It took you an hour to get a TA group? Either use or get in a decent guild. Saying “welp my guild’s dead game over” is ridiculous. There are plenty of people out there who want to kill all the trash and watch all the cut scenes (I’m not one of them but to each their own).
I got 2 in my first 9 fractals. I am usually on the other side of the RNG beast though so I know how you feel.
Elementalist and Necro definitely do too. Warrior definitely doesn’t, and that’s all I know of.
Warrior has a trait that gives 10% speed while wielding melee weapons. Not a signet but it is passive.
It’s not just timewarp. It’s also stacking might with signet of inspiration and feedback and veil and portal….
Necros are cool and all but they’re just not on the same level for dungeons.
There is a reason why the current meta dungeon build is 4 heavies and a mesmer.
Hint: it’s not that necros are better.
Balancing the different downed states is a different discussion entirely I feel. I would agree that some time definitely needs to be spent on it.
Solo it is difficult but with some friends it’s not that hard.
“Does anyone else just feel there is simply no story to these quests that you just do them because you have no choice in the leveling process.”
There is actually much more of a choice in the leveling process here than in most other MMOs.
And also, if a player was able to down a player even when he had multiple allies supporting him, I say he deserves a good chance at finishing off the player
Why? This isn’t some kind of honorable duel. Downed state was basically added because of the removal of healers. If a dude has 5 friends healing him in other games what sort of chances do you have to kill him?
The only advantage is looking like you’re riding a broom. There is no gameplay advantage.
But then you would either just be changing the color on your hair (which isn’t an option, the whole body is the same) or you would be changing stuff outside of your hair which the hair kit doesn’t allow.
By upgrade materials do you mean like a vial of condensed mist?
A mesmer is almost always more of a welcome sight in a dungeon group than a necro.
If you only run pugs then you’re right, it’s hard to stay in melee when everyone else is ranged and not tossing around much support. Life gets better when you run with a good group though. Try to find a guild rather than pugging all the time.
That is not important at all. Important is: Can you beat it while having fun at the same time?
I’ll beat all the PS at some point that I am sure of, but I know that I won’t enjoy them because of their ridiculous difficulty.
I have actually enjoyed most of the racial and order stories I’ve done. I really only stop having fun at claw island and that’s just because of the direction they chose to go, not the difficulty. The norn “blacked out” story is completely awesome if you want to try one that is really fun.
I did this path for the first time ever yesterday in a group with 2(!!) engineers. We wiped once on the new assassin event since none of us had seen it before but got it pretty easily on the second try. That and one death in the lava room were my only two repairs of the run. If anything this path was relatively easy and I had fun doing it.
I vaguely remember her being in a cave. Possibly hidden and/or off the ground.
You only ever get one stack from sigils. If you start stacking bloodlust you won’t stack any corruption or perception until the bloodlust stack disappears. When you have two stacking sigils on one hand weapons it picks one and only stacks that. Not sure which it picks or if it’s always the same since I never use two different ones. If you have two of the same stacking sigil in one hand weapons you will stack them up twice as fast.
So you want utility skills (like crippling shot) to do more damage in addition to providing that utility?
100-200 gem for every day Arena Net used to resolve the issue tbh.
How about they tack on some free game time to your account?
excuse me while I go throw an axe on my engi.
(please say tool kit or bombs so I can laugh again).
5 melee zerker team has no problems with dps check boss, more news at 10.
OP just wants to play the way he wants. Isn’t that the goal anet? Why can’t he trade a porous bone for a dusk at the precursor vendor?!
I think the cap for xp growth is 2 hours.
I had a friend get auto-banned for “gold selling” (he was just borrowing some cash from a guildy) and he got unbanned in the same night. Sucks to be you I guess.
You can throw the bouquet to someone else temporarily.
You probably kitten someone off (with the way you’re posting I wouldn’t be surprised) and they got their guild to mass report you which is basically an auto-ban.
Planned? Yes.
Near future? Probably depends on how you define ‘near.’
I tried it with an engineer.
This means any class can do it btw.
I didn’t have any problems with the norn story on my war or ele.
It is much faster if you run with a good group. Not to mention the loot is much better in dungeons than doing lvl 20 hearts or whatever. And tokens.
Is anyone buying these? 75 gems is like 1.5g. Seems really steep for one random red dye.
Title unlocked after opening/defending 10k temples.
Great idea to have them in the Hero panel. You could always post this in Suggestions sub forum too.
It has been posted there countless times already. Anet posts usually just say to use an invisible bag so this doesn’t seem like a high priority thing.
Not anymore. I have guildies living in TA now because of it.
She is up there with Tybalt for me. I’m not doing claw island on my priory character.
Bringing an alt in for the first time that day also gives you another 60 tokens rather than 20 if you’re doing a path for the 2nd time on your main.
I still open them. Unid dye is one of the most exciting drops for me. I almost always get <1s dyes but I can’t help myself.
I have literally never seen a node disappear and I gather stuff all the time.
There is DR on gathering. If you have mined too much, for example, mithril, eventually all nearby mithril nodes will vanish.
I am pretty sure this is not true.
15% from 6/6 superior rune of scavenging, 40% from omnom bar, 30% from laurel gold booster.
I was bugged and eating rations didn’t give me any health. Then we had a robot party on the bridge. A+ would play again.
You could have just run a little further away… maybe 5 seconds away and back
SE 1&3 are both relatively quick and easy. 2 is really long. Also SE armor is the best of the 3 imo.
You can also potentially get pvt armor at orr temples depending on your class.
We usually have it open on Mag but I haven’t been on yet today to check. I know TC usually has most of their temples open too.
It has been confirmed not to be true. The guy who did the original “study” went back and confirmed his methodology was flawed.
30 points is doable in about a month if you start from scratch.
How bad do you want those skins and titles?
Yea they have been around for months.
No clue. The wiki lists the content of all the patches but not their size. There were only a few small updates in Jan. before the big patch though.