Showing Posts For Banzie.5248:

What the heck is going on with SoS?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


[GF] has been on TC since leagues started I think.

Makes sense. There seem to be some left on EBay but I have not seen them in force for quite some time nor have I seen their scary good players for a long time.

Wonder where EBay goes from here? They were a peak WvW skill based server for a long time but I guess those days are over at least for a while.

Probably drop down a tier with HoD/CD for more balanced match ups while IoJ Takes their spot with DB/BP.

That will be painful to both servers

Ehmry is no longer a T4 or a T5. maybe. T6
Ioj stands no chance against BP and DB. Actually BP is way bigger than DB, only thing that makes DB win is their super asians trains
We’re already tanking DB, If BP plays during the oceanic/SEA time with full force we’ll not only get the score close but we’ll easily win. but it takes a LOT of efforts and it burns our commanders

also for SoS
They’ve got GH – ZoD – One – Probably [SE] soon
so thats 3 queues during NA time, GG TC and FA :P

IoJ has night coverage— And From what I remember BP has a decent group as well, where as Ehmry had next to none. I think it’ll make for a better match up tbh. SEA they will obviously dominate still, but no longer the full Ocx time!

Isle Of Janthir

What the heck is going on with SoS?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


[GF] has been on TC since leagues started I think.

Makes sense. There seem to be some left on EBay but I have not seen them in force for quite some time nor have I seen their scary good players for a long time.

Wonder where EBay goes from here? They were a peak WvW skill based server for a long time but I guess those days are over at least for a while.

Probably drop down a tier with HoD/CD for more balanced match ups while IoJ Takes their spot with DB/BP.

Isle Of Janthir


in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Zerker eles, Zerker eles everywhere!

Isle Of Janthir

[PvALL] Warrior. Balance with one change.

in Profession Balance

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So hum. I saw someone comment that warriors run GS or Hambow in W3. I’d just like to say…. LMFAO. They both have their uses in maybe roaming for hambow and GS in skill groups of players. But balance is ALWAYS around the general population. And the general population DOES NOT use either of those in W3 as a warrior. Most run Hammer/Xwarhorn.

Isle Of Janthir

WvW - Three Likes & Three Hates

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248



  • Large Combat PvP.
  • Synergy and Working as a server. (I.e. Coordination)
  • Skill groups of any size.


  • PPT System.

The PPT system is the biggest flaw in my opinion, Not the Coverage. I came to thinking the other day, If you remove PPT, Instead of removing or making structures useless, use the “On Structure Capture Points Award” System provided a while back, Along with making ANY kills count, however with tiers of kills.

Cleave (Downed and DPS’d to Dead State): 3 Point
Stomp 1st (First time downed within XX timeframe): 10 Points
Stomp 2nd (If the play has rallied within xx seconds): 5 points.
Stomp 3rd (If the player has rallied a second time within xx seconds): 3 points.

Just a rough thought, I personally would like it.

Isle Of Janthir

Spvp balance scares the #@!$ out of me

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


play mesmers… all we get are nerfs in every patch !


Best day ever, along with only golems being able to be built as siege. FORCED people to actually FIGHT in PvP gamemode ;D

Isle Of Janthir

Most stupid vista

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Bay Keep Borderlands Vista. Hate that kitten, So hard.

Isle Of Janthir

WWW skill lag

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


As we all know, Its ANets inability (Or simple unwillingness) to fix their engine optimization along with the unwillingness to get better servers.

Isle Of Janthir

Thoughts on EotM and PvE content

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Im predicting that there will either be

1.) A PvE EOTM instance and a WvW EOTM instance


2.) a PvE only EOTM instance for the next 2-4 weeks, and a WvW EOTM release later in March.

Dang it, boo haha. I am hoping that Anet would be crazy enough to mix in the two. Looking forward to hunt glass-canon PvE build players there.

ANet is that crazy, While Vol makes valid points and theories. I doubt if they release it they’d go through the effort to split it, but the theory of a PvE only instance would be plausible. However that would kitten off the WvW population quite a bit xD

Isle Of Janthir

Feb 4 Patch - EOTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


A lot of people are focusing on the NA Tiers as usual.. The queue problem has never been as bad in NA as it is in EU. While this won’t affect NA servers a ton, NA once again should remember they aren’t the only WvW servers. This will likely give a boost to EU servers IMO as many servers are a large mix of people and in a shorter timezone prime (NA Is about 8 hours of prime time, Compared to 3-5 for EU) so while you may have the same amount of people in both time frames Eu will be more jammed.

Isle Of Janthir

Spvp balance scares the #@!$ out of me

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Given the amount of money, time effort, and PvE we are forced into to compete here i wonder why Spvp has such a sway over the devs that WvW never has?

Because they want so bad for it to become e-sport… completely ignoring the fact that GW2 PvP is never going to be an e-sport.

There is a word for the type of gameplay (the only type of gameplay) that GW2 PvP has: Sumo. How popular is Sumo wrestling in the US/EU?

GvG would be a better eSport then s/tPvP will ever be imo. Let alone creating a true place for it would get a lot of the controversy of it inside WvW out of the way.

Isle Of Janthir

If WvW can do it, why can't we?

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Banzie.5248


WvWers have months, or over a years worth of experience in this. PvE players do not you gotta be patient. It takes a long time to build up that mentality of trusting who’s leading. Look at teq, he’s beaten fairly often now. BECAUSE people slowly and surely decided to listen. Best advice would keep up the repetition and try to get ppl on ts3/vent/rc/mumble. Whatever your servers VoIP service is.

Isle Of Janthir

Spvp balance scares the #@!$ out of me

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Play guardian— All we get is tool tip updates for us 95% of the time

Isle Of Janthir

Feb 4 Patch - EOTM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


While this is an unexpected and good addition to W3, As most of us weren’t thinking anything W3 related was being added til April at the earliest. Still… Inb4 PvE Ganking Complaints. Gonna have fun with this patch xD

WvWers stop looking at the PvE players as bad things. They increase your bag count by tenfold whenever they come in!

I’d like to note I don’t dislike PvE players as a whole, I dislike the PvE players who come In on winning weeks or patches like this. Then try to act like they are gods of WvW and can’t be wrong on anything, and try to tell WvWers how to play WvW…. yet when it’s a close match or losing week they’re suddenly no longer there lol

Isle Of Janthir

WvW mapping.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


You’re on blackgate, the #1 ranked server WvW wise in the game ATM and you can’t finish map complete?

OP you do know you don’t have to be red to get the red pois and vistas right?

Isle Of Janthir

Black Lion Claim Ticket- New Skins

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I would very much like to know this as well a I have several skins sitting in my bank already and another 9-10? Full tickets, yes you heard right full tickets not scraps, to use xD

Isle Of Janthir

Mythbusters: Precursors

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Precursors drop and are obtainable outside of the trading post?

Color me shocked. It makes me very sad to hear that “OH the droprate is fine, I’ve gotten X number of precursors and I’ve only played the game for a few months”. I’m starting to doubt that I will ever get a precursor outside of saving hundreds of gold for one. :,(

  • 13k+ achievement points, including dungeon master, every jumping puzzle done at least once, participated in every living story everything…
  • thousands of hours played in all areas of the game (PvE, WvW and even some PvP)
  • World boss events done nearly daily
  • Rares/exotics tossed in forge, every chest I’ve found raided
  • Map completion done 4 times now
  • 8 level 80 characters (and one level 51 character)

Precursors that have dropped for me = 0

I’ve gotten one precursor from the trading post for 19gold (all I could afford at the time) and I’m saving everything I possibly can to try and afford Leaf of Kudzu and I’m still so very far away.

Even with ~140% account magic find I’m still lucky to get a rare or two outside of the guaranteed ones from world events.

Play some Organized WvW for two hours with that MF. I get at LEAST 3-4 rares an hour with 102% MF. Maybe I’m just lucky though?

Isle Of Janthir

Guild Symbol Finisher?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banzie.5248



Still great idea that Anet should consider.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ v. CD v. HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Woo so the kitten talking begins I see. Sad that not many HoD decided to defend their bl but rather took all of CDs last night to make up for it. Oh well I guess you guys know how to play map politics which is better than most servers.

Good fights I guess, EBay still better skill wise, all HoD is so far is coverage which is why they dominate bronze.

I’ll be on HoD every night this week I believe so do try harder next time.

Isle Of Janthir

Who would you like to face next week?

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Woooo HoD come to papa finally.

Isle Of Janthir

12/27/13 DB/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Here is another reward for Dragonbrand being the most zerg trashy server I ever seen.

Actually ran across some DB tonight that were running reasonable numbers and had some good fights.

What, Is this post for real?

Outside of guild groups all db is is blob.

From [Mend] To ebay, Was extremely fun in your keep tonight Glad we made you go through so many strategies and im not sad to admit you made us go through some acs :P More then paid themselves from the amount of bodies your continually threw at us. Just sad DB didn’t join the action more with their 80 man so we could both wipe em.

Isle Of Janthir

12/27/13 DB/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Do not forget where match ups are being relocated too everyone!

Isle Of Janthir

What can Anet do about the hammer trains?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Learn to dodge. Seriously.

Isle Of Janthir

12/27/13 DB/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Shh let the SEA folks that carry DB have their fun. They gotta do something when its all green!

Isle Of Janthir

What are the more active servers?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Sbi is currently T3 which is more active then a lot of servers. It may be your time zone however that’s inactive within SBI? May I ask what times you generally play?

Isle Of Janthir


in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


TOFU isn’t TOFU anymore, we are now BAD.

That didn’t come out the best it could Lind :P

Especially since TOFU was pretty skilled when we fought them

Isle Of Janthir


in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


We would like to welcome new folks TOFU and TORK to SOR. Hope you will find our community a good place to grow your guild. Glad to have you fighting alongside.


What timezone are they?

Not sure about TORK but TOFU is SEA. Coming from CD.

Isle Of Janthir

12/27/13 DB/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


lol that XIII ele and his friend trying to kill me on my alt. Noobs lol XD finally did it. I killed myself more than you killed me. Your skills bored me that much

Please tell are your thieves to learn something other than the 2 button and to stop running as soon as they drop below 90% HP. Their skill bores me to death.

Isle Of Janthir

12/27/13 DB/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


For any interested here is an alternate thread for this matchup.

Ty Oozo, Made that one there then hopped into Guild WvW mode. Forgot to throw it here as well xD

Isle Of Janthir


in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hey Fan if you don’t mind me asking, What do your Timezones across the board currently look like?

Isle Of Janthir

Ultimate Dominator List!

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Wonder how far they are away from the other achievements, anyone else got maxed on the other long term ones?

Doubtful.. Though Anet is suppose to be adjusting the #s sometime as they aren’t realistic outside of Dominator for the most part.

Isle Of Janthir

LF Multi-Game Casual Guild, Isle of Janthir

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


This is our community website and most guilds have their stuff there as well so you can see them in more detail I wish you luck in finding one!

Isle Of Janthir

Few commanders looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just wanna throw IoJ into the mix here.

- Our Ocx is currently bustling with activity the last few weeks. We already have a Medium Sized guild established and several small ones working together.
- Our SEA is on the rise, [TRBO] has recently reformed to create a WvW main guild along with their PvE guild. They’ve been doing great work with the current SEA commanders in this time zone. (Only 1-2 of them outside of TRBO atm). However even with this reformation this is our weakest timezone
- Our EU has gotten a HUGE boost the last 3 weeks thanks to [Aux].
- Our NA is currently the strongest (Of course). With several medium and large guilds working together.
- All sorts of guilds are here currently! From Havoc, Roaming, PPT, all the way to Fight Focused guilds!

Community Wise.
- IoJ Community is always kind and respectful.
- We do not tolerate trolls toward the commander or other players.
- Map chat is always filled with people having fun
- Ts3 has been growing recently as well, We’ve been making pushes to get more and more on here regularly. is our website if you wish to find out more. Feel free to PM me or Whisper me in game if I’m on for more information

We are by no means a super strong server and would really lov

Isle Of Janthir

Who would you like to face next week?

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



Cmon HoD stop playing with the kids

Isle Of Janthir

Can anyone help me here?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Thank you all for your help, Edited above post with what fixed it for me >.<

Isle Of Janthir

Can anyone help me here?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I did let Memtest run over night and this morning before I got on. Everything was fine and no errors found.

HOWEVER I did find a fix. It seems an optional update that wasn’t installed previously was causing this. I forgot to get the name though, I am no longer receiving the error though and am patching no problem. I’ll update when the game can go live though to make sure this is a total fix.

Edit: It seems the optional updates fixed it, I do not know which one though. Weird >.<

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

Can anyone help me here?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Wouldn’t be viruses or malware, I just ran a scan to make sure as well. I am running windows 8 though. Anyway to close all the background apps?

Isle Of Janthir

Can anyone help me here?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So to start off I’m by no means an expert, but I’ve tried several things to fix this issue before coming here.

I have tried the following:
- Using the repair feature.
- Updating Drivers
- Using Older Drivers
- Reinstalling Gw2 (x3)
- Resetting my AMD settings to default
- Updating my Computer
- Making sure Gw2 is allowed in firewall

However I keep receiving this message (I cannot even update my game at this point after installing without this popping up). Below I will post the crash report, I’ve no idea what caused this. It’s a new computer (Got it Sunday) Yet it has been running perfectly and amazingly with everything the last few days, until this happened.

((Message body was too long for the full crash report so took out the longer codes))

—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 6ad92e3c could not be read
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 9924
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 27836
Module: OWClient.dll
When: 2013-12-27T06:05:32Z 2013-12-26T22:05:32-08:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:00:05
Flags: 0

—> System <—
Name: Austins
Processors: 4 [AuthenticAMD:15:3:1]
OSVersion: Windows 6.2 (64 bit)

—> System Memory <—
Physical: 9040MB/11464MB 78%
Paged: 12701MB/16584MB 76%
Virtual: 2923MB/ 4095MB 71%
Load: 21%
CommitTotal: 3882MB
CommitLimit: 16584MB
CommitPeak: 5868MB
SystemCache: 7461MB
HandleCount: 40974
ProcessCount: 75
ThreadCount: 1290

—> Process Memory <—
Private: 948MB
WorkingSet: 157MB
PeakWorkingSet: 157MB
PageFaults: 69721

[DbgHelp.dll is C:\windows\SYSTEM32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.2.9200.16384 (64/32-bit compatible)]

—> Error Logs <—
VerifyAccess failed or denied access with 0×80070716 – 1

—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×1002
DeviceId = 0×990c
Version = 8.17.0010.1191
Description = AMD Radeon HD 8670D
Compat = 0×00000000
VidMem = 4095 MB

Isle Of Janthir


in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


TSD and EA were very tough on CD BL. They then followed us to NSP BL You guys got some good coordination going but them numbers are crazy yo!!

TDS * yo , some good fights in CD BL and NSP BL indeed, and AUX in Ioj BL (bay) ,been swimming around BLs



Isle Of Janthir


in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Welp, so much for actually winning another match this year. No offense, but I’m tired of fighting CD. And ya, we beat CD last week because their server went AFK half the match, don’t expect a repeat performance. :P


Isle Of Janthir


in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


TDS and EA were very tough on CD BL. They then followed us to NSP BL You guys got some good coordination going but them numbers are crazy yo!!

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


DH: [Anbu] I hate that thief you’ve ran with most of the week when theres like 4 of you.. Your ele and necro so squishy but the thief just resses them and you end up out dpsing us that way. Nice job though always fun to see you.

Is the necro a human wearing a grenth hood (that’s me), and is the thief a female human (that’s nuna my roaming partner)? If so, which person are you lol? Would love to know if I’d seen you out there roaming ^^.

Human guard in Phalanx armor. We were running with 2 guards, mesmer and ele the other day. I have blue and orange/red dye. Expensive stuff, like 250g total flame and frost dyes :c

Isle Of Janthir

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Great week this week. Sorry to FC and DH to the crazy zergs we had. I must thank you though for allowing us to get on our feet again after leagues and putting up with those crazy zergs in all the time zones.. We barely field 10 in SEA in a hard match up.. 50+ average this week not including TRBO -_- Hopefully all the guilds got some recruits and we’re able to keep a few of those fairweathers around

FC: I am Sorry for the drama I started earlier this week. It was me personally focusing you, not IoJ you should know that by now. Don’t take my actions as my servers :P Overall great fights. EDGE and WZ no offense meant but you should ask Deth on their builds. You’re all great to fight but ultimately we know we’ll come out on top due to some very squishy players within your raids. Again not trying to be rude or anything just trying to give some constructive criticism.

DH: [Anbu] I hate that thief you’ve ran with most of the week when theres like 4 of you.. Your ele and necro so squishy but the thief just resses them and you end up out dpsing us that way. Nice job though always fun to see you. [VoC] some constructive critiscm as well, please dont take offense, You guys rely on heavy back line conditions. While conditions are great they are easily removed with the current meta, you should trait and gear for hard damage/survive ability. If you have even 3-5 necros the conditions will be applied and help in the long run. [Fun] we didnt run into you organized at all in NA prime outside of reset which was a shame. You ran a ton thieves for that initial hit damage on our backline but we outlasted and came back somehow xD (Having a Few thieves that are good is alright but like 5+ is no bueno imo. Thats just personal though, VENOM SHARE BE OP RIGHT NOW)

Hopefully no one gets too angry over this, I personally appreciate DH and FC putting up with us this week. The roaming has been fantastic as has the NA prime fights. Good luck this next week to both DH and FC! ily bby.

Isle Of Janthir

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I like to be in the other boat, and focus DH due to their [Nova] guild being the /laugh sort.

But remember, it’s all the more important not to start doing the same thing once you beat them. Revenge often comes at the price of loosing your own dignity by repeating their mistakes.
Even if they emotespam you, don’t get down on that level. Keep your head in the game and respect the other team (especially since most of their server AND their guild don’t do that stuff).

Oh I made a game from it instead, 1g per [Nova] spike and 2g per [Nova] ele and the bounty was active for 3 hours, ended up paying just over 30g in the end but even my guildies had a blast from it which is all the matters to me,

Wanted to apologize for some of the actions of members in my guild. The problem has been addressed. We don’t condone their actions and hope there won’t be any more problems between us and other servers.

This guy right here. kitten representative. +1 :P

Isle Of Janthir

Who would you like to face next week?

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Its that time of week again!

Percents coming tomorrow or today ken? Asking due to a few match ups being fairly close?

On topic:

Blood shall be had.

Isle Of Janthir

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I have a feeling a lot of the time they go to FC BL cus they fail in our BL tbh. I can’t tell you how many attacks we bust day in and day out, they repeatedly fail again and again and again, then they usually end up grabbing 1 keep or something and it all falls apart. It may just be that Darkhaven tends to have more players defending our BL, IDK.

That excuse certainly doesn’t work for EB though.

that’s weird because they’re reasoning is that we put up more of a defense…. ???

which is silly because our BL is typically empty and paper once the weekday karma train begins).

I am speaking of the time frame from ~6pm pst to 8:30 pm pst. As for DH not putting up a defense, at the very least last night we came across no significant force trying to stop us at 6-6:30ish pst.

wasnt that right after their BL had been papered by FC while DH was busy paper’ing IoJ? Not that DH needed 40 omegas since we’d already papered garrison and bay both.

No ideaa on the full story, IoJ has been paper for a few hours. So we just recapped hills and flipped to DH BL and met no contest on anything xD

Isle Of Janthir

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I have a feeling a lot of the time they go to FC BL cus they fail in our BL tbh. I can’t tell you how many attacks we bust day in and day out, they repeatedly fail again and again and again, then they usually end up grabbing 1 keep or something and it all falls apart. It may just be that Darkhaven tends to have more players defending our BL, IDK.

That excuse certainly doesn’t work for EB though.

that’s weird because they’re reasoning is that we put up more of a defense…. ???

which is silly because our BL is typically empty and paper once the weekday karma train begins).

I am speaking of the time frame from ~6pm pst to 8:30 pm pst. As for DH not putting up a defense, at the very least last night we came across no significant force trying to stop us at 6-6:30ish pst.

Isle Of Janthir

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I have a feeling a lot of the time they go to FC BL cus they fail in our BL tbh. I can’t tell you how many attacks we bust day in and day out, they repeatedly fail again and again and again, then they usually end up grabbing 1 keep or something and it all falls apart. It may just be that Darkhaven tends to have more players defending our BL, IDK.

That excuse certainly doesn’t work for EB though.

Why you no defend last night

Isle Of Janthir

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


FC you just papered SM.. Im sorry all deals off. DIE. Q_Q T_T Cries

Now in all seriousness very, very nice ninja.. I saw our score drop at the top significantly. Pressed M to check and BAM SM BLUE

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

12/13/13 IoJ/DH/FC

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


yep. 10.6 is 29.3% higher than 8.2

you camped our bl for 2-3 hours yesterday until DH took the lead. this is happening again right now. your PvE karma train newbs are more annoying than HoD’s badmannered children.

[Mend] flipped the entirety of DH BL in about 45 minutes or less with no contest. We then went to FC BL. Where you guys contested us and gave us fights. I’m sorry you were more of a challenge then DH?? I cant speak for [AUX] or what they do though in the EU Prime.

Isle Of Janthir