Showing Posts For Aeranima.2853:

Rank at match end only: bug or feature?

in PvP

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


From what I understand, people are upset that they can’t come and go from hot join and still be rewarded before the match ends. If hot join is the place where new players are learning PvP, is it healthy for people to be coming and going as they please? Is it good to promote that habit?

I’m sry if someone allready mentioned this but i had to stop reading after this comment and just wanted to let you know that you dont learn a kittening kitten about PvP in hotjoin.

If u want hj to be the place for ppl to learn pvp.

-Make it 5v5
-Punish multiple ppl capping points (no reward if more then 1 standing there capping or something like that)
-Reward the winning team with way more points or half the points of the losing team

I seriously doubt the majority of players learned to play pvp through tournaments right away. I have used hot join from day 1 as main ranking-up mode and from there received heavy knowledge about what meta people are playing, what to avoid, etc. But i can agree to a certain extent that hot join is not really noob friendly but it sure as hell is a fast way to learn. ’’Sometimes you gotta run before you can walk. "

Xifix | Thief

Rank at match end only: bug or feature?

in PvP

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


First of all, you do not take a job with a title ‘’PvP community coordinator’‘or any other job with a ’’pvp’’ title if you do not play pvp yourself to know by self experience what to improve and not. With that said, let get on to it.

1> Hotjoin is called hotjoin because it is meant to be accessed as you wish, and leave with no punishment. We were punished from BWE with the lack of ranking points gained from a node, finish or end game score… With that said, hotjoin should be a place to enter fast and leave as you please, otherwise you can scrap that name and name it something else.

2> You are seriously out of your mind if you think that rank points awarded in the end of the match is to prevent players from leaving. In fact, I am rank 51 now and I find myself leaving game more often now because my teammates cannot play and I do not feel like getting my character tossed around for 10 minutes with no points to strive for. The motivation for staying to the end is close to none at those moments. And for that you want to give me a punishment?

3> Skyhammer farm exploiters… Yeah. Just seeing the map pop up gives me the creeps. Those exploiters took away the prestige and time I have spent to get to 51 (a year) with legit gameplay both in tpvp and spvp which they accomplished in 2 weeks skyhammer farm. And the worst part, they are still farming and having a happy time doing it with no consequences. If I see another server called ""SKYHAMMER GLORY FARM – ADMIN ONLINE"" by next week, I am trashing my characters and sending you the receipt to cover the expense for 2 GW2 games. (1 for me and 1 for my wife)

4> Changes? The only changes that should occur at this very mement (immediately preferred) is to permanently ban skyhammer exploiters, or at least re-roll their ranks and restore the prestige and time spent to get to our ranks. After that, restore glory rank progression to hotjoin to be awarded during the game, not at the end of it. People queing for tpvp or wvw are doing hotjoin to earn glory (or at least used to) while doing so. Such a stupid thing to remove and just give legit players more things to be frustrated about.

That is what I had on top of my head. Keep the complaints coming. Anet need a head shake for their mistakes. I am soon at the peak of my frustration limit and I soon cannot take much more mistakes from the pvp team.

Xifix | Thief

(edited by Aeranima.2853)

"We knew Warriors would end up this way"

in PvP

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Why not fire the kids in Anet and let the grownups who have had their fair 20 years in designing games step in and take over? Lol. Sometimes a new team would do this game good. And yeah, that was a long shot but I think most people got my point.

Xifix | Thief

Rank at match end only: bug or feature?

in PvP

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


What were you thinking? Now I cannot progress at all sometimes. I have a pregnant wife with twins and there are several times I have to leave a game to assist her so that means my glory I have earned goes to waste. Or if I DC 20.000 times which my guildies has started to do much recently. Thanks…………………………………


Xifix | Thief

legitimate high ranks - pls devs respond

in PvP

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


isnt it possible to just remove all ranking gained on custom arenas for all players and then completely shut down custom arena glory farm?

I was heading here to type that as well. There are servers with big names here in europe: GLORY FARM, NO CC, STUN, ETC! BLABLABLA! Delete them and revoke custom arena permissions for those players.

Xifix | Thief

SFR / JS / Riverside [11/10]

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


See if you find your corpse in the screenshots, Riverside! ^^

Xifix | Thief

What is up with all the minis?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Those of you who think I am selfish because I say minis are useless and should not be in the game at all cracks me up. Really. They are useless and there is NO ONE who can disagree because they do not do anything to you or anyone else except being small, slow and…mini. I don’t mind them being in game at all, but I do not ever, EVER want to see them in a LW reward chest EVER again. Put the effort creating a new mini in disabling the Skyhammer map for PvP farmers instead. Must be as much effort it takes to add a new mini to the game.

Xifix | Thief

What is up with all the minis?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Minis should not be earned through a monthly living story reward. Tonics are completely useless. You cannot do anything except for running around with a new appearance until you get into combat when you get transformed back and the tonic is wasted.

I could not care less about minis or the characters from the living story since I do not do the living story because they offer a mini I could not care less about. Worthless junk. Yeah, the coding is not hard to do to keep a mini in the game, but why a living world reward? Should I be satisfied with a mini as living story reward because it is simple to code? Must be the most stupidest thing I have ever heard.

And yeah, what variation do you refer to? That I can get a small bag of gold which is not gold at all and in fact 10 silver if not less? Or the unlimited tonics I destroy because they take up space in my backpack I need for other stuff and are completely useless? What variation in rewards are there? Weapon skins? Yeah, ok, fine…. they are obtained from loot. Not a living world reward chest where our precious minis are to not even be previewed.

The first thing I do when new content arrive, check out what rewards are available. And what I saw again was yet another mini… I hate you minis. I hope mewtwo eat your creators. Buhu…

Xifix | Thief

What is up with all the minis?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Each Month provides a reward of a new mini. And don’t you dare state otherwise. What do you want me to do with a mini I don’t need or care anything about? Put minis in gem store and give me something to strive for. The 2 dragon wings are the only things I’ve done living world for. That’s it. Finito. Nothing more. And the game has been out for a year. Well done. clapping hands. Sarchasm. Gnite.

Xifix | Thief

legitimate high ranks - pls devs respond

in PvP

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Karma exploiting people got banned for abusing it too much.
Snowflake jewelry exploiting people got banned for the same reason.

Why not do the same for skyhammer farm.
People that did it for a few hours.. alright.
But people that did it for days/weeks/months? come on.. they just deserve it.

Why does this wiki article not apply to this?
An exploit is the misuse of a software feature or bug in a way that allows a player to generate in-game benefits without the risk or time expected by the game’s designers. It can involve the use of a third-party program and it includes generating currency, experience, or other things of value to players. It also includes actions that allow one player to gain a gameplay advantage over other players.
ArenaNet will temporarily suspend players for using exploits deliberately and permanently suspend those who purposefully and repeatedly make use of them, depending on the severity of their actions.

I think this was pretty much what I was looking for to put anet in a corner. Thanks for that legitimate information.

Guess all we can do now is to sit back and wait for a legitimate response from the pvp team.

Xifix | Thief

legitimate high ranks - pls devs respond

in PvP

Posted by: Aeranima.2853



As someone suggested, removing Skyhammer temporary will solve the critical issue at hand. People are also earning gold on holding these farming servers since they ask for donations to keep the servers alive. Just that is a ban in my opinion. But yeah, removing skyhammer temporarily will remove the critical issue as stated. I do not see why you shouldn’t do this.

Keep exploiters out of the game, and keep exploiters from earning gold on exploits of the game. Simple as that.

And btw, I am Rank 50 and I am proud to not have been farming until I saw 10 glory farm servers and rabbits using my finisher moves I have worked a year for. It sickens me and I do not want to play the game anymore.


Xifix | Thief

Stealth-disrupts implemented now? Confused.

in PvP

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Fought a guardian and necro in pvp. (I spend more than 80% of my time in gw2 in pvp). Why is I suddenly visible? It is not my lack of knowledge on theif traits and skills. So why am I visible? Have you implemented stealth disrupts in the profession traits/skills now that I am not aware of? I follow every update info.

Xifix | Thief

Upgrade to full account to use this feature?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Got the same problem.

Xifix | Thief

LFGvG guild in Desolation

in Looking for...

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Looking for a highly organized guild for WvW in Desolation. Rolled with DVG for a while but they wasn’t my “perfect fit”. Any other guilds in Desolation that demand high priority in organized tactics, movements and skills that may want a Rank 47, condition/blast/support thief with a zerg build, experienced in all situation?

I came from underworld and I’ve been a part of gvg guilds before. Whisper me in game!


Rank 47 in pvp.
Playing as thief only.
2000 hours spent in game with 1 profession.
7 hours/day at minimum in game every week.
Will represent during wvw. (Not pvp since I got an own guild there)

Cu in game.


Xifix | Thief

Vending in GW2 is Red Bull.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


BUT AN INFUSED! I mean, 4 silver for an infused at a vendor. Do not be stupid. You know what I mean. 4 darn silvers for a infused.

From a different angle:

This game obviously has a medieval theme with futuristic aspects to it. If I were a blacksmith and took value in my work, I’d sell my craftings for 1-10G each for the quality work I’ve done. I purchase materials in the copper range I need. Higher tier materials will cost silvers.

If I were the merchant, looking at someone’s most precious and high-class accessory with super high stats and magic abilities, I wouldn’t offer someone 4 silver. He would laugh in my face, probably hit me so hard when he notice I was serious and left me for dead.


Xifix | Thief

Vending in GW2 is Red Bull.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


I am talking about vending prizes. It is redicilous. I feel so ripped off by every vendor in game that I’d like to take a minute to cry out loud here. I vended an infused for 4,80 silver. Feels awesome!!!! (Not). What is wrong with the vending prizes? If I could vend a infused on tp I’d get at least 5-10G for it. 4 silver? Really? Thanks Anet!

Xifix | Thief

Best WvWvW guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Looking for a change. Need a fresh new start at a new tiered server. Which are your suggestions and which servers offers the most intense GvG’s?

Xifix | Thief

Sadden by Ranking in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853



because they dont want you to grind. apparently they also want you to experiment with builds.

say ty and hf.

Grind? PvP is grindy, and I can see why they chose to have account-based progression. Why not for wvwvw? It’s just as exhausting there to rank up 200+ levels.

Xifix | Thief

Sadden by Ranking in WvWvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Just noticed I have to re-level my ranking in wvwvw on my new character. Why can’t it be like pvp? Solid ranking score for all characters.

Xifix | Thief

I don't like the recently released back items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


I want my black wings. Give me 1 black wing. I don’t want a flower. I don’t want a dream catcher. I want something bad-kitten .

Xifix | Thief

Zenith weapon skin bug.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Zup. My weapon skin stows on the wrong side. :S I am a S/D thief and this is the first time I see this happen so this must be a bug. At least it’s really really annoying. When I engage attack mode it is suddenly appearing in the right hand which is right but stows in left? :S


Xifix | Thief

7/5 FSP - AS - UW

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


OK so far I’ve seen FS hackers. I’ve seen 2 warriors shadow-stepping in EB and a Thief falling from insane height in UW bl without dying. I hope you get perma-banned.

Xifix | Thief

Time to bring Thiefs to a normal level

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853



Xifix | Thief

UW vs RoS vs AS 28/6/2013

in Match-ups

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Poor FR at Mendon.

[Battle For Narnia] Aeonixus

Xifix | Thief

Improvement to "Zerging" with Commander.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


I love WvW. It’s fun. My name is Fred (“Aeonixus” in “Underworld” server) and I happen to see some nice improvements come to life if Anet allows it. I have thought up a nice feature which allows commanders and followers to more accurately stack up fast by automatically setting up a nice round circle like the Sentry cap-points (WvW) aka PvP cap-points (PvP) when commanders stop and are standing still. I made a mockup attached to this topic of how it looks like.

Feel free to work on this feature by giving me and others feedback on the suggestion. There is always room for improvements in WvWvW.

See you out there!



Xifix | Thief

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Brings back the argument if that people should have a tag at all? Right?

If they want to help the economy by removing 100g from the game they are free to do so .

Dude, this is bigger than the game’s economy. This is human feelings.

Xifix | Thief

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Commander tags are used in PvE as well.

Understood, but it should be replaced by a “Guild Tag” instead to not be confused.

Xifix | Thief

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


People (at least on my server) understands quite fast if the guy with the tag have a clue or not. If he doesn’t, people won’t follow him. Simple as that.

Brings back the argument if that people should have a tag at all? Right?

Xifix | Thief

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


U mad bro?

Yes. I am very mad. But I am also realistic. A commander tag should be earned through wvw experience.

Xifix | Thief

C-tag just prestige.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Atm Commander Tag is just prestige. I want it to be well earned with enough experience within wvw. Not given to a noob for 100G which he/she farmed in CoF for 1 week. This is stupid. I do NOT want to run under a person who just became a commander and thought he could run a entire server the first day at school. I am not happy.

Xifix | Thief

WvW dolly don't make you rally.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


You do not rally on dolyaks? Any reason why? Is this a bug? Haven’t noticed it before.

Xifix | Thief

Ambush Trap bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


I put the trap down but it disappears + with no mark the cooldown starts and summons a thief on enemy trigger. XD

Xifix | Thief

Suppressed messages in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


This is obviously something that are frustrating and puts your patience to test. For the love of Melandru; what did Anet think when allowing messages in WvW to be suppressed due to excessive messaging?

Since we cannot speak with our voices directly in the game, and have to use a second part software such as “Teamspeak” or something to give orders verbally, you have to type – and type fast – and allot! WvW should not allow suppressed messages due to…blablabla…since you have to give orders through them. At least higher the message limit or something, but I cannot promise people will be pleased by that anyway. You want to be able to shout orders and tactics fast because the battlefield changes but you will always get that kitten text slammed in your face.

/ Frustrated.

Xifix | Thief

WvW down?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Down for me too. Probably preparations for update dont go so well.

Think so too. Guildies waiting to throw themselves into wvw again with me as well.

Xifix | Thief

WvW down?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Is WvW bugged or down for maintenance?

Xifix | Thief

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


For the love of Melandru… This is not a discussion that should nerf the elementalist profession. Understand that. This is a discussion whether or not elementalists and warriors should be able to enter a fort in down state! God… Keep to the topic.

Xifix | Thief

Weapon Dyes. For or against?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


If I had at least five options of colours for each weapon, I would be so happy…

I would be satisfied with this too.

Xifix | Thief

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


I would be much happier if the helmets didn’t cause bald head syndrome like every single helmet in the game.

me too but I’m not sure how you can get around that with all the different hair styles. There would be clipping somewhere that someone would complain about. Perhaps an option to toggle hair showing on or off, and if it looks good, great, if not, toggle it off.

Great idea my friend.

Xifix | Thief

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


This thread became a discussion about the comparison of the thief and elementalist mobility. This thread is for debating the vapor skill, whether or not it is unfair to be the only skill (and warriors vengeance mode) to go through the fort portal. Solution to this would be a better script to disable that possibility. This has nothing to do with a players skill level nor sacrifices to utility slots. It also has nothing to do with open field battles. Thank you.

Xifix | Thief

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


t3 human heavy is horrible? Sorry, but NOPE.

My personal opinion. Never said anything about representing every soul out there.

Edit: Plus, I only went through males.

Xifix | Thief

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853




Crafted > horrible.
Karma > horrible.
Arah > works.
Ascalon > horrible.
Cuedecu’s Manor > horrible.
Citadel of Flame > works.
Crucible of Eternity > works.
Honor of the Waves > works.
Sorrow’s Embrace > horrible.
Twilight Arbor > prestige.
World vs World > horrrible.
Named > works.
Devous > works.
Dry Bones > works.
Country > horrible.
Stately > works.
Tactical > horrible.
Cultural Tier 1 (Sylvari) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 2 (Sylvari) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 3 (Sylvari) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 1 (Human) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 2 (Human) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 3 (Human) > works.
Cultural Tier 1 (Norn) > prestige.
Cultural Tier 2 (Norn) > prestige.
Cultural Tier 3 (Norn) > prestige.
Priory > prestige.
Vigil > horrible.
Whispers > works.


Crafted > horrible.
Karma > horrible.
Arah > works.
Ascalon > horrible.
Cuedecu’s Manor > horrible.
Citadel of Flame > works.
Crucible of Eternity > works.
Honor of the Waves > horrible.
Sorrow’s Embrace > horrible.
Twilight Arbor > horrible.
World vs World > horrrible.
Named > horrible.
Rogue > horrible.
Duelist > horrible.
Superior Studded > horrible.
Gunner > horrible.
Conquest > works.
Cultural Tier 1 (Sylvari) > works.
Cultural Tier 2 (Sylvari) > works.
Cultural Tier 3 (Sylvari) > works.
Cultural Tier 1 (Human) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 2 (Human) > works.
Cultural Tier 3 (Human) > works.
Cultural Tier 1 (Norn) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 2 (Norn) > works.
Cultural Tier 3 (Norn) > horrible.
Priory > horrible.
Vigil > horrible.
Whispers > Prestige.


Crafted > works.
Karma > horrible.
Arah > works.
Ascalon > horrible.
Cuedecu’s Manor > works.
Citadel of Flame > works.
Crucible of Eternity > works.
Honor of the Waves > horrible.
Sorrow’s Embrace > horrible.
Twilight Arbor > horrible.
World vs World > works.
Named > horrible.
Superior Duelist > horrible.
Pit Fighter > horrible.
Worn Chain > horrible.
Heavy Plate > works.
Dark > works. Can use pieces.
Plated > works. Can use pieces.
Cultural Tier 1 (Sylvari) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 2 (Sylvari) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 3 (Sylvari) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 1 (Human) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 2 (Human) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 3 (Human) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 1 (Norn) > horrible.
Cultural Tier 2 (Norn) > works.
Cultural Tier 3 (Norn) > prestige.
Priory > horrible.
Vigil > horrible.
Whispers > horrible.

Xifix | Thief

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853




Crafted > horrible.
Karma > horrible.
Arah > works.
Ascalon > horrible.
Cuedecu’s Manor > horrible.
Citadel of Flame > works.
Crucible of Eternity > works.
Honor of the Waves > works.
Sorrow’s Embrace > horrible.
Twilight Arbor > prestige.
World vs World > horrrible.
Named > works.
Devous > works.
Dry Bones > works.
Country > horrible.
Stately > works.
Tactical > horrible.
Cultural Tier 1 > horrible.
Cultural Tier 2 > works.
Cultural Tier 3 > works.
Priory > prestige.
Vigil > horrible.
Whispers > horrible.


Crafted > horrible.
Karma > horrible.
Arah > works.
Ascalon > horrible.
Cuedecu’s Manor > horrible.
Citadel of Flame > works.
Crucible of Eternity > works.
Honor of the Waves > horrible.
Sorrow’s Embrace > horrible.
Twilight Arbor > horrible.
World vs World > horrrible.
Named > horrible.
Rogue > horrible.
Duelist > horrible.
Superior Studded > horrible.
Gunner > horrible.
Conquest > works.
Cultural Tier 1 > works.
Cultural Tier 2 > prestige.
Cultural Tier 3 > horrible.
Priory > horrible.
Vigil > horrible.
Whispers > Prestige.


Crafted > works.
Karma > horrible.
Arah > works.
Ascalon > horrible.
Cuedecu’s Manor > works.
Citadel of Flame > works.
Crucible of Eternity > works.
Honor of the Waves > horrible.
Sorrow’s Embrace > horrible.
Twilight Arbor > horrible.
World vs World > works.
Named > horrible.
Superior Duelist > horrible.
Pit Fighter > horrible.
Worn Chain > horrible.
Heavy Plate > works.
Dark > works.
Plated > works.
Cultural Tier 1 > works.
Cultural Tier 2 > works.
Cultural Tier 3 > prestige.
Priory > horrible.
Vigil > horrible.
Whispers > horrible.

Xifix | Thief

Weapon Dyes. For or against?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


Guys, I’m not talking priorities. I’m talking the possibility of having dyable weapons. Not arguing what will be implemented first or lastest.

Xifix | Thief

Weapon Dyes. For or against?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


What do you say? I vote yes. I’d love to see my weapons dyed because there is so hard to find weapons that matches your outfit. Or if you want to mimic your favorite anime character and have found a sword that looks like the one he/she is using but has the wrong color. Start the debate! Maybe we can make Anet implement this feature.

Edit: This is not a discussion that focuses on “when” dyes for weapons should be implemented, if ever at all. I’m starting a discussion about the possibility of having dyable weapons. Not arguing what will be implemented in a specific order.

Xifix | Thief

(edited by Aeranima.2853)

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


The majority is missing the point. Either all classes should be able to escape through the fort portal or no one should. There should be no exceptions.

Just to defend my experience in combat: I know most classes inside-out through pvp. I’ve experienced and suffered nerfs on many of my preferred professions as well as upgrades to them. The immobilizing is not the problem here in wvw – it is the squishy escapes. Not even thieves can escape through portals while in downed state and teleports to the fort portal. With that said, I think people understand me and others frustration. 1 elementalist can STILL hold of a zerg alone thanks to mistforming through a fort portal.

And keep the tone civil to eachother. There are no bad players, just unbalanced professions.

Xifix | Thief

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


No need to remove the skill, just change it so you can’t pass gate/portal when you’re in that downed mist form and it’d be enough.

Btw, warriors when downed also can stand up and move into keeps. Yes they’ll die soon after that but team players can immediately revive them thereafter. Will you say the warriors also cannot pass gates/portals in that state?

Yes, it’s cheesy as kitten. I do NOT want people who are downed being able to escape and get ressed inside a tower. Then all classes should be able to do it. Not 1-2 professions only.

Edit: I run a stunlock/daze build so I know how to counter their downstate. It’s just annoying when they do get away inside a tower/get ressed/and back to battle again.

Xifix | Thief

(edited by Aeranima.2853)

Total makeover kit. Fur options on charr.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


I support this tread. +1

Xifix | Thief

Elementalists in WvW huge flaw.

in Elementalist

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


You need to remove the mist form skill from downed state and we have officially balanced out the elementalists in wvw at least. They can still come out the fort and kitten up a entire zerg over and over again since their mist form still is the only skill that can take you inside again through the fort door. That would be all.

Xifix | Thief

New Armor Sets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


This will come from the very depth of my heart and I will be honest about this: – Fire the entire team who are responsible for appearance (armors & outfits).

The design team who are responsible for armors designs have done a horrific job on producing prestige wears. People have complained for very long about the lack of prestige gear for combat. I sound harsh but this is the truth. There are a few SET PIECES of gear that are the exception but that is all. Anets design team need new and fresh designs from other people than people responsible for the current in game armors. I mean that. I feel I have no prestige at all. Everybody looks the same. Even the new armor coming the 25th looks horrible. I want awesome armors. Armors that shine or glow in the dark. I want neon dyes. YES! And I want my gear to thrill and excite others to get the exact same appearance as me. Not run around in my horrible outfit for combat.

To sum this up:

1) New armor design team. Preferable a Korean or just plain Asian team. They know their stuff!

2) Produce more armor designs. ALOT! I know it is time consuming modeling them to suit every race but you are known for creating a breathtaking world and throw out new content for it every month so this should not be a problem.

3) New armor design team.

Xifix | Thief

Enough with the CUTE Crud.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeranima.2853


This game need more prestige. Not statistical prestige!!

Xifix | Thief