Showing Posts For jeremo.2491:

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I’m fully fine with them merging threads, and i think they should. It seems that the area “currently” with the most attention from devs is the account area due to all the hacked accounts. Hopefully when it calms down we can get some responses or action on some of these items. I’m sure they are reading them, just don’t have time to post a response to every single one. So hopefully if we make enough noise it will get this implemented.

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


@Video James
I think he definitely read the topic and not the message No worries.

I didn’t know that there are other classes who don’t get weapon-swap just like i didn’t know elementalist didn’t. I heartily agree this should be a feature for all classes.

Should I change the topic to say Add weapon swap for all classes?

Multiple Suspensions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491


My brother-in-law has been suspended 3 times, It happened the final time just like the poster above me. He was playing the game fine, relogged and then boom he got suspended. We checked the security tab on the my account area, and he’s the only person accessing his account. He even reset his password and it wont let him back in.

He has an active support case with you, but has not heard back in over 24 hours.

His support case # is 10246490.

He isn’t exactly computer savvy so thats why i’m trying to sort this for him.

Combat UI improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I fully support this type of implementation. My wife hates having having to move her mouse where she wants the aoe’s to be targeted, and half the time, it puts the dang aoe behind the mob instead of on it. Oooh she would love this

[Guild] Show guild members on map/mini-map

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I think the party sizes are fine personally.

[Guild] Show guild members on map/mini-map

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I would imagine it would take the same amount of bandwidth or less than seeing that person on your screen, which actually is more bandwidth because you have to load on the fly all their armor, race, and what they flat out look like. All the textures are on your computer (for the most part) and it just loads ID’s on the fly and references that on the hard drive ( my guess) so loading a dot and coordinates in theory would take a far substantially less amount. (in my opinion)


When can we expect a Security Key Generator?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Thanks for your response goldenhornet, I didn’t even notice that part of the account security post. Dang skim reading that i do

[End - suggestion] Replace with [Category]

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I just noticed everyone is starting to use [Suggestion] in front of their posts, heck even I did it. But wouldn’t it be more collaborative for us to use [Category] such as [PVP], [Crafting], [General], [Gameplay]? We are, after-all in the suggestion forums so i’m assuming most people know that these are all suggestions.

It would make the forums a little more organized for suggestions, and would greatly help the moderators be able to categorize the requests.

Ultimately it would be nice to have the suggestion forums let you pick the category, but maybe we could make this work for now.

An example post would be:

Topic Title:
[Crafting] Can we make mining nodes give more critical chances?
your description of your suggestion

What do you guys think?

(edited by jeremo.2491)

[Gameplay] Better Camera Control.

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Please delete this post, i noticed that there was a massive thread on better camera control. Guess i should look before i leap

[Guild] Show guild members on map/mini-map

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Illconceived, exactly! We had 2 groups just questing together in the same zone, and it was very difficult to stick together…the only way was because me and my wife were each in 1 group so everyone just stuck near one of us because we were always by eachother since we were sitting right next to eachother. Not everyone has that luxury so technically we have an advantage over other guilds mwuahahahhaah Hax for the win! lol

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


The really hardcore players will do it, or have a keyboard macro outside the game (which is not recommended) but this is a simple function and i hope i’m not overlooking how this could be over powered.

[Crafting] Display Discovered Items for the resource you are using to discover

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I still want it to be vague enough to make you really think about it. But i just like the thought of seeing what you have already discovered…when i’m leveling up my skill i dont remember if it’s the ring or the amulet i have left to discover for a particular gem.

As i said before i know it’s easy just to go to the craft tab on the left, but this is just the same thing in a more visual and organized state.

[Guild] Show guild members on map/mini-map

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Being able to have it without the commander book is good because if you are part of 3 guilds, every guild would need to have it purchased. It’s more of a personal preference for your character if you want to see others or be seen by others.

[Gameplay] Add weapon-swap to All Classses

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


My wife last night said, i’m going to delete this dagger and focus, cause I never use it. I asked her why she doesn’t and she said it’s too irritating to have to open up my hero window and drag over those to replace my staff when i want to do more single target damage. Because groups change so often so one minute we are fighting a veteran, and the next 10 guys at once. So it’s better to just stay using a staff the whole time.

I had no idea elementalists didn’t have weapon swap like my necromancer. I know why my necromancer has weapon swap, so that i can combo off different abilities and weapon sets. And I understand why elementalists can’t swap because they have their 4 different attunements to swap between.

I suggest they have weapon sets they can switch between while “OUT OF COMBAT” not during combat like I can with my necro. That would give her the ability of being able to judge a fight and go, oh okay we are going to be doing a bunch of aoe, let me switch quickly to my staff. But then the moment she enters combat she can’t switch back to her dagger and focus. That way you don’t have crazy combos going off with elementalists.

It’s no different than having her open H and switch there, but she can do it much more efficiently. The key is not allowing elementalists to switch during combat. And then you’re golden. You wont have to balance anything by adding that in.

[Combat] Ability to set summoned items to auto attack by default

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


On my wife’s elementalist summoning weapons (items) for herself and me to use is AMAZING! However having to Ctrl + Right click the #1 ability every single time she summons an item gets rather annoying just to auto attack. Can’t we have an option to always set summoned items to auto attack? Or just make summoned items default to auto attack on #1? I’d rather turn off auto attack then have to turn it on every time.

The same works for our Asura Golem that we can summon to get into. I always have to set his punches to auto attack which gets annoying.

Pretty much anything that you can summon you have to do that on. I hope you guys can get this in, my wife would love it insanely! hahah

[Guild] Show guild members on map/mini-map

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Our guild is a very VERY social guild, and we just love running around the world as big groups leveling together etc. The hardest part is keeping everyone together.

What I suggest is adding an option per user to be able to show guild members on the map/mini-map. This would only show members actively representing the guild. Their dots would the the tan/yellow color like their names are when you run across one in the world. Then your party members would still stay blue.

You would also have to allow users to opt-out of letting themselves be seen on the map, because sometimes you just want to be alone so we’d like to respect those players choices of not wanting to be a part of an event etc.

I’m not sure if there is already a guild function that you can purchase since i’m not the guild leader but just suggesting this as a whole.

[Gameplay] Better Camera Control.

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Me and my wife love jumping puzzles, but the view control during jumping puzzles is insane. We can be jumping up steps with nothing clearly behind us, and every step we jump up, it zooms clear in on the back of our heads, and then zooms out once you land on the step. This happens mostly on the floating steps.

Also allowing us to increase how far we can zoom out. Sometimes we just feel like the camera is zoomed way too far in, even at max range. I’m fine with there still being a max, but allow us to set it further if possible nothing crazy like a google maps satellite view, just increase it by a few hundred yards or something like that.

We have tried the free movement camera, and we did not like that at all.

[Crafting] Display Discovered Items for the resource you are using to discover

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I know you can go look at your list of craft-able items and then come back to discovery to see what you can discover. But i thought it would be nice to if i drag a Lapis Luzil out onto the discovery it would show me below the pain, all the items i discovered for lapis luzil. That way i can see if the 2 last things left are the a ring or a necklace etc.

Maybe this is overkill for most. But i’m a very visual person. Maybe there isnt’ space for it, but i think this could be done with the proper User Experience designer working on it.

Add guild info to guild tab

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


It would be great to be able to have a Guild Info tab where you have pre-setup fields for Voice chat clients login credentials
Website URL

So it would be nice to be able to specify

Voice Chat Client – Mumble
Voice Chat Client Link –
Voice Chat IP –
Voice Chat Port – 2151

then have the website url somewhere else,

This is information that almost every guild is going to have, and we are having to use our Message of the Day to show this stuff…that’s not exactly a message of the day. It’s turned into a guild info panel so now we cant submit guild messages.

It’s always blown my mind that no MMO has figured out that guilds use these tools and can make it easy for new guild members to connect with their new guild.

I think it would be nice to have these be textbox fields that are pre-setup that guild leaders just fill out. Instead of just a text area like the MOTD, because believe it or not, all guild leaders aren’t exactly artists or content writers. I think having a guild info tab that looks good and makes it easy to understand would be awesome.

When can we expect a Security Key Generator?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I’m wondering when we might expect a security key, I haven’t seeen a post on this yet maybe i just missed it….

A security key is just that, a key that randomly generates an X-digit code when you want to play the game. Usually this is done through an app for your smartphone or through an actual device you purchase that you attach to a keyring or something of the sorts. Most of you are familiar with these from World of Warcraft. But there are quite a few MMO’s that use these.

I used it on SWTOR and absolutely loved it, because no matter what even if someone had my username/password or even a keylogger on my system, they had a harder time trying to get access to my account. Because the key was completely random based on the time of day etc…

Now it’s not foolproof but neither are most security systems, if someone wants to hack you bad enough, they will succeed in a matter of time. It just weeds out the bulk hacks arena net is getting and bring it down to a lot less.

It doesn’t have to be required for everyone, but those of us that want added security should have access to something like this.

Email validation is a laugh

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Got is account restored today, so took roughly under a day, so that’s one positive. But alas they wont restore any items. Totally sweet.

Email validation is a laugh

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491


The funny thing is that if they say they don’t store backups that’s a complete lie. I don’t know about you, but any successful network will have redundancy turned on so if a server goes down they have a backup. What it is, is that they have too much of a workload right now to track your items down. Or it’s too difficult to get the data out of the backups. Your items are stored on a server somewhere, they aren’t on your local machine. shrug

Email validation is a laugh

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491


Did you end up getting your items back etc? I’ve read that many people were just given a, well sorry but go ahead and start over type of email. I know if they do this, my brother-in-law will never play this game again, so i’m really hoping it doesn’t come to that.

Email validation is a laugh

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: jeremo.2491


So…why the heck can someone change your email account on guild wars, without you validating it through YOUR email account. My brother in laws account just had that happen to him. I find it very very interesting that something that large was overlooked….

Does anyone know the average turn-around to a hacked acount being restored?

(edited by jeremo.2491)

Suggestion: 4-Digit Guild Bank Pin (& Personal Bank)

in Suggestions

Posted by: jeremo.2491


I think you’d have to have some sort of Pin for various actions in the guild….lets say you’re the guild leader and your account gets hacked….well bye bye pin numbers and heck they may even completely disband the guild. I think for major things there should be pins.

So you’d have a Leader Pin,
Officer Pin
Bank Pin (for everyone)

Not sure if you’d want to have it where if you’re the leader your pin works on everything so you dont have to remember 3 pins… would have to think that through more.

Overall I like the Idea. I could see some people thinking the pin is very annoying. The pin would have to have a timer, where once you enter it, the pin is good for your entire session until you Log Off. Then if you play from a different IP it would require the pin as well. I don’t see any problem with that, it’s better than a “remember me” checkbox

Overall I like it.