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Is conquest what is really ruining S/T PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Constant balancing is a must in any MMO. As to driving player back for a new game type… Possibly?

See a lot of people who play PvP games usually play more for the player vs player aspect. What do I mean? Well score is a factor but no one really cares, like arcade games’s level of pvp was “who has better score?” But anyone coming from another MMO/Shooter/Moba(DOTA-like) it’s usually about the kills, even if kills don’t matter.(leader boards are a different story)

LoL as an example kills and deaths matter a lot even if its not the main objective, and although being balanced around a team game to reach a main goal a vast majority spend their times playing to rack up kills along with the objective. Even CTF games in shooters have a simular mindset. Meaning people want “player vs players” as a competent opponent to overcome.

GW2 cannot do this with 5v5 territories.

The main philosophy is trying to make everyone and almost all builds relevant, but how do you make bunkers relevant if they can’t kill? Make them out last DPS 4 days till the DPS dies? no! You can’t then bunker becomes OP and why run anything else? So you need something else for it. Thus we have points to hold. They have a presence on the battle field take a while to die and can hold out, thus making them relevant.

This is why we cannot have death match and duels and why the current format won’t work. It will for some, and anyone who wants a new e-sport will stick with it. But for the majority who want it to be players fighting other players, a territory game type isn’t the most appealing thing.

With all this said it’s also where the mentality of balance comes in (even if A-net currently isn’t giving us the attention we need) but continuing down this road is going to make a very niche community in the long run.

A death match though I think would draw people back because it fits with the proper mentality of what PvPers want. However the game would have to drastically change IMO for it to work.

-after thought-
A lot of people suggest 2v2s and 3v3s which as a team game with the ability to combat revive allies in not a instant up way is actually a rather valid idea, and would give tanky players with this current meta a viable role. But then instant revive skills and AoE heal fields will be the back bone of the meta still.

IMHO – I think the healthiest thing for this game is to force team fights but have a way to prolong the experience.

Simple deathmatch is ill-suited for GW2’s class design regardless of whether they want to keep bunker builds viable (I’m skeptical that guardian bunkers, at least, would disappear in a deathmatch mode; they are generally fairly CC/support focused, which would be good in TDM too). GW2 needs some sort of objective to force fights even when things are on cooldown.

I think some of the current conquest maps do a good job of forcing fights (Spirit Watch and Kyhlo are lacking here; I think they have the problem of too many objectives being achievable at the same time). Other game modes that could do so could also be nice, though it is obviously more difficult to balance for multiple modes.

[SOTG] Questions Poll

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


1. When will we get a public ladder and a way of monitoring our ranking within our region?
2. Contents of march patch
3. Will we ever get some form of team rating (as opposed to merely the average of personal ratings)?

State of the Game w/ J Sharp & Tyler Bearce

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Zoose doesn’t even play in NA anymore :P
Also [NN] is an EU based guild.

Don’t worry. Xeph will be the NA representative.

Fading out Conquest with 2nd Objectives

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Spirit plays entirely differently to any other map. Its basically a whole new game type. They obviously saw people wanted more game types and this was the answer. And it was a very good answer. This map is hardly conquest at all. Gone are the two bunkers on points and roam between. There are alot more fights and its way more fun. It has instantly made new builds like the CC hammer warrior extremely viable. When it would be useless outside of this map.

Edit: Although they need to fix rtl with orbs ofc

Actually it kinda sucks in tournament play. With mist form, RTL and Infiltrator arrow all allowing you to carry the orb, you also get grief from Guardians dominating the very small pathways with bubbles and wards.

This is what all the hardcore tournie fans are saying.

I personally also really hate the map due to it’s size. I really don’y like the mechanics either, but it can be fun sometimes. This all based on sPvP though. I’ve only played a few solo tournies and it wasn’t much fun either due to premades dominating those.

Infiltrator’s Arrow drops the orb.

Today was a step in the right direction.

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Probably they saw the rest of the patch notes.

You do realise that the “rest of the patch” you mention was just a quick additional nerf they added with a follow-up patch after the whole community went crazy, right?

Odd how the elementalist I play with was complaining about his fury uptime before the follow-up patches, then. Had we known of his prescience, we’d never have had to leave someone on back point before.

Today was a step in the right direction.

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


I dont know what happened..When the patch went live i read a nice post from Xeph saying that this patch was a joke.I asked him if he gonna quit this game and he said he will consider it.I always wathced closed at Team Paradigm.Today another member of Team Paradigm,(Phantaram)along with some other (Teldo,Gasmask) almost praised this patch.What happened guys,do you know something that WE dont know?3 more changes in ele and this patch become good in a night?
You used to have my respect now im gonna be more carefull to what you have to say

Probably they saw the rest of the patch notes.

There is a first time for everything

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


I believe Anet is one of the first to implement a rating which you actually can’t see.

Honestly Anet, please tell me this is only for testing and it won’t stay like this….
Plz don’t make more people leave PvP. I will beg if I have to

LoL normals is the most immediate example to my mind.

Clarify "Two Team Rated Play in PvP", please?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


The release page for this month’s patch includes as one of the two PvP-related items “Two Team Rated Play in PvP”. But the description there is exactly what paids are right now and have been for the last three weeks. If so, it seems disingenuous to include that in the page for this patch when it’s not a new feature and won’t be new to the patch.

Is that bullet point just referring to the current paid format or will we see genuinely new features related to ranked play in the patch? Are you going to reimagine the paid format (drop the pointless ticket sink, rework QPs to be slightly less meaningless, otherwise fix rewards)? Or can we expect to see the rating-related features we need, like a ladder? I’m hoping for both, or at least for a ladder, but fearing we’ll actually just get some pointless tweaking of paid rewards.

How do you get into pvp these days....

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


There’s barely anyone playing. I have to guest to anvil rock to see anyone in the mists. Not only that, but everyone runs 25-30+ rank requirements on pugs. I’m still pretty new to spvp, but I’m not new enough to think that hot joins are a good place to learn how to play. They seem like such a waste of time, and only really teach me how to stick with a zerg. Good play in those rooms is rewarded with death to four people while your team loses two points with a numbers advantage.

PvP guilds were a good idea until they were implemented. I’ve join four so far and all have fallen into desolation. Barely anyone is on and none of them represent so guild chat doesn’t even reach them. PvP seems like so much fun, and there’s so much room to grow as a player, but there is such a brick wall in front of me.

I cant even get a requirementless pug together because there aren’t enough lowbies playing. I get to around three people and then no one else will join because they have “standards”.

Seriously… What can I do to find some people to play with and actually learn something worthwhile about pvp in gw2.

Join a low-quality PUG guild like [tPVP] and do requirementless pugs until you meet reliable people around your skill level who play regularly. Play with them. Grow together. It’ll work eventually (it may take an unbounded amount of time to do it).

26/02/13 - Make or Break?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Yes the game is dead, 150+ pvp members of my guild are now 4 members. You are the one trying to advertise false asumptions about ingame status. I want the game to survive but without a tragic change it will not. Thanks and have a nice day.

Sorry about your guild, but the person you’re replying to didn’t say that DI isn’t dead. He said the game isn’t dead. The top tier might even be dead (I generally see about as many names I recognize streaming as were streaming a month or two ago, but perhaps I misjudge their level), but the players below that seem to be doing relatively well compared to before 1v1 paids. Casual and semi-hardcore players are important to the health of the game, too.

will random maps take forever to implement?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


To be frank, if the code is already there to assign a map to a tournament then this is extremely easy to do.

Somewhere in code they are saying

Map = “Khylo”


Map = “FoeFire”

And thats the map that’s being loaded in.

What they SHOULD be doing is having this database driven.

Have a table with three things

MapID | MapName | MapDescription
0 | Khylo | Yay trebs
1 | Foe Fire | yay2
2 | Temple | rawr

Then in code:

Instead of Map = “Khylo”

You would do:

Random rRandomNum = new Random();
int iMapNumber = rRandomNum .Next(0, 2);

Map = ExecuteScalar("select MapName from MapTable Where MapID = " + iMapNumber.ToString()").ToString();

Heres the execute scalar code too, Just for you ANet (although I’m sure you have this wrapped up in a class somewhere):

public object ExecuteScalar(string strQuery)

SqlCommand objCommand;

objCommand = _conn.CreateCommand();
objCommand.CommandText = strQuery;
return objCommand.ExecuteScalar();
catch (SqlException ex)

return null;
objCommand = null;

I’d expect it’s more likely that they currently have a table of tournament types, and then a table of descriptions of the rounds in those tournaments containing a tournament ID, a round number, and a map. No doubt they have a rather involved schema migration process at their scale. Perhaps their dbas are currently busy with making sure some PvE-related schema migration goes smoothly.

Also, I really hope that displaying a message box is not the idiomatic way of logging errors in C# server-side code. :P

On guardians and elementalist bunkers

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


I haven’t played for months, so I’m a little bit ignorant at the moment, but what are the advantages each has? It seems a lot of teams opt for three or more bunkers, but they always bring at least one guardian. So, obviously eles aren’t just plain better, but what can guardians do that an ele can not?

The only thing I can think of is the control, but is it really that important?

The control guardians bring (particularly with hammer+scepter/shield) wins mid, especially on Kyhlo. Graveyard on Foefire is less knockback dependent since it’s so big, but a few well-placed banish→immobilize on a slightly out-of-position bunker will eventually get the point. Guardians and teams containing guardians are also harder to CC in general due to Stand Your Ground.

The relatively low amount of knockback an ele bunker provides means that if you run an ele bunker mid, you can all but forget about ever capping mid without support from a roamer. You can also forget about neutralizing it without support from a roamer. (I believe this to be true, but haven’t played against enough eles bunkering mid to be certain. I’m also assuming bunker means S/D since staff does have a bit more knockback.)

sPvP Class Tier List: - Updated 6/30

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


1. Ele
2. Ranger/Mesmer
3. Necro/Guardian/Engi/Thief
4. Warrior

Within any given tier, the leftmost classes are roughly better than or as good as the ones to the right. I may be biased by spending my whole life at midpoint.

Premades should not be allowed into frees

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


I think it’s great as advice to point out that you can find your own team and do the same thing, but I do not think that is justification to leave the system that way.

It’s so irritating when people pretend that if you don t like being farmed, the alternative is to make a group and farm people instead.

There is another alternative: make a group and fight fairly well-matched matches against other groups in paids. But yeah, they should do something about frees.

Why I think visible ratings will ruin this game

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Already there is so much elitism within the community. People (often average players) demand certain ranks and requirements. When you then get into games with these people (lfg r45+ etc etc) then they are almost always terrible which makes their elitism bizarre.

Anyway, with that being said, imagine if they added visible ratings which people were protective over. It would be a complete disaster in terms of managing to get into a team or to get a team together.

Even with no visible ratings people will leave based on team make up (lol) and based on peoples ranks (lol). Most people already want to be carried and it makes group finding a complete kittening disaster to be honest with you.

If they want to add visible ratings it has to be alongside a solo queue otherwise you are condemning people to have to dive into the community head first to find teams, and most people will just get kitten off and quit because of all the average elitists (elitists who are themselves not good) that exist in this game.

Please dont bring in visible ratings! Just have weekly/monthly tournies for bragging rights and just bring in a solo queue if you must have visible ratings.

Visible ratings limit the elitism of the average elitists you complain about. If their rating is visibly 1500, for example, they’re not going to be able to advertise groups saying “lfm 1800+ rating” because anyone will see their rating and laugh at them.

Premades should not be allowed into frees

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Sorry, but you run out of tickets if you run paids all day.

Only if you consistently lose which should not be a problem due to match making being in place.

Ignoring the possibilities of buying or crafting tickets, one has a maximum possible ticket income of approximately 1.33 per day from sources other than frees (dailies and monthlies). So, if you lose more than an average 1.33 games a day, you will eventually have to either do frees or buy or craft tickets.

Stealth Bleed Thieves vs Trebuchet in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


This is ridiculous. How can a class stealth 80% of the time you are fighting it and then just throw poison and HIGH STACKS OF BLEED at you constantly? I can’t do kitten vs them. Yes, I pack 3 condition removal tools and it’s pointless because they aren’t even out of stealth long enough for me to do anything.

Let me tell you how to against stealth bleeding thiefs.
- Do not let them be close to your character. The reason why is because they can stealth by using dagger #5, and that’s the only way they can keep stealth. They will remove 1 condition every 3 seconds in stealth so if you run a condi character, you better not let them dagger #5 u a lot. That’s all I can teach you.

btw, stealth bleeding thief is really useless if you do understand what they r doing… it’s a pretty useless build.


Tarcis Rhapsodos.

I’m just going to go ahead and say you’re 100% wrong. DD isn’t really used anymore because you have to hit for stealth.

D/D might no longer be popular for burst thieves, but what other weapon set allows both bleed stacking and frequent stealthing like the OP was complaining about? The only spammable stealths I’m aware of are finishers + smoke fields and CnD. If you run D/P for the black powder + HS stealth, you don’t have much in the way of bleeds (just utility skills and dodge caltrops). Weapon swap cooldowns rule out black powder → cluster bomb. What am I missing?

Ridiculous - Steal + Backstab 17k in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


I do almost exclusive tPvP, tons of paids. Backstab thieves really aren’t all that. R40 (Not that that means I’m a god).

-If you didn’t see a thief coming did he pre-stealth? If so that nerfs his combo dmg. If not, that’s probably you’re fault since on any node there’s usually only 2 spots a person can come from. I mean hell dude you died by the cannon (hotjoin) with only 2 staircases.

-As a mesmer traited 50% health shatter recharge you have 2x distortion and 2x point blank daze. Staff chaos storm on self has a high chance of aegis/protection as a instant counter to his burst dmg. 17k x .33 = 5610 dmg reduction just by using chaos storm on self (considering you don’t get aegis). You can decoy as soon as he approaches / stealths and get superior positioning.

-For all you know the thief could have been buffed with stacks of might from teammates combined with all crits.

Listen, let’s say a theoretical base 2000 dmg on backstab. Base crit dmg = 150% + 62% crit dmg (30 traits, 20 amulet, 12 runes) = 212% dmg. 4240 dmg. You see even if you add in dmg from passive traits the dmg difference is coming from somewhere else.

-If something is so broken look at the meta. Since thief is never overly utilized (or at all) by top tier teams it probably means it’s not broken.

You’re not even using all of the tools available to you given your build to deal with the situation. You got caught off guard, it happens.

And especially since you’re in a hotjoin with 0 communication, there’s absolutely no reason to change balance based off of this type of situation. I certainly wouldn’t want the game to be balanced around fringe situations in a wholly uncompetitive setting.

There are definitely ways to pull off a backstab immediately after a steal. The fact that I posted a screenshot of the two happening together is proof enough. Unless you think I’m lying and that it didn’t happen in half a second.

If it’s the latter there’s nothing I can say that will convince you. It happened. Somehow. And that’s that.

Are you sure that the steal happened pre-backstab? The damage on the steal makes it seem likely that it happened after the backstab.

Greatsword versus Axe for PvE DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Well, axe winds up on top if and this is a big if – you don’t count in the greatsword traits. With said traits, greatsword is better. Personally I run with a GS mainly, but with axe/shield in offhand – which works out rather well.

My tests seem to indicate that the traits only bring GS (with maximum HB usage) to the same DPS as axe (assuming the axe is also traited optimally). I’m also surprised to notice from rerunning some of my tests that axe is actually about the same average vulnerability with its optimal rotation (axe 2 on cooldown) and traits as GS.

Greatsword versus Axe for PvE DPS

in Warrior

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


I’ve seen some discussions on the GW2 subreddit regarding warrior PvE (dungeons, mostly) which seem to assume that you’re using greatsword for DPS.

This seems a little odd since the last time I did TTK tests in the mists, axe auto-attack beat out HB by something like 11%.

Certainly, GS has a somewhat larger radius, but I never seem to encounter situations where axe radius isn’t enough but GS radius would be.

GS does also inflict more vulnerability (especially since it looks like mace 4 may be a slight detriment to axe DPS; axe 2 seems to be a small win), so it’s plausible that the extra DPS from the rest of your group might be enough to make up for the personal DPS loss.

Am I missing something? Is GS actually a better choice than axe/something in non-open-world PvE?

Solo Que (Anet system)

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


I have faith in ArenaNet, of course. They made GW1, which is one of my favorite games. However, that shouldn’t stop us from voicing our concerns and questioning their decisions. In the end of the day, they are the game designers, but a healthy discussion is always helpful.

As for the queue system, I don’t like what I’ve heard about it, but I will give it a try. I feel like I will stop playing again when my rating takes a hit due to an unfair match up, though. It doesn’t matter how often it happens, really. It would be too frustrating to lose my hard earned rating due to the fact that the other team had an unfair advantage.

Regardless of what system they use, if there are no fair matchups to be had, then a matchmaking system has to give you either a less fair matchup or wait until there is a fair matchup. Every matchmaking system I’m aware of uses the former approach (specifically, they gradually increase how unfair they’re willing to allow the matchup to be until they find one).

Every matchmaking system (solo queue or non) has to compromise between match fairness and letting matches happen at all. Every sensible matchmaking system weights match results according to their likelihood (so that the expected change for both sides is 0) so that if you’re matched up with a better team, you’ll lose less rating than you’d lose in an even match if you lose and you’ll gain more rating than you’d gain in an even match if you win.

SotG: Invuln = cannot channel. Then, stomp?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Either remove downed state or prevent players who are invulnerable from stomping. Half-way never works and always leads to strife. Look at darkfall, which had a random “decap” chance of being instantly killed rather than being downed. That caused a lot of turmoil because it was injecting RNG into their skill based game. Well this is injecting what is akin to RNG because you never know if the person has mistform/invul up so there is always a chance your skill will be overridden by bad game mechanics.

You can always know if someone has mistform/invuln up if you pay attention and communicate well. There’s no RNG or activated modification of skill recharge time. They use their mistform, and you know they don’t have it for 75/60 seconds depending on whether you think they’re running the reduced cooldowns for cantrips trait. There’s nothing RNG-like about that.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Good solo players will still rise to the top, or at least up to a certain level in this system.

But the majority of players want to queue solo, because their friends aren’t around all the time or they just don’t want/have a team.
A system like this would kill all motivation for most players, who just want to soloqueue, because at a certain level it will be next to impossible to get up in the ladder (and the competition is all motivation for most people).

But this level in the ladder will eventually become known. Let’s say that everyone starts out at 1000 rating for this new system, and over time we learn that it’s very difficult as a solo player to get over 1500, and pretty much impossible to get over 1700. So then, in this hypothetical example, 1700 would be come the “top” of the ladder for solo players. Once a solo player reaches this level, they can consider themselves among the very best of solo players. Any teams looking for new players can start at this level on the ladder and work their way down.

It’s not as ideal as an exclusively solo ladder, but it can still serve the same purpose.

A problem with that is that the combined queue precludes being able to tell whether someone got to a rank by solo queuing or by playing with others. Not to mention that once a solo player joins a team, the combined rating discourages them from playing solo for fear of hurting their team’s average rating.

My personal hope is that Anet is in fact planning to implement segregated queues, but just wants to make sure they have an analogue to LoL’s normal games in place before they rip out the existing one (frees). If fewer of my friends had quit playing, I would be a little sad if they ripped out frees and only replaced the solo queue aspect.

The low-down on the "Solo-Queue" Fiasco

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


The moment matchmaking becomes a dice-roll and a solo player faces a premade team and losses rating, the system falls apart.

Based on the description they’ve given, matching with teams with different degrees of organization will be a fallback plan for when there are no similarly rated teams with similar organization.

Suppose 5 players solo queue and are grouped up, but there are no similarly matched teams of other people solo queuing.

There are three things you can do:
1. Wait until five others solo queue and match that group.

This is problematic because no one wants to wait 30 minutes for a queue to pop.

2. Match with them five others who solo queued but have more dissimilar rating than the system normally tries to match them up with.

This has the disadvantage of them probably getting a pretty uneven match.

3. Match them with a premade team (or a team composed of 2 duos and a solo or something in between) which are expected to have even chance of winning against them.

This is obviously a terrible plan if we match a solo queue team with n average rating with a premade with n average rating; so don’t do that. It seems obvious to me that if the solo queue players are sufficiently better individually than the premade, that they can win, since sufficient out-execution in fights and intuition about what to do can overcome higher communication bandwidth. Figuring out how much to discount rating of solo queued players would be difficult, and it’s certainly plausible that there’s no sufficiently effective way to predict the outcome of a team of solo queues with rating n and a premade with rating m, but it isn’t obviously hopeless like you seem to be suggesting.

Personally, I would prefer a split solo/duo queue (mostly for separated solo/duo queue rating from 5v5 rating), but there are advantages to the system is currently planning to implement. In particular, without a massive population, it’s hard to split the queues too many ways, which leaves some sizes of group out. For example, in August/September, I probably queued with 3 or 4 people more often than solo, duo, or with a full group. I couldn’t have done that in a LoL-style split queue (though LoL itself has normal games, which would allow that precisely because they allow solos to be matched with premades).

If they don’t separate the queues, they do need to add some features to better support solo play (these would be needed with split queues, but not as urgently). A MOBA-style pre-game character selection phase where you can talk with your team would be helpful. You can already do this to some extent by just switching characters after loading in, but explicit UI support would improve solo-queue team composition considerably, which would reduce the gap a bit. In-game voice chat would also help. I don’t expect that to happen anytime soon, though, since Anet hasn’t exactly shown themselves to be the best at scaling their features to the existing load (e.g. tourney chests early on, occasional problems still with tournaments mostly around the time of patches). These features would reduce two of the main advantages of premades over solos (better comms technology and better team comp due to pre-organized comp). There is still the advantage that some premades get from having played together a lot, so it might be best to place solo queues against slightly lower-rated teams even with these features. That does punish people who pug instead of solo queuing, though, which makes me sad as someone who primarily pugs and would continue to do so even if a fully-featured split solo queue is implemented.

Does the endure pain trait work?

in Warrior

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Warriors get a 3 second invulnerability on a 90 second cooldown (can still be CC’d, stunned, immobilized, crippled, knock backed, etc).

Mesmers get a 2 second super invulnerability (evasion status) on a 6 second cooldown.

That’s cool.

Warriors also get an evade on the same cooldown as Blurred Frenzy (10s). No sure of exact duration though.

Free tournament matchmaking...

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


…is just terrible.
Played 10 games today (just citing today, but it’s kinda always the same), trying to do the monthly achievement, and got EVERY DAMN TIME against organized guild groups.
Now, my guild doesn’t do any sPvP (they mostly do WvW), so how am I supposed to do this?
Dear anet, do you realize how frustrating it is?

So… can you PLEASE fix the damn matchmaking, anet?
AT LEAST until you fix it remove the “tournament victory” requirement from the monthly achievement and swap it for a “tournament partecipation” (maybe with a greater requirement).

There is no matchmaking. They’ve said it’s their highest priority feature wise for pvp; but it likely won’t happen until January or February. As for getting your monthly, try actually pugging (assuming you’ve been solo queuing). Even if you face an organized guild group, a decent pug with decent communication and solid comp can reliably beat a lot of the guilds that spend their time in frees.

No more weapon swapping during game?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


in gw1 there was the BALANCED build , maybe with this fix , gw2 meta would evolve in that way.

guild wars 1 is deathmatch. this is capping points.

and gw1 meta is static balanced build. no build variety no fun.


every type had more builds in it.
i love how gw1 was so static

Yes, but balanced (barring serious imbalance) was the only type you could run without opening yourself up to being hard countered. Run a non-assassin split build and end up on burning isle against a spike team, a split build against hexes on jade, run hexes against NR/tranq pressure, run any 8v8 build against a split build on frozen: the degree to which you’d have to outplay your opponent to win was much more extreme than should exist in a competitive game.

Sigil: Air, Fire or Rage

in Warrior

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


One thing is that fire and rage definitely do not trigger each other’s cooldowns.

They in fact do, if you would like to test it yourself just use the Heart of the Mists, activate the Sigil of Rage, then swap to a weapon with Air/Fire

be careful using the word definitely, unless you are positive, you should not speak in absolutes

You will notice you will not get an air/Fire proc for 45 seconds (Rage CD)

Hmm.. The last time I tested this, they did not seem to interfere with one another, but testing now supports them doing so. Likely I was insufficiently careful when testing previously. My mistake.

Sigil: Air, Fire or Rage

in Warrior

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Currently I am using Rage on my Axe, Paralyzation on my Shield and Force on my Greatsword

But have never really thought about Sigils much until now.

I have been seeing alot of people saying Air/Fire on GS, with bloodlust (or another stack based sigil), Force or another non-CD based sigil (so it is not affected by Rage/Air/Fire)

But there are plenty of great sigils for warriors…..but the vagueness of the CDs and the lack of information given on shared CDs on certain sigil families (like weapon-swap, etc.)

Based on a different site I was looking at:

If you use Sigil of Rage, your remaining sigils should be Force and Bloodlust.
A stacking sigil should never be combined with another stacking sigil.
An on-swap sigil should never be combined on the same weapon set as an on-proc sigil.
An on-proc sigil should never be combined on the same weapon set as an on-proc sigil.
An on swap sigil should never be combined on the same weapon set as an on-swap sigil (the one proccing is randomized). Leeching can miss.

Example combinations:
Fire / Blood + Bloodlust
Air / Force + Bloodlust
Force / Rage + Bloodlust
Blood / Energy + Bloodlust
Nullification / Bloodlust + Blood
Force + Fire / Force + Blood
Force + Water / Bloodlust + Water
etc… Many combinations are usable."

But this was posted in Sept, and some things have changed a little bit.

Is there a sigil set for weapon sets so far with warrior? Like “If you use GS / Sword+Axe you should use…” type of thing?

One thing is that fire and rage definitely do not trigger each other’s cooldowns.

Is current meta a healthy one ?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Mrbig you are assuming an awful lot about how the professions will be balanced and how the “meta” is going to change. In conquest mode the meta is and I bet it will continue to be running a balanced group of bunkers and roamers. It will be the general strategy that is the most effective for most of the teams to win.

Flavor of the month team compositions will come and go but less likely to happen in a balanced game. GW1 was never balanced and would be impossible to balance which is why the flavor of the month teams were always dominant compositions. Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have the class/subclass to deal with so ever person doesn’t have access to the 1300 skills Guild Wars 1 had which means the game will be infinitely more balanced.

That’s not the point.

the point is :

is bunkering burst fine ?

is every class able to bunker/burst as well ?

if the meta was going to be bunker/burst, then why do we have other weapon combinations ? ( necro axe, thief S/D or D/P, warrior swords, rifle, mace, OH mace and so on ? ).

Very few weapons were made for burst/bunkering purpose, and even less classes are able to bunker / burst at competitve levels, and even less one able to support/pressure at competitive levels.

With the current level of imbalance, it’s obvious people go with full burst/bunker, more than everything because there’s no other real option.

that’s why most teams will always run with ele/guard/thief/mesmer/necro.

This game will be balanced the day we see spike teams ( 5 ele, 5 necros etc) like we were able in GW, because it will mean that every class will be able to be played like you really want, and not like the meta imposes to you.

You might be misremembering what spike meant; if so, this response isn’t really relevant. In case that’s so, spike = burst, essentially. Spike teams didn’t necessarily stack a profession (other than monks, because only really gimmicky team builds could get away without monks). Eurospike for example was double derv, double mes at most. Be Team spike was double ranger. Generally speaking a spike that could afford to stack a profession usually indicated that the spike build was ridiculously overpowered since the versatility lost from deviating from a more conventional build was normally too much. Admittedly, if GW1 had more than 1 and kinda another (eventually two and kinda another) pressure classes, it’s possible that this might not have been the case.

that’s not what i was referring , i know spike=burst ( not exactly, bu whatever).

the point i was trying to make is that in GW spike builds could be achieved by almost every class, and those very classes could run a totally different build and cover a totally different role.

This is not possible in GW2 due to current class design and imbalances, and without drastich changes, there’s not very much space to evolve.

But that wasn’t really true in GW1 (at least not in high-level play the competitive format, GvG). At some point or another, probably almost every profession had a briefly viable spike build consisting of stacking that profession (I don’t recall any for monks, warriors, dervishes, or rangers; smiting was overpowered pressure at its best, and warriors, dervishes, and rangers didn’t have the emanagement for using utility spells from other professions). But these were only briefly viable because for such a build to be viable even in GW1 required its spike to be ridiculously strong. I can’t think of a single meta in the time I played GW1 (around factions release until a while after EotN) where multiple builds running more than three of the same profession were viable. I limit it to more than 3 because until you ran more than 3, you didn’t sacrifice much compared to more balanced setups, particularly if the three were just your midline.

Honestly, I think this might be an advantage of having professions that can’t do everything well in that it provides a bit more buffer against imbalances. It’s probably possible for a 5 thief team to be viable without risking it becoming ridiculous if changes make thieves a bit too strong, but thieves being too strong could break the game less if running three or four of them severely handicaps your team than if it were reasonable to run five of them, depending on how exactly they were too strong.

Is current meta a healthy one ?

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Mrbig you are assuming an awful lot about how the professions will be balanced and how the “meta” is going to change. In conquest mode the meta is and I bet it will continue to be running a balanced group of bunkers and roamers. It will be the general strategy that is the most effective for most of the teams to win.

Flavor of the month team compositions will come and go but less likely to happen in a balanced game. GW1 was never balanced and would be impossible to balance which is why the flavor of the month teams were always dominant compositions. Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have the class/subclass to deal with so ever person doesn’t have access to the 1300 skills Guild Wars 1 had which means the game will be infinitely more balanced.

That’s not the point.

the point is :

is bunkering burst fine ?

is every class able to bunker/burst as well ?

if the meta was going to be bunker/burst, then why do we have other weapon combinations ? ( necro axe, thief S/D or D/P, warrior swords, rifle, mace, OH mace and so on ? ).

Very few weapons were made for burst/bunkering purpose, and even less classes are able to bunker / burst at competitve levels, and even less one able to support/pressure at competitive levels.

With the current level of imbalance, it’s obvious people go with full burst/bunker, more than everything because there’s no other real option.

that’s why most teams will always run with ele/guard/thief/mesmer/necro.

This game will be balanced the day we see spike teams ( 5 ele, 5 necros etc) like we were able in GW, because it will mean that every class will be able to be played like you really want, and not like the meta imposes to you.

You might be misremembering what spike meant; if so, this response isn’t really relevant. In case that’s so, spike = burst, essentially. Spike teams didn’t necessarily stack a profession (other than monks, because only really gimmicky team builds could get away without monks). Eurospike for example was double derv, double mes at most. Be Team spike was double ranger. Generally speaking a spike that could afford to stack a profession usually indicated that the spike build was ridiculously overpowered since the versatility lost from deviating from a more conventional build was normally too much. Admittedly, if GW1 had more than 1 and kinda another (eventually two and kinda another) pressure classes, it’s possible that this might not have been the case.

Revert the (PvE) Dancing Daggers nerf

in Thief

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Is it true that the damage was due to the bouncing bug that, most notoriously, affected Blade Trail as well?

The insane damage numbers you could get on Bladetrail and sometimes Kill Shot were caused by the Warrior’s trait [Berserker’s Power] which gave its bonus damage to some skills multiple times. I’ve never heard of a Thief trait or skill that had the same flawed behavior as [Berserker’s Power].

Dancing Dagger was nerfed because it was OP in Xv2 fights where it hit both opponents twice, dealing more damage against both foes than Heartseeker or C&D plus Backstab could do against one of them.
However there might have been a more elegant ways to nerf the skill, e.g. by not allowing it to bounce back to a foe it previously hit; then it would deal as much damage against 1 and 4+ foes as it did before but the ridiculous damage against 2 foes would have been halved.

I believe that all %damage bonuses stacked in this way. Definitely both ogre runes and the +%damage when using daggers trait did. With both, a dancing dagger that did ~1.8k on the first hit would do ~4k on the last hit.

Ask any questions you have about PvP

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


When playing gs warrior, how do I contribute in team fights? In team fights, I tend to have difficulty contributing to damage without dying myself. Obviously, once someone gets low, bursting them contributes, or hundred blades to prevent a res, but until we get someone low, what should I be doing?

Additionally, should I be building more defensively? I currently usually go 20/30/0/0/20 with divinity runes and zerker’s amulet with soldier’s jewel.

Burst abilities do you use them?

in Warrior

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


This is actually a fine exsample of why Warriors are the most balanced and most finished class in this game. Building and spending adrenaline as fast as possible as well as trying to keep it full at all times are both perfectly valid options, what’s better for you and your build depends on your choices.

Just the way it’s supposed to be.

I kind of gotta disagree. At least for PvE, most of the times its not worth it to use you’re adren if you have heightened focus/berserker’s power. Burst skills are more useful in PvP where the additional effects matter (stun on hammer/mace and snare on sword) The gs and axe ones are basically never good, pve or pvp since the pure damage from the skill does not offset the subsequent loss in damage afterwards.

In dungeons, longbow burst is wonderful. The might stacks on your whole group from blast finishers far outweigh slight personal dps loss. Mace is also nice for locking down targets that aren’t being focused yet.

PvP wise, greatsword is the only weapon whose burst skill I don’t use of the weapons I use regularly (both mace and axe are great). Burst damage and CC are the useful things that warriors do in PvP. If I wanted sustained DPS, I’d play a thief or a guardian.

State of the Game Discussion with ArenaNet

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Yes GW2 is slightly easier to return to than other MMOs. The point is that if there is no competitive community with a big player base, you can’t expect an esport to just magically appear once changes are added 2-4 or whatever months from now.

As has been pointed out in this thread and others, rating and MMR won’t work if there is a tiny population. Its still long queues and miss-matches which will not give people who come back a good experience.

The thing is that there isn’t actually a tiny population. There’s a tiny population doing paids, but there are plenty of people doing free. There’s a problem of how to get enough of those players to move to paids for matchmaking to keep the ones who aren’t ready from facing the top teams, but it’s not impossible, especially if Arenanet realizes that it’s a problem and makes changes to try to fix it.

State of the Game Discussion with ArenaNet

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


The rampant burst isn’t considered to be a problem?
I suppose it makes sense given how developement appears to be inspired by LoL, just pay in mind LoL champions have 4 skills to unload, here you have 2*4 for both weapon sets, 3 utilities and an elite thrown on top, with some class skills to boot (most notably on mesmer who have even more insane burst through the sheer amount of shatters to be spammed in rapid succession)
No if the extreme burst is not seen as a problem I have little hope of this game becoming an esport. It works for LoL because they have limited skills to spam, all it does it turn this game into a glorified spamfest.
Strange that all these top players have no problem with it either, but I suppose anyone who strongly disagrees with the burst/bunker or gtfo mentality has long since given up on competitive play.

A year before matchmaking to be introduced? We’re talking bare essentials here, matchmaking isnt an addition to a competitive scene, it’s the foundation! It should have been there on launch and now one is to wait a year, probably even more given how these deadlines work? Completely unreasonable!

I’m sorry but this does it for me. It doesn’t help that pve is turning into a glorified dungeon grind (with no matchmaking either, shooting yourself in the foot here), this wait is to long for me to bother with.
Peace out.

Where do you get the idea that matchmaking is going to take a year? At 23 minutes he says that they’re currently implementing matchmaking in parallel with custom arenas. The only reference to a year is that at 29 minutes or so he estimates sometime next year (note that next year begins in a month) for “all of the features” necessary to make an esports ready game. At around 31 minutes, he says that one of the early patches next year will be themed around PvP and WvW and strongly implies that matchmaking and custom arenas and other as yet unannounced features will be in it. In another interview ( with Colin Johanson), it’s stated that a lot of new WvW stuff is happening in the February patch so it seems a safe bet that the PvP-themed patch will be the February patch.

The State of sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


but if you look at the current QP ranks, you wont see any rangers up there. there’s a reason for that. every prof has a spec with more survivability, more utility, more tank, better condition application, or more burst than anything the ranger can offer. the ranger falls behind in every area.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you that rangers are too weak (I actually agree, though I’m not sure by how much and I’m not especially confident in my judgment on this), but if you look at the current QP ranks, you will in fact see at least one ranger: Vyndetta from PTC is #6 NA. He plays ranger and possibly necro (that is, I know that he can play necro but not whether he ever actually does so in paids).

Questions for tonights talks.

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


For J. Sharp: is there any intention or consideration of introducing a non-tournament competitive match type? For example, once we have glicko, might we see ranked single matches?

TTK in this game is the worst ive ever seen

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


Lol, was more about team composition and farming ingame where not personal skills but how well your carrys ware allowed to farm. It makes disbalances, as 1 team might have more/less farm. In gw2 you all get same gear, meaning only the outcome of battle is decided by build/skill.
You could say farming takes skill, but there ware heroes better and worse at it.

True, but I prefer games where team comps can better be matched. Though you could say that goes directly the champion selection process.

I was more in reference to the ttk. With S3 they are obviously adjusting away from how fast that would happen, even though they’ve already done that multiple times. The gear/leveling of course wouldn’t apply to gw2, but if you look at how interesting the pvp was in gw1 compared to gw2 you can see what I mean. At least I hope I explained it well enough so that you could.

Even a late game adc you would have more time to react than you do here. Just so you know I play bunker guardian, shout warrior, thief (sadly I must admit that’s what I played the most for a long time), and I’m now working on learning mesmer well enough to be competitive (haven’t played in spvp/tpvp because I’m wanting to learn the class well so I don’t screw over my team).

I suppose it’s just my personal play style in that I prefer the pvp from gw1/LoL more than gw2.

Both GW1 and GW2 are games with low TTK if you failed to react appropriately in the lead-up to a spike. In GW1, that meant your monks noticing the warriors converging on you for a spike and preprotting. In GW2 that means you seeing the warrior bull-charge at you and dodging it (for example). In both games there are certain spikes that aren’t telegraphed, but are much less repeatable. In GW1, that was telespike, and in GW2 it’s telespike again. In both games you have some less-sustainable spike defenses that help to deal with those times you fail to proactively defend or cannot do so(telespike). In GW1, your infuser could infuse. In GW2, you can use a stun breaker or other defensive cool down.

There are some big differences: spikes are more concentrated in GW2 (although this is good for comp and strategic variety; it would be bad if you needed two burst builds to be able to ever kill anything but another burst build). Spike-defense is also mostly self-target, which means that facing multiple burst characters can go badly if you let them successively burst one person. The split focus of the game type also means that 45 second cool down on a telespike isn’t as bad as it was in GW1.

Another huge difference is that in GW2 certain burst characters are also ranged pressure characters (thieves and to perhaps a lesser extent mesmers). Burst and pressure on the same thing isn’t a bad thing necessarily (though GW1 shows that it tends to almost completely dominate bars focused which can do only one), but burst and ranged pressure is problematic because it makes it very difficult to pressure them back. This is problematic since keeping them too low to safely spike someone is one of the few sustainable ways to prevent spikes. This is imo the biggest thing that makes thieves more desirable than warriors. The mobility of infiltrator’s shot is great (especially on Foefire and Kyhlo), but the fact that in team fights (or even 1v1s), the thief can sit back and pewpew in relative safety while the warrior is just as vulnerable when pressuring as when spiking is a huge benefit.

tPvPer don't complain about Thieves

in PvP

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


The following people who have posted in this thread (up to ) are on the QP leaderboards as of 11/12/12 10:30AM PST:

Prince.3682: 11 QPs
nurt.5401: 5 QPs
Cyrkle.5814: 19 QPs
Vayyy.5420: 76 QPs
Fourth.1567: 5 QPs

In other words, the tPvPers in this thread have all said that thieves are too strong.

I don’t personally know if they’re too strong at high levels of play. Certainly at low levels of play (i.e. free tourneys), they are, especially considering the effort involved in playing them. Shortbow is really strong, and the burst from either the cnd/steal/bs combo or just spamming dancing dagger a few times is a bit much. Their mobility is also ridiculously good on Foefire and Kyhlo.

#9 rated NA and most fashionable Elementalist, AMA

in Elementalist

Posted by: edruviransu.1029


On Kyhlo, do you keep Frost Bow equipped all game, or do you just switch it in when you’re going to the treb? If the former, do you ever use it for anything other than killing the treb?