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Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasenai.9418


Because this game is designed with the solo player in mind. There’s no benefit to being grouped so people don’t bother.

They need to either add some areas with seriously upped difficulty or start offering incentives to group.

- En svensk tiger.

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jestunhi.7429


What you have to keep in mind is that there is limited use in grouping.

Without grouping you still get xp from joint kills, buffs tend to be AoE rather than group-based, etc.

SoE have finally been knocked off the top spot
in the list of developers I have the least faith & trust in.
Congratulations ArenaNet!

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


So in other words it’s not the games fault for lack of people not wanting to group together? Or does the game encourage solo play outside of dungeons?

Well like I already said it encourages solo play in the personal story missions. Also, anyone who is a GW1 veteran will likely be used to running with a full hero party by now and not fully adjusted back to grouping.

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyaochan.1756


So in other words it’s not the games fault for lack of people not wanting to group together? Or does the game encourage solo play outside of dungeons?

Nope, not the game’s fault. I guess gamers just tend to be lone wolves by nature, or prefer to run with people they’re already familiar with. I use to be pretty social when I started playing MMOs (lawl, I think RO was my first, and I used to randomly chat up dead people and sit on their corpses before they made them disappear…>.>)…not sure when that changed, but now I tend to personally only run with friends or alone.

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ketsueki.3082


I usually send an invite to anyone doing the same quest as me. But for the most part I don’t really care either way, usually faster to go solo

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milennin.4825


It is because it’s not needed to group outside of dungeons. I like playing with people in the open world, but there’s no need for me to be in a group with them. If someone else wants to party up and sends me an invite, sure I’ll take it.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nyaochan.1756


I’m not really unsociable, I just have issues approaching people I don’t know, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. It also probably doesn’t help that a lot of people have possibly come from other games where the community is pretty toxic, and you tend to get verbally abused for making mistakes in dungeons/group content…I know that kind of put me off running dungeons with anyone but friends when I played WoW…will probably never run them in this game either.

Why are a lot of gamers unsociable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bwillb.2165


Because people are unreliable. If something is doable solo, you can usually get it done more efficiently alone than with a group. Plus keep in mind that the whole personal story system, bar the last mission, focus on a solo gameplay style.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyena.7963


Long Term goal, the prices are fine, but why is there a long term goal on standard looking armor that appears no more special than items you can farm much cheaper and faster in a dungeon?

I do not understand the idea of wanting cultural armor to be such a long term goal. If anything, cultural armor should be some of the cheapest, it’s part of your culture.

If it’s standard-looking and there are cheaper, faster alternatives… Why do you care?

The fact that it’s so expensive is part of what makes it so valuable. They make thousand-dollar articles of clothing in real life that’re no better than what you can get at a Goodwill store, but people still buy them. It’s prestige.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: illgot.1056


Long Term goal, the prices are fine, but why is there a long term goal on standard looking armor that appears no more special than items you can farm much cheaper and faster in a dungeon?

I do not understand the idea of wanting cultural armor to be such a long term goal. If anything, cultural armor should be some of the cheapest, it’s part of your culture.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I’m only level 59, haven’t had a chance to play for a few days and have 21g. If you’re that broke playing many hours a day you’re doing something wrong.

Biggest lie in this thread, especially because you purposely ignore the reason for the thread and give your non-sense 2 cents that doesn’t help anything.

The cultural prices are way way too high. No one is ever going to spend that much on a full set, which is why after months of playing this game I’ve yet to see ONE player in a full-cultural suit. Not ONE.

I’ve almost got full charr t3 cultural, I just need a few more gold for the coat. Don’t say no one has it. I’m proud to say my warrior looks positively bad kitten

And oh yeah. I decided to get it after I’d already put at least 35 hours and a hundred runs or so into CoF to get a full CoF set.

Prices are fine.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Farzo.8410


All I can read is that people comment on “The cost does not live up to stats and therefore the price should be reduced a lot more so I can buy it.”

It exists for one reason, and that is appearance, it’s a vanity item for players who strives for it.

If the stats are bad, don’t buy it, buy another set of armour with better stats.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GregT.4702


I’m only level 59, haven’t had a chance to play for a few days and have 21g. If you’re that broke playing many hours a day you’re doing something wrong.

Biggest lie in this thread, especially because you purposely ignore the reason for the thread and give your non-sense 2 cents that doesn’t help anything.

The cultural prices are way way too high. No one is ever going to spend that much on a full set, which is why after months of playing this game I’ve yet to see ONE player in a full-cultural suit. Not ONE.

I’m in a full-cultural suit, appearance wise, although the stats are from my crafted leather exotics.

But I agree with the point that tier 3 is too expensive, yes.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


Why dont they just put legendarys on sale from a merchant for 9g too right guys?
No, T3 cultural armor is supposed to be expensive. Either farm up the gold or find another set that you like and buy it.
Seriously, stop trying to find ways to get rid of a portion of the endgame.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Katostrophe.3274


I’m only level 59, haven’t had a chance to play for a few days and have 21g. If you’re that broke playing many hours a day you’re doing something wrong.

Biggest lie in this thread, especially because you purposely ignore the reason for the thread and give your non-sense 2 cents that doesn’t help anything.

The cultural prices are way way too high. No one is ever going to spend that much on a full set, which is why after months of playing this game I’ve yet to see ONE player in a full-cultural suit. Not ONE.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyena.7963


Speaking purely as an elitist, I like the prices just as they are.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dualius.4916


Can I second this with a violent and loud hell yeah? As a new player, and given the current state of our economy, gold is hard to come by. At level 35 (currently 37 yo), I had managed to amass the 2 gold and 88 silver required for the cultural set, plus some loose change, however I just couldnt bring myself to buy the cultural armor. How can I when gladiator (or barbarian, not sure) armor is available on the TP for as little as 80s for the set. Heck, could even have grinded crafting and made it myself.

Cultural armor sets are if anything else meant to show off some meager form of racial pride. The armor is designed specifically to look good on one and only one race. Why put it at an unreasonable pricepoint? Just makes nobody want to buy it.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sad Swordfish.9743

Sad Swordfish.9743

I think there is a large gap in between Legendary Weapons, Tier 3 Armors, and the rest of the normal exotic gear.

There needs to be a middle ground of rare weapons and armors to work towards too, that are require half the effort.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GregT.4702


I’m only level 59, haven’t had a chance to play for a few days and have 21g. If you’re that broke playing many hours a day you’re doing something wrong.

For the record, I ain’t broke. The reason I’m asking is because these were not the original prices of these armor sets when the game came out. It was raised because it was exploited by people. These armor sets total to 10g before it was raised to fight the exploit loop found. And time has passed and possibly the loop fixed or not. So maybe put the prices back to it’s original state to be in loop with the other armor sets like the Orders.

Yes. There’s no point in having an armour set that’s exponentially more expensive than its peers unless it’s at least slightly more attractive in terms of either stats of appearance.

I mean, maybe if you could wear cultural armour as town clothes AS WELL AS battle armour, and it came with costume brawl skills as a result. That would still be lame, but at least it would be an attempt to justify its price.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Retrobond.4798


I’m only level 59, haven’t had a chance to play for a few days and have 21g. If you’re that broke playing many hours a day you’re doing something wrong.

For the record, I ain’t broke. The reason I’m asking is because these were not the original prices of these armor sets when the game came out. It was raised because it was exploited by people. These armor sets total to 10g before it was raised to fight the exploit loop found. And time has passed and possibly the loop fixed or not. So maybe put the prices back to it’s original state to be in loop with the other armor sets like the Orders.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GregT.4702


Ditto. I can craft equivalent stats to a tier 3 set for about 9 gold, and sure, there should probably be some discount representing the time and investment put into maxing the discipline, but surely 10% of the cost of the cultural set is not an intended discrepancy?

Especially considering that a lot of the tier 3 cultural sets look fairly boring? I mean, it’s not like they have animations or particle effects like the legendaries. The norn female medium set, for example, is arguably uglier than the basic level 1-80 medium drops.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sinphul.3091


I’m only level 59, haven’t had a chance to play for a few days and have 21g. If you’re that broke playing many hours a day you’re doing something wrong.

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kedryn.2981


Also because, besides hard core farmers, gold buyers, or no-life gamers, or cheaters, there is no way someone would ammass and “waste” 119 gold for a full set, or over 600g for the achievement. I play nearly every day, for many hours, not farming but doing many things, and i have 19g….

it’s cheaper to make a legendary than to make the fashion achievement…

The cultural armor set prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Retrobond.4798


I just want to know if these set pieces would change in the future or it will stay the same. I know the prices were raised because there was an exploit involved around them during the first few weeks. Now that time has passed and possibly the exploit loop has been fixed would the prices be dropped down again or will it stay the same? Currently, buying a whole set of the cultural armor tier 3 set totals 119g while the orders whole armor set only totals to 8g.

Just want to see if this is permanent as I’m starting to save gold for it.

Down leveling working as intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


The first time I went to a level 1-15 zone to complete it on my exotic geared level 80 (magic find mind you, not berserk) I twoshot the first veteran mob I met. I don’t think you should be rewarded with much better stuff for doing that.

Down leveling working as intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josher.9612


The only reason to go to zones you missed is the “fun” of doing them or a 100% map completion. Steamrolling a lower level zone for crappy rewards isn’t fun for me. Rewards or challenge do not exist at all. Considering many people run alts and probably purposely level up in different zones, going back AGAIN, seems rather pointless. Again, if that achievement means all that much to you=)

Down scaling works, but if this is whats intended, they never shouldn’t bothered at all. Seems like a big waste of code.

Down leveling working as intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cancer.9065


The problem wit leveling loot is that if you are farming for jute scraps and only get high level gear to salvage you will get silk instead.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

Down leveling working as intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


It’s the same when you run dungeons. Half the loot is the level of the dungeon and the other half is 75-80

Down leveling working as intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ordin.9047


Even if it is “working as intended”, it is not working as anet promised. They said prior to launch that drops would be up leveled to the players level in lower zones. The closest thing we get are mid lev 70’s drops at lev 80 once in awhile. Groonz, I hear what you say, but it isnt the player’s fault that anet doesnt have any foresight (exotics making players op at lower levels) and the game should work as promised. I know that things have to change once the game is launched, but this one is just plain lack of thinking things through by the dev team….. what a surprise eh?

Down leveling working as intended?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyrus.8261


Equipment loot from mobs and some (boss) chests has like a 25 or 50% chance to be your level, but I don’t think mats and such are scaled up. Other chests only give out appropriate rewards for their zone.