Showing Posts For Asrat.2645:

A Question About ToKs.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Using a tome of knowledge on an 80 character doesnt grant a level, it rather grants spirit shards. Therefore there is no experience gain.

Is thief officially the worst pvp class now?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Ok. you got a point with the guards i guess. I’d probably rather have a thief than a guard for ranked. Sooo…there would be two classes effectively worse across all possible pvp scenarios. Can we agree on that?

Is thief officially the worst pvp class now?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Ok. now. Since these people resepect your oppinion:
If there are 10 equally skilled and experienced players. Lets say, we have metaish team compositions…
But one of theses players is a thief.
Will the thieves team win?
Statistically speaking here, meaning: 60%+ winchance.
If people talk about ‘good thieves’ they naturally assume, the thief is the best player in a game, but you can not base your argumentation on that.
So what im saying is: there are no thieves in esports and we all know, thief is not a friendly class for bad players. So if neither high nor low level thieves are viable, the only reason, ranked soloq thieves win games is because either they or their teams are superior.

Rev staff 5 needs counterplay

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


What are you talking about? I mean: okay, its a 3,8 damage skill on 600 range, but it only deals full damage if you manage to line it up straight. The skill is obviously really hard to hit, so it needs that kind of damage to compensate.
The evade frame of 1 second makes it of course uncounterable and uninteruptable, but they can predict when it ends, and prepare a hit for when the skill ends, if they are not knocked down that is.
If I have a hard hitting cc skill that I have to spend ressources on, the least I can expect is for the skill to be completely safe to use, like every good key skill.
And the knockback? Hard cc, sure, but 120 second knockback? Novadays everything below at least a 2 sec stun is completely useless. So would it be too much to ask for a useful effect pls? And as you said: it can even be avoided by stability or dodges. So what about applying it several times during the animation? It sucks to acutally USE A SKILL because your passive effects arent enough to kill your enemy, and then they eventually escape.

Wait…gotta try this again, gonna not be so sarcastic…For real tho, the skill cataloque of rev looks like the ‘rules’ I came up with for my own tabletop units 5 years ago: whatever people would usually use to counter my stuff has to be prevented, any means neccessary.

Conditions and healing power

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


It is annoying when you break into a lords keep and they have one full gate to go before your lord but then they have 2 healers keeping their lord alive for so long your lord dies because you have no healer.

And how many people have either condi or crit build, a necro can go full dps build and still be an op tank

necro full dps and op tank..I am not sure what game you play.

Yep. Ever watched a necro in a teamfight? Let me assure UNdead is the wrong word to describe it. The lifeforce bar is a reasonable bonus in sustain, but it wont save you for long. And without any significant heals you are sure to die after you consumed it. Hell, my thief can take better aggro than most necros I see.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Nice research. Pretty much seconds the impression I got from my first few google searches. Glad to hear I didnt miss anything yesterday. I dont know about hackers in wvw, dont play it. But there may be more of them than I encounter in spvp.(none)
I also like how the uploaders themselves tell people not to annoy anyone with their hacks or they wont last.

Is thief officially the worst pvp class now?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


‘Of course you can put the thief class to use. Of course you can close any power gap by being three times better than your opponent.’
Quoting myself here. Yes, if you play on esports level and the entire enemy team doesnt, you can probably ‘carry’ your team.
If im not completely mistaken, sindrener stated on this very forum, that he eventually plays other classes on his teams demands.
And even if you perform extraordinary well on thief, you could perform significantly better on a rev. That is a fact.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Then do it for me. The next time you meet a ‘permastealth’ thief, gimme the vid and I will be able to name you the used skills, initiative and cooldowns at any point of the fight.
Or maybe im in for a suprise, and you can confirm your observations, who knows…

Ohh and: this got pretty popular. I recommend you to read the text too.

Finally, to turn away from our private war and add something related to the op:
Using the build editor, I cam e up with a guard, that should give a healing of over 91000 over the duration of 30 seconds. That is entirely theoretical, you will never get to that number ingame, but it might explain things.

Is thief officially the worst pvp class now?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Thief is obviously not a carry. That is not even a matter of strenght. It is a fact right now, that teams that cant work with a thief, will go down! If you want to shine as a thief, your team needs to play into that.
That is the exact opposite, of what a carry does.

You are also missing the greater point. I never said, I didnt like the thief class or considered it weak.
The point is, that there is hardly anything worse. Yes, the warrior, maybe.
But lets go over this, what would you want on a perfect pvp team?
Revenant. High damage, high mobility, high sustain, some support.
Definetly yes
Necro. Average sustain, extreme damage, some support, good cc
Yep, we all like necros
Ele. Unkillable, fairly mobile, low damage, great support
Great choice
Scrapper. Also immortal, nice damage, nice cc, some support, also mobile
We certainly want that
Memser. Ok damage, unfair cc, good sustain, some helpful stuff, fast
can take that, good counter for the op ones
Ranger. Average damage, good sustain, great team heal and condi cleanse, free resses, mobile
-not first choice but a valuable addition
Guardian. Good sustain, good damage, good cc, some healing
-You dont really want a guard, but they wont drag you down either
Warrior. very short term high damage and burst. Dead if they miss
-we dont take kindly to warriors around here
Thief. Extremely fast, can always disengage, decap,+1, strong damage, but only against soft targets and only if you are not alone. No group support but ‘being there in time’ Good sustain but leaving the point, good cc, but not enough to lock

This is where you see the first flaw: thieves have a ‘good’ everywhere, but never a ‘great’ and its always connected to a ‘good, but’

So on every role you rely on your teams performance. unbearable with what you get in soloQ these days.

Everyone will outshine you in combat, probably even a good warrior.
So your only asset is your speed, but that is not an asset only to you. Revs, druids, mesmeres run as fast on the short distances we have in pvp. Usually you can easily predict, where a thief will go. An experienced team will not just let you take far. So basically if a team fight goes on at mid, you and they alike will lack a player. But theirs is the point you were supposed to cap.

The literally best you can do with good rotation is keeping the enemy team on their toes, force them to rotate aswell and perhaps loose a couple of fights because they predicted your movement wrong.

The main reason, other classes dont rotate and +1 as much is because they dont have to. Thief will outrun everyone, but only by an insignificant amount of time. I could do the thief job on a ranger aswell, but its more beneficial for my team, if I stay at mid and heal them.

In the end: Of course you can put the thief class to use. Of course you can close any power gap by being three times better than your opponent.
But if this was a sports team election in school, warrior and thief would be the two smallest kids with freckles and glasses that compete for the last spot on the cool kids team.
Tell me honestly: would you rather have a thief on a perfect pvp team than a ranger or a guardian?

(edited by Asrat.2645)

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I do realize you are not the creator of this thread, you did adress the ‘healing’ problem at at least two occasions.

I am not going to continue our discussion on hacking in general. You ahve an opinion, so do I.

But there is one thing I would ask you to do: If you have any suspicion your opponent may be hacking: why dont you just start recording. The effort is downloading a free programm and clicking one one button when you see someone.
This allows your fellow players to validate your opinion and tell you, if you actually met a hacker. This allows also to report people accurately and make sure they are banned.
Cant think of a contrary argument. If you actually meet that amount of hackers, it would be pretty selfish, not to do anything about it, wouldnt it be?

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


You know what? Go ahead. who am I to deny yout o live in your own world if it makes you happy? If you need an excuse, its fine with me. If constantly pretending people were hacking makes you so upset you stop playing the game, it wont bother me either.
Just…for the sake of future discussion, perhaps about more serious topics: try to base your arguments on facts not feelings, would you.
The point is: I actually took the time to look this up, you didnt. I did the calculation that easily proves a perma heal guardian is possible, you didnt. And no matter what I tell you, you just say im wrong.
Base your on world facts and not facts on your world. But that is really just an advice to live by. I do not intend to be offensive towards you in any way, I do not intent to justify my own position.
Have fun being miserable. ^^

getting back into it after a few years

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Ok. I can not say, im a specialist on warriors, but this is what I like to see in my parties for pve.
Where to start?
-A lot of people who come back into the game roll a new char for a fresh start, and I believe it helps them.
-You are probably used to dungeons being the core of pve content, that is no longer the case. Try to get introduced to fractals of the mist if you want to play instanced party content. If you need further advise for fractals, pls either read a guide or ask your question directly.
-Right now a lot depends on whether you own heart of thorns or not.
-If you are not familiar with ‘the silverwastes’, you should go check it out. Its one of the main zones for open world pve grind. Its also somewhat where the transition between core game and hot takes place.
-This game has an awesome community, at least in pve. You can usually ask any question, here or ingame and you will get not only answers, but also direct offers to help you.
-Take some time to go through your ui. whats new, what has changed? and google everything you are unsure about.
-to get a feeling for the game itself again, I would recommend you to explore lions arch for starters. Just the movement system, the exploration, passively watching the chat and see what everybody is up to.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Ok…I do not know, why I continue this discussion, but here we go.
Ive taken a few minutes to read up on this stuff and find out, what kind of hacks are actually out there.
90% of everything are bots. There is obviously no reason you should have a problem with them in pvp. Most of them are more like movement scripts to complete jumping puzzles etc.
Every ‘actual’ hack for gw2 is completely obvious. Fly, teleport…you will be able to tell if they are using it. There is also some wallhack, completely useless for spvp direct combat.
It is appearently really hard for hacks to use the game itself. So like a healing or stealth hack. The skill stuff is likely to be calacualted serverside, so there is virtually nothing you can do about it with the information sent by your client.
I dont know in detail, how this stuff works, but the only way I could think of is if your client makes the game think you are using a ‘fake’ skill, that you dont really have, and appearently they have done something about that, since virtually nobody offers these kind of hacks.
That mean: if it A) works with the game mechanics b) has any sort of visual effect or animation c) is related to damage or healing, it is probably not! a hack.
So stop being a cospirationist. It looks like a duck, smells like a duck, sounds like a duck. Perhaps it is just a kittening duck. Just cause you were unable to fly in your first few hours of a duck existence doesnt mean other ducks shouldnt. (the metaphor might be lacking)

You basically act like a conspirationist. You are completely resistent to common sense, just because you read soemthing about the temperature of jet fuel…

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Well. I will not assume you are a bad player but honestly, a lot of the things you talk about sound a lot like l2p issues. Saying ‘thieves stealth too much’ makes as much sense as ‘you cant counterplay dragonhunter traps’.
You also yourself admitted you only played a ‘few hundred games’ it is natural you dont understand everything thats going on. And it clearly means you are not in position to judge wether or not another player is ‘bad’.
I belong to the kind of people who get called hacker once in a while (not in gw2 tho) for no reason but the opponents stupidity.
I will not deny it is possible to meet a hacker, but my long term experience in gaming has led me to one conclusion: People who actually use hacks are obvious. If you ask yourself if someone might use hacks, or if nobody else is suspicous of that player, that player is to 90+% not a hacker.
You see something, you cant explain it. That does not mean, there is no explanation.
You should also look at your opponents gear. Every! hacker in a major title like guild wars will eventually get caught, pretty soon usually. So no sane person will ever use a hack on their main account.

Permanent heal

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I have never seen a hacker and ive played pvp for quite a while. I have seen a couple of botters, thats all.
There is a couple of expoits, also a couple of ‘putting mechanics to good use’ that seem like exploting if you dont know, how it works. There might also be some bugs.
But no hacks. Literally. Everything you see is completely legit.
Your thief thing f.E. it is totally possible to maintain almost perma stealth. It is just not very viable.
And trust me: if a thief would hack, they would get something better than stealth.
You might meet some hackers in custom arenas, but rated play is being overwatched and monitored.
Oh and: you cant port three times, but there are teamskills that can tp you around in downstate. Thief is also one of the best classes to avoid getting stomped, they suck in down vs down and are easily cleaved tho.

Is thief officially the worst pvp class now?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


You do realize that matchmaking is a gamble? Getting to legend on soloQ is 90% dependant on luck, if you are at least a decent player.
Can you sincerely say that you carried? Did your teams at any point loose a fair fight and only won beacuase of your rotating capabilities.
You might be a good player, but if you ‘carried’ to legendary on thief, I will imply your enemies were below average. And therefore also your teammates if they needed you.
If you got any longer winning streaks past ruby, it is likely you got carried by MM. If you had quite a couple of losses built-in, your statistic might be accurate.

Is thief officially the worst pvp class now?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Dh suck in general, but they are a great damage addition in teamfights. The can also hold the point they are on.
Druid is top tier. You deal nice damage, have some cc, aoe cleanse, aoe buff, aoe healing, are a good bunker, can ress your teammates….basically an ele with less sustain and more support+damage. I play ranger in ranked.
A thief can only rotate properly, if they allow it. As a thief player, I know exactly, where I have to be in order to cripple the thieves ability to decap. As long as the teams are balanced, it gets hard for the thief to do anything, if the enemy team knows how to counter them. And as stated before: most pug teams dont know, how to play with a thief.
And again: the power gap between warriors and thieves is very small. I see significantly more warriors atm. There is basically one in three teams. Maybe a single thief in 5 or 6 teams.
And thief is no carry. As I said: I refuse to believe that the profession is underpowered and unviable. But it is not able to carry anything on a remotely high skill level.

New Player Look For Help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Not really. There are some racial skills in pve, but they dont matter much. Some of your decisions may influence your early personal story.

[ES Suggestion] The Deadeye (FORMAL)

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


-Your changelog says you decreased weaponrange to 900 on some skills, the document itself doesnt reflect that. I wouldnt really like it either.
-In general range is missing for tracer
-I would recommend you to also put subsequent, longer posts into spoilers, like I did with my first one. We have enough wall of text in here.

[ES Suggestion] The Deadeye (FORMAL)

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Yeah. Ok. my table looks much better now. Im gonna attach it again and then delete some of my previous posts in order to clean up. The calculation I did for the burst build was plain wrong.
Reference table(wip)

I need confirmation about noxiuos fumes. Right now it looks like 6 stacks of each 2 seconds are applied a total of 2 times. (1 original, 1pulse).
This would even up in a quick 5k/6s poison damage. Given the way the skill works, it is not completely broken, but its strong enough to ask, if its intended.

i dont get this profession

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Yes. you have to be able to enjoy this playstyle. Or, like some of us, force combat and live with disappointments (or just play unranked and rip noobs apart, thats what I do to not get frustrated) But of course there is always hope for the next balance patch. Statistically speaking it did not really pay out to get your hopes up in the past, but meta shift seems to be their favourite thing, soo…

New Player Look For Help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Ele in pve has a couple of complex rotations to maximize the damage. But the class itself is not unfriendly to beginners. Good healing, nice damage output, some movement skills,some boons…
Pvp ele…its one of the most powerful and boring things there are right now. Might require some basic knowledge of the class, but is very forgiving.
You can basically play every class you like on casual level. I would not be too concerned about maximization, you dont need that in pve outside of raids. Its mostly for finishing fractals more conveniently.
Servers only matter for wvw.

I need fractals 9 and 15 for colossus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


put your group up on lfg now with a description that lets me know its related to this post, and i’ll help you.

Radiation chamber is easy, and there is really only one stomper I can think about. (well, 4 actually)

I need fractals 9 and 15 for colossus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Sure. At least something better to do than read the forums. I would need to know, what exactly you have to do tho. edit: would not, figures by description.

(edited by Asrat.2645)

New Player Look For Help!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


what best way to deal with leveling

Enjoy it. If you have played other mmo’s you will probably see leveling as a neccessary grind to get to endgame. That is not true for guild wars.
1-80 on your first character is one of the most fun parts this game has, mostly since you dont have to do that stupid mutiquesting system used eveywhere else.
Take your time to explore the map while you are leveling, you will be wanting to do it anyways at some point.
Do not try to speed up the process (exept maybe for the last few levels), there will be plenty of opportunity to do that on alts.

Staff AA

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


-Staff does have a slighly higher dps than dagger mainhand. It also offer things like projectile reflection and a whirl finisher on AA.
Staff and dp both have a couple of good skills, but the undoubtly best ones are headshot and vault.
Both can be extremely dangerous when used right, both are mainly pvp skills.
In pvp you will just be autoattacking, and against large-sized enemies staff can also use weakening charges properly to get even more damage. d/p gets a little bit more beneficial, if you need more than just damage.
I am perfectly fine with d/p in pve, and I would not give up on my incinerator, in raids I get very close to the 27k dps im supposed to do, and Ive never liked minmaxing.

Infiltrators arrow is:
-a huge boost in speed
-a shadowstep, making it superior to every other form of movement (can avoid attacks and obstacles, can exit dragons maw traps, can glitch through a lot of floors)
The bow itself is also not bad in combat.

i dont get this profession

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


1) Right now, thief is in a bad spot for direct combat. Its possible, but we always will have a hard time.

2)The d/p metabattle build is especially bad at direct combat, it really just focusses on the +1 aspect. Go with staff, DD or even SD if you want to fight.

3) A big part of your sustainability comes from good movement and good positioning. It is something you just have to figure out yourself, it can not be taught.
Basically: you move in to attack, deal enough damage to kill any wounded foe or at least make them panic, but you never stay in a place where they can attack you. Being too agressive on a thief is a beginners mistake, as well as being not agressive enough. If you can keep up the pressure, a lot of enemies will be forced in the defense.

4) You heavily rely on evading the enemies key/burst skills. You have a couple of dodges in each fight, but you have to know exactly, what skill to use them on.
You have to read you opponent basically. New players are usually very focused to get their own skils right, leaving them little time to watch the enemy.

5) The metabattle build is not exactly friendly to beginners, since it is very unforgiving.

6) Dont be kitteno (srsly now? This is so not a kitten word!)swap to your shortbow. This is what you will see most streamers doing, what casual thieves do not: swapping to their shortbow midfight.

7) Classes you should have a chance against: Rev (not rly on dp), Necro, Warrior, Mesmer, the others you should avoid, unless a teammate backs you up. Or better yet: you back up a teammate.

8) I recommend escapists absolution over impacting disruption. Headshot is a a-hard-to-hit skill that requires some training, you have enough to worry about, the extra condi cleanse should really help you with survival.

9) I recommend this build if you want something with better sustain and better direct combat capabilities. Its very close to what im running right now, and It should be very playable for a beginner, once you figured out, what staff skill to use in what situation. In the beginning you should be fine with well used vaults.
If you want some serious sustain, stay on a point, 2v1 skip, fight against bunkers forever, I recommend sage or carrion d/d condi thief.

(edited by Asrat.2645)

[ES Suggestion] The Deadeye (FORMAL)

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


You think I would rea through your concept but be too lazy for the forum response? ^^
I might have to read it several times to catch everything, but the first thing I realized:
-I wasnt concerned about the knockdown on smack, I was concerned about it basically doing the same as hook strike, but dealing about twice the damage.
-My problem with alacrity was not taking a strong boon from the mesmer, but rather taking a unique effect that is tied by lore to their elite spec.
Probably depends on wether you want balance or concept.
-Massacre mastery needs something, not exactly sure what. First thing coming to mind would be to replace the PI cd effect and instead consume the hunters reward stacks on healing skill use for a much stronger heal.
This could lead to amazing synergy for passive heal with signet of malice and assassins reward.
On that notice: how long do the stacks last before they deplete?

As you ask I will start to think about possible builds, but it will take a few days until I know your concept good enough to get something done.

Engineer: new best class?

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I’d say eles are better in healing/supporting their team, but scrappers are completely superior if on their own. Not only for 1v1 but also for xv1 purposes like skipping on far.

Vault hits usually 5-8k

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Nah. zerk in spvp is really just if you want to rely solely on +1, so you dont need any sustain or as a gimmick build. But that is not limited to thief. Nobody runs zerker.

Vault hits usually 5-8k

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I think the most realistic value on a true glass build in spvp is 10-11k. assuming a low amount of might stacks. Full damage traiting, zerker, Assassins signet active, scholar rune, and no vulnerabilty on target. On a crit ofc.
Unfortunately this rapidly decreases with protection, blocks, armor and leaving you with little defensive utility.
The other burst skills are called pistol whip (higher base damage and benefits from sigil of impact), backstab (About the same damage as vault, but not increased by staff master), Unload (easy to negate, but also higher base damage), weakening charges (slighly less damage but also a lot less telegraphed)
But yeah, with the evade frame, the damage, the casting time, the gap closer, the leap finisher, vault is really the best burst skill we have. Its also kinda cool cause the ground targeting and hit delay make it some kind of skillshot. Theoretically. In actuality you either cast it on low distance or its gonna be evaded by every decent enemy.

Vault hits usually 5-8k

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


kitten it. you were faster to do the math Sir Mad. Congratulations

Vault hits usually 5-8k

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Vault has a damage coeffecient of about 0,876. With a percentual damage of ~40% on an offensive pvp build and ~60% on a glassy pve buildm critting for 190-220% of its original damage, you can expect everything ranging from 2500 to 9000 depending on the stacks of might, crits and traits on marauder. Even higher numbers with external unique buffs.
19000 is possible I believe, with zerker, food effects, proper boons…

What I dont quite get is the point of your thread. Same applies to the autoattack. Are you asking a question? or is that a ‘note to self’ ? or do you want to remind us of the damage we deal?
I dont quite get why I answered either. Guess I just like math.

favor in dry top

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Favor is not a personal measurement of your participation. It is a map wide- progress of the maps meta-event, earned by completing crash side events
The best way to get to a map of a higher tier is to use lfg taxis to maps that are commited to do the meta events.
There are also regular, organized runs, mostly by guilds. At least there used to be, dry top is not very popular at the moment.
-Occasionaly check lfg for high tier Dt taxis
-passively join lfg with a ‘looking for dt tier x’
-search on the internet or forum for regular dt organized maps.

Returning player help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


- You have the crafting professions you need for necro.
-crafting is considered to be a good way to level up, so if you want to do it, do it before you get to 80
-I believe cooking is cheap if you just want it for the levels.

-There is no need for heart of thorns before you hit 80, but not really a reason not to buy it either. Unless you are not sure if you want to get back into the game permanently.
-@leaa, there was no f2p 2 years ago ^^

Another suggestion that I would give to any returning player: check your alts inventory and your bank, there might be some very valuable stuff like event exclusive items.

Comprehensive dream balance patch

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Again agree with the op. You should totally provide your input, since you know your own class best, but ‘self nerf’ usually means thinking about what you conciously ‘dont need too bad’
Necro is literally the most hated class by now, even if you overnerfed it, it would not pe thrown in the deep pit where lies the warrior and thief. After changes like this are deployed, you would always feel free to ask for and eventually receive buffs.
Greatly nerfing the reapers most brainless abilities should also benefit the veteran necro players, since it would stop all those noobs from noobing around with their class, additionaly creating a solid ground to base skill oriented reworks on.

Personal Reward Level

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Step 1: A lot of people will be on a significantly lower prl. Probably around 40
Step 2: It would take some time, but people would work their way back up (probably at least a month, dont underestimate the lazyness of casuals)
Step 3: Everyone who wants to play the higher levels would now be able to, but instead of working their way up there with hosted mossmans, they would now have had to play challenging fractals, ensuring player experience, player quality and agony resistance.
Step 4: Those who take the effort to go through this to reach level 100 would now be properly rewarded with better loot.
Step 5: Yes, but with the rewards getting progressively better, we would at least replace 77 with 83 and 40 with 99. This should not primarely adress the issue of fractal endgame diversity. This should adress the leveling process, the loot problem and the casulty of fractals.
Step 6: ?
Step 7: Profit!

Permanent Ban :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


You may not buy, sell, transfer or auction (or host or facilitate the ability to allow others to buy, sell, transfer or auction) , or offer to transfer, sell or auction, or buy or accept any offer to transfer, sell or auction, any game Account or game Content, including (without limitation) game characters, character attributes, items, objects, currency, credits or copyrighted material, or any other intellectual property owned or controlled by ArenaNet, Inc., NCsoft, the Service, or our licensors, nor may you encourage or induce any other player to participate in such prohibited transaction(s), except as may be specifically authorized by the Service and by ArenaNet or NCsoft, without first obtaining our express written permission.

- So yeah. Technically it is illegal. But that doesnt change the fact, that you should not receive a permanent ban for it. If I send a friend of mine some lodestones in order to create a weapon, and later he sends me the money back, that wont be punished either.
According to this, every item sent via in game mail would be a violation of the license agreement.
There are two corresponding factors:
1) How does it look to a gm? If they have any reason to believe you only wanted to exploit the trade system, they will eventually punish it.
2) Have you done this before/repeatedly? Even if this is viewed as a minor infriction, a possible ban would become more likely, if you have been given a warning in the past and are already being watched.

But I can see, how this could cause problems: there is a reason account bound items are, ya know, account bound.
There is also a huge difference between. ‘helping someone without the motivation for world completion to get a legendary’
‘Using account bound ressources to make a profit’

In the end I dont know. It is probably a ToA violation. It is unlikely anybody will care if you dont make it too obvious (use a guild bank instead of a mail)
You are not likely to be banned for this, or even if, you have a good chance of recovering your account on a support request.
Still, its your choice wether you do it or not.

[ES Suggestion] The Deadeye (FORMAL)

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


There are a few things I noticed:
Relentless hunter.
-Alacrity should stay mesmer specific, i would recommend a static cd reduction
-No icd. totally devastating considering you can use the skill every 5 seconds but the boons last 10 seconds, fury is already a heavily used boon, giving us a 100% uptime with one trait is relatively powerful.
-Might aswell apply resistance. Enables counterplay. But go with 2 or threee pulses of resistance so a single necro boon corrupt on this ability wont win the game automatically.
-Also I think you can slightly lower the cooldown, compared with existing pure condi cleanses, its rather high.
Predators invigoration
-maybe a small initial heal, as most abilities of that type have
-alternatively you could add some endurance, since you already called it ‘invigoration’
Ceaseless aggression
-better version of rfi, but thtas fine since rfi isnt exactly in the spot where it should be.
Massacre mastery
-A skill only to synergize with your main heal only for pve? I doubt many people would use that, but cant say I have a good alternative at hand.
-pls compare to Hook strike

I really like your concept by the way. There are some skills that are just plain ‘cool’
But even more important. A lot of times while reading, I was like: that could be op, and X in combination with Y could be op. Or first I could use A as a setup for B, going into…
But everytime I ended up admitting, that you already considered the option and negated it. The way your mechanics flow into each other, it is relatively hard to exploit any of them.

(edited by Asrat.2645)

Personal Reward Level

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I don’t mean to shoot everything down but I also don’t think diminishing returns would be very well recieved

Nope. ^^ Totally not.
Actually that is ok, they dont have to like it, but I started to think it wouldnt work either.
People would just do rotations like ‘swamp, molten, solid ocean’ Recommended fractal chains could be an idea. So every time you play afractal, there is a random choice of ‘next up in line’ recommended to you. Yu can choose one of them, the bonus rewards progressively increase until the chain resets at some point.
That would be fairly close to the old random fractals, without actually forcing players to invest a lot of time at once.

Comprehensive dream balance patch

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Its possible op meant to adress downed instead of dead. Like in: If you focus and kill the necro before he can enter ds, but that necro gets ressed by some ranger, he cant just start ds rampage. I admit LF not being removed on downed makes some sense, even considering that pretty much everything else (including AF) is removed.
Still it does seem a little odd that being effectively defeated by the enemy team is not punished, as long as one of your teammates takes care of you.

Personal Reward Level

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Another option is a dimishing returns system on fractals. Or adding encounter specifi loot / at least base the amounts of relics and encryptions gained directly on the encounter. So a cliffside would always reward more fractal specifc item than a swamp of comparabale level. but that part of the discussion needs its own thread.

Personal Reward Level

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asrat.2645


No. This change alone will not solve the problem. But its my hope it will help doing it. The dailys have to be reworked anyways and from what the ama says, its already planned. This suggestion could rather become one of the changes that, together, make fractals work like they should.

Personal Reward Level

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asrat.2645


Suggestions for the Prl of fotm

-Fractals of a scale of 5 or more above your personal reward level do no longer increase it.
-Fractals of the same scale can not increase your personal reward level more than twice.
(This does not apply to fractals of the mai trin type, just to esure there is always a way to get to 100)
-You will recieve significantly better rewards the higher the fractal is, but only if your prl is at least as high as the current scale

-Would require to fully reset prl or at least recalculate it retroactively based on the changes.


First of all it would increase the loot from high level fractals, but without everyone and their cat being able to benefit from it

Secondly it would stop people from only doing the mossman. I have played all the scales, I found it extremely enjoyable, most people are just spoiling their own fun. I have been getting similar feedback from guildmates I convinced to play some of the harder fractals.
If you do not like challenging content you might want to ignore high level semi-hardcore instanced pve…

Finally this would, viewed long-term increase the number of players who play high-level fractals whilst at the same time ensuring party quality.
This is even more true if considering the coming rework for dailies, that will hopefully encourage diversity in fractal choice.

You would still be able to skip the really annoying fractals to speed up your progress, but you could not just level from 40-78 with joining dailys, leaving you with a high level and essentially no idea what you are doing.

Superior Runes of Agony Resist

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Asrat.2645


This does not seem neccessary.
-Every casual player can reach at least one ascended armor set in a fair amount of time
-Infusions themselves are cheap enough
-At the point where you do not have a full asc set yet , you should not try to play the higher-tier fractals. And I dont know about you, but I didnt want to either.

All in all: im very happy with newbies in lower fractals, I give them advice and try to encourage them to work on their performance and try out the more challenging stuff.
But having people who dont even know their own class, do not have ascended equipment and use runes that do not provide any boni in a high level fractal…no thank you. Bad enough we have all this people who cant beat a higher tier mossman the normal way.

Ultimatetively this would also encourage the elitist-culture, that might be even worse than the noobs.
Party description forbidding joining with runes, gearchecks, people being kicked for agony runes…I dont think we want that.

What if they removed infiltrators arrow?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


The second one not neccesarely. A high burst can be counterplayed. It can be avoided, blocked, blinded, healed (expecially given the current amount of defense systems)
And yes: if I do not land my initial burst properly, I have to be extremely good to stay alive until I can try again. That is pretty much tied to what im asking for:
Increase our bursted damage to the point where we can finish of a bad player without much effort, but providing hard to hit skills and small time windows to do so.
Increasing the survivability would benefit teamfights too much. ‘dying to random aoe’ should be normal for a class that simply should not be in the midst of a fight.
The removal of IA would be necessary to criple our ability to fully benefit from our strenght and to reset fights where we mess up the initial burst.
I base my ideas on the class balance on the following concepts:
-most dangerous direct damage against a single target
-Strongest class for 1v1 encounters
-no boons and little support
-little survivabilty outside of situations where you can ‘read’ your opponents skills.
-high sustainablity as a reward for perfectly executed dodges, interrupts and blinds
-little healing to make even the smallest mistake very unforgiving.

The infiltrators arrow is only the first step. Nothing but a mechanical change to prevent supremacy in one situation to be utilized for total overpoweredness.
What im trying to find out is, if that would actually be ok for other thieves, or if you guys like your +1 and rotation role so much you’d rather have that than strenght in combat.

Your class in a song

in PvP

Posted by: Asrat.2645


So, thief kind of sucks now... [spvp]

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


I agree with on your opinoin about the revenant. They cant deal with evades, and especially a condi build can srsly kitten them up.
But you are wrong about guards. There are a lot of bad guards out there, but even they are tough.
-A guard can easily put down multiple instaces of each trap during one fight.
-We have no stability, making it very easy to pull and push us around.
-The heal is an automated block, you cant interrupt it.
-They have multiple instances of heal, around 2- times their own health if they stretch the fight long enough
-Only idiots will alow you to severly injure them with your initial burst. There is protection, stunbreak, blocks… and no good guard runs zerker.
-You can basically avoid trap effects as a thief, but only at the cost of loosing a point. It also allows the guard to get their skill off cooldown.
-True shot is not the problem, its telegraphed enough. The bow in general is a superior ranged weapon to our choices, making it unviable to slowly kill them from afar.
In general you need to be much more afraid of a well used greatsword or hammer.
-There is no element of suprise. They stand in their traps, if you approach them and trigger the traps, you have to get out of there. After that they know you are there.

Most dh suck. that is a fact. But they still hardcounter us. I have also started to believe most revs suck too. Most of them i beat without problems. Then I met that one guy who a) literally took no damage from anything I did. b) was completely immune to cc
c) killed me with the damage of the few skills that hit me.
Most revs are way to aggresive against thieves and always attack. They dont even need to, the pressure is there even if they dont try.
I have been reading through the reveneants skills and traits. It is literally incredible. The mere idea of not winning a fight with that set of tools at hand is copletely ridicoulus.

What if they removed infiltrators arrow?

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


But that is my very point: the class is some way. We will be viable after the op stuff gets shut down. But i dont like the way we are viable. I do not want to rotate, to +1, to support people who are too stupid to win their own fights.
I dont want to be op or completely unbeatable, but I want to be able to kill every player who opposes me on a equal skill level. more so: as long as I dont mess up, the odds should be on my side. Cause that is why I started playing this class in the first place: high risk, hard to master, but extremely strong in 1v1 if played right.

Permanent Ban :)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Asrat.2645


fox is right. It is really hard to figure out what you are trying to ask.
And you also seem to be asking two different questions

1: Is it ok to aqquire tradeable materials as a gift from somebody to create a legendary weapon? (If that is your question: yes, it clearly is, unless you give them reason to believe you bought them with a currency outside of gw2)

2: Will I get banned if I buy materials from ‘the page’ ?
(Depends on what’ the page’ is. If you mean the trading post, you are fine. Every other form of transaction is illegal, but usually they should just remove the purchased items and not ban your account. It is also a common thing to trade in an unoffical way, using mail or guild banks to avoid taxes, and even though they dont like it, I dont think it would get your account banned if they catch you doing it for the first time)

If neither one of this actually was your question, you should really try to rephrase it.

(edited by Asrat.2645)