Showing Posts For Banzie.5248:

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Yawn……. More transfers…….. One thing is consistent, NSPers definitely the most loyal and we hardly ever get transfers, unless its the singles looking to better themselves….

You dun get transfers cause you guys tell ppl to not transfer >.>

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Well were making the move to IoJ too, hope we can be a good addition to you guys as a server. Too much BS/lies back on GoM. I heard you guys like the occasional gif? especially of hot girls drinking tea?

Wait is it just you two, or did all of HBGR transfer?

Isle Of Janthir

Small tactics WvW Guild looking for new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


A lot of us have transferred now, we still have more to make their way over but so far thankyou IoJ for such a kind welcoming and good to finally meet the random IoJ players I’ve had the courtesy of bumping into previous match ups

Glad you guys are liking it so far Cant wait til reset night to see how your guild does and so you can see how IoJ operates on these nights

Isle Of Janthir

Major lag in WvW atm

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Generally ignore lag things cause i never get it. Was running fine ALL day until I just logged on. Getting skills responding about 30 seconds late and same with weapon swap and chat. I rarely lag in wvw, I know its not my connection or computer as I thoroughly checked both and reset things then recostumized. This has to be server side :s

Isle of Janthir here.

Isle Of Janthir

Cost of SEA and Oceanic guilds?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Does anybody know how much it costs to purchase medium sized (200-300) SEA or Oceanic Guilds. I was thinking around 12,000 gold?

LOL this post made me chuckle


if you want such guilds (and who wouldn’t want to play along with fun-loving oceanics and SEA types) consider moving to a server with heaps of them.

Doubt you’ll even get any SEA or Oceanic guilds to transfer right now.. They get too much lotos and exps from the night capping

Isle Of Janthir

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Lvl 50 would be the very min. And thats a fully geared lvl 50.

Most of the time, lowbies are going to get bursted for 14k damage and then qq post on the forums about balance.

Lower tiers, Uplevel party zergs. WE WRECK YOUR LEVEL 80 ZERGS SONNNN! jkjk, but tbh i have to agree. Upper tiers stick to 60+ i’d say for leveling wvw. T5.. i’d even be brave enough to say T4 feel free to play an uplevel to fast level up. Down in T6/7 half the zergs uplevels

Isle Of Janthir

WvW Badges and loot

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Idk about you all.. but when we roll through eb in organized zergs on IoJ i get about 50 badges/hour at the minimum soo.. yeh im fine with drop rates lol.

Isle Of Janthir

New maps for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Devons already announced they are approaching the final stages of changing the current maps, and they are possibly already working or new maps entirely are in the planning stages Though it will most likely be months before we see any signs of the last on, The first part should be coming fairly soon imo.

Isle Of Janthir

1-80 only WvW still a viable option?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


If you’re on a server thats able to flip things a lot you can do 1-80 fairly fast imo. But down in the lower tiers where match up are more evenly matched and close things dont flip a TON, But they do flip so it may take a while longer :P

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Sorry bout breaking up the fightclub on IoJ’s map…i’m just a biiiig advocate of not having it on a map that I’m proactively defending/upgrading in the south/patrolling/blah blah blah…..

nothin’ personal, guys <3

I’ll just throw out there that I support Nom in breaking up the fight club. I think fight clubs are great fun and all, but when the people that the fight club attracts start to go around and flip all of the camps, then I think whoever’s BL it is is 100% justified in breaking it up.

Agree 100% on this, Have fight clubs all you want, but if you start flipping the camps around it thats our stuff and ima kill the people responsible

Isle Of Janthir

Can we replace lake with a basketball court

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Delete all water please.Water combat is terrible,delete that next.

Nobody is forcing you to fight underwater. You can even move from North to South of map without touching any water. The only occasion where you are forced to touch tiny bit of the wet matter is Bay, but you could ask a friendly mesmer to portal you over, so your feet don’t get wet. ;-)

To deny the pleasure of underwater combat from others if you don’t enjoy it, doesn’t make sense.

Not even then, He could just WP in and out of bay..if its his server at least. And if its that bad. He should just solo take bay and solo hold it all week. If hes that determined not to touch water i believe he can do it ;D

Isle Of Janthir

"Necessary" WvW Role

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Guard the under-valued support class, SO much condi removal, and allie buffs. Not to mention if you get a good gaurd chain of Line of Wardings and you have some ballis and ACs you can hold a position quite easily. Not to mention guard can still dps quite well and tank at the exact same time as being a support

Run all shouts, Knights armor, PvT accessory’s and you’re golden jonny boy

Isle Of Janthir

Small tactics WvW Guild looking for new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


[RISE] is welcome too

Isle Of Janthir

Small tactics WvW Guild looking for new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


To be honest, I like this idea of Ioj the more I think of it.
Ioj seemed very organized and appeared as though they listened to their commanders.

Also [RUN] leader.

:D As nat said above, last week RUN coordinated very well, Especially (Pardon me if this wasnt last week or not) But especially that time you guys held our bay for like what.. 6-7 hours? XD We’d love to see you on IoJ, You’d greatly round out out NA presence, while not overclocking the players to the point of a queue (Minus reset, ofc.)

Isle Of Janthir

New California Player,Any West Coast Servers?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Isle of Janthir also has quite an oceanic and West Coast NA population

Isle Of Janthir

Small tactics WvW Guild looking for new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Moose, The solo capper of SM! IoJ would love to have you if you feel thats a good server from what you’ve seen in the past. Whisper or Mail me in game and i can give you some more info

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Interesting match up. Looking foward to it c:<

Have fun everyone and please try to keep the thread cleeeean.

Hey would you look at that.
I’ll see you tomorrow, me thinks.

Please no.. We just.. we just want to not spend money on upgrades.. please bird :c

Isle Of Janthir

Unrealistic costs for moving to lower tiers

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I have to agree, NA transfer prices are ridiculously high. Free transfer to the lower tiers, we demand it !

Isle Of Janthir

Same matchups???

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Happened to IoJ/DH/NSP a while back. Didnt complain just powered throught it I mean it would have happened in the old match up system anyways

Isle Of Janthir

Please change back the matchmaking system.

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


You might want to rephrase your last paragraph, because it totally destroys your argument.

I agree that sometimes the matchmaking system doesn’t make good choices, but it is an algorithm that I am sure they tweak as the system runs over time. Just like any computer AI, it is going to need tweaking to make it better in the long run.

I have to agree with this, The match ups started off TERRIBLY and continued to be TERRIBLE for a long time, but the last 2 weeks including this week they have been much more spot on in my opinion.

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Interesting match up. Looking foward to it c:<
please try to keep the thread cleeeean.

Alright I’ll throw the first bottle.

Is that “Hella Pro” guild ele commander, one of IoJs LA commanders, or a WvW regular?

Whats the tag? Personally never seen that guild before so o.o

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Sorry, guess I forgot my “girl drinking tea” gif so…..

My soul… it’s drained.

Less killing, More cliff jumping visi.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


kitten GoM.. Where did you all go? I give a shout out to the two GoM guildless upleved that stayed on your BL and valiantly defended your borderlands while you all sat in eb and watched. We literally 1 rammed everything but bay.. That was 2 rams.

I think we’ve all been in the pavilion. We put in some serious overtime to beat Kaineng last week and it seems everyone just kind of took this week off. :/

From map chat just now on GoM BL… “How dare these selfish GoM think they have any ownership of these clearly green borderlands. Down right rude of them chaps.” lol

Meanwhile, in the Pavilion…

Moniessss :"D Its so beautiful.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


kitten GoM.. Where did you all go? I give a shout out to the two GoM guildless upleved that stayed on your BL and valiantly defended your borderlands while you all sat in eb and watched. We literally 1 rammed everything but bay.. That was 2 rams.

Edit: These two uplevels i gave the shout out to for defending are now solely trying to retake your BL GoM. give them medals and money dammit.

We decided that you all needed a boost to your collective egos – and since getting a basket of puppies was unavailable for you to kick, we figured we’d let you feel good about pvdooring our entire BL.

That’s our parting gift for you all. It was a pleasure watching the server in first place go out of the way to stfpwnbbq the third place and out manned server. Well played!

sarcasm off Really? You guys found it necessary to swoop down on the third place server and flex your pixels in this manner? Pretty sad.

Wasnt even a zerg though is what im trying to say, It was literally about 3 people that started by taking a tower. Then 5 ppl for hills. It maxed at 13 of us at dawns for the last tower. You all could have easily stopped us. And its not like its typical IoJ PvDoor. its 3:30 pm EDT and 12:30 PM PDT so i wouldnt be calling it PvDoor…

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


kitten GoM.. Where did you all go? I give a shout out to the two GoM guildless upleved that stayed on your BL and valiantly defended your borderlands while you all sat in eb and watched. We literally 1 rammed everything but bay.. That was 2 rams.

I think we’ve all been in the pavilion. We put in some serious overtime to beat Kaineng last week and it seems everyone just kind of took this week off. :/

From map chat just now on GoM BL… “How dare these selfish GoM think they have any ownership of these clearly green borderlands. Down right rude of them chaps.” lol

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


kitten GoM.. Where did you all go? I give a shout out to the two GoM guildless upleved that stayed on your BL and valiantly defended your borderlands while you all sat in eb and watched. We literally 1 rammed everything but bay.. That was 2 rams.

Edit: These two uplevels i gave the shout out to for defending are now solely trying to retake your BL GoM. give them medals and money dammit.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I remember seeing screenshots of armor models in the Chinese version and they were altered versions of the current armor set (less skin showing). I think the Chinese version will be its own game, separate from the NA/EU servers.

The current Chinese players aren’t playing on Chinese accounts, but in fact NA/EU accounts, so unless they are willing to start from scratch on a new official Chinese account, they are here to stay.

And lol, two of our T1 servers will come crashing down if they lost their Chinese players. Though the aftermath would be cool to watch

I really hope they leave now, I wanna see that aftermath XD

Isle Of Janthir

Guardian or Warrior in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Guardian, Run shouts, Run altruistic healing, Run Staff/Greatsword. Never die in WvW zerg

Isle Of Janthir

Making golems tradable was a mistake.

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I could buy at least 300 golems with the badges I farmed every… 2 months? Making them tradeable changed nothing.

This. Badges have been farmed up so much by now, tradeable or not rushes would still be happening pretty often.

Isle Of Janthir

Best party of 5 to roam WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


This is what my guild runs when we roam together in 5 man groups in the lower tiers, Dont listen to ant of these zerging upper tier players who dont know what it means to meet skilled roamers.

1 Guardian, Staff/Greatsword. Tank Build with support shouts.
1 Thief, D/p and p/p for the fast dps and in and out of the fight. Inbetween tank and dps build.
1 Ele, D/d. Should be running bunker d/d ele build.
1 Warrior, Hammer/Sword and Warhorn. Should be running a tanky dps build with what he prefers on the skill bar.
1 Wild Card :P, This slot can be filled with any class your last member prefers, Your boons, Condi removal, and party healing are all covered with the above classes

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I will say this one thing, SF it may not seem like huge numbers on your side, but trust me down in these tiers it is. To GoM, IoJ has been there where you have outmanned buff the whole match up, it sucks we know. However we did the same thing many times on not losing our stuff often. When you place ACs and you have dedicated WvWers able to respond to sightings in crack time defending things can be extremely easy. Especially when the other servers tend to not want the long drawn out 30 min-1 hour battles. Props to both servers this match up, Look forward to seeing you all in the future.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


The new Bandito thief tutorial video is now up, featuring 1v1s against several IoJ/SF/DR players from the past couple of weeks. No stealth, no thieves guild, no lame stuff… just good fights and gunslingin’ action.

The obligatory TL;DR gif version is attached below.

kitten still havent found you when im roaming, One of these days bandito, One of these days xD

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


dear IoJ or SF, please come attack our EB keep, im getting bored, i want a good keep defense.

But.. What if it becomes a loss.

You sir must wear skinny jeans.


One sec, coming to solo your keep right now, logging on

Edit: Im the plush griffon with a kite

Update 1: Many GoM that have found me in griffon form have been kind so far. It has been 2 days since i’ve made my nest north of goms keep and in the ruins.

Update 2: Three very unkind and cruel GoM have located my nest and attacked me, I will return to my nest and perch that watches over the GoM keep so I can meet my GoM friends again.


Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Simple: More people QQing about "Night Capping’ When there is no such thing, It may be night where you are, but its noon over there xD Peoples logic is so flawed

No no, it means that servers with 24/7 coverage may be affected.

Btw, he was the awesome Trailer at ChinaJoy

God first off… They make everything in guild wars 2 look so freaking bad kitten , I wish WvW and sPvP was really like that. Would be amazing. Second off, That theory of balancing out servers over night time coverage only applies if the chinese evenly spread out throughout all server that dont already have night coverage. Soooo, If they go to a select few servers, kittens gonna be kittened again anyways. ;o

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


dear IoJ or SF, please come attack our EB keep, im getting bored, i want a good keep defense.

But.. What if it becomes a loss.

Isle Of Janthir

GW2 opens in China; affect WvW coverage?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Simple: More people QQing about "Night Capping’ When there is no such thing, It may be night where you are, but its noon over there xD Peoples logic is so flawed

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Wait a minute..
There are TWO Commander Honeybuns?!

EDIT: Error, gif too giant. Can not compute. PL0X CliCk T0 Vi3w Fu1L P0Ney

A doctor needs his companion….

I hope no one else saw the dirtiness of my gif when its not expanded.
Because it can’t be unseen.

First thing I noticed >.>

Edit: .. SF stop being no fun. The Plush Griffon with a Kite only wants to hang out. Its not like hes gonna insta kill all 50 of you jeebus :c

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

April Rhain[AR] is looking for WvWers for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I approve of this guild.

Just wait til we’re matched up again Rob, Hopefully [AR] will be better then ever

Isle Of Janthir

Please show some respect..

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I dont care if ppl complain, But I dont know how the devs do it. It seems people essentially want a way to 1 shot doors and champs. I mean yeah i get they have suggestions and all. But Devons been the best person on WvW dev team for the past 5 months he’s been on. Its made more progress then it did the first 7 months of release with him. You all should be groveling at his feet thanking him imo. But to each their own.

Isle Of Janthir

Shared WXP not the solution; Rank cap is

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


You cant cap the Wxp ranks until they’ve added all they will to wxp. Or they would need new rewards almost every patch. >_>

Isle Of Janthir

Hidden combat log damage?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Tbh.. I’ve been once shotted by necros, Completely 1 shotted. No down state either, Just straight dead. I dont know if this is a bug or what, Anyone have any ideas on that?

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hello IoJ! THIS is HardCore
Thank you for making me dream of vengeance come true.

Also, CoSA could never do a thing like this. SF too kitten to go after IoJ.

Y u do dis.. This only make it worse for you in the long run :c

I have much more respect for you, IoJ than I do for SF.
However, when we lost our keep I was just like every other pug and couldn’t handle the /laugh from your side.

Sowwies. No hard feelings right?

I cant speak for anyone else, But I started WvW when IoJ went from Tier 1/2 down to Tier 6 in the free fall. So im use to seeing +10 PPT. The last few months have been amazing to not see that imo, and we only get better so no hard feelings from me at least :P Also I wasnt with them when they took your corner. I was up in SF upgrading the kitten outta it and trying to deal with the 2 or 3 roaming teams you guys had flipping camps on me :l

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hello IoJ! THIS is HardCore
Thank you for making me dream of vengeance come true.

Also, CoSA could never do a thing like this. SF too kitten to go after IoJ.

Y u do dis.. This only make it worse for you in the long run :c

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


On GoM…you come for the WvWvW – and stay for the .gifs.

I feel as though I miss half of the jokes in these threads because I don’t watch Dr. Who.
Then I remember, I don’t like Dr. Who.

…………..How does one not like Doctor Who

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



Isle Of Janthir

Looking for a new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Thanks for all the replies guys, I appreciate it :p Talking to a couple friends that want to transfer also and were deciding between Ehmry and IoJ and possibly SoS, hopefully we agree on something soon.

Well if you need anymore information on IoJ mail me in game, Or nat above. We’d love to have you come join us.

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Aswell, no joke, there’s probably ten or less on map, half of which don’t speak English. Do you know how hard it is to command in Spanish? Attacke la torre. Da me el burrito. Regresen a los tacos

Be careful who you’re insulting, they might be a lot more hardcore than you think.
(source: annual exploding sledgehammer festival in San Juan de la Vega)

TAQUITO!! Come try and kill the SF warrior inbetween mend and sf spawn, We be dueling there and only a few of us can tie, no one can win WE NEED YOU

But… that was at like 6:00 AM my time.

Well he posted up there ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ somewhere, Kuchi is his forum name, Find him and track him down ;o

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Lol Ioj didn’t had any transfers, no new guilds, just more determination and our current guilds keep improving. We are indeed having fun this week and imo this is one of the most balanced match ups we’ve been in awhile, we kept the scores pretty even during most of the week.

Judging by your posts in this thread Lae, seems you’re slightly trying to get people mad to get responses. No offense intended ofc, to each their own.

LIES NAT! We got [VD] and [CooO]… but at any one time they probably add a whopping 5-10 more people into WvW, If that most of the time. HUGE NUMBER INCREASE THAR

Isle Of Janthir

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Also, please stop making me lolz SF.
If you’d stop zerging GoM and actually focused on your keep, that big ol’ slap in the face of a WayPoint IoJ has in your keep wouldn’t be in there.

huehuehuehue, I upgraded SF keep that far

We were gonna go for four WPs, But we all needed to try and beat that kitten warrior from SF

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

8/9 GoM/SF/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Aswell, no joke, there’s probably ten or less on map, half of which don’t speak English. Do you know how hard it is to command in Spanish? Attacke la torre. Da me el burrito. Regresen a los tacos

Be careful who you’re insulting, they might be a lot more hardcore than you think.
(source: annual exploding sledgehammer festival in San Juan de la Vega)

TAQUITO!! Come try and kill the SF warrior inbetween mend and sf spawn, We be dueling there and only a few of us can tie, no one can win WE NEED YOU

Isle Of Janthir