Showing Posts For Banzie.5248:

Questions on inscriptions.

in Crafting

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hey so im sorta new to the whole crafting fields xD I’m currently at 430 weaponsmithing, but this is a question on the inscriptions for exotics, I was just wondering if theres an inscription for PvT (Power, Vitality, Tougness) or PtV (Power, Toughness, Vitality) weapons.

Thank for any answers

Isle Of Janthir

Nerf the arrow carts V2

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So running PVT and spamming 1 equals skill?

So placing 5 superior arrow carts and spamming 123 equals skill?

Wait you’re throwing a server under the bus for a few peoples opinions? Nice. Anyways of you want open field fights why are you even worried about Acs. You shouldn’t be anywhere close to attempting a keep or tower. Just baiting. Second I would like to point out that when you say 10 defenders shouldn’t be able to keep 50 people out realistically, that you are wrong, keeps have always been designed to do just that with the right people and supply behind them.

Please keep servers out of the topic, and refer to the individual. If you post, you’re asking for their opinions not their servers.

Isle Of Janthir

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



At your bay

Silly SBI kept letting us flip Sunny this morning :c and we almost flipped Crag as well. Good fights to [Bags]. [DDLG] this morning at those two towers

Isle Of Janthir

Ettin Club

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Took some screenies so you know what it looks like

Check the ettins in Queens Dale. South East of the map. Theres a Quest there by an ettin that may sell them, not 100% though.

Isle Of Janthir

[Merged] Your opinions of the LFG tool

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


To make it perfectly clear…

I have no issue teaching people, but there is a time and place. A large amount of the community sees Arah P2 as a higher tier dungeon, not something that a casual would do.

I have no issue running with randoms. I do however have an issue with:

People who can’t play their class
People who can’t dodge
People who can’t understand new mechanics
People who join without reading the kittening description

The main issue is people joining without reading the description. I don’t expect everyone to be super elite mlg minmaxed full ascended extra super zerk full legendary scholar runes. I expect people to read the description. I expect people to use the tool correctly, not just ‘Hot join on enter’ and let anyone into the group.

The reason why people usually ask for what I said in OP, is because those people don’t want to have to teach people their class, the dungeon, the game mechanics, etc.

Like, I shouldn’t be having to explain to a level 80 Warrior why running 5 signets is garbage and asking them to change their build.

Don’t go flinging around the terms ‘elitist’ and things like that. It’s not about elitism, it’s about wanting to group with people who actually care about the people in their group. I.e “I’m not going to just semi-afk through the run because that would be unfair to the people in my party” things like that.

My (and others) reasoning for AP:

AP is a general indication for how long a player has been playing the game. Typically someone with ~3k AP has been playing long enough to understand most basic mechanics of the game. For example, you’ll usually look at someone with 0 – 500 AP and think they’re new. I’ve almost always been correct in assuming a player’s skill level based on their AP level. It simply comes down to experience over time. You don’t get 10,000 AP by being a scrub.

But me at I only have 2.5k exp and I consider myself a pretty decent player in wvw when I can 2/3v1 and win. lol anyways but kitten dude. You started some flame war in here :p xD

Isle Of Janthir

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Guys… Worst night ever. First saint goes and forgets the alcohol for the ioj commander meeting. And then I ran out of popcorn reading this thread. Halp…pls….before xoxo comes after my withering corpse.

Isle Of Janthir

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


kitten dude… This thread.

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


[SIC] had some great times this week.

Top notch. IoJ folks…learn from this guy. He knows his stuff.

Little question here…

Are you in IoJ? Or WvW here often?

You talk like we dont have any organized guilds around.

You can have organized guilds and still be complete crap (sry for sounding harsh, but that’s reality). Seeing his history with RET, I know a few folks who moved there and they are good.

I’m in TEST…. so yes I know what’s going on.

Gul use to be pure IoJ, He left when a few commanders got trolled enough to the point they felt they had to leave.(Trolls who have since left I may add or were set straight and just follow the zerg and dont talk anymore). I dont know if thats the reason you left gul or another, I know thats why aleman left anyways I hope you found a great place on YB, and look forward to facing [One] against YB

Isle Of Janthir

Who would you like to face next week?

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


new week, new numbers.


Thank you

Isle Of Janthir

Will we ever be able to go through here?

in Lore

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I know anets constantly pumping out content, and thats great and all. but they seem to have severely forgotten many parts of the world in tyria. Will we ever be able to visit the tengu areas of Tyria, who will they for, when will they decide? Seriously anet, You had so much going for you at the beginning, and you didnt even start the LS that happen AFTER your PS until june or so I believe.. Would really like if the LS started expanding more on the actual tyrian world. Dont like farming champ aetherblades for scarlet, Dont care for the boss train. Im all about the lore & wvw anet brings to the table no other games currently can. Both of which anet seem to be letting sit in the corner collecting dust for the most part

Back to my question, Will we ever go through the gates these 5 tengu protect? Or at least get a LS where they decide to fight with the other races and at the end of the 2 weeks its then an accessible area?

Note: This can go for so many things other then the Tengu. Many story parts have been forgotten by the team it seems, all of which would make the whole world seem more alive then it is with scarlet/teq :c


Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

"Zhaitan" was not dead, an interesting theory

in Lore

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just gonna pop in here real quick.. i remember reading.. or seeing an asuran somewhere talking about how when the dwarfs disappearance was being investigated they found that through the Dwarf archives that the dragons has been undoubtedly defeated before by other past races. That its a natural cycle and that the dragons live in a state of undeath. Meaning each time they are “Killed” They are put into a form of stasis, or non-life. Only to be revitalized at unknown increments of time by nature or some other force.

On a side now.. its frusterates me how many players in the game few teq, kitten, jormag , Megadestroyer, etc. all as the elder dragons when they are in fact champions of the elder dragons. Also Anet should add the other elder dragons champions/ elder dragon fights :c

but to the first bit, I know that it Sounds crazy, so im trying to find where I heard/saw this right now so you can all check it out. Anyone here that knows would be greatly appreciated if you could state where.

Isle Of Janthir

Rating System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Haha I think that’s a great idea! I ALWAYS see posts where people argue about whether anet listens to their players, who is the majority/minority, and why doesn’t anet respond or listen when there are so many threads about it on the forums. I think it’d be great to know just how many people hate or like the content, it doesn’t even have to include comments just a scale of 1-5 of how much you like the update.

Great idea

Thank you, Would like more community feedback on it though :s

Isle Of Janthir

Rating System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Banzie.5248


This is just a copy & paste from i’ve postd in in a topic in the WvW section, Would like to see the general community consensus on it please.

What I believe they need to do is put in a rating system each update IN THE GAME, NOT THE FORUMS for the new content each time, Release the system perhaps 1 week after each patch once people have settled into the content instead of just rage quitting first day as releasing it immediately would skew the system results instrumentally (I.e. First day ragers: SAB, Scarlet, Bloodlust, Teq). If there are bad reviews after the 1 week rating vote, Either implement a change next patch or get working on one ASAP, Alternatively you can EASILY revert to previous version of the content before the update until a fix can be implemented.

Good idea, Yes/No?
Criticism welcome.

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Think its really just because so many of us are bored this week we’ve really stopped caring what gets flipped sadly. Its a horrible habit to get into and pretty disappointed in commanders ignoring calls about IoJ BL being attacked this week :l

I really don’t think we should be trying for points these next two weeks.

Borlis pass has an outside shot at getting below us in the glicko before the league starts up, and Yak’s Bend and Kaineng have a great chance at it. If these three servers continue to tank on purpose and beat us to the bottom then we’ll wind up at the bottom of the gold league.

Regardless of league or not, Not defending our BL is a horrible habit to be getting into. It may not make a difference for us commanders, and veteran players since we always respond. However the new players and PUGs are where it will begin to hurt in serious, challenging match ups if they are not being told to go and help.

Isle Of Janthir

Difference between EU vs NA recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I wonder how well the newly formed IoJ would handle things if they accidentally got bumped into the Gold League. Maybe BP really should consider tanking their score LOL

j/k and being mean but it is something to consider/worry about for you guys.

We’re very much aware that its possible for us to hit gold league now

Isle Of Janthir

It's not about the bloodlust.....

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Good post, +1.

The problem is that Devon has painted the whole WvW development team in a corner. When he said outright that the forum community was a vocal minority that can be disregarded, he basically told the forum community that they were completely wrong about the Bloodlust buff, as well as the league system. Should these two features prove to be a fiasco, I really don’t think that Devon will be able to swallow his pride and admit that the forum community was actually right. That would set a huge precedent for future updates to WvW.

Now don’t get me wrong, it may indeed be the case that the forum community is a vocal minority, and that 90% of the game absolutely love the Bloodlust buff. However, the general consensus among almost all of the people I regularly play with seem to be a different one. We also see post from people who legitimately never post on the forums, and while I may be biased in this, the arguments FOR having Bloodlust in its current implementation don’t seem to hold water.

Devon can keep talking about how the WvW population is growing under his watchful eye, but until we see statistics on this nobody is going to believe him. Besides, if he actually thinks there is any form of causality between adding something like Catapult mastery and having .1% of the PvE population go to WvW I really don’t know what to say.

He is correct about the forum community being a vocal minority, Because so many people do not post here. HOWEVER, Many people do feel the same as the “Vocal Minority”, they simply dont post. Dont get me wrong here, I agree with many of you guys.

What I believe they need to do is put in a rating system each update IN THE GAME, NOT THE FORUMS for the new content each time, Release the system perhaps 1 week after each patch once people have settled into the content instead of just rage quitting first day as releasing it immediately would skew the system results instrumentally (I.e. First day ragers: SAB, Scarlet, Bloodlust, Teq). If there are bad reviews after the 1 week rating vote, Either implement a change next patch or get working on one ASAP, Alternatively you can EASILY revert to previous version of the content before the update until a fix can be implemented. Good idea, Yes/No? Criticism welcome.

Ahh I didnt see that post, my bad. But I dont agree with the immediately after patch, as that is skewed results and doesnt allow people to learn and get use to the content. (Im speaking widely here, not about just bloodlust) 5-7 days after a release would be good imo for an honest opinion.

Isle Of Janthir

Everybody (almost) Gets an Ascended Backpiece

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


This would actually be pretty cool, provided it had a unique model and was in one of the higher participation brackets- It shouldn’t just be ‘cap five camps and win a backpiece’.

It shouldn’t be hard and certainly not impossible, but I agree these “weeklies” or “matchlies” should encompass a wide array of WvW play including defense, offense and WvW leveling.

Your idea about it being a unique model would be a very nice touch. I would add that it should be unique and never given out again.

anet said the art team is working on WvW exclusive skins and models and what not, but again we get the typical answer of it takes time. While I agree, yes art and then putting that art into a 3D model can take time, It shouldnt take more then 1.5-2 months. (Note you have have art and3D models for every type of weapon/armor, Not stat wise, but just like heavy/med/light for armor, and every weapon. And they try to make each unique while sticking to the over all theme) I still think its ridiculous anet can pump out skins fairly fast for PvE while WvW gets pushed to the side.

Isle Of Janthir

It's not about the bloodlust.....

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Good post, +1.

The problem is that Devon has painted the whole WvW development team in a corner. When he said outright that the forum community was a vocal minority that can be disregarded, he basically told the forum community that they were completely wrong about the Bloodlust buff, as well as the league system. Should these two features prove to be a fiasco, I really don’t think that Devon will be able to swallow his pride and admit that the forum community was actually right. That would set a huge precedent for future updates to WvW.

Now don’t get me wrong, it may indeed be the case that the forum community is a vocal minority, and that 90% of the game absolutely love the Bloodlust buff. However, the general consensus among almost all of the people I regularly play with seem to be a different one. We also see post from people who legitimately never post on the forums, and while I may be biased in this, the arguments FOR having Bloodlust in its current implementation don’t seem to hold water.

Devon can keep talking about how the WvW population is growing under his watchful eye, but until we see statistics on this nobody is going to believe him. Besides, if he actually thinks there is any form of causality between adding something like Catapult mastery and having .1% of the PvE population go to WvW I really don’t know what to say.

He is correct about the forum community being a vocal minority, Because so many people do not post here. HOWEVER, Many people do feel the same as the “Vocal Minority”, they simply dont post. Dont get me wrong here, I agree with many of you guys.

What I believe they need to do is put in a rating system each update IN THE GAME, NOT THE FORUMS for the new content each time, Release the system perhaps 1 week after each patch once people have settled into the content instead of just rage quitting first day as releasing it immediately would skew the system results instrumentally (I.e. First day ragers: SAB, Scarlet, Bloodlust, Teq). If there are bad reviews after the 1 week rating vote, Either implement a change next patch or get working on one ASAP, Alternatively you can EASILY revert to previous version of the content before the update until a fix can be implemented. Good idea, Yes/No? Criticism welcome.

Isle Of Janthir

Everybody (almost) Gets an Ascended Backpiece

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I doubt they would do it this way, but you really do need to be able to get an ascended backpack via wvw. I am shocked that it isn’t been addressed honestly. After all, backs were the first ascendeds available, so you’d think they would have made it into WvW by now.

Because it goes like this.
1. Give ways for better THINGS in PvE
2. Wait 6 months, say you’re working on it for WvW.
3. Release for not much less it cost then they currently are in wvw by adding 250 badges in front, even though it takes 500x longer to get those things in wvw. (Note im talking generally here, not just ascended/laurels)
4. Watch players rage, think you did well.
5. Repeat.

Isle Of Janthir

Need help, LOW FPS in WvWvW?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I need some help GW2 is the ONLY game that makes my computer lag even though it shouldn’t since i get 180+ fps in most games.

It lags(low fps 15-25 max) in WvW alot and i don’t know how to fix this , I’ve reduced EVERYTHING to the MINIMUM and still A LOT of LAG / Low FPS

how can I fix this?

8GB Ram DDR3
Radeon HD 7770
500GB HDD 7200RPM
Intel I3 3.3GHz

I can almost promise you its server lag, not lag on your end FPS at 25 in wvw is nice tbh, I run on 10 wvw, and then 30-40 minimally in pve maps LOL

Isle Of Janthir

Commander Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


When was the last time Anet implemented anything the forums actually asked for… Culling?

My recomendation would be to give up. They don’t care, after all we (thepeople of the forms) are the minority and the majority of the gw2 is apparently happy with the party/squad/commander system… #devlogic

After posting about this for 13 months I’m left with sarcasm and snarky comments. I should really just never browse these forums again… but keep thinking there is a small chance they will understand our frustration.

Technically a small % of people did ask for the orb buff, and anet confirmed they would be adding it back months ago, but we didnt have a time frame. But again, They listened to the minority>Majority of players there. Even in democracy where the minority can be heard, they will never win, because they are the minority and not the majority. Why is it so lopsided here, where they ask us what we want, then do the opposite?

Back on topic though, I completely support and want/need guild tags that only my guild members can see. The target well nice as a free tag, is hard to see in the mid of battle and you cant see it on the minimap. I could tag up on my actual commander tag, but that then attracts pugs, that while they bring numbers, are not on VoIP and im not typing just for a few people who COULD be using a VoIP service provided for them by the server community, but FREE of charge to them.

As well as, The squad system is complete crap, The markers dont represent things well enough and I dont necessarily need markers, I’d rather have a better system of something along the lines of /classes to see the # of classes currently in my squad so I can then make corrections based on what my group currently needs, /supply for obvious reasons, A better squad chat is also needed >.<

Isle Of Janthir

ANet why destroying only uniqueness of GW2?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I wish they would just do away with spvp,

spvp is like a sick pet that needs to be put down… hes not going to make it so just stop wasting medicine on it.

pve is fun and dandy, but its not the reason people keep coming back to the game. the pve folks are the first ones to quit the game once they have done the content, they get quickly bored of doing the same things.

wvwvw IS the reason people come back. the wvwvw scene is that gives life to this game, GW2 should concentrate all its resources to make wvwvw as good as possible!

No dont get rid of spvp, just realize it has and never will be the esport they want it to be, Guild halls, GvG and many other things revolving around GUILDS in gw2 is where their money should be made. (Plus, I dont want them to get rid of spvp cause thats where I can check out the usefulness of my builds for free ;D)

Isle Of Janthir

ANet why destroying only uniqueness of GW2?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


What arena net doesnt understand. GvG is a WAYYYY more viable esport then tpvp I’d pay to go to go watch a GvG live, anyone else?

Isle Of Janthir

Difference between EU vs NA recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Guys… Come to ioj, k. Bye.

lol jk
I do agree that ioj has gotten an influx of xfers recently because we are a strong contender for 1st in silver. While we all welcome the change of pace after being stomped to the ground for almost 6 months, many of us also dont want to be the next bandwagon server.

Isle Of Janthir

Bored with GS.. looking at Sword/Focus

in Guardian

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Welcome to the club. Sword DPS is the best we’ve got when traited, and it’s super easy: spam auto attack and F1 ftw.

I think focus provides more utility than torch, and sword DPS > torch anyhow so I usually don’t bother. Remember focus 5 is a blast finisher so you can use purging flames to get some nice long might stacks at the start of each fight.

When torch really comes in handy over focus is in wvw small man roaming (2-6 person group) With a S/T strong condi/crit build you can keep condis off allies and hit a crazy 7k on your cleansing flame, while choosing to either hit 3 enemies at once with 4, or focus down the guy thats almost dead with 4 by throwing the fire at him.

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


yeah the week been pretty boring

i am just running karma train with my lowbie trying to lv up zzzzz

honestly how absurd it is, when we deicide to leave enemy groups alone and not even kill their sieg so they can flip their towers/keeps back so we have something reflip again :x

it is ok week for roamers tho as it seems like small groups of ET/HOD are hungry for revenge xD

i had some fun fight vs condi necro on my condi thief

Don’t complain about boredom when you are the cause of the problem. I just checked the recruitment boards on these forums and half the IOJ people posting in this thread go out of the way to recruit more people to a server that doesn’t need it. Which is fine btw just don’t complain when you crush every match up because no one wants to even try when one server has 10x more than the other.

Bored? How are you bored? Tbph when i log on during NA prime. I’m not impressed. I see IOJBL 3/4s ours. I see ETBL COMPLETELY empty of IOJ. I see HODBL COMPLETELY empty of IOJ. EB is 4/5th controlled by IOJ. Out-manned buff on ETBL + HODBL (i love that for my guild). By the time i log off from NA prime ETBL and HODBL are usually starting to turn back to their home servers.

So what? Don’t want to venture to far from that karma train in EB? I personally have spent 100% of my time in ETBL and HODBL looking for fights and flipping keeps. Its not at ALL boring. I encounter so few IOJ, its like a desolate wasteland everyone fears to traverse.

Okay so maybe you don’t play NA prime and are on an off-shift. Well than ya. It was boring.

But hey. I’m new here. What do i know?

Think its really just because so many of us are bored this week we’ve really stopped caring what gets flipped sadly. Its a horrible habit to get into and pretty disappointed in commanders ignoring calls about IoJ BL being attacked this week :l

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


-points to all of the above-
This is why myself and the Mister Honeybuns keep to ourselves 85% of the time.

Unless roaming, Then you guys nom all the peoples.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Yes. absolutely.

I hope so. I’ll need to either drop $20 on this game, or somehow earn 47 gold to transfer. Server transfers are so expensive

Champ farm in frost gorge, Easy 50g in 2 days no problem.

Isle Of Janthir

Let's salvage this fiasco

in In-game Events

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Not to mention I believe the JP gets the buff now too lol, So not a solution for them. Correct me if im wrong.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Moderator)

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


This match up is kind of pointless right now, so I am going to take the opportunity to do some siege weapon damage testing. I would like to enlist the help of an ET or IoJ for this.

I will build treb/cata/ballista/AC at one of the borderland camp, you take it back, build 1 or 2 rams and maybe a golem and I will test the siege weapons on it and get the numbers. I am willing to pay the first person who help me with this 3 gold (1g on join, 2 gold on finish of the test). Will be on for 2-3 hr more, please contact me in game if you are interested.

No one? I already have the siege build, just need someone to build the ram and golem to test on.

Dunno if someone helped you with your testing, but if you want to know what’s best to destroy enemy siege, its trebs… Someone with treb mastery can deal over 10k damage to siege/sites, however trebs cost 100 supplies and are very vulnerable (to not mention they can’t hit at short range).

I think the damage order of “siege X siege” is Mortar > Trebuchets > Cannon > Ballista > Omega Golem > Arrow Cart > Catapult.

Alpha, Oil and Rams aren’t there for obvious reasons…


Isle Of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just need to clarify something: With the # of guilds coming in, or have already come in, we are up hundreds of active WvW’ers. Not enough to make mind-numbing qeues, but enough to put us into the gold league easily before the leagues start, based on points. At least one more guild is slated to join us, 2-3 are discussion options, with who knows how many others eyeballing us that haven’t contacted us yet.

If you’re considering IoJ, know that you’d be considering the gold league. Thanks and plz contact with questions n’ such.

Aye, We may still end up in silver, but know that with the RNG system of match ups we cannot promise we’d still be silver league, So be prepared for gold possibly.

Isle Of Janthir

Quick Guys...

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Gather the tears of the people not being spoon fed free gold and AP by ANet as well as not giving the general populace and content more then a day to settle in.

BTW, We’re gathering their tears so we can show them how much they cried once people do settle in and understand the content more and teq starts being completed.

IoJ got him to 55% no voice comms fairly easily, Again the downside of teq seems to be the first 25% for dps, but the boss is definitely doable, just cause you cant auto spam one for loots and you may actually die in that zerker crap gear doesnt mean he’s impossible….

Isle Of Janthir

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Banzie.5248


i would rage hardcore if i were at the bg event and u got him down to 1% and then failed ._.

i believe once bg/any other sever gets teq beat once, they’re going to realize that the rewards arent worth it and the leets are gonna leave it to pugs and it wont happen again

regardless, could we get some advice from someone about the proper strategies for utilizing turrets/ the lazer, as well as protecting them?

also, in the 1% screenshot, did you see how many icebows/fiery greatswords were on the ground? possibly a hint…

Yep, They do much more damage with, Especially stacked with the undead potions. Once you have a crap load of ppl with them+turret and aoe buffs from players it goes a bit faster. The worst part is still the initial push to 75%

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’m impressed at how everyone seem to be so rational about the match up. No complaining, name calling oe chest thumping :O

Its nice to see friendly post on a thread stand out more for once

There’s no one to complain since an IOJ stompfest was inevitable.

You DDLG guys definetly have a thing for IoJ.

Shoo, go back to your own match up thread.

Simply making a comment. The IOJ forum warriors are appeased because they get an easy win, and the other servers know that fighting back is useless so why even bother.

Makes for what you call a “good matchup”.

Well… Actually that’s being a good matchup so far. Even though IoJ can overwhelm us with superior numbers/coverage, the people that are defending are actually having quite a blast holding off endless waves of invaders… Much like when we used to face SF down on T8.

For me, that’s a good week aswell… Since IoJ zerg is quite active, I’m farming Wxp by flipping back what IoJ just flipped on Eternal. Like it or not, I’m getting a lot of support on keeping this operation up, and I’m sure the IoJ guys that are flipping the bases in EB are also happy aswell. They get Wxp from cap, we get Wxp from recap… Level dem alts, and everyone is happy… It’s a win/win situation

I just don’t know if HoD is having this kind of fun aswell … But I can’t speak for HoD. So I’ll just leave that part open.

Just soloed et’s eb keep wall. lol

I saw your cata, and I didn’t cared… Yesterday I soloed our Hills walls back from IoJ aswell. Keep the farming flowing!


Isle Of Janthir

9/13 BP|YB|SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


xD We’re afraid if we get a roll with higher servers we will hit 12 :P

That which does not kill my server will make my server stronger (until everyone transfers out from being stomped for 7 weeks).

hahaha, Well we have to leave it up to the typical ANet RNG system to see who gets 13 I guess XD

Isle Of Janthir

Make WXP boosters purchasable through badges!

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


We will be adding more liquid WXP that will be purchasable, likely with badges and some other currency, soon. As in, less than a month. I’ve made it a personal goal to improve the experience for playing alts in WvW. And to cut it off now, we are not making WvW rank account bound.

purchasable liquid wxp didnt made it into todays build

After saying they are on it, Simply to cull the raging giant that is the player base, They forgot :P

Isle Of Janthir

Looking for the right server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Sorry to necro my own thread, but RL reared its ugly head and I’ve been away from GW2. I come back to all this league business. Boy that changes things!

Best fights for 1000 gems? Something like 4th or so in Silver league?

Silver league is going to have a stacked IoJ who have gotten a lot of transfers and probably KN and YB although I understand they’ve lost some guilds. So you might have fun fights on HoD, DH, or NSP against some servers but expect to get rolled over and nightcapped by the top guys.

What this guy said.

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I leave this hear for all to enjoy :o

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 BP|YB|SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248




xD We’re afraid if we get a roll with higher servers we will hit 12 :P

Isle Of Janthir

Post patch: Small groups and Soloing death

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


On IoJ, While we still had a blob hoppin BL keeping things paper. Im pretty sure 90% of the wvw community was roaming xD

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 BP|YB|SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248



Isle Of Janthir

Flame Ram Mastery Iron Hide Bug.

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hes right, its a bug. I had Iron Hide after I hopped off. Tanked 15+ with all 3 buffs & iron hide for a good few minutes.

Isle Of Janthir

My Lake Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....!!!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


We held a quaggan memorial service today on Isle Of Janthir

Isle Of Janthir

My Lake Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....!!!!!

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


You can take away our lake…
You can take away our soloable krait events…
You can take away our cute quaggan allies…

…but don’t even think about removing the cat chasing the rat at north camp! That would have serious repercussions.

Agreed if that gets taken away I’m auto rage quitting

Isle Of Janthir

Anyone else looking forward to leagues?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Not at all. It just seems to be the same things as WXP; something that keep players occupied, without really providing any valuable content to the game. WvW is so imbalanced, I don’t see how this could succeed in any way. I’m looking more forward to the new capture points.

that’s my biggest thing I’m looking forward too ^^ as a roamer it’s going to be awesome being able to find small-scale fights so easily

Same the whole guild is looming forward to it on our end. Constant blobbing is boring after a few days. Organized groups with friends is a plus :p especially since we aren’t forced to go after a tower if there’s still like 20 on a map hiding in towers not coming to fight our 10 man xD

Isle Of Janthir

Time Limit + Player Cooperation=Fail

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Banzie.5248


You might see 10 to 15 people doing an event. Sometimes if you are really luck you can see 30+ doing an event.

Errrr, really? More often than not, i see 60+ people zerging world bosses. It’s even more apparent now that culling is gone. I’ve never once seen only 15 people doing a world boss, though i usually only log in during the evenings.

I know it’s like that on some servers. I have to guest to tc/bg etc. There are a few that you can guest to. The good thing is we won’t have to worry about overflow. I just wish they would go with a better form of scaling that could support a minimum of 5 and then whatever as the max.

My point was that on many servers, I would guess everything except the top 5, it’s going to be MUCH harder to get a group of that size together. To be honest the only way I (on Borlis Pass) will ever get to complete this is through guesting. I know that someone will come to this thread saying “no, we have 50+ doing every event”. Those people are incapable of providing any screens of this magical army, and when I post screens showing the exact opposite it’s because culling is somehow on super high or some other excuse. I know it bothers people to admit, but without server mergers most of the servers will not be able to complete this. I’m not sure if it makes a difference but I’m on NA servers.

Come to IoJ at 5 pm server time on daily reset. We overflow maps on bosses and have a great group of people that lead the daily boss train. I can promise you we’ll have plenty.

Isle Of Janthir

[SIC] is looking for a new home

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


p.s why has admins disabled registering for your forums. Makes it hard to do anything lol

I will talk to Mia I believe she can register you guys, ill have her contact you guys to get you set up on the forums/ts3 welcome to IoJ glad to have you guys!

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Why do we go from fighting higher tiered servers to lower tiered in a heartbeat… But I guess everyone’s happy with the match up because we’re not losing >_>

We don’t become forum warrior if no one starts it. And this is a good matchup, no ones bragging or crying.

I see boasting from IoJ’ers on this page of the thread…

IoJ needs to fight competitive servers that will whoop our tail, but give us something to learn… I feel terrible for the two servers we’re facing. From their point of view we’re just taking advantage of our strengths right now, which I can’t call wrong, but I want IoJ to feel pressured…

We’ve had match ups like this as well, so don’t worry. It happens. Use this as an opportunity to work on tactics and to get the rookie wvw’ers accustomed to the landscape. You’ve seen how the upper ranked servers roll, and we both know they’re not used to fighting servers with experience in small man fighting. Now that you guys have beautiful coverage, I’d suggest practicing for them. I look forward to seeing IoJ climb the ranks!

Always love fighting HoD from the IoJ side You guys can go from 5 people in wvw to 40+ in the matter of 10 minutes or less it seems at times xD

Respect to [VLK] and HoD as a whole, I always know when I see a VLK around im bound for either a good close fight or me getting stomped xD
Respect to ET as well, You guys pull out some numbers much of us didnt expect :P

Isle Of Janthir

9/13 IoJ/ET/HoD

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Whoever left the omega golem in Crag on HoD BL, Please come reclaim it. You are parked illegally in the Red Zone, As well as your lights are still on. You will be towed if it is not removed soon.


Isle Of Janthir

Prescribed [Rx] - PvX guild LF new server

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Sent you a pm on the forums as well

Isle Of Janthir