FA Logic: Skill=Coverage and Numbers.
SBI Logic: Skill=coverage and Numbers.
Every Other Silver League Server: Skill= Great Roaming, Open field fights, defense, offense. etc.
Guise. The elitists that like to win and only care about ppt are obviously every server but FA and SBI. Our skill level is all just kitten compared to them. Thats why we’re on these servers, cause we’re bad.
Q : How many players does it take to take down CORE?
A: Multiple guild groups, apparently.
Glad to see Mend doesn’t have anything better to do, and yet still won’t GvG us. I guess Flappy’s mad, but only mad enough for choke points and numbers.
Hope you guys are having fun chasing us around instead of focusing on holding your own stuff.
Cant blame for people wanting to kill you guys after you left the server, its like when someone JUST WANTS TO PARTY AROUND and you jump them 20 v 1 -.- theyre going to want revenge, take that revenge and be satisfied.
Not much IoJ can do again FA anyways, last night i saw 3 thirty man zergs between cliff and the north camp….cant do anything against that.
-Starlight Honeybuns [BUNS] IoJ
Timelord to Lillium Honeybuns
#apparently im not allowed a signature anymore
A satisfied necro >;}Nah we get it. We are having a good time fighting everyone. MEND just amuses us the most due to Flappy’s single mindedness.
1. Mend doesnt GvG. I dont personally know. You guys knew this on IoJ, Why would it have changed just for you guys.
2. You go to IoJ BL, Expecting multiple guilds to not gun you down ::ForOldTimesSake::
3. You go to IoJ BL expecting pugs to not rally to flappy when we’re one of the only Hardcore WvW guilds left..
P.s. After reset night we could care less about finding and killing core, if we see you sure we’ll go for it, but we’ve been doing our own things in EBay and EB the last two nights that I know of mostly. Hopping to IoJ BL towards the end of the night. We’ll probably go FA BL later this week if we dont get insta blobbed at spawn or a camp.
I believe it used to be much cheaper and cost effective to go Zommoros-way with these. I have only 38 BECAUSE I have been putting it off, but last week tried combining low level gems about 10 times+ and none would turn up. Does anyone know if ANet banned Silver Doubloons from the Mystic forge (I used to get several in a row, and I am not the “lucky” type.)
If they were removed from the MF, then I would totally agree it’s silly and more alternate ways to get them should be available. “Parking” characters on JP’s chests and whatnot can’t be intended gameplay to obtain these Doubloons, and not all players have free character slots to be used in such fashion (not saying it’s “wrong” for people to do this, but rather that it is totally weird it may be the “best” way to get them.)
If one could get a Precursor from the Forge by luck, hopefully the Doubloons are still available, since all that removing that method would do is make the prices even higher-which is why I am asking if anyone knows if anything changed while I wasn’t looking.
They still drop from MF. Got a few the other day. Still ridiculous the amount of time waste simple from doubloons compared to other sub mats takes though.
Eh we do more than just wave. But /laugh isn’t our style. Mend was teabagging us last night so we’ve opened up our emote closet for some good fun. See you Seph
Ehh? No Mend members teabagged last night that I’m aware of, Random people did but dont remember seeing any mend names doing it..
Nope. MEND was teabagging every time they killed me or any other CORE member. I mean, I know Flappy is an angsty and angry individual, but just cause I staked him with a bunny finisher doesn’t mean he has get kitten about it.
Eh, I was rolling with the Mend group for about 4.5 hours, the rest of the time scouting. Any time I was with them no one teabagged at least.
Eh we do more than just wave. But /laugh isn’t our style. Mend was teabagging us last night so we’ve opened up our emote closet for some good fun. See you Seph
Ehh? No Mend members teabagged last night that I’m aware of, Random people did but dont remember seeing any mend names doing it..
grabs popcorn
My money is on this thread to be the most interesting to read.
Yesterday, dis scrub is TE euro driver now :p
Walnut, seriously? Of course all our keeps will flip in the middle of the night, It’s obvious FA is going to zerg us in the middle of the night to win. Still need some FA trash talk names .
yeah, because we will win just because of night caps….look what happened at reset. Equal forces.
It’s all about numbers man.
(Outnumbered in all BLs, FA zerging both BL spawns)
Wrong, FA never got IoJ hills— and a majority of our right side of the map for the 5.5 hours Mend was online. They continually wiped inside, as did Ebay.
Ebay instead of 60 on our BL, maybe they should go help yours as well. You wouldnt wanna let little ole ioj catch you in ppt.
And chirs hardly equal forces, Considering IoJ queue’d IoJ, and did NOT queue EB. So we only have 1 map full, idk about EB. But FA definitely had numbers on all 4 maps. ’
Guilds That Impressed Tonight:
~[DIE] From Ebay. God kitten tanky guys here. Yet their backlines pumps out damage, very good at keeping your back line alive. Really going to enjoy the rest of the week against you guys.
~[CORE] From FA, Sadly only CORE impressed me from FA. Any other guilds were stomped thoroughly and easily.
Before the numbers game is pulled out, We never had more then 30 on flappy at any one time, and many times less then that due to Queue. We did have pugs, So I would round our number to ~35 people most of the night except for Hills and Garri calls to the BL.
(edited by Banzie.5248)
I don’t expect much fun for IoJ this matchup (as for this whole season as Anet apparently has matched us up against servers at least twice our WvW-playerbase). Even if we pull all our IoJ WvW players together we will not match the numbers FA can field for just one borderland-zerg.
BUT being IoJ we will still put up a fight as usual (we are a stubborn bunch), if you want a challenge attack us with equal numbers, if you just want points – well stomp us with your karmatrain as expected. Your choice@Tukmolytes: Good to see that you can still play despite the very bad weather down there.
@Banzie: What wrath? Most players don’t even care about Core switching to a bigger server to win the season (it is their good right, some play for wins others play for their community). Many of their players even stayed loyal to IoJ and didn’t switch or joined on FA (and has never been on IoJ), so don’t judge them all for the decisions of their leaders. To most of us IoJ’s they are now just another guild in a faceless karmatrain of a bigger server and I hope they are having fun there and won’t come back.
We even have a lot less (to almost none) cases of people throwing sieges on dead players and other disrespectfull stuff – so in the end we benefit from having players who do that joining the winning team before the game.
[HARD]Klank – IoJ
I meant it as we shall kill them with love
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
Why would we.
ugh cause you guys suck?
Sorry but what? I’ve seen nothing but absolutely horrible performance from both FA and Ebay tonight. The only decent guild we’ve fought is quite sadly, CORE from FA.
How have people in IoJ not killed themselves?
Why would we.
The battle of the night/morning crews shall decide this match
That’s what we thought too, but HoD took like a 500 PPT on reset night while we had 2 queues and enough people to queue a third map but spread across the other 2.
Bring your A game on reset night, numbers won’t be enough.
Huh i thoroughly confused as to why people think we have more numbers? I mean we haven’t fought HoD in a while but I would think they had more.
Based off WvW population speculation based off the last time IoJ fought them, SF had more NA. However HoD has more off hour coverage, even if it is only 10-20 people. They can pvdoor all night.
Lets all have good fights, we know the winner, lets not PPT whine.
CORE, You shall feel the wrath of IoJ <3
SBI really. You gotta kill us when we’re taking things, you could literally take back in 5 minutes, less if there wasnt a buff.
W/e. I’m surprised im saying this, but you really dont know the definition of Karma Train. What enjoyment you find out of just turning everything green and just continually keeping it that way i dont know, its extremely boring to run around and do nothing in eb, but have fun a fun PvDoor til you get stomped in week 7 and the weeks after that.
IoJ done for the most part til reset. GL in your next match up, yada, yada, yada.
So much for SBI willing to let go of SM for the week. Just wanted to help you guys out with your achievements, but its okay.
Can we start bets pls?
I agree its lame. Friday, meh, I’m not going to argue. Its a product of the uneven matches too.
But when people want to Karma train and trade assest starting on Monday, then I get kittened and I just log off. Don’t want to put up with that lame play.
Coming to cap your SM right now, pls dont defend k.
The vast majority of “lazy players” and “runners” you are calling out here are the fair weathers that have come for the karma train and dragonite. As I have said earlier in the thread, there are some of us here that are not happy about the numbers we have at the moment. There are many people on SBI that enjoy fights, not running over others in some huge blob. But you also need to be honest with yourself, if you guys had these numbers you’d be doing the same thing.
Seems to me like no one on SBI wants a fair fight. Usually 5 mans or zergs that like to run over a few people. Not to mention how it strokes their kitteneen by the emotes.
seems i also have a 600sec wait between posts i can do now, i thought this was america.
I was out with my guild last night on IoJ Bl, we had about 10 and 2-3 pugs that joined us. Can’t say how many times we got run over by either IoJ(running about 20+) or YB(running 30-40). I have my emotes turned off, so no idea if I was teabagged or not as it really doesn’t matter that much to me.
The one time I turned my emotes on this week, All that happened was YB spamming /laugh and /sit.
SBI, You should be ASHAMED at the amount of axe necros and minion masters you have. Allowing them to fall into such filth!
Oh dear me, those poor misguided necros…. they never had a necro-mum to tell them it was a grave sin…
Minion master I can agree on, but axe necro is great and I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Lord help your soul, You have no idea what you’ve just done.
If you transfer up you should “ride the pine” if you transfer down, there should be no penalties. This is basically what we should be trying to accomplish is it not ? To try and populate the less populated servers ? I think alot of people think there will be some sort of mass exodus from the top servers to the bottom servers mid season so thats why they feel there should be a penalty for any and all transfers. Most players do not want to be steam rolled or do the steam rolling, they want fights, your not going to see all of JQ (for example) transfer down to GoM and PvD for 7 weeks.
Just my 2 cents
They should, upset bronze league.
Serious note, as many of us have said. We know why t1 exists, we understand it. Doesn’t mean we have to like it. There should be ways, and there are if anet doesn’t want wvw to ultimately fail, that you don’t have to be In the big 3 to have fights all day everyday. All the big 3 do now is provide fights, and continually kill servers.
i’m seeing a trend -
it seems casual wvw’rs favor the “score isn’t much to me, i don’t only wvw, so price will affect my choice, these guys are rude and the ques are long so i’ll transfer down”
the hard core player favors making it easy to transfer up “4 packed servers would be sweet, just remove a few empty servers”
the hard core players loyal to their server “break up the t1 so they can’t roflstomp us”
the people in t1 “haha, as if i plan to move, just fix the kitten que, skill lag, filter out the pve players and I’m good”
anet is like “yeah, transfers are good, i like this subject.”
and I’m like “facepalm”
Best post made today , lol’d
Possibly the same way? It’s been implied that season two (if it happens) won’t happen until next year at earliest.
Interesting, I had not heard that before. Do you by chance have a source for that information?
Oh gosh it was something I read a while ago back in September I believe. Do a search on Devon’s posts, but it’s quite possible I read it on an MMO zine. Sorry
Would make sense either way though, considering the first season ends leading up to the Christmas holidays.
Edited to add: prior to the leagues there was an RNG matchup since June (?) where T3 servers would sometimes face T1 servers, and sometimes T6 would face T2, etc. It was interesting, but there was a lot of angst over population disparities. Those disparities still exist, but at least with a rating-ranked match, you have a closer population than say T1 vs T4.
You are correct but I don’t know where it is either. There will be a break between seasons while they collect and analyze s1 data.
Silver contrary to what you say is still up for grabs, SBI is not fielding the numbers they would versus FA.
That’s true. SBI will not field the same numbers against FA as we’re fielding in the current matchup. We will field significantly less. Our fairweathers won’t show up for that match and neither will half of the “WvW” guilds that transferred in recently. It will be the same people that we fielded back in May plus a few of the transfer guilds.
Then that’s an internal issue for you guys. Most other servers fair weathers would rise to a challenge for at least the weekend.
However I was speaking mainly guild groups— in this match there is leniency in even stepping foot in WvW compared to where guilds will push hard against FA. If they don’t you as a server should push for that.
If SBI already has the mentality you’re going to lose, Many servers and players outside of your server sill thinks you have competition in you but if you as a server don’t then you’ve already lost— more then a league match up as well.
(edited by Banzie.5248)
They have been working on adding more achievements for wvw outside of the seas so as well. Don’t know when they will be implemented though
As of now yes, numbers are being “adjusted” to be reachable in 1-3 years.
Keep the color rng thought being the same on is extremely boring
Nub just rearrange dat crazy schedule and join us <3
SBI needs to get out of this thread. Softest zergs ever.
On flipside: Sup IOJ?
Sup, You ready to die? >:D
I hope MEND brings it.
Sorry about the blobs and high coverage you are about to face….
If a few things go according to plan we will have some coverage back as well.. Can’t speak details yet til things get finalized
Nice! I’m still sorry for what is about to happen.
Eh can’t be worse than our DH days when coverage kept us T6 but numbers were T8. Wake up to +15 every morning cause of no sea or euro but had ocx.
I’m pretty sure SBI will come in first in this league. We were able to put up a decent fight against FA for a bit, but holy crap you guys have a lot of people. It’s yet to be seen whether or not you can beat FA as far as their organization goes, but you definitely have the manpower to take them on. It should be a really interesting fight either way, I just hope we don’t get stuck in that matchup against you 2.
FA is by far more organized Ocx timezone and SEA time zone. If SBI can better their organizations in those zones they can win. [uA] and [Avtr] in Ocx timezone are not jokes to be messing with though, I know as they were former IoJ as well. I know though that FA SEA is relatively weak compared to SBIs, even with a majority of [DPS] going back from BP.
FA has won the league … I thought that was already known. The only way for FA to lose is to implode and even then it would have to happen the week when they were taking on SBI. And as much as SBI has coverage, FA just has that many factor times more. However, FA wouldn’t stand a chance in coverage against BG, SoR, JQ or TC even with all of the newer recruits and guilds (it means that FA is the #5 NA server in a #7 to #15 NA server league).
The leagues just proved what everyone already knew (ANet is just realizing it through their collaborative development thread) – WvW is about coverage because PPT is just a reflection of aggregate WvW server population relative to other servers who have the exact same set of macro-level community resources available.
You’re welcome to root for SBI and hope it beats FA but unless you join SBI mid-season to cover off-peak NA hours, that is not happening.
TL;DR Week 1 determined the winner for all leagues. The other 6 weeks are just so it looks like a tournament match.
Really cause JQ can theoretically still win. Both JQ and BG are super stacked at the moment. SoS decides the winner of gold when Bg and Jq face each other, whoever they focus more is likely to lose with their coverage— even if it’s just distraction. If Jq wins it comes down to week 7 then the ball is in SoR court for who wins.
Bronze league will not be decided til this next week as well between HoD and SF.
Silver contrary to what you say is still up for grabs, SBI is not fielding the numbers they would versus FA. They will fight harder and longer against them as well as them having gotten xfers since leagues started.
If you want to say things like all leagues are decided please so your research.
(edited by Banzie.5248)
SBI needs to get out of this thread. Softest zergs ever.
On flipside: Sup IOJ?
Sup, You ready to die? >:D
I hope MEND brings it.
Sorry about the blobs and high coverage you are about to face….
If a few things go according to plan we will have some coverage back as well.. Can’t speak details yet til things get finalized
SBI needs to get out of this thread. Softest zergs ever.
On flipside: Sup IOJ?
Sup, You ready to die? >:D
Mmm one more day til CORE farm <3
You seem particularly confident about farming us lol
One more day til that notion corrected!
We’re a lot better then when you last saw us, also got some more people to even the numbers with you all ;3 I’m sure you’ll win some and we’ll win some but the Mend hills set up shall provide us with more loot! Question is.. You never know when hills may flip blue too ;D
Awesome! Can’t wait to fight you guys. Though to be honest we are running smaller numbers right now. Not our giant 50-man groups like we did on IoJ.
The real question is if you will be able to stop our farm of you long enough to take a fully fortified hills!
It takes SBI (Not that theres much skill there) literally 3 organized guild groups to even compete with us at the moment (2 of them good-ish I guess) but thats like 80 vs our 30 and will still only wiped twice last night to them with those numbers.
You should wake up from your dreamworld.
By the way, we own all 3 keeps in your BL, maybe spend less time making things up in the forums and go rally some troops.
We’re about 30… so it should only take about 8 of you to wipe us.
You’re obviously under the delusion we’re playing for PPT, or any server outside of FA that will fight you for PTT. Im speaking of fighting not keeps or towers. We were in YB BL all night last night, Mend that is. And knowing the general skill level of SBI I wouldnt be surprised if we could wipe you with that little.
5g on SF
So I made juggernaut for my war cause it’s OP…
Since finding out hammer wars getting epic nerf I moved on to another build to get ready for it…
After fighting hammer wars that use no other weapons other than hammer I’m very excited to see all of you go to hell. Even with stability that damage output is too much.
Warriors are QQing so hard because they arent god like anymore with hammer. Its funny. (Not you ofc, you got the right idea)
Nope. I’m only here to laugh at the BP and NSP whiners. Seeing them QQ all over this thread makes my day.
Your whining about us whining!
“Your” should be replaced with “You’re”.
I’m here to laugh at bad spelling and grammar.
Your punctuation should be inside the quotation marks. :P
+1, NSP always on top of grammar.
I have watched IOJ lose people and guilds because of the size of the servers matched against them. Currently SBI just farms because of the size of their population. They have large numbers on all maps. They map watch. They take towers/keeps then allow them to be retaken and they are back immediately. They don’t fight per se but they line up an endless amount siege and stand behind it then swarm. Its a numbers based battle with little skill. Even or close to even numbers and I’ve noticed they run or get wiped. Having numbers makes people lazy but it also drives out anyone wanting to play. And I’ve noticed the dancing on bodies which is poor behavior. IOJ will be a ghost town real soon if this continues.
I’ve not noticed emote spam by any IoJ recently. When does this happen that you see it? Over all I would like to keep our community respectful as best as possible. Guilds left because they felt they were carrying IoJ, and didnt want to work to play, not because of population imbalance. We would have been completely fine in this league if they had stayed, We would have wiped the floor with BP and YB easy I think once we got our kitten together. However people decided to xfer to win, to have fun, to not be stressed. So to each their own, Making posts like this is only spreading rumors at this point in my opinion. I have yet to see anyone in EU, or NA prime do anything disrespectful outside of voicing their discontent about leagues.
Mmm one more day til CORE farm <3
You seem particularly confident about farming us lol
One more day til that notion corrected!
We’re a lot better then when you last saw us, also got some more people to even the numbers with you all ;3 I’m sure you’ll win some and we’ll win some but the Mend hills set up shall provide us with more loot! Question is.. You never know when hills may flip blue too ;D
Awesome! Can’t wait to fight you guys. Though to be honest we are running smaller numbers right now. Not our giant 50-man groups like we did on IoJ.
The real question is if you will be able to stop our farm of you long enough to take a fully fortified hills!
It takes SBI (Not that theres much skill there) literally 3 organized guild groups to even compete with us at the moment (2 of them good-ish I guess) but thats like 80 vs our 30 and will still only wiped twice last night to them with those numbers.
Like you said, that’s SBI. Expect something different from us.
[KT] from SBI.. All I could hear was Hammer F1, over, and over, and over, and over. And we STILL won. :p was quite funny.
Anyways what size you guys running now, 20-30s like us?
Mmm one more day til CORE farm <3
You seem particularly confident about farming us lol
One more day til that notion corrected!
We’re a lot better then when you last saw us, also got some more people to even the numbers with you all ;3 I’m sure you’ll win some and we’ll win some but the Mend hills set up shall provide us with more loot! Question is.. You never know when hills may flip blue too ;D
Awesome! Can’t wait to fight you guys. Though to be honest we are running smaller numbers right now. Not our giant 50-man groups like we did on IoJ.
The real question is if you will be able to stop our farm of you long enough to take a fully fortified hills!
It takes SBI (Not that theres much skill there) literally 3 organized guild groups to even compete with us at the moment (2 of them good-ish I guess) but thats like 80 vs our 30 and will still only wiped twice last night to them with those numbers.
Mmm one more day til CORE farm <3
You seem particularly confident about farming us lol
One more day til that notion corrected!
Be careful Karn Mend might be the only IoJ group left in WvW by Tuesday.
Doubtful, Although scarlet is very outspoken on the IoJ forums, internal politics of IoJ are high morale and well. We wont stop fighting. Especially with a few things in discussion right now. DUN DUN DUNNN. WHAT COULD I MEAN >:D
I know you guys have received a whole heap of transfers over the past 2 weeks so you guys will surely be stronger. We’ll just have to see whether FA can keep up, since they won’t have the pve’ers to back them up next time.
I’m not sure I would call it a “heap” of transfers. It’s been 3 guilds of about 25-30 each.
Do you guys make wagon noises when you run around the map?
They do, And then when you slam into then it sounds like a bunch of wood shattering and flying away from your zerg thats already outmanned 3:1 and you still win.
(But seriously, they have a few decent guilds at least that provide a challenge. Most though are just band wagoners looking to pvdoor to victory sadly)
In secret it picks the people who’ve paid more cash for gems first.
Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuunnn
No wonder it always get in instant.. Oh wait no I’m just on the bottom server of a league :p
Wouldn’t that be a way to counter the lack of pre-cursors and the time it takes to craft a legendary.. rob one from the corpse…oooh yeah the QQ will be fun fun fun
Wvw would be filled with bots farmin pres!
Mmm one more day til CORE farm <3
You seem particularly confident about farming us lol
One more day til that notion corrected!
We’re a lot better then when you last saw us, also got some more people to even the numbers with you all ;3 I’m sure you’ll win some and we’ll win some but the Mend hills set up shall provide us with more loot! Question is.. You never know when hills may flip blue too ;D
Mmm one more day til CORE farm <3
Oh man I cant wait til I get back into the lower tiers again after this league crap.
Miss you too. I by miss you I mean goodgoditsmendandi’minthewrongbuildtoohwellfudge…respawn.
Seriously, every time I see you all coming I’m out in an up-level or zerker gear trying to kill yaks and then bam…gotta get me some armor repair.
Hehe will be nice to get some good open field fights in bronze league from skilled guilds and players. As it stands now it takes 3+ organized guilds with at least 25 people each to kill 30 of us lolol these guys up are are so bad skill wise it’s sad.
SF and HoD both belong in bronze, I can tell you that much. Once you hit IoJ and above the population disparity is phenomenal.
Again World Pop=/=WvW Pop. I dont know why people even consider comparing the two. One world is higher in pve and pvp so what. You guys have a large wvw pop with a lower PvE and PvP pop in general. Incidentally if we look at a SEA, or Euro time slot. IoJ and several other servers suddenly hit the High level of population as well. While others go to Very High.
Which matters in what way precisely? All you are saying is that as a Server we are more motivated to WvW then others. This is a bad thing how? IoJ ran into the buzz saw and completely missed the point of what is happening, and its the same mistake FA is making too. We are small, but we are good at what we do. Far better then most, and we make the best with what we got. And honestly fights like this one don’t phase us. If anything, they push us to improve. Sure, we have arguments over what is going on like any other server, but the fact is the chaff got burned from our server long ago and all that is left is one small, but nasty core of very skilled players who can take it to a tier 2 server that decided to tank its matches to play easy street in Silver League.
I have no desire to take advice from a server like FA that deliberately lost matches so it could spend 9 weeks playing it safe. They have nothing to teach us, unless the lesson is how to lose to Sanctum of Rall by enough points to drop a league.
I’m in no way trying to Demean or make enemies of BP. Me and My guild love fighting you. You’re smart and provide challenges. I am simply saying dont compare a world pop to WvW pop. They dont represent a servers standing in WvW, Pve or PvP very well at all. Just an over all of all 3. You may have 60% of your players wvw, 30 pve and 10% s/tpvp. While another server may have 90%pve and 5% wvw and 5% s/tpvp. It is still literally thousands of players on at once if not more. and WvW only holds at most 500-600 players per server.
So yeah, you have to ask yourself. How does a server with the same population density as Devonas Rest and LESS density then NSP become a top contender in Silver League. We don’t need FA’s advice, we know how the game is played. We do what we can with the cards we are dealt, and we are the most powerful medium population server in Guild Wars 2.
We have absolutely nothing to justify to anyone. Incidentally, its 11 PM on the North American East Coast, and only 8 servers are currently ranked as “High Population”. All others are ranked as “Very High”. Of those 8, only 2 are in Silver League. Borlis pass and Ehmry Bay.
Again World Pop=/=WvW Pop. I dont know why people even consider comparing the two. One world is higher in pve and pvp so what. You guys have a large wvw pop with a lower PvE and PvP pop in general. Incidentally if we look at a SEA, or Euro time slot. IoJ and several other servers suddenly hit the High level of population as well. While others go to Very High.
I don’t see how this topic is wvw related, but they already stated that they will NOT implement this feature. As you said and as arenanet explained, almost everyone uses teamspeak / mumble / etc… on their own and it would be pointless and time consuming to implement it into guild wars.
And im happy its this way.
Let alone lead to even more server side lag..
Thanks for the compliment SBI, Need 3 organized guilds to kill us <3