Showing Posts For Banzie.5248:

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


all i have to say is nsp guys if this keep up are gone of first place u guys clear have no ppl at all only at few hours of the day u had a strong weekend but now ur keep in eb just gets farmed over and over

Agreed, So far during the week i’ve seen most of NSP numbers from 2:30ish PDT-7ishPDT, The rest of the time it seems you have ~30 within all 4 maps. Earlier when you were pushing our BL, We only had about 5 defending all of EB corner for about 30 minutes and HoD couldnt take anything but camps, By the time NSP came for SM we were even numbers with them. Our Downfall for SM: ~15 people fighting HoD in the south… Like i cant even facedesk enough at them right now XD

Oh Well, Nice job as usual Smitry and Bird. Hats off to you, Never know when our BL will randomly turn red cause of you two. Great commanders (With lots of money fro golems apparently ) :P

Isle Of Janthir

7/5 NSP/IoJ/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hope that IOJ wont take everything when HOD and NSP r sleeping to gain points like they did last time.

When you sleeps thats when we’re awake :c

Isle Of Janthir

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Tbh Many of us on IoJ Realize us losing this week, if we cant pull it together in the next 2 hours, which even if we do I doubt it realistically possible. That it is completely our fault over not protecting our BL continuously from DR and Primarily DDLG. I’ve been out the last 3 days and came back to a match up we were almost guaranteed 1st place to being dropped to 2nd place on the last day. I mean really IoJ, We haven’t dropped a ball this big in a while :s

Regardless, amazing week DR and ET. ET you’ve pulled out some impressive numbers and Ninja’s. More then we expected tbh. DR good fights as always, and amazing come back. Shout out to DDLG as usual for that amazing Medium-Large group organization and being on our BL almost 24/7.

Edit: I /bow to everyone on ET and DR for this weeks match up, You’ve all made it fun.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Lots of Fun all around today, Posting this later cause I had to rush off. I was thrown into commanding randomly in EB after defending against ET in our Corner this morning and as I was unprepared I created a roaming zerg and went through all of EB just wandering really not taking much. Had fun in Dane with ET, Sadly places my treb too far back and forgot about Langs elevated mortar, You guys had lots of ACs up there too ._. And then we went and wiped DR when they were doing champ spirit by speldan, Kinda felt bad for it but they were drawing swords beckoning to me :P

Isle Of Janthir

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


just wanted to say I had fun 1v5ing the guys from OBS, I lost every time our paths crossed but there sure are some great sports in that group I tell ya

here’s a pic of me getting outplayed

Typical DR haha. The joke on our server is that DR stands for Doesnt Read, a lot of people have egos and think they’re the best player in the game. It’s why we lack Pug organization. We have some very good players by themselves refusing to work together because nobody wants to listen to the commander or what not. Maybe it should be D Rama instead.

Please dont let the hard headed forum warriors represent us as a sever though, we have a lot of awesome people who are working to better the wvw community

IoJ, just stop now, you couldn’t ever, can’t now, and won’t later be able to compete on Gabs level of forum warrioring. Sarcastic logic stacking and superior tactics are way above your level, you should wage war against NSP’s forum bunkers instead.

+1 to this, Dont judge IoJ by their Forum Warriors, And to all the IoJ people on here I will remind you what we all discussed on Thursday about this, We need to represent the server better here, Dont rise to what others say, simply ignore it. Forum Warriors who dont get a Rise out of people will eventually start raging or just quit. Keep it clean this week IoJ, or the next meeting we’ll need to bring this topic up again. Just ignore the people talking smack if they do, and be respectable.

Isle Of Janthir

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


HELLO! ET I was unable to play against you previously as I just started GW2 in Late May. However i’ve heard amazing things about your small group play, DR welcome back I always have pleasurable fights against DDLG and you’re many other extremely well organized guilds. I must say DR does have some of the best Mid sized group play i’ve seen out of ALL the servers we’ve been against (Mid sized being 10-20).

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GUYS! You’re all missing the biggest achievement of all three servers right now.. Jesus how blind can you be… 20 PAGE FORUM THREAD kitten YEAH GO NSP, DH, IOJ!

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Match is really close but since Thursday’s are always Fight Night I recommend Dh and Ioj have fight night in Ioj borderland. Use the entire map as the arena. Zerg it out. Siege encouraged.

Heehee, that just might happen!

Nuu stay off the pretty blue map

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hay can I get a score update? Millennium ain’t workin on this sketchball motel internets in the middle of nowhere town.

Also seeing as we may get new matchups on Fri, thanks for the fights NSP and IoJ. Had a lot of fun stabbing and dying and picking fights. Shoutout to the Dentist for sparkly clean teeth

Here you gooo :o


Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hippo I love you, i’m gonna miss reading some of your forum posts after how long we were together and 2 weeks straight now. :P

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


lol, this SS was taken at 14:44 GMT + 10. DH fighting in EB, IoJ BL and NSP BL. Who wants to start placing bets on how much DH is going to win by? Btw NSP thank you for capping SM earlier today. Gave us a bit of breathing room on our towers in EB from DH’s constant trebbing from SM. Kinda sucks how QL and Durios aren’t getting supply from our camps. Oh well. At one stage both towers had broken walls and doors, I just left them as is and just zerg patrolled our corner. Got bored a couple of times and had a crack at the other servers tower’s. Wiped DH’s zerg numerous times in our corner (sometimes a little too late for my liking) I don’t think DH realised NSP had pushed hard into SM as they were dealing with us down at Klovan when NSP flipped SM, we didn’t even get the tower we were attacking lol. The battles are getting more fun. But I think the scales are starting to tip immensely in DH’s favour. I personally want to keep this match up as close as possible till the end, but it looks like it isn’t going to happen. Still, some epic battles await!

You see that one lonely blue speck on DH BL? That was me ^-^ XD Had fun with DH on their BL while camp flipping. Caught us off guard a few times and wiped us, oh well I had fun, NO REPAIR BILL

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’d just like to point out, NSP Golem rushing out BL. Lets take a look at PPT now. Oh whats that? DH at the most PPT? I WONDER WHY?! So much for not touching each others BL. Gonna have fun tonight and tomorrow morning.

Woh woh woh, did NSP finally throw the first punch?

Is it game on already!?

DH has finally come out to play! Yay WvW

EDIT: I would like to point out that i was the one that said IoJ is a better server. That is a complete bias and unfair opinion, but imma stand by it.

I think we headed to IoJ yesterday because DH and NSP was all red and there was a queue in EB… Those in IoJ were the one in queu.

DH as the best all around the clock coverage and IMO the strongest server. NSP and IoJ are like both side of a coin. One is strong while the other is weak. What save us VS IoJ is our solid morning crew. They take back our stuff as soon as IoJ are heading to bed.

TBH Thats what i thought you guys did, but why couldnt you continue to farm DH and hold their keeps, It only splits their numbers even more. W/e past is the past. Im not even that sour at NSP anymore, Had same great fights with them on their BL recently when roaming with my Ranger guildie. I’m more angreh at DH now because of Hatescream and his trolling on /t and /m. But whatever spies will be spies, trolls will be trolls, ill back whatever any of our commanders decided to do about this craziness.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


It is PvD, the point im making is that IoJ is not just PvDoor. We have a lot of skilled players.

NSP, Your Hills and Garrison look so much better in blue <3 Thank you NSP to the 5-10 defenders you had on your map for protecting your Border Land, wish more of your guys had decided to defend instead of go on offense and made it a challenge. Sad we had to flip that T3 keep from you.

“We just took all yer stuff while you were away but we have good players too! Why doesn’t anyone see that?! WeeeDooooWeeeeDoooo”

No need to blame us for no one on your server coming to help your Border Lands.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


NSP, Your Hills and Garrison look so much better in blue <3 Thank you NSP to the 5-10 defenders you had on your map for protecting your Border Land, wish more of your guys had decided to defend instead of go on offense and made it a challenge. Sad we had to flip that T3 keep from you.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I would like to clear some things up with the NSP people. It was not 3 pugs trying to flip our map, It was a 30+ Zerg with Omega golems on our map trying to flip garrison, Which we almost lost. NSP is the backstabber here, Not IoJ.

Nobody said 3 pugs, it was 3 guys (all the same guild) and a pug.

Actually it might have been 2 guys last night. Usually there is 3 of em but I wasn’t really paying attention on the zerg at that time.

NSP face it is a pug server. We have great guilds and great commanders, but even our best guilds sport 4 people at best making up the numbers of our zerg, the rest are random casuals and some unaffiliated die-hards.

It’s actually kind of amusing how much trouble a pug server is giving you guys. You have some BIG guilds.

Really? Cause i saw at least 15 [Os] Storming Bay and Garri yesterday with those “Pugs”. Regardless if you’re a pug or not, Being a guild group having SOMEONE tell you what to do makes you better then the average pugs.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I would like to clear some things up with the NSP people. It was not 3 pugs trying to flip our map, It was a 30+ Zerg with Omega golems on our map trying to flip garrison, Which we almost lost. NSP is the backstabber here, Not IoJ.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’d just like to point out, NSP Golem rushing out BL. Lets take a look at PPT now. Oh whats that? DH at the most PPT? I WONDER WHY?! So much for not touching each others BL. Gonna have fun tonight and tomorrow morning.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


All the yaks have been bugged for SM, NO SUPPLY FOR SM. Regardless you guys still cant take :c

Edit: DH, NSP has two BL now. What happened to yours? Why you still on EB with no BL Keeps?

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

Suppressed messages in WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I dont think they should take suppression off of everyone, you still get trolls that can spam up chat, What they should do it code it to where if someone has a Tag popped up the suppression code goes dormant until they Tag down.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


No, not a peep, and I asked. Ah well, nice work on your part! I am now going to go take some Advil and eat a bunch of ice cream for my depression.

hehe we did it with only about 15 people too, Accomplishing day for me so far, your corner and two bl keeps:D

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


GAH! Yes, and I tried to tell the commander that IoJ was at Hills (saw the blue sentry). I had JUST left Hills too, to check on Garrison because no one else was there, and by the time I got to the north door, it flipped and the time was just expiring, so I knew there were golems. >.<

And yes, I also tried to get him to post someone in Bay before that, but alas, didn’t happen.

Hahah, That would be me that drew you away from hills, About 4 DH saw me go up onto South Gate to hit garri, did none of them call out that it was just a smack and hit?

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Yeah, I think our “fairweather” players are logging off because we aren’t in 1st. Hard to defend our BL when we have no commander and 3-4 people. Sad days!

And then you have the “OMG! Come into EB because we are about to take the castle!” players…..Ugh….EB.

Where you in DH BL just now when I 6 golem rush bay and hills to keep them paper? You know IoJ loves you

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Had fun flipping and defending DH corner until just now when I got off after about 4 hours of commanding. Got on right after update. Started with about 5 people flipping Klovan then at the peak it was about 40 of us just roaming through DH corner wiping anything. Occasionally Going back to our corner to wipe the pesky NSP there at durios/umber, but i left them alone til they started trebbing SM and took anz lol. Over all fun day so far. Hope it keeps up, Im sure this is just the start of what DH is in for with more challenging servers ahead

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


“Wild bulbasaur: IoJ last week: “wtf nsp don’t hit our stuff you play 4 2nd hit 1st place
IoJ this week: “oh kitten we said we’re better than NSP last week and now they’re beating us, better hit DH.”
That being said; i’m glad nsp is winning because all the kittenheads from isp saying “it’s so clear we’re a better server.” that kitten is just immature, and i hope you see how stupid you look now that they’re in first.”

Look, you little brat. IOJ has been talking to NSP directly, myself included to focus on DH. Even though most of us hate each other we are somehow working togethe, its working. We are beating the biggest server so please don’t get us kitten ed or you will just end up in 3rd like last week. Or do you just think we got weaker in 1 week or you guys magically got better? Please, stop fighting in forums and get back to playing.


Wild isn’t from NSP, silly billy.

lol owned.

RE: said alliance. lol. I will hit whatever gains my server the most ppt. several times ioj have pushed nsp towers and nsp pushed ioj towers (screen attached) as you can see by the chat bar, we were in DH bl with our golems and had to respond to pesky ioj at veloka even though they are the ones who keep whispering NSP commanders for a team-up.

I have no doubt that IoJ whisper DH commanders asking for team-ups also.

Overall i have much more respect for DH than i do for IoJ.

I do believe EB was assumed a Free for all as it normally always is, the agreement being mostly over BL. Please correct me if im wrong on this but thats how many IoJ commanders view it O_O

Edit: Btw many of our commanders only Push OW/Anz when you guys come for Durios or are trebbing SM. That being said, We took your camps numerous times last night to keep running supply last night to SM to keep kicking DH kitten in there. Apologies if you find that offensive, But I have no doubt you’d do the same :l

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


DH and NSP I would like to say nice job on your SM attempts today, but alas they were all foiled and we have continued to hold it. [Abys] You had us stressed out there with the mesmers you had in inner for a while, nice playing guys. Good night and we shall see what tomorrow brings! :P

Edit: Really DH… You have such a kitten for SM that you let >>>>5<<<<< freaking people flip ALL of your towers and camps. Really?

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Man I am seeing a lot of IOJ flipping camps in the NSP BL over the last couple of days. How often are you guys seeing NSP flipping camps or taking towers in your BL? Wondering how many NSP are actually trying to respect the deal Bird made.

Not everyone knows, and there are randoms that just camp flip, NSP takes camps a lot from us still and we just recap, they took briar a few times as well but we just recap. Most of us that know are staying far away from your BL and just sticking to DH BL, IoJ BL and EB. We all knew that you cant control camp flips, impossible to tell everyone on the server to not do it, even if you could trolls would do it just to be trolls.

Isle Of Janthir

Double-Teaming ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Your policy of no double teaming went out the window when you guys took first though now didn’t it. Lol….

And how do you know who talks to who in game? You don’t. How is that cheating? It isn’t. It’s a MMO. It’s WvWvW. Not a three way game of Go-Fish.

The entire point of the initial suggestion (I was the first to bring the suggestion to NSP, PUBLICLY on the forums) was because IoJ knows what DH is capable of. If they were playing like they soon will be come Monday, it’d be the same scores as last week. DH is insane on the weekdays. So we simply suggested “Hey lets not pick on each other, because DH is gonna do that for us anyhow…let’s just focus them”.

Now other actions (Ehem the SM ninja) made one person extremely mad and the forums spiraled out of control with threats of who’s focusing who when and where. Who’s calling upon Commanders from the other server to help stomp out someone else etc. No one double teamed your server last week. You just lost. That loss I feel is what triggered this post in the first place.

As many people have pointed out, over and over again, Anet encourages the 2 weaker servers teaming up against the Top Spot server in the match. Encourages it. Cheating? No. Smart?


Thank you for confirming that IOJ did approch NSP initially to double team. And thank you for stepping forward as one of it’s architects. As far as I know, NSP is not double teaming. We’re simply winning. Probably because DH is on a vacation or something and IOJ is left to fight on their own. I didn’t start this thread because we lost, we were losing all week. I have no problem losing squarely. I started it because of the incidents with IOJ supply camp camping for DH to cut off our supply to the keep. Which I consider dishonorable. Each server should fight for their own territory.

But we’re devolving into a specific match up thread and the point of this post was to start a discussion / debate about the concept of double teaming and it’s ethics. You know where I stand. I’m against it because I think the entire point of WvW is to fight in order to gain glory and rankings for YOUR server. Not simply to win at any cost nessesary. We clearly disagree on this front. In your mind there’s nothing wrong with DT’ing. In mine there is. We will never see eye to eye on this. IOJ is into alliences and double teaming. NSP clearly is not. it’s a clash of ideology.

I’m hoping though that this debate will motivate each server and the commanders in those servers to figure out where they stand on this issue.

I will direct you quickly to our match up thread, , Here on this page you will find YOUR commander proposing a sort of double team instead of us this time. I do believe that for the past couple days while we do hit each other we have both been focusing mainly DH.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hello team,

I finally made a video featuring some of this match-ups game play with SPCA 5man.

The first fight features me calling for our group to kite into a dead-end, haha!


-Your Big Horse

Not gonna lie, that was some pretty freaking awesome small group play.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Can’t wait til i get my Exotic armor and weaps on my Guard, will be going solo and Fight Club a lot more to try to learn how to play him a lot better :P

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I support this thread being used too.
Commanders please read below

Wait. Is this official?

Need more specifics. BL’s left alone? EB free for all? Not sure what the terms are other than we fight over SM, which will happen anyhow.

LOL a fight reseter is someone who runs away when they are about to die to gain full hp then come back. and HARD do nothing but that even when they try to kill me with 5 ppl they still end up reseting the fight and then they try to come back and kill me again which again turns into them reseting the fight once again. as i continue to slaughter the other 4 he comes back once again gets focused by me and runs away again then spams laugh. and a Mesmer and a warrior have done this same exact thing in HARD. ask MoW they know exactly wat i mean

A minute ago it was twelve of us, now only five and then two. You play drunk too?

Two people out of a 300+ member guild doing it means that everyone does it? If you mean healing up then sure, I believe the majority of every player in the game is guilty. From now on we’ll all just not hit the 6 button and take the death like morons I guess. I feel like you had a really bad encounter with some roamers. And somehow the 6 button is to blame.

We don’t even random emote spam.

Next Guild Training Objective: Never healing up, Jambo doesn’t like it. O___O

lmfaooo i didnt say anything about healing ur just makeing a fool of urself now and this was my fight when i was camping north camp in ioj bl it was a 1v5 and he ended up leaveing while i crushed the remaining 4 not the 12v1 ppl that jumped my friend at dh bl in south lake tower and i said fight reseter u must be new to the game if u dont know wat a fight reseter is. a fight reseter is where u run away and break combat so u can regen without wasteing any sort of heal or utility. So plz keep *makeing urself look like a fool.

You just made a kitten ton of grammar mistakes in one of the longest run-on sentences I’ve ever seen, bragged about some random crap that doesn’t mean kitten, then called someone else a fool?


lmfaoo this isnt real life u think i really care about spelling? its a game bro

Lmfao. This isn’t real life! You think that anyone really cares about people “fight reseting” on you? It’s a game, bro.

LMFAOOO do u know how many duelers complain when someone runs from a fight u must be a little zerg noob

Actually, I’m a roamer and a tower upgrader.

Do I know how many duelers complain when someone runs from a fight? If you’ve been doing it as long as I have, you learn to get over it and stop complaining because it happens all the time. Doesn’t that make you the noob? :P

im a competative gamer so when they spam laugh to boost up there ego it annoys me.

Yep, I get that.

So why are you picking a fight with that other person? Hm? Sounds to me like you both can agree that people can be annoying.

What’s the problem?

If hes complaining about more then 1 person coming at him in WvW he needs to go to sPvP. If hes complaining about being a competitive gamer then raging on the forums, about losing to 5 people, is not only unprofessional, his build needs a serious look at cause I can tank my way through about 10 people for a few minutes. I think he needs to go to sPvP where he can duel 1v1 to boost HIS ego more, cause he obviously needs it if he has to come QQ on the forums about multiple people from the SAME guild running together in WvW. Lets all just ignore this troll.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I say we keep this one, 10 pages to go!

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


What are the chances x_x

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Well kitten, Hello again you guys.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



Best of luck to both NSP and DH this week. DH please get the kitten outta town for a while, NSP kick who’ve you get matched against kitten .

<3 IoJ

Isle Of Janthir

Differences between EU vs NA WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


EU player who plays on an NA server
9 months solid WvW

EU is overall better WvW play. Tactics are sounder and on average the grade of commander is higher. Guilds voips regularly used, but server wide hosts are less prominent. Shorter primetime base than NA.
Good zerg play using terrain and class orientation to succeed in fights.

NA is more universal, everyone has a place to fit in, pug or not, server wide voips and 90% of WvW guilds will use private voips for their own members. Commanders are generally less refined, except there are more on 24/7 . Less tricks and tactics are used than their EU brothers, most opting for full force face ram into objectives.

I do believe you misspelled Golem as Flame Ram there Rob.

I will say i’ve played with some EU players and they seem far more respectful towards other players then most NA players.

I wont repeat many of the things already said, but biggest thing i’ve noticed is as Rob here said, EU tends to be far more Private guild VOIP and NA Tend to try and teach the masses and use a Universal server VOIP. Both have plus and minuses to them ofc.

Last thing before I go, EU is more relaxed and fun in my opinion, NA tends to stress over every little camp.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Good fight to the 10+ NSP That came to titan, Scared us that we would lose it for a bit there >_<

Edit: Im out for a while til Reset, Take care everyone, Good luck next week and Stomp the kitten out of whatever servers you get (As long as it isn’t us again )

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


lol @ people complaining about getting hit from both sides in Eternal Battlegrounds.
The moment you enter that map you forfeit any right to complain about double teaming or having to deal with 2 servers. Yes, having to juggle offense and defense from two opposing sides is the point.

The point is that IoJ expected NSP to take part in some combined effort against DH. Even though NSP is focusing DH, we’re not going to leave IoJ alone. So IoJ complains when we attack them, even though it’s WvWvW, not 2WvW. They then get so kitten ed off that they decide to declare an all-out bloodbath against NSP, and coordinate with DH to smash NSP into the ground even more.

That’s silly, is it not?

P.S. That doesn’t apply to all IoJ players, I know. :P

I think we all need this reminder.


Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


NSP on IoJ BL, STAY THE KITTEN AWAY FROM MY NORTH CAMP, IT DIDNT END WELL FOR DH. K ty for your time, have fun in the south ^-^

Don’t say that! You’re practically taunting them! xD

I wish I was home today. :<

Its okay, i called reinforcements, doubt i can repeat what i did against those DH :P

Random question! Your account name (Banzie) is awesome, why didn’t you try to use it for a character name? >_>

Idk why I like it so much, but I do. It’s cute. Though I may have a weird thing for names ending in “ie” (I did try to get Luxxie, but it was taken, so meh). xD

Sadly Banzie was taken in game already and I dont wanna ruin it with an extra e or anything xD

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


NSP on IoJ BL, STAY THE KITTEN AWAY FROM MY NORTH CAMP, IT DIDNT END WELL FOR DH. K ty for your time, have fun in the south ^-^

Don’t say that! You’re practically taunting them! xD

I wish I was home today. :<

Its okay, i called reinforcements, doubt i can repeat what i did against those DH :P

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


NSP on IoJ BL, STAY THE KITTEN AWAY FROM MY NORTH CAMP, IT DIDNT END WELL FOR DH. K ty for your time, have fun in the south ^-^

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Nice fight to the 5 or so DH that just came Paw. I didnt think me + Guards would be able to take you. Fun fight though ^-^ Almost got me downed a few times but i was able to pop retal and regen fast enough off cool down, got lucky least to say there :P

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Nice fight at IoJ North camp just now, props to ya you guys kept coming and rezzing.

Was about to just say the same thing to you guys, I was tabbed out writing on this forum page and when i came back i was half hp and i turned around to see a mass of NSP there with a few people fighting xD I was like kitten KEEP IT CONTESTED AND MORE PEOPLE GET HERE NOW!
I was busy upgrading it and you wanted to take all my silver :c

I sowwy. :<

When I first started siege/upgrade duty, my upgraded camps and towers were always taken within a few minutes after I payed for upgrades. No joke. Every single time for a few days straight.

Now it doesn’t happen as often, thankfully. Losing 25s+ on siege and upgrades in 5 minutes is not fun.

What ticked me off the most once is when i bought fortify upgrade for SM against DR and FC and FC rushed it almost right after =_=

What ticked me off the most is when I spent 2 hours and about 2g upgrading and sieging up QL, then DH cata’d both of the walls down and we had to fend them off from inside the tower. But wait, there’s more! We successfully defended QL for 15 minutes or so with both walls down! Then, we got the walls fully repaired, and someone paid for the “fortify” upgrade! I went to Danelon, went afk for 4 minutes, and when I came back, I was dead. IoJ got Danelon, and they had the QL gate at 40% with a bunch of rams on it. No NSP players were around. I asked for help in map chat but it was too late…

CURSE YOU, IoJ!!! >:(

Was this last night? Cause we fully upgraded QL after that if it was and sieged it up with like 10 acs a cata, treb and 3 ballistas + cannon and mortar xD

Nope, it was … errr … Monday? I think? Earlier in the week.

Ahh, before all the poo flinging started them lmao.

P.s. Titan fully upgraded with +5, Stay away all of you!

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Nice fight at IoJ North camp just now, props to ya you guys kept coming and rezzing.

Was about to just say the same thing to you guys, I was tabbed out writing on this forum page and when i came back i was half hp and i turned around to see a mass of NSP there with a few people fighting xD I was like kitten KEEP IT CONTESTED AND MORE PEOPLE GET HERE NOW!
I was busy upgrading it and you wanted to take all my silver :c

I sowwy. :<

When I first started siege/upgrade duty, my upgraded camps and towers were always taken within a few minutes after I payed for upgrades. No joke. Every single time for a few days straight.

Now it doesn’t happen as often, thankfully. Losing 25s+ on siege and upgrades in 5 minutes is not fun.

What ticked me off the most once is when i bought fortify upgrade for SM against DR and FC and FC rushed it almost right after =_=

What ticked me off the most is when I spent 2 hours and about 2g upgrading and sieging up QL, then DH cata’d both of the walls down and we had to fend them off from inside the tower. But wait, there’s more! We successfully defended QL for 15 minutes or so with both walls down! Then, we got the walls fully repaired, and someone paid for the “fortify” upgrade! I went to Danelon, went afk for 4 minutes, and when I came back, I was dead. IoJ got Danelon, and they had the QL gate at 40% with a bunch of rams on it. No NSP players were around. I asked for help in map chat but it was too late…

CURSE YOU, IoJ!!! >:(

Was this last night? Cause we fully upgraded QL after that if it was and sieged it up with like 10 acs a cata, treb and 3 ballistas + cannon and mortar xD

Isle Of Janthir

Double-Teaming ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


3 way faction is supposed to stop the top server from overwhelming the other two. Except that NEVER HAPPENS, it is always a double team on the 2nd server or the 3rd server.

Because commanders on the 2nd or 3rd server disagree and dont want to hit the top server. So it ends up being 2nd or 3rd getting double teamed all cause someone has too much “Pride” and “Honor”

Where I come from “Pride” and “Honor” are good things. I fight fair, I play fair, I don’t game the system, look for exploits, pull sketchy moves, cheat, steal, or anything of the kind. I’m one of those rare people who still pays for music and movies on the internet.

What’s interesting is that this debate has been raging since the birth of actual war throughout the ages. The two arguments are always the same. One side argues that even in a time of war there are certain rules of honorable conduct most sides must adhere to. Treatment of POW’s, use of torture, etc. The Geneva Conventions in RL were written to try and establish these rules of war. Then there’s the other side, which argues that war is hell and any tactic that allows you to win is justified. This attitude has led to genocide, human rights atrocities, etc. In this context we are in a war simulator, so the standard of what is immoral is clearly altered. Although if torture was possible in the game I have NO doubt some servers would resort to it.

In my mind, there SHOULD be honor during wartime (fictional or otherwise) and certain tactics should be off limits for WvW matches such as:

1) Coordinated, intentional double-teaming.
2) Spying
3) Sabotage (building useless siege in an enemy’s keep to waste supply)
4) Hacking/exploits
5) Spawn camping

The ancient Greeks had an interesting debate over this very thing. It was often common practice on the battlefield to sacrifice your POW’s to your gods. Not only did it boost morale among your ranks but it also struck fear into the enemy. Most Greeks frowned on human sacrifice and considered it deplorable, but there were some who engaged in it during wartime regardless, sparking a national debate. The general consensus was that it was a dishonorable practice. Achilles broke this taboo during the war with Troy after his lover, Patroclus, was killed in combat. He swore to sacrifice any trojan who was captured alive. Some argue that this why the gods punished him.

I agree that there shouldn’t bee Coordinated efforts between servers, and that didn’t happen either. All the rest I agree on as well as a matter of fact. We were double teamed for months not just one week though, in the end the largest server continues to have the say. With the new rating system you dont have to worry about that, more guilds will stay then leave for the hope of an even and fair match up then just leave because they will be stuck in a free fall or stale match up like we were for months. DT happens, it will happen, it wont stop, it will keep going and if you get stuck with higher tier servers its not gonna be fun.

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Nice fight at IoJ North camp just now, props to ya you guys kept coming and rezzing.

Was about to just say the same thing to you guys, I was tabbed out writing on this forum page and when i came back i was half hp and i turned around to see a mass of NSP there with a few people fighting xD I was like kitten KEEP IT CONTESTED AND MORE PEOPLE GET HERE NOW!
I was busy upgrading it and you wanted to take all my silver :c

I sowwy. :<

When I first started siege/upgrade duty, my upgraded camps and towers were always taken within a few minutes after I payed for upgrades. No joke. Every single time for a few days straight.

Now it doesn’t happen as often, thankfully. Losing 25s+ on siege and upgrades in 5 minutes is not fun.

What ticked me off the most once is when i bought fortify upgrade for SM against DR and FC and FC rushed it almost right after =_=

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Nice fight at IoJ North camp just now, props to ya you guys kept coming and rezzing.

Was about to just say the same thing to you guys, I was tabbed out writing on this forum page and when i came back i was half hp and i turned around to see a mass of NSP there with a few people fighting xD I was like kitten KEEP IT CONTESTED AND MORE PEOPLE GET HERE NOW!
I was busy upgrading it and you wanted to take all my silver :c


Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



Never forget.

Never. Ever. Forget.

And no, I was not feeling you up. It was a pickpocketing. Being a norn however, its like trying to pet an ant with a hammer.

serious note That is one of my favorite wvw memories, and will remain that way.

We have those wild nights where we go at each other with knives and throw lamps at each other while hiding behind the couch. Other night we cuddle together and watch chaos brew. Things are never boring with DH around

YOU threw that lamp?! That thing came out of nowhere. Cheap shot mister, cheap shot. Especially going after the biggest target. You just had to go there, didnt you? That thing freaking HURT!

Wanna cuddle?


Hmm, I guess we could, it is reset day lets all be nice for once

Wait, we’re having a cuddle party now?! First I miss fight night, now this?

I’m sure DH wouldnt mind you joining, would you? xD

P.s. Idk what i’ve started but i hope it lasts.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


LOL at double team comments

You must be new to the game. Welcome to WvW!!

I enjoyed the match all around. NSP puts up some great tactics (though mainly from Os) and IoJ is DH’s BFF. Violent relationship, true, but what can ya do when its the nature of the beast?

We have those wild nights where we go at each other with knives and throw lamps at each other while hiding behind the couch. Other night we cuddle together and watch chaos brew. Things are never boring with DH around

Isle Of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Edit: Dont know if i got my point across in the end there, i’ve just woken up so my writing isnt that coherent yet, apologies if you take things the wrong way, Just trying to say goodluck to both NSP and DH next week. Love you deep down dh, hate you on the top. NSP you continue to hold my respect and I wish you guys luck next week. And a shout out to Bird Song for the amazing BL flip in the AM a few days ago. Basically what i was trying to get out. Now if you’ll excuse me. COFFEE TIME!

<3 Much love dude
Hopefully if we matchup again we can get some real WvW done
I have a pic for you actually, from that flip. Here I’ll attach it
Snapshot of the week?

You guys only ended with one Omega left though right? If so I’ll still feel accomplished even though we lost everything xD

Yep, not even all the golems + players are in that pic. Couldnt fit, that was just the middle of the zerg.
Your fortifications on garrison tore most of the golems to pieces
What happens when you build siege at every single gate lol.

We assumed you would immediately rush garri after bay so we were waiting there, but you guys went hills instead. After that we put 1 cata per gate, at least 4 acs a gate then on that last inner gate we had like 5 ballis for the choke point for when you got in and even more siege in lords.. You screwed our plan up by going to the top of lords first instead of immediately down so our 4 acs up there were worthless :c

I knew you’d think we’d go to garrison after bay. Been poking you all morning remember. Know your style. Reason why we didn’t touch watergate.
But maybe next time I know that you know that I know that you know about hills over garrison in that sense that swimming is more than walking but walking gives you great legs structure in which you can get a really good modelling job.

Or we’ll flip camps with the golems.
That’d be surprising.

Ye after we recapped most things we went your BL and flipped hills with 5 golems when most of your server went back to EB then after you retook it we stopped caring and flipped lake with 8 golems. Total win moment.

P.s. Now i wanna go build a golem and do some epic camp flipping, wonder what the roamers would think of an omega walking towards them.

Edit: I really need to start taking more screen shots.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

Double-Teaming ruins WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


3 way faction is supposed to stop the top server from overwhelming the other two. Except that NEVER HAPPENS, it is always a double team on the 2nd server or the 3rd server.

Because commanders on the 2nd or 3rd server disagree and dont want to hit the top server. So it ends up being 2nd or 3rd getting double teamed all cause someone has too much “Pride” and “Honor”

Isle Of Janthir