Showing Posts For oRbb.5042:

[EU] Team Looking for a fifth!

in Looking for...

Posted by: oRbb.5042


EDIT: We found someone – Thanks to everyone who contacted us and we hope you’ll find an awesome team!

We’re looking for a fifth person to participate with our team in the ESL Testcup (this sunday at 7:00 pm CEST)!

We’re looking for with

  • a mesmer or engineer
  • expirience on the role
  • Teamspeak/Raidcall
  • communication
  • r30+ or similar exp. in tPvP
  • an ESL account

You should especially have time this saturday and sunday of course. If you are interested, please contact Detax.7058 ingame. If he’s offline (he will be until tomorror, sadly), please contact me and we’ll come back to you as soon as possible. I promise that you’ll get a response – we won’t ignore someone!

(edited by oRbb.5042)

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


I would love something similar to the Temple. On Temple I have daily many many matches that are either insanely close or contain a huge turnaround, making the game much more motivating and intense. And therefore of course so much more fun!

Do somthing about leavers!!!!!!

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


There are so many ways to punish leavers. But I really want Arenanet to decide what will happen to them.

As long as something comes really soon and fast. Anything that works against them. Please…

Amazing matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


#1: get a team
#2: you aren’ t supposed to solo queue if you want to escalate the leaderboard

Okay. Can I join you guys next time? Because my premades are only in those times online we agreed to be.

S/Tpvp needs more rewards

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


Or maybe Custom Arenakits. Totally agree with you… Adding Gems to PvP or some PvP currency would be really awesome. The crafting is quiet boring after a few ranks already…

Amazing matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


Sure, I am talking about putting on a mask. But my hope is that by doing so more players will come Arenanet can actually work with. Meaning proper matchmaking and having more pressure to work on PvP.

After all, it’s of course the developer who swings the sword.

1600 gems for custom arena

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


“1800 Gems? Des sin joa über 20 Euro! Des sind’s fast 40 Mark! Ihr hobts ja wohl den Oarsch offen!”

Actually, not the price of the Gems bothers me most (since it’s only the price you have to pay in the beginning – making your arena last longer costs much less). What bothers me most is the fact that gems and therefore the arenakit are completely split off the PvP… Something really sad.

So I totally agree with the idea of buying custom Arenas from Honor or some PvP currency a PvP Guild can achieve together…

Amazing matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


Welp, just lost against a full 5-man team who’re all 30+ and we had two r1 in our team who were completely lost.

But there simply is not the big playerbase to have a proper matchmaking. Sadly.
All we can do is promote the game to the outside and simply whine less. There would be more players if we’d make PvP appear totally fun and shiny.

Cool changes but...

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


I’d still give Arenanet some more time. Sure, we’re all waiting for the stuff they promised so big and it’s all going tormenting slow.
But for me the best thing is that we’re looking forward to those things so much. And that means that we like the game and are eager playing it. This is what I like most about this community…

But for common opinion: omgplshurryarenanet i want gw2 esport!!!!!111111 zomfg

Please nerf necro's

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


Please nerf necros

Please wait a bit after patches before asking for anything like this.

Custom Arena Time Token through pvp

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


Yep, I can confirm that. I am also sure, though I am lacking the source. I think it was in some video that they announced it.

But welp, progress in PvP is so slow… it took them so long for the last patch already. I can understand that Arenanet does not want to make any mistakes. But we’re so impatient…