One-Time events are awesome, the only thing needed is a better solution for bringing them to all timezones.
I would say that should be BOTTOM of a list:
1. Make sure they WORK
2. Remove Bugs and issues
3. Make sure the server(s) can actually handle the event
Now 1 and 2 are possible, if they bother to actually put EFFORT into it and actually TEST the kitten thing before releasing it. Number 3 however i dont think they can/will they have AWFUL servers as shown MANY times when these kind of things have happened where loads of people are all online the servers simply cant handle it which is MORONIC seriously did they not think about maybe adding more servers or something for these kind of events – getting constantly disconnected or getting lag for about 90|% of the time is NOT fun
Then you get onto the actual content – The fact that mobs seemed to have been placed in VERY stupid positions (or randomly) having to fight 3 champions and several champions while trying to survive through all of the lag is NOT fun
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
ArenaNet you are slowly making me consider taking my old WoW guild up on their offer and go back and play with them…I thought no monthly fee would of been amazing but I am to the point where I would rather pay the fee for a more stable game.
I totally agree i have had former guild members from Rift and WoW asking if i would come back the way Anet is going, i will either be taking them up on the offer or waiting for the promising FF14 re-release.
Its all well and good having no monthly fees HOWEVER when you get crap like this – bugged content, bugged updates, awful servers THESE are the kind of things that would make me GLADLY pay a monthly fee to get rid of.
Not good enough – what about people like me? I managed to get to the chest, open it and pick up the Karka Box before getting DC-ed and then when i finally managed to get back into the game the chest had gone so i had the Karka Box to show for over 3 hours of work – and it was work and NOT fun, lagged like hell, riddled with issues and bugs…
Personally – great idea, terrible execution. Just like SO many other aspects of the game it was riddled with issues, bugs and disconnects and in my opinion they should NEVER have released it in that state
Simply unacceptable for a “big” comany to be SO poor when it comes to the simple things like TESTING content before releasing it or even anticipating more network usage and doing something about it. The servers they use are simply AWFUL
for such a “big” event to be riddled with bugs, issues, disconnects and other problems is just unacceptable if i was the head of the people that made the conent i was be appealed as to how it turned out.
The idea for the event was great HOWEVER – it was AWFUL how they presented it:
- Constant Disconnects – surely i would have thought they would have learned from the Beta Weekends, the Head Start, The Release and Halloween that they have AWFUL servers when it comes to being busy. even now after FINALLY completing the even just over an hour ago i STILL am getting constantly disconnected.
Heres a Tip: If you want to do these “One Time” Events its a MUST that you put some work into upgrading your servers because they are THE worst i have encountered in a MMO.
- Laaaaaaaaaaaaag – As if the constant disconnects werent bad enough the event was riddled from start to finish with terrible lag at times it took MINUTES for the game to catch up with it self by which time i of course was dead and this happened more then once.
- Mobs , Okay i like a challenge but this event took it WAY to far at times we were fighting SEVERAL champion big mobs as well as ALOT of the smaller mobs and the insect things that was just stupid it was like you didnt put ANY thought into where mobs should be placed and let a 3 year old lose with it.
- Loot, Okay so i only managed to get the Karka Chest, annoying as that may be we have to accept that its not going to change as we know how useless you lot are when it comes to feed back (STILL waiting for class fixes MONTHS after release…) but allowing Pre-Cursers to drop was a HUGE mistake and it makes it WORSE for us that didnt actually get to pick up the loot that not only did some people get SEVERAL even trail players got some…
If this event is anything to go by for upcoming one time only events heres a tip – DONT bother with them, seriously they are a total waste of time and bugged most of it – you have some AMAZING game testers how you released that event i dont know another company would be embarrassed after that mess….
The idea for the event was great HOWEVER – it was AWFUL how they presented it:
- Constant Disconnects – surely i would have thought they would have learned from the Beta Weekends, the Head Start, The Release and Halloween that they have AWFUL servers when it comes to being busy. even now after FINALLY completing the even just over an hour ago i STILL am getting constantly disconnected.
Heres a Tip: If you want to do these “One Time” Events its a MUST that you put some work into upgrading your servers because they are THE worst i have encountered in a MMO.
- Laaaaaaaaaaaaag – As if the constant disconnects werent bad enough the event was riddled from start to finish with terrible lag at times it took MINUTES for the game to catch up with it self by which time i of course was dead and this happened more then once.
- Mobs , Okay i like a challenge but this event took it WAY to far at times we were fighting SEVERAL champion big mobs as well as ALOT of the smaller mobs and the insect things that was just stupid it was like you didnt put ANY thought into where mobs should be placed and let a 3 year old lose with it.
- Loot, Okay so i only managed to get the Karka Chest, annoying as that may be we have to accept that its not going to change as we know how useless you lot are when it comes to feed back (STILL waiting for class fixes MONTHS after release…) but allowing Pre-Cursers to drop was a HUGE mistake and it makes it WORSE for us that didnt actually get to pick up the loot that not only did some people get SEVERAL even trail players got some…
If this event is anything to go by for upcoming one time only events heres a tip – DONT bother with them, seriously they are a total waste of time and bugged most of it – you have some AMAZING game testers how you released that event i dont know another company would be embarrassed after that mess….
Or look for the crash reports. I know I sent one.
What about those of us that didnt “crash” but just got DC-ed. I was in the middle of getting all the loot from the chest. Managed to pick up the “Karka Box” before i was kicked and by the time the game allowed me back in the chest was gone
I just purchased 800 Gems as i wanted to buy an additional Character Slot, i could view the “Upgrades” page on the trading Post perfectly fine before i purchased the gems but now that i have them i am unable to view any of the panels such as “Minis”, “Boosts” and “Services” they ALL wont appear. I am still able to spend Gems on the “Recent Purchases” tab but i am unable to spend them on anything else
What i have tried:
- log Out
- Restart The Game
- Restart Router
Pretty much EVERYTHING i could do i tried and yet still they dont appear.
for bugs and issues i would say Necro are at the top, most of our class trait line is a complete mess with SO many useless/broken traits. I have a Ele, Mesmer, Necro and just started a Engineer – So far though it feels quite strong – got Dual Pistols with Flamethrower and grenades at the moment (lvl11)
It does feel quite a bit stronger then all the other classes at this lvl. Fun wise i think it would be:
necro (Condition), Mesmer (Phantom), Ele (random) and i think Engineer will over take Mesmer as i have been enjoying it quite a lot so far and its how much fun that i have that means most to me, being an OP class like thief just doesnt interest me
I was wonder how exactly does the Engineer work with Weapons and sigils? i mean we mostly are in other kits and such do the weapon stats cross over from the weapon(s) we have active to the kit for example Flamethrower?
I was also wondering about Sigils – In the same sense as weapon damage and stats are they transferred over to the kit while we have them active?
if not – surely that gives us a HUGE disadvantage losing out on stats that weapons have as well as the sigil bonuses
Yeah i know that – thats why i wonna know where the servers are actually based – so i can find the server closest to me. These CONSTANT server side errors:
- Failed to access Login server
- world full
- wrong password
ALL while being in the game are beginning to annoy the hell out of me when i can jump right into another MMO and have no issues what so ever
I was on my server (Desolation) and there was aconvosation going on where several people were saying they found out that the server is actually located in the US – Now i am not sure if this is true but would like to know.
If it is true – how can it be called an EU server if it isnt actually located in the EU? Is there a page or something that shows where exactly the servers are located?
If you have a game account for the original Guild Wars, can you play it?
- Havent tried but after getting these errors as well as the failed to access login server and the wrong password error (while being IN the game) i can go on other MMOs that i have including wow and rift as well as other Online games without having ANY issue with them what so ever.
Where are you playing Guild Wars 2 from?
- South England, Though i hear that your EU servers (Desolation at least) are actually in the US – a confirmation on this would be nice
At what time and in which time zone do you play Guild Wars 2?
- between Sunday afternoon and Wednesday. Mostly fine until “Peak” times (5pm onwards) and yet i have NO issues with ANY of the other online games that i play so i know its not my internet
I simply posted my spec – i use very similar spec for both PvE and PvP. Like i said in MY opinion all out attack isnt always the best way to go and you dont take into account the people you are doing them with – just because YOU can do them runs perfectly fine with that – doesnt mean everyone will with differing play styles, didnt people, different classes in the runs and such.
“Best” is still down to each persons opinion. I personally take Toughness as i like to have that back up – just in case something goes wrong. Now not everyone is like that and i can accept that its down to everyones personal opinion.
Plague would be better if when you came out of it if you had MORE Health left when not in it your health should be at max -
Example : 10,000health outside Plague, you leave Plague when you “have” 12,000 health so your health should be full when out of it – but for some reason it seems (to me at least) that it goes by the percentage of health rather then the actual health
Also i didnt say anything about Tanking :/ so i think its your “knickers” that are in a twist.
It spreads all stacks of all the conditions on the target as far as im aware, its another one of those things just not 100% sure how it works or how its meant to work
@Digiowl – From what i have seen, it does look like its more then 5 targets but with all the numbers flying everywhere its very hard to tell.
Though the class was a great idea – the way it is presented is pretty poor. When classes can pump out more Conditions and have fear that last longer then ours it gets very annoying.
Also dont see why Thief that use steal on us get a Fear that last longer then the very skill they stole from us does it really makes no sense
Then you get into the fact of just how many classes have SO much condition removal what would be nice is if we had a skill that could rather then just turn there boons into conditions would be able to STEAL there boons as well – maybe tie it into Plague Signet – the active part -
Transfer all conditions on yourself to the target and steal all their boons
I think Vitality is a bit to strong for some of the classes as well. I defo think we should have a “burst” option – maybe something that will “explode” all our conditions on the target and do say 75% of all its potential damage in one go would be nice – the Scepter skill that is MEANT to do more damage for the more conditions on the target needs a BIG buff as well as currently its pretty poor – should do say 100 damage per a stack of a condition with maybe a trait to increase it by 50% or something
Its only for PVE (PVP WVW is not relevant)
(copy it if bad link)
He/she asked for a PVE spec so I provided the best condition PVE spec, we could argue all day about survivability versus dps specs in WvW – I prefer the latter (but then again that fits my play style better) and no I wouldnt recommend using my spec in sPVP but that is not what was asked
even in PvE such as Dungeons and high level Event content defense is still a good choice – DPS isnt the be all and end all of the game. Also “Best” is down to opinion thats yours and i have stated mine.
@Nachtnebel – its VERY useful in WvW. Especially against those defending/attacking bases as they normally stack up nice and tight -especially when trying to nuke down the doors combined with the marks it can be deadly
@ Savan That maybe be, i go for Toughness and Condition. All out attack isnt the best of ideas. Might be okay for him as hes doing PvE only – in PvP (wvw st/pvp) that would get you killed FAST
@ Merch, i dont think its 5 target limit – i have used it and still use it alot in WvW and it seems to me that it transfer to more people but that could be just people moving about that makes it look like it spreads to alot of people
Combined with Corrupt Boon on the classes that can suddenly have 10+ Boons is great i normally save it for those moments as it can be a killer when used at the right moment
@ Shizo – i would take 10 points in Soul Reaping or Spite over that of Blood Magic
Spite – Extra power (not really that useful) Longer Condition Duration and taking either Retailiation on entering DS or Life Blast and Plague Blast Grant Might
Spite 5point trait gives “life” when you kill something, think thats life force rather then health which isnt bad
Blood Magic – Vitality and Healing is nice but not really required. The 10 point traits arent really that good either bar the Dodge one but still hats meh
Blood Magic 5 seconds of regeneration when you hit 90% health isnt to bad but 30second cool down is a bit long
Soul Reaping – added Critical damage and higher DS Life Force are decent. Several decent traits as well – moving 15% faster in DS, Life Blast prices and causes, Vulnerability, DS Drains 25% slower and DS skills recharge 15% faster are all decent
5 point trait in Soul Reaping is decent increasing the LF gained from skills by 5% not an amazing amount but still pretty decent
Personally i will be taking 10points in Soul Reaping – I use DS often for Fear, AoE damage as well as a Meat Shield so its quite nice, though the longer condition duration is quite nice as well
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
Yeah its VERY annoying that other classes can do Fear that last longer then mine, i was feared for about 5seconds the other day in pvp and it was a joke – ours is poor – the weapon one needs a change – it should affect EVERYONE in the area (which i dont think it does) and our fears should last ALOT longer we were meant to be the fear class and yet we get a crappy set of fears that run out VERY fast compared to others
Not sure if Toughness is really required other then maybe 10-15 points is required for PvE, im going with Toughness as i do alot of wvw.
The Sigils i will be likely using will be the +Precision and +Condition Damage Sigils and then have 1 spare that i have not picked yet.
For the Rune – i am looking at the Undead Rune, gives Toughness, Condition Damage and 5% of Toughness given as Condition damage – another option is Nightmare which is Condition damage and Condition duration as well as a chance to fear though wouldnt take that and likely take Undead for more Condition Damage over the Fear – 5% chance to fear for 1second on 90second cool down is a bet meh
I would personally go with either Soul Reaping (better DS) Death Magic (Toughness) or maybe even Spite (longer condition duration, might on life blast, ect) over Vitality
I would also take Toughness over Vitality as well. Most of that tree is pretty poor for Condition specs
if only PvE i would remove Plague Signet its pretty poor for PvE and can be a right pain when running past people and suddenly getting bogged down in conditions
I dont have alot of time so wont be able to cover everything i can. But first i would replace the elite with Plague as being a condition spec you will get ALOT more out of that then the one you are using now.
My skills are: Consume Conditions, Corrupt Boon, Plague Signet, Epidemic, Plague – this is more of a WvWvW build so Corrupt Boon will likely be useless if you are a PvE only person but SERIOSULY useful against some classes in WvWvW/PvP
What traits are you currently using – be aware that 5point in Death Magic trait does have issues with PvE content – hough hear its been fixed in PvP
I have to agree with the OP. Its fine in PvE and its fine mostly in WvW. However in S/TPvp it is just pretty poorly done and in 99% situations it just prolongs the inevitable – its useful in groups, its useless 1vs1 or any time you are out numbered.
Then you get on to how unbalanced each one is – Each Class should get -
Single Target interrupt
AoE Interrupt
Single Damage
Group Damage
Of course they can have different visuals but its stupid that the downed state is so unbalanced
“Perhaps it’s because there isn’t an incentive to keep on playing. It’s fun at first, but cosmetic gear that isn’t even colored the way you want and will take many ranks at a slow grind really doesn’t do it for some people to convince them to play for fun to get to the next coolest thing.”
My view as well – The Maps though well made (minus the stupid Under water combat) and the stupid down state that is pretty useless unless your group really out numbers the other you will die.
It gets boring after all a while – Just doesnt feel rewarding, the stupid thing that all you get are skins and even then the color you chose gets over written anyway is kind of annoying
Death Shroud feels like the Mesmer Shatter system – both require alot of Trait input to get anything solid from. Without them they are pretty subpar.
Except that you do not put aside your whole skillset each time you shatter your illusions. Instead you simply loose what additions they provided, not that different from a thief running out of initiative or warrior spending his adrenaline.
At present there are very few out of DS benefits from LF, and going into DS means loosing access to your weapons and utilities for the duration.
The main design focus of DS seems to be the damage absorption, but for that we trade away our access to weapons and utilities for the duration. IMO that is not a fair trade, as 4 out of 5 trait lines focus on those weapons and utilities.
True that DS is a bit worse, but lets be honest most of the Shatter effects are pretty poor with the Confusion and Distortion ones being the only worth while ones and needing to be specc-ed that way – my Mesmer is a Phantom Mesmer keeping them up as much as possible thus making the whole shatter system pretty poor choice.
Even again – The DS skills arent that great either. Its kinda annoying that the 1st skill in DS barely does any more damage then when not inside it. DS needs a buff the 1st skill needs atleast 50% damage increase, as well as getting its attack speed buffed up abit at the moment i use DS for 3 things which i dont even use all the time that is:
1. Fear
2. AoE damage
3. Meatshield
The 10second cool down on it is VERY annoying as well
It has to be the WORST and MOST useless trait in the WHOLE game – then again most of our traits are pretty poor.
They really either need to replace it or buff it up so its an actual useful thing to have -
- It would be nice if it didnt die after life 3seconds of spawning
- Would be nice if it didnt spawn AFTER the enemy was dead
- It would be nice if it didnt bleed it self dry the moment it spawned
They should make it so it like losing 1% of health per a second. Has about 50% of our health and maybe did more then just Bleed – Maybe add Poison and such to it as well and make it so that it explodes into poisonous cloud without needing the stupid trait for it
Death Shroud feels like the Mesmer Shatter system – both require alot of Trait input to get anything solid from. Without them they are pretty subpar.
Currently running with 21,000 health (lvl43) and 1,282 Toughness works quite well personally think more Toughness is better then more Health. I only get Toughness from my traits as im currently running around in mish-mash gear with Precision and Condition damage. Got 45% chance to crit
I am going the toughness route due to doing alot of WvW so its kinda needed, in PvE i doubt it would be that useful and maybe going Power or even reaper would be the better option. I could put the last 10 points into something else but its more for the defensive/toughness option – slower draining DS + plus higher pool can be quite handy when getting nuked
This for PvP? PvE?
My spec (mostly WvW) is being built around a Toughness and condition damage build. Going 0/30/30/0/10 for my build picking up II, VII and XI in Curses and picking up II, V and something else (not sure yet) in Death Magic while picking up II in Soul Reaping
Of course going with Scepter/Dagger and Staff weapon combo not sure yet on Sgils, likely Precision, Corruption increasing ones for 2 of the weapons and something else maybe power or something for the 3rd
Using Epidemic is good when timed well. Normally target the main “boss” and wait for any one around to get close enough before spamming the marks and popping Epidemic
I tend to use staff, put down the marks as often as you can, use DS Ability 5 as often as you can as well (when multiple enemies are around) thats what i do, seems to work pretty well and i can even get Gold in events for content that is upwards of 5 levels higher then i am
I love playing my Condition build in WvW, sure i cant do THAT much damage when it comes to doors but i just love seeing a Boon spamming player then use the Boon to condition ability combined with Epidemic when it works (stupid bug!) it can kill so many people especially if timed right when they have the most up lol
Yeah coz mesmers are surely unkillable….
This is a HUGE problem, someone loses to another class and screams “OP, Needs a Nerf!”
I’m lovin my Necro – very powerful . The bugs are annoying but it’s a very strong class in pve and pvp. Sounds like you’re just not that great at playing the Necro and you should choose another class that is more your play-style. Necromancer isn’t the only class with bugs and isn’t the only thing that needs to be fixed in the game – they have been giving the class updates so I don’t know where your " they forgot about our class" mentality comes from. Good luck with whatever class you’re playing next.
I agree, it seems more down to a player issue then a class issue, play a different class.
I have pl\yed Ele, Mesmer and Necro – i far enjoy the Necro the most. In PvE, in WvW and in S/TPvp i just enjoy playing it ALOT more then the others. Even with the fact that Mesmer is “OP” i still enjoy my Necro the most.
I play a Condition build and love it, in WvW Corrupt Boon combined with Epidemic can be deadly for groups with boon spamming Guardians (i think they are) i havent done any dungeons yet but it plays well in Dynamic Events with getting condition’s out and spreading them – i run with Staff and Scepter/Dagger combo and it works very well
In PvP i run with a Toughness/Condition build and it works well, cant be burst down easily and can be a right pain in group fights and can survive a decent amount of time when attacked by several people and though it might not be as much as say a Bunker Guardian but it is still pretty solid and its just enough to be able to survive burst attacks most of the time as well as long as i have a decent amount of LF
Sure, the class has its bugs and issues but what class in the game doesnt have them? None, they all have bugs and issues and though i wish they would FIX the issues rather then try and balance a game with so many bugs and issues the class is far from broken, i have recently seen more Necros then Mesmers in T/Spvp so they cant be that bad, so much for the “laughing stock” comment
Mmmmm, if thats the case not sure whats going on but i can barely make any of the jumps and i cant even make it past the first section – the camera is HORRIBLE especially the part after the boulders where you have to jump on the spiked squares it just makes the camera go all crazy
I even take as much as a run up as i can and still not make the same jump that i make 100% of the time on my Human and Slyvari
I have done the jumping puzzle in Eternal Battlegrounds with both a Human and a Sylvari and had no issues what so ever, but when it comes to doing it with my Asura i struggle to the point where i simply give up.
Got nothing to do with invaders or anything, simply down to the fact i cant make most of the jumps unless its down to pure luck or getting given a speed boon most of the time i make it its down to managing it get onto a part that doesnt even appear to be there.
The furthest i have gotten is the part int he first area where the traps you can use are and then you have to jump onto a square part behind it to continue except – I cant make it and it takes about 5+ attempts, falling and dying just to make it to that part.
Any other Asura feel like this? is there a difference between jump distance and jump height when compared to other races.
Yes it does, at the same time though mango and the others are right. The death magic tree shouldn’t only benefit Minion masters. In guild wars 1 death magic was also used a lot for single target degeneration and special conditions(disease<3). Not to mention the traits themselves are terrible compared to what they were probably designed around in the first place (jagged horrors not degening, summoning 3-5 bone minions instead of 2, summoning 2 bone minions, ect.) Since we can’t maintain as large a minion army as we were originally going too, these traits seem petty.
Once again mango is also right in that they need to change it around in a way where it doesn’t shaft minion masters. Minion mastering is currently ONLY useful for solo PvE. Minions get wiped out easily in dungeons, and if you spec entirely for their benefit, it kinda sucks to lose them all in the blink of an eye. So if they/we get nerfed, it would be another kittentorm.
Death Magic=summoning undead minions. Nuff said (again).
I mean seriously – not enough to QQ about than a couple minor trait levels, which mind you, will spawn minions randomly & passively & therefore give you the stat bonus on the minor master anyway…?
There are 4 other trait trees – you can only max 2. You do the maths.I swear, it’s my own fault for reading forums huge Shrek sigh.
The problem being is that
- the Jagged Horror spawns AFTER the target is dead, so only useful when fighting in groups
- It takes like 400 damage every second or something until death so sometimes can be dead before you even encounter someone else
- dies fast to AoE
- Poor AI where it will just randomly run off to kill some stupid critter
It is a pretty poor Minor, just like the 25point one especially for Condition specs
They also need to fix the fact that you start with 0% Death Shroud that is total BULL seriously NO other class has there mechanic kittened and have to rebuild it from the start of a match so why should we?
Please see my guild to getting up to 57% LF before starting pvp
As i said in the thread – we SHOULDNT have to do this, we should be starting with 100% Death Shroud everyone else can use theres from the start yet we have to go out and kill people and such in order to be able to use it, totally unfair against us
The simple fact is you SHOULDNT have to do all of this, its completely unfair when everyone can use theres from the start and we cant…
@Erhnam, i have just over 2,000Toughness and just over 18.5k health give or take and i was burst down through 100% Death Shroud and 100% health before i could do anything.
The bigger issue is with the constantly stealthing Thieves as they stealth and attack you doing shed loads of damage then go into stealth again and repeat doing stupid amounts of damage
They also need to fix the fact that you start with 0% Death Shroud that is total BULL seriously NO other class has there mechanic kittened and have to rebuild it from the start of a match so why should we?