Showing Posts For Banzie.5248:

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


All I can see in TOTS post are #blurrrr #sheeeiiiiitzzzz. Am I the only one?

Talked to some DDLG in LA yesterday many thinks you ruined the guild’s reputation by being a troll. You left already right? There, DDLG will be better again.

DDLG was never bad to begin with. Tuk, please try to understand what you’re talking about. You don’t know us, you just know the people that post regularly on the forums. All I got from you were kittenty insults that made no sense at all…

He’s saying Tots ruined DDLGs guild reputation a lot to the publics eye he made them look like kitteny, kittens who thought they were 10000x better then every other player. Then he said that now that Tots is gone he’s seeing DDLG in a new way since hes not on here trolling the forums 24/7.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 HoD/DH/SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


This thread is so short and tame… Im disappointed DH.

Isle Of Janthir

Funky Match up system = Fun!

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


the reason why top servers are in the top, and bottom servers are in the bottom, is 24/7 coverage. the former have that, the later dont.

so your idea would work during primetime for the low populated servers. the other 18-20 hours of the day the bottom servers, alliance of four or not, would be stomped without mercy due to numbers alone.

whats even worse is that when that happens for a couple days, I suppose that would break their spirit and they would stop showing during their good 4-6 hours aswell

Really? Cause im pretty sure that I know of at least 3 servers (IoJ, HoD, DH) In the lower tiers that have almost 24/7 coverage… The issue is numbers not coverage for all the servers down here. lol By numbers btw I mean that a lot of times servers just cancel each other out instead of actually capping anyhting, everything will just stay the color of the owner and its down to ZvZ fights. Dont post if you dont know anything about the lower tiers please.

Edit: Speaking Strictly NA here, I cant speak for EU since thats where you’re from. That may be the problem there but it isnt here most of the time.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

Sentries in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I don’t think increasing the amount of NPCs or anything like that would be helpful. If it were to effect the supply route they are within, that might make them worthwhile. IE, slight increase to supply delivered or slightly faster delivery. Something to make players feel they need to defend.

Right now, if I see an enemy cap a flag, I let them. As far as I am concerned, thats the way it should be played. Once they cap it, cap it back. Their server got one point. My server got one point and the third server got none. If there was a reason to fight for it, like if it effected supply, then I would. But as it stands its beneficial to let players cap your sentries. On the other hand I do hit players capping another servers sentry and will fight for that one point.

Yeah I get what you mean, I was just speculating. Regardless I think sentries could and should use some sort of revamp in WvW to make them a bit more useful and needed.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Dear dr,

I wouldn’t worry about those guilds that left DR. And for those who stay, just do however do you want.


Isle Of Janthir

The fall of IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So we got matched up with IoJ this week and we’re getting destroyed lol. Just wondering how a former T2 server who used to match with BG and SoR came all the way to down to T7. We have no where near the dedication to WvW they do…2 nights ago 4 omegas came to take our keep. Seriously? I rarely ever see more than 4 cannons being built on our side at one time. But we still have lots of fun, and the scores are usually close. But now it’s like 300k to 87k or something…so lame.

In January many guilds left IoJ, CRIT and FIST I believe were the some of the first to leave, Followed by Iron, This caused a huge amount of smaller guilds to leave, We quickly fell into a free fall and this again caused even more people to leave We stabilized at T6 (While having far less numbers then the other two servers, constantly being outmanned on every map, At this point we were a T8 Server in T6 but held our own and our loyal Oceanic guilds kept us afloat.) March we began to slowly rebuild and by June we had a solid player base again. Recently we have gotten many transfers over to IoJ and are continually recruiting more players to our ranks and getting organized guilds going again.

This week we arent any happier then you are, We were hoping to go up and test our new strength against some of the servers that stomped us in the past. I can say im sorry for you guys, I’ve been on that end of the stick before and it majorly sucks. The best you can do is hope for the best and have fun, Work hard and recruit people to your ranks. Make WvW enjoyable for those new people that come in, Its not about the PPT in the end, I stay for the community and people around me in the server, Think thats how everyone should feel.

Best of luck to your server (DR or ET) I know you both have very strong roamers and can pull out amazing numbers if need be. Keep rebuilding and growing stronger

~IoJ Commander, [AR] WvW Master, Survivor of the IoJ Exodus

i dont think you know what it is to be a t8 server. you have oceanic guilds.

True, But seeing how the T7 servers are now, and GoM, NSP, SF and HoDs numbers, They would have completely dominated us then.

Isle Of Janthir

April Rhain[AR] is looking for WvWers for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Bump, Weekly raids on fridays, Small team activities every day. Will begin coordinated (Tagless and Voice comm) training soon.

Isle Of Janthir

IoJ: Recruiting Oceanic/Euro guilds!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Bump, NumbersContinue to grow, Transfers still coming in, Guilds continually getting more organized.

Isle Of Janthir

The fall of IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So we got matched up with IoJ this week and we’re getting destroyed lol. Just wondering how a former T2 server who used to match with BG and SoR came all the way to down to T7. We have no where near the dedication to WvW they do…2 nights ago 4 omegas came to take our keep. Seriously? I rarely ever see more than 4 cannons being built on our side at one time. But we still have lots of fun, and the scores are usually close. But now it’s like 300k to 87k or something…so lame.

In January many guilds left IoJ, CRIT and FIST I believe were the some of the first to leave, Followed by Iron, This caused a huge amount of smaller guilds to leave, We quickly fell into a free fall and this again caused even more people to leave We stabilized at T6 (While having far less numbers then the other two servers, constantly being outmanned on every map, At this point we were a T8 Server in T6 but held our own and our loyal Oceanic guilds kept us afloat.) March we began to slowly rebuild and by June we had a solid player base again. Recently we have gotten many transfers over to IoJ and are continually recruiting more players to our ranks and getting organized guilds going again.

This week we arent any happier then you are, We were hoping to go up and test our new strength against some of the servers that stomped us in the past. I can say im sorry for you guys, I’ve been on that end of the stick before and it majorly sucks. The best you can do is hope for the best and have fun, Work hard and recruit people to your ranks. Make WvW enjoyable for those new people that come in, Its not about the PPT in the end, I stay for the community and people around me in the server, Think thats how everyone should feel.

Best of luck to your server (DR or ET) I know you both have very strong roamers and can pull out amazing numbers if need be. Keep rebuilding and growing stronger

~IoJ Commander, [AR] WvW Master, Survivor of the IoJ Exodus

Isle Of Janthir

Sentries in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Maybe make sentrys do a ping like there little flag on the map lights up when they see some one and have it do different pings based on the amount of people it sees so there is a reason for it being a sentry worth getting to have better upto date information about enemy movements on the map, this I think would help with the splitting up of zergs like sending ahead a few roamers to cap sentrys to avoid easy detection of the larger group

I thought of that as well, But that I feel would require a huge overhaul of coding, not to mention you would have to enable the AI to “Count” The number of players and the select a ping/color to put on the map,

Isle Of Janthir

Any Australian players?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Dont touch the IoJ Aussies, We dont want them to leave NA and Oceanic compliments each other almost perfectly atm here

Isle Of Janthir

Sentries in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I don’t know about a upgrade system unless it was (maybe) a upgrade in the closest tower that effected them. Personally though, I always felt that the sentries should be able to kill yaks that come by with out guards. That said I think they should bump sentries damage up a bit (or damage to yaks) rather then nerf yaks HP, they are rather easy to kill as is.

Edit: Random idea, if sentries would proc swords on there location if there is more then 20-25 enemys within a set radius. Make the area big enough thakittens a pain to not walk through but still able to be passed with out detection.

I was thinking of some minor upgrades. Something like this.
T1: Increase Sentry Level (This would now allow it to kill yaks totally instead of bring them to the 40% hp they do now)
T2: Increase Patrol (2-3 more npcs?. I cant think of anything to put into T2 other then that, Ideas anyone?)
T3: Allied Swiftness (This would allow anyone who taps the sentry or an item at the sentry post with ‘F’ ~10-20 seconds of swiftness)

Isle Of Janthir

Sentries in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Now I dont know if this has been addressed or ever brought up, But the usefulness of sentries seems very minimal in WvW other then to grind Wxp and Dailies and what not recently. Sure you can see if a zerg or group is heading in a general area if you’re watching the map and it dies right then, But a lot of times if you just look at the map and dont see a sentry a lot of times you are going to assume someone on your team recapped it, Unless you know a zerg was just there and on a camp/tower.

Just wondering here, But what is everyone’s thoughts on adding some sort of upgrades to sentries in the game, I haven’t thought about any as of yet into great detail really but if anyone has ideas please post on this.

Thoughts, Ideas? GO!

All criticism and thoughts welcome

Isle Of Janthir

guild looking to relocate hardcore WVW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


i think since transfer is too expensive for the very high populate server our choice is between BP, SBI, IOJ! but if a very high tier is desesperate and will help for transfer, we might be interested so contact me for the one concern!

If you need any more info on IoJ Feel free to Mail me here or in game and I will get back to you ASAP on any information you need to know about

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hello all, just thought I’d share what RUN is all about.

also, thanks for the video footage at your keep DR

In the last Overlook flip that was me with the zerg You all said nice timing, Thank luck not me xD No one got pulled away by randoms and actually left when I left lmao.

Isle Of Janthir

New update 9/3

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


The mats will absolutely drop in WvW. In addition, generally speaking, we are putting a heavier emphasis on finding long-term solutions to redressing the reward imbalance between PvE and WvW. I can’t claim they will ever be 100% equal all the time, but we would like it to never be the case that you are choosing between playing WvW and getting good rewards. The two should be one in the same.

Thanks for the reply on this Devon, I hope what you guys come up with to balance the two is updated regularly in some way. The PvE guys in the cubicle’s across the hall seem to hate us and never want to help us WvW players out :{

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I remember those days… my fun factor has actually gone up as the difficulty level has climbed… true I have my moments when irritation makes me short tempered… but hey im human.

haha well… To be fair, the fun factor for picking up my dog’s droppings went up when compared to the early days of DRB. hahaha. I think our players, generally speaking, are a lot more seasoned then those days. The amount any given one-of-us players has learned, since, is pretty tremendous. Who doesn’t get mad, besides Lion. He’s a saint and should not be allowed to have that metric included.

so, anyone have a list of all the guilds that left?
Has anyone gone through all their Tabards and already taken the good ones?
What’s that you say?
My tabard is the best and it’s destroyed everyone else’s desire to even try to make something cool ever again?

Jeez. I’m sorry..

Guilds that have gone:
OBS (?)

More are leaving next weekish.

Did DDLG leave? Or was it just Bags?

Isle Of Janthir

New update 9/3

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


They do.. Its what people call bags in wvw, You know those things people talk about in your match up threads, How much bags they get.. At level 80 all bags will have a chance to drop T5, T6 (And nowT 7 I guess) Crafting materials.

T7 mats will be “created” from lower level mats. Do you really have enough?

Anet is talking about putting “special” mats at the end of jumping puzzles. Real WvW players don’t do jumping puzzles except to gank players from the other servers. Are you really going to get “enough” of these special mats from WvW?

Well, Considering I get ~250 bags a day in wvw, Im good on mats lol, Sure T6 dont drop much from the heavy bags, But its better then roaming the world. Not to mention with the update on dungeons I can get 10g in no time within 45min, No exotics included. Could always just buy the needed mats. HOWEVER Im not disagreeing that WvW is still the bottom of the tier in how much Anet cares. Yet, I see them improving it slowly but surely, It may not be as fast or amazing as people expect, But people forget Gw2 is suppose to not have any expansions, its all live updates to the one current game youhave. The game will be around for years. Just because the first year was kittenty, doesnt mean the next 5 will be

Isle Of Janthir

guild looking to relocate hardcore WVW

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I know you said not below Tier 5, But currently IoJ will be rising through the tiers, We’ve had several transfers over. This week due to the new glicko randomized system we’ve been given a lower tier pretty easy match up :P All in all, Dont throw us out of mind just cause our ratings havent improved to what you need yet.

Isle Of Janthir

New update 9/3

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Bet there will be no chance EVER of getting ascended weapons via playing WvW.

Um, crafting?

Because high level crafting mats drop Soooo…. often in WvW?

They do.. Its what people call bags in wvw, You know those things people talk about in your match up threads, How much bags they get.. At level 80 all bags will have a chance to drop T5, T6 (And nowT 7 I guess) Crafting materials.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Yeah that troll gave me a guild shield. He liked our guild emblem. Hopefully you have good guilds in DR that doesn’t bail when the ship is sinking though. Goodluck.

We have plenty of good guilds left. Unfortunately, I don’t think there are many left with the size and leadership to make up for those that have left. What is remaining are the guilds who just play to have fun. We can be very good, but many times we’re just messing around in TS, not able to move due to laughing too hard from something someone said, encouraging people to play what they want, lvl 20 or 80.

I’d love to see us, RGTG, TRON, TBE, or RegA step up and lead, but I don’t know if we have it in us. We are semi-competitive, but really just want to play to have fun. You’re more likely to see us say “Good fight!” than “OMG WTF Dude, you totally suck to my 1337zor skillz!”. Although, when we’re clicking, we can hold down a bl pretty kitten well with inferior numbers on our side. It just takes 2 or 3 guilds of us in one bl. I don’t know if I’d want to ruin my enjoyment of the game by yelling stay tight, stack up, etc in TS. It’s hard enough for us to assist on target at times :p.

Only time will tell.

Thats basically what IoJ peeps did during the exodus and downfall. Just have fun, slowly rebuild your wvw population, but never stop having fun no matter whats happening When I first started wvw I would log in almsot everyday to +0-25 ppt, but we had fun getting stuff back and never gave up Goodluck to you DR, Though we have our differences, Its always sad to see a server lose a ton of guilds (Organized or not, Skillful or not, Its players out the tube for the server) I wish you guys best of luck in the coming months ^-^

Isle Of Janthir

April Rhain[AR] is looking for WvWers for IoJ

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Bump, Lots of spaces still available and growing everyday in members

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Oh really? Like how we smashed DDLG 8v3 several times? And wow, where are you now? haven’t seen your guild in a while? Where are your ultra elite HIDING thieves who kept dying on my traps? You all dead or just cowards? LOL!!!!

DDLG, LOL Deadly Legends my bullkitten, you better call yourself CRY WHEN WE LOSE, POST VIDEO IF WE WIN [DDLG].

If forums has a PPT you’ll be 700 ppt. LOL!!!!

DDLG would be happy to fight your guild even numbers. But you’re probably scared of losing now that you’ve talked all this kitten on the forums. Oh well, that’s IoJ for you.

Whahahahaha! Where’s you proof that IoJ is bad? Hmmmmm you in tier 10 right? Whahahahahahahah!

DDLG is just one guild of many on Devonas Rest. DDLG is not the entire DR server, although sometimes it may seem like it’s the only guild WvW oriented. We sank to the bottom because our guilds left, DDLG is still here. One guild can’t bring a server to tier 1, so blaming our servers failure on one guild is completely irrational.

By the way, from Maguuma: IoJ is bad get on our level, superior tactics and skill. IoJ is a trashy piece of crap server with players who are full of themselves and buy stacks of superior siege to make up for their extremely low overall skill level. For a server with so much coverage and so many WvW oriented guilds you shouldn’t be such a low tier. Wouldn’t be surprised if your bad attitudes are the reason those fairweathers don’t show up when you need them.

IoJ is next to sink to the bottom.

It amazes me the lack of common sense some of you forum warriors have.

Could care less if we go up or down, Rather stay lower tier. No need for those queue times up in those upper tiers & and ppl raging on ts/team chat over 1-2 wipes.. Also what could we do without our lovely DR to be matched up against, It would be truly saddening to be brought up tiers cause we’d miss you all. :c

Isle Of Janthir

2 Graphic Bugs in 1

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Omg I see me :"D Sorry had to put that.. Are you sure you dont have team colors disabled, or anything to do with graphics on low settings. This happens to me if I put on team colors+Low settings and I hop out of wvw at times. Maybe try changing some of those around.

Isle Of Janthir

hot bar / siege

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’d imagine the developers want to avoid hotbar creep.

Did you just make that up? xD
Adding extra bars for items would be helpful. Siege, food buffs and stuff.

Oh, probably. I know some games will let you configure row after row of hotbars and I’m assuming they are trying to avoid that in GW2.

We don’t need row after row in this game. Just need somewhere to put siege so we don’t have to open the bag to drop them. Would be so much easier if they were on a hot bar.

Just a tiny hotbar with a scrolling mechanic would work wonders. Just right up there, Above the minimap. Best place ever. Just scroll through, Weaps, food, Siege. All right there. Extremely easy UI fix too as its not a complete overhaul. HOWEVER I’d imagine if they wanted to change anything at all to the UI, They’d wanna implement several things. So why not just work on a complete overhaul and take the time on it. +1 to thread anyways, Great idea.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.

Tumblr. Consequently that’s also where I get my daily dose of kitten.

Tumblr. My baby tumblr, its been so long. I MUST LOG IN AND BECOME ADDICTED AGAIN, HOW HAVE I FORGOTTEN TUMBLR. Kill me pls.

We should start an IoJ official tumblr :o

This idea….is… fabulous.

PS. Gif of that guy you lurve.

Omg yes.. Someone needs to do this please.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.

Tumblr. Consequently that’s also where I get my daily dose of kitten.

Tumblr. My baby tumblr, its been so long. I MUST LOG IN AND BECOME ADDICTED AGAIN, HOW HAVE I FORGOTTEN TUMBLR. Kill me pls.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.

I knew we moved here for a reason!

So where do you get your pics/gifs.


Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


To settle all arguments, Past, Future and Present. Here.


Isle Of Janthir

How do you 100% Eternal Battlegrounds?

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Ok, so I’m trying to get the “explorer” title, which requires all of the vistas, PoI’s, and Skill challenges in WvW (Eternal Battlegrounds). Question is—————————how?? since everytime I try, I find myself as member of “Red Team” and cannot access the requisite points. ANY suggestions are desired.

The team colors should switch every week, Bad luck if you’ve been red for 2 weeks +. They implemented this change exactly for the reason of PvE people complaining about not being able to get anything.

Isle Of Janthir

Looking for a new home...

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Hipppooo! Come over to IoJ

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


You should. Every cap every ppt point, it all matters. The caliber of your roamers, your commanders, server morale. It all matters.

ET will forever wallow in the lowest ranks because you guys don’t have it together.

And while you’re attacking me, I have a few friends on ET who has concerned moving to other servers like Gom, IoJ, HoD. They see the same things we’ve pointed out here.

And just liek the last time I was against ET (as a GoM commander) you guys are going to turtle after tonight. There wont be an ET force in WvW. Your morale is already so kittenty that the few fairweathers you have will peel away.

If you REALLY care about WvW, then dump ET and go to a real server. You might personally be worth a kitten but you’re casting pearls before swine.

You IoJ really need to stop telling ET how our server morale is doing. I don’t think a server with low morale that is losing people due to low morale and is doing terribly due to low morale would be moving up into tier 7 when a few weeks ago they were last place. And few fair weathers? Everyone on ET that does wvw is as far from a fairweather as you can imagine. Ask SF how we are doing compared to when we were stuck with them in t8. Ask HoD how much we have improved. They’ll all tell you that we never give up, fight til the end, and fight hard even when against all odds. Oh, and while you’re at it, ask DR how we did last week after the weekend. Cause if I remember correctly we came back and beat them at the end of the week. Sure there won’t be as many people on during the day, or at night, because unlike you, we don’t have coverage at all times. If there’s one thing ET DOES have it’s morale. So shut up about how ET is on the dregs and our server is going downhill, cause you got nothing to back it up, and all the evidence points against you. And don’t take one small guild’s view of WvW as the entire server’s view. BS is just like PAXA: here for the fights and nothing else. We know that and respect that, and it doesn’t hurt us at all. I’m tired of all the “ET, your morale is terrible, you need to do this and this and this or else you’ll end up in last place.” Newsflash: we were just in last place, and we’re moving up, and don’t plan on stopping. We’ve had no guilds leave the server in months, and no one that’s even (afaik) considering it. We’re not competing with you guys cause you have superior coverage, and huge oceanic coverage (of which ET has little to none of). But during prime time, you can see that ET is competing with IoJ for being first in ppt. So say thanks to your oceanic guys, cause they’re the ones winning the matchup for you guys. Now, let’s cut the bs (not the guild) and actually enjoy the fights and the matchup.

T7? Tiers no longer exists technically. Mind Blown.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


ET got their eb keep back DR work harder. I dont wanna be in BLs all week, That just gets plain boring :c

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So wait. DR doesnt use siege in open field? Sorry someone explain this then. Flash build AC+ had camp and still wiped vs. us. What happened to your amazing 15vs40 dr? You even had camp and ac!

Well, you do realize that you, IoJ, are probably the major part of that beautiful orange swords indicating 25+ player on site, don’t you? Oh, and you happened to target on the upleveled player, who was accompanied by non-experienced low rank WvW players (or maybe they’re on their alt toons, mmm) — it’s just a DR PuG around noon in NA day time (okay, weekend, noted.)

I was not there near NW camp or the wurm, but our commander moved from NW tower to NW camp when I logged in and on my way to claim Garrison for putting supply buff on it later in the afternoon. There weren’t many people with our honourable commander departing from NW tower. They cleared the NW tower guard and scout but didn’t put down any rams. (either no supply or no enough people with enough supply) I stayed at NW tower gate for a while to escort the yak coming to the tower on its way to Garrison.

So… are you saying that we got maybe 10 or, okay, 15 people DR PuG against 40… okay, 20 or 15 IoJ? You were in a party, with your commander, implies that you’re organized, probably a guild group on TS/Vent? Also there are some green dots on your mini map…… I don’t think our commander bring enough organized and experienced WvW’er with him.

Good job, then.

7 of us are organized in a guild group, rest are just veteran wvwers. There was ~15-20 DR off screen on the hill above fighting out guys. +those 5 that flash build an ac. Lots of those above were DDLG and ReGA.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So wait. DR doesnt use siege in open field? Sorry someone explain this then. Flash build AC+ had camp and still wiped vs. us. What happened to your amazing 15vs40 dr? You even had camp and ac!


Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Apologies to the [RUN] guys in advance, IoJ will probably not be the exact same friendly, respectful guys you know during this week.

DR and IoJ well… they dont exactly like each other. :P

Oh it’s quite alright. We’re all just sitting here like

Day one not even over yet, The best is yet to come

<33 you DR and our failed marriage.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


ppt is srs bizness
watch ur back et

For DR capping your bl like they did to FC to make up for their eb corner+bl.

Isle Of Janthir

8/23 - IoJ / DR / ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Woo anet troll \o/

Isle Of Janthir

Let's help change the dev's perspective

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


The only thing PvE focused players need WvWvW for is map completion and if they want legendaries, then they need the badges too. Other than that, no, not a single thing.

Huge amounts of badges int he Achievables chests.. Thats something else wvw dont get a lot of,AP. While pve players sit on 8-10k. We’re all sitting on 2.5-5k at most generally.

Isle Of Janthir

Cost of SEA and Oceanic guilds?

in Looking for...

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Ohey, Another T1 “whos kitten is bigger” Contest not in their match up thread, How fun.

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


a sincere apology:
somehow, while fighting IOJ over durios, and up against the south wall, I accidently hit 5 (infiltrators arrow) on my thief and ended up on top of the wall, panicked over it and ended up running for my dear existence. got killed on the back steps trying to get back over the wall. I didn’t think to get a screen shot, but I did report it as a bug. again, I apologize. wasn’t my intention to bug my way over a wall and into the tower. tried it out on our keep later in various spots, and was able to replicate it only a few times (which I wont state how).
figured i’d let everyone know about the bug here, as it effects everyone if it gets used.
i’d hate to think what a good (i’m terrible) perma-stealth thief could do by getting into towers alone like this. I don’t think any of us want to see that scenario!

Good fights tonight guys.

Lol it happens man, thanks for posting. We also had a guardian great sword leap through a door at bay by mistake. It seems to be happening a lot I guess.

Yep, So many bugs and exploits like this in wvw, Found many myself but keep them to myself also. If I were to state them, Im sure so many trolls would make use of them x.x If only anet would acknowledge my tickets in a more serious manner…

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Anet loves to wipe everyones siege today

Isle Of Janthir

WvW go broke or PvE get rich

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Why is it that I have to go broke if I want to play WvW but the PvE people this last few weeks have amassed enough cash to buy precursors? Change the supply camp claimers to champs and increase the quality drops in WvW.

1) Champs as camp supervisors if a horrible idea, making camps more difficult to solo will only raise the cost of average WvW play.

2) quality of drops/rewards in WvW has been going up steadily for the last 6 months. I’ve already gotten 2 ascended rings from rank chests and average about 3-4 exotics at week from straight drops.

3)through rank chests, badge drops and yes, even the puzzles, siege blueprints are trivial to obtain in sufficient numbers. unless you’re dropping 20+ rams a day, you no longer need to spend any money to stay supplied. You can even SELL your unused siege blueprints on the TP now, yet more income for WvW players.

based on this, I don’t see how any player, even a total noobie, can actually go broke in WvW since the ONLY sinks are armor repair costs and upgrades.

so don’t die as much and let other pay for upgrades if you’re struggling that much to keep your gold count from dropping.

Sounds like you do a ton of pvdoor.

He couldnt be, He not on IoJ..

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Can we schedule visitation rights for the people who miss those who fled from GoM? The lack of frivolity tea cozies and slightly dodgy comments is making some of us still in GoM sad. /sigh.

IoJ willing to open their arms to all of you still

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


I’d have to agree with dank. SF was always bad as a whole. But Ioj .. what happened ??? You guys used to put up a fight even/solo/do or die style. Now at the first sign of contact.. its Whooooshh greatswordlolskillz away…

Ioj , honesty you guys have changed. I’m sry for what ever put that yellow stripe down your servers back. Hope you feel better soon

Ty , that is all.

Moutzaheadin used Taunt!


It wasn’t very effective.

I wasn’t trying to taunt or troll. I was sharing my feelings about the current match up. When we draw SF , we expect the doorducking/cannon hugging / lolrun away tactics.

This week I was happy to see Ioj in the mix. Only to watch that hard fighting server turn into a spineless jellyfish. You deserve every /sit spam I hand out for the rest of the week.

P.s check the garrison lost and found. Maybe you’ll find your spine there , k.


Really? All you XOXO must not be on when me and my buddies are on.. Cause every NSP and SF we come across we wipe. XOXO included. Oh well, sorry you couldnt get your good roaming fights in, There was a PvE patch that just happened. About 90% of our roamers are all grinding the freaking AP again.

Isle Of Janthir

WvW ability points

in WvW

Posted by: Banzie.5248


They should have a reset option for like 1k badges, or for gems.

If its between those two, it’ll be gems. More profitable for anet that way. Or they can go with badges and nerf them to oblivion of the oblivion they are already in

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


We totally had that SF keep in EB >> kitten ioj poking up our kitten. at least let us paperfy it up for u <3

was interesting working Pugs with Os tonight. At least i can say we all had fun tonight

Good sir… We cannot accept your offering of SFs paper keep. As that will not benefit us and allow everyone to continually detest iojs amazing late night pvdoor skills. It must be a long and tedious task to pvdoor a keep, not a quick simple one. If it was quick, we may as well just sleep obviously.

Isle Of Janthir

(edited by Banzie.5248)

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Just sayin’ RUN, if we get matched up with IoJ again…

I will go to EB. I will hunt you down. And then when you least expect it…

I’ll turn into a baby quaggan and /cry. Because I liked you guys.


You could always come reunite with them on IoJ? Yea, Yea?!

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Don’t come to NSP! We have no queues (except on 2 maps during reset that can take up to 30 mins to get into!!!!) and don’t want any. We enjoy being outmanned and doing our very best to hold off larger servers. If we had an somewhat = population it wouldn’t be half the challenge. We also don’t have a public TS3. That’s what Ventrillo is for. Besides, many of our guilds are very close knit and work very well together. It would be crazy to try and incorporate another guild….

Ok sarcasm portion of this thread is over. Hope you find a server you feel more at home on. NSP has been mine since pre-release and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else simply because its home. Every guild / player should find that kind of home.
Good luck!

This is the post im talking about, I honestly couldnt tell if you were joking or not— even though you put sarcasm portion aside e.e

Isle Of Janthir

8/16 - NSP / IoJ / SF

in Match-ups

Posted by: Banzie.5248


Yawn……. More transfers…….. One thing is consistent, NSPers definitely the most loyal and we hardly ever get transfers, unless its the singles looking to better themselves….

You dun get transfers cause you guys tell ppl to not transfer >.>

We do? who the heck told you that?

The people from NSP in world recruiting telling people not to transfer when people have them on their consideration list.

Isle Of Janthir