the orignal 8 work. Amazing.
So we got 1 full class, 9 ‘hero’ classes, a huge zone, evolving mechanics and more to come… NOT to mention the raid… A raid in gw2. HOLY CRAP!
Yeah totally worth the 50 bucks.
Grinding Mobs for exp is bad in this game, dont do it. The using xp boosters for events is much more effective way of getting xp.
This is solely on you. If you want more socializing then be social. This game has plenty of opportunity to do it. If you dont, then it is on you for not doing so, not Anet.
Just getting back need help picking class
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dchsknight.3042
The necro is an underdog in this game. They are a dark spell caster and even in light armor they have high Survivability. To start a necro has melee casting through dagger and it is quite effective. Goign with straight power and perc, a dagger necro is quite destructive. Along with doing blood magic spec, you are a strong force to be reckoned with.
I like the necro. They have a sort of Death Knight kind of feel. Like the Death knight from the game that shall not be named.
These guys are by far one of the most unique classes I have ever seen. They are strong casters with fun weapon combos. Great sword usage gives you a solid ranged character. A mesmer is good for a lot of damage as well as support.
These guys are the tradtional archer type. But unlike the hunter from the game that shall not be named, they are not pet dependent. Even with Beast mastery the damage they out put is from them not the pet. though a Ranger can be spec’ed to make their pet more respectable.
truthfully it all boils down to what you want to do as your character.
Necro= green/black spreaders of terror with cool spells and strong aoe.
Mesmer= Purple sparkles and rainbows butterflies, that explode in a fiery ball of death, Oh and clones of yourself. That also explode.
Ranger= WTF where did all these arrows come from?! HOLY KITTENS THAT IS A BEAR! What?! is that a frosted tree monster?!
Don’t let anyone tell you a class cant fulfill a role. For every person that does, there are like 10 youtube videos showing do to do it.
Just getting back need help picking class
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dchsknight.3042
ok so what will fill the damage roll or tanking roll in the raids do you think then? and as far as support goes i will most likely pick the druid for that
No such thing as tanking in this game. There are some classes that have some semblence of tanking but the taunts in this game last for seconds and then the mob back to what ever it wants.
And besides a Centaur revenant can be just as beneficial as a druid can. So can demon. A demon Rev can be just as supportive as a chronomancer. In fact a Demon Rev + Chrono would be an iron clad support team. Throw in a Centaur Rev and Druid and your dpser would be unstoppable.
Just getting back need help picking class
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: dchsknight.3042
Well for the new raids it goes like this:
If you want to bring the most as a Ranger, you will likely spec druid and you will likely provide lots of support and group buffs (frost spirit, spotter, healing, quick rez, etc.)
If you want to bring the most as a Mesmer, you will likely spec chronomancer and provide alacrity and quickness to your allies as well as service other niche support functions. (Portal, reflect, stealth, etc)
If you want to bring the most as a Necromancer, you will likely reroll. XD Necro has some great damage, but outside some niche encounters (not sure yet, so maybe not niche) Necro don’t seem to provide much. They may add some strange mechanics with raids (ex: raid wipe if a player doesn’t go into a laser to stop it from powering a generator. It deals some 50k damage, is unblockable and pierces immunities like dodge and invulnerable. With this strange mechanic, raid leaders will have to decide to either sacrifice a player, or place a necro with death shroud to block the laser. ). For now, Necro is not a safe bet in my opinion, but of course they will remain viable, but you came here to try and optimize by asking more knowledgable players.
In the end, it comes down to Mesmer support or Ranger support, and if you want damage, you could still play Necro, but you’d offer less to a raid.
Doing Solid DPS is bringing a lot. For a 10 man raid you will have everything being brought you need to bring with in 3-5 players. All the boon and condition support you could need would be taken care of.
A solid DPS’er will be greatly needed. If you are just doing support or just worrying about what the player can give to the raid, you are ignoring DPS output.
It has already been shown that the whole anti-necro buisness is just ignorant people pushing out ignorant information. Necros bring plenty to a raid and a group. If you dont see that, your just ignorant.
OR you are one of those people who likes to base all they know off of a few people who think a certain meta is the truth of a game. The meta is a lie. Dont listen to it.
IF you are going to a group where people are just kicking you because of necro that is a poor group. And a group who does not know what they are missing.
A reaper will out dps almost all the melee with out even trying.
Do not listen to elitist bs’ers who only think the meta is all there is. They are fooling themselves and just like to perpetuate ignorant info.
So I played a little bit back in the previous living story and I have a bunch of those fragments left over. What can I do with them? should I destroy them or what?
I am a returning player. I have played wow to death, I tried out wildstar and that is to much of a time sink.
I am currently on FA and I thinking about making a ranger/necro. I am wanting to return to GW2 but the guild I was in is dead or never really has people in my Timezone. I currently have no characters with a lot of level investment so deleting and transferring is possible.
Personally what I want to do in game is what ever. I want to explore new things and PVP is something I never really done. I would love to try that out. Hence why I want to make a ranger/necro. I am also really interested in the living story and would love to try all that out. I did do the marionette events of the last living story and loved it.
I am mainly an evening player PST and i am looking for a guild that is active in the later evening like around 8pm+.
I wanted to put in a general inquiry about (life).
I am a returning player. I have played wow to death, I tried out wildstar and that is to much of a time sink.
I am currently on FA and I have 49 Warrior, and I thinking about making a ranger/necro. I am wanting to return to GW2 but the guild I was in is dead or never really has people.
Personally what I want to do in game is what ever. I want to explore new things and PVP is something I never really done. I would love to try that out. Hence why I want to make a ranger/necro. I am also really interested in the living story and would love to try all that out. I did do the marionette events of the last living story and loved it.
I am mainly an evening player PST. Currently my time is focused on my family and Gaming is a slight side burning venture but On weekends and times my wife and I are not playing Batman or diablo 3 i would like to be on Gw2. Looking to find a new home!
Personally at this moment, while at low level I use a staff. I am going to be getting a GS because I hear good things about it. I need to learn how to use it though.
that is what my problem was when i first looked at Mesmer. I was looking at them in the wrong way.
Finally a MMO, were I can breathe, were I am not getting out geared by people who play more than me. Finally a MMO with an actual narrative ending. The other MMOs I played didn’t launch with a story that concluded.
It’s funny. Not being forced to do something, strangely enough encourages me to want to play more. In prior MMOs were the carrot-on-a-stick was uber-gear that dropped from long repetitive dungeon crawls fueled by players spamming their stupid rotations, made me not want to participate.
It took very few hours once I had gotten to lvl 80 to buy my exotic (max stats) armor from the TP, and then transmuted it, and bought some nice dye, to get the coolest looking character I’ve ever had in a RPG.
I can put this game on the shelf, or play a little without, a subscription fee or worrying about my friends outgearing me a month from now. Gear treadmill is terrible and exhausting and feels like a second job.
I love that the carrot in GW2 is optional. I don’t think a legendary at this point is viable, but it’s more fun to pursue when you are not being forced to do it. Nobody likes to be forced to do something just to be competitive in the pvp sphere, or to be allowed by the community to run the content.
I hope they will make semi legendary armors and weapons. Mid long term tangible rewards to work towards. And I hope working for those will require me to run through some of my favorite zones levelling up, like Arathi highlands (centaur genocide!!)
Amen brother although I want some of those legendaries… Goal has been set!
I wanna know how we are finding out what is highest dps and what isnt… Is there a parser that i missed? Because unless we have one… there is no way to figure it out. We have not been confirmed int eh combat log that it displays all forms of damage and that there is nothing for hidden calcs or anything.
I dont understand how this is a nerf at all…