Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
I see anet logo. Nice. Would you imply you 1v2 those? Cuz it seems highly unlikely. Did the wrong wolf chill them to death? There is a reason people take the regular boring wolf over white fang. It’s the overpowered fear.
Honestly, I have no idea about anything on ranger. I made one to get the PvP daily, found out we were fighting five A-net players, and we proceeded to win.
And truth be told, no. I didn’t 1v2 them. But if we’re being completely honest, I probably could have – had I been playing my main class.
I did 1v1 the Anet dev that was playing on his ranger, mirroring my build, and I did win that ‘duel’.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
can we pls get some ranger nerfs ples because i just logged on to mine and played my first ever pvp match on there and then we beat this fully stacked team 500-257 and i just think it’s not fair on the non-ranger players and yeah please nerf they’re too good. or maybe i’m too good. thanks. please.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
signed and approved by nhymx and collin sohandsome this is the ultimate predator build made by smash:
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Hope you enjoy!!
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
1) Monetary rewards may be better – you get more loot on a faster basis because, generally, you’ll be having zerg vs zerg fights. Additionally, larger groups generally flip towers and capture points faster due to having access to more supply – which, in turn, makes for more seige placement.
However, some people prefer and enjoy small-scale combat a lot more. Hence overall personal reward and enjoyment doesn’t necessarily correlate directly to the amount of players you’re with.
2) The deep red is simply achieved by typing /team or /t. The light red is the standard /map or /m. Either chat is accepted in WvW, but only /m in open world PvE.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Wouldn’t that instantly increase the regen ticks from your illusions that you pretty much have 100% up time on by ~100 per second?
100% uptime? That’s interesting. How are you proposing to get an interrupt on the dot every 4 seconds?
I think Zepidel meant 100% regen up-time from Phantasmal Healing, not 100% up-time on the new trait. Does Phantasmal Healing provide perma-regen, or is it capped at 3s per phantasm?
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
I would like to thank Fellbad/Fellblade he is the #1 commander on IoJ and this wouldn’t have been possible without him.
thx it was rly hard. i tried me best
ya ur right downs i completely agree.
our pvd scrubs r getting out of hand
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
helo nnk i leik u guys ty 4 da duels havnt plaid as a grupe 4 a wile so it was fun
ur wepons r nice
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Yo MEND. Your guild leader has told me you want to fight us! Tell him anywhere any time. He blocked me cuz his fedora was getting a little too tight during our conversation.
That was a very funny le meh-meh you just posted there.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Got ganked in the IoJ jp by a couple EB a minute ago. Figured I’d take the ss for this DIE guy to see- that way he can remember it during the gvg when HOPE’s long Kitten is so far in his Kitten he can’t think straight. It will be nice meteoring him and his friends later this week.
Are you actually writing “Kitten”? Haha.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
But enough of the friendly compliments, from here forth I’m going to destroy each and every one of you until there is nothing left but bags covered in hot sticky peanut butter >:D
Das ist ein funny joke.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Hello CORE. I’m inspired to play again. >: )
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Do YB and IoJ have any genuine solo roamers during oceanic times?
Almost everyone in my guild is oceanic – but we’re all bored out of our minds at this stage. Sorry, buddy.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
So I was 1v1ing today and he was getting really frustrated. My health was not dropping at all. He started emoting all these stomps and sads and mads and jumped up and down. I could almost guarantee he was about to punch his computer in its virtual face. After about 10 minutes of this I said “ok this is ridiculous” and came out of the tower.
This is the best post in this thread.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
The problem with being a bunch of ***holes and trolls, NSP, is that eventually everyone will hate you. I’ve already heard stories of people transferring off your server because of it. Kind of like white flight, or troll flight?
May your future in Silver league be one full of 2vyou agreements, spawn campings and transfers off your server.
I hope you enjoy the beaten I gave you 2×.. I know that was you.. face/sit. Db
Lucky for you I was I supreme cmmmder mode. Or I would have video’d your fail and made you a movie star.
Lastly , I’m not sure about the rest of Nsp but as for my guild. We dgaf what you or anyone else thinks of us.
So it WAS you that was commanding yesterday when you hit our hills with those omegas! I did notice an XOXO mesmer was commanding, just before I suicided inside and got blown up.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
hey guys please stop teasing ostricheggs he is a great fighting man
hey guys man maybe hes come in here and start the fighting man. OK man?
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
hey guys please stop teasing ostricheggs he is a great fighting man
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
The circle is complete, and unbroken. For 10 glorious seconds BP owned every Keep on all maps. And the fun thing, as you can tell from all the dead bodies, it was not PvDoor. Gotta hand it to IoJ, they did not fold. We had to fight for those last toe holds they had.
I’m preparing and hoping for an imminent kittenstorm of abuse regarding something along the lines of dc’s and unfair advantages that BP has in their home BL.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Holy crap, what’s with the forum hate? I know it’s super ironic that I’m the one questioning the forum warring, but seriously? Who cares if SIC transferred, hahaha.
Having said that, I probably wouldn’t mind this warring if it weren’t over such a tame issue.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Second or third time playing this week, as I’ve been preoccupied with Planetside 2. This is what I find…
…I pity all the roamers in this match-up.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
I play ‘bad’ builds so that I can laugh even harder when I kill bad players running the meta builds.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
She is known for jumping from one side of our EB keep, to the other and OVER a wall in three seconds flat.
I can’t comment on any of that – I just wanted to clarify that being inside an enemy’s spawn is possible without any third party programs or w/e.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
Does it actually “do” anything though? I mean, okay you are in the spawn, but its an invulnerable area. And one wrong move and you get sniped by a legendary defender.
That’s exactly right – the NPC’s all spawn within a minute, and it’s not like she can snipe any players, haha. Other than spending half an hour killing Siegerazer, all you can really do is /dance with other players.
Regardless, she is annoying.
It’s still not ‘suspicious’ behaviour – and it’s much better than cheating in to a tower!!
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
CD, the thief from [Pink] needs a serious talking to. Their behavior is appalling.
It is very clear they are preforming in a rather shady manner, but this takes the cake.
She has been running around in our spawn, stealthing like no ones business.We’ll try to report her yet again.
That’s possible to do in both the red or blue spawns in EB with a thief or mesmer.
In fact, in a particularly boring match-up a few months ago I discovered it was possible to kill Siegerazer inside the spawn.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
This roam/NA back and forth is quite amusing. And all this talk of cheese is making me hungry.
This match-up thread is just super boring without any drama – and we definitely don’t care who’s at the heart of it.
Have fun, NA, and I can’t wait to get some more stomps off on you in the coming days.
HA! STOMP ME?! Good luck! I’m too busy protecting the bank from intruders to let that happen!
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Outplayed bro. Don’t come at me with excuses.
Heyyy long time no see buddy, are you still really bad? This thread has done wonders at bringing back all my ol’ IoJ buddies. Now all I’m missing is Giraffe and Sir Laughs a Lot.
I don’t know you, and I don’t want to. Your guild is full of scrubs.
Your friend won 1 duel out of 6 so I think it you will find it is your guild that sucks.
Still beat your guild 3v3.
What was it you said afterwards nyckolaagg? Oh right;
“You guys are clearly the better players.”
lols, crazy how much has changed two months later. I don’t have a doubt that we’re better than you now.
It’s cute though, that you guys say you don’t care – and yet here we are, three (four? I’m too lazy to go back and have a look) pages later. You’re all clearly angry at us, judging by the fact that all your comments are directed in a spiteful manner at us – and that means we’ve managed to accomplish our goal. Have fun, NA, and I can’t wait to get some more stomps off on you in the coming days.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
you sound mad cos you lost, is this hurting your feelings?
I’m so furious mang – you better kitten watch out bro because I’ll get my four buddies on you. Chek urself b4 u rek urself pal.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
[NA] stay with the zerg more pl0x.
That is all
Just 1v1’d your fotm condi mesmer and kitten d him, I almost dropped below 80% hp.. was pretty tough fight.
LOL that was me – firstly I don’t play condi, I play zerk shatter (which btw, doesn’t have any condi removal, so are you really surprised?), and secondly you mustn’t have seen the ranger that was with you either.
Either way, before [NA] keeps fabricating any more, I’m just gonna put this out there…
…lol xD ur right
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Solo’d [roam] 5-man group again.
Seriously guys get good lmao.
Would be impressive if we were online I guess.
lols you just got destroyed hehe
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
B-b-but when we came out to find you guys for a 2v2, you kept trailing your zerg.
Thats the ioj counting skills I know and love.
Uhh, I’m not too sure what you’re implying, but my thief and I genuinely went in search of an NA thief and a mesmer, only to find your thief hiding behind a zerg. But sure man, whatever you say bro.
Holy crap, before I thought you were just trying to troll me, but now I realize you are genuinely slow. Your picture literally shows 5 people from your guild (well 4, cause the 5th is to the right a bit). Granted I would usually find your guildies 1-2 at a time, but as soon as they see me they run for the others until it is a 5v2.
lol xD ur right
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
B-b-but when we came out to find you guys for a 2v2, you kept trailing your zerg.
Thats the ioj counting skills I know and love.
Uhh, I’m not too sure what you’re implying, but my thief and I genuinely went in search of an NA thief and a mesmer, only to find your thief hiding behind a zerg. But sure man, whatever you say bro.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
B-b-but when we came out to find you guys for a 2v2, you kept trailing your zerg.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Sucks that I’m not allowed play my condition bunker guardian anymore.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
I’ve never seen fotm carry a group as hard as it carries roam. And apparently cause I choose not to fight them 1v5 I’m classified as “Running back to siegerazer”. See the joke only works when it is IoJ and you run from any fight that you don’t outnumber 3:1. And tell your thief there is more to s/d then spamming 3. He might spend less time on the ground then.
I’m glad we made you angry enough to post on the forums about it. <3
Looking for 5v5’s to anybody interested.
Totally mad right now, not just incredibly bored with everyone that I run into being either garbage or garbage getting carried by fotm. And I’m sure some of my other members would gladly 5v5 you. I personally will pass cause structured fights are already boring enough without the ZZZZZ of bunker condi fotm.
Sorry we made you bored Canuck. Us girls, just wanna havekittenuuuuun. Uuuuuuus girrrrls just waaaannna have fuuuuuuun.
Edit: we promise not to 5v1 you anymore, either. <3
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
I’ve never seen fotm carry a group as hard as it carries roam. And apparently cause I choose not to fight them 1v5 I’m classified as “Running back to siegerazer”. See the joke only works when it is IoJ and you run from any fight that you don’t outnumber 3:1. And tell your thief there is more to s/d then spamming 3. He might spend less time on the ground then.
I’m glad we made you angry enough to post on the forums about it. <3
Whilst we’re talking about FOTM, aren’t you the condition mesmer? Isn’t that the very definition of FOTM?
Looking for 5v5’s to anybody interested.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
Just wanted to thank the guys from [FKVA] for the impromptu fight club in CD tonight
I’ve also had some good fights with this guild. Props to them.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Is there anybody on BP or CD that doesn’t follow the drooling, mouthbreathing mass from tower to tower, that can ACTUALLY fight 1 on 1 well without the support of the zerg?
If so, point me in their direction.
If I recall correctly your guild lost a 3v3 against a PUG team I was a part of. I don’t mean to be that guy, but perhaps you shouldn’t talk THAT big.
The only time we ran with a group larger than two yesterday was in our night-slot; with 7. You’re recalling inaccuracies. Although I do play a mesmer – so perhaps it may have looked like more.
I would be happy to oblige to an actual 3v3 once we have more than one player on.
must’ve been a clone, you seem like an incredibly advanced player and probably the only one who can tell the difference between clones and people.
+1 respect scale
See, you made the sarcasm a little too obvious – but I managed to make you reply with a snarky comment – so I win!!
I only mentioned recalling correctly to be humble.
We did beat you. Back on DR.
Oh yeah you talked big prior to being beat back then too.
Oh hell yeah, I remember that too. And I don’t even contest that one bit. Haha.
EDIT: The offer stands, though – we’re still looking for 3v3’s – 5v5’s.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
(edited by nyckolag.2394)
Is there anybody on BP or CD that doesn’t follow the drooling, mouthbreathing mass from tower to tower, that can ACTUALLY fight 1 on 1 well without the support of the zerg?
If so, point me in their direction.
If I recall correctly your guild lost a 3v3 against a PUG team I was a part of. I don’t mean to be that guy, but perhaps you shouldn’t talk THAT big.
The only time we ran with a group larger than two yesterday was in our night-slot; with 7. You’re recalling inaccuracies. Although I do play a mesmer – so perhaps it may have looked like more.
I would be happy to oblige to an actual 3v3 once we have more than one player on.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Is there anybody on BP or CD that doesn’t follow the drooling, mouthbreathing mass from tower to tower, that can ACTUALLY fight 1 on 1 well without the support of the zerg?
If so, point me in their direction.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
[roam] is looking for a 5v5 right now, whisper Fellblade in game.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
My highlight tonight was definitely getting these 10 guys to WP/fall when they couldn’t figure out how to make the jump properly.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Yay, hello EDGE.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Here i thought i was done with the OBS song of the day for the week.
But after a pretty kitten good fight with a |LEXS| mesmer and |SBHS| ranger i felt it was fun enough to put some music to it.
ranger , I salute you. you fought hard and you seemed much better then most of the rangers I come across.
SBHS Dear pretty skilled |LEXS| frogman mesmer. i wish i could say the same for you.
GF i guess…
lastly , unlike the trolls that are posting up and down this forum , not many post up their normal everyday fights. so call me bad , make fun of my binds. tell me i suck. IDC
lana ty! i read chat after i make video lol…
and now
When you said you’d already found your DB of the week, I didn’t expect it to have been right before we found you!! I really, really wanted our engie to assume that role.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
Anybody want to do any 3v3’s – 5v5’s at the moment? We’re sick of tower-huggers/zergs 8(
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
can I 1v1 anyone at fightclub or are we just going to watch the necro fight everyone.
They’re scared of looking like bads when they lose to an upleveled again. 2 hours until my assignment deadline is reached. c u all then xoxoxoxoxoxoxox <3
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
DDLG, Bags, TE, CORE, HARD, SIC, XOXO, SPCA, AR, PPK, BUNS, SE, Os, WolF, RISE, Splt, SBI, SG, tM, TRBO and LEXS all suck lol.
get rekt.
Carri us moar pls fell.
“moar” is an anagram of “roam”. It’s all in the subtleties, mate.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
DDLG, Bags, TE, CORE, HARD, SIC, XOXO, SPCA, AR, PPK, BUNS, SE, Os, WolF, RISE, Splt, SBI, SG, tM, TRBO and LEXS all suck lol.
get rekt.
What about ROAM?
Never even heard of them.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]
DDLG, Bags, TE, CORE, HARD, SIC, XOXO, SPCA, AR, PPK, BUNS, SE, Os, WolF, RISE, Splt, SBI, SG, tM, TRBO and LEXS all suck lol.
get rekt.
Leader and head forum barbarian for [roam]