Showing Posts For mjhungness.8059:

No Lion's Arch Fountain

in Living World

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I loved the statue and fountain. I remember the first time I made it to Lion’s Arch, as a super low level, braving the hazardous road from Divinity’s Reach just to see the new LA, and upon finding the Lion’s Court, just watched in amazement all the working parts of the fountain, with the shooting water streams and boat-go-round … I wish they had commissioned some crazy Krytan architect to resurrect that piece. I loved it.

The masteries catch up game.

in Living World

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


…GW2 is a game that offers a lot of fredom regarding where, what, and for how long you play, but assuming you can just join any kind of content whatsoever and be at the top of the food chain instantly is just not realistic. There is content for those, who play a little, or with a very narrow focus, but there has to bee content for those who have “been there, done that”, too. …

This is exactly why I fell in love with this game and have continued to play, off and on since launch. The off and on part is from me wanting to test the waters with other MMOs and ultimately coming back to GW2 for exactly this reason. I can log on every day and do something different and still have a good few hours of fun.

I do understand OPs frustration at S3 starting off at a higher than “from scratch” requirement, and I agree that the in-game pop-up that recommends having at least the first level of gliding should have been mentioned out-of-game as well (maybe it was, somewhere?) But as others have posted, getting to that point is not a lot of work, and still involves doing what everyone signed up to do – play the game.

Remove Downed State

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Removing downed state makes GW2 like every other MMO – your red bar goes down, you die and have to be rezzed after the fight is over. The only thing you gain by removing it is by making the battles quicker at the cost of removing the additional tactics downed state offers. Plus, each class has unique skills during downed state that further defines the class. And it promotes team unity, something refreshing in MMO’s that often reward personal gain at the expense of strangers. Personally, I love the system and it’s one of the best things about the game.

Please explain auto-target logic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Those moas, man, they’re bad. Give me nightmares. Even though I keep telling myself, “Stay focused! Engage the veteran Minotaur that’s pounding away at me”, I still see that moa out of the corner of my eye, munching away on his leaves. I hate that moa. Just as soon as I kill this Minotaur, that moa’s dust! No!!! Be strong! That moa means nothing! Nothing, I swear! Do not look at the moa … must not … Dwayna help me … AHHHH!!! You’re going down moa!!!

White Mantle Badges

in Living World

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


What do we do with them? Vender?

Trash/destroy... make it worth SOMETHING!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Agreed. Items that are only allowed to be destroyed, especially items that you’ve equipped and are bound, should have a salvage option. If anything, give us the raw material back.

Ambient Sounds and In-Game Music within Tyria

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


You know you’re either 1). addicted to the game or 2.) really appreciate the music when you find yourself humming the theme song or other in-game music at work. Like others have posted, I’m nostalgic for the GW1 music and still find myself humming it. I agree with the OP – the GW2 music has been so good that more would be better. The only issue I have, personally, is that LA’s music seems loud. Maybe it’s just the anthem nature of the music or maybe the sound level is set too high for that one piece. That’s the only time I find myself muting the music.

Do you want us not to farm champs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


See, that’s an assumption you make. Nothing says that people that ran the train will now spread out to other areas. They might simply leave the game.

Boy if the QD champ train was the last thread people hung on to and had no other reason to play GW2, I feel bad for them. Not because their train is gone, but because such a crappy activity is all they seem to enjoy.

Actually, it may be the last straw, not the last thread. I’ve played quite a number of MMOs and GW2 is by far the most nerfed game I’ve played – and that includes GW1. If I’m wrong, please, someone tell me of another game where so many things (skills, builds, events, loot drops, etc…) are nerfed. Regularly. I’ve loved this game since the beginning but the nerf trend isn’t getting any better. It’s almost as if the players are sort of held in contempt – like if a portion of the player base plays in a way that doesn’t fit some kind of mold, it’s wrong and nerfed.

And for what? Why was this needed? If there’s chat abuse, treat that with the protocol already set up. Why is supplementary nerfing required to control chat demeanor?

RIFT – In the first 3 months they nerfed so many professions to make them unplayable. The nerfs in RIFT were based on whiney players on the forums also. This game is nothing compared to that.

Be careful what you wish for, you may just get it.

Ummm, isn’t RIFT sorta dead? I’m not sure what the ‘be careful what you wish for’ comment means in the context of my post – what do you think I’m wishing for? I’m so tired of nerfing that I’m taking a break and checking out other games that are out there. Sure as heck won’t be RIFT, based on your post, though…

why the new pavillion does not work

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


… sounds like … work.

all the loot nerfs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Logged into Divinity’s Reach. Chatted for a while. Did a few heart chests in Queensdale. Bought some new outfits with gems I bought in the TP. Threw a bunch of unused rares into the Mystic Forge, didn’t get anything worthwhile, but, hey, life is good – it was fun! Think I’ll pop some more gems for some transmute charges so I can change up my wardrobe a bit. Man, I love this game! The only thing that would make it better was if that horrible, dreadful, despicable Champ Train was gone … what? It is? Woo-hoo!!! Unicorns and bubblegum and lollipops for everyone! Back to the TP – I had my eye on that Legendary thingie, Eternity or something. I think I have a few thousand left on my Visa…

Do you want us not to farm champs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


See, that’s an assumption you make. Nothing says that people that ran the train will now spread out to other areas. They might simply leave the game.

Boy if the QD champ train was the last thread people hung on to and had no other reason to play GW2, I feel bad for them. Not because their train is gone, but because such a crappy activity is all they seem to enjoy.

Actually, it may be the last straw, not the last thread. I’ve played quite a number of MMOs and GW2 is by far the most nerfed game I’ve played – and that includes GW1. If I’m wrong, please, someone tell me of another game where so many things (skills, builds, events, loot drops, etc…) are nerfed. Regularly. I’ve loved this game since the beginning but the nerf trend isn’t getting any better. It’s almost as if the players are sort of held in contempt – like if a portion of the player base plays in a way that doesn’t fit some kind of mold, it’s wrong and nerfed.

And for what? Why was this needed? If there’s chat abuse, treat that with the protocol already set up. Why is supplementary nerfing required to control chat demeanor?

Do you want us not to farm champs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Having champ trains in the starter areas was just bad – a turn-off and distraction to new players. Good riddance.

Note that nothing was done to Frostgorge or other areas.

Because Frostgorge was already nerfed with Trio earlier.

Do you want us not to farm champs?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


If you liked or disliked the train is somewhat irrelevant.

The real point is Anet removing player created content. Perhaps if we had any type of viable content patches after a year and a half this would not be such a big deal.

But, since this game is almost identical today as it was at launch content wise – yes many people are upset about you limiting activities many enjoy.

There is such little content to do in this game it’s mind blowing – especially for its age.

Before you lose your remaining players I think you should worry more about creating fresh new content instead reducing further the amount of things players can do.

100% agree! As I’ve posted before, what am I SUPPOSED to do? I’ve done all the rest and this was the easiest way to mindlessly log in for a few hours and just get loot. The farming areas are nerfed with DR, and I’m sick of running through the same maps over and over. How many capped toons do I have to have before playing this game, and more importantly, getting loot and increasing my gear and wealth, starts to feel like work. Ok, ok, I can’t do Champ Train (and if you think they’re done with Champ Train nerfs, anyone want to make me a bet?) Guess I’ll just do what I’ve been doing for the last 1.5 years.

Queensdale's Death

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


You realize the the QD train nerf isn’t the first train nerf. FGS’s changes now result in a lot of standing around waiting for champs because they grouped what’s now called ‘The Trio’. It’s not about new player experience. It’s about nerfing, pure and simple. Taking a 50,000 ft view of what’s been nerfed and what hasn’t, there’s only a few play styles that haven’t been significantly nerfed, if you disregard the constant build nerfs. Wow, I just wrote ‘nerf’ six, now seven times. Anyway, each patch brings about a player base that logs in and looks around at what remains for them to do in a game that once was wide open and free. Apparently, the current player base likes to be told, quite often, how to play the game, what’s approved play styles, and how much loot they should take in a day. Wow, I play the game to get AWAY from reality.

What happened ? I just don’t find any real reason to play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I’ve played since headstart weekend pretty regularly, at least for a casual. I’ve capped 5 characters, done map completion on one, finished the Personal Story, done most of the achievements for the Living Story content … I could go on but I’ve done everything in this game that interests me and tried everything else the game has to offer. I’m not pinning my current disappointed state on losing the Champ Train. It’s just the continuous agressive removal of things to do by the devs … and for what?

I can’t farm too much because I hit Diminishing Returns. I can’t go crazy with doing Achievements because there’s a cap on how many. I can’t play Living Story content past the designated time that it’s live. I can only build so many pieces of ascended items a day. Loot scaling, I can’t this and I can’t that – the list goes on. Why has a game that showed so much promise and innovation at release done nothing but seek ways to penalize their players with one Control Freak thing after another? If botting is a problem, why does the active player base suffer the consequences by DR? Some people like to farm to make gold – that’s their play style. DR is the same as telling a map completion player he can only do 5 hearts a day, unlock 3 waypoints and do 2 vistas – then he’s done. DR is like telling a TP junkie he can only make 10 transactions a day. DR is like telling WvW players that they can only get 50 player kills a day. PvP players get 5 matches a day. Living Story players get 60 minutes in the instance, “starting … now! Go go go!” You can easily find ways to limit everyone’s chosen play style.

with a game that is the size that it is, area-wise, and with not much lasting new content since launch (as in, if I log in today versus headstart weekend, what new content is there, current Four Winds content aside – and I’m talking new, playable content, not LA’s destruction) why has the game taken to self-patrolling players who are eking out ways to have fun?

It’s fine to step up on the pulpit and shout down players like me who are dissatisfied with this constant active restriction of ways to play the game, to tell me that I should take my dark cloud and go elsewhere – very cavalier and it probably makes you feel better for saying it and defending the game’s honor. But that’s a dangerous attitude to take. Any product, that ceases to find ways to improve and instead continues to decrease its functionality on a regular basis will become obsolete, replaced with a product that is superior. Guild Wars 2 was superior when it released. Now it’s just another game with an obscene number of Dev inflicted restrictions.

Yeah, I’m going to move on now. And before the “Don’t let the door hit my fanny on the way out” calls come, take a moment to think about what you’re really defending – how would you feel if the ways you’ve played for 2 years is suddenly time gated or removed completely (again, I’m not talking Champ Train, I’m talking about ALL the restrictions imposed over the last 2 years)? Thanks for the run GW – I still love this game and will likely check in from time to time.

(edited by mjhungness.8059)

Goodbye Queensdale Train!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Isn’t this supposed to be a ‘sandbox’ game? Why is every other way to play this ‘sandbox’ game met with aggression, suspicion and gratuitous nerfing? I’m starting to feel like I’m doing a LOT of things morally wrong and unscrupulous just by playing the game.

Goodbye Queensdale Train!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Just curious, from all those who are happy the train is gone – what am I SUPPOSED to be doing? I set my goal for a Legendary, and yeah, it’s supposed to be hard to get. But I’m probably going to take a break now, because not only is the end still out of reach, the means to get it are being taken away. I’m tired of feeling more like a beggar than an earner.

If it’s money you’re after, the train was the worst way to go about it. Do newbie areas, get newbie funds.

I’ve got 5 capped toons, bought three more slots, all three are done with newbie areas. Honestly, of the grindy mcgrind grind way to grind, champ farming was least boring.

Goodbye Queensdale Train!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Leveled five characters … check.
Map completion … check.
Personal Story completed … check
Tried PvP, didn’t like it … check.
Play WvW … check
Completed LS … check
Run all paths of all dungeons at least once … check.
Undertook going for Legendary … no way to get T6 mats by farming with DR … pre-cursor is at +1000 gp and counting … champ train gone …

Just curious, from all those who are happy the train is gone – what am I SUPPOSED to be doing? I set my goal for a Legendary, and yeah, it’s supposed to be hard to get. But I’m probably going to take a break now, because not only is the end still out of reach, the means to get it are being taken away. I’m tired of feeling more like a beggar than an earner.

(edited by mjhungness.8059)

If i could make a wish

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


If I had one wish that I could wish this holiday season, it would be for all the children of the world to join hands and sing together in the spirit of harmony and peace.

Guess what turns out there

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


@Travis the Terrible.4739: man, you made my day! +1 to your post above for the critique of the runes in the screenie. That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!

On topic, if we are only looking at new heavy class professions I would like to see something like the Dervish – call it a Paladin and match the trait tracks to whatever gods lend towards the traits. If I were to pick between a new class and more skills for the current class, though, I’d do with more skills. I’d rather have a lesser number of well developed classes than a large number of shallow, same-as classes.

Reminder: Personal Story is horrible

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


So, during the down time between now and new content, I decided to have at least one of my capped characters complete the Personal Story, and last night I did with a bunch of r/l friends and guildies. To preface, I’m not into bashing this game just to sound superior or because I’m feeling evil. I love this game, and it is the only game I’m playing right now. So this is an honest opinion of the ending instances.

I was underwhelmed. Again, to be honest, I took most of the Personal Story with a grain of salt and I’ve posted numerous times that I don’t hole either the Personal Story or Living Story to particularly high standards of writing – GW2 is a game, not a bestselling book, movie, TV show, etc… My preference – I just don’t expect all that much and am usually entertained by what I get.

So, knowing that my party was going to finally complete the Personal Story last night, I was looking forward, anxiously, to a level of ‘epicness’. I finished the end stories in Prophecies, Factions, and Gwen (I didn’t get a chance to finish Nightfall) and was satisfied in the endings. The battles were hard, sometimes white-knuckled, and the rewards were pretty decent – a chance for the rare boss item drop and my ranger got the Rainbow Phoenix. So, all in all a satisfying experience.

Last night was not satisfying. Yeah, it was entertaining to a degree but, keeping completely away from specifics in the quality of the storytelling and voice acting (which was acceptable, I guess) the plot for the ending just felt so much like I was along for the ride. I had read all the Trahearne-bashing and filed that all away but when I actually played the instances and felt like this story was really something along the lines of “Guild Wars 2: The Story of Trahearne” I felt cheated. Those who have finished the PS know who carted around the mighty sword, who was responsible for a few of the suddenly-ending final battles, and who called the shots all along the way. In the end, I was left firing an auto-targeting pea-shooter at a dragon that was stuck on a rock. As one of my brother’s said, “Why does it have so many hit points? It’s not fighting back and this is just filler.” There was no drama, no sense of urgency (I mean, really, how urgent is a hot air balloon sauntering through the mountains at 3 miles an hour?)

Some of the mechanics could have been awesome. Take fighting the two dragon bosses on the ship, dropping them eventually with canons while keeping spawns off us – that could have been a pretty decent “Millennium Falcon Bubble Turret” affair. But the targeting mechanics were odd and it took us most of the battle to get a feel for when we could actually shoot at them – counter-intuitive.

And when the time came to really damage Mr. Big, it was the lackeys on the ship that got to do most of the damage. The, as if we were on a guided tour, they casually stepped aside to let us ‘finish him off.’ Really? But I thought this was MY story.

And the rewards – well, I’m getting the idea that ANet is getting pretty stingy with getting cool stuff through earning it. Everything is either randomness or nothingness. No wait, it’s blueness and greenness. I would still like to see account bound items that tie you back to that instance in particular. Say you get a Zhaitan helm or something that says, “I was there. I stood next to Trahearne while he saved the world.”

I know this is probably obsolete information, as this content is over a year and half old. I thought the end of the LS last month was pretty good and a definite improvement to the PS. But, overall, we need epic. We deserve epic. How can we be epic if we aren’t allowed to be epic?

So, that’s my review. I do love this game – I’m working diligently on my legendary (if anyone wants to donate a Spark to the effort, I’m all ears!) and love, not like – LOVE, most of this game. I’m just offering my opinion in the hopes that it helps in the future.

New player

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Yeah, if the thing you like about WoW is linearly progressing through one quest line after the next, then you’ve got some, maybe uncomfortable, experiences ahead – in a good way. The two main things to know in PvE is:

1. Fight at your level – there is nothing keeping you from jumping into higher level zones and getting pasted. Also, there are tougher level areas in the same zone so if you start fighting multiple mobs at your level or higher, you might have strayed too far away from the entry area.

2. Figure out what works the best for your class and play style. You might want to start with a Ranger or Guardian at first – the Ranger’s pet is good at keeping aggro away from you and the Guardian is a tanky class.

Honorable Mention: look to your loot to upgrade your gear. I usually use my loot gear in between the 10, 20, 30 level increments – for those I go to the trading post and get a full set of blue or green gear. Weapons too – upgrade as you can. Guides and wikis help.

"Deposit collectibles" should not be hidden.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Man, we really need new content … this is starting to get ugly.

About Commanders Tags

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I personally hate any rule that is created to promote a certain type of behavior and I think the suggestions above do just that – my opinion, of course! . Commanders are supposed to be of the mature type and bickering over who’s tag is active just shows you two immature commanders. No need to create a rule to do anything about it – just don’t follow them. I like to see Commanders on the map – by function, this is what they’re supposed to to – rally the troops (call it a zerg if you want but same thing) and attack a singular target. Why make a distinction between PvE and WvW?

Off topic but addressing Calcanius’s comment above: As for trains ruining someone else’s game, I don’t see it. The trains are specifically set to defeat a champion that is usually not soloable. Take the train away and you have a champ running around chasing low level characters anyway.

As for events and megaservers, I’m very happy I don’t either have to transfer permanently to another server or constantly have to find a server that is running events. Finally, for the first time since launch, I can just go to a zone and have a good chance at doing the event with enough people that it isn’t an automatic fail. Auto attacking? Not sure if that’s a concern – you are playing a game, you have a number of attack skills, and in this particular event with a lot of people, you may get away with auto attack. I’m sorry if this sounds harsh, but if you don’t want to auto attack, don’t auto attack. But please don’t petition for changes to the game to keep everyone else from auto attacking. Dungeons promote skilled playing, as long as you aren’t in a stack happy group. Also WvW. Events with lots of players – yeah, you’re one of many so it’s a bit easier.

Season 2?

in Living World

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Call me a pushover or easily entertained but the Season 1 story DID pleasantly keep my interest for the better part of last year. I guess I’m the guy that sits in the front car of the roller-coaster so I can see things as they come flying at me, hands up, screaming loudly, looking for fun and usually finding it. Season 1 was fun for me – no, it wasn’t the second coming of Shakespeare but it was decent enough to make the first log in every two weeks an exciting moment to see what they did. How do you downplay the destruction of LA? The scavenger hunt? The Nightmare Tower?

I could definitely see many cool things by subtle changes in the existing hearts and dynamic events – that’s the strength of this game, that anything can happen anytime (well, on schedule now, for the big battles). Change up the DE’s and tweak the hearts and you have some compelling content to fill the gaps between Season 2 and (dare it be said) more maps!

bots stealing megaserver spots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Lol – I’ve seen real players play like you described!

Wheres New Content?? (State of the Game) [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


This is kind of a funny discussion: even though there WAS new content, that content can’t be played now, hence the request by the op for an update on when new content, if any will be coming. That’s about it, right?

Megaservers are actually kind of awesome?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


From my playstyle standpoint, I’m not affected by most of the cons listed above. I personally like just logging in and zoning to a map and being able to run events instead of consulting a web page to see which server I had to transfer to – and I had to choose correctly because I only got two transfers. I heard that the boss schedule is likely going to be tweaked and I have a feeling that there will be continuous improvement on guilds and parties staying together. The fact that there ISN’T anything coming from the devs is giving me the idea that they’re working on it. If they were saying “this is it, be happy with it” then it would be a different story. I’m happy with it.

Best healer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Esperas, I feel your pain as I’ve played with a lot of healers who love doing just that – healing. Unfortunately, one of the core concepts behind making GW2 different from other MMOs out there is to get away from the holy trinity roles – dps, heal, tank. As mentioned above, you can get to be very good at healing but the game puts the responsibility for staying alive squarely on your own shoulders, with supplemental help from healer type skills from other players. Give it a shot and you might be surprised how much fun it can be to fight and heal at the same time.

Craft for Pre-Cursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


…If you’re really “unlucky” you’ll have the Incinerator two weeks later

:D that would be my luck! Thanks for the feedback everyone!

Craft for Pre-Cursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


So, with the price of most of the pre-cursors shooting through the roof at the TP due to the feature patch, I’m back to seriously considering crafting for Spark. I have horrible luck with RNG typically, although my clover production was right on track with current MF drop rates for clovers. So, is there ANY reason, either leaked info on scavenger hunts, or anything else, why I shouldn’t bite the bullet and just roll my dice and move my MF mice and hope I get a Spark drop from MF crafting? I mean, it’s pushing 1000 gp on the TP now, a jump of almost 400 gp in the last month and my understanding of the loot drops post-patch is that they’re now worse for getting pre-cursors?

How many of you have 100% map completion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


8 Characters
5 Lvl80
1 Map Completion

No Anet word since last LS final chapter

in Living World

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Maybe they’re tired of throwing out information only to have it analyzed over and over with the result being a billion complaint threads. And I say this with a smile because if you step way back and look at the whole picture, it’s pretty amusing. I mean, here’s a game over here, with a persistant world with lots of things to do. And over here, there’s a forum with people giving opinions and whatever on what the game should be. It’s a forum, so there’s a LOT of people ‘talking’ at once, and a lot of them are angry. Think of it as a crowded room full of screaming. Would you want to go in the room all that often? And if you did, wouldn’t you rather just slip in and listen without revealing yourself and taking the whole brunt of it all. You may not get out of there alive.

OK, silly analogy. Feedback is good, both positive and negative. The devs are likely thick skinned and the company will implement as much of the feedback as fits the model and as resources allow. I’m rambling. Carry on…

Hey look... more discontent.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


…We just had a major patch that actually mattered. I think I can say I’m done with the forums. All we have here is whining about the content or the lack of it, occasionally both at the same time.

The patch was great for some stuff, although traits got sort of kittened; I think 90% of the people on the forums agree on that. If you have a problem with other people having problems with the game, then I’m really sorry! If all you claim to see is people whining about the problems with the game, then… does that tell you anything? Maybe there really are some problems with the game.
I’m getting tired of people complaining about people complaining.

Speaking for myself, the complaining is just endless, ad nauseum. blah blah blah. Some of it is constructive criticism but a lot of it is just, well, complaining. Is the game really THAT unplayable for everyone? I can understand disappointment at a change not going your way. I can understand the desire to make the game better, if not in the mold that you want it to be. What I can’t understand is the endless, continuous stream of complaints. Wow. It just becomes numbing. Again, is it really THAT bad? I’m missing something … or else I’m just entertained easily, for free, playing a pretty solid game.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I had a problem with SB last night (see post a few pages back) but no biggie. I like seeing a lot of people in-game and I like having the dynamic events populated again. This is preferable to server merges, in my opinion. Once they work the bugs out of keeping parties together, my particular gameplay will be improved. I can’t speak for the other complaints but I’ll take this over empty maps.

Game Updates: Guild World Events, Megaservers, WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I had a similar issue with trying to get my party of 3 into the same instance as I was in to help do Shadow Behemoth. They didn’t load in with me and when they tried to switch to my instance of Queensdale, they couldn’t get in. All guildies, all same party, different maps when SB popped. We failed SB, btw, because we only had 10 players or so doing it. And no, I’m not good enough to solo SB … yet.

What Would Your Character Have Said to Jory?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


“A fearsome death howl, from a fearsome foe, the likes of which has never been seen before!”

Just some words from a non forum user.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


This game has a number of different playing styles and every single change implemented will impact these styles both negatively and positively at the same time. It’s refreshing to read a forum that is populated by intelligent discussion (constructive criticism) but far too often, it’s just juvenile nastiness. The rule of thumb should always be: would you talk that way if the person you were addressing were standing in front of you? Eliminate that, push for constructive criticism as opposed to silly little “I hate it” posts and you have what I think the OP is talking about.

(edited by Moderator)

Armor set/ Weapon set while out of combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


They had weapon sets in GW1 and it was very nice.

The wait was not worth it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Wow, some of the responses are pretty vicious, especially from one particular poster. Can’t a discussion of opinions be a little less confrontational? Holy cows.

My opinion is that the OP made valid points. I’m not as emotionally attached to this game or any game that I won’t walk away when I get bored with the next thing that comes along. This is OP’s point – he’s bored. He listed his reasons in a very straightforward way and, as I read it, without malice. It kills me that his opinion is being viciously attacked. Just, wow.

Had tons of fun in the patch... anybody else?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I agree, I think a lot of players are looking forward to more maps and content. But the world map practically confirms those are on the way. I’m not impatient. The patch was awesome! Yeah, the trait system, because it is different, will have to be played differently, but switching trait lines and builds on the fly is a great improvement. The wardrobe is a very good enhancement – not perfect but a really good start. Megaserver will work out, I’m thinking, once the dust settles. It’s going to be pretty cool playing in more populated maps. So, all in all, two thumbs up on the patch and great job, ANet!

7:11:3:191:101 Back?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Never got this before tonight after the patch and now the game is almost unplayable. I sent in a in-game support ticket for the chat window not working either so maybe that’s tied to it?

Getting a Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Great post Yalora! +1 The rest of the quest for the Legendary involves playing a portion of the game for quite some time. I agree with the ‘before discussed’ method of getting a ticket for every 1000 attempts at the Mystic Forge – at least then you would be guaranteed a precursor if you hadn’t already gotten on the lucky side of 0.02%.

Orr is a chore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I do my runs for T6 mats daily with two characters, ranger and warrior, and I’ll always stray from my route to help with events or other players. Our server, Devona’s Rest, does regular planned temple runs and there’s always off shoot parties that work on map completion before or after the runs. I’m thinking that will be what life after Megaserver hits looks like. I can’t speak for the early days of running Orr but my two characters are traited and geared for the runs and when I bring my general PvE or WvW toons in they can have a difficult time too. I would say to treat Orr as different than your PvE journey and research gear and traits and good builds (I don’t have a capped Ele so I’m no help there).

Lets play a game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Tyrian Lannister! No, wait, ooops …

Tibalt Leftpaw

Getting a Legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Casual. What’s it like not being a casual? Not having to go to work? Or have to take care of kids? To not have to jump in the game whenever there’s just a few hours of time for yourself? Is it great?

How about you remove the trading post?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Playing the TP IS playing the game for some people. I agree that glancing on the TP to see how much my pre-cursor is running these days is disheartening, and that it seems you really have to work at it to make gold in the game, but eliminating the TP isn’t the answer. As much as I hate it, the things that are really special do take a lot of work to get. Making it easy makes the thing less special. I wouldn’t be going for a Legendary if everyone and their brother was bouncing around with one. It’s still pretty awesome to see one and say, “Hey, that guy’s got a Legendary! Cool!” And someday, That Guy will be me…

Last chance !

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I’m not sure I understand the point of the ‘if you don’t like it, go somewhere else’ line of comments. Apply that logic to all forum posts and, well, bye bye forums. So, I regard those as comments that add absolutely nothing to the discussion.

Taken with the proper degree of respect for other’s opinions, the OP has a point that I agree with. When you’ve done ‘all that’ and you’ve been doing it since launch pretty regularly (I have a full time ‘plus’ job and get to play, maybe 4-6 hours a week, so I’d call myself casual), when I’ve capped 5 toons of different classes, when I’ve completed Been There Done That, when I’ve run every dungeon zone at least once, when I’ve crafted to 400, when I’ve tried my hand at PvP, when I’ve completed the Living Story, when I’ve completed my Personal Story … don’t you think it’s natural to ask for more content?

I won’t read intent into the OP’s remarks, but I’m assuming that were I to make similar remarks, I would not, in a heartbeat, ever think one person leaving will have any impact on any decisions. To trivialize the remark with that assumption, adds nothing to the discussion. Of course, losing one player in a non-subscription game means nothing, if not potential gem store sales. But one player who posts may actually represent another 10 or 20 or 50 who never post. They just, as many of you suggest, go elsewhere without being told or goaded. And then you have LOTRO, or NeverWinter, or DDO or any of the other ghost town games who have also lost players because something new came along. You know how ‘something new’ lures them in? They were looking for something new. That’s a dangerous thing to take so casually.

I think there are a number of people like me – we’re ready. Ready for something new. Not from ESO, or WoW or anything else that is a poor substitute. We’re ready to see THIS game, with THIS world, and THIS playstyle, a game that we’ve played for so long, to give us new content. The request is not unreasonable. Dismissing it, is.

low lv only area

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


I agree with the OP that the Queensdale champ train is, unfortunately, in a starter area. I love the champ train and run it a lot when I want to play for a short period of time, want a shot at decent loot, and don’t want to get involved with anything that will chew time. But … I agree that starter areas should strive to be like the OP posted – they should try to show off the game to newbies. And the game itself is a LOT more than champ trains and nasty map chats (although, here on DR, we don’t have much of the nastiness). I don’t want the champ train to go away – you can have both the train and a good newbie playing experience if the general nastiness went away – and Troll is really the only one that a new player could activate unintentionally. The others, well, a newbie fighting Oak alone wouldn’t impact the train at all.

I will pay THOUSANDS of gems for these:

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mjhungness.8059


Agree with NPCs dialog box. Should be an out of combat feature. In combat, they aren’t clickable.

As for the bobblehead comments, all I can say is, just when they try to put a little humor in the game for just one day …