Showing Posts For quagganzilla.6450:
Dear Anet,
Quaggan needs help Anet.
Quaggan would like if you make the [Mystic Chromatic Ooze] last 1 hour like the [Selfless Potion][Thoughtless Potion]
5 minutes is really FOO and quaggan thinks it makes no sense!
This would be a cooOOOOoooo time to change it.
(edited by quagganzilla.6450)
There is a Maguuma player who has been reported many times bu a lot of people and Anet is yet to take action and I was curious why?
They have a Maguuma account with 30k AP that farms an alt on SoS by jumping up a wall near DBL red spawn and killing their alt repeatedly.
They even named the alt a smart aleck name about farming so it’s obvious and they whisper you about it if you kill them.
@ McKenna Berdrow
Can you please clarify this for me/us.
I bought the Triumphant Hero’s Exotic Armor which is the same amount of tickets as the Triumphant Hero’s Ascended Armor.
Obviously I wouldn’t have done this if I had known and I’m sure there will be hundreds of people in the same boat.
Will there be a way to turn my exotic into the ascended or even to trade it in for the tickets back?
The main issue I think we will all have it the tickets take a long time to earn and it would suck to feel like it was for nothing.
I know sorting out a method to not screw over people would be appreciated.
Can you clarify what will happen?
In this patch you:
- Fixed a bug that caused the lenses of the Sport Sunglasses to not display from both sides.
This needs to be done to the Aviator Sunglasses also.
I prefer floating
If you can prove it, I would love to see perma bans on the players involved.
I really dislike having people like that in our community.
Harsh? Yes. A message needs to be sent though IMO.
Very much YES! Aviators are <3
I have a similar thread here:
I was surprised and sad it was part of the month long sale also. I have a few toons that would look great with them.
They look awesome, I wish they were skins. XD
Were the boxing gloves a toy or gloves?
Has there been any official word on the Aviators coming back to the gem shop?
If a dev checks this thread out I would love to see a reply if possible. #GaileGray<3
We were lucky enough to get bunny ears so I was hoping this would be a thing.
If there has been no official word and you want them back show your support with a post and maybe the devs will make it happen.
(edited by quagganzilla.6450)
Aviators and Wide-Rim please Anets. ty <3
This will complete the set of things we all want.
Also feel free to add Kitten Ears. We all NEED Kitten Ears.
(when I write “kitten” I mean kitten, not “insert random profanity here” ears) xD
(edited by quagganzilla.6450)
If I salvage the ascended raid trinkets like [Spectral Balm] will I get magnetite?
If yes how much?
I love how the devs say “RNG is even” yet I known several players with under 3 months with 1-5 pre drops form both in game and forge yet many many long term players who have never gotten one.
Just curious… why can’t some of the old materials be re-released? Seems to be what a lot of people are asking for. You can always do a test in the gemtore and see how well they sell. I guarantee if you put the Bunny Ears in the gemstore or even the greatsword chainsaw skin, it’ll “fly off the shelf”.
Oh, they can come back, and they do from time to time .
This response about coming back from time to time isn’t even close to accurate when it comes to the main items like bunny ears/aviators/wizard hat/etc which people have been borderline begging to come back. They haven’t once returned.
I’m not trying to attack you Gaile, I actually really appreciate you taking the time to reply on here for us.
I just never get why something so desired by a large chunk of the community is withheld from release. Anet stands to not only profit but to make the community feel heard.
It would be amazing for the main asked for items to return and many would be over the moon, lets just hope this sale finally lets the powers that be give the people what they have asked for time and time again.
On that note I would love to see these items in the gem shop:
1. Bunny Ears
2. Aviator Sunglasses
3. Wide Rim Glasses
4. Wizard Hat
This thread is a suggestion to Anet on how to make the mentor tag be used as intended. To have it used as Anet wanted, that’s all.
So many of you get on a high horse over nothing. The only entitled people are those of you in here who use a mentor tag as a free tag and don’t want it taken away.
I’ve never had over 50g and personally don’t own a tag. I’m just a newer player who sees how good it would be to have mentor tags used correctly. If you’re using it as a mentor the lack of skills and utils wouldn’t be an issue.
(edited by quagganzilla.6450)
Please make it so anyone with the mentor tag loses all ability to attack. no skills/utils at all.
Then they can only use it for the intended purpose, to help players.
ANET = Trolls
Quote from the latest BLTC news post:
“The Phantom’s Hood is back by popular demand”
……If “demand” had anything to do with it they would bring the Bunny Ears and Aviators back.
It’s obvious we’re being ignored. T.T
Please Anet, you have so many asking for this fix.
Also whilst you’re at it please change the warhorn sounds back. The new ones are horrible.
I always find these posts amusing, where someone who is another class comes to the sub-forum of the class that beat them.
You don’t need the skill to be changed, you need to stop being salty and get better at the game.
Learning to counter and play around the other classes is what makes it fun.
SMH…… This thread is just….. sigh
Because that’s how they get fixed before launch.
Having a cry is very different to being constructive (which a lot of ppl in this thread are being which is good)
There are so many who just complain without basis though, as I said it’s silly.
(edited by quagganzilla.6450)
Dynamic Fun
IMO you’re best off playing Rev understanding a) this is Beta and b) it’s not finished.
Why do so many people have a cry about things in beta, it’s so silly.
i feel for you guys, this is the same kitten as with the removed idle animations
Yep, Anet has a very meh track record of “fixing” things.
Between Howler, a few other legendary weps, the idle animation and the current situation with the Monk outfit I get sad at our hopes of seeing anything get sorted out.
For me now it feels like my efforts were a waste. My necromancer is very, very sad without her shiny moon.
Same for many of us. All that effort for Anet to make Howler subpar when most people were happy with how it was.
This is such a poorly implemented “fix”. I don’t own this outfit but I can see why you guys/gals are annoyed.
You would think a company like Anet knows the old adage “It’s easier to do things right the first time”.
Firstly I think the CD is perfectly fine how it is. There is no need for a nerf.
To come into the guardian sub-forum and ask for the main util Guardians are loving to be nerfed is silly IMO.
I really don’t get people like the OP. Stop over analyzing everything and play the game. If you don’t think it’s balanced then don’t press it as often.
This issue is obviously pushed to the back burner indefinitely at this point when it really should not be in my opinion.
The part that annoys me is they upgraded Moot and Bifrost when they were already awesome (though i do love what they did) but they ignored they one they disabled.
This issue, affecting an item that takes a huge amount of effort and/or cost to obtain, deserves a response from one of your team.
This sums it up. They made an item which they wanted you to feel is “legendary” yet they don’t both to maintain it.
I want this x1000000000000000
The area in where you can activate the crafting stations are very small in comparison to the size of the station.
They need to cover the whole section of the prop you have for each station.
Currently whole sections of each station don’t offer the prompt to activate.
Plus the area in which you can activate overlays too much with the NPC which becomes problematic.
We need these back & fixed:
Nightime effects (moon & sparkles back)
Proper wolf howl sound effect when blown (not the lackluster what there is currently)
Footsteps to persist just a tiny bit longer. Not much, just a few more steps longer.
This is exactly what needs to be done.
I’m still shocked Anet disabled a lovely weapons features to “bandaid” fix an issue with AC weapons and didn’t bother to come back and solve the issues they caused.
It’s not like it’s a major job to fix. If it was something like incinerator/bifrost/twilight they would fix it in a day.
With the new night system in the hot maps it’ll be really cool to have the night time effect again
You just made me want it fixed even more </3
I always LFG with “No Swap” in the description and always kick anyone who tries.
Even then if I hadn’t put that in the LFG I would probably get annoyed enough to kick anyone who swapped unless they had been amazing through the rest of the dungeon.
I don’t mind if people ask but the whole expecting thing is rude.
Couldn’t agree more, Anet needs to look into this for sure.
This is such a silly request. I’m an Asura and you don’t see me running around asking for no Norns in my party.
You’re not alone, My Mrs is in the exact same situation as you. She has played 1000s of hours, MF a boatload of items and nothing where as myself and our group of friends have all gotten pre’s from the forge.
TBH she hasn’t even got any decent drops, nothing above 10g ever from memory.
Plus she was stuffed over with the portal stone. She farmed for DAYS and nothing. I got one from the very 1st mob i killed. (i let her use my account to play beta <3 )
I buy/make her everything she wants in the game but I know she really wants RNG to stop fracking her over. We both honestly believe that some people just have horrendous RNG, you and her both seem to be in that category.
(edited by quagganzilla.6450)
I know what you’re asking, I just personally think it’s not worth while or a good idea.
Plus “options” aren’t always good. Too many options complicate things.
I agree with the OP, this would be a great idea to have the effects shown when stowed.
I 100% disagree with Roundabout.1752, never turn off the effects IMO. The option would be a bad idea.
The art crew and the designer put in a lot of effort to make these amazing weapons.
Please Anet, let us know if you will actually fix this.
You’re making a full set of new legendary weapons, you enhanced ones that weren’t even broken but you wont fix one you broke. SIGH
A friend whispered with Gaile Gray in game and she said “check the forum, this is a continued discussion” as if to say Anet had actually replied and been part of the conversation….
Responding here would be so simple but they seem determined to ignore the issue.
I PM’ed a few of the Anet ppl who handle working on the legendary and who work on the forum and all of them ignored my very polite request to at least read and respond to this thread.
The best I got was in infraction for bumping this thread. :/
Basically really poor form ANET.
(edited by quagganzilla.6450)
I’ve missed this. Do you have a link to this info?
The War Room is a building that allows the building of different WvW tools. Some of the examples we can see in the trailer are Airships assaulting Stonemist and players controlling Charr vehicles in the new borderlands. Most of these are set to their own things, such as airships only attacking Stonemist, the charr vehicles only available at specific locations in the new borderlands, and a stealth-revealing buff around towers.
Seriously, they hate stealth/thieves.
First of all they give classes ways to remove stealth, even traps dedicated to it, but now they’re making it so towers can have a stealth revealing buff around them, WTH.
To top it off I read on here supposedly (haven’t looked into it) they’re giving Mesmer more stealth capabilities then us also?
I don’t mind counter-play, but all these couples together is overboard IMO.
They’re making our core mechanics and role in this game very obsolete.
They broke howler and can’t even tell us that they plan on fixing it.
Which is the worst part, a simple reply on if it will be fixed would make the majority happy.
It’s an item they made to be “legendary” in game and they don’t even fix it.
They reply to other threads pertaining to issues like the HOM thread but with this issue Anet is nowhere to be found. A simple answer is all we ask for.
This sums it up perfectly:
It’s a very poor show from ANet that not one of their employees can be bothered to reply to this thread.
Here is my thread they merged:
Why is Howler still broken? (for those who don’t know the night animation is missing)
When weapons like incinerator and dreamer broke you/Anet fixed then instantly, you even updated Moot and Bifrost, but for some reason you have ignored Howler having a bug. (and i’m sure others will probably have issues)
Basically I (and many others) would like to know are there any plans to fix Howler? If yes what is the eta? It has already been way too long.
Remove the link before someone presses it.
^^ This please, it would suck for something to go wrong
SMH, just waypoint. Why be stubborn?
You’re forgetting to take the human factor into account with your arguments also.
IMO The only changes that we could benefit from greatly are:
-more people need to res the downed
-attempt to learn/know the fight mechanics
-don’t afk after you finish “your bit”
(edited by quagganzilla.6450)
Something like $600-$800, a large chunk of that being birthday presents for others.
What’s the general consensus on Precursors? Is the assumption the price will go up or down with the release of HoT and the ability to obtain precursors through collections?
It looks amazing, you’re a bad person for not loving it!!! xD
Plus on Asura it looks even better, covers their whole little arm. <3
Yeah, I know LB at the moment it 100% isn’t better in PvE. I just wanted to know what the best option for SB was. Thanks.
I know LB-S/A is better, it is the build I use now.
I just wanted to know what is the best Short-bow build for PvE and/or Dungeons?
If someone link me a build and/or explain one it would be greatly appreciated.
Also what would be used as the other weapon set? Thanks.