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[Few video]Thief burst is too low vs. others

in Thief

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


@keyboardwarrior: We know that other classes can do comparable /more damage than thieves; they have higher coefficients and comparable modifiers, so mathematically the potential (and actual in some cases) damage output is greater. The problem is is that thief constantly walks the line between OP and UP and it’s largely dependent on player skill (both yours and the enemy’s ). The thing is our flat out ability to tank is nill, so if that’s your assessment of the thief’s survivability it’s never going to be good because we lack the blocks, invulns, and protection that other classes have. We do have a plethora of evades, dodges, blinds, and even weakness application. That’s sort of what leads to the disagreement between thieves and other classes because our fights end up being bipolar unless both parties are good with their particular classes: you either win handily or eat dirt hard.

I happen to think we’re in a pretty decent spot right now. A few tweaks/fixes here and there to things like venoms/deathblossom/traps would be great, but I can’t think of too much that could be buffed without overwhelming other classes (not all others but maybe a third of them) or nerfs that wouldn’t make thieves sub par to other zerkers. That seems like pretty decent balance to me right now at least.

Any class can be OP or UP depends on the players’ skills, this is pointless, I don’t know why you say useless things like this.

Again, they have equivalent skills to defense like our stealth, they are tankier, have more HP, more CC skills and damage burst is more, that’s total unfair.

Just to drive the point home how much of a difference your traits can make in your burst output (especially in PvP), I’ve attached a few pictures.

2,541 Steal
3,191 C&D
8,096 BS

If you look at my cooldown timers, that 13,828 damage happened in about 1 second. Yes this is a zerk v. zerk fight, but the damage doesn’t really need to be higher, just some of the thief weapon skills and utilities need tweaking.

That’s also a very ideal matchup. One that is really rare to be had in the current meta. Also, that’s assuming your enemy will let you CnD and BS them. I can’t speak for others, but when I see a Thief stealth, I know he’s going to try to BS me so I either move out of the immediate area I know they are, or I use a number of other defensive maneuvers like rolling. BS is just too easy to counter and the reveal debuff is crippling. The whole time reveal is ticking, the Thief either needs to GTFO, or roll around as fast as they can because condi’s and AoE will definitely be flying around enough to take them out before they can even stealth and try again, giving them another chance to fail.

Other classes have a lot more forgiveness with their damage/defense/healing mechanics where Thieves get very little to no forgiveness. Mess up on a Thief, you’re dead. Mess up a bit with an engi/guard, just use some defensives and you’ll be fine.

[Few video]Thief burst is too low vs. others

in Thief

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I’ll weigh in. I play a DD Cele Ele as my main.

In the current meta of celestial professions, the idea of a profession built on bursting an enemy down quickly just doesn’t make sense. On my ele, I can usually survive a Thief’s burst rotation and turn the fight by simply using lightning shield into an updraft/blazing speed/lightning flash/fire grab/drake’s breath combo. It’s just too easy to still be tanky while tossing out bits of damage here and there on a lot of other professions for a Thief to handle for too long.

The longer the fight lasts, the higher the chance is the Thief will lose.

Elementalist WvW D/D

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Thanks! I’ll watch that video. Celestial is good for D/D though, right? I spent all my laurels on celestial recipes, ha….Kinda wishing I ha gotten zerker recipes. You can only get laurels from login rewards now, right?

37K firegrab in pvp

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


How in the…..wha? I can’t even.

Having trouble playing D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I felt the same way when I first started. If you want to kill people efficiently, there are a few things you HAVE to be good at.
1. Knowing who to focus/who your allies are focusing.
2. Stacking might and armor.
3. Clearing condi’s
4. Using updraft/Earthquake to deny stomps or get stomps.
5. Cleaving with drake’s breath, blazing speed and lightning whip.
– Fo’real though, with 15+ stacks of might, drake’s breath can literally melt people in front of you. The cleave is real and your team will thank you for it.

A good trick to landing blazing speed is to back peddle slightly and tilt your camera down which will cause you to travel a much shorter distance, hitting everyone that’s in very close range. Pair that with a lightning flash then follow it up with drake’s breath and you have a solid burst combo.

Good luck to you! Don’t give up, Ele is pretty much the best profession.

Elementalist WvW D/D

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


How much gold does it take to make an ascended set for D/D? I’m getting my tailoring up currently. Just hit 300, woo! I have the recipes for ascended celestial as I knew that’s what I wanted for a roaming build and even for group content with D/D or even a staff. Metabattle recommended soldier gear for staff back lining. Does that sound right?

What can I craft via tailoring to raise money for ascended gear? I also want a zerker set for PvE and LS content. Can I craft exotics at a certain point do I have that to work with while waiting for ascended?

Match making is bad

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I don’t really get why this is happening to me. I played early in the AM (4AM-6AM PST US west coast), and I was getting pretty fair matches, but I just played 3 games and all of them were losses where it seemed that it was an obvious premade vs a bunch of newer players.

I’m only seeing 2 games, hmm. Was one a practice? That wasn’t your imagination, you were predicted to lose both times.

1) Forest, was 2-1-1-1 vs 2-1-1-1 You had a slight rank and MMRs disadvantage though.
2) Foefire, was 2-2-1 vs 1-1-1-1-1, ranks were even, but you had MMR advantage. Apparently wasn’t enough to overcome roster disadvantage.

The second one is interesting, and I think some changes I’ve been working on will help.

Haha, then I’m just imagining that third one or thinking that I wanted to play a third but didn’t after that loss. Yeah, the second game there wasn’t much communication or map pinging done.

Thanks for all you do!

Matchmaking doesn't seem improved

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I really like your idea, and I also really like the communication wheel from League of Legends. A simple wheel you can open up to be able to easily say you’re heading to a point, enemies are in the area, danger, retreat, etc. I believe it was opened up by holding ALT and a mouse button. It’d be really easy to integrate it or something similar into the mini map.

Match making is bad

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I don’t really get why this is happening to me. I played early in the AM (4AM-6AM PST US west coast), and I was getting pretty fair matches, but I just played 3 games and all of them were losses where it seemed that it was an obvious premade vs a bunch of newer players.

I was always outnumbered or always focused, even on home point. When I played really early, I’m assuming I was playing with people outside the US since it was so early (or late), games were pretty even and player skill was quite even as well. Getting all these bad matches in a row really kills it for me.

Thank you for trying to fixing things, Justin.

"buy gold with gems" appearing too so much?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Has anyone else seen the latest article by Anatoli Ingram over at Massively on his article written for Flameseeker Chronicles, where he basically tells everyone that all of the nerfs to open world loot is all in our imaginations. That’s right folks, the past two years never happened. The 9 months we waited on the infamous original loot bug, the constant dropoffs of loot when we login, the sudden no drops from anything even when we teleport to a new location, the T6 material drought, the double RNG on bags, the DR that hasn’t stopped a single bot from logging in since it’s been created, and most recently the Unidentifiable Objects that now drop from boss bags, boss chests, and those special daily rare boxes are all in our heads.

I’m not sure you read the same article as I did, as he mostly comments on how unrewarding most of the systems in the game are to nearly everyone. The article pretty much echoes what is found posted in the forum threads.

“GW2 is marketed on having a cosmetic endgame, where stats only matter to a certain point and one of the ultimate goals is making your character look cool. If ArenaNet is putting over half of those cosmetic goals into the gem store, then the store is effectively working against the game.”

This has got to be my favorite quote of that article. He basically TL;DR’s the article with this short paragraph, and this is exactly why I don’t feel motivated to play much anymore.

Spvp/Leveling Build or Tips

in Warrior

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Hey! I just dinged my Ele at 80 and was looking for another class to level and play Spvp with. Warriors seem fun, very upfront, no fuss damage dealers that are also super necessary in PvX for all the support they give.

What are some good build to run in Spvp or while exploring the map? I hear hambow is fun. What’s a good build to compliment hambow?

warrior be all end all

in Warrior

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Bumping so I can get that build!

warrior be all end all

in Warrior

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Warrior is much like warrior in gw1..very under credited. You can drop banners and just throw your great sword round and call it a day. Or you can look at who is using leap finishers, who doesn’t have swiftness, who can’t stack might etc and alter your build on the fly to still produce respectable damage, but also min/max others weaknesses and strengths. The amount of times I have seen pure DPS guardians that all they can do is subpar warrior damage and offer nothing to those around them is insane. Pound for pound a phalanx strength build warrior thee days offer more overall benefits to teams than what a meditation guardian ever could. It is just the fact that people wanna see guardian as being a team player that they believe the guardian has more to offer groups. If you want to play warrior in a 1-2-3 fashion, then that is all you will get from them. if you want to apply higher thinking then you can achieve much more with them than what most people would suspect.
In any fractal team my current build offers;
Able to boost everyone’s crit chance and damage or vitality/toughness.
apply group swiftness.
Produce fire fields for leap finishers or might fields for blast finishers.
produce massive regen fields in a moments notice.
Hold entire teams might stacks at 25.
Quickly produce high stacks of vulnerability.
Hold boss enmity.
Remove team conditions every 29 seconds
Resurrect multiple downed players if they are close enough.
Stun larger groups.
Immobilise stack kiting targets.
produce high cleave damage.

wu-tang warrior ain’t nothing to —-- with.
There is a strong reason why some players ask specifically for heavies only. Pretty much all speed run groups will ask for one warrior to play the above mentioned build. It just makes life a lot easier.

Hi! Ele here. That build sounds like a lot of fun. I’m not in the know of how-to-warrior, but I’d love to make one and try the build out you’re talking about. Could you please make it and give a link? I know it’s asking a lot, but I’d love to experiment with a different class.

One shot Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


or if you’re in pve/wvw you could go meteornado! XD
but generally its any fresh air setup
this is a great video showcasing some oneshot burst combos

Yeah! We just need to use illegal macros! Just kidding of course. Those combos are great, but some of the commentors made a good point that those combos are fallible as someone can evade/dodge/block those combos and interrupting everything quite easily.

Now, those combos are still great and can be executed in short bursts, but not the entire combo. Breaking a combo up and getting them in during the right time is where they seem to count best.

With those numbers, they must be using zerkers gear. In T/Spvp, would that kind of gear be logical? Wouldn’t an Ele be 2 shotted quite easily by anyone before they get any part of that combo off?

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Time for an update with the new (old) backpiece and that amazing crimson red dye.

Ooooo. What gloves and shoulders are those?!

Blade Shards

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


You can use the forge recipe. It’s a bunch of Sprockets + t1 dust + t2 dust + 1 blade shard.

Alternatively you can mine the sprocket node in a home instance, do aetherblade fractal, do TA aether path, or the JP for an unspecified amount of blade shards

Which fractal has Aetherblades?

Picking a profession (as a returning player).

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


A thief with shortbow or a ranger with either long or shortbow. Thief definitely has better AoE than ranger, however a full ranged setup is bad, regardless of weapons/class

Yeah, I’m considering a shortbow thief, it’s definitely something I’m interested in. It doesn’t have to be a full ranged setup… I think I could live with some melee :P

Staff Ele with signet of air equipped. The signet gives you a 25% speed boost and staff is a good ranged weapon with plenty of AoE attacks.

Staff ele is the very close second on my list at the moment. However, I remember staff having rather poor damage, making it viable mainly for group play. Has this changed?

Staff Ele is pretty much required for WvW and PvE. Also, if you use Arcane Brilliance and Arcane Wave, you can double blast a lightning field and use windborn speed on top of that along with getting more swiftness for attuning to air nets a hefty amount of swiftness. Then just swap attunements and swap back to air once it’s off CD to get more swiftness, and use all those CD’s I mentioned once they’re down. You can have perma swiftness if you keep using that rotation:

Air>WindbornSpeed>StaticField>ArcaneBrilliance>ArcaneWave>XAttunement>Air>repeat x infinity.

New to the game warrior or elementalist?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I said you were exaggerating and provided EFFED UP DATA to a new player, not that you were a “liar”. Put that quote up on the Warrior forum and if you don’t get feedback that most will find it “insulting”, I’ll take back that part.

I know plenty of Eles that hardly ever change attunements…..there are bad players in every class and not learning the knowledge of the game is part of that issue (for ALL players). You are not REQUIRED to learn game mechanics to play an Ele either (you will just suck at it…and die a bunch). Again, Warriors are far more forgiving and MAY be a better choice to START playing the game with because of that.

Tossing a brand new player into a highly techncial class has a much higher likelyhood of making them quite the game in frustration than teaching them to learn the mechanics of the game….it highly depends on the player and what they are looking to “invest” in the game.

To be fair, it wasn’t really data. That’s giving me way too much credit, but thanks none the less. It really depends on the player and the level of difficulty that they prefer in the end. Some people like to start a game off on hard mode, others on easy.

So OP, what did you choose? Hard mode, or easy?

why the new pavillion does not work

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


it’s actually a very simple reason. expecting hundreds of random people who don’t know each other very well to work together is probably one of the most unrealistic expectations ever.

That’s what people said about Tequatl, the Marionette fights, and, back when the game was in Beta/Launch, the fire elemental in Metrica. Stuff seems hard until people learn how it works. And then some will complain it’s too easy.

Because it honestly is really easy. People complain so much about the Boom Boom fight, but it all boils down to, don’t stand in the orange circles and kill the turret. People will catch on! Hopefully…

why the new pavillion does not work

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


It’s not hundreds, it’s closer to 60-70. And it’s not hard. It actually requires a very basic level of communication. No specialized builds needed (though having a couple people who know how to use reflect helps a lot).

The problem is that people would rather complain on forums about how their loot was nerfed than cooperating with the people around them to claim their EASY 8 champ bags every 15-20 minutes or so.

I’d say the majority of players are doing what they’ve always done: flocking to the Blue Dorito, autoattacking while doing other things on a second monitor, and expecting a huge reward.

Oh, and ignoring mapchat completely.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, something tells me you’re on to something here. Having to suddenly turn on a brain after it’s been mostly used for a drool response in the past can be difficult. Has anyone tried making a map chat macro with detailed instructions? (in the case that someone is reading map chat).

It's just not fun at all.

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Hi! Fellow Ele here.

It sounds like you may just be starting out with playing Ele. It can be really tough! Basically, you first need a really solid build.;2B2-V0y4wM-Z0;9;69TT;42;029A17ASs0;3H7W3H7W36L

Try this out. Experiment with amulets and what works for you. I really like Soldiers as my HP is high and so is toughness and damage. A lot of people really like Celestials, though.

Some tips are to use Lightning Flash and Burning Speed together to get some good damage out. Basically, press Fire 3, and after you turn to the side, and are about to slide forward, zap to the desired location with Lightning Flash. If done properly, it will deal the impact damage, apply burning, and do damage from Lightning Flash.

Using combos to stack might are very vital!
Fire 4/3 + Water 3 or Earth 4/5 = area might.
Fire 4/3 + Earth dodge inside fire ring = area might.
Use your CC’s wisely like updraft, earthquake and shocking aura. These three are very vital as you can stop an enemy from bursting you for quite a while with dodging, and chaining these CC’s.

Count your enemy’s dodges. ONLY use your CC’s/high damage abilities after you see your opponent dodge at least once. Bait out their dodges.

Basically, Ele is THE HARDEST profession in this game. It’s all about dancing through your attunements, timing CC and CD’s properly, keeping good uptime on might/fury/protection and dropping some good healing when needed. Use Evasive Arcana properly.

This Meta, Balance, The Future, Llamas.

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Celestial needs to be nerfed, when you give people 2000 more stats than everyone else.

Ok this is a huge exaggeration. Celestial has a total of 3038 stats. Berserkers has 2340. Rabid has 2208.

That’s only 698 difference between celestial and berserkers. You can argue whether or not the gap is too much to compensate for celestial’s lack of specialization but the numbers you have here are plain wrong.

I think Celestial is fine. You lose a lot of specialization for the extra stats elsewhere. Celestial was terrible before the buff and no one used it. It got buffed up about 658 points from 2380 (including jewel).

People seem to swear by celestials but I tried it on my Ele and was not impressed. Not enough damage to kill anything effectively, and not enough vit/tough to outlast anyone. I go Soldier’s instead and kill effectively while still having some sustainable HP. Not critting sucks, though.

Boss Blitz: Gold Reward

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Jade quarry completed -Fyi, all is megaserver now. Either way, we have run several gold wins last night in our tts flow, and I agree. It is very very fun .

Rewards pretty much consist in 6-8 champion bags, 15 gauntlet tickets, 45 festival tokens.

Good to see it’s mega servered. How can people join JQC?

Responses of Four Winds

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


It’s because its frustrating.

Look at the queen’s pavilion for example. You try to get random people to follow instructions, organise and learn the boss mechanics, because the content demands it. They unsurprisingly don’t listen.

So you struggle on zerging a super-scaled boss for a hour straight because the randoms are screwing everything up and you can’t do digidy squat about, only to get 3 greens as a reward.

It’s not ‘awful’ or anything, but it just seems there’s a massive lack of planning out.

And it’s both ways. I can see people’s hearts and souls going towards designing the boss mechanics. They’re probably thinking, ‘man, this looks cool, can’t wait til the players see this’, then of course the players tell them they should all be fired. I’d imagine its a downward spiral.

Yeah, talk about depressing. It’s like an artist paints an amazing portrait and the king it’s painted of orders a beheading for the way his mustache looks. It definitely is hard to get new players to learn mechanics, but that can’t really be controlled by Anet.

I’m going to try shouting out what we need to do in zergs like “kill turret” to help people learn these new mechanics. I also agree that the rewards are not worth it. The bosses don’t drop gold, and hardly drop tokens. I can understand that they don’t drop gold as it was abused last time, resulting in an economic pitfall, but they should be dropping WAY more tickets.

Arena drops at max 24 per win. If you win every game, that’s almost 100 tokens in 20 minutes compared to just a few for the boss kills which take a half an hour or more.

Zephyr Sanctum has no energy now :(

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Also, to the person fearing this game will turn into “Aion” and become “too Asian.”
I beta tested Aion, and it had Asian influence from the start. I highly doubt the designers who create the art for this game will suddenly change their style to be more “Asian-like.” That also sounds like a micro aggression towards a culture of people. Even if they introduced a new race that had a similar appearance, or even Canthan’s, that wouldn’t be so bad in a game where you can be a giant cat/bull thing or a tiny bug eyed mole creature with huge fangs or even giant mountain people. (…)

Umm, no asian-like was not meant to be a “micro aggression” as I’m sure that comment wasn’t meant as a “micro ad hominem”.

I’m all for Cantha. You might remember though who scrapped that and told the art designers what to do.

But (and I am serious) I agree that this should not be blown out of proportion. I still think it’s a bad precedence.

Btw and just for the record, “asian-like” was in reference to computer game genre, hence the example, and not in reference to the look of people. I liked the art and many other things about AION.

I totally get that. Asianic MMO’s have very different means of gameplay akin to many hours of grinding. I hope GW2 doesn’t get very grindy, though grinding out tokens for a Karka shell is a time dump, it feels worth it.

I like Aion as well, but I hated when gaining levels meant that I had to grind spawn points. That got old fast, but I loved the gamplay mechanics of the classes like Sorc and Assassin. So much fun, as well as aerial combat. The grinding just killed it for me, even though I really like the PvP/combat gameplay.

Approaching 80. Gear help!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Well I would stay away from zerkers in WvW. Any thief will 1 shot you. Soldiers, celestial, or some mix with Valk or something is a good choice I think.

For PvE you can get away with full zerk if you are good, or mix a few defensive stat trinkets in to help survive if you have trouble. Fire staff 6/2/2/2/2 is pretty sweet with lots of % dmg increase and is perfect for stacking tactics. Any D/D build should work too.

Thanks! That’s a big help.

New to the game warrior or elementalist?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


If you want to just roll your face along your keys while not really learning a thing because you don’t need to dodge/evade or use active defenses, then play a warrior. …..

The above statement is totally unnecessary and a gross exaggeration of the class in general. Up to that point, your post was intelligent and factual….then you posted that line of total FUD and I quit reading….good job.

Of course, a warrior is easier to play, but that does not mean that every warrior out there plays “lazy”, never dodges nor uses any defensive skills. Just because a Warrior can possibly survive an encounter like that does not mean every Warrior plays that way.

BTW, I play both classes (in fact, I play ALL of them) and we are all overjoyed that you “love your Ele”, but players of other classes would appreciate it if you didn’t translate that “love” into disparaging posts that border on lies and insults.

So…..You’re saying warriors can “possibly survive an encounter like that,” which was in reference to me saying “not using dodges/defensive skills?” Because then I’m called a liar and insulting for saying those things so I’m a little confused, even though warrior can in fact do those things, whereas some other professions simply cannot. Ele being one of them.

I definitely agree that I could have been more objective, you totally got me there. Hyperbole in jest to be taken in kind, but what I said wasn’t a lie. An easier class doesn’t require harsher knowledge of game mechanics as its harder counterpart.

Responses of Four Winds

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


So the festival has been out for a full day now, and people are already spouting words of doom for this game and how awful everything now is.

Coming from someone who played in the beginning, took a break, and is now back, I don’t understand why people feel this way. This game is much more fun, and is truly growing in the amount of people playing, which can only mean that this game will get better. I’m excited for the future, but all these doom sayers are (almost) getting me down.

Boom-Boom Baines, poor design?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Right now my server is fighting Boom-Boom Baines. The fight has lasted for a really long time, and at this rate it will never be done. I’ll return to the game and we will still be fighting her I’m sure.

If you haven’t fought her here is the reason why the fight can be dragged on; she spawns a healing turret that pumps out significant heals as long as it’s up. Kill the turret and the healing stops, simple enough.

However the zerg isn’t listening and most people continue attacking her and ignore the turret. Every time it spawns she heals to 3/4. Every. Time.

I do not think that content should ever exist that becomes impossible when a large zerg is not coordinating well. Especially content that attracts large numbers of players.

It should get significantly harder. It should not become impossible.


It’s a great design, matter of fact. It’s a really simple fight (aside from grenades that 1 shot me all the time!), and having to swap to the healing turret is really easy. It usually just takes one person to /say “Kill turret!” Turning people’s brains back on and telling them to swap does wonders.

I’m glad Anet is giving us harder bosses. Much more engaging and making us think on the fly. I hope to see more of this in the future.

what is this mini panda?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


This also harkens back to GW1 where the mini panda was a prized item that only about 150 people had. It was extremely rare. Cool to see it brought back.

Zephyr Sanctum has no energy now :(

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


In a month enough of china will be at lv 80 that they likely won’t have to downscale further content. In two months almost all of china will be at lv 80 and they won’t have to downscale further content. And that’s if the chinese players are really slow with leveling….

So you get sub T6 mats for two weeks. Gold drops were already negligible. Most of the new skins and access to old ones is from the pavilion.

Really, this just looks like you’re looking for a reason to kitten.

Right?! Mountains conjured from mole hills. This was a smart move on Anet’s part, and just makes sense.

Also, to the person fearing this game will turn into “Aion” and become “too Asian.”
I beta tested Aion, and it had Asian influence from the start. I highly doubt the designers who create the art for this game will suddenly change their style to be more “Asian-like.” That also sounds like a micro aggression towards a culture of people. Even if they introduced a new race that had a similar appearance, or even Canthan’s, that wouldn’t be so bad in a game where you can be a giant cat/bull thing or a tiny bug eyed mole creature with huge fangs or even giant mountain people.

All in all, I doubt content in the future will be as down-leveled as this festival due to people catching up in levels quickly in this game.

Best way to get tokens?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I hope they add more ways to get tokens because the pvp mode is awful.

You don’t like the arena?! That’s some of the most fun I’ve had in this game to date! I loved sitting on top of the rock in mid and just trolling people with my sun beam and pulling people to their doom with the black hole. Plus, it’s really easy to cap with sun #5. I’ve carried my team many times by going with sun aspect and just running crystals. Super fast and fun.

Maybe it will grow on me, but right now I just don’t find it fun at all. The matches feel more like they’re based on luck than skill.

Yeah, it can be if you have teammates that don’t know that capping is what gets points.

Also, since there’s no healing, you pretty much have to get the drop on your enemy in order to kill them. If you didn’t, run and try again later. xD

But yeah, the token numbers vary sometimes. For a win, I’ll sometimes get 18, other times, 24. /shrug

The Bookah Guide to Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


1) They hardly drop festival tokens at all to be worth it. In the time it takes to do this event, one could do Aspect Arena (which I personally love) and get heaps of tokens. That’s understandable, but the rewards it does give out is not worth it.

The time it takes is all of 5 minutes? Not thaaaat long now.

I was talking about the bosses. Arena drops tokens like candy, I love it. The arena is also super fun, in my opinion. Does it stick around like Sanctum Sprint?

Where is our ACTUAL damage mitigation?

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


To the OP in his first post, you reference Necro but keep in mind
they have the highest hitpoint pool in game AND can switch between
shadow form as damage mitigation (whatever that is called).

Ele’s have not only the lowest armor in the game, but also the lowest
HP. Despite this, they give classes like warriors (who have plate and high
HP) and rogues (who can stealth anytime things get dangerous) better
damage mitigation even though Ele in theory need more.

I do think it’d be nice if they gave us a base of 1500 like they do with Mesmers. Doesn’t really make sense as we dont’ have clones or stealth to help us.

D/D SPVP Build

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


What’s up with all the build recycling lately? Same posts over and over with ONE MINOR change to a build.

One minor change can determine a lot, whether it be cleansing, fury uptime, a different amulet, etc. I do agree that there is a lot of the same floating around, but what could be the big underlying issue with the meta as you’re correct?

Best way to get tokens?

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I hope they add more ways to get tokens because the pvp mode is awful.

You don’t like the arena?! That’s some of the most fun I’ve had in this game to date! I loved sitting on top of the rock in mid and just trolling people with my sun beam and pulling people to their doom with the black hole. Plus, it’s really easy to cap with sun #5. I’ve carried my team many times by going with sun aspect and just running crystals. Super fast and fun.

The Bookah Guide to Boss Blitz

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I appreciate the enthusiasm. If ANet wanted to make the strategy interesting, they would make the rewards interesting. The rewards are not interesting, no matter how good the strategy. You might win 80 seconds faster, but so what?

A few things to clarify:

1) You fail to understand the true lesson anet learned since last august : “never make a festival that turns into farm zerg and disturbs the economy”. Doing festival events rewards you festival tokens that are can be turned into festival rewards. The trend started since the marionette (code fragments).
Why? Anet wants people to play events the way they are intended to be played. They do not like to see things been turned into a grindfest like the QD champ train. Having the pavillion’s loot system unchanged is the best way to ensure that nobody will follow the strategy (’cause everyone will be farming lodestones instead of doing the event itself).

2) Dungeons have the highest gold earning rate. period (alongside with flipping tp). If you think Anet will introduce a new method to earn gold faster, you’re a deluded person.

3) Tequatl reward is not interesting if we follow this logic (beaten by dungoens/eotm/wb train in terms of reward). Why are people still doing tequatl after 6 months ? -> Thrill of the kill and unique skins. Same thing here. Also managing to have an entire zerg coordinate is a reward in itself (this my personnal opinion anyway)

1) They hardly drop festival tokens at all to be worth it. In the time it takes to do this event, one could do Aspect Arena (which I personally love) and get heaps of tokens. That’s understandable, but the rewards it does give out is not worth it.

Some questions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


What video? Maybe its cuz im on phone, but I dont see link
Sorry! for some reason it didn’t post the first time. You’ll see it when you go to the vendor, though.

LF Event Buddies/PvX

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Well shoot. I wish i could play :/

I wish you could, too! What happened that you can’t?

Being sick and work. Its a lethal combo. Feel free to add me to your friends, as id be happy to play with you when i get the chance. I also do pretty much everything, WvW, PVE, and tpvp so we can definitely find something to do together. However, dont add this account, as this is my second account i dont really use for anything but forum posting. Just add “Lyss The Shadow” the account name should be “scarydogie” plus some random numbers

Well I hope you get well soon, that’s never a fun combo. I’ll add you!

LF Event Buddies/PvX

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Well shoot. I wish i could play :/

I wish you could, too! What happened that you can’t?

[SPVP] "New" to Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I tried all of your suggested variations but my problem still persist: I can’t unleash enough damage and at the same time I take too much damage. Fire #3 is kitten hard to land, firegrab has a 45 secs CD, churning earth is too predictable etc etc.

Have you tried using a different amulet? Personally, I don’t like Celestials. I often get the “I don’t hit hard enough, nor am I tanky/healing enough to do anything effectively” when I use a celestials, which makes sense considering it has no focus of stats.

I tried a soldiers and I felt way more tanky, while still doing some good damage as it still retains some power, though your crit will be nill.

Stats to hit for WvW (D/D)

in Elementalist

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I usually hit my base defense first (2.5k-2.6k armor, 15k-16k hp) then dump everything in power, precision, and ferocity.

I run with these stats and do just fine in large groups and zergs.

What kind of gear/food is needed to hit these marks? A mix of Valk/Soldier/Celes?

EDIT: Quickly tossed a build together. Tell me what you think.

(edited by Anomaly.7612)

Sclerite Karka Shell

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Which vendor is it? I looked at the ones at the ship, and only saw the flower, dragon horns, etc. Is it a random drop from the boxes?

From the video I saw that has it, the vendor is on the ground. I’ll link the video to help you out. I’d look but I’m at work.

2:02 –

LF Event Buddies/PvX

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


All in all, I’m just looking for anyone to play with. I do spvp/tpvp/WvW and dungeons/exploration of map daily. A fun guild would be great too as I don’t have one.

I’m close to 80 on my Ele and I hold my own and support my team really well in s/tpvp. I give out boons like candy and can provide perma swiftness. Get at me!

Character name: <~o:(Bazuul The Profound):o~>
(minus the fun special characters of course. That’s just for flair!)

Seriously: Why no arenas?

in PvP

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I’d like the return of the Raid on the Capricorn! For some reason, even the most seasoned players cannot deal with verticality, I was a beast underwater. ;D

Oh my god, I miss this map so much. I left the game and came back to NO CAPRICORN!? >: I So much for Whirlpool of Death on my Ele.

I think arena would be amazing in this game. Of course it wouldn’t be balanced, but is any MMO ever 100% balanced?

Also, capture the flag! That would be so much fun. I know Spirit Watch is kind of like this already, but it’s not big enough, nor fun enough. I want to have a build catered to stability/swiftness and zerg around the map as a flag holder. Hands down one of the best matches in WoW PVP. Not saying we need to be more like WoW, I just loved this game mode in general.

As much as I love conquest, it gets old after a while. Unless it’s Capricorn. That was infinitesimally fun.

Why is there no loot or Xp in the Pavillion?

in Living World

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


I guess big brother NCSoft wants more people to move to Wildstar and told ANet to make the game really unpleasant for the players until Wildstar gets released.

Eww, W* is gross. At least I personally didn’t like it. Did you play the beta? It was basically WoW in space with active targetting/dodging and 1/3 of the skills.

Sclerite Karka Shell

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Awesome! Thanks for the help, y’all. Really appreciate it. That’s strange that the forge doesn’t see it. Surely it’s not considered a different item in terms of coding.

100 blade shards = 1 green

in Living World

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


Where can we get blade shards now? I’m trying to make spinal blades!

Three ways. There is a mystic forge recipe. Mined from Sprocket node in home instance (requires Gift of Sprockets). And killing Aetherblades (TA Aetherpath, Gendarran jumping puzzle, or in the center of Edge of the Mists). If you have enough t1 and t2 dust and money for Sprockets, I’d go with the forge. Best do the mining too daily to save money.

I bought the blueprints from the TP. What else do I need for the mystic forge? Is there a recipe on the /wiki?

Sclerite Karka Shell

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


So what currency is needed in order to get this from the festival vendor, and how do I get it?

I didn’t participate in this event when it was out last, so I don’t know where to start and I’m not home to explore. I appreciate all assistance.

Some questions.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Anomaly.7612


1. Can I still get/craft Karka Shell back item?
2. Is there any use of ascended ingridments you get from EoTM/WvW that you dont need to invest money into or they are just destoyable?
3. -Comming Sonn- xD

Watch this video and prepare to wet yourself at 2:02. I know I did. Also, put the video in fullscreen.