Undercoverism [UC]
Undercoverism [UC]
After testing, there are already pathing problems. Shadow trap will kitten some crucial times up that’s for sure…
Undercoverism [UC]
It’s always tricky to play backpoint…you have to tank + kill at the same time.
Thieves will probably always be the runner up candidates for this role compared to eles, mesmers, rangers, but it IS possible.
I personally don’t really like relying on thieves guild though because someone could just disengage and come back after they disappear…and that’s a 180s cd right there. Chances are, you can use it twice a match…what do you do when you don’t have thieves? Probably won’t do enough damage or have enough ccs to suffice. I would probably invest the dps in my thief than to rely on AI.
From experience I feel that backnode gets contested more than a few times in matches especially when you’re up against…well, cruuk or vexeus :p That’s why I almost always have to sit around node with my ele if Cruuk is on the other team unless I’m sure that he’s dead or at mid.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
It’s always hard though, thief traps are jokes since it’s a small rectangular box. If it was anything like necro marks or ranger traps then it’d be much more efficient. Right now they could very well cap a point all while avoiding the traps since they don’t take up much surface area…
Undercoverism [UC]
I don’t know man, it might just be that…if it was unlimited range then Mesmer portal users would be complaining because their portal is on a 90s CD while our “portal” would be on a 45 second CD. Even though the tradeoff would be that the real portal can portal your party as well.
Backpoint thief? :o
I wouldn’t be surprised how much of a fail it would be since shadowstep (the utility) is already screwed up since the fix.
Undercoverism [UC]
^That as well.
I am still dreading how the pathing of shadowsteps + teleports are now since they “fixed” it…It’s costing me so many deaths since I can’t escape as precisely anymore…
Undercoverism [UC]
It’s probably too good to be true. While I can see it working, people will start catching on and just activate the trap if they see it, so you won’t be able to tele back at will from mid point…It’s not like portal where the guy just has to wait for you.
Once they activate the trap, you have roughly kitten duration to activate it and tele back before it just automatically goes on CD…
Undercoverism [UC]
Once I hit 50, I stopped caring to level, thus I stopped playing hotjoins on the side just to grind more exp. Hotjoins are dreadful.
Unless I’m tourneying, I just sit in the mists because grinding for rank is just pointless at the moment.
Undercoverism [UC]
I guess every good thief in that situation will do the same thing as Ben did, because you only need to touch me once to down me. For his situation, he basically have no time to put his blinding powder because I already bulls charged him right after he go into stealth, and his stun break in cd. At beginning of the fight he did put blinding powder and heart seeker + mug but missed everything, and that still keeps him stay in stealth. In other words, I messed up his stealth rotation.
Ben Zy is actually a good, decent thief, so I’m not insulting him. I’m just here to show people that warrior isn’t pathetic class, and showing people how powerful Longbow Warrior is when you mastered it.
No offense to you or Ben zy, but no good thief would do what he did in that situation…he was just careless.
First off – he had basilisk up before he even went in…no good thief does that because any decent person (like yourself) would watch for his basi and dodge his first attack.
2nd – if he would have seen that you were trying to dodge my combo, he should have immediately switched to SB and immobilized you with surprise shot, then clusterbombed you to death and/or trick shotted you if he saw you use bulls charge. There is no way you could dodge all his surprise shots before he come out of stealth therefore you WILL definitely get immobilized. Instead, he spent all the time he had in stealth chasing you trying to land the backstab…
He just made poor decisions after poor decisions in that fight. I’m not taking away that you did well for the amount of HP you had because it I give you props for playing it cool without panicking, but it really was Ben Zy’s fault that you managed to kill him.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
A regen thief should really be of no threat if you know how to deal with one…if he is regenerating, he is not doing damage because if he hits you, he won’t be regnerating anymore. If he decides to hit you, that is 4 secs in which he is revealed. 4s is a good amount of time to seriously put a hurt on a thief…especially if you are condi based.
Keep in mind too that you can still AOE them in stealth to negate their healing. If they try to stealth around you and heal, your damage will deny their healing…forcing them to have to get out of AOE range just to heal, which means they will not be able to hit you.
I think you may be overestimating the power of the thief heals in stealth…it’s really not as much as you think as long as you keep the pressure up. Guessing + knowing where they are and keeping pressure is the most effective way to kill them. If they are built for regen, chances are they are not doing that much damage to you.
Undercoverism [UC]
Benzy is new to d/p, he was much better with d/d than he is with d/p.
Undercoverism [UC]
I honestly don’t even see how this needed “fixing” in the first place. No one ever complained about porting spots and their usage…It’s not OP by any means.
Just seems trivial to “fix” these things…almost as trivial as fixing tooltips when there are so many other balance issues in the game at the moment.
Again, the only skill I see that needed a nerf was infiltrator’s strike, which was spammable and allowed you to travel vast distances with a choice of shadowstepping right back to the original spot. (Cruuk was the prime example of using this method)
Shadowstep a a skill, needed absolutely no fixing.
Undercoverism [UC]
It’s been frustrating as hell, shadowstepping is a big part of being able to outplay someone as a thief, and now it’s completely kittened up. Shadowstep away, kite a bit, shadowstep back thinking that you will teleport right back to where you started, and BAM. You’re literally ported right behind the enemy. What’s the point of this fix?
I’ve died so many times since the fix because of this – why break the best utility that a thief has in his arsenal?
I can understanding fixing sword #2 since it’s spammable and you can literally walk across the map and tele back…but shadowstep, the utility did not need any sort of fixing. It was perfect – our best tool, and now it’s kittened.
Undercoverism [UC]
I do agree that a lot of people dodge just for the hell of it.
My spec doesn’t allow me to to access any vigor or endurance refill, so I have 2 dodges and that’s it. I think if you allow yourself to learn to dodge properly instead of random dodging, you would up your game (and reflexes) so much!
Undercoverism [UC]
I know thieves and mesmers are 2 of the most op classes right now, but this thing you said its nonsense, think about it, someone disappears in front of you, you dont know where they are, if they appear behind you, you cant know it, if you didnt loose the target there will be no point in these mechanics to be implemented in first place, because when the guy appears you will know inmediatly where they are and this is just not intended to be.
The nonsense that you speak of comes from experience – and here’s why:
“Someone disappears in front of you, you dont know where they are, if they appear behind you, you cant know it”
^That comes strictly from experience – and I don’t mean from hotjoins. If you’ve 1v1ed thieves enough or know the class well, there shouldn’t be much problem determining where they are after a regular stealth duration (3s) You have to think like a thief. If they stealth when fighting against you, where do you think they are going?…80% of the time they are going BEHIND YOU, to backstab, because that’s the only real reason to go stealth to attack. Even if they can’t get behind you, they will most likely be in melee distance from you. Start AOEing, dodging, blocking, etc…thieves are VERY vulnerable to AOE and it screws them up a lot. If you are AOEing point blank, more often than not the thief will eat most of the damage, or be forced to back off and be unstealthed after 3s.
Stealth is only 3s long untraited, and in combat you can’t travel very far in 3s…as a experienced thief I can tell you that 3s is really just barely enough time to maybe land a backstab properly. That being said, you are wrong that they just disappear and you have no idea where they are…think like a thief and you’ll fight them better. Your thoughts seem to come from a lack of experience. Outside of hotjoins, thieves are one of the hardest classes to play in Tpvp properly…and they are FAR from OP. We’ve been getting nerfed every patch so it boggles me that people are still so persistent in calling them OP…
Undercoverism [UC]
You have to understand that stealth is only a gimmick. When you learn to predict their movement (and timing) from experience…a lot of that damage could be avoided and/or you could kill them through it.
Stealth is not a invuln, it’s simply going invisible…you can still hit them with anything that you would normally be able to hit them with…
Just play more against them and you’ll see that stealth isn’t as strong as you think.
Undercoverism [UC]
S/D thieves are really not as OP as you think…you just need to play against them enough to learn how to counter them…the S/D thieves that are built for anything other than annoyance would mean they are squishy, so just treat them like any other thief. The ones that aren’t squishy are usually just to troll and steal boons, they don’t really kill.
Undercoverism [UC]
Pets are automated like this because they make up a portion of the Rangers damage, since they’re easy to avoid cause of pathing and telegraphing of attacks. If Ranger pets were just bonus damage I could see the point of peoples whines..But since they make up a good 30% of our damage i don’t think it’d be right to touch them.
Though I do find it quite hilarious that a Build I created in November of 2012 is now causing everyone to whine.
Easy to avoid?
Pets can literally teleport, and when they don’t they will always run faster than you unless you have swiftness or some kind of speed boost…You can try to kite in a circle or try pathing but they are not like mesmer clones…they WILL hit you because they are faster than you.
You can’t just kite them and kill them neither because Return will simply zip them right back to the ranger…regen, rinse and repeat.
Not to mention leash range is pretty much the entire map…which is ridiculous. No mechanic in the game should allow this…1200r is max range for almost everything and that’s how it should be kept.
To defend the status of ranger + pets at this moment is like saying triple cantrip eles pre-nerfs were fair. Sure the build may have existed, but when classes get balanced and nerfed, certain untouched builds will certainly rise up and seem more OP…and this is the current status of rangers.
You have to be fairly close to send your pet in to attack, its probably about 2500 range.
So no, its not the length of the map…and turning around and killing the pet (or making them return to the master) is actually the way you get rid of them unless the ranger is there on you as well.
Pets also don’t teleport on top of you…What is most likely happening is the Jaguar pet is stealthed next to you.
Don’t you think there is a problem with that statement? You’re calling 2500r “fairly close”…That’s 3x the range of most ranged weapons (900r).
To clarify, I don’t mean the pet teleports on top of the enemy to attack, I mean that it teleports back to the ranger via pet swap/return. And once it returns, health regen kicks in and it’s rinse and repeat.
If they want to pet swap/return half way across the map, then the pet SHOULD be following a path back to the ranger, in the same speed as always so that there is a chance to catch it and kill it. That should be the repercussion of sending your pet across the map…right now there is none. But instead, it literally teleports right back to the ranger and there is nothing you can do about it…
2500 Range isn’t half way across the map. Look at 1200 Range, Now double that, that’s almost the range you can send a pet.
As for teleporting back on pet swap..Its always done that…Since forever..Now its magically a problem? If you’re past 2500 range, and you make him swap his pet out, guess what..It goes away… He can’t send it to you again.
The fact that you guys are whining about this is rather hilarious.
Yea it’s always done that, and no it’s not magically now a problem – it’s always been a problem.
Pet leash range is more than 2500r…the fact that a ranger can sit at windmill or mansion and their pet is at clocktower, that’s way longer than 2500r.
Your defense is that since things were there from the start, that they shouldn’t be fixed. Well sorry to break it to you, but lots of mechanics were there from the start, and they were brought out with time and they were fixed.
Undercoverism [UC]
Pets are automated like this because they make up a portion of the Rangers damage, since they’re easy to avoid cause of pathing and telegraphing of attacks. If Ranger pets were just bonus damage I could see the point of peoples whines..But since they make up a good 30% of our damage i don’t think it’d be right to touch them.
Though I do find it quite hilarious that a Build I created in November of 2012 is now causing everyone to whine.
Easy to avoid?
Pets can literally teleport, and when they don’t they will always run faster than you unless you have swiftness or some kind of speed boost…You can try to kite in a circle or try pathing but they are not like mesmer clones…they WILL hit you because they are faster than you.
You can’t just kite them and kill them neither because Return will simply zip them right back to the ranger…regen, rinse and repeat.
Not to mention leash range is pretty much the entire map…which is ridiculous. No mechanic in the game should allow this…1200r is max range for almost everything and that’s how it should be kept.
To defend the status of ranger + pets at this moment is like saying triple cantrip eles pre-nerfs were fair. Sure the build may have existed, but when classes get balanced and nerfed, certain untouched builds will certainly rise up and seem more OP…and this is the current status of rangers.
You have to be fairly close to send your pet in to attack, its probably about 2500 range.
So no, its not the length of the map…and turning around and killing the pet (or making them return to the master) is actually the way you get rid of them unless the ranger is there on you as well.
Pets also don’t teleport on top of you…What is most likely happening is the Jaguar pet is stealthed next to you.
Don’t you think there is a problem with that statement? You’re calling 2500r “fairly close”…That’s 3x the range of most ranged weapons (900r).
To clarify, I don’t mean the pet teleports on top of the enemy to attack, I mean that it teleports back to the ranger via pet swap/return. And once it returns, health regen kicks in and it’s rinse and repeat.
If they want to pet swap/return half way across the map, then the pet SHOULD be following a path back to the ranger, in the same speed as always so that there is a chance to catch it and kill it. That should be the repercussion of sending your pet across the map…right now there is none. But instead, it literally teleports right back to the ranger and there is nothing you can do about it…
Undercoverism [UC]
Pets are automated like this because they make up a portion of the Rangers damage, since they’re easy to avoid cause of pathing and telegraphing of attacks. If Ranger pets were just bonus damage I could see the point of peoples whines..But since they make up a good 30% of our damage i don’t think it’d be right to touch them.
Though I do find it quite hilarious that a Build I created in November of 2012 is now causing everyone to whine.
Easy to avoid?
Pets can literally teleport, and when they don’t they will always run faster than you unless you have swiftness or some kind of speed boost…You can try to kite in a circle or try pathing but they are not like mesmer clones…they WILL hit you because they are faster than you.
You can’t just kite them and kill them neither because Return will simply zip them right back to the ranger…regen, rinse and repeat.
Not to mention leash range is pretty much the entire map…which is ridiculous. No mechanic in the game should allow this…1200r is max range for almost everything and that’s how it should be kept.
To defend the status of ranger + pets at this moment is like saying triple cantrip eles pre-nerfs were fair. Sure the build may have existed, but when classes get balanced and nerfed, certain untouched builds will certainly rise up and seem more OP…and this is the current status of rangers.
The pet chasing to no end issue is there since launch, yet no-one complained about it.
Then suddenly when they buff the feline/ wolf hp by 2000, people are calling them op, what’s the logic there?Is it because people are being delusional, that they did not know ranger at all back then, and suddenly come to a realization that ranger is quite strong after May patch?
That seriously took you guys a LONG time to figure out things…I agree that pet should not chase that far, but that seriously does not justify the OP thingy people been crazy about because it’s been there forever.
Not to mention trap build is still better than beast master, both in team fight and strategic usage. It also counter more classes than beast master.
But the problem is beast master do counter trap ranger in general, so maybe that’s why people start to believe beast master is better.
As I said, as things get nerfed, certain builds + classes will automatically come up to seem more OP. I for one, always thought the leash range was OP. It’s not that people never noticed, it’s all about balance here. You can’t nerf classes/builds but leave some untouched – that’s where they become OP.
Undercoverism [UC]
The problem is even if it was reset, it will only take like 2 weeks before everyone will be back in their spots in the current leaderboard. Resetting isn’t the solution, it’s the actual formula which is the problem to tackle.
Undercoverism [UC]
Pets are automated like this because they make up a portion of the Rangers damage, since they’re easy to avoid cause of pathing and telegraphing of attacks. If Ranger pets were just bonus damage I could see the point of peoples whines..But since they make up a good 30% of our damage i don’t think it’d be right to touch them.
Though I do find it quite hilarious that a Build I created in November of 2012 is now causing everyone to whine.
Easy to avoid?
Pets can literally teleport, and when they don’t they will always run faster than you unless you have swiftness or some kind of speed boost…You can try to kite in a circle or try pathing but they are not like mesmer clones…they WILL hit you because they are faster than you.
You can’t just kite them and kill them neither because Return will simply zip them right back to the ranger…regen, rinse and repeat.
Not to mention leash range is pretty much the entire map…which is ridiculous. No mechanic in the game should allow this…1200r is max range for almost everything and that’s how it should be kept.
To defend the status of ranger + pets at this moment is like saying triple cantrip eles pre-nerfs were fair. Sure the build may have existed, but when classes get balanced and nerfed, certain untouched builds will certainly rise up and seem more OP…and this is the current status of rangers.
Undercoverism [UC]
I do agree with this.
The autofacing skills have got to be fixed…either autoface across the boards or take them all out. Some skills literally snipe through shadowsteps + stealth.
Dodge q’ing has been killing me a lot more recently as well…
Undercoverism [UC]
Shadowshot isn’t all that amazing in my opinion. It could be better – the problem I find with it is that the enemy can’t be in dodge animation AT ALL (even if the animation is near it’s end), or you won’t shadowstep to them…if the shadowstep worked as a gap closer even if they dodge, as long as they are in range, then it’d be amazing. But I guess that could be perceived as OP.
That’s really the only reason to use heartseekers to chase people when utils are on CD, because you will travel regardless. Shadowshot isn’t as reliable. Not to mention shadowshot has very little forgiveness when it comes to elevation + LoS.
Now that mug can’t crit anymore, I just want to see what they have in mind for thieves…revamping p/p would be awesome. If p/p had a ability like SB #5, then it’d be money.
Undercoverism [UC]
I like roaming wvw this build from time to time. That’s not the best idea since it can be tough to get a 1v1. Last night I went out with it and got into a fight w/a thief that refuged while I had 3 phantasms out. I just stood still thinking no way this guy is dumb enough to come out of stealth. Sure enough, out he pops w/basilisk venom which I knew would happen. I blinked away, and when I turned around he was already downed and my phantasms were eating him alive in the downed state. I just sat and watched. It almost felt cruel.
Or he could have just come out and dodged…just gotta learn the match up =/
Undercoverism [UC]
Why do you bother with Air sigils when your phantasms can’t activate them? Wouldn’kitten better to just take force/accuracy sigils so thakitten ’s a permanent bonus?
Undercoverism [UC]
You have to understand thieves use smoke fields to go stealth which is their ONLY means to survive…it’s a gimmick and you can hit right through stealth. Thieves are the only class with no blocks, no true invulns + lowest HP pool.
Even built full glass a warrior has like 20k hp, which is like 6k more than a thief. They also have blocks and true invulns.
Giving a smoke field to a warrior is totally unfair.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
The comp that you described is not OP by any means…sorry to break it to you.
Any good group with a bunker guardian + backpoint will render that comp useless.
Undercoverism [UC]
Thanks nretep…
But how do I go about summoning it at myself without the enemy being right next to me?
Undercoverism [UC]
Does anyone know the Warden’s projectile destroy/reflect radius?
Does it have to be right next to the enemy?
I know it works in LoS if I stand behind it, but I want to know if I cast it on top of someone, and they move over a bit, that it will just negate the Warden completely.
Undercoverism [UC]
How do you feel about the necessity of signet of illusions?
I’m starting to doubt it’s potency in spvp because of it’s variables (the time it takes for the actual health boost to occur) To me sometimes it could seem like I’m wasting a utility slot because the health boost would take too long to activate, thus the phantasm is crazy squishy…in a high-tier environment, I’m not sure if the gamble is worth it…I noticed the health boost almost ALWAYS comes in at least 4-10s after the phantasm spawns, typcially a few secs after its first burst.
Also, Moa seems to be extremely OP after this patch…but mass invis is a nice defense mechanism on a 50% faster cd…so it could be used more consistently. From playing a similar build, stealth is such a great defense mechanism for mesmers, so I don’t know if I should stick to moa or go mass invis.
It’s a shame the torch phantasm is utterly useless…I love torch #4!
Your thoughts?
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
^Thank you for giving me a description of how the shortbow worked. Much appreciated.
Undercoverism [UC]
Mesmer’s GS1 does crap damage depending on distance, while your bow does the same damage regardless of distance. Your targets also don’t need to be lined up unlike mesmer beam to aoe.
Stop whining about arguably one of the best weapons in game. If this were a complaint about venoms or swords or ambush trap or needle trap, then maybe people wouldn’t be laughing at you.
P.S. Mesmer GS is absolutely terrible defensively, unlike your shortbow #3 spam, and the mesmer greatsword boasts no mobility and has 2 wimpy skills (mindstab and mirrored blade) while your shortbow has every single ability be useful, with maybe the weak link being choking gas but still miles away better as a blasting field for weakness that also pulses poison.
lol laughing @ me? you are a funny guy.
I stopped reading when you went into depth about a the GS. This entire thread has been about the #1 skill of any ranged weapon…I’m not talking about anything else. You just totally went off on a tangent…
Undercoverism [UC]
^Right, all I’m asking for is balance. I don’t care what they need to do, if they need to increase projectile speed or whatever they need to do…it’s all about balance.
Try logging into your thief. Have a friend stand at around 400-600r and just start strafing left and right. Your #1 will NOT hit.
Mesmer’s GS #1 should be treated the same way as well, because its a channeled, homing skill at 1200r.
Undercoverism [UC]
The point is – if they are going to do this to a Thief, they need to do this across the board for all ranged weapons’ autoattack. Otherwise it’s simply unfair.
Undercoverism [UC]
Please don’t compare the thief shortbow to a ranger shortbow lol
Thief shortbow does WAY more damage and bounces between targets .. I’d give 300 range for that.. Also the bleed for rangers shortbow is if your behind or on your side of your target.. Who fights with their back turned besides nade engys lol
Do complain more and shortbow is not your only diffence you got stealth and blind deal
Tell me a ranger who doesn’t use sigil of earth on SB. Auto-attacks BLEED, and it stacks FAST. The ranger’s SB shoots easily 2x as fast as a thief’s.
Yea you shouldn’t compare the thief SB to Ranger’s SB, because the Ranger’s SB is mindless auto-attacking = win.
I would say that most rangers dont use sigil of earth, because they run the shaman amulet, so their crit chance is 9%…… and the dmg from shortbow is pretty abyssmal in a bunker build, its more of a utility for poison, and evade and an interrupt. NOT mindless autoattacking. And looking at ur signature it’s somewhat obvious to me that ur an fotm rider, and ur a little behind sore about both ur op classes taking a hit this patch.
That being said, I believe that they should at least increase the projectile speed to put it on a level playing field with other bow attacks.
I’m a fotm rider? I’ve been playing a thief since beta and am one of the only few thieves still around tpvp…
I guess your sense for the obvious is quite useless.
Undercoverism [UC]
Please don’t compare the thief shortbow to a ranger shortbow lol
Thief shortbow does WAY more damage and bounces between targets .. I’d give 300 range for that.. Also the bleed for rangers shortbow is if your behind or on your side of your target.. Who fights with their back turned besides nade engys lol
Do complain more and shortbow is not your only diffence you got stealth and blind deal
Tell me a ranger who doesn’t use sigil of earth on SB. Auto-attacks BLEED, and it stacks FAST. The ranger’s SB shoots easily 2x as fast as a thief’s.
Yea you shouldn’t compare the thief SB to Ranger’s SB, because the Ranger’s SB is mindless auto-attacking = win.
Undercoverism [UC]
You’re kidding me right?
Even at 1200r, a ranger’s SB autoattack is impossible to straft dodge…I have to actually hit dodge to dodge them…
The new thief SB autoattack, you can straft dodge at even roughly 400r.
Undercoverism [UC]
I dont understand all the fuss.
the Devs specifically said they wanted to nerf viable sets down so that unviable sets would get used more. Seems like everything is working as intended.Do you guys even read dev notes or watch sotg? This was all stated there.
You just said it yourself.
They ONLY nerfed the thief’s viable long range set. I guess they forgot to implement the nerf for all the other classes’ set =/
Undercoverism [UC]
You don’t understand – a shortbow is our ONLY viable ranged option. We don’t have a choice…don’t even bring up p/p.
Undercoverism [UC]
Yea, on par like mesmer’s GS auto attacks which are homing channeled attacks which can hit multiple targets, and on par with ranger auto attacks which are 1200r bleeding homing arrows.
On par, for sure.
Jax – comparing this nerf to a gaurdian scepter is stupid, a thief is a dps class, a guardian isn’t. Give thieves survivability like a guardian and we’ll talk.
Undercoverism [UC]
I’m wondering about the thought process behind “let’s nerf showbow #1 so that it can’t hit anything remotely mobile anymore.”
I personally think the nerf is really extreme. It’s WAY worse than the mug nerf.
If you haven’t tried it yet, shortbow #1 could EASILY be avoided now by simply strafing left and right. It WON’T hit you, and it doesn’t require trying hard neither – it is literally just pressing left and then right. You have more of a chance of landing a far ranged cluster bomb than a auto attack. No decent player would ever just stand in place for you to shoot at…
A ranger can brainlessly shoot fast homing, bleeding arrows, at 1200 range, but thieves shouldn’t be able to hit anything with auto-attack within 900r unless the enemy is brain dead? Well that’s not fair, let’s buff ranger pets as well! That would make things even!
As a thief player who has stayed loyal to playing a thief in tpvp, it’s frustrating when things like this happen…it’s hard enough to play a proper thief in tpvp. (no I don’t mean hotjoins) Now you can’t even sit at range anymore to shortbow, which was one of our only way to play defensively. Now, our only choice is to either put a poison field down or pray for slow cluster bombs to hit a random target. The catch 22 is that we will still be forced to use a shortbow because of it’s amazing mobility and tricks with #5.
Question is: Why should a thieve’s long range weapon set get a nerf like this? I don’t see how it’s justified…no one ever complained about how OP thieves’ shortbow auto attacks were…people complained about how OP hgh engis are, and the devs decided to keep them untouched. People complained about ranger pets, but they decided to buff them, because why not? The pets can ONLY follow you across the map…why not give them more hp?
They don’t want to nerf anything drastically, then pull something like this?
What got changed exactly? The projectile speed?
Nope, they no longer try to track the target.
Just try it, have someone autoattack you and strafe left and right.
Undercoverism [UC]
I’m wondering about the thought process behind “let’s nerf showbow #1 so that it can’t hit anything remotely mobile anymore.”
I personally think the nerf is really extreme. It’s WAY worse than the mug nerf.
If you haven’t tried it yet, shortbow #1 could EASILY be avoided now by simply strafing left and right. It WON’T hit you, and it doesn’t require trying hard neither – it is literally just pressing left and then right. You have more of a chance of landing a far ranged cluster bomb than a auto attack. No decent player would ever just stand in place for you to shoot at…
A ranger can brainlessly shoot fast homing, bleeding arrows, at 1200 range, but thieves shouldn’t be able to hit anything with auto-attack within 900r unless the enemy is brain dead? Well that’s not fair, let’s buff ranger pets as well! That would make things even!
As a thief player who has stayed loyal to playing a thief in tpvp, it’s frustrating when things like this happen…it’s hard enough to play a proper thief in tpvp. (no I don’t mean hotjoins) Now you can’t even sit at range anymore to shortbow, which was one of our only ways to play defensively. Now, our only choice is to either put a poison field down or pray for slow cluster bombs to hit a random target. The catch 22 is that we will still be forced to use a shortbow because of it’s amazing mobility and tricks with #5.
Question is: Why should a thieve’s long range weapon set get a nerf like this? I don’t see how it’s justified…no one ever complained about how OP thieves’ shortbow auto attacks were…people complained about how OP hgh engis are, and the devs decided to keep them untouched. People complained about ranger pets, but they decided to buff them, because why not? The pets can ONLY follow you across the map…why not give them more hp?
They don’t want to nerf anything drastically, then pull something like this?
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
It’s a surprisingly proper fix – in every mmo I’ve ever played, rogues/thieves/assassins always had the best mobility + roaming ability.
At the current state eles are better roamers than thieves esp on maps with lots of flat land like foefire + forest. This is just wrong.
And let’s face it, eles are able to rinse and repeat WAY too often without punishment…it is one of the reasons why people consider them OP outside of the massive healing abilities.
I personally love this fix. And yes, I alt an ele so I’m not being bias.
Undercoverism [UC]
(edited by Amaterasu.6280)
^bump this up as well, happening A LOT. Crazy lag.
Undercoverism [UC]
We discovered this bug tonight while in one of our matches in spirit watch. We had the first orb, then a second orb spawned before the other orb was brought home…
Attached is a screenshot, take a look at the minimap.
Undercoverism [UC]
Whoo go ostrich!
Undercoverism [UC]
The leaderboards need a lot of work…not to get into a essay, but for one – no leaderboard should fluctuate like this…you can literally be rank 50 and be rank 5 within half a day, simply due to having a win streak against decent people.
It’s silly…leaderboards in any game I’ve played have always been much more “solid” in that sense. It seems their current formula really sucks.
Undercoverism [UC]
Why would you need a legendary when you hit 80? I think you’d be much better getting a life instead of a legendary if you hit 80. Once I get to 50, I’m not going to try to consciously level up anymore…
Undercoverism [UC]
I’ve said this before as well…until they take down this giant barrier which is balancing skills in relation to pvp+pve+wvw, the pvp community is going to remain upset. There is no reason why you should balance pvp like pve…how does that even make any sense? The needs of pve classes and pvp classes are on totally opposite sides.
GW1 was successful and achieved good balance in pvp because pvp was separated from pve’s balance. IT WORKS!
Undercoverism [UC]