Sylvari Mesmer from Day -1. Now if only Sylvari Light Cultural looked good on menfolk …
What are you saying? Sylvari Light Cultural looks awesome on the menfolk, especially in pink. This is a mesmer too.
Agreed! When trolling an entire zerg 30+ Blurred Frenzy + 3 clone Distortion shatter + Mimic + Take Root + Blurred Frenzy again = lulz
(edited by Ofek.1743)
So, I’m enjoying myself in this game. Even the personal stories aren’t that bad, and I like to hop in and see what my story has next in store for me.
But dear lord, some of the dialogue is horrendous. I feel like most of the dialogue was written by a rejected high fantasy novelist. The only thing it’s missing is the obligatory “old english” inflections.
The least painful dialogue comes from the Asura and Charr storylines, where the characters actually show a little bit of self-interest. But even they aren’t safe from all the Hero/Villain and Good/Evil talk.
There’s no sarcasm, there’s no sense of irony, there’s very little humor. The conversation text boxes you can read between cutscenes are more believable than the actual cutscenes themselves.
But I kinda feel like I’m the only person that feels this way. Am I?
Correction: The original given date for the end of the Flame and Frost epilogue was incorrect. The epilogue will actually conclude on Tuesday May 14 with the release of the Secret of Southsun update.
Please understand that being a tanker or a healer isn’t an unwanted chore, a lot of people actually love it, and to see that group support traits(skills are oo-kay still) are almost always at the end of the line, and aggros are so messy that tankers are not even viable, is pretty sad.
Moreover, this DPS-preferred community seems to be ‘all in for myself’, as seen in most world events and dungeons, people using group buffs are next to none, with everyone strictly on their own dps, killing anything that is marked. Theres barely any sense of synchronization going on. That’s what happen if you promote a single DPS community into taking care of their own healings and tankings, they start thinking that they’re the ‘chosen one’ of sorts. Even combos arent much to be bothered as far as teamwork goes.
Anyway, just hoping that you will look into this matter and review it in the future. But definitely not now, definitely, we’re already having a lot of ‘see-saw’ nerfs and buffs every week it’s hard to keep track, and the extremely controversial Ascended, it’s enough for now!
p.s. I’m a dedicated healer throughout my entire mmo life!
While I don’t really think they need dedicated healers, tanks, etc, I can see your point.
I play an ele, and at first I was using my group healing to keep others alive in the group events, but I found out very quickly if I did not attack the targets enough, I got no credit for even perticipating in the fight. It would be nice if you we got points for healing the group as well as hitting the targets.
ANet, please don’t fall back on your no trinity promise either : Do not listen to these people. It’s enough we have Ascended gear, we need more originality like this.
To the OP : If tanking and healing is what you want, the market is saturated with what you want. Can I get you to look at those products?
Considering you can (potentially) spec tough vit healing power, you can spec healing tank.
Afaik, you can spec into “tank” spec and “heal” spec.
I think what they mean with this is that you don’t need to have a healer or a tank to be able to do dungeons.
I, myself, love how they have made it. I used to play a low populated game and I sometimes had to wait hours just to find that tank or healer.
Proud member of Velocity [VcY]
Please understand that being a tanker or a healer isn’t an unwanted chore, a lot of people actually love it, and to see that group support traits(skills are oo-kay still) are almost always at the end of the line, and aggros are so messy that tankers are not even viable, is pretty sad.
Moreover, this DPS-preferred community seems to be ‘all in for myself’, as seen in most world events and dungeons, people using group buffs are next to none, with everyone strictly on their own dps, killing anything that is marked. Theres barely any sense of synchronization going on. That’s what happen if you promote a single DPS community into taking care of their own healings and tankings, they start thinking that they’re the ‘chosen one’ of sorts. Even combos arent much to be bothered as far as teamwork goes.
Anyway, just hoping that you will look into this matter and review it in the future. But definitely not now, definitely, we’re already having a lot of ‘see-saw’ nerfs and buffs every week it’s hard to keep track, and the extremely controversial Ascended, it’s enough for now!
p.s. I’m a dedicated healer throughout my entire mmo life!
Best in slot is exotic. Minus the rings and back from these new ascended. You can get a max level armor piece from AC in 3 runs. That takes what, 90 minutes tops? How is that a grind.
Legendaries had stats increased to (presumably) ascended. So that’s 4 slots. And when ascended armor gets released in X months, that’s almost the rest of them.
Link from another thread on the legendary:
Seriously dude, you are arguing in every thread but you are wrong about almost everything you post.[/quote]
You might wind up reconsidering your tone here when you realize that was a bug that got fixed immediately.
Guild Wars 2 is still very much like Guild Wars as far as gear goes.
You’re kidding right? Almost everything about Guild Wars 2 is different from Guild Wars.
No, let the man speaks, we are obvious undoctrinated GW1 scrubs in comparison to his mighty words.
I agree with this reply….
Careful. I got an infraction the other day for leaving pretty much that exact post. I’ll probably get another one for warning you.
Guild Wars 2 is still very much like Guild Wars as far as gear goes.
You’re kidding right? Almost everything about Guild Wars 2 is different from Guild Wars.
Guild Wars has easily obtainable best in slot gear. Same thing applies to Guild Wars 2. Are YOU kidding?
Best in slot is legendary and you’re saying they are easy YOU are kidding. GW2 is not remotely related to GW1 or that manifesto anymore.
Best in slot is exotic. Minus the rings and back from these new ascended. You can get a max level armor piece from AC in 3 runs. That takes what, 90 minutes tops? How is that a grind.
Legendaries had stats increased to (presumably) ascended. So that’s 4 slots. And when ascended armor gets released in X months, that’s almost the rest of them.
Link from another thread on the legendary:
Seriously dude, you are arguing in every thread but you are wrong about almost everything you post.
(edited by NaughtyProwler.8653)
Before you shred them to pieces, consider this:
Since release, there was been rampant feedback that the game needs “more stuff to get”. “More stuff to do”. “More things to aspire to”.
In other words, thousands and thousands of posts have asked for exactly this Ascended gear.
ANet didn’t lie to us. They listened to player feedback. And this just goes to show why as a developer you really shouldn’t listen to your players, because unlike developers they might think they know what’s good for the game, but they (or me) probably have exactly 0 actual clue.
It is true what they say, people will find any small detail, any little dent, any small spec to complain about and rally on like its a holy war while making themselves look like they are the victims.
Lets analyze it logically.
Problem: Players requested something new because by then a large number of the population already had exotic gear, through dungeon runs or through other means.
Solution: Add new tier of gear.
Complain: new update completely destroys the manifesto of the game because now you have to hunt for ascendant gear which is better than exotic.
You can obviously see which of these statements is illogical. If I were to analyze it, I would have to say that people whom complain its because they do not wish to “Work” to get this new gear, they dont even know how you acquire it and are already complaining.
I really don’t see how this is somehow a conspiracy against the manifesto, if anything it injects new life into the game until a larger add on can be finished.
Heck I even saw someone complain about dungeon items being soulbound, what that person failed to realize is that the tokens are account bound, meaning, if you have an alt, you can use you main to get tokens and then the alt can use them for gear.
I’m an old timer, I’ve played almost every mmorpg there has been, and guild wars 2 its one of the most fun experiences I’ve had mainly because it does not feels like a chore in anything it does. It is not perfect, it is still new, but its one of the best experiences out there.
I’m sure the more reasonable players wont even bother to read this and will simply sigh and pass on, but I have some time on my hands and I found it somewhat interesting how people are foaming like rabid dogs and calling in a holy crusade against something they will just keep playing anyway, without any actual grounds in reality.
It is a psychological reality that people will always be afraid of change and things which are new, but some people take it to illogical extremes.
Those 3 reasons pretty much sum up why i’m putting down my sword now and walking away.
Other mmo’s endless grind and dungeon gating was why I came to be interested in playing this game. I don’t want to spend ANY time preparing for fun. I want to get my endgame gear and be done with it. I want to know that WvW outcomes are based on strategy and skill only.
Lotro did its own version of infusions called ‘radiance’. Six months after introducing it they had a situation where no one new could get their radiance gear because everyone who had any would insist you had a minimum of x% to join their group. The community became one of ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’ where only the former group could do the endgame content.
Even though we haven’t even seen the new dungeon yet there are already threads asking for a method to ‘gear check’ other players agony scores. So anyone wanting this gear had better get in early or they will face being blocked from the dungeon by other players insistence on their gear scores.
Turbine had to admit they’d made a huge mistep with Radiance and removed it, but not before the damage was done. The company nearly went belly up, Warner had to step in to save them and the game having lost a huge proportion of its population went to f2p.
As of today all 3 of these quotes are nothing but lies fed to us by a company I thought I could trust.
Still bugged on Underworld EU.
+1 for this guys constructive feedback:
Here’s a constructive suggestion for the Event designers. Dont put fightable quest NPC’s in a 2×2×2 room with tables chairs and other knicknacks to get stuck on, where 50 players are going to enmass root, stun, knockback and fear at the same time.
With the underlying NPC stuck bug not fixed after god knows however many months, this was kind of silly no?
The location where you camp is basically anywhere @ swamp – the event indicator should chjange from “Swamp lies dormant” to whatever pre event just had started. …
I’m not sure you’re 100% correct.
Group events form the meta-event chain are full map visible, but i think that preevents have smaller scope, and if you are outside of the scope you get the “No event in range” info (“Swamp lies dormant” in Behemoth chain).
But that may be only my notion about workings of event assistant with metaevents.
Tiny Siege Turtles member
Blacktide player
This comment is marvelous.
And on topic:
I saw the Behemoth on Blacktide quite recently.
Someone said he camped the swamp for hours, and nothing. I’m curious did you have someone at the pre-event locations to camp for them also?
Wiki says here about three portal locations to accomplish before swamp portals event starts.
Tiny Siege Turtles member
Blacktide player
(edited by Moderator)
What’s particularly unusual is that we SHOULD have seen Secrets spawn at least once since the server update a couple of days ago, since server resets fix all other bugged events like skill point NPCs being permanently dead or events not completing properly.
Really hope we can get some feedback from a dev soon.
Aurora Glade haven’t seen Behemoth since before Halloween. People from my guild (including me) have been camping in the swamp for days now, both idle and doing various things (spawning fleshreavers, killing portals, the usual stuff) and nothing sem to trigger the pre-events for the boss, while other world bosses on lvl 1-15 locations have ben triggering normally (i pass near the maw once every day and there is an event there almost every time).
So, if a dev is reading this and this is somehow NOT a bug – at least let us know what is the trigger for the behemoth event chain – is it time-based or some other events must happen for it to launch?
We’ve received a large amount of feedback about Legendaries becoming unreachable. This is actually a topic we’ve been tracking for quite some time. To ease your minds I am here to say that it’s something we’ve been watching and we’ve been listening to your feedback. You can expect to begin to see changes addressing the issue starting with our next build.
Theres a good chance you’ll see this so I’m going to say it.
Legendaries need to be less about money and more about an epic journey. An awesome difficult event or solo/group instance to obtain a precursor or gift would be alot more fun than what we got.
But it’s good to know you guys are listening and are planning to make changes.
Thank you!
(edited by Darx.9842)
Im not saying that all builds are equally good, but i still play my engineer as my main and i think its one of the most powerfull classes currently in the game, even with the bugged skills and traits. I have about 6k wvw kills with most of those being solo. I have lost 1 1v1 fight in all my time spent in wvw and most 1v1 is just a 1-sided fight with my apponent being immobolized till dead.
Why people think its a crappy class is beyond my understanding. Its on par with the mesmer and stronger then the thief. I dont know what the hell u guys are doing, but its wrong. When our traits gets fixed its gonna be even more faceroll when i play it. My personal record is to beat 7v1 in wvw. Sure they were baddies, but even 7 baddies should kill 1 guy.
Learn your spec/skills and rotations. Learn your apponents.
and yet, you previously stated about 4 days ago “Mesmer and thief are the most powerful 1v1 classes atm. A well played mesmer can kill any player with equal skill level. But for the most part its not all about the classes. The games re-rendering of character entering and exiting stealth is broken and when that gets fixed it will be another story”.
You also state “Devs: Please make the trait “Fast-acting Elixers” work with the “Elixer S” soon :-) It says that theres a 48 sec cooldown, but it counts down from 60 on use. So many fights i could have won if the trait worked as intended for all elixers.”
Also, please enlighten us with you gear, spec, gems, hacks…because no engineer is going to take on 7 people that are attacking him. And as far as winning 1v1 is every 1v1 encounter, I would like to see some videos of this as long as they are 80 in full exotic gear…because your claims are too fantastic to be believable, discrediting everything you say.
(edited by Raideen.5973)
I really expect some improvements concerning the engineer in the next patch.
Engineer really needs an increase of damage generally or being able to survive longer.
comparing to most of the other classes, engineer needs much more abilities to be played.
And even after that, engineer can be still an easy target.
I’ve tried to play thief for 1hour in spvp and by using skills without knowing really what they do or even spamming I did much better and finish first generally.
All I know is that regardless of gear, spec or weapon. When a warrior, guardian or thief get on top of me, its 4 hits and game over….yet another 1.62 silver spent.
Engineers should be able to burn down as fast as we get burnt down.
And frankly, I am tired of spending gold regearing, regemming and respeccing just to find that all specs end up the same…not enough damage output for the amount of damage we take.
(edited by Raideen.5973)
There is kind of some evidence to support his claim. This image was posted by ArenaNet (I can’t find it on their site anymore). Engineer and Mesmer are tied at the very bottom of classes played. I think it’s fair to assume that Mesmers are not the least played class anymore considering how popular they are in PvP.
It’s been about 6 weeks since that data was posted so I’m not saying he’s right or wrong. I’m just pointing out where, I think, he is basing his claim. So much has changed since the information was posted and all sorts of things could have affected the stats now.
I would say engineers are not bad, and that certain builds work in certain places. I also agree that we do have a fairly limited selection of builds built around a handful of traits / kits / elixirs.
But anyone who says engineers are not buggy, had best go take a look at our bug thread, because we’ve got so many bugs on traits, and skills its a bit silly at times.
We can use a bit of love. Namely bug fixes. Then once we get idea of how everything works when we can actually use all of our traits and skills, then we can think about tweaks, but they are really just tweaks in 99% of cases. A percent here, a cool down there, a change to the tool tip so it accurately reflects what the skill does.
While some full redesigns on stuff would be nice, and I have my pet things I want. They are not needed really, and will probably appear as future skill expansions hopefully.
Zef there is a reason why it’s the lowest played class. Because there are problems. Sure some other classes have that miss thing with the objects but not like this. There are about ten ticks of damage from one use of flamethrower, they shouldn’t ALL miss when something moves a little to the left or better yet, doesn’t move AT ALL and it still reads as a miss. Secondly, I don’t care what other classes are doing Siofra, the fact of the matter is this, the grenades need some work. They were working fine before they nerfed them before launch as far as explosion radius is concerned but targeting this way for EVERY attack is just wrong. No other class has to do it this way and it shouldn’t be like that for every grenade. Sure the poison cloud grenades should be an AOE target but not every grenade and certainly no the #1 ability in that kit. And no sniper kit or tab targeting for the grenade kit isn’t too much to ask for. We won’t stop asking, that’s what these forums are for.
Not according to this thread ….
That thread is nonsense akin to “I can’t hit a turtle with an arrow because the turtle moves so it will never be there where the arrow is.”
He basically thinks that one grenade does as much damage as any other weapon, and then assumes that 3 grenades then do 3 times as much. Which is stupid on so many levels, it’s not even funny.
That said, engineers are not bad, are not particularly bugged, are fun to play and useful in every part of the game. Engineer are in a good state overall.
Many people may call us “broken class”, but those people are bad. Factually, there is no evidence for a “engineers are broken” claim. The engineers that rock in every part of the game prove this every day.