Showing Posts For degoking.1482:

game lobby no games shown

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue. I go to click on the game lobby and ni games are showing up plus getting massive server lag.

A New Viable sPvP Berzerker build????!!!!!

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Ye i can confirm this build can be viable i played it during the last beta event, i run a different variation of it but basically the same. For one i have found going sword torch mace shield really helps with survivability and you really don’t miss the torment from off hand sword, but as i stated u gain a lot of survivability and nice reflects for ranged enemy’s. I also use carrion mainly i found it to do more damage, now i will use cele now and then but when i do i will change the build up a bit.

Here is example of my carrion version.

Now with this carrion I have also been using runes of the Krait, and berserker runes as well, i am not sure which is better still messing around with those.

Here is my Cele version.

Now with this version i will drop rousing resilience for cleansing ire depending on the enemy team comp, I will also drop Savage instinct, for last blaze if i go cleansing ire because i feel since cele has less condi damage that extra burn helps and because of cleansing ire u really don’t need Savage instinct, even though the stun breaker is nice.

Now as interpreter does with his build when u go cele i think u can get away with dropping the shield and going for off hand sword for some extra damage as well.

It is just in my opinion when running carrion that torment is not needed plenty of condi damage with out it. And the shield brings more utility with reflect’s block, stun, just personal preference.

Ok well there are my 2 examples of the variations of this buld i have been running with some really decent success. Now i am not sure if this would be able to compete in top tier play as it just seems every other classes specializations are far superior but it is fun for the time being and it has it’s moments of feeling really strong, but also a lot of moments where u see the unbalance of what we warriors are atm compared to the other classes. So with that said i feel Anet needs to fix some things on the warrior for us to really get Full usage out of Berserker, As there are many post about this. But for now i have been having some fun with these builds.

Also i am by no means saying i was the first to run this build or anything like that i just seen another fellow warrior sharing a build that is very similar to what i have been running and wanted to share my versions with you all as well. thanks and hopefully you all have some success with these builds as well.:) Until we get the fixes we properly deserve ANET that is for you:(

(edited by degoking.1482)

possible Peak Performance is bugged

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


I made a post about this a few weeks ago ever since 2 patches ago Peak performance does not seem to be working as intended. And to be honest i can’t believe no one has noticed or cares.

Any how to the point when u have full adrenaline with that trait u are suppose to get an increased damage of 30% on physical utility’s skills, and before 6 that patch few weeks back the damage buff would show on the skill tips, but now it does not.

Which i thought ok well it is anet and they probably messed up the skill facts just a bug right? the damage is still increased but it is just not displayed Well i did some testing on this and as far as i can tell Peak performance is not scaling with any of the utility’s such as kick, stomp, bulls charge. Now when i go into rampage i have to be honest i can’t tell if it is working or not. I am not a numbers guys this was just doing some basic testing myself so if i am wrong my bad.

But with that Said i would like an answer from Anet if they know that the skill tips are not working as intended. I am at least 90% sure Peak performance is not working with the utility moves i listed above which means it is basically a trait slot that does nothing just a wasted slot.

And like I said with rampage i’m not sure about this one, if it is or is not working. But if anyone else can confirm this that would be great, as i stated, i just did some basic test maybe i did something wrong so any help/answers about this would be appreciated thanks.

more beta weekends

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


After playing this beta for 2 days, I think Anet should do a beta test every weekend
until the release of HOT. I think all the classes need looking at some more then others, between things being really op or just being to weak and lack luster. What do you all think, Agree or do you all think this game will be in good shape by the oct 23 release…….

Berserker feedback warrior traits in general

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Ok so here is some feed back much of what you are about to read has been posted before hopefully anet will listen. Now what i am going to put down, i believe to be priority very important changes that we need. To have more variety and to be really competitive, these are just my opinions ofc.

First of so we got this new specialization berserker. It looked fantastic in testing when the dev was hitting dummies matter of fact it looked so good people were already calling for nerfs before they even seen it live. Well now that it is live i think people are seeing it’s flaws and there are quite a few, not so much in the specialization itself but how we can or can not combo it with other trait lines.

Ill give 2 examples that i feel are very important for a few builds that we could potentially have. Example 1 Fast hands now we as a warrior community have been asking to have this base line for some time now and in my opinion it should have been baseline since day one this is a big fail by anet, that it has not been implemented yet.

the reason being for those of you that play or played warrior to the extent of really knowing the class will agree it needs to be on a 5 second cd. Now the people that don’t play warrior will say no way you are crazy that would be sooooo op, well i am here to tell you it would not.

Now i am not a numbers guy and can only tell u by feeling and playing and what can tell while playing warrior from the way It’s skills work such as the CD’s and the way the weapons combo off one another, is they require that 5 second swap to be optimal if u try to not go into discipline forget it it is so unnatural feeling that any build u make will not work to its optimal potential matter of fact it will be barely playable.

So we are forced into that trait line just for the fact of having fast hands which limits sooooo many builds we could try, that would work well if fast hands was baseline, and it would not be over powered because as i stated above it is just how the warrior mechanics work and how he is set up it just works with 5 sec swap and does not work with 10. even if u pick the warrior sigil that gives u 20% less duration to swap weps it is not enough.

So with that one fix there that would open up quite a few options for us. And once again for those of you that would say it would be to OP, Please go pick up a warrior try every build listed in meta and other builds that may not be meta and try them with the 10 sec swap and then come back and tell me i am wrong with reason and i will gladly say please show me how u made that work to it’s optimal ability.

But i am certain for those that take the time to really understand the warrior mechanics u will see it is needed and would not be op to have fast hands base line but instead open up a wide variety of builds and fun play styles.

Second example i am going to pick the trait Distracting strikes the reason i will pick this is that if u look at the berserker spec it has a great condi line in it. The build i will mention is the Bow/mace sword build where u take Distracting strikes in the Strength tree and it is a Tier 3 trait at that.

Any how that is one build i see while using berserker specialization but with out the bow since we have torch now, so we could go sword torch/ mace sword. Now what that would do that the original build does not is give us access to sword main hand for bleeds so now we could have sufficient bleeds mobility while keeping the torch for burning and fire fields like the bow would give us. And to be honest it makes sense to be able to pick distracting strikes as it is a condi trait for the most part.

So i think that trait could be moved to the defense line or some where not sure how or where u would move it but i am sure some smarter people could come up with a spot for it and to where it would not be op but to where it would just make more sense.

Which once again just moving that one trait would open up at least 1 build but probably more i’m sure, that is just one example of where my mind wanted to go with a build that would match up with berserker. But as it sits now it will not work or work optimally because were stuck with taking discipline for fast hands.

Besides being stuck in the discipline trait line were stuck in the defense trait line now this one isn’t so bad and it is harder to come up with a reason to move certain traits such as cleansing ire.

The one thing i will say is Cleansing ire is one of those traits that are a must have for the most part at least. But off the top of my head i am not sure making that base line is the answer and i am not sure where you would move that to. So maybe some one else has a better answer there then me. All i know is we are pretty much stuck in defensive trait line as well as Discipline.

Now to end this and i really hope people read this and post there feed back case as i stated i am not a numbers guy or balance guy i am just going by how i play and i have been playing my warrior for 3 years and i like to think i know a bit about the class and the game and what feels natural and what feels underwhelming and i can see so much more potential then is being displayed by this class atm.

I think i did a good job keeping this post constructive because the one thing i will say from what i see so far i am not happy with the 50 bucks i paid for this, and i know it is just beta but the direction Anet is going with the strong hold map and now these specializations i am not sure. But the one thing i am sure of if they keep heading this way and do not make the proper changes there gonna lose more people then gain especially with games like blade and soul coming out soon which is already esports and focused on pvp.

And i don’t say that with animosity i say that because i want Anet to see this and make these fixes not for just the warrior but for all classes and the game in general because like many of you all i love this game and been here since day one just hoping to see the potential of what this combat could be and game could be in general.

That is not to say it is not a good game because don’t get me wrong it is a very good game but it could be soooo much more. This is just my feelings and opinion it is not being said to start a war or have people fighting or attacking me over this. Even though i know some of u may and that is ok you have your right to your opinions as well.

But in the end i really hope Anets looks at this and thinks about making some of these changes and i am sure there is more as well. So for any of you that read this please write what you think should or should not be changed and LET US WARRIORS BE HEARD:).

Possible Peak Performance bug

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Ye i just seen another post on this well similar post so i think people are finally noticing. And this has been going on since the last patch how this escapes anets attention just tell you how much they care about warriors they probably did it on purpose lol. Just kidding but really this is a major bug it makes that trait useless so now we have 2 tier 1 trait’s to choose from, needs a quick fix for sure. unless we are all missing something. What we need is someone good with numbers and the formula they use to test this.

(edited by degoking.1482)

Possible Peak Performance bug

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Yup i tested it on the test dummies and as far as i could tell no damage increase what so ever, because i thought the same thing i thought ah maybe they just broke the tool tip as they do a lot of in this game. So ye i am pretty sure it is not just a tool tip issue. But what i can say is before this last patch it was showing on the tool tips and u could notice the damage increase significantly.

But now nothing on tool tips and no noticeable difference while using the moves in combat. i tried the ability’s first like kick and stomp, then rampage with full adrenaline and then with out it and i did not see a difference in damage.

Possible Peak Performance bug

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


I had wrote this in the bug reports section but no one replied so it got pushed right to the back so i am gonna try here. I am curious if any one else has noticed this so as the title says peak performance is bugged, it is not scaling with adrenaline.

Before the patch you could see the damage increase in the skill tips as your adrenaline went up, but now you can not. Also i have tested this in combat and with rampage as well and as far as i can tell the damage is not scaling at all.

So what that means is when we take that trait and use kick bulls charge, stomp. rampage as listed above, we are not getting the 30% damage bonus. Which in my opinion is a huge bug that should be fixed asap and i can not believe no one has noticed. Now if i am wrong please let me know. Otherwise i would like all other warriors to test this to make sure that i am not missing something.

So if i am correct in this for the last 2 weeks the peak performance trait is totally useless and that is pretty much the main trait that has been taking with most builds for the most part. thank you and i hope this doesn’t get pushed to the back because this is something that needs to be talked about and i really hope i am missing something or anet has dropped the ball big time for warriors on this one. thanks again if you read this.

(edited by degoking.1482)

Peak performance bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: degoking.1482


I just wanted to bump this as it went right to the bottom of the list I am fairly certain this trait is not working as intended. I have tested it and as i stated above the damage on physical skills is not scaling with Adrenalin as it is suppose to do.

And i am certain that before this last patch when i looked at whatever physical skill i was using at that time, that when i gained Adrenalin the damage increased on the skill as well and u could see the increase.

So if anyone else can confirm this please post it or if i am missing something please let me know as this is a pretty major bug and important trait to have for quite a few builds. thanks

Peak performance bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: degoking.1482


As title stats it is not working as intended on the warrior. The damage does not scale with adrenaline as it is suppose to on all the physical skills when traited, such as kick, stomp, bulls charge. It is also not working with Rampage. I made a post on this in pvp forums as well just wanted to get it out there in case anyone else has noticed. Unless it is something only wrong on my end.

Peak performance bug

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


Ok so i just tested it again in combat and out of combat unless something is wrong on my end, Peak performance is defiantly broke, i tried it with all physical skills like kick stomp bulls charge. And then i just tried it with rampage, and no damage scaling difference with no adrenaline and full adrenaline.

Peak performance bug

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


As the Title states i think peak performance is not working as intended. When i have full adrenaline it is not scaling my damage on physical skill’s when it is traited such as stomp, kick and so on. Which means when your in rampage it may be broke as well. Can anyone else confirm this as well.

[BUG] Bow F1 doesn't trigger Berserker's Power

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Just bumping this, unless anet intended for it not to work with our bow F1, it is defiantly a bug and should be fixed asap, , along with many other bugs on warriors and other classes.

is there something wrong with the server's?

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


anet and your servers

Thank you for the English lesson:) i ended up changing the topic name and some thing’s i wrote didn’t want it to sound like i was being to much of a jerk. But i do think this may be something that needs to be brought up to there attention again.

Also i know this was a big patch i understand that with a huge patch like this there will be bugs, server issue’s and all that good stuff. Just so you understand this has been going on for a bit now and these server issues just seem to get a bit worse after each big patch.

So i am wondering if they notice this and if there working on it, in the case that something is wrong with the servers that is.

is there something wrong with the server's?

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


the servers seem to have some lag issue’s After this patch. I have noticed this before as well but it seems a lot worse now with skill lag and just basic unresponsiveness with controls, when i hit skills, move around and so on.

My internet speed is 150mb down and 13up which is ok so i am pretty sure it is not my internet. I Also have a good pc I7 4790K 16gig ram. The only reason i bring that up is i know you all will probably say it may be you’re internet or cpu, which i do not believe to be the case.

So i guess i am just wondering if you all know of these server issues and are looking into it, and if not then i am just bringing it to your attention to see if there is any thing that can be done to help fix or at least be done to not have it happen so much.

And for players that read this please post as well and let them know so they can see it isn’t just 1 or 2 people having this issue but it is game wide with many. or if it is just me then maybe some one has an idea on how i could fix it thanks.

One more thing i main warrior and that is the class it seems to be the worse on with the skill lag so if any could let me know if it is like that for them as well thank you.

(edited by degoking.1482)

Warrior bugs post patch:

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Yes i have noticed all of this so far. the one thing i would add though is and this only seems to be with warrior or at least the worst with warrior. I’m not sure what to call it but ima say skill lag even in rampage u hit buttons nothing happens its like ure character just kinda gets stuck for a sec also when i go to switch wepon sets i hit my hot key nothing i have to hit it like 5 times fast for my weps to swap.

ill even be doing something simple like running and my character will just stop to where i have to let go of the button and press it again also rotating the camera that it a joy at times just gets all funny doesn’t wanna rotate or it will go to the top view just weird things and just the controls in general seem less responsive the worst i ever seen it in my opion.

my thoughts some good stuff:)

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


I just wanted to say i think anet did a decent job with this patch so far, they need to fix some bugs ofc, and for some reason the skill lag seems worse then ever at times. But all in all a decent job. I have been gone from this game for around 3 months and coming back i am actually enjoying myself again and enjoying my warrior.

I am able to come up with more builds then just shout bow and be competitive and to me that is great because it is what makes the game fun for me anyhow, trying to see what I can come up with and still be competitive. There are some changes i would like to see for all classes still though, and i am hoping the new specialization helps with all that when the expansion comes.

The one thing that worries me though is all this complaining that is happening on the forums about the insane burst damage going on atm. Now i do agree some things are way over the top and do need to be toned down a bit and that is for all classes around the board. We could all say something about each class that is just ridiculously op atm.
But with that said i like the fact that we must time a dodge or be punished for it is how it should be, it brings more skill to the table. On the flip side though you should not be able to burst some one down by yourself in 4 seconds, and that is where the balance has to come in. If they could get this right then we will have some decent game play incoming i believe.

I just think if anet continues to tweak skill damage, builds, condis here and there maybe on a bye weekly basis i believe we will get better balance as a whole i just hope they do this and they do not wait months in between like they been doing for the last 3 years.

All in all i have been very negative towards anet these past few months most of it do to the frustration of loving this game and knowing what it could be but just watching it fail to get there. I will and hope to be more positive with this patch and the up coming expansion and will say i think anet did a decent job this time around and hope they keep it up. So for the time being until we see where this all heads they get a modest thumbs up from me and i am glad to be back:).

On a side note we need build templates bad and hopefully after strong hold they possibly come up with another game mode because from what i have played so far in the beta testing it is going to get boring fairly quick. Just my thoughts i could be wrong…. we will see how it works as a finished product hopes are high:)

I would also love some good old fashion arena if it is possible in this game just as a side game mode doesn’t need to be competitive. It just needs to be set up correctly for people to play. meaning map styles and such because i know people will say u can just go into a map and make one yourself, but it is not the same the reality is to pull that off i think we would need a certain map and map size maybe a side objective of some sort but ye i do think it could be done and be fun as well. Any how thanks for reading if you all made it this far sry for long post just started typing and ye this what i got:)

Warriors getting a Staff? more info

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


what does it matter anet will screw warriors and just the game in general the expansion will fail and every patch they have done because anet has failed with there vision of this game and everything they do suks. So i am sure they will mess this up in one way or another.

(edited by degoking.1482)

How i feel long post pls read

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


I am bumping because if people care and took the time to elaborate i think some good responses can come from this. maybe a dev will catch it

How i feel long post pls read

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


ye you may be right i cant even get into depth about the new changes because haven’t put the time in lately the game is just so boring and stale. So when i wrote bout those changes that is just what i seen so far. Didn’t want to get into that to much that i haven’t experienced but you are probably right. Anets signature should be "one step forward 2 back. Thx for taking the time to read bud. There are quite a few things people can pick from and elaborate
from which i hope is what happens. as i ran out of posting space .

(edited by degoking.1482)

How i feel long post pls read

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


I just wanted to say that for 2 years a little over now i have played this game. I do not play as much now but still check in and i try so hard to get into it and love this game. The only thing that stops me is i see the potential and then i see the realization of where this game has come from and what it has become. And it’s not to pretty.

First i will say bug fixes there have been bugs here since day one that never got fixed and more added upon each patch. I could list a bunch but you all know the main ones i mean and even more small ones that most may not mention. Basically i am not just saying it to say it. This is the truth and there are many.

We were told there would be constant balance/game changes yes there has been some but to few and far in between. They always preached how they didn’t want to do whack a mole, but as you all see that’s pretty much what we get and not only do we get that we get it every 6 months or so so a patch will come and nothing will be fixed for another 6 months just unreal i can not believe a company who preaches pvp runs a game like this..

Maybe it is just me and i am asking for to much i don’t wanna always be ham bow or shout bow but the meta forces us into builds. And some may say well either get good or do what u like. Which yes that is true in some cases but you all know in high-mid level or high game play it is not possible with many builds/classes i was just talking bout warrior cause that’s what i main. I also know that in any mmo there is always 1 or 2 top builds i get that, but what excited me about this game was the diversity they preached for so long of what we could do and how we could do it and i don’t know bout u guys but that just disappeared .

Now for this i do have a solution which is more patches more frequently to change the meta and bring weapons and builds up that are close to being good but not quite there. and by faster i don’t mean 1 month or something like that i mean constant little tweaks to builds weps changes things of this nature. Which would not be whack a mole because u are just tweaking things here and there so on. If something is crazy strong u tone it down if something is to week but u see has good overall meta potential and would make the game more diverse u Tweak it.

Now what anet will say is well we have to think about pve and wvw, but i am sure all remember they have said that they have the program set up to where they can do any one of the modes they want or all if they choose. So they do have the power and system to do this which is great. But what happens there scared to because god for bid a total casual player walks in from pve to pvp and some skills are different omg they cant handle it, I mean come on were all gamers here and most like a challenge if any thing they may enjoy the different changes to each mode gives more to learn and more diversity for each mode.

Any how in closing i just see the broken promises of a miss used game and miss used employees or just the wrong employees to get this game to where it could be. They are so worried bout esport’s but there doing nothing to improve it well nothing that is really changing the face of the game.

For instance this last pvp patch with the new ques leader board and such. Now some of it is good a lot really it was good overall change. But nothing else and even with these changes u talk to the devs and it almost seems like a guessing game with them like they really don’t understand how things work. They will say o seemed great in our private test just like builds for classes, o this worked great in our internal server.

Where 20 or 30 or so of us play. HMM how about doing a public test server to get the big picture where the pros are playing and finding the exploits or what have u to these builds runes sigil’s and so on. Instead u do a little testing with mediocre players in your anet team and say o ye this is great.

And then u realize o wow certain things are to strong or to week when it comes live and the reality of great players actually discovering things you all didn’t catch. Which is fine but what is ridicules is when you all see this as a game team you do nothing for months i mean it is just crazy makes me feel like you all do not know your own game.

So how to fix this well open public testing so certain players can come in and you really get a good idea as a whole what it is going to be like. Or stay with your private testing and after you all see what it is like live and patch faster and more frequently “Tweaks here and there” is what i mean. Thank you for reading if you made it this far. I had more to say but had to delete a bunch as post was to long i hope it still makes sense.

(edited by degoking.1482)

Weekly ESL Go4GW2 Cups with $500 Cash Prize

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


This is great news for sure. But my question is do you think we will get more updates now to really push the boundaries of what this game could be. This is a start but i still think the game needs more to really bring people back to it and just basically make it what it could be.

help pls

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Ty for you’re response and ye i could give that ago again for sure. I had some success with hat build and prob is one of the better ones we have at this time.

Adrenaline has been BUTCHERED!

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


The truth is this was such a massive nerf that wasn’t needed. All they had to do was nerf the part if we miss our f1 then we lose adrenaline. But they just went all out and destroyed us with out giving us anything in return, I really don’t think they play the same game we do honestly, and i tell u what i challenge any anet staff to come up with a build and show us at high level play. And please any one else if you come up with a super secret build pls share. Cause at the moment besides ham bow i believe we are back to being a niche class or a meat wagon.

Why didn’t they nerf healing signet and bring up some of the other heals we have, I am so sick of anet and there passive game play not just for warrior but other classes as well.

They seem to have an idea of what they want this game to be and i tell u what people it’s not good, passive game play no game modes and just switching one op class for the other.

Which happens and wouldn’t be that bad but anet patches so far and few in between that were gonna sit like this for 6months until other classes have there turn and then we may get some buff’s or fixes how ever u want to put it.

And i say this with a straight head don’t get me wrong warriors needed some changes, but as stated above anet nerfs the wrong stuff. I play other classes and lets say for example and eng they don’t have much condi removal or stability but it seems u can get away with it with them some how.

same with some other classes what ever they lack they make up for in other ways. Where as warrior we need the zerker stance endure pain and adrenaline it is so important for us but anet and other people don’t seem to understand that it seems.

Put it this way they made us what we are and then broke us again instead of fixing thing correctly is all i.m trying to say i guess. I will stil be on my warrior making it work the best i can but there is a difference between face roll and just not enjoying the class because u cant put combos together like u should be able to and that’s where anet kittend up. I am sure I will get trolled and called names but any true player and warrior know this is true, just my opion.

(edited by Moderator)

help pls

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


yes I agree as i stated im sure it would work. What I am digging for is another build other then hammer bow. Like with the new off hand axe buff or mace buff something like that. My problem with this game well warrior at least is yes i can always play ham bow to great success i’m looking for a new build something other then ham bow, I know great sword bow is also ok but other then those 2 builds if any one has found something under the radar type of build.

help pls

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


Hello all, I have been around in this game since day 1. Ive always been pretty creative with builds’ and i like to think i am a good player at least decent for sure. Since this patch I have tried so many different builds and some were ok the only one i haven’t played is ham bow because i know that build already and i’m sure its still ok. My favor I ask all my fellow warriors is to help me come up with a build. Anything u all have had success with or u would think work in a tourney not spvp. I am really at a lose and if possible would love to play something other then ham bow.

So basically what i want to open up is a thread for all new warrior builds and explanations on how they work and there rolls in team play thank you. I will repost on here as well if i do come up with something with good success thank you all.

worst patch ever

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


Hey all don’t get me wrong this really wasn’t a post about warrior nerfs/buffs or any other classes for that matter. It was mainly just a rant to anet for doing such a poor job listening to the community and doing the correct things.

Anet can spend another 2 years balancing a game or get it to a point then maybe just maybe make things like game modes, which in my opinion would promote new and different builds in it’s self. But no we waited 6 months for more balance. How about fixing leader boards and other quality of life things. nope that’s not what anet wanted to fix. I will however say i do like the combat log it’s a good start that only took them 2 years to add what most mmo’s have at the start, a detailed combat log.

Any how I am done ranting i just didn’t want this to turn into a topic about class nerfs and so on, as there is a much bigger issue stirring as i listed above.


in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


That’s the only thing anet has going for them, is there are no other really good pvp games out atm that aren’t mobas any how. I think this game would and will be dead soon as a good game comes out a game with simple 2v2 3v3 4v4 arena and other features ofc, a game that knows what it takes to have a fun and competitive pvp environment, with proper testing and balancing. Like i said its just a shame that so far this is a bad year for games in general, I think game designers have lost there balls and imaginations on how to create a good pvp environment.

worst patch ever

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


Let me elaborate, we wait 6months for this piece of kitten patch. No game modes no change to leader boards, same bugs if not even more bugs now. I mean really anet what were you guys doing these past 6 months, cause from the looks of it you were not listening to the community at all. Besides you getting the balance of certain classes totally wrong which i wont get in to.

Just a worthless pile of kitten patch. I do not really ever post on these forums but I am so frustrated as many others are im sure to watch this game just get so stale and rotten. I understand I do not have to play this game but I really did have high hopes that you guys would come around and this game would be great as it should be.

But i must say whoever is leading this game design and making or not making needed changes should step down and give some one else a chance, someone that is more in touch with pvp and what makes games fun, and competitive. I think the reason you haven’t come out with games modes is like i said above use do not know your own game there is no proper public testing, nothing.

I remember you guys said awhile back you didn’t want to do whack a mole balancing and so on, well what the hell do you call this trash that’s all we get is whack a mole rock paper scissor balancing it just unreal. This is just my opion and i wanted ot get it out there take it for what you will i am sure some people will agree and some will not, but more changes need to come in a hurry for this game to ever be what it could and should have been already.

Arena? Let's Give It a Shot.

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


Ye sounds like a plan lets get this rolling, and shouts to Blu and nothing for trying to get something good going. Any thing i can do to help please let me know, if things look good i will be more then happy to donate as much gold as i can to help with servers, or anything else u all may need.

Supcutie's Comprehensive PvP Shatter Guide!

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


This guide made me interested in trying Mesmer. Just wanted to bump this and say wow what a great guide.

log on to gw2, what do you do?

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


Pretty much agree with most of this. My biggest issue is yes this stuff is coming but a lot of this shoulda been in the game from at least 6 months after release. It is missing a lot of pvp 101 things that u would think woulda been implemented already. More detailed way to read your stats test builds and see accurate numbers pretty much a real combat log. Duels sounds simple and u may say well hey u can join a server, but that’s not the point every mmo has duels us pvper’s love dueling while waiting for a que sounds simple right, not for them they totally disregarded this as an important thing to implement. Now on the positive side i am excited and i do believe there will be a lot of good changes coming. And the devs i know care for this game so it will be great the question is when. I just hope they don’t do there usually 1 step forward 2 steps back thing.

Why gw2 does not stick

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


The simple Fact is for all the good things about the game, the bad things out weigh it by a lot. For example 6 months we waited for broken leader boards, and another 6 to be fixed. Balancing they say they don’t wanna whack a mole or band-aid fix, but that’s all i see.

they have the means to make pvp totally separate from pve but refuse to because it might be to hard for the casual gamer to get used to both. And until they don’t have to balance this game around pve it will never be right. Now i’m not saying the casual gamers are bad i’m just saying Anet has no faith that we as players have a brain and would be able to figure the differences out if they were to change the skills to be balanced separately for pvp and pve. Now i know they do this with some skills but they need to do this on a much broader basis.

The sad part is that there is a great game hidden some where in gw2, the trick is can the devs make use of it. There are just a number of pvp 101 things that any game would have you would think any way.

But Anet has found a way not to have these things after a year and half. Such as rewards, game modes, proper leader boards, proper ways to read your damage out put so u can judge different builds and weapons more accurately and more in depth. And lastly build variety.

now i know there is always going to be a popular build in any game that’s how it goes. But in this game u have 1 or 2 builds that out weigh every other build by to much, so it is not viable to play the other builds.

Where as i think there should be some builds that may be hard to play but if mastered can be better then the cookie cutter builds or at least the same as far as viability Now some of you all may say what are you talking about there is plenty of builds, and i would agree to a point. But some of those other builds u may be talking about are not viable for tourney play. spvp yes, fun yes, but not competitive play. That’s my opinion any how.

Now on more of the positive side i do think this game could be great and there is something about it that’s keeps me coming back even after a break, it is a great looking game the combat has so much potential to be the best any game has had to this point, and i do believe the devs care very deeply about this game, and are passionate about making the best pvp experience for us the players as they can. We will just have to wait and see how it all turns out when it’s out of beta.

When warriors and other nerfs come

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


I just hope they do it right, and bring other weapons and skills to compensate. And that goes for all classes we need more variety in my opinion. I think this game as a whole should have builds that are able to be made up, that are challenging to play but also very rewarding if played right.

Because at this time there are 1 or 2 dominate builds out there per class give or take. And when u try some other things out there is such a big drop from meta build A, that build b just isn’t worth running, this is the case for all or most classes anyhow. In the end what I’m trying to say is, and I think most people who love to play this game would like to see more variety and styles of how to play your character that would make a person/ character class unique and rewarding. Hope this makes sense just how I feel personally .

Anas Tarcis- New build released 11/08/14

in Warrior

Posted by: degoking.1482


To me it looks like he switched to lyssa because he is running bulls charge instead of sig of stamina which left him with no condi clear so now he is using the lysa for the condi clear. Which lyssa will always be one of the best runes in the game for warrior’s in my opinion because of short cool down on sig of rage, for a nice o kitten button another form of stab so on and so fourth. and u cant forget the random boons u get from healing which is also very nice and people do not take that into account enough.

NA rank 52 warrior Lf team

in Looking for...

Posted by: degoking.1482


Bumping my thread i am currently still looking.

NA rank 52 warrior Lf team

in Looking for...

Posted by: degoking.1482


Hello all as the title says i am a rank 52 warrior in search of a consistent and decent team. I have been playing my warrior since day 1 of this game. I am a very well rounded player, just looking for a team who will stick together practice and do it’s best to be in the competitive scene. I am currently running a few variations of stun-lock , with some other builds up my sleeve if and when needed. But atm stun-lock just brings great control, and pressure for team fights so i will be sticking with this for awhile i imagine.

I have all voice chats such as ts3 so on and so forth. Any other info i may have left out if interested in giving me a go i would be more then happy to answer in more depth just pm my character name degoking. Thank you hope to hear from some peeps soon.

(edited by degoking.1482)

K pop war wish list

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


Yes and remember we can’t become and unstoppable force “anet” 10months later…………….lol.
But for real look what kpop came up with just himself just knowing the class, some may be op some may not but it is a true start not whats going on now with putting traits kitten backwards where they are useless things like this that anet is doing.

Anet does have some good ideas also i am just wondering when they will add them because maybe its just me but everything they do seems to be 1 step forward 2 steps back.
The sad put is were in no better shape then we were 10 months a go as a whole i mean. There have been improvements and nerfs, but as a whole we still have no defined place in a team that i can find atm anyhow. Every other class can do it or do it better. So i hope anet reads this post and other post from reliable warriors and really takes some thought to what is being written down, and implements it ina way that is actually useful to this class,game ,and meta. Thanks k pop and also defektive who have been working hard for us warriors.

empower allies broke

in PvP

Posted by: degoking.1482


It says should give allies 150 power but its only doing 70 still. Unless i’m misreading something or missed something.

warrior LF team Na

in Looking for...

Posted by: degoking.1482


Hello my in game name is degoking and as the title states i’m looking for a tourney team. I am a rank 49 warrior main, and i also play ranger trap and Bm side point, i know warriors are not the most needed things in tourneys atm but i am very skilled and exp on him, also about as versatile as u can be with other warrior builds. And with these up coming changes things may get even better.

I am also exp on my ranger though i do prefer to play my war, but at any time if needed i can and am comfortable with getting on my ranger and doing whatever the team may need and doing a good job at it. I am 31 years old i have been playing mmo’s for about 9years, and this game since launch. I like to have fun and joke around and get to know people. but i also like to get the business done when its time to.

I am struggling atm to find a steady team. So what i am looking for is a team of people who are dedicated to this game, who like to practice and hone there skills, that are also fairly organized when they want to set tourneys up and so on. Basically active people.

Well that’s all i can think of i hope to hear from a team soon and any other questions anyone would like answered in more depth just gimme a holla in game. Thank You