The fix to this kind of abuse is really simple. Just make it so you can only build flame rams within a certain distance of an enemy gate. Problem solved.
They should be removed from WvW now. Pointless siege.
Agreed. I actually think AC’s are where they should be, but rams and golems are utterly worthless now. They should either increase their HP’s or give them a 75% reduction to siege damage or both.
Only an idiot would rush a gate with rams or golems which has multiple arrow carts being manned.
Every gate has multiple arrow carts manned (at least we do in tier 1), so we shouldn’t attack gates any more?
Try building some counter siege to clear it out a bit.
You do realize that defenders can place AC’s so that they can hit a door but cannot not be hit by ANY attacking siege. This plus the damage boost means gate attacks with rams and golems get utterly decimated.
With AC mastery = 3500 range
Catapult = 4000 range
You just need to build it near max range for it work. Basically requires smarter cata placement now.
You can hit that spot through the gap above the door.
You would be about as justified in reporting them for teabagging your corpse as they would be in reporting you for corpse-spotting treb shots; that is to say, not at all.
So EU gets a better time but US west coast gets screwed. Please tell me how this is in any way a “fix” when it breaks as much as it helps.
So screwing over EU since release is completely okay, but as soon as the US is effected it is a no go?
I’m simply stating that it’s not a “fix” (in any sense of the word) if it screws over another time zone, it just shifts the problem.
Anet: Make NA and EU servers reset at different times. You have hundreds of programmers and you’re telling me that none of them can figure out how to have multiple reset times? Does not compute.
So EU gets a better time but US west coast gets screwed. Please tell me how this is in any way a “fix” when it breaks as much as it helps.
Sorta tired of asking, but could we please have some sort of update to the graph data that shows the queue times or maybe even a new graph that shows the total number of players in WvW for each server plotted as a function of time over the course of, say, a week. Considering John Smith posted a graph of ecto sales, I don’t think a simple graph showing WvW population would be too much to ask for.
To what end? So you double team JQ, then what? Even if you managed to double team JQ into oblivion (and I’m not saying you could), BG and SoR are still enemies who both want to be first. Now your bestest double-teaming ally is your greatest enemy, since he is competing with you for first. What do you do then? Fight each other? Great, then JQ has the breathing room to make a comeback. Simple fact is that coordinated double teams inevitably break down because everyone wants to win.
I’ve played WvW since headstart and I’ve always thought from the very beginning that there should be SOME mechanism to balance out one side being outnumbered, since that is done to some degree in virtually every other game to make it fair.
However, dynamically changing the number players each side is allowed suffers from the above mentioned problems, lowering the number of people who can play and needing to kick players to keep teams even.
Personally I don’t think you should change anything about the maximum number of players on each server, just give any server with less than maximum population a boost of some sort. I never played GW1, but I think an NPC similar to a Henchmen should replace the spot of any player who leaves.
Also stability does not stop immobilize. these will help if running in a large group?
for now anyway
Not at all. It’s not one 5 second immobilize, its five 1 second immobilizes. Even if you cure it, it just gets reapplied a second later.
I’d like to see the WvW rankings for guilds on each server. Like which guild on server x has the most kills, most captures, etc (calculated by adding up the kills/captures of each member).
Make it so that they have to be voted on by the server itself while in WvW. I know, it can be abused, but still…everybody who plays and knows the good commanders would vote them immediately.
Yeah and what about people who have never commanded but want to try? They would never get the chance.
I just hope they don’t put in anything related to your kill to death ratio, unless they take into account all the cliff deaths :P Maybe make a section on who’s #1 for cliff deaths in WvW?
Yes but even by the standards of “a pricy item for hardcore player’s” it’s just crazy, I mean at the moment there are less than 300 passion flowers on the trading post. All the hundreds of thousands of GW2 players and there’s not even enough supply for 3 Versatile Mighty Infusion’s, that’s plain whacked.
As of this moment:
Versatile Mighty Infusion
100 Passion Flowers: 49.9 gold
250 Vials of Powerful Blood: 91.3 gold
100 Philosopher’s Stones: 0 gold
50 Mystic Coin: 3.4 gold
Total 144.3 gold.
… for 5 extra power. That is plain ridiculous, even for a purely non-essential item. The price for passion flowers and powerful bloods are just way too high at the moment. Please consider increasing the drop rate of those items and/or changing the recipe amounts Anet.
300 ranks for 5 extra supply is just ridiculous, that costs as much as maxing everything else combined. Either lower the cost substantially or raise it to 10-15 extra supply.
The whole puzzle is horribly flawed in the sense that a group of 5 to 6 people can prevent anyone from completing the puzzle.
You are aware that you have teammates right?
I know people are not going to like this idea because they like to camp the puzzle but i have come to the conclusion that the only reason any one ever camps the puzzle is because they are so bad at WvW this is the only way they can get kills.
There are many reasons to camp the jump puzzle (preventing your enemies from getting free siege, running a portal system, etc). And clearly you don’t play WvW, because you would know that small groups of players fighting in the JP is the worst way to get easy kills in WvW. If you want tons of kills with no effort you just roll with a large zerg that steamrolls everyone. Also, if they are so bad and they killed you, what does that make you?
This is one of the better JP’s in the game and it is sad that people cant experience it because of players that have nothing better to do with their time then sit and wait for people to do the Jp
And you have nothing better to do than act like you deserve the chest at the top. You don’t. Move along.
The tool tip for the second tier of the Cannon Mastery and Ballista Mastery abilities shows the wrong percent increase. The tool tip for both of these should say that it increases damage by 25%
Matt: Could you quickly clarify a question that was raised about the abilities: Are the effects for each level cumulative or additive? For example, does tier 2 of Guard Killer upgrade your damage to 2% TOTAL, or does it ADD 2% damage for that tier, for a total of 3% (1%+2%)?
It would make more sense if it was additive. +15% for max rank seems like a far more logical choice than just +5%. Still, +15 supply would be crazy, you could carry 30 supply and build your own siege (which I think would be awesome).
Hate to state the obvious, but you get it from the trading post. Farming for a specific item is rarely worthwhile in this game, you’re much better off spending your time doing a gold-making activity like dungeons or event chests for rares and selling what you get to buy what you want. At current prices you can get 40 scraps of cotton for 1 ecto, which you can get in a few minutes doing events.
I’d really like to know if “troll rams” are against the rules and a bannable offense or whether they are completely legit as far as Anet is concerned. Because if so, I can easily imagine this becoming an “eye for an eye” where all 3 tier 1 servers do it and the whole situation becomes ridiculous. You’re basically paying $60 to have the ability to burn all your opponents supply before you attack them.
Actually the supply is fine.
it’s the demand that is driving up the price
Click on All. Demand has remained constant but supply has dropped dramatically.
I didn’t use any of my mains skill points for the clovers. I just made an alt, ran him to the crafting station, leveled him with cooking (this gets you to level 15 btw, which nets you 11 skill points), used the skill points for clovers, deleted him, repeat. Whole process took about about 15 minutes once I got it down. If you got extra gold it’s the easiest way to “buy” skill points.
My eyes hurt from that many walls of text.
People think portal bombs are strategic.. wow just wow.
I said portals are strategic, not sure what you consider a “bomb” to be… is moving a force around using portals always considered to be a bomb or is that reserved for portalling directly on top of the enemy (which these days is really only useful to wipe a siege line)? Because the mobility factor that portal provides is pretty awesome for a coordinated force that can use it to outmanuver the enemy.
They did mention expanding the server capacity when they remove culling, so let’s hope Anet gets there act together and fixes this with the March update.
Couldn’t disagree more. In fact, they should remove the cap and revert it back to how it was before. People don’t realize… portals, veil, guardian bubbles, ele swirls… these skills liven up WvW, removing or nerfing them makes WvW instantly more boring and less strategic. If anything, they need to add a relevant WvW skill for every class.
Yes, with the guaranteed rares from Orr temple events, globs are going to drop by a lot, if I had to guess I’d say back to 25s or less. I think that’s a good thing.
Any chance we can get an update of this information? I’d be interested to see what the queue times look like since transfers have closed.
Thanks EMP for the aquatic daily! Nice attempt at the dead mesmer! You guys got class!
I would hold off on using your mighty infusion since the infused versions are in the GW2DB:
So you WILL be able to upgrade them, only question is when.
If i was to combine 3 80 exotic rifles with a mystic forge stone would the result be a rifle?
The mystic forge stone is a randomizer, the result will be a random weapon type, the same as if you put in four different level 80 exotic weapons.
and could it be a precursor?
Yes, but it could be any of the precursors.
since mystic forge stones are not exotics and don’t have lvls i was just wondering if anyone has had any success with this?
Mystic forge stones adopt the same rarity the other items you put in. ie 3 rares +1 MFS is like putting in 4 rares, 3 exotics + 1 MFS is like putting in 4 exotics.
Yeah JQ had a lot of transfers but there are more guilds than not toe to toe are skilled. There are just ten million of those mother-kittens…
So we are winning right now because you guys lack the coverage…. on a Saturday? lolz
Score update:
The infused versions are in the gw2db, so they exist. The two most likely possibilities are (1) the recipe isn’t activated yet but will be in a future update or (2) you upgrade them using a different mechanism than the mystic forge. My money would be on (1).
^Agreed, he simply says “the event that spawns the chest”, which could easily mean the last event in a chain, or not.
This is our commander on JQ:
“All warfare is based on dec… hold on a sec I’m trying to get these idiots in TS to stack on my pin for a mesmer portal.”
-Sun Tzu
Beasts and please don’t rhyme.
This is why wvwvw will die all population on wvwvw is at 1 server. Ithink it passed the point of no return.
If this dont get any better, when ESO beta comes gw2 will die for sure cause their wvwvw will be balanced by numbers so no more band transfer on the wagon to make better coverageI have to agree with you on this JQ from 17,000 – 29,000 in 7 hrs, with no resistance from sos or sor has to be rasing some eyebrows at anet. WVW is suppose to be a balanced game and everyone cannot say without being honest about the transfers, that it is in no way balanced anymore in T1. JQ was always competitive now it is becoming a joke , either anet gets in and fixes the balance issues or restrictions need to be applyed to severs or wvwvw will die a quick death.
Sorry but not only is your “the-sky-is-falling” attitude hilariously misguided, your criticism doesn’t hold any water. Transfers closed before last weeks match, and last weekend I seem to recall JQ being down by 10k come Monday. JQ didn’t gain anyone since last weekend, so what exactly has changed? If you want a higher score for your world, go out and fight for it.
This is why wvwvw will die all population on wvwvw is at 1 server.
You here that everyone on SoR and SoS? You do not exist!
Oh that was only for reset night? Darn, I was going for a 5 drink sentence.
Nice zerg that just flipped SM, of course you could only do it while it was 2v1 and when our coverage was lacking, oh well at least we passed you points wise.
Why would you destroy them when you can vendor them for 5s? And vendoring ascended gear seems like such a waste, I agree that they should let us salvage them.
I just wish they would put in some unique weapon skins that can only be obtained by doing a ridiculously difficult 1 person instance. If it was something so hard that I simply couldn’t do it, I would be very impressed seeing people who did have those weapons. That’s the sort of feeling that legendaries SHOULD command, but considering how they are obtained they don’t.
You want to create Eternity but you don’t know that world completion gives you 2 gifts of exploration? Hmmm, something tells me you’re a longgg way from crafting it.