Showing Posts Upvoted By jihm.2315:

water fields

in PvP

Posted by: BeepBoopBop.5403


if you wanna play something for fun it means it has to be totally useless?

In this game, yeah pretty much.

No, going berserker or Marauder will not help on ele lol.

Koolgai Smurf – Thief | Dazin U – Mesmer | Whats Healing Power – Ranger|
I Bought Hot – Revenant | [QQ]

Stunlock Needs to Go

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Svarty.8019


What’s the deal with the Stunlock? That’s not fun.

McLain and Chronacher, I am looking at you. We just had a balance patch – why is this Stunlock a thing?

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

Condi damage broken, and how to fix it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asgard.7251


It says enough that 90% of the roamers in WvW run condi…juat give it a few more nonths and everyone will run condi.

I hate condi and dont run it, but there is so much condi around these days it just inst fun anymore.

Just ban it from the game…problem solved

First good patch in about 3 years

in PvP

Posted by: Sly.9518


This was a great patch, not perfect but in the right direction, hopefully it’s not just a temporary thing to allow Next expac powercreep

First good patch in about 3 years

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Well done anet.

You listened to the intelligent logic about power creep and reigned it in.

This will help the game to last longer. This is a great long term decision. Well done anet.

Round of applause

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Make everything squishier

in PvP

Posted by: Aenaos.8160


Are you serial?
Burst damage is already crazy high and it’s so easy to spam,it requires 0 skill,and one shots are already a thing in PvP.
And even the tankiest build available can be focused and killed in under 10 seconds.
In the end,make this a FPS,go away with all the stealth and all the overboard kitten utilities that have made some professions here resemble more what would be a hacker in any other game,and rename the game to Call of Guild Wars 2.
That would be fun.

-Win a pip,lose a pip,win a pip,lose a pip,lose a pip,
lose a pip,win 2 pips,lose a pip,lose a pip…………..-
-Go go Espartz.-

How PvP In This Game Feels

in PvP

Posted by: Nickzor.2453


I would imagine he is means the current state of warrior and DH. Portion of the community seems to believe these 2 classes are OP. While war is in a very high point of balance atm its still countered by enough to negate that concept…. and DH is countered by like…. half the meta.

PvP: The child that is left behind

in PvP

Posted by: Swagger.1459


Professions were left behind at launch, and combat is basically a one dimensional game of damage spam with extremely poor roles to play outside of dps. Profession designs, combat systems, skills, roles… you name it, are not as good as they could have been.

There are far less character build options in gw2 than there were on gw1, and that hurts the entire game because our characters are central to the whole thing, be it pve, wvw or spvp.

Want the game to be better, and for players to be interested more in the pvp sides? Then the devs need to blow up professions, take the good stuff out and rebuild with players fighting other players in mind… with roles in mind… and to keep making substantial efforts to put professions at the top of the dev list going forward.

New Main- 80 Thief – P/P- Vault Spam Pro

221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.

(edited by Swagger.1459)

To all of you "pro's" defending Anet

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


The population is everything!
New player cannot survive in this environment and veteran hate every thing every skill every build are fixed.

Anet need to find out the problem that they already known but dare not to change.

(edited by xeonage.1253)

not enough carrots

in PvP

Posted by: Vicariuz.1605


Device, League of Legends is a moba,
GW2 is an mmo, and usually in mmos you do various activities.

if they dont give good rewards in pvp then people will choose a different path to advance their accounts its simple as that.

at the time pve gives good stuff and it also has almost endless progression with fractals ,raids and story areas.

in pvp once the season ends everything falls apart.

i would rather get rewards like masteries from pvp rather than go find dive locations and do jumping puzzles.
generally those who want to pvp will pvp more , i dont see how this is bad for the game.

Alright let’s keep it familiar then… Gw1 had an awesome pvp scene with hardly any rewards. But people played it because it was a good game.
That’s what anet never understood: players don’t play a game for rewards. They play it for fun in the first place. Rewards have always been and will always be secondary after gameplay.

That isn’t true at all, in gw1, u needed to control hall of heroes to gain access to end game pve content (with the most lucrative farm), however by winning and holding halls you got access to the chest, which dropped the most expensive skins in the game, along with other incredibly useful and tradeable items like the guild hall sigil, required to form a guild hall. Then they even further upped the rewards with zkeys, another form of PvP progression that made a ton of money.

not enough carrots

in PvP

Posted by: Lucentfir.7430


This is why this game failed…. people chasing rewards.

you could literally have a game where the characters are stick figures and you had one button but there were countless rewards and people would play just to tell others how many rewards they have achieved.

Games like league of legends dont even rely on rewards for their players to stay interested. The game offers better, sharper, more tightly constructed pvp than most pvp games period. People log on to PLAY THE GAME. Not to get rewards.

Another thing that killed this game is the fact that some classes are just overloaded lol.

Engineer is needlessly overloaded.
Elementalist is needlessly overloaded.

The classes who just have too much tedious crap to push and spam are needlessly overloaded. Anet should be willing to compress the range of stand-alone abilities offered to all classes. I used to try to complain that necros did not have enough. The truth is other classes have too much.

Friends I’ve played with (who no longer play) all pretty much agreed that the Eni and Ele were unnecessarily stuffed with too many “buttons”. Just too much crap. Engi has 5 skills (f1-f5) which change on top of your normal weapon 1-5 + 3 utilities which can offer more 1-5 and bleh blah blah.

Another of League of Legends greatest achievements is creating champions with complex/ high skill ceilings while still retaining a level of simplicity (low skill floor). Vayne is the best example of this. She is pretty simple to understand but offers so much for the player to learn and advance.

Anet doesn’t really do this. Warrior is almost part of that vein(puns) but when you really look at war its just an over-the-top Tyndamere. 1 Champion = the entire warrior class.

You ever watch the pro league of GW2? the commentators have nearly completely given up on giving play-by play of the actual skills becuase there is no piont. Everthing is spammed and none of the skills have any actual weight behind them.

Nobody “lands” anything in this game. Nobody get off that trick shot. nobody makes them plays. Its all a blur. Just one big spectacle of nonsense and who-cares-whos-winning particles.

Then, in the end, Anet looks at the WoW-mentality of some of its players and caters to their need for rewards. A fleeting and short lived/sighted endeavor. These people will eat up your content in a day and want more. Let them go back to wow. Let them go.


People keep comparing League and Gw2 as if they’re even remotely similar. League is designed to be strictly PvP, the reward in that game is you can earn IP for Champions and Runes so you don’t have to purchase them with money and that’s really all that’s of worth in that game. Gw2 is a MMORPG, where three aspects exists for three different audiences(PVE,WvW, Spvp), where rewards would be gold, skins, gear and the such, and balancing the worth of every game type between each other. Spvp needs good rewards otherwise people who enjoy their game mode aren’t rewarded for their time.

In terms of gameplay League and Gw2 differ tremendously. For one while both modes are 5v5 and team oriented, league has a leveling and currency/itemization system which is what makes it so much more different than GW2 you might as well be comparing apples to bananas . In league you can kill and make the other lane opponent lose creep score which puts him or her behind. His opponent got gold out of the kill and was able to farm more and get better items faster and possibly fed. GW2 PvP you’re stuck with your set of abilities once the match starts, there’s no starving your opponent to being less effective, there’s no transition of a early-mid-late game set up. There’s no itemization so you can’t build against a team comp, not to mention Gw2 doesn’t have set roles.

Reth Grimrazor – Charr Guardian – [GWB]Grim Warband – Tarnished Coast
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast

does anyone play without youtube?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


I hate multilevel mazes like HoT maps especially this new LS map, it’s horrible! I hope they change this in next xpac.

I never explored HoT on my chars, leveled them all in wvw. Thats how I enjoy those maps.

does anyone play without youtube?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Savvy.3258


Jumping puzzles, achievements, mastery points, hero points… yeah, having to do research for a game feel likes a chore.

Can we raise the skill floors next patch?

in PvP

Posted by: RaGe.9834


The rest of us have been asking for this for just about 5 years now, and we’re still waiting. With the next expac coming up, I doubt we’ll see it before then and we most definitely will not see it after.

What are you a jock?…. get out, This is nerd landia, where nerds gather!

What killed pvp.

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

did anyone mention boring? i am xtra bored of this capture the 3 points mode

I didn’t get bored with the 3 point mode, till after HoT. To me when you look at say Smite. Those characters and classes, look like they belong in that game mode and each have a role to perform.

Now look at GW2 with only 9 classes, and a X-Pack. That added so much power creep that at times certain classes was just kitten. Those classes also didn’t felt like they belong in this 3 point mode anymore.

DH in any other competitive PvP game in a 3 point mode, would have been banned at the selection screen. Ok now look at thief and warrior after buffs. They two would’ve been banned. Too forgiven to even attempt to allow for competitive play.

Then you had the match maker, just handing out bad match quality. Match after match after match very consistently. I honestly think that ANet set that system up to do just that. In order to get rid of all of the solo queue’ers from their game. Now look over at Smite it’s the complete opposite. Very very few bad matches even as Solo player in ranked, hell I’ll even say causal matches in Smite are 4 times better quality then in GW2’s Ranked.

Then GW2 was left with a big hole in the population, for season 5. So ANet gave out free ascended gear to bribe PvEers to put up with state of PvP. Because the gear was just given out for afking matches. Of course this caused a lot of problems. Making more PvPers leave. So ANet all but took away the ascended gear from PvP. Instead of just leaving in for winning only.

GW2’s Esports masquerade then officially died. More PvPers left for PvP supported games.

Season 6 rolls around. Rewards are trash tier. Match quality is trash tier. Trolls still aloud to run around with no fear of ban. Most of the so called “Top Tier’ed Competitive” PvPers that stayed. Started to (for the only word that should be used here) “cheat” in order to grab leader board positions. So other then for the trolls and cheaters, very few was actually having fun. More PvP and PvE players left. Now match maker can not do it’s job even if it was programmed to. Because critical mass has came and gone and nothing was done to stop it from melting down.

Now you have a laughing stock of a pseudo-competitive ladder that just throws what ever people it has at the time into matches that it can. MMR and Ratings be forsaken, for it’s more important to have bad matches and fast queues, then it is to have fun and engaging matches, with long queue times.

So only players who are looking for a ego boost by beating lower skilled players in stacked matches. Or PvEers just looking for some dailies and are desperate for ascended gear. Are the only ones left playing. Everyone else for the most part plays GW2 for it’s casual non-engaging mindless PvE, and plays PvP in PvP supported games. GW2 is not a PvP supported game. All one has to do is play both WvW and PvP game modes for a week to come to this conclusion.

And no one can tell me that it’s because of population. Because GW2 had a huge population and following up until the point. Figured up they was being ignored and unwanted by the ANet dev team. So the ones with a decent head on their shoulders left. GW2 Ranked PvP, could’ve and would’ve survived HoT. If ANet only put in the effort needed to. Since ANet didn’t, this is the results.

Actions speaks much louder then words. Just look at yalls current population crisis. It tells the whole of the story itself. You can either ignore and deny it, or accept it for what it is and continue, or you can just move on. Complaining about this joke at this point. Just makes you look like a even better joke then it.

I hope this spelled it out for you people. “Who honestly” are trying to figure out. What happened, and why. You can take the words of the people who are ignoring the facts and continues to play, complain, and speculate why we lefted. Or you can take the words of a serious PvPer who used to play now no longers play Ranked PvP in GW2. But elsewhere in actual PvP supported games.

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ElectricGoat.8253


Why do you even want a mount? You already run quickly, you can already get to places quickly. Mounts are a solution without a problem.

No to mounts. This isn’t some terrible and decaying game. You know which one im talking about.

dragon hunters are not ok

in PvP

Posted by: Forsty.7968


Dragonhunter should be nerfed because of how easy it is to have an impact in the game with it as well as because its simply not fun to play against. Not because of its power level. It doesnt matter how good you are at the game, unless youre playing a complete counter to it like druid you wont have fun fighting them and it doesnt matter if you kill them or not.

Its a stupid waiting game. 90% of DH players blow their f3, elite and f3 again which results in a kittenton of seconds on which you cant really pressure him. Its obviously a bad way of playing DH but its still effective because of how badly DH was designed. Nobody wants to play against this. There are other builds that are “easy to play” as well but nothing comes close to DH. The traps are really not the problem of DH since they finally got rid of the dazing effect on them. Sure they can be annoying when someone sets them randomly up off node when you werent anywhere near there and then walk into them and die because someone is running all traps but imo its not the main reason DH is a badly designed spec.

delete a char, i keep the pvp achievements?

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


you keep them, they aren’t character based, achievements are account based

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

PvP and the Future, in the future

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


The game needs to slow down. Reality is, THIS IS NOT MOBA, the player base does not want a game where you from 100% to 0% in 3 seconds flat.

That and class balance is and always has been, atrocious due to the lack of commitment on class build archetypes.

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015

(edited by Apolo.5942)

PvP and the Future, in the future

in PvP

Posted by: Kaburro.4712


The game needs to slow down. Reality is, THIS IS NOT MOBA, the player base does not want a game where you from 100% to 0% in 3 seconds flat.

<- This!

Current status is an alert : what next.

in PvP

Posted by: Kaburro.4712


i dont understand what you say the only thing that a know it is that is MMO game and they dont let you play with your friend with your guild , if i want to play alone i will play call of duty not an MMO game

Jesus mate you are in the wrong forum

Did GW2 lose its identity?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Obtena.7952


I find this thread very odd … I can’t understand how it appears like the OP associated the evolution of the game with it losing it’s identity, implying that having a game that evolves is a bad thing? Perhaps I haven’t played enough MMO’s but … I’ve yet to play an MMO where the devs don’t tries to change a bit to keep the game interesting to it’s veteran players.

Sure, Anet has made some errors during this evolution but I don’t think this is very relevant; any expectation that Anet just scores homeruns is unreasonable. I wouldn’t want to waste a single minute in a game where a developer would just pump out the same old, just to maintain game identity. Frankly, I think the whole idea that a game’s identity is the sum of it’s content and lore is wrong; it’s identity is how the dev team implements the game and interacts with players.

This game is so old and still garbage.

in PvP

Posted by: Tomiyou.3790


People just mad cuz bad. Sure it could be so much better and have twice the builds diversity, but hey, it’s not GARBAGE. Don’t throw powerful words like that around, cause I don’t think you know what they mean.

This game is so old and still garbage.

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


the only response to “this game suxx!” threads is, OK bye then.
go play something else.

if you think it is garbage then there is no reason for you to be here.

[Poll] State of GW2 "E-Sports"

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Excellent. The viewing figures are incredible. The competitive community is thriving. The removal of solo queue and MMR leaderboards was awesome. Who needs in game tournaments too. And no new maps for 3 years? Some people say that is boring. I say it lets the tactics for those maps be specialized and leads to epic esports.

The new balance system is awesome. Merging all the traits so every spec has everything (damage, sustain, condi clear, stability, etc) was such a great idea. I love spamming skills its so much fun.

So yeh, this game is the pinnicle of skilled esports. I love it. It is Excellent.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Something wrong with thieves

in PvP

Posted by: Grebcol.5984


Welcome to Guildfield 4, take Sniper and camp on the roof! oh i forgott your range is only 900….xD

Yeah the Nervs was a little bit to much. Seen today many many thieves one shotted or killed by condis.

In bigger battles they are focused and die in 2 secs. I think this isn’t fun for thieves players.

Damage is way to high

in PvP

Posted by: PistolWhip.2697


Yep become Ping V Ping.

I’ll have you know, a latency dependent competitive game mode is a clear indicator of high risk/ high reward. You take the risk of playing the game with your ping even slightly higher than an opponent, and your reward is to know they killed you using no skill at all.

Welcome to E-sportz!


Post patch build diversity is worse!

in PvP

Posted by: Levetty.1279


The release has been out for 4 hours. It’s a little early to tell.

But not too early to nerf mesmers?

Not surprised he hasn’t bothered posting in the thread again, how incredibly embarrassing for him.

bravo PvP patch

in PvP

Posted by: Bazooka.3590


This patch is a shame. This is the end of gw2 pvp.

This is a ballance update?

in PvP

Posted by: Relentliss.2170


I know. The balance team is hopeless.

We don’t need to make mandatory gear treadmills, we make all of it optional

Anet lied (where’s the Manifesto now?)