Showing Highly Rated Posts By Bubi.7942:

Can we have some GMs?

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Ah man, I have been out to lunch and it is still up!

Temporary solution would be GMs. Do I believe in their existance? No. So far I have seen 1 Anet representative since launch in-game for like 5 mins. I even screenshotted it! It was at Queen’s Jublilee (not to be mistaken with the recent Four winds festival) at Boom-boom Baines as an upleveled asura engie.

Now you could say, that’s only me. But to that I would say none of the people I know have ever been so lucky as I was, as to spot an Anet guy.

Now you could say, they might not “tag up” or everyone I ever knew has been unlucky. To that I would say I’ve been reporting the same bots in Cursed Shore (before megaservers) for months (1 actually more then half a year) and nothing ever happened. Where as a GM could tell (or any player) in 2 minutes that those were bots.

Also: why do I need to prove that something doesn’t exist? Isn’t that kind of backwards?

Fix Orr events finally please

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Bubi.7942


This has been complained numerous times before. I have reported these bugs in-game from time to time too. Let’s get started:

1. Temple of Melandru event chain

The event breaks after certain happenings, sadly I have no idea what.

Cause and description:
The event description reads something like: The Pact is preparing for the attack on the Temple of Melandru – There is no such thing in the event chain (when running normally). The problem is, that it enters this non-existing stage of the event.

No Izzmek, no anything. I think it’s borken currently on ALL sevrers for 400 hours+.

Bonus bug#1: The Risen priest of Melandru doesn’t transform you after a few tries, just skips the transform phase.

Bonus bug#2: When you pick up the Diving goggles while transformed, you get your original skills back.

2. Gates of Arah event chain

The event doesn’t start, it’s stuck in the escort Warmaster Chan phase.

Cause and description:
Not sure what’s causing it. Warmaster Chan may or may not spawn. Even if he spawns, he just stands there doing nothing at all – not starting the escort event. Also bugged on ALL servers. Usually breaks after 1-2 days of the update.

3. Temple of Dwayna event chain

The event description reads “The seal on the olter must be broken!” – but there is no one to break it.

Cause and description:
After you escort the scholar to the altar you get to fight the Risen priestess of Dwayna. The scholar then may get aggrod, but he can’t die UNTIL the priestess is alive. But after the fight, remaining conditions and risen may kill him – and he can’t be ressed, so there is no NPC left to continue with the event.

Add a determined buff to the scholar, OR let him die and make him revivable OR let him die and then you fail the event.

4. Temple of Lyssa event chain

Problem: The cannon event (pr requisite to the main event) cannot be triggered, as all NPCs are alive, but they are doing nothing.

Cause and description:
The NPCs are not repairing the cannon at all, just standing there. You cannot interact with them, and enemy mobs do not attack them.

I think this is caused by the unfortunate timing of the Pristess of Lyssa kill.
If you played these events, you know that the events tend to pop-up, and you have to do them in order to continue with the may event (well, at least you had to, if that wasn’t bugged too). If the cannon event pops up, and you fail it, there is a time (like half a minute) until the new event pops up in it’s place. I think if you defeat the priestess within that half minute, the bug occurs.

Bonus bug#1: Sometimes failing the defense events doesn’t do anything – the main event continues normally.

5. Risen priest of Balthazar event chain

Problem: Escort to Rally waypoint doesn’t start.

Cause and description:
Even tough it should start (other routes have not arrived) it does not. You can wait for hours and it won’t start. The other day we did Northern invasion 4 times in a row (and failing the last escort after) while central and southern started 0 times.

Would you guys at Anet please get these fixed? These are known bugs since launch and it seems nothing has been done about them.

Ps.: Could anyone do anything about the 20+ bots/Orr map too? (and don’t tell me to report them, I’ve been reporting one for over 6 months)

Commander Tag in PvE

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Best solution in my oppinion:

Have an option on BOTH the minimap and the large map for the following:

- turn off visibility for different things (WPs, POIs, gathering nodes, Commander tags, etc.)

Sometimes there are WPs overshadowing collectible plants and stuff. It would also be great if I could turn off all the distracting icons on the map, when I am searching for that last POI that I am missing from the given map.

Updates for the Live game?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Well my GW2 activity has dropped to log-in, say hello in guild chat, and log out – most days. Sometimes I can get myself to do a dungeon, or play a PvP match. Sometimes I don’t even bother to log-in.

Playing other things in my free time.

Which is okay I guess, I can return anytime. The problem is, my will to return is dropping daily. I never doubted I will buy HoT at first, now I am at a point where it’s a “meh, do I even want to return?” decision.

[Suggestion] Small improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942



I wrote some costs, but it would actually be better if all the costs in-game for upgarding would be lowered in gold, and maybe compensate that with upping karma costs (you know, the useless currency that WvW-ers actually have).

With that said:

1. Sentry (yes, you read that right)

Name: Advanced training
Cost: 2,5 silver, 0 supplies

After a short period, say 5 mins, the sentry becomes an elite tier (silver) NPC. Everything he does is the some, except for an HP, armor, and damage buff. The damage buff should be enough to kill a Dolyak with no upgrades (caravan guard).

Advanced guards also give passing friendly dolyaks a short speed boost (5-10 sec).

2. Supply camps

Hire Caravan guard, Hire additional guards and Increased supply deliveries are fine imo.

Strengthen guards is not… so:

Name: Promotion
Cost: 20 silver, 250 karma, 200 supps

Supervisor becomes an elite tier guy, the rest of the guards become veterans.

No more camp flipping with just the 2 of you. If you think this would be OP, just think of camps with mercs in them. Not too hard.

3. Towers, Keeps and Stonemist Castle

Here’s an idea for Reinforce doors:

Name: Reinforce doors
Cost: same as was before

Reinforce doors now adds spikes to the the door, granting retaliation to gates.

PvD that you blobster.

Also this could be a seperate upgrade branching out from Reinforce doors. You could buy gates separate upgrades like: Spiked gate (retaliation), Frost gate (chill on hit and to rams), Poison gate etc..

Name: Raise Guard level
Cost: same as was before

In the lord room 1 guy becomes elite tier, rest are veterans from now on. On the doors and walls 1-1 guys becomes an elite.

New branch for towers/keeps/SM:

Utility branch including 3 upgrades: 1 – Build defenses faster and cheaper, 2 – Siege decay buff, 3 – Fixed respawning normal Arrow carts

Name: Upgrade training
Cost: 12 silver, 400 supplies
(for keeps – changes accordingly to towers and SM)

You build fixed (mortar, cannon, oil) siege and non fixed siege inside the keep 20% faster, and you have a chance to recover some (0-4) supply when useing all of yours when building inside a tower/keep/SM (on top of cashback from supply mastery)

Name: Built to last
Cost: 20 silver, 800 supplies (changes accordingly to towers and SM)

Siege now lasts an extra hour in you structures.

Name: Build Arrow carts
Cost: 25 silver, 1000 supplies (for keeps – changes accordingly to SM)

All gates now get a fixed arrow cart (or just inner) location – on these carts, you can actually zoom out, and see what you are shooting at.

4. Mercenary camps

4 brand new upgrades. Only 1 upgrade may be purchased at a time

Name: Additinal toops
Cost: 10 silver, 15 mins

Outgoing forces now have 3 extra members

Name: Replenish troops
Cost: 5 silver, 15 mins

The merc camp now replenishes it’s troops over time (the event meter goes up after a while)

Name: Train tacticians
Cost: 10 silver, 20 mins

After the camp has been taken, the some of the mercenaries (or an extra team maybe) head out to attack a nearby tower (thus tagging it)

Train commander
Cost: 10 silver, 20 mins

With all troops now goes a commander, granting minor buffs (health and damage) to nearby allies (NPCs and players alike).

(edited by Bubi.7942)


in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942



"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Dragon Hunter? Sounds generic, no creativity at all.

Please rename it to: xXxShadoWKillerxXx

Gift of Battle rank requirement update

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I made a thread about the solution, that would fit all, but it got buried :*(

[Suggestion] Small improvements for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Bloodlust change

If you want people to care about Bloodlust you should add a reward for it. Don’t make it into seperate events. Hand out the reward when you actually get/take Bloodlust. 200 WXP should be enough for motivation (same as a camp). All people get credit, who left the cap circle in the last 20-15 seconds (or just the people who are actually there when the cap happens).

Add a merc camp (or something) in the middle of Bordarlands

Right where to Quaggan island used to be. Why? 1. Cause more fighting around Bloodlust. 2. Cause that area is completley useless.

The mercs could have a special guy, who you could speak to, and you could tell him which camp to attack (or maybe even set a sequence on which camps). After they are done with a the camp(s), they stay there to help def.

Custom claim skins

Add Guild upgrades for merits and influence that gives you certain Styles (visual makeovers) to the things you claim (camps, towers, keeps).

These upgrades could be permanent, or last for some time (preferably the build time at least).

It’s just something that would make the guild more unique (which is needed I think), and a bit of variety in the same old buting camps.

Themes could range from: races/professions to stuff like horror/cute, etc.. This would include NPC armor and some of the structures/walls/gates.

Note that this is only visual, everything stays the same.

(edited by Bubi.7942)

Mesmers left out since chapter 5.

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Fine, here you go, it’s actually pretty easy when you know what to do

It seems like this guy in his video somehow manages to keep his clones and phantasms alive for 3-4 attacks. From the kill time I’m guessing he’s on zerkerish build.

So what was the problem again OP?

The OPs point is the bosses are using a new mechanic called: AoE. I can’t for the life of me think of a Living Story boss that has not done this. He also seems to be ‘pro’ in dungeons where bosses hit like wet noodle. I’m guessig that is where the issue lies.

[Suggestion] Add a JP to Heart of the Mists

in PvP

Posted by: Bubi.7942


It would be nice if a Jumping Puzzle would be added to the Heart of the Mists. I mean many people are climbing on top of everything anyways, it would give you something to do while waiting for your match in queue.

It could be 5-10 minutes long, so you can complete it in between a few matches.

That’s it.

White Sword Removal Very Helpful

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Awful. Completly destroying WvW on EU T8-T9. No fights, no scouts, brainless karma training. Please keep this stuff to t1 or whatever.

Kicked, got some sense knocked into me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Just solo the bosses.

Problem solved.

Found dead: the 'Zerker meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I guess, but it’s like Highlander.. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE… at least as long as the goal is to kill things as fast as possible. When the goal is no longer kill something then everything is optimal because gear/builds become irrelevant. And who wants that?

If there can be only one, how is it that other game modes manage that there isn’t only one?


Most people are avarage. In anthing, thus most people cannot be bad players, or good or anything, What you are saying is that you are better than an avarage player, that’s great.

The good thing about PvP (oh man, how did I even end up defending PvP?) is that you’ll get matched up with people on your skill level. At least that is how match up’s should work. So you’ll always have roughly around 40-60% win rate (unless your #1 or the last guy). If you met people that suck… then guess what…

Organized WvW or Roaming require quite a bit of skill if you are playing “optimally”. Yes, you can 20v1 an upleveled, or you can solo roam a Dolyak, but actual “serious” WvW player ten to enjoy outnumbered fight or even fight with other skill groups. Blobbing up, once again, is just wasting your resources. And we are still talking about optimal situatuions, not how it could be played.

No update today???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Players in 2014: We don’t like these fortnightly updates, give us an expansion!

Players in 2015: We don’t want to wait for the expansion, give us fortnightly updates!

Or maybe just reactivate old contetn at least. You know, something like a Mega Excitement Cube. I wish we had something like that…

Mad King's Ravens

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Yessir, I was dissapointed too. Hawks and pigeons are not ravens:(

(edited by Bubi.7942)

NPCs are bored of Dragon Bash

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Bubi.7942


So I was in LA at the Grand Piazza, when I overheard a sylvari and an asura talking. The conversation went something like this (note: not exact quotes):

Sylvari: My what a beautiful town!
Asura: You should see it during the festivals!
S: Oh, when is the next one?
A: Wait and see kid, wait and see.

Kind of strange hearing this conversation DURING a festival. I recommend giving these 2 a different one when there is a festival going on, or just remove them for the time being:)

I know, I know, I am nitpicking.

Please, don't ever force us to go solo again.

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Bubi.7942


There is only 1 problem with solo ‘dungeons’ or instances in this matter:

They are not fun.

There are not many people complaining about the Canach instance being solo, becouse it is 5 mins long. If it took the time that Molten Facility took, you would see a lot more complains.

With that said, please do compare the solo instances (personal story), with any of the dungeons. Compare difficulty, story, effort needed, and how fun they were in general.

I have done these steps. And I don’t know about you guys, but the personal story for me (playing Asura and Norn) was a borefest, a chore to do, and something that was not exciting at all. A challange? Don’t make me laugh. I don’t even remember getting downed in any of Personal story quests. Spam 1 = win. Is that fun? No.

My guess is it is probably that way, becouse the classes are hard to balance and it has to be accessable to all kind of skill leveled players. And that’s ok, personal story was not my kind of thing.

But please don’t let it continue on that path.

Before you reply: ask yourselves again, what was your personal story like, as an instance?

[Suggestions]How do u imagine RingOfFire?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I think it burns burns burns

New World Bosses

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Bubi.7942


After reset? What do you mean?

We have Tequatl 2 times a week. The usual ‘waiting’ time – let’s just call it preparations and sorting out groups, laying down tactics for new guys – is 30 mins.

If we manage to defeatet it, it’s guaranteed 3 g 20 s, guaranteed 3 rares, guaranteed 5 champ loot bags. On top of those you have a decent chance for some specific exos, and a small chance for the minis ascended stuff. That ain’t shabby.

But like I hinted above, this is not for the rewards, this is for the thrill of the kill.

I mean, I could just run the Queensdale champ train all day long…

I am no longer excited for the expansion.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Cause hype is like an erection. It’s great and easy initially, but you can’t keep it up for ages unless there is enough stimulus.

With the announcement of HoT Anet created hype. New maps, challanging content, new specializations, new weapons, GvG, new WvW maps woooot! All this wrapped with shows with boomstick and Jenna’s voice actress.

Then it turns out it’s 1 speialization, and 1 weapon, and not really GvG and 1 new PvP map. And we still don’t know anything about the new map(s) or the challenging content. Naturally people assume (at least I do), if there is no info about it, they can expect the minimum.

And with time passing by, it gets flaccid.

If people hyped themselves, then they would. What’s the difference? Even with no info, hype levels would be the same, no? Yet more and more posts are arising, people losing interest in the game, and losing players before the big renewal is not a good thing. Yes, some will return, but some are lost forever.

Airships as new siege in WvW...

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942




Ascended Back, Nope nope nope

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Sorry OP, I am completely lost.

What is your problem again?

You won’t put in work or gold but you want the skin? Am I getting that right? Can I haz fractalz capacitorz skinz without fractalz plz? And a cheezburger with that.

Mesmers left out since chapter 5.

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Dude, you are complaining about your full zerk pets diying easy. You are aware of that right?

Yes, additional defenses will make your pets last longer.

Yes, reducing your damage with not zerk gear, a shocker, will reduce your damage. But your (actually OPs issue) is that his clones/phantasms don’t survive. Well duh.

Moa racing too expensive IMO

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Is the moa race a gambling game? Why are we forced to spend real money (via gems) to get an achievement? An in game currency, like karma or this new pieces of zhaitaffy, should be used for gambling only. I did not see this sign on the game home page.

I just love these kind of posts. Fascinating.

Let’s go through this:

Is the moa race a gambling game?
- Yes it is. As with all gamble games, the house always wins in the long run.

Why are we forced to spend real money (via gems) to get an achievement?
- You are not forced. You need not complete all achievments to get the items from Dragon Bash. Unless you have some serious OCD (but even then, you are still not forced by anyone), you rae not forced in any way to do this. If you do have OCD, this game will not cure it.

An in game currency, like karma or this new pieces of zhaitaffy, should be used for gambling only.
- Like… gold? As in an in game currency? Sounds like a pretty sane idea to me. You can get gold via playing the game and doing stuff. You need not convert real money the gems. It is obtainable in the game.

Introducing: Quaggan-man

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bubi.7942


A returning figure that can be seen as a hero or a villain at the same time.

This guy is a lover of quaggans. He has his quaggan hat, his backback maybe even some quaggan based armor. He runs around trying to help quaggan in peril. Kind of. Basicly over-obsesseb with quaggan to a point of lunacy.

This guy could have his own mini-story. He tries to save quaggan, even succeeds, but then he begins to harass them, with his over loving, getting them in danger.

By the end of the mini story arc, he could spawn within Dynamic Events, in some- as the bad guy, in some as the hero.

For this reason he could be only in one place at the time in the world.

Heck, maybe even add some tokens for completing the story/DEs he’s in, to get his armor.

Any love for the idea?

Ps.: I might add – he would be mostly for comedic relief, not veryseriousbusiness.

(edited by Bubi.7942)

Question: What Stays, What Goes?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Bubi.7942


What goes:

- Instigator events (already gone)
- Flower sample collection
- Crab toss
- Canach instance (both solo and group)
- Settler and consortium buff
- Consortium crates
- Key NPCs (Kiel, Kasmeer, etc.)

What stays:
- The new settlements
- Karka queen meta event and all of here sub-events

Not sure if it goes:

- Settler escort events

Mesmers left out since chapter 5.

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


It only took me 5 hours trying over and over to get the illusions on a good RNG and be meaningfull while using a particular trait else they would die. Reasons :

  • Terragriff has some damaging aura wrecking everything melee range
  • His cleave on “stand still and pulse tendrils” kills the phantasms
  • Phantasms try to be in range and thus will attack only when they are in melee range, meaning they will hug the boss and suicide.
  • Terragriff runs in a random pattern accros the room, this seconds the range issue on melee phantasms (1). Moreover, terragriff will randomly kill your phantasms by rushing over them without any logical reason as aggro or proximity (2).
  • Terragriff takes off and lands randomly near his rush end position, the landing deals damage and kills phantasms
  • Phantasms have a value expressed in “damage/duration/cooldown”; in this fight their value depends on RNG (randomly generated numbers, positions of the boss).

Now, remember Hidden Arcana? Here you can’t deny that clones and phantasms die on summon.

Second fight, phantasms are useless even with the trait. Had to use Consummable summons. What is your take on that?

A finally we arrived at Hidden Arcana, I was waiting for this.

My take on that: I agree.

The boss (tbh I didn’t take a look at the video but I’m guessing it’s the color facet) had an aura that damaged everything in it, instantly killing illusions. That is very much true, I noticed that as well. I might add, it was probably an oversight, as I used Mistfire wolf in that fight as an elite, and that somehow got the same buff as me (color buff) and so it didn’t die.

Whatever the reason, that sucked.

But as much as it sucked, it took 1 more round going in and cleaving at it, so I didn’t make much of a fuss about it, I handled it with a “meh, who cares”. Probably would have gotten my interest if it would have been a remotely challenging fight.

If you want to rant about that, you have a point, go on, maybe Anet next time won’t be so sloppy and test it better.

But for the fights in the current LS, none of that holds true. Your very own video proves that (which you spent 5 hours making? really? my condolences… I have no idea why anyone would do that). Your clones live, phantasms live, they attack not even once, end of story. Whining about the boss has AoE attacks and that it moves is just silly.

What you call RNG is what I call smart use of skills (for instance not summoning phantasms when huge AoE is up), if you just spam all your skills as soon as they are up whitout second tought, that’s RNG. Or no, that’s not RNG, that’s just bad play.
If it actually made you think about when and how to use your skills, swap weapons or change traits, that’s a welcomed fight in an otherwise very static enviroment.

Only 6 New Legendaries in Total?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I like ANet’s track record:

  • Every time I’ve purchased a game, expansion, or “campaign” from them they’ve delivered a core product that has provided 100s of hours of solid entertainment.
  • In addition, they provide frequent content/story and balance/mechanics updates at no additional costs.

I don’t care in the least if it’s 3 legendaries or 40, 3 maps or 50. I only care about whether it’s fun and challenging and based on past performance, it seems likely that’s what we will get yet again.

I guess it’s your choice to buy the season pass whitout even knowing if there will be a season.

Three legendaries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bubi.7942


You know, saying that legendaries are actual content so it’s good that we are not getting them is not the best argument.

Ever gonna fix minions?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Never gonna fix min-ions
Never gonna fix fo-rum
Never gonna fix the Lu-pi necrid bolt
Never gonna fix go-lems
Never gonna be balanced
Never gonna tell you a re-lease date

Never gonna fix, never gonna tell…

(edited by Bubi.7942)


in Looking for...

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Well, the season has started but that doesn’t mean we don’t welcome YOU!

I hear there are queues over 150 for all borderlands on some servers. Well, if you are tired of sitting in line for hours just to play WvW, why not transfer?

We don’t have queues. Never even seen one. What we dove have is passionate people, be part of the WSR community!

A Title With Little Honor

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Bubi.7942


This thread is more about the portal thing being right or wrong (cheating).

I’m a mesmer. I like JPs and find them easy. Skipping stones takes me 5 mins to do (there was a comment up there saying it’s luck based – WTF?!) . With that said:

I DO port people up, at it feels good that I am actually helping people (for free I might add – I heard some people are taking toll ahem) . I like doing this. BUT. What I don’t like is, when people are not even attempting to do the JP. They just want the chest/JP/sample handed to them. And I find that quite unfair, but I do give portals for everyone.

TL,DR.: At least attempt the JP a few times before asking for the portal.

Drytop Dead?

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


How about not “finding” t6, but doing it?

Lunar Festival: "Over already?"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Well it was elaboratly explained in the patch notes when it came out and the previous announcement before that when it was gonna end.

Don’t forget the multiple threads asking about the event’s end, which all have gotten replies, you could have checked those.

Oh wait.

What an incredibly helpful and constructive reply that was.

1) There’s nothing whatsoever in the patch notes, that I can see, about end date.
2) I have a life beyond GW2, and many better things to do with my time than reading every single thread in the forums. If it was discussed here – so what? I didn’t see it. I strongly doubt I was the only person.
3) I was making a serious point; if you can’t manage a serious answer, I really wouldn’t bother. ANet launched GW2 in China last year; Spring Festival is a big thing, and is still going. I had assumed that the content would continue; I was wrong. But why on earth kill the parallel game content for the sake of it? It’s like deciding to end Wintersday on December 23rd.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that Bubi was employing sarcasm.

I now understand why people put “/sarcasm” at the end of their posts. I thought the “Oh wait” would kinda give it away, but it seems it didn’t. Ah well. I need to be more clear next time.

Screw Adnul Irongut

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I followed this guy’s strategy and got a one shot victory:

I tried a few different strategies and here’s what worked for me, this was pre any patch so it should still work.

- Pick Boast as your signature move
- Always bluff… if he interrupts it with a belch, belch back and drink water in that order.
- This should keep your own health from dropping as fast as his, with luck you’ll interrupt a heal or two and you’ll go into the next phase with a big advantage.
- Eventually he hits a threshold where he’ll start spamming his signature move.
- Use belch, drink water, drink in that priority unless you can get a bluff in.
- Once you get close to 3,000 or so health use boast.
- Try to time your abilities so you use belch at below 20% health to do a large amount of damage.

If he gets too many belches, or your losing health much faster than him just surrender and try again. It will take some luck but it’s possible and this strategy is simple enough that you can spam games until you get lucky.

I approve of this method. This is exactly what I did (although I didn’t read it hear, just made it up myself) and bested Andul on my 4th try. First 3 tries were where I figured out this strategy.

Fix for Siege disabler

in WvW

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Its not hard to see that Siege disablers were a bad idea. At least in T1 they remove almost all chance a havoc group had of flipping a tower or keep if they get spotted. And since I’m not naive enough to think that Anet will remove something just cause its a bad idea COUGH Duhmfire COUGH I propose two changes to balance Siege Disablers.

1: Instead of disabling siege, and disallowing use of any skill. Slow attack speed by 50%, this will still stall sieges so the defenders can try and rally re-enforcement’s but cannot be used to stop a siege all together.

2: Add another tier to Cata, Ram Treb, AC, Bali and Golem mastery which, for 25 points reduces the duration of incoming siege disablers by 50%.

With these two changes defenders cannot totally stop sieges from progressing, only slow them down.

Here is another idea (that one of my guildies came up with):

1. After a siege has been hit with the disabler, it gets disabled.
2. You can repair your disabled siege with supplies, each piece of siege costs 1/10 of the original cost (eg.: so 4 supps for normal ram, 10 supps for treb, 15 for omaga)
3. After repair, your siege gets a buff, and cannot be disabled for the next 10 (maybe 15-20?) seconds

Maybe also add a mastery for it.

Feel free to add this idea to your opening post, maybe a Dev will look at it (I saw that grin!).

I'm out.

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Just curious: what wasn’t telegraphed?

Most everything in GW2 is more puzzle than obstacle; or more accurately, the obstacles like bosses are puzzles.

What this means is that the player has to “learn” by failing in order to find the pattern or logic; or achieve that knowledge by other means like Wiki, guides or videos.

Think of this example:

  • Access to a secret room is locked via a door with a unknown 4-digit combination…
  • Player can try to guess the code but will get killed each time he/she guesses it incorrectly.

Now, nothing so far is unusual, but most games will provide in-game means to reduce the grief of such challenges by either:

  • Hiding the combination in a nearby area.
  • Using in-game context to relay the solution to the observant player.

More often than not, GW2 doesn’t do this, it relies on someone finding a solution then doing a video about it or updating a Wiki entry.

The same goes for Boss fights and some Jumping Puzzles, the mechanics are inexplicable and require a similar “learning” curve.

I think games should be self-contained in regards to solutions without requiring player death to always be part of the trial and error.

Clever is great, but being obtuse by design…not so much. If the player can’t understand why he/she died or if it was a glitch or a bug; that’s a good sign that some important information was not telegraphed properly by the designers of the game encounter.

Having completed the latest LS Chapter, I was excited to try out the “group” Labyrinth. I had no reason to suspect that insta-death mobs would be running amok.

I find such design elements cheap and non-fun.

Oh ok, I tought you meant the actual bosses in this LS chapter, cause I found those were pretty well explained.

What you are saying in this post is true, however I feel that a lot of times the problem is on the players end.

For instance: I do have to explain to some of my friends in each and every LS episode where to go, altough you always get a letter with a huge “Show me” button and Green stars on the map indicate where to go.
Likewise I did have to explain how to kill the facets in the last LS chapter in the Glint section cause a lot of them just don’t bother to read the event description, or read the text under the enemies HP bars.
Several posts on the forum were about the last Facet being impossible to beat cause they were only doing 30-40 damage / hit to it – and they did not even think about something is not right.

About the trial and error learning method, meh, I don’t mind. I’m an old gamer, learned in Super Mario Bros that jumping on the spiked procupine things kills you the same way. One death, lesson learned. And death is not even as slightly as punishing here as there.

The Mordrem runing dogs are bit misleading since you can kill them in the LS instance, but to be fair, on the open world they do have the text like “extreme damage” or something under thier HP bars and the determined buff on, just no one cares to check.

Don’t think 1 death is (~1 silver, 15 seconds lost) is worth it to be upset with.

Is macro to hold down a key legal?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Bubi.7942


I’ve used the auto-run provided by the game but have never been able to just run from one side of a zone to the other side. I always get stuck behind things repeatedly. I must be in the wrong zones!

It’s all those pesky rocks and trees. ^^ There needs to be a petition to remove them from the game.

I had a thread in the suggestions forum to remove mobs, as they make the game much harder. But the topic got deleted and I got infracted

(Still worth it!)

Political Fairness

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Pirates would just kill each other not vote.

Not sure if that would appeal the Keeper of Peace in the Sanctum.

Found dead: the 'Zerker meta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Well… if you just look at WvW, PvP and PvE build diversity (which this thread is about), it kinda proves that PvE is in fact, overly simplistic.

PvP is always more complicated than pve. Besides, are we talking about build diversity or gear diversity? And where would this diversity not be applied? Because the vast majority of the content (plus what is on the horizon) makes me believe the builds in pve are much more diverse than in pvp. Ask anyone in open world about their build, there’s no meta, everyone plays whatever they want.

Heh, I guess you are right, I may have not worded it right.

Ok, so I am talking about gear diversity, not build.

And you are probably right that there are all kinds of gear in PvE – the question is, why?

The anwser: cause you can do any content in any gear, or even naked with ease (except Tri-wurm). To maximize your efficiency however, there is only one gear to consider: berserker. Again, why?

Cause it doesn’t matter what content you are doing, even in zerker gear, you can survive easily (bosses with slow, predictable attacks, etc..).

In PvP, and mainly in WvW there are tons of builds that go with your playstyle and your class (solo, scout, duo, small group, skill group, zerg). Why?

Because you actually have to adjust to your surroundings to be most effective, and being most effective changes from situation to situation.

Labyrinth is an armor repair grind

in Living World

Posted by: Bubi.7942


Sorry to nitpick again, but if you mean by “gimmicky” that you can’t use your own skills (which you can btw), or not using game machanics (not sure what you mean), than how would a Tower defense be less of that?

As for the story, you went in after the Peacemaster dude and for the egg, I think the Labyrinth was just there to show how “complex” the vines are and how corrupted underground is.

The final boss fight is yet to come, as a cutscene idicated in Echoes of the past (at the chopper thing, huge purple flower). This thread here has something figured out already:

So it will come, just not yet.