Officer of Power Overwhelming[ZERK].
First term Forum PvE Specialist.
“New boons, conditions, and status effects have been added to the revenant as well as spread across other professions’ specializations. These are cool ways we’ll allow players to interact with new types of skills in our combat system.”
Relatively soon this forum will be 3 years old. Here are some things it’s STILL missing:
- A darker theme.
- A search feature that actually works.
- An Ignore List.
- A “Show ArenaNet posts” feature in topics.
- Time stamps on the topic list.
- Decent time stamps on each post.
- Decent text formatting options.
- Using the space below our names for something.
- Game integration:
1. A dark theme wouldn’t go with the official colors of Arena Net
2. I believe they tried but it is to broken to fix without major reconstruction of the forums.
3. Would be nice but not necessary. Report him and he will get what needs to happen.
4. Would be nice so when we need to see their post to not go through 20 pages to find it. Granted the dev tracker sub forum is there.
5. simple QoL change, just look at the first post.
6. Kind of already there, switch between the “ago theme” or “X at X time theme”
7. I don’t see a problem with them
8. I don’t seem to have that problem, jokes aside, Something like how many legendaries you own or characters to 80/ map complete you have?
9. Eh, I feel also a QoL change and something that would make things a bit more toxic.
A lot of things here would be nice.
But I disagree with GW3 being soon. I highly doubt there will be NO expansion packs for GW2 at all. GW1 made 7 years and it is STILL going. GW2 is hitting 2 years this August and no expansion packs I think they want this game to hit that same life time and will time Expansion packs out to do so.
Another thing I thought up for the Living Story. Can we have the next series be about the Elder Dragons?
No you won’t get the rev early.
Just play him with map complete and then hit the jungle with him.
As stated this is not really HoT related.
Second locking titles, and other cosmetic behind long tasks, especially consuming holiday items is something they have always done. It is just the first time in gw2. It was all over gw1 and still accepted.
As it seems the collection isn’t going anywhere. And as Arena Net is famous for. Next year will be a other chance to get the drinks. Or buy the gifts way later in the year for cheap and get the drinks.
Gw2 has always had the problem of no prestige factor with cosmetics. Dungeon armor, everyone had, mystic forge skins no one cared for, fractal skins were not very good. Legendries’ I am assuming 75% of players bought them.
So then came the Halloween skins you could earn by RNG, the first year ones. They cost more than most legendary weapons on the TP. And so on.
Now we come to the current. Where we have a mystic forge recipe that costs a lot of gold, and is also more costly than more legendary weapons.
People complained about the RNG.
Now we have a collection for the next prestige skin, 80% of it is is doing the holiday events and making a few easy mystic forge items. The rest is drinking consumables that you get for just playing.
These skins are suppose to take time to give prestige. I have only seen two people with nightfury, and one with the snow one.
This is good, it adds what the game needs. Just my two cents. I know people will complain about needing to grind for something they want for free or cheap. But it is what it is, and remember it is an optional thing to do. If you want it, commit to it.
(edited by Riku.4821)
I pretend I don’t speak their language and run away.
I personally think CDI’s need to come back.
It made the people who truly cared for the game think about it and weeded out the people who just troll and think absurd ideas.
Please know that we who were listed are not the only ones to be here. More are to come, I do believe I read another WvW might be coming and one for every profession in the game will have one. As Dranmor said, There will be a few sub forums which don’t have one when the program 100% up and running.
Dungeons need their own because the mechanics differ than normal PvE. and then my job is to cover General discussion, lore, and Living Story.
As already stated, it is wise to not let what people say get to you. When people label you as “being better than someone else” people will hate you and troll you. This is something I’ve come very a custom with, and the rest of the forum specialists should as well.
Lastly, as this happen yesterday, please do not feel bad if you wish to message or add me in game. I’d be more than welcome to assist you via whisper or mail.
It seems like to me the original poster gave up.
I would like to bring to the table a few things.
1. Brand new players should not bother trying to play any of the living story. This takes place a few years after their personal story missions, thus spoiling them.
2. There business model might not be the greatest, but living world story chapter 1 isn’t the type of content you can just replay, since it altered the game world in real time.
3. The game is you buy it once and you have what’s in the box for ever no payment again. This excludes seasons of living story, as it was added afterwards, and a few permanent things adds to the base of the game, is level 80 dungeon, silver wastes etc.
Please try to understand these few points and the good points fellow gamers added on work around to the unlocking of content. This is a great game by itself without the need to do the living story, so just play what you have and enjoy it while working your way up to play HoT.
With that aside, please no pay to win features. That goes against the marketing theme of the gem store, and ruins incentive to buy expansion packs.
My advice to those “I only play PvP because I think the game is stupid” or what have you.
Think of it this way. You don’t want to pay $49.99 because you only want the elite spec.
If you’re a veteran player, you paid $59.99 for guild wars 2 only to play PvP. It is the same principle.
Disclaimer: For the F2P users, you’re missing out just go ahead and buy it.
Mirta is correct, the Digital Deluxe is on sale and if you have the regular you will benefit from it, if you already have the digital deluxe, which I assume you don’t, you can still buy it but people say it is bugged, thus giving you only the armor.
Well based on timing of the attacks increasing and the Pact forces getting further ahead they decided now was the time to attack, and being that they wanted Heart of the Maguuma to be something special they went ahead with a expansion pack.
I feel it is nearly impossible to continue the story without it being dragged on and on until HoT. For now either take a breather from the game and come back with HoT or just play a bit more casually.
Having a happy veteran player base is better as they will convince others to play who will be more loyal. 99% if the player base is not unhappy, just those willing to go to the forums. Gw1 had a bunch of things like this.
The problem with the three new legendary weapons is they just aren’t good. They aren’t eternity status for wow factor.
Hellfire, is locked away in achievement points, but hey that is something so I agree.
Hey Osicat, could you tell me currently the build for the portal mesmer? the videos were great but I am having hard time with finding the build haha. The builds you used in the solo portal tricks, S/S Staff build I believe.
What typo?
Although you should remove it from your quote! Thanks for pointing it out!
No typos there my friend! none at all.
(edited by Riku.4821)
A good power shatter mesmer has slim chance against an equally good power warrior.
‘A warrior can run up to you and one shot you. But if you dodge it, they lost the fight.’ This is complete lie. You must have not played the GS A/S warrior at all.
‘If you added up the damage of you and your phantasm dealing a crit at the same time it would be closer to that 8-10k dmg.’ This is true. But that requires landing GS234 and F1. You will probably do 15k+ damage. But is is very rare to land all of them since even the slowest reflect can dodge a portion of the damaging skill. The worst part is that after that burst, the mesmer will have absolutely no skills left to do damage until the F1 CD is back up.
Yes I don’t tend to play warrior much, I’m glad that’s clear, I guess? I do play PvP from time to time, but I’m that garbage player you see running condition Mesmer, your welcome for the free wins!
I do agree with your point, well balanced 1v1, the warrior will most likely win. But if the odds are ever in the Mesmer’s favor I think the slim chance is much higher. This technically can be said for any match up, skill always plays a large factor.
My reasoning for the added dmg, is say you have three phantasm’s up, they roughly do 2k min 5k max? It’s easy to dodge them so lets say only 2 hit, that will probably end up being 6k~ damage, would you agree? If we’re lucky that is. Then combine with another skill or lucky auto attack chain. I think it’d even out into 8-10k. Then add f1 burst into fact and you add 6-15k damage depending on crit and lady luck.
I suppose that is my reasoning for saying all that and this was because the OP was complaining the Mesmer does poor damage compared to the warrior. Mesmer gets damage from Phantasms and combo rotation, while warrior gets damage mainly from self buff and two or three skills and strong auto attacks. IN MY OPINION strictly speaking from a class mechanic stand point. To rephrase what I said once more, Mesmers need to use ALL their class mechanics while warrior only needs some.
PS: As I said at the start, yes I mainly do PVE and have knowledge of PVE related subjects. Keep in mind this is in General Discussion. Where we all have the freedom to our own opinions and thoughts.
Nicely put Nash.
I’d start with removing the mini map icon, and possibly the apple over your head. Leave the [ mentor ] part in chat, this way people wont use it for a tag.
Then possibly a search feature?
I notice you recently installed Apple Software. That is your first mistake x)
In terms of Log in dailies, a lot can factor into it, for example some people whom were logged in to soon close to the update for log in dailies are behind a day for some unknown reason. Whether or not they fixed that I haven’t noticed. Not logging in will also put you behind.
I know that my girlfriend and myself are almost half a month apart in log in dailies, she just got her loyalty chest from March yesterday. How ever if you were on log in 22 or something and got a account rollback/restoration for some reason and are now on log in 14. Please contact Customer Support once more with clarification.
But there was costumes like that in gw1.
I for one am happy my Guardian Norn can wear a cloth based outfit.
Or my Mesmer Charr can wear an Armor Imperial armor set.
Sometimes not all things downloaded show up as they might not be on your PC, I don’t know if this is the case with guild wars 2. For the most part the .bat file I believe is where the patch is.
I don’t know when but eventually they will add a method to play while Downloading, similar to TERA Online.
I think this idea is really cool. Granted I will have to say no to dueling or other shenanigans.
It will be buy to play, like guild wars 2 is. How much is not said, I’m expecting $40-60, $20 at the least.
My oh my, the reactions people have to theory crafting.
~ if it happens I’m leaving the game for good.~
Hehe. I thought it was obvious this was meant for optional, no advantage based system. Just because there is an optional sub fee doesn’t mean it’s bad and the game is garbage now.
And I’m sure if a 100% optional fee with no advantage to someone who has it was instead called “BLTC Loot Box” or something. Not a soul would complain. The stigma of sub fee is so strong.
If I want to support the company I should optionally buy $10+ worth of gems? What if I only want to spend $5? How is it any different if 15% of the player base optionally buys gems, or optionally buys a VIP service?
For myself, I’ve already spend over $1000 in gems, and I wouldn’t mind an optional $5 fee, or kitten gem option that I could choose to pay monthly.
As for my main idea. Nay to the 200 gems, 50% reduction of WP costs instead of 100%.
Just my two cents.
I liked how the old system not only teased, but allowed discussion between devs and commnity, especially on balance concerns. It was strange not seeing that this time around, it could have given the community a chance to help address balance issues before live.
This is the main thing I’ve been noticing.
They improved with this new quarterly update. But they need to push past the boundaries once more. If they go back to this I think that just might get them to where they need to be in terms of feedback and information distribution.
I’ll be going to DR bank and glide down from the statute.
As Randulf said, Divinity’s Reach, the human capital, is where a lot of people gather, festivals, trading post and banker along with guild utilities.
Other than that Heart of the Mists for PvP and some of the other capitals, I see lots in the Grove but not the talkative ones.
That wont be much of a leap now will it.
Another place is the light house in LA.
Mesmers have a leveling until they can start getting some traits.
If you pick a mesmer buy toughness/vitality gear. (Clerics gear would be a good start).
Also if you pick a mesmer find some friends to level with to make it a better experience.
I have 400hours with my mesmer, 800 total. but I only have about 50hours if that with a warrior so I wont say much on them. They are a pure DPS glass cannon but you can make them tankish.
A lot of the things you listed OP are NOT gated by level, yet simply introduced at that level. For example at level 22 Jumping puzzles are introduced. Now if you’re level 18 and find a jumping puzzle there will be no invisible wall stopping your progression to do so.
Colin himself said this I believe in a post a long time ago when NPE was released, if I recall correctly.
NPE is to introduce them into the game, not to speed through it, granted there should be a opt out option for alternate characters I think it is a fine addition to the game that needs some minor tweaks. So please help us all out and not complain about it but give real feedback about it in the proper thread. For example how you think it is silly to have story start at level 10 or something similar.
As said right above me, all thief weapons have an attack on their Autoattack chain that will trigger when in stealth. Including the downed skill.
The staff skill will trip enemies you hit and interrupt them.
As for your points I feel, based on lack of example and facts, are purely reasons for yourself and not the class itself, especially if you don’t understand the mechanics as whole.
I do think a mail in game would be interesting. And if its from our lovely ~E who knows what the connections could be!
Any other thoughts? Agree, Disagree?
Furthermore here is the wiki link, which is very helpful if you don’t understand a topic before you post on the forums.
You’ll see for hook strike it has stealth attack on it.
If the go easy approach is yours then to answer your question, no it is not worth a second of your time.
With crafting boosters, express merchant/BL merchant consumables getting one crafting to 400 is possible in an hour or less; if you have the money.
Most of the rewards do not come directly from doing the story, but simply are unlocking the paths from doing so.
Based on your responses and previous information I would say skip the content, you’ll have to do it twice or thrice for rewards anyway.
PS: Please everyone restrain yourselves from judging anyone. Always be polite to people who ask help.
(edited by Riku.4821)
Lol, I guess doing research would have helped in this case huh. :]
Play each class a bit in the heart of mists. Get a feel for each one at end game and play it.
This will help reduce the “what should I do, which class to play” questions that many have, including myself. Even with 15 level 80s I still don’t know what my main is lol.
Focus on saving materials and all currency you get. Farm and craft all you need while you level, or just use what drops.
Try leveling in a group.
I’m sure there is more I could add, but I’m really tired.
Hope this helps!
Personally I think and view this more of a complaint.
30 Stacks on bleed in AC? Condition cleanse and dodge jumps do wonders.
Harder World boss reworked for harder and more challenging content? Sounds normal to me since it came to the point Teq was impossible to fail.Do I agree with the 200% HP increase? No not really in MMO and RPG’s alike I never thought stat adjustment was making it more challenging; I’m looking at you Bethesda!
But this post? it’s nothing more then a rant by someone with an ego thinking you can have the voice of others.
So you agree with the post (you don’t support the hp increase). You claim the poster speaks for nobody but himself, despite him attempting to voice an opinion that you agree with and you belittle him, by saying that he is simply ranting, when an unwise change to content has been performed and thus needs adjustment.
I`m not really sure what to make of that.
I don’t agree with his points. I don’t think an HP raise was wrong, I think 200% was. Condition resistance or cleanse and some more HP could work. I don’t see a problem with Teq or wurm failing more then passing; granted I do see a problem with the rewards.
But that isn’t what the post is about.
“The average gamer here is not a “Metabattle Warrior”. We cannot nor want to calculate every single damage point and every single stat. We just want our character to look cool and do whatever we want it to do. The average gamer is not part of a gigantic guild with organised leaders who know the game inside out. We rarely even have friends who play to begin with. The average gamer wants to have fun and small challenges to receive a sense of accomplishment together with other gamers. "
This is just a forum cry. There is content for casuals, and content for hardcore players. Teq, Wurm, and some dungeons are mean’t for the hardcore players. character looking cool and doing what ever you want? Go play skyrim with TERA armor mods. MMO’s are suppose to cater to multiple types of people, not blend it all for one audience.
The Average player who isn’t in a guild, in an MMO and that complains about the content would be a fool to themselves. Sure people don’t like to talk to people for some reason, don’t want to party with people, sure what ever floats your boat. But this is a multiplayer game. It doesn’t matter what your play style or preference is, if you want to do all content, join a guild and get the stats needed; casual vs hardcore only matters to time completion. Having Ascended armor doesn’t make you hardcore. Having it all within a day makes you hardcore.
“And your second point, do you pay money to go to a gym only to sit there and do nothing? By employing basic logic, you pay for something in order to use it or its services. Everyone wants to do the bosses. Nobody wants to pay money to NOT do the bosses but get on the forums to complain. That’s ridiculous. It is the equivalent of saying people post reviews of games on steam they have not played just to bring it down.”
Rivaling his point of playing the other “98%” of the game. You fail to show any wisdom in this. Do you go to the gym and use every single piece of equipment the gym offers? From weights to restraints, the locker room to the pool. Not to forget the tv’s and vending machines? No you don’t, and if you do congratulations you make every single penny count. and MMO’s are different as I’ve stated above.
I do not agree with the original post, I simply stated stat raising does not increase difficulty, mechanics do. But in this case they needed more HP to rival the possible 20k burning Eles can do each tick, or the 8k conditions engis can just throw out everywhere.
Nor did I claim he speaks only for himself, just simply put he cannot claim to speak for a “majority”.
@The gates @Wolfey good luck with PVP together maybe you can show me some tips :P
@Tobias don’t lie it’s 200 gold. :P
Now this is what I call feedback. I’ll forward this in the next day or two if anyone else has some points they want made.
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