….Why would you want something that Ele already has but no one hardly uses? They would have to nerf the hell out of it. Give it specific skills. Increase cool downs, add in number of skills allowed to be used.
Trust me, you don’t want Conjures. They suck on ele and they would suck on Guardian.
Except conjures are absolutely amazing in certain content. Nothing makes PvE (especially AC) more trivial than having 2 eles dropping weapons.
The key word being MORE. Like its not trivial as it is, that having 2 ele dropping them made it go from an unbeatable fight to an easy win…
….Why would you want something that Ele already has but no one hardly uses? They would have to nerf the hell out of it. Give it specific skills. Increase cool downs, add in number of skills allowed to be used.
Trust me, you don’t want Conjures. They suck on ele and they would suck on Guardian.
Wtf u smoking, hardly use? Don’t FGS, Ice Bow and lightning hammer comes mind?
As of right now spirit weapon are of no use outside of SOA, so why not improve by making a new trait option to let u personally wield ur spirit weapon or maybe implement a 4th virtua that let u select which spirit weapon u want to summon and wield on activation. Heck it can ever be treated like a 3rd weapon swap.
You know what, when an ELITE is used MORE to run away than it is to fight it says something. I see the odd person using a Frost bow, cant remember the last peron i saw using LH and those that use FGS use it more to run than to fight…
Yeah they are in a GREAT spot…
Wow. WOW! You dare to mock me when you have no idea what you are talking about?
Warriors/Rangers/Guardians/Necromancer/Mesmer/thieves have to go to their inventory and take their mobility weapon out too if they want to switch it out from their fighting weapon set.
Wow. WOW! You do know that not everyone has them in the inventry. Most actually run with them. The amount of times i have been fighting Warriors and them use GS to run away shows that people do use “mobility” weapons for combat as well.
The difference being that Mesmer CHOSE to be range limited. You go D/D you have no choice. You don’t go staff when roaming and Scepter is very meh to say the least.
“The Mesmer equipped only melee weapons” -> “The Mesmer chose to be range limited”.
“The Elementalist equipped only melee weapons” -> “Cruel mind-controlling aliens with their invisible beams made me do it!”See, that just undermines the whole argument. You’re pretty obviously judging the same decision making process by a player with different scales, because it’d suit your argument a whole lot if you could present such a “No choice”-situation. Only, in trying to present one, you rob the original idea of out of combat weapon set saving & equipping – a pretty neat QoL feature for everyone – of any basis, because you try to turn it into an “My Ele is underpowered”-whine.
Seeing as D/D is pretty much our ONLY viable weapon when it comes to Roaming, it is not like we have much of a choice now is it. Hell, Could equip a staff and still have issues due to how slow the cast times are and everything.
Just because we chose D/D doesn’t change the fact that everyone else can CHOSE to run Melee only weapons or have a mixture.
Now if we had a reasonable off hand weapon that offered ranged ability such as Pistol (duel pistols would rock!) then it would be okay but when not running staff your ONLY option when it comes to offhand weapons is Melee. For main hand sure you can go Scepter but it is still not as good as D/D or even D/F is in my opinion, a few decent skills but everything else is weaker than D/D
….Why would you want something that Ele already has but no one hardly uses? They would have to nerf the hell out of it. Give it specific skills. Increase cool downs, add in number of skills allowed to be used.
Trust me, you don’t want Conjures. They suck on ele and they would suck on Guardian.
The difference being that Mesmer CHOSE to be range limited. You go D/D you have no choice. You don’t go staff when roaming and Scepter is very meh to say the least.
Also, gotta love the “20 skills” thing. While everyone seems to for some strange and unknown reason totally ignore just how long the cool downs are. So while an Ele will have more skills. They will pay for it in a LOT of ways:
1) Range limits
2) Skill cool downs
3) Skill effectiveness
Lets also not forget that the ele and Engineer at any one time during a fight has the same number of skills that every other class has. It is not as if they can use all the attunement skills when ever they want.
Are you kidding me. You cant have 4 sigils on 1 weapon set.
Why not? A warrior could proc 4 sigils in the same amount of time using a 3 point trait…
Why is it that only Ele and Engineer are singled out for such treatment. Bet you have no problems with Warrior being able to proc FOUR sigils in a 10-11 second period but oh no can’t have an ele or Engineer having such power.
Their are several ways they could go about this. They could even just added a 3rd Stacking sigil slot in the character screen for Ele and Engineers. Or let me guess having that would be too overpowered as well?
You can’t dodge something while you are already stunned/knocked down. The duration of the stuns are rather insane as well. The Mace one i faced evvery like 10 seconds i would be hit with a THREE second daze.
How do you can’t CC like that when it is on such a low cool down and easily spammable and chainable…
In my opinion. Reaper of Grenth is the better Elite. Remember that Charrzooka gains nothing from ele. The range option it has is nice though
I know how about this:
Ele get:
1) Reduction on skill cool downs
2) Chill affect us the same as others
3) 2 extra sigil slots
Then we get:
1) Sigils have a 1second increased cool down for ele
That seem fair?
Your point being? The sigils still have the same cool down as they have for every other class. Like i said. Increase the sigil cool down by 1 second for Ele so that its every 10 seconds and then give us the 2 extra slots everyone else (bar engi) get.
There is “little” difference bettwen ability to swap weapon and 2 extra sigils slot. You should now that.
You do know that we could have 100,000 Attunements it wouldn’t actually change anything. The Sigils proc all of 1 second faster, assuming you are in the right situation. What about Warrior, should they have the 5 second weapon swap trait removed? I mean they will proc more sigils more often than ANY other class.
So not only do we get 2 less sigils, we have to be the ONE class that suffers more than every other from ONE condition. Why is it that ONE condition reacts different based on the class you are…
In that case, change Arcane bonus to something else and make all attunement swaps to 10 second base seeing as all other classes have 10 second swaps.
You have 4 attunement.
Also, seeing as Attunement swap = weapon swap, we should be given 2 extra sigil slots because everyone else has them as well (minus Engineer)
Ok, 2 sigils on fire/water and 2 on air/earth.
I can assure you, it will be a nerf not a buff.
Your point being? The sigils still have the same cool down as they have for every other class. Like i said. Increase the sigil cool down by 1 second for Ele so that its every 10 seconds and then give us the 2 extra slots everyone else (bar engi) get.
An Ele has too many ways to deal with conditions, OR be totally immune to them and ele can be just as difficult to hold down with conditions as a warrior if they want to build for it.
cleansing wave (x3 if traited)
cleansing water
diamond skin
evasive arcana
magnetic shield
cleansing fire
burning fire
ether renewaland hell now that water trident gives regen, if you go 30 in water that removes conditions too.
You are ever only hard countered when you get out played, or you dont build to counter in the first place.
Thanks to the might meta, you could go the classic 10-30-30 and still do great damage because of fury and the stupid amounts of might an ele can get, while also being tanky.
now, how many can you get into the same build?
Sure we have plenty of ways to deal with them if we build exactly right but you cant just list everything we have. You cant get most of that in the same build.
As for the 1/6/6/0/0 build that you mentioned that is NOT that great. You lose healing, You lose the benefit that comes with going into Arcane as well.
Thanks. I have had several out numbered fights. It is when Hammer users come in and you pretty much stand no chance as they will just spam the Hammer while the other(s) will be able to easily get their burst off as you are constantly getting spammed with Hammer attacks.
My build is in the process of getting a slight change. I encountered a Condition based Mesmer that was insanely tanky removing conditions a lot running PU with SO many Stealth skills.
We must have been fighting for about 5+ Minutes and in the end it was decided when an ally came along. He managed to get me Below 90% a couple of times but for some reason just couldn’t make the most of it
It is the spamming of CC from Hammer, then swapping to Axe/Shield following that up with ANOTHER CC and then using Eviscerate.
Don’t get me wrong, its not that they are insanely cheesy like Backstab build Thieves that rely on using Backstab, Stealth and Heartseeker.
Why is it that for Ele to get something fixed that should never have been introduced to begin with that they have to sacrifice something else. Just curious, what does Thief sacrifice for for getting Chill only affect their movement? What does Ele gain with Chill affecting Skill cool downs, Movement speed and attunement swapping?
Because attunement swapp = weapon swapp ?
In that case, change Arcane bonus to something else and make all attunement swaps to 10 second base seeing as all other classes have 10 second swaps.
Also, seeing as Attunement swap = weapon swap, we should be given 2 extra sigil slots because everyone else has them as well (minus Engineer)
The we get into Chill, why should ONE class be more punished by having Chill affect what is pretty much our weapon swap. Just because we can use 2 sigils every 9 seconds, that is assuming you time it EXACTLY right.
Change the “chill” and remove the ability to swap attunement while casting.
Why is it that for Ele to get something fixed that should never have been introduced to begin with that they have to sacrifice something else. Just curious, what does Thief sacrifice for for getting Chill only affect their movement? What does Ele gain with Chill affecting Skill cool downs, Movement speed and attunement swapping?
How about no/short attunment swap CD for eles out of combat like other classes ?
Buff-stacking. Though this can be easily solved by only triggering on-swap effects while in-combat, like for sigils.
No thanks. They could just add a Cool down to Elemental Attunement. 10 second cool down. for EACH attunement and not for everything.
To clarify, Armageddon, I’d want this for all classes. Extra saved weapon sets, switchable when out of combat and far enough away from combat.
why would other classes need this though?
ONE class and ONLY one class is range limited depending on their weapon.
Seeing as other classes (minus Engineer) can have access to both Melee and range weapons.
I think you will find that Ele are bound by the same cool downs as every other class. So no we don’t proc them more often because they still have an internal cool down and the last time i checked that wasn’t removed for ele.
As I said before, the ICD on sigils is 9 seconds. The cooldown for a normal weapon swap is 10 seconds.
9 < 10.
Is there something inherently complicated about this, or something that I’m not clarifying?
Ele also have to spend 6 trait points in Arcane to get attunement swap down to 10 seconds like everyone else. Even if we had 0 cool down on attunement swap, the fact that sigils have an ICD means it doesnt matter how often we could swap they would still only proc when they come off cool down.
Also. Lets not forget that Ele has 2 Sigil slots Vs 4 like everyone else (except Engineer)
To quote the Wikipedia page for attunements:
“Attunements activate instantly and can be activated mid-cast. When one is activated, the previous attunement recharges for 13 seconds, while other attunements which are ready to use will recharge for 1.625 seconds. "
1.625 < 9 < 10.
Warrior: 3 Trait points for a FIVE second reduction on weapon swap
Elementalist: SIX trait points for a THREE second reduction on attunements
So you think having access to TWO sigils ONE second before others is good enough reason? What about the fact that they have TWO less Sigil slots? Hell, increase Sigils cool downs for ele by one second and give us 2 extra Sigil slots and i would be fine with that.
The we get into Chill, why should ONE class be more punished by having Chill affect what is pretty much our weapon swap. Just because we can use 2 sigils every 9 seconds, that is assuming you time it EXACTLY right.
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
I have no issue with warrior other than when using these sort of weapons. With all the stuns, knockdowns and such they have and the fact Eviscerate hits insanely hard even when you have really high Toughness
The damage is very inconsistent as well. I have had times where it would do more damage to someone who isn’t burning than it some times does to people who are Burning.
This is easily explained by armor, protection, and traits. A target with no investment in armor, no protection, and no defensive traits will easily take more damage from a non-burning flame grab than a high armor target with protection and some kind of additional defensive characteristic would from a burning flame grab.
I’ve had a few problems with the thing misfiring as well, so they really just need to clean that up if possible. That’s the only thing I think needs fixing on it. I’ll sometimes have more of a problem with things like burning speed or ring of fire, which can apply their burning very inconsistently and make it hard to combo it into the flame grab (although the #2 is always there). Of course, that might just be because I suck a lot at D/D.
The cooldown is also quite long, but it can hit very hard depending on your spec (10k+ very possible).
If that is the case, why would NPC guards and Champions take MORE damage from it than say an Ele? Surely an Ele can’t have as much toughness/Armour as them guys. Of course i know about specific situations where it would be less damage – Protection, Stone Heart and such but they are easy to spot.
To me it just seems the damage will be higher against NPCs than it is players, unless you go full zerker or something i guess. I mean having 1500-1700Power (depending on Might and such) and it still barely tickling people makes me want to use it even less.
I think making it a 100% crit if the target is Burning. Maybe increasing the range just a little or even making it actually a target skill, i have had times where the person has been so close to me that the skill goes off and they take no damage because it seems to not deal damage to anything that is pretty much right on top of you.
“Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue preventing some players from purchasing gems using PayPal.”Fix Time: 3 hours.
“Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue preventing players from claiming WvW Season 2 rewards”Fix Time: 8 days and counting…
This is really all you need to know. I know I’m beyond beating a dead horse at this point…..but if this issue with WvW rewards preventing us from purchasing Gems, this issue would have been fixed last weekend.
90% of players received chests and are waiting for the ability to get their rewards.
10% of players received incorrect chest or no chest.Let’s upset 100% of our community by screwing EVERYONE while we sort out the minority. Either scrap the current tickets and re-issue chests, or allow players that currently have the correct chests to access the rewards.
Yep. This would have been fixed quickly had it been something that stopped them earning money. Because that is all they care about at the end of the day, it clearly isn’t actually TESTING the content before releasing it that is for sure.
We get the same shoddy work all the time, they release something and something breaks or bugs out IF its something that stops them getting money it will be fixed in mere hours.
If its something that doesn’t involve buying gems then it might take weeks, that is if it actually gets fixed. I mean they had issues with Season 1 and yet somehow, Anet managed to make it WORSE for season 2…
Amazing work Anet, keep it up. You will lose all your customers the way you are going. This shoddy performance from you guys time and time again WILL be what kills this game.
Before it was “bugged” but like all HELPFUL bugs it was fixed fast while we are still suffering from issues that were in the BETA…
You do know that ALL classes have the same cool down on Sigils right? The ONLY class that gets a real benefit is Warrior as they have 4 sigil slots and a trait for a 5 second cool down. Meaning they can proc the first set the moment they get into battle, proc the second set after 5 seconds and by the time the cool down is off the first set will have been off cool down so can proc again.
I’ve been using focus off-hand lately due to the large amount of people playing heavy condi builds. Works really well due to earth n° 4 cleanse (3 condis) and n° 5 which grants invulnerability for 3 sec. N° 5 allows you to put really heavy pressure with no consequence at all, trigger your rotation and heal (If using healing signet)
I also run cleansing fire when against condi necros and engis.
The counter to that being the fact that you have VERY little chance of escaping should things go south. While Earth 4 and 5 are good, all be it with 5 having a little too long of a cool down (imo) the rest of the skills are meh and the loss of heals (using D/F) as well as mobility (Vs D/D) doesn’t quite make up for it in my opinion.
You appear to misunderstand the other professions. They cannot do what is suggested in this thread. They swap weapons. Eles swap attunements. Engineers swap kits. Out of combat combat weapon swapping is the same among all professions.
If they have a 1 second cool down on weapon swaps outside of combat then why is Ele attunement swaps which is basically weapon swaps from the way you seem to be implying it 10-13 seconds long?
So we have a class mechanic. So does every other class but why should our mechanics be used to PUNISH us. We both already only get 2 sigil slots in combat but you seem to think that these classes having weapon swap OUTSIDE of combat would suddenly make them overpowered? How exactly would that be the case?
Also you dont seem to take into account that Ele is punished FURTHER by having INSANE cool downs on pretty much every skill they have, while them skills arent even as effective as other classes.
As an engineer main and also an ele player, I see no need for this, out of combat or not.
I would much rather that we got a 3rd sigil for stacking sigils, rather than this but i am more surprised by the reactions of people to something that every other class already has and they seem to think this would suddenly make Ele and Engineer overpowered or something.
I can’t quite see the reasoning behind all the No comments. As has been stated it would be for OUT of combat. How would that do any harm to any other class? It wouldn’t.
Hrm, needs some more limitations, though.
It’s way too easy to get out of combat in many situations. If there were some extra limitations, say:
- Not during a sPvP round unless in the spawn area.
- Not within 5000 units of any enemy, no matter type or realm or PvE/PvP (icon displays a proximity warning icon).
- Not for 30 seconds after last leaving combat (CD on the icon).
why? Every other class can do it between 2 weapon sets and they can do it in combat, why should Ele and Engineer be limited not only to be able to do it only outside of combat and even having some of the lets be honest VERY stupid requirements you would deem necessary.
So every other class can change weapon out of combat no matter how close or how far away from someone they are but you think an ele and Engineer would need be 5000range away from everything to do it? Why?
So every other class can do it outside of combat where and when ever they want in SPvP, think its locked in TPvP though but you would have it only in the starting areas of SPvP maps? Why?
So every other class has a ONE second cool down outside of combat but you think that ele and Engineer should have a 30 second cool down? Why exactly?
So but your requirements are SO very moronic. Only way to put it. Having these 2 classes able to weapon swap outside of combat which they can do already Just takes time and effort, compared to pressing one button for everyone else wouldn’t suddenly make them overpowered or anything. The moment they get in combat this weapon swap would be locked until combat is over again.
Yeah if you have the sigil on your land weapons, so do i. The thing i was testing is if you gain stacks using a weapon with the sigil (say Corruption) and then go into water which has a weapon with the same sigil and swap the land weapon out for something else you keep the stacks.
The problem is, Anet stealth “fixed” this so pretty much doing ANYTHING will remove the stacks because you don’t have it on your land weapon anymore – This affects Ele and Engineer pretty much seeing as we only have 2 sigil slots Vs the 4 of everyone else.
Before the “fix” you could do anything after swapping them out, such as use Siege, do gathering, go into water and still keep the stacks. This has now changed making it VERY hard to keep the stacks because ANYTHING could just remove them. I went into water, kept the stacks went into a different bit of water and no understanding why – lost them.
I think nerfing Ferosity/Power was the wrong move, what they SHOULD have done is actually nerf the specific skills that can hit like a truck. I run 2,100Toughness and i still get 6k+ hits from Thiefs and Warriors.
It is specific skills that are the problem. So why didnt they just fix them rather than nerf everything down which still means nothing, people hardly changed their build because the specifics that needed to be sorted were barely harmed by the nerf.
Yeah this is WvW and i run Diamond Skin against Condition Builds, against zerkers and Power builds i switch to Stone Heart but even that due to the cool down of the burst combo i would stop one, then miss one, then stop one because its like every 15 seconds and pretty sure he was running cool down traits as it felt a lot more often.
Spare dodge for eviscerate and stuns.I would say u need stability for sure,else u get wrecked in squishie build in few seconds.On other hand,if they hiting for 5-7k eviscerate,they will be squishie aswell,so just patiently wait till endure pain is down and than burst.If u D/D u can use earth rooting aswell,it helps a lot to break their bursts.
I agree with Gokil on this
.Dont really try to burn all CDs in first burst,they usually got endure pain,stabil stance and block on shield.
Even before they use the first burst i am normally down 5-6k health due to the constant knockdowns stopping me from doing pretty much anything and then the dazes that can last 3 seconds at a time…
I run with Arcane Shield and Armour of Earth, though that doesnt mean much when they have both got insane cool downs and Warriors can use Shield blocks several times and be immune to most damage while i am still waiting on the cool down to finish
Not sure on how to do it with a condi build, but as a classic D/D the key is to properly sustain and to mid-range the hell out of him. Your range advantage is unbelievably important vs double melee warriors such as A/S hammer or M/S greatsword.
I kinda disagree with khenzy, rushing it seems very detrimental in my experience. They will burn through your stunbreaks in no-time if you don’t take it slow and kite them around.
If they are not running immunity to movement impairing conditions, this becomes an absolute walk in the park. Keep the soft cc up and he might not even manage to touch you.
Come to think of it, you might have quite the advantage if you have some decent + condi duration since you can chill and cripple him regardless of his build.
It was all the constant CC. That combined with the hard hitting pretty much eveything was just to much.
The Mace/Shield and Greatsword Warrior just kept spamming the F1 on Mace and the Shield stuns following it up with Hundred Blades and when they can do this EVERY 15 seconds at the very longest, think he had some cool down traits it was pretty much impossible to counter.
The Axe/Shield and Hammer warrior pretty much did the same thing, spam Ckittenil i had nothing less, switch to Axe/Shield use the Shield stun which hit mean nearly every time for more than 2k damage and then follow it up with Eviscerate.
Even swapping to Earth in time didn’t work. Due to how often they could pull off the stun and then Burst i would always miss one, hit one, miss one and it just went on like that. The constant stuns, Knockdowns and such just wearing you down of defense while they spam blocks and immunities every time they were up and passively heal shrugging off the Poison up time i had on them.
I run 0/0/6/4/4
I think therein lies the problem (or most of them), get out of that build and go meta. What use does Diamond Skin have againt a power Warrior? denying his/her Pin Down opener and that’s it, not worth it. Earth Magic is a crappy trait line past Adept and full of subpar minor traits.
Well this one for a start wasn’t using Longbow. Who says that i run Diamond Skin against everyone? not heard of Stone Heart?
The problem is, everything they have hits like a truck and when they are spamming The Hammer i have no choice but to dodge/use cool downs its then that they change to Axe/Shield and follow it up with yet another stun and then Eviscerate. The damage they do combined with the insane Toughness/Armour as well as plenty of blocks and immunity makes it very hard to fight
Any Pure condition build is a walk in the park when i run Diamond Skin. I have yet to lose to a single pure condition build, of course Hybrid is another matter altogether.
I run 0/0/6/4/4 i run with Battle and Doom have more than 2,100 Toughness but still get hit like a truck :/
So i seem to see these in WvW alot recently. They just seem to have that little bit (brokenly!) much CC and then combining that with Eviscerate which does insane damage itself makes fighting these builds VERY hard, to near impossible to beat.
So i was wondering if you guys have any tips about how to fight them? They seem to block rather a lot, they with Hammer they will throw EVERY CC they have at your before switching to Axe throwing in another stun before hitting you for like 6k+ in one hit, which because you have been spammed by constant CC their is nothing you can do to avoid O.o
Another one i have encountered that is insane is the Mace/Shield and Greatsword warrior. Being able to stun you for 3 seconds every 7-10 seconds and following it up with a Hundred Blade every 15 seconds is just too much for me to be able to handle. Even with more than 2,100 Toughness. Seeing as everything they have hits like a truck it makes it hard to dodge to save the dodges or you will just melt to the damage of everything else they have :/
(edited by ArmageddonAsh.6430)
Sooo “ArmageddonAsh” does this affect your real life, like are you gonna die tommorow because you aint getting some pixels in your pixel character?
(You are way overeacting is what I mean. (And that you sound like a player from the league of legends community))
Don’t get me wrong, i am not going crazy about it like some – the sad thing is, i actually expected their to be issues. The problem is that this is not the first time Anet have released something and have broken something.
People are still waiting (In vein…) for rewards from season 1 and they some how went and made things NOT better but WORSE :/
No one class is the most broken, some are broken in specific ways for example:
Warrior and Engineer – Can have insane knockbacks/stuns/knockdowns
Thief – Stealth and/or evade spamming
Necromancer – Conditions, Conditions, Conditions
Ele – I would say regen, great access to ways to heal up
Guardian – Blocks, Blocks and more blocks
Mesmer – Stealth and PU
Ranger – Dunno, never played this class.
I found a number 3:
3) You cant use ANY siege once you have gained the stacks and swapped the weapon out. Just like Gathering it seems to unequip your weapons or something for you to use them.
I am guessing this would mean using Transformation Elites, Golems and such would all also remove the stacks.
Going with Corruption gives me nearly 2,000 Condition damage but the fact you cant gather, cant use siege and cant go into certain water means that the stacks are VERY unreliable and i doubt anyone would want to have to gain the stacks again. Go under water, swap the weapon out to keep the stacks EVERY time they are lost because you forgot that you can’t do something.
I can’t quite see the reasoning behind all the No comments. As has been stated it would be for OUT of combat. How would that do any harm to any other class? It wouldn’t. Though i would much prefer a 3rd stacking Sigil slot that you could put a stacking sigil and ONLY a stacking sigil into, while other classes have access to THREE other sigil slots if they use a stacking sigil ele (and engi) get ONE if they want to have a stacking sigil.
Also, please none of this “oh but they could proc them more often” – Ele and Engineer have the SAME cool down requirements for sigils that every other class has.
That is true, i guess the un-nerf for Signet of Restoration and Cleansing Water is good, seeing as how many people in S/TPvP run condition builds. Though i still think Strength will be nerfed. It is now just a little too easy to get high stacks of might.
But why does it need to be 1000x better?
D/D can be braindead enough as is. You don’t have to aim anything… For the insane damage fire grab does, it should be hard to hit.
Just curious, how Zerker with the exact right situation do you have to be in for this to do insane damage? Trying to up my build a little to actually make using this worthwhile. What Power and Ferosity would you be aiming for as a minimum for this not to be a totally useless and pointless skill to use?
I upped my Power to 1,500 and it didn’t really do that much i can hit Guards decently with it (2-2.5kish) but players no matter the class just shrug the damage off :/
They could change it so that it works differently.
Like you throw a flaming dagger at your target which gives a way to dodge it. Give it a little bit bigger range and buff the damage a little. Make it soi that rather than damaging those in front, it damages those around the person you hit.
I constantly have problems with it. Some times it deals more damage to those not affected with Burning than it does to those with Burning. It seems to REALLY like doing solid damage to NPCs but lower armour (you would assume) classes like Ele and Thief and it will do LESS damage than it does to an NPC even with the target Burning and the NPC not having Burning.
Disappointing Ash! If you really know ele you know that strength isn’t why ele is viable. It’s might which could be done with hoelbrak.
Hoelbrak and strength give 6 arcana Eles 9 stacks of might permanent with a battle sigil. The 7% modifier is getting to much credit for what 7% mod actually does it’s an increase but the meta build is a bunker/brawler with 2 in earth.
Just flat no armor consideration. 1500 lightning whip = 1607 with 7% modifier big whoopty doo!
3000 burning speed = 3210 with 7% modifier big whoopty doo.
It’s the might that matters the 7% modifier isn’t as big as people make it out to be on a bunker build with only 2 modifiers.
They nerf strength Eles will use hoelbrak if it’s better, they nerf hoelbrak Eles will use water or pirate if it’s better. They would have to go through 4 rune sets to stop ele from stacking might like it can now or nerf ele.
People complain now imagine if Eles put on water runes.
on topic isn’t meta breaking mean unplayable? Or is there some other meaning to breaking I don’t know like almost OP, kind of OP, sort of OP, to OP.
You can easily have 6-9, maybe spiking upwards with just running Sigil of Battle. The runeset isn’t really needed for that. Of course the damage increase would be up 100% of the time using the Sigil and the runeset but 7% isn’t that great.
I think the biggest problem is just how easy you can Might stack with very little effort. Hoelbrak would be a cheaper version of Strength but at the expense of the damage increase though its not that huge.
So it is just a coincidence that when this runeset comes out that suddenly Ele are popping up into S/TPvP more and more? Rarely saw them before the recent update now they are coming out in numbers.
the question is, when this runset gets nerfed, how much of an impact will that have on the ele? I don’t think the actual update changes they got really helped them that much, some were decent but not really suddenly making us really strong or anything.
a 7% damage increase all the time, a long with all the other options they have for increased damage is still pretty good.
Personally i don’t think it needs to be a blast finisher.
Another option could be to make it kind of like Flame Burst, It needs to have a little longer range. Single target with a small AoE around that target. Could even make it so that it deals more damage based on the number of people hit and then removes Burning from them and deals say 50% of that as upfront damage or something
The damage is very inconsistent as well. I have had times where it would do more damage to someone who isn’t burning than it some times does to people who are Burning.
Another Idea could be that it does a set amount of damage to those not burning and against people with Burning, It will remove the Burning and deal damage based o the overall potential of the burning – For example:
You have a 5 second Burn, It’s potential damage is 3,267
You use Fire Grab, this removes the Burning on the target
Deals say 50-75% of the Potential Burning as direct damage
I think all i would like to see changed:
1) 100% Crit for Burning Foes
2) Slight decrease in cool down
Looks like you are headed toward a bunker power build. You keep dropping the condition damage you will get to a point where you don’t have enough damage to kill certain builds other bunkers.
I have no worries against Bunker builds as it is. It is other eles, especially those running Diamond Skin. I just want enough power to break through it and then will be putting points back into Condition Build.
I would say this is a currently a Hybrid Bunker build.
Using Sharpening Stone and Coi Cake my stats are:
Power: 1,418
Condition Damage: 1,371
Health: 17,162
Armour: 2,967
Power and Condition damage get a 100increase each with 5 stacks of Guard Buff. I am kind of tempted to reduce Vitality a bit as i can gain Guard stacks for 2,500extra health. I am hoping that my current Power is enough to break through it. Though i am going to guess that only Bunker/Condition/Hybrid ele will be using it as it is high in the defence line.
With Sigil of Battle i will have at least 210 increase to both Power and Condition damage as well during combat.
Thanks for keeping us updated Mark, Jessica & team!
I think we’re all excited to get our delicious rewards from the tournament, but I’m sure you guys are busting your butts to figure the bug out so no worries.
Don’t stress about all the complaining. GW2 is a fantastic game and a lot of people take it for granted and don’t realize that humans are behind it.
Much love!
Please don’t act like they’re doing us favors. They’re just doing their jobs and all that they can, which honestly isn’t much because at the end of the day we still have nothing tangible in terms of actual new WvW content and rewards.
they should have been doing their jobs before and actually made sure it WORKED before even releasing it. Aren’t people still waiting for rewards from season ONE. I wouldn’t hold my breathe it could take MONTHS for them to sort this out, if they even do.
Makes you have to wonder what sort of testing goes into these Patches. Every patch something gets broken. For such a big patch you would have thought they would have actually made sure it WORKED first.
I think its more due to the fact that you aren’t really doing anything. Just like Mesmer and Phantasms. They are just summon and forget. Sure you have the special attack but other than that its just let them run wild.