Showing Posts For ArtemisJade.9068:
I am on that screen myself right now and there is no option to upload the files via the ticket, but you can put in info stating that you have those upon request generally someone should email you I believe.
1. At the top of the screen by the forums tab there is a tab labeled support. Press that.
2. In the search type harassment.
3. There should be a get in touch option after you search that.
4. Proceed to fill out a ticket and they should email you.
You can fill out a support ticket and provide the screenshots there.
I found this information in a previous thread. Read the mod’s comment.
I’d probably be dead within the first five minutes. Its a harsh world!
But then I would just have to resurrect you
I think the worst thing about if you were to be stuck in gw2 would be getting rubbed back to life by a bunch of people….
LOLOLOLOL I never thought about that part.
But yes going by game rules you could still key farm.
You could be revived.
And pretty much everything else in game.
Chest trains for SW are generally found in the LFG section in the first space. You can get taxied in via those parties.
I worked on my legendary for a longer time than most people do. I played the game for over 2 years before I actually got my legendary. I just never had enough time to get serious about farming and the task always seemed so daunting to me. But eventually I had saved up all my mats, except my precursor. The idea of farming another 1k+ gold just made me want to curl up in a ball and cry. On valentine’s day, I received my precursor in the mail from my significant other. Nicest thing anyone has ever done for me in game.
*Honorable mention to a good friend Demi for the outfits he has bought both me and my significant other on occasion just out of the goodness of his heart.
The EOTM colors correspond to what color your server is that week in regular wvw. Or at least that is how it is supposed to work. So all green servers in wvw end up on the green side ect. However, I believe there are multiple eotm maps however I might be mistaken.
Fill out all traits.
Work on ascended armor.
Work on achievements.
Do dungeons.
Do fractals.
WvW and EOTM and SPVP.
Help other people.
Start a guild or actively help in one.
Finish personal story.
Max all crafting professions.
Make a hoard of gold worthy of Smaug.
There are so many things to do.
On the human faces….I felt one of them reminded me a lot of Nikki Minaj, fake eyelashes and botox lips and all. However, with a bit of tweeking they become somewhat acceptable.
Disclaimer: This is an imaginative post and is not to be taken seriously. Its just for fun.
What if one day….you woke up and the world had suddenly transformed into Tyria?
If the Tyrian Gods gave you a choice what race would you want to live as? Would you choose a profession? If so what one? What would you spend your days doing?
Edit: I didn’t think to add my own response originally….so here it is.
I would be a human elementalist for sure. I would spend my days roaming and playing with my elements ( I love to play with fire <3) I would gather all kinds of things for cooking along the way and would most likely make my home in Divinity’s Reach in some high up tower where I could sit on my perch and people watch or study to further progress my arcane abilities. I would have tea with the Queen on a weekly basis.
Edit 2 :
Rules about Death
You can be revived upon death by your comrades or you can choose to waypoint via your out of body soul. If you should choose to want to stay dead make sure to go die in a place you are quite sure no one will find you and hopefully no one will rub your leg.
I’m not going to go further with rules because the point of this post was to allow people to be imaginative and I am not going to ruin that by making a ton of rules. But yes if you die you can be revived.
(edited by ArtemisJade.9068)
I wish I could use the shadow abyss dye on it QQ.
Yeah I spent roughly 80 gold to get the 500 gems to buy a shadow dye pack. I didn’t get anything new and it was discouraging however, I took a gamble and it was my choice. The great thing about gold though is that you can always make more.
It would be nice though if an actual shadow dye was guaranteed. However, that would put a significant notch in the market.
I feel like the Sons of Svanir and the Mordrem Court would have to travel an awfully great distance to make an alliance, with LA and other portals being guarded I don’t see those as an option. How would the alliance really form?
This is an incredibly good question. It makes me wonder what other prerequisites the Asurans might have to join their colleges. Its always been quite clear that the Asurans firmly believe themselves to be the most brilliant race in Tyria however do Asurans think they are brilliant because they are Asurans or do they think they are brilliant because they are brilliant? I believe this is the question that would be a deciding factor in whether or not they allowed other races into their colleges. I personally believe Scarlett was a rare exception, one the Asurans may not be keen to allow again after what happened.
You can get the JQ ts info by porting into WvW and map chatting that you are a returning player and would like the JQ ts info. Let they know you need to be verified. Once you are on the ts an admin should be able to verify you.
I was toying with the character creator for a new Elementalist and thought: with everyone making supermodels for characters, why not try to create something more exotic with human or norn? I’m seriously considering now updating my main mesmer for something this flavor: attachment below
Then, any of you guys have “exotic” (very very subjective) looking humans or norns around? Post your pictures!
I’m not trying to be mean but…to me….with that face it looks like Gaston from Beauty and the Beast cross dressing with some plastic surgery involved.
I’ve never heard of this guy so it makes no difference to me.
While I agree that taking WvW out of map completion might be a great choice over all as….
1. It keeps world vs worlder’s in WvW when the map is really full and the people that are there will actually be contributing to the wvw map effort.
2. It makes a better new player experience, not that new players should be doing wvw in the first week anyways….but no one likes to get stomped when they are simply trying to obtain a vista.However for those of us that already did WvW for our map completion for our legendaries, it seems unfair. Especially to those people who weren’t really interested in WvW in the first place and actually paid gems to do server transfers simply so they could get to a map that was not as contested so they could finish their WvW map completion. Granted this could have been avoided by simply having patience and waiting for your map to eventually claim the spots you needed, it still seems a bit unfair to the people who really worked on that WvW completion. I feel there should be some sort of compensation.
But what would it be? It can’t be gold or any kind of currency. People rate their time as being valued differently. Not to mention those who transferred servers paid actual gold or money. And they weren’t forced to transfer so I don’t see any reason to refund them, not to mention that would be impossible to police.
I could see an achievement being made for it separately (that would give basically the sum of the 4 map complete rewards to make up for the loss of that to the WvW players). And give that a title as well. Explorer of the Mists, maybe?
A title would be nice or an achievement.
Just anything so that hard work doesn’t go to waste.
While I agree that taking WvW out of map completion might be a great choice over all as….
1. It keeps world vs worlder’s in WvW when the map is really full and the people that are there will actually be contributing to the wvw map effort.
2. It makes a better new player experience, not that new players should be doing wvw in the first week anyways….but no one likes to get stomped when they are simply trying to obtain a vista.
However for those of us that already did WvW for our map completion for our legendaries, it seems unfair. Especially to those people who weren’t really interested in WvW in the first place and actually paid gems to do server transfers simply so they could get to a map that was not as contested so they could finish their WvW map completion. Granted this could have been avoided by simply having patience and waiting for your map to eventually claim the spots you needed, it still seems a bit unfair to the people who really worked kitten that WvW completion. I feel there should be some sort of compensation.
I like the OP’s idea. Personally I would love to do more with all of that karma I have saved up.
I will have won GW2 when I have every single achievement is possible for me to have and a lvl 80 of every class and every legendary with full sets of ascended armor. Then I have won the game.
But with new content always coming out, the game is never won, and personally…..that’s the way I like it.
I love the new camera options. Taking a swivel around in first person has really helped me appreciate how much work was put into the pixelated environment around me. Its really quite gorgeous.
+10000000000000000 to the OP. Please make shoulders/pauldrons hide-able. I could would love so many outfits so much more if this change were to be instated.
I want a penguin with a top hat and a monocle and maybe a tux.
@OP — I wouldn’t take it personally in the slightest. Worse case scenario you are kicked. You then pm a party member and let them know you’re switching to an 80. Worst case scenario you have no response and have to find another party. But AC parties are a dime a dozen anyways usually so no biggie.
@The whole noobies running AC issue — As an 80 I generally will leave a party if there is someone under 75 in the party unless someone has specifically asked the party if they can bring a character under 80 and I have time and patience because a.) I usually don’t have a ton of time to play and I try to be productive with the time I do have and b.) If you bring someone under 80 it does slow the dungeon down yet. You do sacrifice that extra dps.
I am not saying it is a bad thing to run with noobies and that its sinful to bring underlevels to dungeons. I’m just saying, it should be done the right way with an “everyone welcome” party or the party should be asked before hand because it takes a good attitude and time. Not everyone has those.
(edited by ArtemisJade.9068)
@OP – Try bringing friends along. Having the kick system messed with is highly unlikely at this stage in the game I think. Too many people would complain and there are too many ways it would mess up a dungeon. I very very rarely pug the whole group. I always bring at least 1 or 2 people I know that way I feel more in control of issues like this because the truth is people suck sometimes and its unavoidable and its in every game on the market. I’ve known people who will kick a pug halfway through a dungeon to let another friend in the party. Many good people are guilty of this. Also for long dungeons (ex: fractals or Arah paths with someone who hasn’t done Arah before) sometimes we will invite the pugs to skype with us which promotes camaraderie and makes people less likely to to kick each other if you can put a voice to a player and plus you might make a new friend.
Tornado as an Ele….probably my favorite way…especially on bridges and ledges. Extra hilarious if someone is downed and they have multiple people trying to res them and you just keep throwing them back. So trolly.
I support the idea of in game marriage. I just have a few tweaks to the idea. DISCLAIMER: But just some background on my viewpoint before posting…please understand I am an adult woman in a long time relationship and GW2 is a hobby that my guy and I share. I am not some teeny bopper who would just marry for the “attention and drama.” This is something that I think is really cool and kind of sweet. I don’t really enjoy games like the Sims so please don’t throw that back at me either…… now on to my actual post. END OF DISCLAIMER.
The tweaks I would make to the original poster’s idea would firstly be directed at the account bound item sharing portion of the original post. This seems like it would be difficult to code….however…..a shared bank would be amazing. I can not tell you how many times my bf and I have traded items back and forth between mail to help each other out when we needed and we also have a going bargain that if one of us gets the other’s precursor we will hand it over for free. However, if this were looked into by ANET and they did not know we were a couple they could easily think this was “illegal gold buying,” which has always been a fear of ours that one of our accounts would be banned after mailing each other a high value item or gold. This could easily be fixed by a mutual bank tab. (I believe gathering tools are soulbound, not account bound, or at least mine are. I have not checked if that has changed, however if it hasn’t it becomes a mute argument.)
As for the in game marriage benefit “buffs?”, (aka the magic find and revival speed and such) I believe this is an awesome idea, however something would need to be added for single players to have the same advantages or if not the exact same advantages something on par that would give them the magic find and revival speed of party members for example. *Probably an achievement of some sort.
I love the titles idea. No tweaks to that.
The mail box idea doesn’t really apply to me as I have other forms of communication with my loved one other than an in game mail box….however I can see this would be beneficial but I believe they should just raise the cap on msgs server wide…and unlimited just doesn’t seem possible because it would take too much space. (Not for the individual player, but on a mass basis it would add up I’m sure.)
I don’t think couples should get a gem store discount because I don’t think that’s fair to single players really and would encourage people who aren’t really in relationships to just get married in game for the benefits, which will probably still happen, but still its unfair to those bachelors out there.
*Side note — I would love to see a housing system in GW2 because I think GW2 could do it better than others who have attempted it before. (If anyone has played Archeage you will probably know what I’m talking about.) This would also make more use of the home instance.
No changes to reqs. idea.
As for divorce, I believe as in all friendships and relationships where you have to trust someone both players should be aware that they enter at their own risk. I believe if divorce should occur it should have an npc fee. (Maybe 20 gold? or something to make the average player think twice if it is worth it to divorce.) If divorce occurs the players might have a time limit, say 72 hours, to clear the mutual bank of items before the bank is taken away from both players. The only way this would cause problems is if one player divorced the other while one was out of town, but again, its up to you to decide who you trust and if you decide to share anything in a game you should always do so knowing the possibility that you will not get it back. Its your responsibility as a player to be aware of that, not ANET’s.
*Side note — On same sex marriage, that is a tough question. I personally do not see an issue with but that would be up to ANET and also if it was not implemented, if same sex couples really wanted to marry they could always make a male and female character. Also for interracial I don’t see a problem but players could always make characters of the same race for marriage. These might not be convenient options, but they are options none the less.
All in all I am totally for an in game marriage system and housing system. (I don’t think housing should be limited to married couples, but to parties or possibly a friend/family system.)
Anyways that’s my 2 cents. Thanks for the awesome post Yoro.
8. Flying mounts —-- completely takes away jump puzzles.
I recently just came back to game. I actually have liked what I have seen. I am enjoying the living story and going back and doing achievements. I really like what they have done with the achievement system. I was pleased to see that my commander tag that I’ve had since my first month or 2 of playing the game (it was the first thing I saved up for) is now able to turn different colors without me having to pay the extra 200 gold price increase. (Pretty nifty.) I can’t wait for them to open up more maps. I have really enjoyed dry top and silver wastes so far.