Showing Posts For rubmywontons.3972:
Gosh, you people are vicious.
The worst thing about confusion is wanting to remove it and you end up removing 2 stacks of vulnerability. Condition removal priority would be kinda cool.
Honestly, if I saw Charr using “Leap of Faith” like other races do, I’d delete my Charr. The Charr’s one is clearly the more brutal, with the others doing some odd twirl with no visible power behind it. When I imagine Charr, I think ferocity rather than grace, despite them technically being akin to felines; which, are otherwise graceful etc. Well, that’s the way I see it.
I gotta agree and I literally haven’t even looked at my dailies for a few weeks; not out of some protest, or anything, but simply because I can’t be bothered. I’m always in WvW and I just can’t find the motivation to look at the daily and complete it. Maybe if they added some cool skins, I’d be more inclined to this stuff. Meh..
You can begin to channel Ring of Warding, then you can immediately use Judges Intervention for a good combo opener
Okay, I’m getting to the point where I’ll be willing to pay Anet to fix this darned bug.
Fun video. Even better because it has Johnny Cash in it :P
Yeah.. same problem here. Though, when I un-equip the armor piece that didn’t dye correctly, my game crashes. Fix, please. :l
1. Lost Shores area: What was the actual point and relevance of it? I mean; ’Lion’s Arch is under attack’ – I missed the first event, so I was a bit in the dark, so to speak, as to what LA had been attacked by – I thought "Cool, some awesome new enemy that poses a great threat to Tyria’. So, I get the the island and see mutant crab-beasts derping around and flinging their spit at me, and I just don’t get it..
If I’m missing any back-story or lore about this stuff, please feel free to let me know and correct me.
I used it in that dredge dungeon, on the shield-gate thingies. I Also use it on siege if they’re close to each other. It just melts anything if it bounces from targets. Also used it on another ranger, ’twas quite amusing.
Does Lightning Reflexes not even work properly either? If it does manage to break stun, it just makes me do kitten roll on the spot and I’m still stuck there for like 3/4 of a second
Yeah, I’ve got the same problem. If you un-equip that armor piece, will your game crash?
Every class (potentially) is perfectly viable, IMHO.
Running a VERY similar build to you, and I absolutely love my ranger!
’cept the pet AI which is kitten as heck.
I also find that Entangle is a very inconsistent skill. In WvW – not sure if, coincidentally, players have countermeasures for this – it arbitrarily decides to not work at all. This also applies to NPC’s/enemies in WvW and PvE, I’ve noticed.
Wait…so…OP goes from praising the dark side of the new content, asking for a “gear check or Gear Score” mechanic, to this? I believe there is meme about a movie called “Tropic Thunder” for this situation…
Hey man I can’t wait to fully experience the new progression content.
I just don’t want to do it with a broken class.
Still not seeing any “progression”. I just see another tier that had better be the last. Expanding your character and their skills is the progression we want. We don’t want this gear treadmill. Too many MMO’s are already like that, and GW2 is supposed to be different.
My warrior friend seems to find warrior doing much better than Necro, Ele, or Ranger. Try one of those 3 classes! I am sure you will do just fine with your Warrior.
Just for emphasis, no gear treadmills, no gear check, and someone please help the devs trying to balance this game. -_-
Another tier = more stats = more power = progression.
Ranger so easy just stick pet on target and auto attack. Warrior needs to time and combo skills to do anything worthwhile.
I don’t think you know how rangers work effectively.
Yeah, mine seems to be fine for the moment. I imagine it’s gonna happen again as it happens every now and then. This bug should should hopefully be resolved in the future
Also maybe 1 skill on the raven, called “Bird Droppings” which only targets warriors and guardians with freshly polished armor.[/quote]
Hi, y’all. Recently discovered a dye bug not allowing me to apply certain dye (midnight fire, in particular) to certain armor pieces. When this happens is inconsistent and reverts the color to “Dye Remover”. Moreover, when I un-equip the item the game crashes.
Anyone else experienced this?
…Not sure what OP was hoping to gain from this thread besides people not liking him/her…
The guy’s a putz.
I am also looking forward to the Ranger patch notes. Although, I don’t want to get my hopes to high after the way they treated rangers with the Short Bow “animation fix”.
Some things like I would like to see are:
- Revert short bow to pre-nerf or at least acknowledge and fix the attack speed problem it has with qz now.
- Fix pets so they can attack moving targets.
- Make pets use F2 when they are commanded to.
- Find a way to make pets more viable in a dungeon and high damage settings like WvW. As they are currently, they get melted way too easily. Perhaps give them some AoE resistance.
- Fix sword rooting issue so rangers can dodge.
- Make spirits viable. I would like to see them at least on the same level as warrior banners. Hopefully there is some sort of remake or major fixes in store for this.
- Improve ranger signets. Many ranger signets suffer from lackluster actives and ridiculous cooldowns. For example, signet of the hunt active right now is horrible. It needs to be looked at. Also, a passive speed boost of 25% could be nice.
- Increase long bow and great sword weapon damage. These got nerfed hard in the betas and never really recovered. Bringing them back up to par with other professions would be appreciated. Some things I would like looked at include the long bow auto being reliant on range. Also, as it stands now, the ranger rapid fire skill does about the same amount of damage as auto attacking with the short bow.
- Fix Hall of Monument pet stats. Many of the special pets from the HoM are lacking stats compared to their counterparts. This needs to be looked at.
- Viability of shouts? Since I started playing ranger, I think I used shouts about once and then never used them again. The only shout that has its uses is “Guard Me”. I would really like shouts to be looked at.
Overall, while I like my ranger, I feel that it is very lacking in many areas including damage and utility compared to other professions. Also, the ranger’s main feature, the pet, has many issues surrounding it. Hopefully these problems will be addressed in the coming patch. I know many people in the ranger community are looking forward to how they handle this.
This is my dream, right now.
Whats the point? Rangers will still probably be extremely sub par in dungeons and thus after the patch won’t be able to get the top tier of armour anymore.
I think that it’s a largely generalized profession. A lot of rangers run in dungeons just fine. ._.
*I think this whole “ascension” stuff is just a large abundance of paranoia. Guess we’re just gonna have to wait and see.
Need more devs like Jon Peters
I gotta say (having a lvl80 ranger as main character) that I agree that there ain’t much wrong with the current rangers. Pet AI could be better, pet bugs should be fixed and yes, the obstruction/out of range bugs should be fixed but in the end no profession is currently as face-roll-easy to play as the ranger. Whether you farm Orr, do explorable dungeons, get WvWvW kills or whatever tickles yer fancy most, ranger’s pretty much easy mode.
Gotta agree there. They’re honestly not in that bad a light as everyone makes them out to be.
This is because Anet has an obvious infatuation with the warrior profession.
@ rubmywon…
That was posted 3 weeks to a month ago.Anyways, Rangers have even more issues now, with the new Ascended Gear. Compared to others, we will have less chances to get Ascended Gear as people now do not like to play with rangers due to the issues we have.
:( Good thing I have guild pals to run with, I s’pose.
To be honest, there isn’t TOO much that’s wrong with the ranger, in my opinion. Just some pet bugs that I – and I’m sure a lot of other people – have noticed. Longbow could be more likable; I tolerate it, as it is.
Looking forward to this much anticipated ranger update. Fingers crossed, OP.
I’m just waiting for a dev to pop in.
Great suggestion, great thread. Thanks, OP. Hope this one stays alive so that dev’s may pay mind to it.
What is ascendent stuff anyway though we don’t even know yet, or if something has been discovered… well I haven’t seen it and would love to know.
There’s more information here.
Well I’m gonna go ahead and quote:
“Poof! Someone called and I am here. We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. There are some bugs being fixed and quality of life improvements coming in the next patch, as well as some other significant ranger improvements. I would Literally tell you but I think it would be considered a bit of a spoiler so you will have to be patient.
While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.
Ok I can’t type more with tiny phone finger keypad. See you in game!
Fingers crossed, my ranger brethren.
Anyways I’m seeing a lot of tears so I’m heading out, stop complaining about treadmills it will do NO good, they are coming deal with it, and maybe send a thank you to anet for ensuring the longevity of your game.
“Here’s a bunch of facts I made up. Okay, bye guys!”
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.
Everything I have stated is factual, Anet is not a democracy it’s a business, if they are making a descision this game impacting best believe it’s to make money, they clearly realize this will make people angry but overall it’s going to get them more customers, google anything I’ve said if you need facts.
The sooner you realize this the sooner you will stop making these threads.
From this thread alone; I think it’s quite apparent what the majority wants. I’ll ask: Have you seen the plethora of complaints around the web(this forum, in particular) on this new implementation?
Don’t mark this as a hostile comment, please.
It’s a pain shared by many.
“I know you guys are super busy with all of that new content and finding creative ways to avoid publishing a Ranger update but please, stop screwing us over.” x10 x many orders of magnitude.
(edited by rubmywontons.3972)
The fire does AoE on the target, which is nice.