This is Anet solution for cof path 1 farm ? If yes then BBBLLLLEEEAAAAHHH !!!
A solution implies there is a problem.
I managed to struggle through twice for my pewpewpew pistols
I see you’ve taken the hint so I’ve bothered reading your rant. What I make out of it is that you are frustrated in the game for many reasons that are perfectly valid for you.
The trap you fall into however, is effectively starting to blame the game and other players for it’s casual nature. The message I get, in a very generalised manner, is “it’s not hard enough”, “when it is hard it’s in a cheap way” and “there are too little hardcore players”.
I’m sorry to say that in most cases there simply is no need to go full berserker to make it through the content. The fact that I for example decide to roll Soldier gear on my Guardian in AC, while running a blinding blade build, makes little to no difference to the total time we spend in there. As a matter of fact, full berserker PUG’s are usually the first to fail, because each individual is weaker if the group as a whole doesn’t work together.
So in answer to your taboo I’ll state that full berserker will only out perform ‘balanced’ stats if the entire team works on the same level and is organised.
Furthermore, I agree with Marnick that at the end of the day, just as you do, I will play this game the way I want it to. There are no rules that state otherwise.
Finally, I’m at the least angry at you. I would say that your posts as a whole come off as angry themselves. If you are so frustrated because of this game, I suggest you take a break from it. In the long run that would be better for your health.
I tried looking at Scarlet Briar (which is very strange for a Sylvari) as an anagram, but the only thing i got was “Racist Barrel”.
So that’s a dead end
Norn don’t move slower than any other character. This is perception. The bigger the character, the more pronounced the slowness illusion is. In reality, they are all equally fast.
While not addressing the pitiful state of the human facial decor, you can make a minimum size Norn, which is about as big as a beefy human, and will appear to run just as fast.
HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Evans.6347
Look, the problem I have is that the base game is priced lower, yet the extras are more expensive because for some reason an extra 5€ is suddenly charged, which seems to have no reason other than to grab more money. If it were taxes, then why aren’t they applied to the core game?
I’d like to know why it isn’t 44,99€ – 69,99€ and 94,99€ for Eurozone countries.
How much “skill” do you need in dungeons anyway?
Let’s assume that mister 20k AP is the epitome of skill in his chosen profession. Blindly knows his recharges, damage chains etc etc.
So what good will this super player be in a dungeon if it’s his first time? Fairly little.
Because it’s not about skill, it’s mostly about knowing where to stand, where to run, what to skip, what to abuse.
That’s not skill, that’s simply information you need to have. And that goes for the larger bit of the dungeons.
As much sympathy I have for those 5 minutes a speed runner loses out on by taking less experienced people along and explain the dungeon path to them, I certainly don’t think verbal abuse is warranted for that. Especially when those players have usually clocked over 4 – 5 thousand hours.
How horrible for that 0,000016% of your time.
Berserker swimming-wear or gtfo! I’ll bring my ascended beach ball of accuracy.
You are all freaking out over 10k drinks? Wintersday started today and I have already drank 1000 without spending a cent on the Tp. 10 more days and I will have the 10k that is apparently impossible to reach. As with all collections, they would lose their value if everyone had them instantly. So if you are dedicated at getting them, I suggest you start opening gifts instead of wasting time complaining about it on the forums.
Tldr: there is nothing wrong with the 10k of you really want to work for it.What is the most efficient way of farming gifts?
I’ve only gotten about 400 yesterday through achievements and doing everything for a few hours, granted I don’t know what’s better than what, so I had no focus for those outside the achievements.
The Winter Wonderland JP has a potential of 300 gifts per hour. But you gotta be perfect.
The problem with them imho is that their style seems pretty incompatible with most if not all armor in the game.
Can I ask an honest question? Did you not notice these problems while previewing the armor? Considering the magnitude of problems I just find to imagine this looked even remotely good in preview
Charged Quartz better not be an ingredient
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Evans.6347
Search you heart Avatara, deep down you know that it will!
Sounds like the story missions from GW1 to be honest. And that’s not a bad thing.
If you purposely want to restrict yourself by only using auto-attacks Charak, that’s your choice, but you shouldn’t come complaining about your self imposed boredom. Perhaps if you made yourself a bit more useful it would have gone faster and you’d have a bit more fun at it.
I won’t be able to sleep, I’m really excited about the patch!, SAB is as good as a mini game can get, the skin look great and the new Tribulation mode may be a nice challenge.
ALso with the legendary update and the ascended weapon, for someone with as many legendaries as me, I couldn’t be happier!
Thanks ANet for the nice update!
Gentlemen, I present you the subtle flaunt.
Meanwhile, the Dreamer, a bow that shoots freaking unicorns, got his very own footfall effect. ’Cause why not right?
Why all so negative?
“Winner takes it all”
“Armed to the teeth”
That’s a bit of a stretch imo. It more likely has a day and night cycle now with the picture being the night animation.
Oh, and contrary to the pick/sickle/axe, this baby is account bound, which means you can use it on all your characters.
And that’s the hook, line and sinker isn’t it?
That said, to actually answer the question: You can put them on your armors, but it is very specific. You might not have the appropriate level or gear to put crystals in.
Opal crystals require you, and your gear, to be at least level 65.
It’s even worse with Tegwen and Carys.
As I wasn’t playing a Sylvari, I didn’t meet them in the early story, but Trahearne suggested I’d recruit them to save claw island. So we find them, get introduced and explained how they found a mirror and got sent to Orr. They help us recapture Claw island.
Later in Orr, we need to lure out the Eye of Zhaitan, so in comes the mirror. I get introduced to both of them again. I get told the darn mirror story again.
Then I decide to march on Arah with the Vigil and guess who’s there? Tegwen and Carys. Apparently I don’t remember the Pale Reavers so she needs to explain that to me again. Then I get told the mirror story for the third time.
I understand it’s easier to make this way, as its universal conversation, but it does rather break the immersion a bit.
My steampunk Charr warrior, affectively nicknamed the Master Carver
Instant prestige and rareness surpassing legendaries! (for a few more months at least)
Sunrise / Twilight / Eternity are so overdone.
So you’re one of those “Press 1 to win” people who keep insisting all you need to play GW2 is your auto attack. Well, you are entitled to your opinion, but it appears that quite a bit of people do not share that sentiment and are being pretty vocal about it too.
Where you used to have to option to dumb your game experience down to just that, it has now become mandatory for the early game. And that is not ok for me either.
Also, you’re clutching at straws with your random Key farmer arguments.
I think you can safely say the new legendaries will push the flashiness to a whole new level. That seems to be the trend anyway.
“How can we make this more epic?”
As crabs were my favourite GW1 pets, I support this message.
Please give me back my Mr. Pinchy!
Oh leave it be, Trouble was obviously only out to make trouble. What’s in a name?µ
And FYI, boredom is not directly proportional to the amount of content. They can add a load of content that doesn’t interest you whatsoever and you’ll still be bored. Or maybe add only a small little thing that makes all the difference to you.
For goodness sake, why is this always a struggle? It’s a free to play game. You get bored, you take a break from it. It’s that simple really.
Guild Wars 2: Absence makes the heart of thorns go yonder
Very good points, but
4: Closing. In conclusion, Scarlet Briar isn’t the fantastic villain some people are making her out to be. She’s a stereotypical manic with unobtainable character points. She’s evil only for the sake of being evil and is Arena Net’s horrible attempt to try and explain things that already happened. Unfortunately she’s so terrible and horribly implemented that she makes more loose ends than tying them. I used to have hopes that this LS would actually be an interesting way to advance the plot of the world, but instead we’ve gotten generic villain with no backstory after generic villain with no backstory. Hopefully some of you will agree with at least some of my points made here today, thank you.
Sources: The official wiki, Woodenpotatoes, and Shade Warband’s guild chat and mumble.
is the most sad of this underwhelming update. And it has been announced as something great. O.o
The only conclusion I get out of this is that sadly a good part of the community is jumping the gun and crying foul because not everything is served to them on a silver platter.
They promised to tie things together and they did. Unfortunately for some, that didn’t mean they explained everything to us. This is not the end of the story yet. Scarlet is in the middle of this, but is keeping plenty of secrets to herself for the time being.
…And I enjoy that. I enjoy getting little teases like her haven ‘seen’ the Eternal Alchemy. I enjoy speculating what this mass invasion could be in the light of her ‘teaching’ us things. And most of all, I have lots of patience for this story to unwind.
You should actually calculate the amount of ascended materials you will need, and consider that you can only craft one of each a day yourself. So unless you’re going to buy the mats, I think they will be the bigger time gate in your plans.
I also think they should have had it the unlimited use hatchets have been the thing to drop those things from the trees and not just any old tools, those things that people farm in Malchors leap, I forget what they are called.
Can’t do, cause that would be P2W. They could make some have an additional chance to drop Foxfire clusters, but not make it exclusive to gem store items.
The watchwork pick is still an anomality. How do they expect anyone to use other picks, if one clearly gives a large advantage over the others?
I can’t deny that the news of no new race has me extremely disheartened. While this indeed doesn’t add any mechanics, cosmetic changes are a huge part of Guild Wars.
That said I’ll try to keep an open mind.
Escape from Lion's Arch - Trailer discussion
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Evans.6347
Anet is royally shrewd and all the others get royally …
But seriously I don’t really care. I never did find LA the most user friendly city.
Well who’s to say the new infusions won’t incorporate sigils?
I feel more expensive kitten coming up.
You get magic, You get magic, Everyone gets magic!
Angel McCoy’s magical interview
How do you even know who is the real owner anyway? Did some rich people have an inscription with their names on each piece of treasure they owned?
Or can I go “Omg Kiel, that’s totally my golden sceptre. Yup, I had those rubies set on just like that, no doubt about it. Thank you SO much for finding it for me. You’re my hero!”?
Supplementing theory: They’re spreading through the Ley lines.
There’s a study in the Priory, I believe, that explains that some WP’s seem to thrive while others seem to vanish after a while. This is apparently connected to some sort of energy which they haven’t explained yet.
Obviously this energy is Ley lines, which means they might manifest through the WP’s which are situated on certain lines. A flaw in the design. This is also why Prosperity is going to get overgrown. It’s basically sitting on an open connection to the Ley line.
Oh dear, did the update take away all your dyes too?
Again pink weapons? The mists weapons weren’t enough? Really ANet, stop doing pink things.
Someone is insecure in his manhood
So now that that’s settled I have to say I had a couple of chuckles reading cosmetic complaints in the title of the topic only to come across a picture of the most overdone and boring armor.
Well, to each their own.
Btw, green nor yellow fit with that black/red/blue fire armoured plant theme you have going there, cosmetically speaking.
Casual for me means not having hours of time a day.
Earlier on I’ve read someone who said they were extremely casual by having 8 hours a day to play, 14 in the weekend. That’s simply absurd. You are talking about a job right there.
I can play at most 2 hours a day, if I’m lucky. In old times that was enough to get to goals in a reasonable amount of time.
Since HoT that is no longer true. Fact of the matter is that you need a large time investment in pretty much anything new implemented. Everything is hidden behind incredibly large time sinks.
THAT is why GW2 is no longer casual friendly in my opinion. The difficulty increase is just fine, people learn to improve. But I can only spend so much time, which is something I can’t improve myself on.
I don’t want to make task lists, spread over months of playing for every little thing I want to get. Obviously there should be long term goals, as legendaries have always been. But there need to be rewarding short term goals, and those are as far as I’m concerned absent right now.
The only way to get anything new these days is by buying it from the shop.
And meanwhile Gaile is slugging through all the account issues, acknowledging the problems, giving updates and closure every single day.
Pretty much all of Dev Tracker is Gaile. At least someone still knows how it’s done.
…Her big shoes have certainly not been filled, just saying.
My beautiful Technaflora is truly out of this world. Just stare in her deep, glowing… erm… eyes and embrace eternity.
The fee, in case you wondered, is automatically separated from your person and transported directly into a guarded room in Rata Sum. The coins drop in and pile up there, and workers put them in carts and carry them to the vaults.
How deliciously crude. So our money magically vanishes from our person and is dropped in a big room where they use manual labour to ship it to the vault…
She seems like a very cheerful, enthusiastic person, but while reading it I can’t help but feel like most of it was thought up on the spot.
I don’t think non-humans can become ghosts. At least, they have a tougher time of it. Humans are constantly going ghosty.
That makes sense too. Come to think of it, a Sylvari ghost would be quite weird I guess.
Because we don’t even know if Sylvari have souls. If we’d actually see a Sylvari ghost, that would be another mystery solved!
I’m fairly sure at least legendaries will level along, either automatically or by a simple MF recipe.
It’s in times like this that we need to search for the wisdom of Disney.
so the question now is, should it still be called lions arch or something else?
it has nothing to do with LA, not one single bit, even the smallest single prove of it’s origin is destroyed ether by the rebuild or by it stillwater or something, don’t use a popular name and have a city that has nothing to do with anything the name suggests.
Eh? What does the fountain have to do with that?
The entrance to the city is still an arch with lions adorned on it. I think that’s about as literal as they could possibly be…