Showing Posts For littlemunster.1059:

WvW patch notes July 11th

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


this update already made wvw less attractive. wvw will go back to being the stepchild that nobody wants and everyone avoids.

The BG Super Munster!

Put a vote to the participation changes.

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


No. Please do away with the community “voting”.
Thank you, that is all.

we don’t need to vote. just do away with the decay and boot afk’ers out of wvw after x minutes of inactivity. running into walls continuously is inactivity.

The BG Super Munster!

Lower the Rank Requirement for Armor

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


here’s the real issue,

full legendary armor from raids – 3-6 months
legendary fractal back piece – 3-6 months
legendary spvp back piece – 3-6 months
legendary wvw back piece – 3-6 months
crafting any legendary without a credit card – 3 months – 1 year
getting t3 armor from wvw = 1 1/2 – 2 years

please a-net even out the discrepancy.

agreed. anet needs to fix it if they ever plan on selling more copies of the game. it’ll be a turn off for sure.

The BG Super Munster!

Lower the Rank Requirement for Armor

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


2000 is perfect and shows that they are a true ktrainer…

fixed it for you.

The BG Super Munster!

For once AN don't cave

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


I agree to this.
Casuals need to git gud

at what? ktraining? you and many early birds got the advantage with eotm and pvd. not good for the future but to those who took advantage of anet’s oversight.

The BG Super Munster!

For once AN don't cave

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Don’t lower the requirements. Just double or triple the XP and rewards. If not, you’re neglecting your new player base and destroyed any potential chance of selling anymore copies of the game. Who will buy a game to do grind fest for 2 years so they can get a WvW skin?

The BG Super Munster!

Recent Fractal Changes thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Fractals became easier, a bit more complex and a lot more fun.

which stage you referring to? thaumanova with new patches became more lame. now you have a whirling toilet bowl on falling platforms. the look, the feel is… disgusting. why do we need extra ways to get flush down? the falling platforms is enough.

The BG Super Munster!

Swamp - Not worth the aggravation

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


They’ve already neutered bloomy. Leave the poor oakheart alone.

you sure they neutered bloomy? bloomy still acts like a gorilla. bloomy still has the brain of king kong. very scary. but if I remember correctly, the official answer from anet to players is “git gud”.

The BG Super Munster!

Recent Fractal Changes thoughts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Absolutely awful changes. Individually they seem fine but when you combine them together + already existing TERRIBLE mechanics of some fractals it becomes hell…

Please revert back to old instabilities….

let me learn from the so called majority of the the people on this forum. “git gud” or do the lower tiers.

The BG Super Munster!

Poison trail is way over the top(?)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


delete reward from dongeon , and loose all dongeon community..
don’t learn from this misstake , do one other.
delete possibility to done swamp , all player stop to play this one.
don’t learn from this misstake , do one other.
add stupid poison 2 shot in fractal to loose all fractal player. will not fix it.
fix in your dream.

according to the people on this forum, it’s only a few who don’t like this change. another popular response is to “git gud”. let’s all share same smoke and say it’s few who are affected.

The BG Super Munster!

Why always Swamp and mal daily?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Swamp is the best Fractal map.
If you have trouble with Bloomy, try using a Guard with Shield =D

i love the new swamp. reminds of the toilet munster. every time swamp daily appears, i think of numba 2 toilet style. it’ll eventually git fix. maybe find a gud group to carry ya?

The BG Super Munster!

The new Swamp [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


But, as mentioned earlier, pugging it is a nightmare. Tumbleweeds and crickets everywhere.

… this … makes the swamp a swamp. not many wants to do it. those that tried pugging mostly failed and you see @ boss in lfg. i ignore them. why bother? it’s fractal and not raid. fractal is meant for end game content that almost anyone can do and should be casual. it became non sense. i run out of patience waiting for people to “git gud”.

The BG Super Munster!

did they lower asce box drop rate from t4?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


you sure it’s random? it sure doesn’t feel like it anymore. the swamp updates appears to have been a hidden nerf. either that or… king kong bloomie stole my loots. since the swamp update, I have nothing but trash. i’ll stop playing in the swamp until people git gud and be able to keep up wit me. too hard to run 4 wisps solo.

The BG Super Munster!

Updated fractals are horrible

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


So to you it makes more sense to play a video game for its virtual rewards than to … have fun?
Okay, well, I don’t agree lol.

you have fun getting junk when others git gud stuff? lol. ok, i want you in my team to be the one picking all the trash while i git gud stuff. i’m sure all those people farming/grinding are having too much fun. lol.

The BG Super Munster!

Daily Recommended Fractal - any point?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


you still get pristine relics. don’t forget, you can make more journals and sell it.

The BG Super Munster!

Updated fractals are horrible

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


I do think that those out of their mind are players who play everything only for rewards, not even for fun anymore.

you can’t be serious? you don’t play it for rewards? i do and anyone who says otherwise is straight out lying.

The BG Super Munster!

The new Swamp [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Pugged it yesterday, highest tier, killed it 1st go. It’s definitely not too hard, some players are just incredibly bad and need to improve rather than complain. Git good.

‘sigh’ We (three people) had to cycle through half a dozen randumbs before we finally got some who understood what (not) to do in that fight. I wonder how long it will take before you reliably get pugs who can do Bloomy

once in a blue moon. i solo that swamp thing if i could take control of 4 characters myself for that wisp part. it’s easy to do and i’m just too good. i wish it was swamp fractals every day.

The BG Super Munster!

The new Swamp [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


I also had problems with this but then I learned that you can press a button to avoid all damage.

didn’t anet not allow you to just turn off computer and log back in to avoid all damages?

The BG Super Munster!

The new Swamp [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


This new swamp brings out so much anger and hostility from marginal personalities. it’s hardly worth running for that fact alone.

don’t say that. those swamp lovers will come out and attack you.

The BG Super Munster!

WvW legendary armor

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


not confirming or denying but if in the future legendary armor is released for WvW would the Triumphant armor play a role in it

just wondering if I should hold onto the exotic armor or not

I think Anet needs to fix WvW before introducing anymore rewards for a game mode that is losing people and interest…

The BG Super Munster!

Lets Make WvW Great Again

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


What happened to the idea of creating Luxons, Kurzicks and Canthans?

The BG Super Munster!

WvW is dead.

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Blame Onslaught [onS] and Tempest Wolves [TW] from Blackgate, those guilds are actually responsible of the bad state of NA’s wvws

I heard of those guilds. I saw messages on other forums with their nicknames. SA?

The BG Super Munster!

Mat list for legendary armor please?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


I think 150 is too much given the rate at which they’re obtained. The time gate on legendary armor is massive in comparison to any other legendary anything currently, and it doesn’t make sense for it to be. Four months of killing every single raid boss is simply more than is reasonable, especially in comparison with the month time gate on Gifts of Craftsmanship.

Well, you need 8 weeks min. for a legendary fractal backpiece, 4 months for a full set of legendary armor doesn’t sound so bad in comparison.

Btw in general I’m not a fan about time gate stuff.

Back piece also includes glider… Anet needs to change that time gated stuff.

The BG Super Munster!

Legendary Armor Information

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


If Anet locks the stats of Legendary armor, maybe those who complains will be content? Then it will truly be for looks….

The BG Super Munster!

Gem prices have doubled in price.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


People will start to say, “supply and demand”. Reality is that it has nothing to due with supply and demand. Gems are infinite. Gold are semi-infinite. Gems can be generated in demand. I say that their in-house economist is manipulating the exchange rates to force people into paying more cash to get gems instead of exchange in game gold for gems with these inflated rates. How many people know that GW2 has a in-house economist who works for them?

The BG Super Munster!

Things you wish every fractal pugger knew

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Still failing to see how any of this makes them useless outside of scale 100….

Care to elaborate ?

Barely any group synergy. Lack of valuable buffs, not that great dps, conditions need time to ramp up. Reaper is easy to play, but outside of trin and 4 reaper+something buffing setup it’s not that great if you compare with classic rev+war+mesmer+2 tempest setup.

i suggest you try solo pugging t4 as anything and then as a reaper because you obviously havent. itll open your eyes.

In t4 fractals, I would always prefer a reaper join my group than most other classes. I’m betting I’m not alone on that sentiment.

The BG Super Munster!

Things you wish every fractal pugger knew

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Still failing to see how any of this makes them useless outside of scale 100….

Care to elaborate ?

Barely any group synergy. Lack of valuable buffs, not that great dps, conditions need time to ramp up. Reaper is easy to play, but outside of trin and 4 reaper+something buffing setup it’s not that great if you compare with classic rev+war+mesmer+2 tempest setup.

We talking fractals or raids? This doesn’t sound like PUG advice either since PUG doesn’t = organized setup.

The BG Super Munster!

Things you wish every fractal pugger knew

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


7) Don’t enter as Necromancer or Revenant

Worst advice ever…

The BG Super Munster!

Where did Desert maps gone?

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


The expansion caused the population issue not the maps.

Not true. I don’t have the expansion and I avoided the desert maps at all costs. Lion’s arch was more fun than desert maps.

The BG Super Munster!

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


This vote options appears to be rigged in favor of bringing a dead map back into wvw. Why are we bringing a dead horse to a race? Can we vote to at least shrink the DBL or create extra WP that never gets contested to allow some kind of action?

The BG Super Munster!

Hypothetically Speaking... New Worlds?

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


I’ll be willing to move to new servers. Can we name these new servers Kurzicks, Luxons and Canthas?

The BG Super Munster!

Additional World Linking Information

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


I think TC has been hit unfairly by the dev and the example used is a bad one.

If bandwagoning is happening it it certainly not happening on TC. TC is not a stacked server.

Not unfairly hit. Maybe unfairly tipped off in advance. The truth is TC was heavily stacking while BG was still hibergating. Even claims of DB hitting t1 doesn’t mean anything when both were in same matchups, DB keeps losing to TC. Right now as it stands, the server I’m on is using TC and YB like toilet paper and it’s feels so dirty… BG has overall coverage around the clock. No other servers currently can match them. There used to be servers capable of competing, but not now.

The BG Super Munster!

TC needs Anet's help

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


You probably don’t see ANET claiming camps for BG because they are stuck in the queue.

Not possible. I have no queue. It’s outmanned when I’m on and we’re still beating TC and YB like they don’t exist.

The BG Super Munster!

Hi Anet! we need new wvw Reward Tracks plz

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


upgrad at this Tuesday ?.?

Auric Basin map farm is awsome.
but WvW reward need Awsome too plz ( wvw backpack/ Effect Aura/ Finishers … etc )

or not ppl will leave wvw map

A true WvWer would prefer rewards like more badges to buy more seiges. They don’t need no special effects and such. If so, they wouldn’t have bother with WvW and stick with PVE.

The BG Super Munster!

TC needs Anet's help

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Hi, we all know TC needs all the help they can get, but really, having Arenanet come in and claim camps for them (see mini map).

So… that explains the secret leaking of information and heavy stacking onto TC prior to the linking. But odd how TC still loses to BG so badly. BG didn’t stack and is no different than what it previously was. Can Anet be fair and help BG claims some camps too?

The BG Super Munster!

Bring Back the Desert Borderland!

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Just an idea,
What if they fixed up DBL and made it a little more bearable. Gliding in the open area spaces, no gliding near towers or keeps. Just polished it up and made it enjoyable.

Create another map

Make Red Server = DBL for their Border Lands
Make Blue Server = New Map for their Border Lands
Make Green Server = Alpine for their Borderlands

EB stays EB

Best of all case scenario. Your literally have a pick and chose situation. If you like Alpine and you’re red one week, go play on Alpine and help your server in points.

With gliding DBL is bearable. It’s just used for guild missions since nobody will bother you.

The BG Super Munster!

Bring Back the Desert Borderland!

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


I want DBL back. I have played enough on the old ABL and shes flat, small and boring. DBL was a part from the HoT Addon that i liked to play, and i really wants it back. For me, the change to ABL is a downgrade. I think its not fair now.

Vote for Desert Borderlands.

Silverwaste is a better version of desert borderlands. In fact, the wvw equivalent is called EOTM. DBL is as dead as a cemetery with a few lingering spirits.

The BG Super Munster!

Elitism, a growing concern.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Just the other day i did 80 i think jade maw for daily t4. I was with 2 of my friends. While we passed the mobs to platform with no problems, one of the pugs seemed to struggle to pass by. He died 3 times trying to get to platform. He had around 3k ap. Ok we waited. Then when he did manage to get to the boss he was insta killed by the agony. He tried again and died again. “Ar?” I asked. No reply. Then we started to kill the mobs becacause we were waiting for 15 min allready. Then i tried to vote kick him but one of my friends told me “let him be” which made me mad.

Then he finally wrote: sorry my first time here……

Having a lousy day allready i was not in the mood of carrying a person who tought he can piggy back off rest of the party for free loot. We didn’t kick him because it was not that hard to 4man it, but this is where elitistm is born, 15k ap requirementa in lfg, kicking low ap people and so on. Basicly for saving your own nervs on the place you came to relax after a day at work and from prolonging the run and failing at content that has been present for 3 years.

Op writes only one side of the story.

This… I can relate to since it clearly is a lack of AR and the piggy backer most likely knowingly join the group hoping for a free ride. Should have kicked since it has nothing to do with anything else than AR. He/she won’t be able to help and instead can make this a little more difficult than it should be. Typically if it was me and nobody wanted to kick, I would have leave and redo since it might even be faster than wasting time trying to carry. Anet clearly added the suggested AR for players to look at so they don’t go into the wrong levels. Don’t forget there’s this spot inside that let’s you check your AR against the level selected.

The BG Super Munster!

[Suggestion] Improving Thaumanova Reactor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Don’t bother to change it. If you make changes to the already easy to see and avoid tiles in boss fight, then this becomes a walk in the park. It’s too easy as it is now. Maybe speed up the tiles falling?

The BG Super Munster!

Fractal Initiate Achievement

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


I am a little confused at the end. But personal levels have nothing to do with your initiate achievement. To complete this achievement, you must do all 25 of the initiate levels. Once you complete the level your achievement progress should have that level with a check mark next to it. Your personal level increases only if you are doing a fractal level that is equal or greater than your existing personal level.

The BG Super Munster!

Elitism, a growing concern.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


There’s a lot of arrogant and inept players. You can get kicked for various reasons. AP, already a person playing same class in party, lack of AR, not knowing what to do and ignoring the team advice, etc. Only valid reason for a kick is lack of AR or ignoring the team advice that tries to be helpful. In this case lvl 13 requires no AR and if the other reason mentioned wasn’t the case, put them on ignore list and avoid those players like the plague they are. I have under 500 AP on this account and I don’t get kicked. I also don’t have HOT on this account.

The BG Super Munster!

Why the double team against TC?

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Clearly, the reason why BG and DB are teaming up against TC is because it takes two long-standing Tier 1 servers to even have a hope of taking us down! =D

No such thing. I see TC and DB double teaming against BG.

The BG Super Munster!

Why the double team against TC?

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


TC are nothing without JQ.

Isn’t this current TC not the same TC from the past? They are a make up of drama queen players from other T1 servers such as BG, JQ, and YB.

The BG Super Munster!

Transfer Costs

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Please bring back free transfer. I want to band wagon to the most over stacked server called Tarnished Coast! I don’t want to delete all my characters again like what I did to band wagon over to Yaks Bend previously.

The BG Super Munster!

Nightcappers are a myth

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


This is WvWvW

World vs World vs World – Meaning, the entire globe, not just NA, not EU, not SEA, not OCX… EVERYONE!

The center map is called ETERNAL Battlegrounds and not NA PRIMETIME Battlegrounds.

Eternal, forever, 24/7.

So sick of people thinking they’re worth more than other players in the game just cause they play NA Prime.
Well excuse me because the World is round and, there’s also SEA Prime and EU Prime and OCX Prime.

end of rant :p

I’m still waiting for ANet to implement what I proposed. Locking maps that doesn’t have equal numbers on all sides. Force over populated time zones players to move or play in EOTM since that’s what they are trying to do. Ktraining belongs in EOTM. Those bandwagon folks belongs and should be stuck in a queued until there are fair numbers on all sides. Nightcapping is a myth made up by those who has extremely stacked NA prime time players.

The BG Super Munster!

Bring Back the Desert Borderland!

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


The campaign starts NOW!

The Alpine maps are too small, simple and boring. Please can we have the Desert maps back?

Go EOTM. It’s no different than deserted maps. I mean desert maps.

The BG Super Munster!

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


PRX is an amazing guild.

Glad you agree. If I am correct, you were in SOS during the rise of t1 domination. SOS had a great community and player base. There was more competition back then… It’s sad how Anet can’t figure out what players really wanted and brought out a poll to patch things up where it’ll probably make matters worst like their Desert BL’s.

The BG Super Munster!

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


This thread is pretty funny. Jade Quarry has been struggling for a very long time. They’ve ALWAYS had a NA problem and it DOES have to do with the servers leadership. JQ could never hold NA..they probably bought more NA guilds than any other server in this game but they never stay.

They may have bought too many matured guilds that retired. The greatest NA guild of all time PRX retired while returning to JQ. Yes, they were originally from HOD, but they accomplished so much as a guild. The only NA guild that won many times during WvW peaks and at different servers. The only NA guild that brought a server (SOS) rise to greatness and dominating until their departure. The only NA guild that move over to EU side and help bring it to the top. They accomplish what many alliances are trying now and failing to do.

The BG Super Munster!

The ramblings of an IOJ madman

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


BG , JQ, YB, TC, DB should not be linked at all.

Too much dream = nightmare. BG, YB, TC, DB, and Mag is the new king of PPT. I went from JQ to Mag to YB to BG. TC, DB, Mag probably have 50% or more of the population from JQ. When BG faces YB, we fought arrow carts. When BG faces JQ, we saw few turtles that are just plainly food for us.

The BG Super Munster!

The fall of JQ

in WvW

Posted by: littlemunster.1059


Let’s not argue about this JQ thingie. “KILL” as the name of the guild implies is to Kill TC and BG. There is no TC to kill so they had to try to kill BG. They were unsuccessful in killing BG as BG is a monster itself and with me their self proclaimed monster of monster residing in BG, they stand no chance. So guild had to transfer where they feel they can kill something. It ain’t TC or BG, but they can no longer change name without losing all their guild hall goodies and such. Am I right? Yes, you all need to agree since I am right!

The BG Super Munster!