Showing Posts For iAsuno.9654:

NPE Feedback [Merged] - Please read 1st post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


Please give players the downed state right from the start. Newer players need it more.

DX 11 support? WvW skill lag fix?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


Just make a dx11 option. No need to require dx11. I would be really happy to see that.

Bought a $2350 PC for HoT

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


Does anyone else have a good build for round $2000?

Was looking at this one seems good

That has no monitor included. Check out youtube channels about tech like linustechtips, techquickie, teksyndicate and others. Linustechtips has a forum in which you can get help creating a build for yourself. I would personally get a lesser capacity SSD and maybe SSD to make room for a monitor and change the case. You can get a cheaper CPU if you don’t plan on overclocking it and a cheaper cooler.

Gw2.exe hangs up

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


ok, first the launcher downloads something before it lets you log in. but after that the program just refuses to run and freezes the PC. ctrl+alt+del took more than 10 seconds to work after i pressed it and even after ending the task in task manager, the process is still running and i had to click end process multiple times for it to even stop. I’ll try reinstalling but it really annoys me that i need to do this.

edit: my internet stops when gw2 is active.

(edited by iAsuno.9654)

How to run gw2 in high graphics

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


how much did you spend? and even if people say that GW2 is CPU bound it doesn’t mean that you could forget about graphics cards. Intel integrated GPUs are NOT for gaming. sure you can play less demanding games but if you even plain to game decently then at least get a decent GPU. just set render sampling to native and try to tweak settings in which you feel comfortable.

Low FPS on brand new computer....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


have you updated drivers? what are you settings for the game?

GW2 problem..

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


make sure you have a decent connection. ping is not too high etc.

if you are downloading something then pause it when you are playing.

Install question

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


yes. install from the disc then it will automatically patch after installation.

Art by Aarev -- GW2 gold commissions [2slots]

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


full body colored artwork reservation please.

Done and done.

Cool! Thanks

Art by Aarev -- GW2 gold commissions [2slots]

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


full body colored artwork reservation please.

Free Art! [CLOSED] [for now]

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


can i also get in the wait list?

GW2 sketches =]

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


what did you use to take those screenshots? ingame screenies don’t normally look like that. and is you use sweetfx may i ask what settings you use?

I’ve attached my sweetfx settings, enjoy =)


it looks gorgeous! did you configure it yourself?

great, forums doesn’t want bmp pics



in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


Just go to the nearest PC shop and choose / try one.

The most important thing is the Color Rendering.


Anyways, desktops are better for gaming and have lower cost for the same performance of a laptop. Just build your own desktop or choose the parts then let the retailer assemble it for a small fee. I an help you with choosing parts of you are interested.

GW2 sketches =]

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


Heya Cynz, keep up the great work! I like everything you’ve posted here, but Celtica’s commission is really exceptionally well done, imo.

Obligatory screenshot upload
Here’s my elementalist, Dracarys. * Crosses fingers *

what did you use to take those screenshots? ingame screenies don’t normally look like that. and is you use sweetfx may i ask what settings you use?

Hey guys, free art (again).

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654



here’s my thief


GW2 sketches =]

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


do you have a deviantart or something? somewhere we can check out your works?

IPS or TN panel monitor for GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


get the IPS one. you’d barely notice a difference between 5ms and 1ms. if you really like 3d then go for the TN one but most people don’t bother with 3d.

Looking for a new thin Laptop.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


do you really need a laptop? cause if you just want gaming then go desktop. if you really need portability then do as you wish.

with this laptop you can maybe play this game in high settings in PvE if you get the one with 750m gpu as long as you lower your resolution. it just won’t be that playable and you are using a laptop screen, you can get away with 1080p or lower if you really want to get higher fps. i suggest putting it on higher res (other than native cause that’s too high) and then lower the settings until you get an acceptable fps. for zergs and WvW, just go drop to lowest settings. even very high end rigs have trouble running max with zergs. also, get a cooler for the laptop.

GW2 sketches =]

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


:) just putting this here…..


(Contest) Best Character Name

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654




iAsuno's randomness

in Community Creations

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


So i just got back to playing GW2 and did some quick drawings. I am trying to improve my drawings and maybe get some comments here on what i can improve since i drew something from GW2. I have not taken any classes about drawings so sorry if it makes your eyes bleed. this one is a WIP. I drew on paper and scanned it and I am using a mouse for coloring so don’t expect any mindblowing works here.


Ok, hold on, i need a recap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


That should pretty much sum up the living story for you

but how about the mechanics of the game? or like new items types or whatever. new shops. i don't know where to read this. does the wiki have those info?

Ok, hold on, i need a recap

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


so after about i don’t know how long, (the last significant part i remember was the first part of living story but some really short plays after that) i don’t have a clue on what is going on. can somebody give a a quick recap, what changes they made and freakin lion’s arch is destroyed (which from the few posts i read was just like a month ago.)

LF help getting a custom built PC

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


Ibuypower or cyberpowerpc


you can go with 1600 ram if it will save you some money. you can just not get a dvd writer/reader and just install windows thru a USB drive. you would want a better cooler if you would like to push the OC and still get decent temps. MSI and Gigabyte are also very good motherboard makers and you should also consider them. the 9000 series of AMD GPUs may just be around the corner. if you are not in a hurry then you should definitely wait for them. SSD for a boot drive. it will give you pretty fast boot and loading times. for PSUs, Seasonic and Corsair are some good brands. case, if you need it, the NZXT source 210 is a cheap case but has a decent build quality. Do you need an OS?

New Rig for GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


if you don’t need to connect thru wifi then drop the wifi adapter. also, if you can get a better cooler, do so. haswell chips tend to get hot especially when overclocking.

when are you planning to build this? the 9000 series is just around the corner.

First computer that I am building

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


you don’t need an 850w PSU. I have a GTX 680 and 3570 and i am using a 650w corsair PSU. 850w PSUs can handle 2 cards in SLI or corssfire so i don’t see why 650w can’t handle one. for ram i recommend getting corsair just because they are a reliable brand. lastly, try pushing a 770 in or a 7950/7970 in there. AMD cards have free games if you get them in a participating retailer.

Crashing When sli enabled on sli gtx 780's

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


just turn off SLI everytime you play GW2. 1 780 is more than enough for GW2.

Extra money, what to upgrade?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


well, you should put up a budget. you can get a new system if you have a reasonable budget.

Extra money, what to upgrade?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


budget? that system is pretty old..

2 Questions about a laptop

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


if you want to play on the highest settings, you will need a desktop for that. you can play on high-ish settings there but when 30 people gets on the screen, your fps won’t be good.

Working on a new PC Build

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


just overclock the heck out of the i5.
check this out:

Why does this game run like absolute garbage?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


i have i 3570 non k and a 680 and my fps does drop but still playable for me at high settings. it drops to mid 20s but that is when things go crazy like 50 plus people doing spell effects. but with 30 plus people on screen running with me, i get about 30-45 fps at the least. i don’t really check, as long as it is playable.

Auto-Detect Graphic Settings makes game crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


what version of windows do you have installed? 64 bit or 32 bit?

GW2.exe crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


thats weird. try running as admin.

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


not that i recommend but you may find some drivers from different sites but try contacting customer support of acer first. they might give you something useful.

GW2.exe crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


try backing up gw2.dat and reinstall gw2.

I just finished installing it 5 minutes ago?

oh….where did you install it? and is it from a cd?

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


or try contacting customer support.

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


uh….. i have little knowledge about custom drivers. try searching for your model (most probably on acer’s site) and see if it has new drivers

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


do not block it. it is used to detect your hardware. no harm will be done. besides, it’s an intel site.

GW2.exe crash

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


try backing up gw2.dat and reinstall gw2.

FPS drops from 45-60 to 2-3 OFTEN

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


did you reapply thermal paste? try realtemp to check temperatures.

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


do you have java installed? is there any message at the top?

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


it can run but performance may not be good. how many fps are you having now?

Between the 20 and 30….

that is on lowest? have you installed drivers?

Yeah that is on the lowest guess.
And i think i’ve installed the driver because it said the following message.

Product Detected: Intel® Processor Graphics 3000
Current Driver Installed:

is there an option to download new drivers? you should update them?

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


it can run but performance may not be good. how many fps are you having now?

Between the 20 and 30….

that is on lowest? have you installed drivers?

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


it can run but performance may not be good. how many fps are you having now?

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


ok.. to start with, your laptop is low spec and may not be able to run gw2 smoothly. check this
check for latest system updates and download the driver. install it and try again.

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


what computer are you using? can you give me the parts? go to start menu and type dxdiag and paste the screenshot of the 1st and 2nd page.

Screen is acting weird....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


what drivers do you have? also, list your specs please

Is this normal?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


I get this many times in the shiverpeaks locations, especially Timberline Falls and Lornar’s Pass. Usually, if I turn off depth blur, this fuzzy image goes away instantly. It usually occurs just after I waypoint to a new location or waypoint rez on the current map.

I’m on a Mac though.

it is not the blurry part. i honestly like that. what i am talking about is the grass texture at the bottom.

Is this normal?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: iAsuno.9654


i admire the game. it looks beautiful, then suddenly this smudgy texture.