Showing Posts For nemeth.4196:

Dps Guard > Bunker Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Just a note, to people saying he wasted his VoR before he used SY!. VoR has 1200 range, SY! is 600. You’ll notice he uses VoR and after like 3 seconds he used SY! when he was sure he was in range of all the teammates. The teammates were low on HP, 3s earlier without bleed and poison is IMO a good reason to blow VoR before you get in range with SY! to remove the rest.

Rate the looks of the person above you!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nemeth.4196


@shinobaruwrxsti I really like that outfit. Very slick and simple. Nothing to get in the way of a job at hand. And while the color combination is I guess very straight forward for a thief, it still looks great, 8/10.

This is my guardian. Always liked a standart heavy armor rather than a fancy one like the TA or Arah ones. Used to run in full CM set, but switched it up for mix and match lately (CM helmet, HotW shoulers, Vigil chest, legs and boots, Radiant gauntlets)


CoF P2 "skipping"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


You know. it’s time to stop acting like the community is incompetent or “noobs” or exploiters or whatever.

The ONLY people to blame for this is ANET and their refusal to fix even the simplest glitches/exploits/bugs that have plagued the dungeons in this game for a very long time. They obviously don’t care about anything but the living story now-a-days. The only thing they “fix” is things that don’t need fixing (i.e. the dredge fractal). Time to get used to it and get over it.

What? So if you let a gun lying on the table and I picked it up and started shooting people, it’s your fault for leaving the gun there? More kittened up logic please.

People who do this are exploiters, there is no excuse for them. You can alibisticly throw it on Anet, but you are still an exploiter if you do it. End of story.

Ranger DPS in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Oh, which dps skills are actually on cooldown after that time?
You can just axe-autoattack on a warrior and still outdps any guardian/engineer/ranger by FAR.

So you’re saying warrior can constantly rotate his dps skills without any downtime for autoattacks? I don’t know, I haven’t played warrior properly, and never put much thought into the class.
And please, I’m not trying to diss warriors in general, I’m just pointing out that that is not how DPS calculation, that hold any water, are done.

Oh, really? I’m pretty sure burst is almost everything that matters in PvE.

Burst matters on trash mobs, but they die so fast there is no benefit to kill trash 3s seconds faster but be stuck on a boss 1m longer because your burst classes are useless for half a minute after they did their wombo combo.

Ranger DPS in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Plain and simple, we need more people like you around.

No, no we don’t. I thought people already learned how to calculate DPS. You don’t take one rotation, cut it off as the last attack ends, divide it by the time and present it as DPS. Just beacuse warrior does in it’s first 7s 15k dps doesn’t represent the fact that for the next 8s when he waits for his cooldowns he does bugger all (exagerating, but you get the gist). And I’m starting to see why Guang doesn’t care to post any videos, because this is what happens.

For people who don’t understand how you compare DPS, here’s a idea for you to boggle your mind with at night, when you dream about warrior supremacy. This is how it’s done in other MMOs, and if you have brain, you should be able to see why. You hit the dummy with your rotation (this is where the gw2 ppl would like to end and present this as their DPS calculations). Then you hit the dummy with your rotation again. If in the meantime, while waiting for your cooldowns, you can do nothing but autoattack, so be it, it’s part of the calculations, you cannot just magically leave that out at he end.
Then you hit the dummy with your rotation again. You continue this for the duration of expected boss fight (noone cares about burst in PvE). In other MMOs, it usually is couple of minutes. For this game, I’m not sure how long does a boss fight take in a proper group (I run with guildies, we don’t care about clear times as long as we have fun). My uneducated guess would be 1m.

THEN, and only THEN, you add up all the damage done, divide it by the time and present it as DPS.

WARNING: You do NOT compare 7s parses to 15s parses, just like you don’t compare 30s parses to 1m parses because that just makes no sense and everyone with common sense should be able to see why.
There is also no reason to present short parses (like 7s/15/20s) as any sort of evidence, because they are irrelevant (in PvE). They don’t consider cooldowns of abilities properly, favour front load and burst classes and do not represent the actual DPS, which goes down significantly right after your rotation is finished and you’re waiting for the next cycle.
That’s why burst clasess are useless in PvE. It’s nice to have 20k DPS in the first 5s of a fight, but if your next 15s you’re doing 3k DPS, you’re a wasted slot.

alt f4 issue- cowards way out

in WvW

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Even if it doesn’t have queue, still faster to just die and respawn. But I guess this is about the loot.
I would like to see the character staying in the game for 10-15s after logging out if you’re in combat.

alt f4 issue- cowards way out

in WvW

Posted by: nemeth.4196


What is the problem exactly? Doesn’t Alt+F4’ing make you lose your place in the WvW? Making you have to queue again after you log back in? Effectively taking you out of the fight for a whole lot longer than just dying and respawning? It seems that forcing someone to Alt+F4 is way better than actually killing him.

Or is it because you are denied the badges of honor?

Updated World Ratings (Nov. 2)

in WvW

Posted by: nemeth.4196


The time of the French being on top of the ranking is coming to an end. I don’t see how it is unfair that Deso and Blacktide have more timezones covered with the help of US (or whichever else) guilds.
That is the only reason why both French servers are on the top of the list. Without their French-canadian force they would be very middle tier. Now that other servers can be competetive during EU night time, the French will slowly go down.

Whitelions [Claw] Desolation - PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Goog guild, good poeple, needs more innuendo on TS.

I Really don't like getting only Tokens from dungeons.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Anet repeatedly said that they are looking at the dungeon loot.

Greatsword Symbol/Retaliation Change 7/10/12.

in Guardian

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Do you people actually believe that Anet didn’t consider all those things? Do you really think that the internal tests that Anet is doing (in their own words, it takes up to a week or more to test all and any changes) didn’t discover that they are affecting more than just retaliation builds?
Do you seriously belive that you, just you were the FIRST one to discover all these combinations?

Screenshot of your Asura Toon

in Asura

Posted by: nemeth.4196


My little Asuran guardian. I’m quite happy with the looks for now ^^


Instance system totally broken

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


What dungeon? Was it story mode or explorable mode? If it was explorable mode, was the person who left the only one who had acces to explorable mode (IE, the rest of the party hadn’t done story mode)?

@Lucas Ashrock
Anet fixed a lot of problems regarding the separate instances, they are happening WAY less often than before, give them some credit (only happened to me once since they patched it few weeks ago).

Level 80 and never did a dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


1) Using the chat is a chore? People can selfinvite themselves, you dont even have to type their name in.
2) Dungeons in this game are short, if you can’t commit 40m to an hour, you shouldn’t be doing them anyway. Anet said the explorable dungeons are the hard core content (just like the elite areas in GW1) of the game and by everything you said so far, you are very much a casual player.
3) I’ve done way over 100 dungeons runs so far, and only had maybe 3-4 people leave during the dungeon. Even if they do, it’s no big deal, because you just hop out of the dungeon for a minute (there are waypoint inside the dungeon, so you dont spend 5 minutes running) and get a replacement.
4) You are stuck with bad groups with automated system as well, dont really get this point. This game has kick function.

Al in all, as I said, the explorable dungeons are supposed to be the hard core areas, I’d be very supprised if there was any dungeon finder in the works.
Just a small addition, SWTOR’s dungeon finder was added 6 months after release, WoW – WotLK expansion, no idea about DC universe. If those releases are the examples, then having dungeon finder on release is not the standart, as you’re trying to say.

Be careful about kicking players from a dungeon group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: nemeth.4196


It always is people not knowing what they’re supposed to be doing. I’ve done AC exp runs on my 80 with people in 30s 40s. I told them what was happening before each encounter (only takes a minute) and then we procceded to make it. Easy. If I kicked every person on the team who died multiple times, my party would be empty. I didn’t, and we finished in about an hour (imo pretty standart time with party of low levels)

That said, I see OP’s mistake in bringing fresh 80 into farm run. While I hate elitists that kick people from the party in the middle of the dungeon because they just weren’t “pro” enough, I respect when the maker of the party clearly states it’s a farm run before hand. It usually means everyone knows what they’re doing, they bring the weapon sets / skills that work well in that dungeon etc. Definitely not a place for a freshman to learn the ropes.

Guardians Lack Interactive Combat

in Guardian

Posted by: nemeth.4196


I don’t see how it’s an apple:orange comparison either

Of course you are comparing apples and oranges. Guardians have completely different skillset than warriors. Their weapons have way more support/control effects on them to have as low cooldowns as warriors.
Or what, do you expect 3s immob on hammer to be 5s cd so you can feel “active combat”? The knockback to be on 10s, or the area denial on 15s? Did you actually look at the skills?

It seems like you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Burning And Bleeding - Condition Damage for Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: nemeth.4196


About the condition overwriting, I think that doesnt happen, at least not with burning. Since it stacks durations and not intensity, the person with the highest cond dmg stat will get the first “turn” when the condition is applied, then the damage from the other sources of burning will get applied based on their cond dmg stat.
Example: Person A with 80 cond dmg applies 3s burning, person B with 100 cond dmg applies 5s burning.
The target first takes 5s burning applied by B, then 3s from A.

Burning And Bleeding - Condition Damage for Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: nemeth.4196


I’m playing with condition damage and I can’t say I’m complaining. I believe burning is the strongest conditition (in terms of pure damage) and since Guardians have a lot of ways of applying and re-applying it, it makes sense to get the most of it.
My interest doesn’t lie in sPvP, so I can’t talk about that, but so far, having condition damage build with shouts as a support, works just fine in PvE and WvW.

Ghastly weapons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Bump as well, this has been reported a couple weeks back and still no fix or even a word from Anet.

is Arena ignoring bug problems

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nemeth.4196


People need to understand that the most visible bugs, be it either SPs or events, have in the grand scheme of things, low priority. They are annoying, but they are not game breaking in any way. That, however, doesn’t mean its an easy fix. Anyone who has any experience with programming will tell you that debugging a code is a tedious work that can take a LONG time, even if looking for just one “simple” thing to fix.

[EU] Guardian looking for semi-hardcore guild

in Guilds

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Hey guys,
I’m looking for an EU based english speaking guild with friendly atmosphere that is active and runs dungeons on (preferrably) daily basis.
Not looking for anything super hard-core, but would appreciate a guild that doesn’t have a problem setting up a group and running an explorable dungeon a few times in a row while having buttloads of fun.

My interest definitely doesn’t end in PvE, I enjoy PvP just as much (mostly WvW though), but my current focus is to get all the sweet looking armor and weapons (gotta kill those invaders in an appropriate outfit).

I live in Czech Republic, so GMT +1. VOIP would be a huge plus.

No Snowball mechanics/slippery slope prevention?

in WvW

Posted by: nemeth.4196


People saying there needs to be anti-snowball measures needs to wake up. Your server is getting stomped for one of the 2 reasons:
1) You are outnumbered
2) The enemy is better (more organized)

If 1, no buff will help you, you will still get stomped and can just hope for better match up in the next rotation. Anet dropped the ball on this one, but what can you do.

If 2, you are then asking for an unfair advantage for your server because you are bad. That is the most ridiculous and stupid idea I’ve ever heard. Intsead of getting organized, forming a WvW guild(s) and actually playing well and deploying more developed strategies than “lets rush out with 5 ppl, we surely break the siege at our spawn”, you want Anet to hold your hand so you can just run out of your spawn like a mindless drones and capture kitten. Well guess what, that’s not how WvW works.
If you lose all your stuff to a superior server, you better get your kitten together and start working together.
Running out in small groups or even alone and dying immediately, then coming to a forum and demand a buff for your sorrykitten is pathetic. You got yourselves into that situation, you get yourselves out of there. If you can’t, you dont deserve any objectives.

And no, I’m not form the server that usually stomps everyone. We are actually getting ourkitten handed to us atm. But if we get out of it, it will be because we started playing better, not because the game felt sorry for us and gave us a buff.

(edited by nemeth.4196)

Transmutation Stones Not Fully Carrying Over Item Appearance.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Just bought the 1h sword, transmuted it onto my lvl 80 weapon and nothing works either. No glow, no heal/health stealth. Tried logging in and out, zoning, dying, going underwater. Nothing works.
I can confirm that logging in during night time makes the effect break and it wont show up no matter what I do. If I played throughout the day ’till night, the effect worked.

(edited by nemeth.4196)

Movement Speed Bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nemeth.4196


ad 2) I believe all the movement speed buffs state in their description “stack duration” and nothing else, which leads to believe they are not supposed to stack anything else.

XP level (Story Requirements).

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: nemeth.4196


Doesn’t the story takes you to all kind of different zones? Are you saying you always just run past all the hearts and dynamic events in the zone and just do the personal story quests? Doesn’t that feel a little bit.. odd? I don’t think MMO is the right kind of game for you.

EDIT: Also, saying that the game needs an expansion just because you refuse to do stuff is, pardon me, stupid. There is PLENTY of stuff to do. I can, however, see, that if you only run from green dot to green dot, you are missing out on 90% of the game. Literally everything in this game gives you XP. If you think you have to grind to stay on the level with your story quests, you’re doing it wrong.

(edited by nemeth.4196)

Starting out a Norn in a Charr city? Can it be done?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nemeth.4196


It doesnt break anything afaik. Only minor inconvinience is that if you want to play your personal story, you will have to travel back to the Norn area. Level doesnt matter, as you will get scaled down to the level of the quest.

Only 5 Character Slots Is A Major Disappointment

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: nemeth.4196


You can buy gems with gold.