The Jan. monthly isn’t supposed to give laurels. If people are getting them for it it’s a bug.
The night before the patch I got an unusually high number of DCs but last night I didn’t get any.
Are you talking about mystic coins? Did you look in your collections tab? Failing that… I have no clue what you did with your coins…
I play alts all the time and I couldn’t care less. My first 75 laurels are going to that fancy cat anyway. Stats are overrated in this game.
Did you not know what it looked like when you made it?
I was just on my 50 ele in 40 blues killing things at level just like normal. I noticed slightly less damage when downleveled. Nothing broken on my end.
The pvp monthly?
will not be giving laurels. Nor will the pvp daily.
What do you mean? Your #4 is the same as everyone else when down and mes is really strong off your back in pve.
You can equip it, just don’t transmute it.
If rezzing npcs counts can I just drop a battle standard on a clump of them?
You won’t even lose money on this, and it’s like the most easiest daily ever. Just refine some copper ore or whatever and then sell the copper ingots.
Opening the crafting window is apparently a personal affront to some people.
Engi is my favorite class as far as “fun” goes. Unfortunately they are also the least effective pve. Anything you can get from an engi in a dungeon you can get from another class that also brings more damage.
bah, thanks for posting.
If I cant complete all this in WvW then its going to go the same way as the monthly… another tab i dont look in.
And the only one that affects is you so please feel free to never do a daily again if you don’t want to.
Will one of you please go see if the new exotic mini will go in the forge…
Wy brooms? Even some sort of asuran skateboard or something like that would be better than this…
They already had the model and animations kicking around from the halloween witch costume.
Sorry but trying to help by just pointing at the wiki isnt really helpfull.
Almost the same as telling people to google or use the search button.
If it was clear i wouldnt have asked, but the new stats page is really bad in my opinion.
Almost the same as asking a really ambiguous question and then expecting a certain type of response.
Ridiculous is the word you are looking for.
Anyone who has a bunch of the new exotic mini: have you tried forging them?
Depends “when” you buy it and “when” you resell it. I know someone who has made a fortune pre-ordering “hot” or “desirable” cars and selling them for more than the list price by selling them to people who just can’t wait. In his case this has been mostly on Aston Martins. So your argument is flawed. And in terms of placing the orders, its not what you know, it’s who you know.
That is someone making smart deals. That is not a retail environment premised on the ability to resell for profit.
I see a lot of people saying you don’t really need to craft and you can instead “refine” to complete it. What does this mean? How do I go about refining things???
you will have a refinement section of recipes in your crafting window. they are just the recipes that turn like 2 green wood logs into a green wood plank or ore into ingots.
Isn’t our current retail environment premised on the idea that you can buy something and then sell it to someone else for more than you paid for it?
Show me where you can buy a new car and then turn around and resell it for more…
Some people do not like to go into WvWvW but they like “Crafting” . Wonder how they would feel if they had to do WvW in order to finish the daily?
Considering that’s how the monthly has been since launch I’m sure we can ask them.
has anyone pulled a mini other than the priest?
This is entirely beside the point. Besides, it doesn’t even apply to crafts that don’t include using wooden planks. lol
every craft other than cooking can refine base materials. planks are just one example.
which mini did you get?
How can you tell if that is due to manipulation or just people dumping what they have while prices are still high?
I have been told that refining works for the achievement.
Have you tried hitting it with combo’d fire or poison and then letting it die from the condition?
You are that specialized class!
You do a combo finisher inside a combo field. Simple as.
I feel like I’m going to be clicking on chests for every blue drop now and I’m not necessarily happy about it.
“u can salvage whatever you want.”
Tell that to the people who got banned for salvaging snowflakes.
That dude always gets eaten.
A shame this achievement requires PVEers to do PVP to get it, always sucks when you’re forced to PVP for something in a game where PVP is supposed to be optional.
A shame this achievement requires PVPers to do PVE.
The community barely tolerates your choice to play certain classes. Basing anything on that is ridiculous.
That is a slippery slope argument. The fact is right now you don’t need that +1. Will you need a +10 in five years to do a newly updated AC? We have no idea but saying that is definitely what will happen is disingenuous.
Your color depends on your ranking in the week’s matchup. You won’t always be green so just be patient and check back.
Gw2 requires less grind than any other MMO I’ve ever played.
“You are all still operating under the false premise that +1 stat is optional.”
When everything in the game is achievable without that +1, it really is optional.
One trick it to try to jump into things whenever possible. So like if there are planks sticking out of a wall that you have to jump across (one of the toughest bits of jumping for me) try to start at the outside edge of the plank you’re on and jump towards the wall end of the next plank. That way if you jump too far you hit the wall.
I feel your pain. Been playing on a crap laptop since launch and I get 15fps at the best of times. I have 100% world completion though so it IS possible. That said, some jumping puzzles are just impossible for me.
Globs of ectoplasm are nearing 40 silver, which I might add is ridiculous, it’s far cheaper to craft rare weapons and salvage them. My question is, which crafting recipe is currently the cheapest for this purpose?
usually carrion recipes are the cheapest because of cheap bones. I haven’t checked recently though.
They are looking at AoE. They haven’t even decided what, if anything, they are going to do with it yet.
Keep in mind that there are populated servers where you won’t need to hang out with people doing Rytlock-Logan ERP in a back ally.
Not Maguuma though, never come here.
I will be really upset if something like this gets added before basic “last online” functionality.
yes, in brief
most basically about AoE Skills and everything that affects them.
Aoe changes are not coming on the 28th.
But in 1500+ hours of play time
Good lord, go outside!
10 isn’t too bad even if you’re just starting out with prophecies and eotn. Could probably be done in a couple weeks since you have to familiarize yourself with the game and whatnot.
Farm cash and buy lodestones like everyone else does.