Undercoverism [UC]
Undercoverism [UC]
I do agree though that daze SHOULD be a full lockout of skills, including utilities and stun breakers…daze in gw1 was legit – I loved using blackout.
Undercoverism [UC]
I’ve been playing gw2 since day 1, and 1 thing that took a while to master was the ability to pinpoint ground targeting skills and knowing their radius…I can see it being extremely annoying for beginners (sure was for me)
Why doesn’t ground targeting skills, have their furthest range locked so that you don’t cancel the skill if you simply get out of range by half a cm?
For example, if I want to use a 900 range teleport of any class, I have to target the ground anywhere from 0-900 range…that’s fine, but what’s the point of the ground target becoming red (or unable to execute) once it’s past 900? Shouldn’t the skill just execute at it’s longest range (900) even if we click miles away?
I just don’t see why there is a punishment for not being able to point to 900 exactly…even as someone who isn’t new to the game, you can still easily miss that range and click above 900, thus cancelling the skill. The terrain in the game varies in elevation and sometimes what looks like 900 is actually 1200+.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
I co-sign this.
Undercoverism [UC]
No, it should work for all except mesmer clones. Mesmer clones were meant to distract you from the real target..I get that. AND they die in 2 secs…which is not the case with other classes. Ranger’s pets and turrets have like 10x the health of a mesmer clone.
Ranger’s pets SHOULD NOT be primary targets…if you take their health down, they INSTANTLY go back to the player and their health comes up soon after…and there’s no avoiding them because their AI is so much smarter than anything else. If they changed it so that if you kill a ranger pet, it dies until the ranger res’s, then that’s fine…but it’s not the case!
Same with Engi turrets…why in the world would I want to purposely target a turret??? I shouldn’t have to tab through 50 turrets before I find the Engi…and it’s very annoying to manually click target someone with swiftness if they are moving around in circles through a load of turrets…It’s ridiculous.
Undercoverism [UC]
You’re honestly concerned about stealth stomping when it’s only a visibility advantage?
You do know that stealth doesn’t mean invuln right?
Mistform, stability, mini engi stomps are true 100% guaranteed stomps. You can still interupt, kill, or do whatever you were doing before to the thief WHEN he is in stealth…just learn their position and act accordingly…
People constantly, and I do mean, CONSTANTLY point that out. And I am in no way targeting you, but people really need to immediately stop saying that.
Yes stealth does not mean invuln, but what it does is have the opposing player guessing. Guessing is not the same as knowing. That’s as simple as it gets. You may “think” you know where a thief will be or where is he, but a good, or even average thief can be very slippery
This is not even including the scenario of you just minding your business and a thief sneaks up behind you and goes to town.
Cmon people lets not go down this path
You’re honestly concerned about stealth stomping when it’s only a visibility advantage?
You do know that stealth doesn’t mean invuln right?
Mistform, stability, mini engi stomps are true 100% guaranteed stomps. You can still interupt, kill, or do whatever you were doing before to the thief WHEN he is in stealth…just learn their position and act accordingly…
So all the professions with on target interrupt when downed…how are supposed to do?
Pls do explain us how it is possible to target an invisible foe and how that’s different from mistform/stability stomp…ohhh what about stealth ressing?Can mistform also stop others from stomping your ally? I’m all ears!
The fact that you guys think that it’s a guessing game simply means that you’re inexperienced and your comment come from the ignorance of game mechanics. Do not blame that on the game, but on yourself. If a stealthed thief is ressing his teammate, and you KNOW that he is ressing him…WHERE DO YOU THINK HE IS GOING??? It doesn’t matter which side he’s facing…lay down your AOEs and kill him in a few hits! Stealth ressing is one of the hardest things to pull off in a high end tpvp game because everyone knows that you can just lay down the AOEs and the thief is dead unless he runs. If he runs, the teammate is dead. The trade off is there. I’ve killed countless thieves by doing what I just above…It’s the same deal as stealth stomping – 1 word – AOE.
Yes, people do constantly say that, because it’s TRUE! It’s time you accept the truth, and look at yourself for the fault of not being able to kill a stealthed thief. It’s all experience…your talk of “guessing” becomes knowing.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
You’re honestly concerned about stealth stomping when it’s only a visibility advantage?
You do know that stealth doesn’t mean invuln right?
Mistform, stability, mini engi stomps are true 100% guaranteed stomps. You can still interupt, kill, or do whatever you were doing before to the thief WHEN he is in stealth…just learn their position and act accordingly…
Undercoverism [UC]
Yea it’s definitely annoying…
Undercoverism [UC]
Does anyone agree that priority targeting (within the targeted player) would be nice? I can’t even count how many times I’ve been screwed over because hitting “closest target” just targets a ranger’s pet or 1 of the 5 billion turrets…
I can understand for mesmers that’s fine because they use clones and their role is to confuse people…but for ranger’s pets and turrets…that’s just ridiculous.
If they made a priority targeting within the targets, that’d be awesome. If I wanted to kill a ranger’s pets or some turrets, I’d happily click on them myself…but the fact that I have to tab through 50x just to get the actual target is ridiculous.
Most of all, killing a ranger’s pet does absolutely nothing for the battle because it doesn’t actually die, so why in the world would I want to target it and waste my time?
Undercoverism [UC]
You can’t compare thief traps to ranger traps…it’s so silly to do that.
You can have 4 thieves out from ambush trap and all 4 will die from 1 of those ranger traps…
It’s the fact that since the traps are such a determining factor for rangers at the moment, the 10-15s CD is really low. As a thief, our lowest cd on a trap is 30s, and our traps don’t do jack kitten…which is why no one uses them.
It’s just another case of pigeon holing.
Undercoverism [UC]
It’s so obvious Eles + traps/aoe is going to get a nerf…there is no debating it.
The easiest way to prove this is to just watch top teams play their comps. If they are running 2 eles 2 rangers…it’s obvious what that means. Those teams play to win, and they’ll use whatever OP class it is at the moment. That’s just the truth.
It’s unfortunate that the game isn’t balanced to the point where you can play the class you simply enjoy and have the same chance to win. When the game gets to the point where you can have any sort of comp and still win based on the players themselves…that’s when balance is achieved.
But that being said, balance calls for a boring game, so it’s not smart to have total balance. It’s the truth, people like to feel like they have the upper hand over other players. It just feels good. There will and always will be a class/build that is OP in any mmo.
It’s not impossible to beat these comps…it’s just that the try-hard ratio between them vs you, is like 1:100. Great players will always beat lesser skilled players, but when great players play against great players, the OPness of the classes are what often determines the win.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
I thought it was my graphic card acting up or something…so weird.
Undercoverism [UC]
Does anyone know why people are appearing & disappearing within the mists? It’s almost like a “radius” kinda thing where I have to walk around and only the people around me seem to be showing up…
It didn’t happen until recently…ideas?
Undercoverism [UC]
Hey Caed,
It’s Kuro.
Just want to stop by and say I respect you for posting up the quick guides and stuff to help others. Some of these guys in game are so scared of posting up guides because they think it’s giving away their secret to being good – totally stupid way of thinking. These are good builds for beginners to start with for sure, and modify for their liking. I also run a similar d/p build and it’s definitely the most solid build right now. S/P is really good as well, but doesn’t put out enough dps for it to be useful in comps that need straight dps. If it was a balanced comp where dps isn’t as important, then S/P is really fun/effective to play. #2 is priceless when combined with pistol whip which makes us invul. I play S/P for fun and it def has more survivability than d/p…but that’s the tradeoff I guess. Chasing people also sucks with S/P which is kitten important for eles and other people are just barely escaping…so d/p is more viable as a killing machine for when you need that final HS to kill.
Contrary to popular belief, it’s definitely not easy to play a thief – especially in high tier paids and for us glassy roamers…it’s so much about awareness, timing, positioning, and reaction…which is why I love it. If you don’t have those down, your thief will die over and over. I’ve tried out every class and they all seem so static compared to thieves. It’s so much more dynamic. I feel when thieves are played right, they can be so kitten scary for 1v1s and team fights.
There aren’t many good thieves nowadays, and you’re def one of them. So, props for that.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)