Showing Posts Upvoted By ButtercupSaiyan.9457:

The cool way to wear your kit.

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Sling style, its what all the cool engineers are doing nowadays

note: Flame effects not included with original kit.


(edited by CriSPeH.8512)

Question about elixir gun build

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


Definately go with condition damage.
Also pick up kit refinement from the tools traitline.
If you’re going to put 30 points into alchemy, remember that traits that effect elixirs do not effect any elixir skills on the elixir gun.

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Mell.4873


why why cant a reply without posting something first werd forums

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Kamahl.3621


Axe warrior is actually the highest warrior DPS spec. That auto attack does ludicrous amounts of damage, and eviscerate is like hundred blades but claiming ‘huge numbers’ given HB’s channel time. But I see where you’re coming from, I finally hit full berserker’s last night and went through CoE – my crit ‘nades were hitting for 1.4-1.8k depending on mob, and I was dropping the stimulant from medkit and abusing the Scope trait as well for some pretty high crit chances. I’ve actually stopped using bomb kit due to this, ’cause.. swapping to that actually makes me lose damage, even if just to drop flame bomb and concussion bomb.

flamethrower bug bypass

in Engineer

Posted by: cero.1209


Sorry i should have been more clear. You can aim the ele’s staff first skill by adjusting the center of your camera towards the sky or ground or in any direction. With the FT i can select an enemy and have it locked on. I just keep my camera a little closer so i can have better range of directing the blast. its like playing a fps. the aimer is at the center of your screen. If need be I will put up a video if my explanation is poor.

DPS Engi streaming paid tournies

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


You know, you really should stop playing a condition engineer successfully in paid tournaments. Otherwise you might accidentally prove so many of these clowns claiming how weak and unviable it is, as incorrect.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

30+ bug fixes/changes inc?

in Engineer

Posted by: szar.9054


im sorry but unsubstantiated hearsay isnt going o get anyone excited. If there eally were a massive balance patch coming any competent dev team would have released a proper preview of at the very least the general objectives of the changes.

no post no changes

or anet is just dumb

Kits go against ANET's vision of progression

in Engineer

Posted by: Vekthor.8914


I feel like having kits/turrents styled according to your race would already be a big step. As of now, everything we carry/build feels too much like Charr technology. My main is an asura engineer and I feel like I have stolen all my kits and turrents blueprints from an old Charr engineer, except for the Elixir Gun. It’s the only thing that somewhat fits my characters racial armor.

Kits go against ANET's vision of progression

in Engineer

Posted by: vvp.8512


The hunter does change how grenades look.

Plainview (80 Engineer) SoR

Kits go against ANET's vision of progression

in Engineer

Posted by: Talsi.1469


I agree. The kits (as well as turrets in my opinion) look rather dull on higher levels (cooler looking armors). Now, the design of the kits is great – planks, bags, barrels, bottles, cylinders and such mixed together in historical fashion – but considering fantasy setting of GW2 with races like Asura (sci-fi technology like theme) or Char (heavy metal machinery themed) – not mentioning pact weapon which look very sci-fi/technic – having the same old wood/leather/glass kits and turret all the way to your exotic/legendary items seems “not progressing” indeed.

Also, if I may add, having Asura engineer run around with plain “old” plank/black powder thing on its back seem rather strange. The same goes for Sylvari.

The options suggested by Turbo Whale seems very interesting, thou I would not like to see “buy kit skins in store for gems” as it would make Engineer the only class which would have to buy “better” looks for gems – all other skin items in store are not profession specific, so I do not count them as “have to”. Cool thing would be to have individual kit and turrets for each race – with option to acquire these race skins even if you are not from that race – plus one general “end-game” pact like skin.

“Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity,
and I’m not sure about the former.” Albert Einstein

Bronze? REALLY? I killed 2 vets here!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Kierlak.5209


Last night I got silver for an event I soloed. That’s when you KNOW the game doesn’t like you, lol.

Bronze? REALLY? I killed 2 vets here!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The way GW2 seems to recognise contribution is quite random. Like you guys, I’ve been in DE’s where I’ve been throwing in healing fields and reviving downed people, only to get Bronze or Silver at the end, and other DE’s where I came in at the last minute, cast Confusing Images on the boss 3 seconds before he died, and gotten Gold.

Does not compute!

Bronze? REALLY? I killed 2 vets here!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CrazyGoNuts.9536


I have gotten bronze on an event where I personally killed 2/3 of the enemies. I think it is just buggy.

Bronze? REALLY? I killed 2 vets here!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


Tanglerot Hills: objective, free villages from harpies

Me (support build mesmer) and a random ranger specced pure damage.

Total harpies killed: 20
Total vets killed: 2

supplied knockbacks, snares, reflects, and combo fileds to the ranger, in addition to moderate damage and clone detonation.

Completion Medal: Bronze.

So the ONLY way to get proper achievement points is to spec glass cannon and say “F the group”?

WTF ANET I thought you were supposed to reward group contribution and punish tunnelling pew-pews into boss?

(edited by plasmacutter.2709)

The Temple of Grenth and Griefers

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: soulwblood.1529


this is why boss chest loot needs to be changed. People are encouraged to farm adds in events, rather than finishing the events themselves…

The Temple of Grenth and Griefers

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Haunebu.9417


So you’d rather loot a chest with all blue items (95% of the time) than farm ice elementals for lodestones and massive amounts of gold? Hmmm….

The Temple of Grenth and Griefers

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Braxxis.7062


So after 2 months of dealing with the numerous griefers that participate in the the Temple of Grenth event, I have to ask; Any plans to change this event at all?

The problem is the massive amount of mobs that you can tag and loot during the event before it ends. These people will participate in the event up until it’s almost over, and then intentionally get the NPC killed so the entire thing starts over, and repeat. They have done this since release, and they still do it now. There’s also almost always a group of bots in the back room of the temple farming mobs that join in the event once it starts, get the loot from that, and go back to farming more mobs.

At this point, something really needs to change in this event to prevent the grief farming. Either change the way the event works and don’t reset it every time the NPC gets knocked out and let players revive him, or do something about the massive number of enemies with loot tables that all die in 2 seconds..

As it currently stands the only way for this event to succeed is for enough players to eventually trickle in that they can prevent the griefers from getting the NPC killed by Shades, Spiders, the Champion Wraith, etc.

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

(edited by Braxxis.7062)

The lost shores - one-time events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Tranquilnelf.1258


I love the idea of One time Events – but they way they are currently timed, it just simply excludes COMPLETELY people like me who have it fall at an obscene time or a work day
It almost feels like automatic discrimination

This is a big downer. Dynamic one time events that change the world is one of the biggest USPs of Guild Wars that made me excited to play.
Sure you have events otherwise, but technically they repeat.
So why would you repeatedly keep the one time activity at a time where not everyone can experience it ?

Why not have the one time event Sunday Morning or even Saturday ? instead of smack bang in the middle of a workday for your fans halfway across the world ?

Sunday Morning / Saturday would still benefit USA and Europe gamers with it being on a weekend

I get that it’s symbolic to have it at NOON Sunday and that it “earmarks” the weekend for a GW event, but if ALL one time events are going to be thus timed, then coupled with the stuttering frame rates on powerful CPUs/GPUs ( Which I would hope devs are working on ) , GW2 is fast becoming a downer!

I’ll still play it, but with a bad taste in my mouth.

The lost shores - one-time events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: manymoo.4791


Dear Arenanet,
On the one hand, it has been great to see so many interestingly fun events and new contents added to a fantastic game. On the other hand, the implementation and timing of the events are in my personal opinion not handled on a professional level equivalent to a game that caters to players worldwide. That is to say, are players all over the world given a reasonable chance to fully enjoy the content of all the events.

Take for example, my timezone is GMT +8. Most of my guild mates have around the same time zone as me. Is Arenanet then telling us “too bad, you and almost your entire guild just have to miss all the special events in future because you are the minority and all special events are going to happen at noon PDT which happens to be your 3am when most of you should already be asleep. If you want to join all special events in future, you just have to forgo sleep.”

The question I would like to pose is how significant does ANet feel about alienating the players in the minority timezone group? Is this a professional standard a game company which produces a game meant for a global audience should be having?

First and foremost, I would not have asked the above questions for the other mmorpgs i have played. However, as I am a loyal GW1 and GW2 fan, I would like to point out that in playing GW1, I have never ever feel in the slightest way being treated unfairly because i am not staying in the same timezone as the majority. The events in GW1 are always well thought out, implemented on a recurring basis so that everyone has a chance to experience it. So is there a substantial reason why this is not the case in GW2?

The lost shores - one-time events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: tristen.7684


Sunday 20:00 GMT – Login Wars 2

The lost shores - one-time events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: melkathi.5203


Midnight, you are not speaking out of turn. You may not be a content designer, but you are a customer. And you are a customer who just got told by the content designers that “Sorry, the one time content we design is not meant for people like you”
If Arenanet had wanted, they could have scheduled everything a day early so that the multiple hours long one time event was not on a Sunday, when it would become unplayable by many time-zones. Had they made it a Saturday evening event for the US (as noone doubts it is only the US they cater to with this), the dreg that lives in the rest of the world (in other words “us” without the capitalisation) could have snuck in and gotten some fun as well.
So while I respect your good manners, your willingness to formulate a well written and polite post to voice your disappointment, I don’t see this being a two-way thing. To them you don’t seem to exist.

The lost shores - one-time events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Midnight.9205


With a very high degree of respect to ArenaNet for making a great game to play, I’d like to second this.

Many of us don’t really even have a viable option to plan around these events – they’re occurring when we’re working (Oceanic), or at otherwise impossible-to-play times.

I do recognise the need to start an event at some point in time, and I recognise the need to stop an event at a later point in time. It would be nice, however, if some of these events weren’t an automatic “Sorry, you can’t partake in this because of where you live”. The solution could be to design them as staged, or repeatable, or phased events – though in saying that, I will readily admit, I’m no content designer, so I’m speaking out of turn.

Would it be possible please to find out if there will be some reward or item or achievement that those absolutely unable to attend these one time events will miss out on? I do appreciate this wasn’t the case with Halloween, and that is appreciated, but the “concern” does remain that one day, this may happen.

Once again, thank you ArenaNet for making such a great game, I hope future posters in this thread can keep this constructive, voicing their concerns and feedback!

(edited by Midnight.9205)

The lost shores - one-time events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Wyglaf.9362


Dear Arena Net,

well I think it’s a great thing to bring in new stuff allready and I am looking forward to it.

But I think it’s not the best idea, to plan never repeating one time events. Don’t forget, it’s a game and planing real life about a game (especially a whole weekend primetime of all three days) is in most cases a bad idea, leads to prpblems with the close family and dissapoints all who can’t be there at that special moment.

I would appreciate to repeat them at least 3 times in a day oder within the following days or weekends.

You see, we MMO Players accept reincarnating boss events over and over again and take them serious and live the story in that particular moment, not thinking about how it would be possible, that he’s back again, after we killed him a few hours ago.

Maybe you can think about that.

Best regards, and please continue what you do, you do it right… well at least the most !

Björn / aka Wyglaf

Dynamic Event Laziness

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Thuran.7624


Socialism doesn’t work in real life nor in a game. This needs to be reworked to reward the productive and not the lazy.

You may want to look up real life; not only do the most socialist societies currently provide the highest living standards in the entire world, but they are also some of the richest countries in the world and have survived the crisis largely unscathed and are currently returning to economic growth while the most capitalist societies are about to cave in and their citizen live in ever-increasing misery. In real life, Socialism has proven itself stronger than almost any other model.

In terms of the game “only rewarding those who work for it” is what gave us mob-tagging, which is exactly what has led to the destruction of social interaction in other mmo’s whereas the ability to work together is what has given GW2 a community far and above the rest.

That said, I do agree that it is currently far too easy to get gold in an event and far too beneficial to only to enough to get gold and then move on to the next event. However the only real way to adress this is to make it more profitable to stick with one event than doing two at the same time, and simply saying “you need to do X dmg more than currently” is not going to work since it damages classes that focuses less on damage.

Another problem is doing so while avoiding unfairly punishing people who dont get rezzed. Often you can miss most of an event due to corpse-running time when people are too busy doing damage to help you back up, that said, rezzing already contributes greatly to event credit, so it is not that big of a concern.

I guess make it harder to get gold and increase the rewards so that 1 gold is better than 2 bronze, or equal, would be my solution, even if it will make the grind nastier (you could reduce bronze rewards, but never a good idea to make an already insane grind worse.)

Dynamic Event Laziness

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: soulwblood.1529


The extra award from staying in an event until the end is more loot. At least that’s how I think about it :p

Dynamic Event Laziness

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Lanfaer.2563


“Socialism doesn’t work in real life nor in a game. This needs to be reworked to reward the productive and not the lazy.”


Though I do like the idea that I get credit for helping even though I had to quickly log-off to care for my baby. My playing time comes in spurts – 10 minutes here and there, and every once in a while, an hour straight! WooT

That being said, I love the idea of how Arenanet set up the all events that I have experienced so far. But I would like a bit more scalability here. If I start an event and see it through to the end, I want more reward. Likewise, if I jump in at the end, I would not be disappointed if all I got was random loot from the reward chest. Save the fine/exotic/whatever loot for those who did the heavy lifting.

This will encourage more people to team up and WORK!

Dynamic Event Laziness

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


…it’s already notoriously difficult for certain professions to gain ‘gold’ in an event already, there’s really no need to make it even harder for those of us with limited AoE tagging options.

Dynamic Event Laziness

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: CelticWish.2314


This is how you farm karma, hit a few mobs, run to the next event. Meanwhile you get gold(aka, max karma) even though you did almost nothing compared to the people who do the work. It’s lame, but ultimately It’s the most effective way to get it.

To me is seems like the best way to farm karma is to do the daily achievement and drink a jug worth 1000’s of karma at once. But I do agree, why not make Gold more difficult to achieve? It’s not like if you don’t get gold that you get absolutely nothing. If everyone is special, no one is special. Vince Vaugn.

Dynamic Event Laziness

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

Nels the Cornwhisperer.8025

If any event in the game that isn’t a meta event, or a dragon, takes you longer than 90 seconds, you should probably move on too. Boring content is boring, and you level to 80 way too fast if you do events anyway. It’s nearly impossible to enjoy the game when you’re constantly being scaled back because you played the game.

The solution, of giving more rewards to people who bot is a bad one.

How far that little candle throws its beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear

Dynamic Event Laziness

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cloud.7613


This is how you farm karma, hit a few mobs, run to the next event. Meanwhile you get gold(aka, max karma) even though you did almost nothing compared to the people who do the work. It’s lame, but ultimately It’s the most effective way to get it.