Seriously is your e-p… all you care about?
It’s a stupid badge. Nobody cares what rank you are. If you think you are better, show me in a fight and not by pointing at your shiny badge.
I don’t care if people see my WvW rank everywhere because I don’t give a kitten about what you think. It’s my achievement and I am proud of it. Not you.
WvW nameplates have been cluttered enaugh since 4 years already, so stop crying.
And btw…anyone can rankup in PvP if you just grind it long enaugh because eventually the system will MAKE you rank up. No matter your true skill.
All we wanted was a GvG.
Played in beta and headstart over 3 years ago. Prepurchased HoT and have been playing that too.
Call me a “white knight” if it makes you feel better but there are actually quite a few people that are playing and having lots of fun doing so, I happen to be one of them. I still play pretty much every day, I have not run out of things to do yet. I still come across events and stuff that I had not seen before.
Best advice I can give you is to download and play again. It costs nothing to do that since the game is “pay to play”. The whole f2p thing is nothing more than a long trial thing. They have so many restrictions on their playing. Only you will know if you like the game or not. I don’t care how many people you ask, no one can tell you your preferences.
This drought may be unwanted, exceptionally long and also unexpected by ANet. If you recall with the announcement about suspending Legendary weapons they said that they spread themselves too thin and let the content pipeline empty out. Obviously they have problems pacing themselves and setting up reasonable goals and had to retrench. Hopefully they’ve learned a lesson with all this and in the future the content droughts will be shorter.
Thanks for all the comments. I know there’s nothing I’m going to say that will make you feel better, but I’ll share some final thoughts for the night.
I said three weeks ago I’d focus on sustainability and quality. I want to reiterate the part about sustainability. Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but how about the recent drought of content? That kind of thing happens when we spread ourselves too thin, and when we let the content development pipeline empty out so we can fight fires. What I think we actually owe you is sustainable, predictable, high-quality content. I’m making a decision that’s painful in the short-term so we can position ourselves to deliver that.
ANet may give it to you.
The real problem is people doing wvw just for the sake of completing the GOB reward track, and you do know that in the process of doing this, one need not actively engage in true WvW objectives. I can simply go into EB/BL on prime time and just clog the queue while I semi-afk to complete my reward track.. Let the rest rage, it does not bother those who are there simply for the sake of getting a gift.
I need not listen to commander’s instructions and can just deplete supply in any ways I want. The people who are truly affected by this change are the true WvW’ers who are constantly trying to win their war.
Or you know, you could try to have some fun with all your server mates.
Don’t blame Anet if you chose to act like a kitten.
Elections all over the world? Isn’t normal that every year there are elections across the world? What makes this year different?
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
The real problem is people doing wvw just for the sake of completing the GOB reward track, and you do know that in the process of doing this, one need not actively engage in true WvW objectives. I can simply go into EB/BL on prime time and just clog the queue while I semi-afk to complete my reward track.. Let the rest rage, it does not bother those who are there simply for the sake of getting a gift.
I need not listen to commander’s instructions and can just deplete supply in any ways I want. The people who are truly affected by this change are the true WvW’ers who are constantly trying to win their war.
(edited by Aeristoreine.9351)
heavy armoured bunker ele?
No thanks.
Lift restrictions on skins? maybe, there are some light armour skins i want for my thief..
Self imploding before our eyes lol
And? So I ranted, maybe went off track during my post. So I, as you put it, without proof or actual explanation, I might add, ‘self imploded’. (Unless you actually mean that my anger at these changes and bungles boiled up to the point where I started ranting during my post. If so, guilty as charged.)
The only reason I’m doing so is because I’m deeply concerned about the direction a game that I’ve loved playing for years is heading in.
I’m actually trying to maybe get a message over to the devs that things are looking kinda dicey with the studio and the game right now, and I would rather they change tack to win back some of the folks they lost in the aftermath of HoT.
Easy there saltsaurus rex, I was referring to anet self imploding.
Sorry but PvP badges are earned in PvP and that is where they should stay.
I repeatedly obliterated a miniature city, scrambled across the inside of a snowglobe, rang bells, delivered clothes and toys, and drunk myself into idiocy in order to procure a portable snowstorm.
What was that phrase? Six or nothing?
Can Engi please have more than one viable skill set in PVE? Turrets maybe?
The OP didn’t say whether this was PvP or WvW, also didn’t clarify what the “meta build” was.
Others have covered PvP but in WvW I would suggest not taking the match up as a new Mesmer till you get more experience. Inspiration power shatter can keep up with condi warrior, you should kite out the endure pain auto proc and utility then mob+mw burst and follow up with a ileap blurred frenzy cry of frustration combo to take that last little bit of health if needed. Same for power warriors.
The frustration happens because they can get stage 3 adrenal healing on your clones and get back 10k health between your bursts. Additionally if they’re any good they know they only have to avoid 2 skills really which are quite easily telegraphed.
If you’re playing condition mesmer then you really shouldn’t have much trouble, as others say bring a boon rip for the condition warrior and against the power one don’t leave clones out for them to proc cleansing ire on. Shattering frequently by quickly generating and shattering the clones, sit in stealth or kite away, rinse repeat till dead or he runs from you.
Kiel would have turned Gnashblade into a rug. But yellow wasn’t her favorite color.
ANet may give it to you.
Ugh not this again…
If you can start a kickstarter to delete the Atlantic Ocean and create a machine that can reverse plate tectonics, then sure, let’s go ahead with that idea.
It’s not our goal to make you feel like a chump for buying chests.
You mean like spending real money/a lot of gold on keys, then getting absolutely nothing in return? Most of the contents in these chests are worthless and the chances of getting something good are awfully small considering how expensive they are.
~Sincerely, Scissors
(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)
Ahh – ‘special’ the worlds favourite word to get a free pass for general skulduggery.
While im here why are Gold to Gem and Ecto prices rocketing? is that special too? lol
I do understand what you mean but it’s not skullduggery, even if it is a tactic to get people buying keys. If it were skullduggery every single Pound and/or Dollar store out there would be skullduggering all over the place.
You as a customer know what you need to do to get a ticket scrap/ticket, and it’s your choice to do that, Anet aren’t conning us into buying keys.
I personally think people should calm down after what has been said about this set, and watch this space.
If this is how they want to play it out, we should all just not buy gem store items in protest, but people won’t do that. Let’s just see. It might just be a one off (whatever the reason) and they said this set is to remain one ticket far into the future, so even the sad odds of receiving a ticket you’ll have chance to get a weapon skin if you want one. I’m not even all that impressed with these skins to be honest; even the past 2 sets I’ve been a little saddened by.
What I want is for that patch where supposedly BL Key drop rate had increased to be revisited, because what? And to plead with Anet to improve the stuff given in the chests because right now, they’re not worth buying keys for anyway; and even more so if skins would become account bound!
Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
Really. You’re complaining about ele scepter.
I’d rather they just do away with glicko and learn that it’s a team based game and not a solo player game. If they are that hell bent on Glicko, Microsoft has developed an alternative called TrueSkill that is based on Glicko …. At least with TrueSkill, even though its not perfect… it was developed with the purpose of multi player unlike Glicko which was developed for Chess players.
Fort Aspenwood
What a brilliant idea, punish people for wanting to play a game.
Sounds like a money maker to me, you should become a dev.
I like counterplay but I think this game needs more of it. For instance ele and scrapper obviously counterplay projectiles, but what counterplays scrapper? Answer isn’t as obvious.
Thief counter plays ele sure enough, but ele sticks with team fights which most thieves don’t do well in, thus counter negated.
I don’t think he was talking about rock/paper/scissors class balance, but instead class mechanics that lack counterplay. These include:
- Invulnerabilities
- Instant burst that has no tell
- Instant teleports that ignore LOS, esp on a low cooldown
- Instant CC
- Auto-procs, especially those that damage and CC, although there are too many defensives on a short CD as well
- Abilities that do tons of damage while also evading
All of these mechanics are terrible for the game, and are cheesy to fight against. As the game has power-crept like crazy, every class has at least SOME of these “unfair” mechanics in order to be viable. The worst part is, that a lot of these mechanics make fights even less tactical. Oh well, it still kinda fun in spurts.
Once seen as harbingers of destruction and death, a race that had the power to destroy their own gods, only to rise as saviors of Tyria and put forth the biggest hero of them all – Rytlock Brimstone.
The charr didn’t destroy their own gods. Humans did it – twice. But the charr like to omit that part of history.
Just like they like to omit the part where they conquered Ascalon and only lived in it for less than a generation before it got conquered by humans from them.
Despite the fact that individuals lived in Ascalon before them, and those that lived there after lived there longer (by about ten times the duration if not more), they still claim Ascalon as “rightfully theirs”.
I’m a fan of the charr, but truth be told… they’re liars and hypocrites when it comes to telling their history.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
Wouldn’t that mean he wants to transfer to a server that gets matched up against GH then so he can fight your roamers instead of joining them as they get blobbed?
If I were you OP I’d wait until the next round of links is out or until we find out how this poll goes otherwise you could end up transferring then a feline happens and roaming becomes rubbish again.
Edit: My own server Whiteside Ridge has OTAN, CURE, AoC, TasH and EVO as roaming guilds that either solo or group roam. We have raid guilds that GvG in the way of ONE and BTA with other guilds like Ari and US that as far as I know mainly do WvE fighting and PPTing.
It’s worth saying that a lot of these guilds have members that have been on the server for years when it was the 29th server out of 29 and in other times when they went to 23rd/22nd. So doing some PPT grabbing camps and towers if you can does happen.
Thanks for the reply. Do any of those guilds hold tournaments or have scheduled training within guild halls?
Not usually, the roaming ones just kind jump into WvW and go kill people, flip camps, maybe flip towers or go to duelling spots and duel people.
The raid/GvG guilds do practise but it depends which one you’re in, ONE who I join sometimes, does practise in guild hall/PvP arena if people are messing up a lot, if there’s new people or the leader thinks they need the practise. BTA I don’t know about but I’ve seen the effects of their practising. Same for US and Ari tbh.
If you want to ask them pop onto the whiteside ridge website and ask about guilds and WvW.
If you’re looking for an organised raid schedule with regular practise sessions and tournaments then you’re most likely to find that on higher tier servers however you’re less likely to find roaming inside prime time which can be anything from mid afternoon to almost midnight.
Currently playing on Desolation and so far this server leaves a bitter taste of disgust once it comes to skill. Blob mentality mostly and commanders that curse at people for duelling or roaming outside of their blobs.
I admit I am just trying to find a good players to play against and learn from them outside very limited SPvP, which has proved to be troublesome recently.
Then honestly transfer down but wait till we have the next round of linkings before doing so. Last thing you want is to transfer to a world that ends up linked to deso and be back at square one.
If you really can’t wait, there’s only 3 international servers in the bottom half of the server rankings so pick any of them as they’re all likely to be better than deso for what you want.
If you do fancy coming to WSR then feel free to say hi on our website, you’ll get responses pretty quickly and can find out more about the type of people on the server.
Reality check: server linking is here. Here it will stay (for the foreseeable future).
The drama and arrogance in some of the above posts is quite comical and I agree with Letoll – there is pure gold in this thread.
1. low population server can have 1 guild grp runing around and still own the other servers with pugs b/c they cant get more ppl in? bad idea.
2. prevent keep rush, bad idea.
3. stop the high population server from playing the game, bad idea.
Resistance was band aid fix to condi spam. Maybe nerf condis first before we touch resistance?
[Teef] guild :>
This thread is dedicated to both forum experts and PvP’rs pip loosing, MMR hell suffering, hard done by PvP’rs who just need a little bit of internet help to get them through the hard times. So if you have some ultra helpful cliche to offer (Git Gud!), here’s your opportunity to be a super supportive and thoroughly active member of the community! :D
Can’t seem to break out of that tier?
When PvP throws you lemons, make lemonade!