Like, in all honesty, do you people get mad about something like this? In a game?
Except that 1c is not worth anything to anyone playing this game
And you do not pick what you liked best in this game, you do not have a choice but to buy from lowest seller.
If this game gave you the option to buy from whatever price you want, and you actually saw the sellers name, I would not complain at all about this mechanic
(edited by BUTTERBLUME.3217)
Try something for me…. for the next moth, for every single item you list, put 1c in your bank, see how “nonsense” it becomes… When I sell a 250 stack of ore, 1c adds up in a hurry.
Paying for faster sales, or higher volume is a key point in supply/demand economics, especially in near infinite long term supply, finite long term demand systems such as what we have in GW2.
If getting a faster sale is NOT your goal, then undercutting by 1c is irreverent to you. If your price is accurate, and I’m assuming it is (because if it isn’t, then undercutting by 1c doesn’t matter), then your auction will still sell. Yes, it will take longer, but it will still sell. That it sells today, or next week is not important to you (as you said, a fast sale is not your goal). I fail to see how other people paying to get sales quicker, because it IS their goal, affects your goals in any way.
If their paying to sell faster IS affecting your goals, then you may want to add “fast sale” to that list, and price accordingly.
And again, I am talking about low volume high price markets.
My goal is neither. Even if you are still going to sell, you should not have to wait for days, just because someone else decided to sell 1c below.
My goal is neither, I am simply trying to show something that should not be the way it works right now in my opinion.
Talking of losing or winning money when the price dimensions is in the golds, but the cut is 1 copper, is nonsense.
Please stop arguing in a manner that sounds like the 1 copper is about profit in dimensions of 1g, because it is not.
It is merely a mechanic of selling first without any realistic loss.
I perfectly got your point, even repeated parts of it.
The thing you do not understand is, relisting costs money, so the ‘stubbornly standing still’ part is not true, because if your price is perfectly fine and will sell some time later, why would you give up money.
I am talking about low volume high price markets.
Say one item sells every 3 days. Even if your price is good, someone else undercuts you with 1copper, so you will have to wait 3 days longer, just because that person gave up on 0.15 copper profit. And that is not good.
1 copper more or less does in no way show if your item is listed too high or not.
It is simply someone else getting in front of you in the waiting line without any effort or realistic loss.
If your item is in the right price range you are going to sell some time, that is right. But sometimes that 1 copper can take your item 2 days more to sell.
Because I’m trying to prove a point.
Fine then, what would you tell someone the price of a TV priced at $199.99 was?
If the price of a TV is $199.99, the price of the TV is $199.99. I’m sorry, but I don’t understand what your point is. Did you mean the price is different because of tax, since that’s not included? The problem with your example then is that taxes are different from State to State.
Nope, because in real life many other factors have to be considered.
If he is selling his 200$ TV’s from a location easier to reach by most people, or if he is an established salesman, trusted by people, you might be the one going out of business.
Perception only works if you do not give people time to think about it. But if you have to make a 10 miles drive to get something 1 $ cheaper, you will not, if you can get it at the store around the corner.
Plus perception is to treat as a complete different thing than undercutting in this game.
Either you are the lowest seller, or you are not.
Perception can sway people, but consider this example: Gas 20 miles away is $3.85 per gallon. The gas station one block away is $3.95 per gallon. There are those who would drive that 20 miles to save $0.10 per gallon, but they don’t realize that they are wasting more gas to drive that far.
There are those, but I would not suggest them to be the majority, at least I hope.
So bitter, cheer up a little. Leave the forums and do something else, since you do not seem to enjoy your time here.
Well, I am awake 18ish hours a day. Plus I do not think you are in a position to judge anyone here.
The basic scheme is rather simple, but you need experience to be able to control the sparks well.
And I know that the 4-1 is probably a bug, but removing it would only result in a few more rotations.
Changing up the traits is the biggest part about DPS. You can buy GREEN berserker gear, get some ORBS in it and your DPS will go up considerably, not much less than full exotic. Will cost you maybe 1g, but well, dungeons are supposed to be the ‘elite’ PVE thing in this game, could at least expect that much?
Market manipulators should be permanently banned, no excuses.
The trading post in Guild Wars 2 is a prime example, why a free market wont work out well in the long run. Rich get richer and the people who actually play the game get poorer.
Actually, the smart people who know how the market works get richer, while the whiny casuals who are too lazy or too dumb to handle the market remain poor.
There is no reason a casual could not make money on the TP. If you invested your playtime, even if it was 1 hour, into doing stuff with the TP instead of playing the other content, you would make decent coin.
The T3 armors are completely independent of the TP. You make GOLD running dungeons, not items you sell. If you really farm/grind dungeons, you can have your T3 after 30ish hours of doing so.
Most of the items, except precursors are driven by supply/demand. The reason you see them tied to wealth more than playing the game, is because they are RARE, therefore expensive.
If Arenanet increased the droprates, and farming the item itself was as lucrative as farming the gold and buy it, everyone would benefit.
If I want money, I make quick gold on the TP, which for me is about the same level of enjoyment as killing trash mobs without any mechanic other than auto attack.
Since I do not care about drops or gold, I judge the content I play by fun, which makes it kinda hard for me to play more than 1 or 2 dungeons a day, despite having enough time to do more.
Well, if you just play the game, you should not care about wealth.
Direct your complains at Anet, for not having drop rates high enough to support your own playstyle.
Because I’m trying to prove a point.
Fine then, what would you tell someone the price of a TV priced at $199.99 was?
It’s $200.00. But if you advertise it as $200, and I advertise at $199.99 you will go out of business. Even without undercutting I always take advantage of this when pricing in these tools.
Perception is a very powerful thing.
The 1c undercutting allows prices to reach their “natural” point over time without causing a ship from heaven market crash.
Nope, because in real life many other factors have to be considered.
If he is selling his 200$ TV’s from a location easier to reach by most people, or if he is an established salesman, trusted by people, you might be the one going out of business.
Perception only works if you do not give people time to think about it. But if you have to make a 10 miles drive to get something 1 $ cheaper, you will not, if you can get it at the store around the corner.
Plus perception is to treat as a complete different thing than undercutting in this game.
Either you are the lowest seller, or you are not.
(edited by BUTTERBLUME.3217)
Kinda same story for me, did not bother with the topocalypse at all, because it is not fun.
No big deal, life goes on.
So much wasted time in this thread, could have typed /join ‘nickname’ or /invite ‘nickname’ hundreds of times instead, not worrying about it.
People lie, and if he has to make 3 posts about how good his life is compared to a person showing his legendary item…
Oh, and no need to attack me personally
Or he lied, sorry to burst your bubble.
Your life must be very miserable really if you can not stop making such comments.
Hope that comment made you feel better about your life, lol.
Funny thing, have skipped the jade mobs for years, because the drops were not worth my time.
Yesterday, someone in my party suggested to kill, for the great drops.
After killing all of them, I ended up with 2 Stones. Rest of the party had some blues.
If I am selling some pricy items, and someone undercuts me, I just undercut him again. To show him how stupid that whole thing is.
I have enough gold to not care about the listing fee, and the gold spent is well worth the pleasure I get out of his rage.
If Anet just came along and deleted some items out of your inventory, would you enjoy that as much as the same happening to people with more gold ingame?
They are playing the game, not breaking any rules, just like you (?).
The TP is a part of the game, just as killing risen in Orr.
Farm the TP, no DR 100g in 2 hours for starters
If you have the DPS you can get her in 2 rotations after the 4-1 easily.
People have to change up their builds a little bit if it is not working, why is that such a big deal?
It is very well possible to just kill the mobs right now, even with a weak composition you can kill up to 70ish% and then kite without dying at all.
Maybe for purchasing 1000+ real dollars spent on gems.
This is hilarious, I bet the person controlling precursor markets read this thread and just wanted to show you what is going on.
When the ‘Why is the Energizer market not controlled?’ post came up, I checked and they were 30g.
The market works very well, just the drop rates are too low to please people.
Dedicated? More like lucky to be honest.
That was not an opinion, but facts.
The run is starting now, so cu later.
Let me try it like this… (I’m gonna ignore a whole lotta variables, but you’ll get it)
Let’s say a dungeon champ has 500,000 hit points. And the party looks like this:
1 – 5000 DPS
2 – 7500 DPS
3 – 5000 DPS
4 – 5000 DPS
5 – 5000 DPSThe party does 27,500 DPS. It will take that party around 18-19 seconds to kill the champ. And everyone will get the same chance at reward EVEN THOUGH player 2 did more damage than anyone else in the group. In other words, unequal effort but equal chance at reward. In this scenario, what motivation does player 2 really have to put forth that extra effort be it from better skill, all exotic equipment, whatever?
Now, let’s take the same boss, but put player 2 in MF gear reducing his damage by a third to 5000, the same as everyone else. This takes the party’s DPS to 25,000, and it will now take the party 20 seconds to kill the champ. In this case, player 2’s extra skill or better equipment allowed him/her to downgrade their stats in order to earn extra rewards for that extra that they bring to a group, and it had a negligible effect on the party’s success because whatever extra time is going to be a fairly small fraction of 24 hours.
That’s the point I’ve been trying to make. Extra effort in this game goes unrewarded UNLESS you as a player take steps to change it. That extra effort consists of doing well-executed speed runs or high level fractals or SELF-NERFING VIA MAGIC GEAR. At that point, you do actually get rewarded for your extra effort.
And on the subject of leeching, you don’t have to see someone’s gear to know they aren’t pulling their weight. They’ll be dead. They’ll be afk during fights. They’ll be sitting in the corner just firing their autoattack. None of these things are hard to spot, and none of them require magic find armor to matter.
Heck, if you want to get down to the nitty gritty, you’ll know they’re lower level than the rest of the group. Of course, in that case of ‘not pulling your weight’ nobody on either side of the argument seems to care. Most people are perfectly willing to accept suboptimum efficiency to help lower level characters level up or to teach new players the tricks to dungeons.
Really? Doing more DPS because of higher stats on gear means they doing more work in the dungeon? /facepalm. To put it simply, lets say that all 5 people are the same class, press the same buttons at the same time, you think that Player 2 is doing more work, even though everyone else is doing the same exact button pressing as he is?
And your point is?
Even if everyone did the same ‘work’, the MF folks should not be rewarded more for it.
There are not many little active guilds out there, could probably count them on one hand.
It is easy for big guilds to find more active members because of that.
Yes, yes they should. Coming from a person who is 1/2 way towards crafting their own Twilight, I agree.
You are halfway there with the dusk you got from the forge with 5 tries.
Made me giggle, thanks
The thing is, you do not profit from doing something like that.
And the TP is buggy. I had similar behavior on some other items before.
Erm, luck.
1) Most people seem to agree that MF food is ok, because a lot of people don’t bother with food anyways. How can someone talk about people “leeching” and lowering their potential, and then, with a straight face, say that MF or no food at all is ok? We’re talking the possiblity of 20% boon duration, 10% critical damage, health regen, large boosts to pretty much any stat and a plethora of other effects. Mixed with oils or stones, there’s quite a difference (purely looking at stats) between people who use them and people who do not.
Why are we not seeing topics on people not using food being leechers?
I absolutely love this question. Let’s see what the anti-MF crowd has to say about that xD
I covered that when I was making some posts in this topic before.
It should not be anti-mf, but pro-efficiency.
A 40% bonus gold from boss monsters is very well worth the potential loss of damage.
Some placebo 100% MF is not, since you do not kill many weak, but few stronger mobs in dungeons usually.
You get an average of 0.9 ecto per rare.
If the rare is above 30ish silver on TP, sell it, if it is below, salvage it.
The game is about cosmetics, but you will farm years if you do not buy gold.
So either buy what you would farm for, or ignore the cosmetics and just buy your desired stats.
Nope, not worth it.
Green MF gear just as good.
But if money is not an issue, why would you ask. Just do it and try.
I will say it again:
I play with anyone Ran AC with a level 43 two days ago, so what?
I may have an edge here, because I do not think playing the game is how you make money. You play the TP if you want to do that.
So me playing the game is only for having fun doing it. I do not have some voice in the back of my head counting the gold I got per hour.
If someone wants to leech, he can do it in MF gear or without, would not make a difference.
But MF gear gives you some kind of ‘auto leech’ – aura, because your intent wearing it is more money for yourself, which results in not performing the best you could, no matter how well you play.
If you actually, by definition, leech in the end remains to be seen.
(edited by BUTTERBLUME.3217)
I question the mindset of players, not their performance, because there is no point in doing that.
As I have already said two times now:
I play with anyone, ignoring all the things people do wrong ingame, or the gear they wear.
Everyone has a reason for choosing the gear he is wearing:
Knight set: You want damage, but you can not handle replacing the toughness in actual combat.
Berserker: You want damage and you CAN replace the toughness of a knight set.
MF: You want damage (if it is not just a byproduct of MF at least), but instead of choosing more damage with berserker, because you could handle it, you choose to get yourself more money.
I am not the guy, hating on all the people using MF.
But just from my personal point of view , going through the numbers, you do not make more, but LESS money, running dungeons in MF gear, except fractals.
I do not care about how who performs compared to whom, but getting MF gear for dungeons is a bad build to begin with.
If you want to call everyone who performs a little worse than others a leecher, go ahead, but that will not prove MF gear to be useful, nor the opposite. Arguing like that, I could tell you Power/Vit/Tough gear is uber bad and useless, yet you said it has its purpose some posts ago.
(edited by BUTTERBLUME.3217)
You can not let me have the last post I guess?
Challenge accepted:
‘…or makes only token offerings in an attempt to avoid being called a leech’
taken from wikipedia.
Sounds like MF gear to me, eh?
So your definition of a leeching player is him lying dead on the floor all the time.
Mine is not performing the best you could.
I guess our argument is done then.
(edited by BUTTERBLUME.3217)
Funny, you do not understand what I am saying, but instead of trying to understand it, you simply say NO.
It is not on me to explain the explanation to my previous explanation. If you do not even take half a minute to think about it.
Funny, I admit to not understanding you point but instead of trying to explain it better, you just say NO. I even googled “alternative loss”, because I figured that’s my problem. Google hasn’t heard of that phrase(unless you meant weight loss which I highly doubt).
Btw, just in case, my point is that you shouldn’t judge the gear but the performance. If nobody is lying on the floor all the time, the run is going smooth and fast it shouldn’t matter if 1 or more players have magic find because they are obviously doing it right. The only time you can feel like you are carrying smb or smb is leeching is if they are afk or on the floor half the time. Neither of those is a direct result of mfind gear though.
‘Alternative loss’ was not meant to be googled, that’s why I tried to explain it afterwards.
You can take MF gear and not get downed, but the alternative would be, taking berserker gear, not get downed, but deal more damage.
Taking MF over berserker makes you lose potential damage.
As I was saying before, I am not the kind of guy who does not run with people because they take MF, have green, white,yellow or blue gear, but there is no denial, that if you take MF gear, because you claim to be skilled enough to not die, you could take berserker gear instead, and perform better.
Comparing players has nothing to do with the problem of MF. The only thing you have to compare is different gear on your own character.
Edit: Thanks for posting that link, should make my example a little more understandable.
(edited by BUTTERBLUME.3217)
Whatever the case is;
Every set has 3 stats that help you fight and survive longer, mf does none of those and instead grants 1 person better loot instead of contribution to the rest of the team. This is why MF is a bad mechanic and awards selfish players for being more skilled than the rest.
There, fixed it for you. Now tell me what’s wrong with being rewarded for skill.
@above: True, if you can’t explain your point, there is no reason to keep talking.
Funny, you do not understand what I am saying, but instead of trying to understand it, you simply say NO.
It is not on me to explain the explanation to my previous explanation. If you do not even take half a minute to think about it.
(edited by BUTTERBLUME.3217)
Then take your time understanding it. If you do not, there is no more point in talking.